Copyright | (c) Fumiaki Kinoshita 2018 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Fumiaki Kinoshita <> |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- class (Functor f, Profunctor p) => Extensible f p (t :: [k] -> (k -> Type) -> Type) where
- type ExtensibleConstr t (xs :: [k]) (h :: k -> Type) (x :: k) :: Constraint
- pieceAt :: ExtensibleConstr t xs h x => Membership xs x -> Optic' p f (t xs h) (h x)
- piece :: (x ∈ xs, Extensible f p t, ExtensibleConstr t xs h x) => Optic' p f (t xs h) (h x)
- pieceAssoc :: (Lookup xs k v, Extensible f p t, ExtensibleConstr t xs h (k ':> v)) => Optic' p f (t xs h) (h (k ':> v))
- itemAt :: (Wrapper h, Extensible f p t, ExtensibleConstr t xs h x) => Membership xs x -> Optic' p f (t xs h) (Repr h x)
- item :: (Wrapper h, Extensible f p t, x ∈ xs, ExtensibleConstr t xs h x) => proxy x -> Optic' p f (t xs h) (Repr h x)
- itemAssoc :: (Wrapper h, Extensible f p t, Lookup xs k v, ExtensibleConstr t xs h (k ':> v)) => proxy k -> Optic' p f (t xs h) (Repr h (k ':> v))
- itemKey :: forall k v xs h f p t. (Wrapper h, Extensible f p t, Lookup xs k v, ExtensibleConstr t xs h (k ':> v)) => Optic' p f (t xs h) (Repr h (k ':> v))
- data Membership (xs :: [k]) (x :: k)
- mkMembership :: Quote m => Int -> m Exp
- getMemberId :: Membership xs x -> Int
- compareMembership :: forall {k} (xs :: [k]) (x :: k) (y :: k). Membership xs x -> Membership xs y -> Either Ordering (x :~: y)
- leadership :: forall {k} (x :: k) (xs :: [k]). Membership (x ': xs) x
- class Member (xs :: [k]) (x :: k) where
- membership :: Membership xs x
- type (∈) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) = Member xs x
- type family FindType (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) :: [Nat] where ...
- class Generate (xs :: [k]) where
- henumerate :: (forall (x :: k). Membership xs x -> r -> r) -> r -> r
- hcount :: proxy xs -> Int
- hgenerateList :: Applicative f => (forall (x :: k). Membership xs x -> f (h x)) -> f (HList h xs)
- class (ForallF c xs, Generate xs) => Forall (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k]) where
- henumerateFor :: proxy c -> proxy' xs -> (forall (x :: k). c x => Membership xs x -> r -> r) -> r -> r
- hgenerateListFor :: Applicative f => proxy c -> (forall (x :: k). c x => Membership xs x -> f (h x)) -> f (HList h xs)
- type family ForallF (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k]) where ...
- data Assoc k v = k :> v
- type (>:) = '(:>) :: k -> v -> Assoc k v
- class Lookup (xs :: [Assoc k v]) (k1 :: k) (v1 :: v) | k1 xs -> v1 where
- association :: Membership xs (k1 ':> v1)
- type family Head (xs :: [k]) :: k where ...
- type family Last (x :: [k]) :: k where ...
class (Functor f, Profunctor p) => Extensible f p (t :: [k] -> (k -> Type) -> Type) where Source #
This class allows us to use pieceAt
for both sums and products.
Associated Types
type ExtensibleConstr t (xs :: [k]) (h :: k -> Type) (x :: k) :: Constraint Source #
type ExtensibleConstr t xs h x = ()
pieceAt :: ExtensibleConstr t xs h x => Membership xs x -> Optic' p f (t xs h) (h x) Source #
(Corepresentable p, Comonad (Corep p), Functor f) => Extensible f p ((:&) :: [k] -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Extensible.Struct Associated Types type ExtensibleConstr (:&) xs h x Source # Methods pieceAt :: forall (xs :: [k0]) h (x :: k0). ExtensibleConstr (:&) xs h x => Membership xs x -> Optic' p f (xs :& h) (h x) Source # | |
(Applicative f, Choice p) => Extensible f p ((:/) :: [k] -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Extensible.Sum Associated Types type ExtensibleConstr (:/) xs h x Source # Methods pieceAt :: forall (xs :: [k0]) h (x :: k0). ExtensibleConstr (:/) xs h x => Membership xs x -> Optic' p f (xs :/ h) (h x) Source # | |
(Corepresentable p, Comonad (Corep p), Functor f) => Extensible f p (BitProd r :: [k] -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Extensible.Bits Associated Types type ExtensibleConstr (BitProd r) xs h x Source # Methods pieceAt :: forall (xs :: [k0]) h (x :: k0). ExtensibleConstr (BitProd r) xs h x => Membership xs x -> Optic' p f (BitProd r xs h) (h x) Source # |
piece :: (x ∈ xs, Extensible f p t, ExtensibleConstr t xs h x) => Optic' p f (t xs h) (h x) Source #
Accessor for an element.
pieceAssoc :: (Lookup xs k v, Extensible f p t, ExtensibleConstr t xs h (k ':> v)) => Optic' p f (t xs h) (h (k ':> v)) Source #
Like piece
, but reckon membership from its key.
itemAt :: (Wrapper h, Extensible f p t, ExtensibleConstr t xs h x) => Membership xs x -> Optic' p f (t xs h) (Repr h x) Source #
Access a specified element through a wrapper.
item :: (Wrapper h, Extensible f p t, x ∈ xs, ExtensibleConstr t xs h x) => proxy x -> Optic' p f (t xs h) (Repr h x) Source #
Access an element through a wrapper.
itemAssoc :: (Wrapper h, Extensible f p t, Lookup xs k v, ExtensibleConstr t xs h (k ':> v)) => proxy k -> Optic' p f (t xs h) (Repr h (k ':> v)) Source #
Access an element specified by the key type through a wrapper.
itemKey :: forall k v xs h f p t. (Wrapper h, Extensible f p t, Lookup xs k v, ExtensibleConstr t xs h (k ':> v)) => Optic' p f (t xs h) (Repr h (k ':> v)) Source #
Access an element specified by the key type through a wrapper.
data Membership (xs :: [k]) (x :: k) #
A witness that of x
is a member of a type level set xs
mkMembership :: Quote m => Int -> m Exp #
Generates a Membership
that corresponds to the given ordinal (0-origin).
getMemberId :: Membership xs x -> Int #
get the position as an Int
compareMembership :: forall {k} (xs :: [k]) (x :: k) (y :: k). Membership xs x -> Membership xs y -> Either Ordering (x :~: y) #
Compare two Membership
leadership :: forall {k} (x :: k) (xs :: [k]). Membership (x ': xs) x #
This Membership
points to the first element
class Member (xs :: [k]) (x :: k) where #
is a member of xs
membership :: Membership xs x #
(Elaborate x (FindType x xs) ~ ('Expecting pos :: Elaborated k Nat), KnownNat pos) => Member (xs :: [k]) (x :: k) | |
Defined in Type.Membership.Internal Methods membership :: Membership xs x # |
class Generate (xs :: [k]) where #
Every type-level list is an instance of Generate
henumerate :: (forall (x :: k). Membership xs x -> r -> r) -> r -> r #
Enumerate all possible Membership
s of xs
Count the number of memberships.
hgenerateList :: Applicative f => (forall (x :: k). Membership xs x -> f (h x)) -> f (HList h xs) #
Enumerate Membership
s and construct an HList
Generate ('[] :: [k]) | |
Defined in Type.Membership Methods henumerate :: (forall (x :: k0). Membership '[] x -> r -> r) -> r -> r # hgenerateList :: Applicative f => (forall (x :: k0). Membership '[] x -> f (h x)) -> f (HList h '[]) # | |
Generate xs => Generate (x ': xs :: [k]) | |
Defined in Type.Membership Methods henumerate :: (forall (x0 :: k0). Membership (x ': xs) x0 -> r -> r) -> r -> r # hcount :: proxy (x ': xs) -> Int # hgenerateList :: Applicative f => (forall (x0 :: k0). Membership (x ': xs) x0 -> f (h x0)) -> f (HList h (x ': xs)) # |
class (ForallF c xs, Generate xs) => Forall (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k]) where #
Every element in xs
satisfies c
henumerateFor :: proxy c -> proxy' xs -> (forall (x :: k). c x => Membership xs x -> r -> r) -> r -> r #
Enumerate all possible Membership
s of xs
with an additional context.
hgenerateListFor :: Applicative f => proxy c -> (forall (x :: k). c x => Membership xs x -> f (h x)) -> f (HList h xs) #
Forall (c :: k -> Constraint) ('[] :: [k]) | |
Defined in Type.Membership Methods henumerateFor :: proxy c -> proxy' '[] -> (forall (x :: k0). c x => Membership '[] x -> r -> r) -> r -> r # hgenerateListFor :: Applicative f => proxy c -> (forall (x :: k0). c x => Membership '[] x -> f (h x)) -> f (HList h '[]) # | |
(c x, Forall c xs) => Forall (c :: a -> Constraint) (x ': xs :: [a]) | |
Defined in Type.Membership Methods henumerateFor :: proxy c -> proxy' (x ': xs) -> (forall (x0 :: k). c x0 => Membership (x ': xs) x0 -> r -> r) -> r -> r # hgenerateListFor :: Applicative f => proxy c -> (forall (x0 :: k). c x0 => Membership (x ': xs) x0 -> f (h x0)) -> f (HList h (x ': xs)) # |
type family ForallF (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k]) where ... #
HACK: Without this, the constraints are not propagated well.
ForallF (c :: k -> Constraint) ('[] :: [k]) = () | |
ForallF (c :: k -> Constraint) (x ': xs :: [k]) = (c x, Forall c xs) |
The kind of key-value pairs
k :> v infix 0 |
class Lookup (xs :: [Assoc k v]) (k1 :: k) (v1 :: v) | k1 xs -> v1 where #
is essentially identical to Lookup
xs k v(k :> v) ∈ xs
, but the type v
is inferred from k
and xs
association :: Membership xs (k1 ':> v1) #
(Elaborate k2 (FindAssoc 0 k2 xs) ~ ('Expecting (n ':> v2) :: Elaborated k1 (Assoc Nat v1)), KnownNat n) => Lookup (xs :: [Assoc k1 v1]) (k2 :: k1) (v2 :: v1) | |
Defined in Type.Membership.Internal Methods association :: Membership xs (k2 ':> v2) # |