{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-| Module: Flight.Kml Copyright: © 2018 Phil de Joux © 2018 Block Scope Limited License: MPL-2.0 Maintainer: Phil de Joux <phil.dejoux@blockscope.com> Stability: experimental Provides parsing of dumped tracklogs. In hang gliding and paragliding competitions when <http://fs.fai.org/ FS> and <http://www.gpsdump.no GpsDump> are paired in competition mode a pilot's tracklog is dumped as <https://developers.google.com/kml/ KML>. This is exlained in detail on the <http://fs.fai.org/trac/wiki/GpsDump/ FS wiki>. -} module Flight.Kml ( -- * Usage -- $use -- * The newtypes Seconds(..) , Latitude(..) , Longitude(..) , Altitude(..) -- * Typeclasses , T.LatLngAlt(..) , T.FixMark(..) -- * Tracklog as a list of marked fixes , LLA(..) , mkPosition , Fix(..) , MarkedFixes(..) -- * Parsing , parse -- * GPSDump KML -- $kml ) where import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs (XmlTree) import Text.XML.HXT.Core ( ArrowXml , (&&&) , (>>>) , (/>) , (>>.) , runX , getText , getAttrValue , withValidate , withWarnings , readString , no , hasName , getChildren , hasAttrValue , filterA , listA , arr , orElse , constA ) import Data.List (concatMap) import qualified Flight.Types as T (LatLngAlt(..), FixMark(..)) import Flight.Types ( LLA(..) , Fix(..) , MarkedFixes(..) , Seconds(..) , Latitude(..) , Longitude(..) , Altitude(..) , mkPosition ) import Flight.Kml.Internal zipFixes :: [Seconds] -> [LLA] -> [Maybe Altitude] -> [Fix] zipFixes = zipWith3 Fix -- | Get the fixes. Some KML files don't have PressureAltitude. getFix :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree (Maybe MarkedFixes) getFix = getTrack >>> (getFsInfo >>> getFirstTime) &&& listA getCoord &&& (getFsInfo >>> listA getTime) &&& (getFsInfo >>> (listA getBaro `orElse` constA [])) >>> arr (\(t0, (cs, (ts, bs))) -> do t0' <- t0 let bs' = if null bs then repeat Nothing else Just <$> bs let fs = zipFixes ts cs bs' return $ MarkedFixes t0' fs) where isMetadata = getChildren >>> hasName "Metadata" >>> hasAttrValue "type" (== "track") getTrack = getChildren >>> hasName "Document" /> hasName "Folder" /> hasName "Placemark" >>> filterA isMetadata >>. take 1 getFirstTime = getAttrValue "time_of_first_point" >>> arr parseUtcTime getFsInfo = getChildren >>> hasName "Metadata" /> hasName "FsInfo" >>. take 1 getTime = getChildren >>> hasName "SecondsFromTimeOfFirstPoint" /> getText >>. concatMap parseTimeOffsets getBaro = getChildren >>> hasName "PressureAltitude" /> getText >>. concatMap parseBaroMarks getCoord = getChildren >>> hasName "LineString" /> hasName "coordinates" /> getText >>. concatMap parseLngLatAlt -- | Parse the tracklog from the KML string as 'MarkedFixes'. -- -- >>> Right MarkedFixes{mark0, fixes} <- parse kml -- >>> mark0 -- 2012-01-14 02:12:55 UTC -- >>> length fixes -- 6547 -- >>> head fixes -- Fix {fixMark = 0s, fix = LLA {llaLat = -33.36160000°, llaLng = 147.93205000°, llaAltGps = 237m}, fixAltBaro = Just 239m} -- >>> last fixes -- Fix {fixMark = 13103s, fix = LLA {llaLat = -33.65073300°, llaLng = 147.56036700°, llaAltGps = 214m}, fixAltBaro = Just 238m} parse :: String -> IO (Either String MarkedFixes) parse contents = do let doc = readString [ withValidate no, withWarnings no ] contents xs <- runX $ doc >>> getFix return $ case xs of [Nothing] -> Left "Couldn't parse the marked fixes" [Just x] -> Right x _ -> Left $ "Expected 1 set of marked fixes but got " ++ show (length xs) ++ "." -- $setup -- >>> :set -XTemplateHaskell -- >>> :set -XNamedFieldPuns -- >>> import Language.Haskell.TH -- >>> import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift) -- >>> import Flight.Kml -- >>> import Flight.Kml.Internal (showLatLngAlt, showLngLatAlt, showTimeAlt) -- :{ -- embedStr :: IO String -> ExpQ -- embedStr readStr = lift =<< runIO readStr -- :} -- -- >>> kml = $(embedStr (readFile "./test-suite-doctest/Phil de Joux.20120114-082221.21437.40.kml")) -- -- $kml -- #kml# -- Here's an example of a tracklog dump from the last day of the Hang Gliding -- Pre-Worlds Forbes 2012. The flight instrument is -- a <http://www.flytec.com/6030.html Flytec 6030>. The pilot with -- <http://civlrankings.fai.org/FL.aspx?a=309&person_id=21437 CIVL ID 21437> is -- me, the author of this package, Phil de Joux. -- -- @ -- \<?xml version="1.0" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?\> -- \<Document\> -- \<open\>1\</open\> -- \<Folder\> -- \<Metadata src=\"GpsDump\" v="4.66" type="trip"/\> -- \<open\>1\</open\> -- \<name\>Trip\</nam\e> -- \<description\>\<![CDATA[Tracklog from GpsDump competition mode -- \<pre\> -- Flight statistics -- Date 2012-01-14 -- Start/finish 02:12:55 - 05:51:18 -- Duration 3 : 38 : 23 -- Max./min. height 2392 / 214 m -- Max. mean/top speed 72 km/h / 82 km/h -- Max/min climb rate 4.35 / -4.23 m/s over 60s -- Total distance 166.89 km -- \</pre\>]]\> -- \</description\> -- ... -- \<Placemark\> -- \<Metadata src=\"GpsDump\" v="4.66" type="track"\> -- \<FsInfo time_of_first_point="2012-01-14T02:12:55Z" -- civl_pilot_id="21437" comp_pilot_id="40" -- instrument="6030 SN06451 SW3.30" -- downloaded="2012-01-14T08:22:21Z" -- hash="61168B84FE0DAC55F3D65EFBA888B08F72834DDF"\> -- \<SecondsFromTimeOfFirstPoint\> -- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 -- ... -- 13061 13063 13065 13067 13069 13071 13073 13075 13077 13079 13081 13083 13085 13087 13089 13091 13093 13095 13097 13099 13101 13103 -- \</SecondsFromTimeOfFirstPoint\> -- \<PressureAltitude\> -- 239 240 240 239 239 239 239 239 239 240 239 240 239 239 240 239 240 240 240 240 239 239 240 240 240 -- ... -- 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 238 238 237 238 237 237 238 237 237 238 238 237 238 237 238 -- \</PressureAltitude\> -- \</FsInfo\> -- \</Metadata\> -- \<name\>Tracklog\</name\> -- \<LineString\> -- \<altitudeMode\>absolute\</altitudeMode\> -- \<coordinates\> -- 147.932050,-33.361600,237 147.932050,-33.361600,238 147.932050,-33.361600,238 147.932050,-33.361600,238 147.932067,-33.361600,238 -- ... -- 147.560367,-33.650733,215 147.560367,-33.650733,215 147.560367,-33.650733,214 147.560367,-33.650733,214 147.560367,-33.650733,214 -- 147.560367,-33.650733,214 147.560367,-33.650733,214 -- \</coordinates\> -- \</LineString\> -- \</Placemark\> -- \</Folder\> -- \</Document\> -- -- @ -- $use -- Working with the <#kml KML tracklog dump> from the tracklog file "__@Phil de Joux.20120114-082221.21437.40.kml@__". -- -- >>> Right mf@(MarkedFixes{mark0, fixes}) <- parse kml -- >>> mark0 -- 2012-01-14 02:12:55 UTC -- >>> length fixes -- 6547 -- >>> head fixes -- Fix {fixMark = 0s, fix = LLA {llaLat = -33.36160000°, llaLng = 147.93205000°, llaAltGps = 237m}, fixAltBaro = Just 239m} -- >>> last fixes -- Fix {fixMark = 13103s, fix = LLA {llaLat = -33.65073300°, llaLng = 147.56036700°, llaAltGps = 214m}, fixAltBaro = Just 238m}