{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
module Data.HDiff.Diff
( diffOpts'
, diffOpts
, diff
, DiffMode(..)
, module Data.HDiff.Diff.Types
) where
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Void
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Control.Monad.State
import Generics.MRSOP.Base
import Generics.MRSOP.Holes
import Generics.MRSOP.HDiff.Digest
import qualified Data.WordTrie as T
import Data.HDiff.Diff.Types
import Data.HDiff.Diff.Modes
import Data.HDiff.Diff.Preprocess
import Data.HDiff.Patch
import Data.HDiff.MetaVar
import Data.HDiff.Change
type PrePatch ki codes phi = Holes ki codes (Holes ki codes phi :*: Holes ki codes phi)
buildArityTrie :: DiffOptions -> PrepFix a ki codes phi ix -> T.Trie Int
buildArityTrie opts df = go df T.empty
ins :: Digest -> T.Trie Int -> T.Trie Int
ins = T.insertWith 1 (+1) . toW64s
minHeight = doMinHeight opts
go :: PrepFix a ki codes phi ix -> T.Trie Int -> T.Trie Int
go (HOpq (Const prep) _) t
| doOpaqueHandling opts == DO_AsIs = ins (treeDigest prep) t
| otherwise = t
go (Hole (Const _) _) t = t
go (HPeel (Const prep) _ p) t
| treeHeight prep <= minHeight = t
| otherwise
= ins (treeDigest prep) $ getConst
$ cataNP (\af -> Const . go af . getConst) (Const t) p
buildSharingTrie :: DiffOptions
-> PrepFix a ki codes phi ix
-> PrepFix a ki codes phi ix
-> (Int , IsSharedMap)
buildSharingTrie opts x y
= T.mapAccum (\i ar -> (i+1 , MAA i ar) ) 0
$ T.zipWith (+) (buildArityTrie opts x)
(buildArityTrie opts y)
extractSpine :: forall ki codes phi at
. (EqHO ki)
=> DiffOpaques
-> (forall ix . phi ix -> MetaVarIK ki ix)
-> Int
-> Holes ki codes phi at
-> Holes ki codes phi at
-> Holes ki codes (Sum (OChange ki codes) (CChange ki codes)) at
extractSpine dopq meta maxI dx dy
= holesMap (uncurry' change)
$ issueOpqCopiesSpine
$ holesLCP dx dy
= flip evalState maxI
. holesRefineAnnM (\_ (x :*: y) -> return $ Hole' $ holesMap meta x
:*: holesMap meta y)
(const $ if dopq == DO_OnSpine
then doCopy
else noCopy)
noCopy :: ki k -> State Int (PrePatch ki codes (MetaVarIK ki) ('K k))
noCopy kik = return (HOpq' kik)
doCopy :: ki k -> State Int (PrePatch ki codes (MetaVarIK ki) ('K k))
doCopy ki = do
i <- get
put (i+1)
let ann = NA_K . Annotate i $ ki
return $ Hole' (Hole' ann :*: Hole' ann)
close :: Holes ki codes (Sum (OChange ki codes) (CChange ki codes)) at
-> Holes ki codes (CChange ki codes) at
close utx = case closure utx of
InR cc -> cc
InL (OMatch used unused del ins)
-> Hole' $ CMatch (S.union used unused) del ins
closure :: Holes ki codes (Sum (OChange ki codes) (CChange ki codes)) at
-> Sum (OChange ki codes) (Holes ki codes (CChange ki codes)) at
closure (HOpq _ k) = InR $ HOpq' k
closure (Hole _ (InL oc)) = InL oc
closure (Hole _ (InR cc)) = InR $ Hole' cc
closure (HPeel _ cx dx)
= let aux = mapNP closure dx
in case mapNPM fromInR aux of
Just np -> InR $ HPeel' cx np
Nothing -> let chgs = mapNP (either' InL (InR . distrCChange)) aux
dels = mapNP (either' oCtxDel cCtxDel) chgs
inss = mapNP (either' oCtxIns cCtxIns) chgs
vx = S.unions $ elimNP (either'' oCtxVDel cCtxVars) chgs
vy = S.unions $ elimNP (either'' oCtxVIns cCtxVars) chgs
in if vx == vy
then InR (Hole' $ CMatch vx (HPeel' cx dels) (HPeel' cx inss))
else InL (OMatch vx vy (HPeel' cx dels) (HPeel' cx inss))
fromInR :: Sum f g x -> Maybe (g x)
fromInR (InL _) = Nothing
fromInR (InR x) = Just x
diffOpts' :: forall ki codes phi at
. (EqHO ki , DigestibleHO ki , DigestibleHO phi)
=> DiffOptions
-> Holes ki codes phi at
-> Holes ki codes phi at
-> (Int , Delta (Holes ki codes (Sum phi (MetaVarIK ki))) at)
diffOpts' opts x y
= let dx = preprocess x
dy = preprocess y
(i, sh) = buildSharingTrie opts dx dy
dx' = tagProperShare sh dx
dy' = tagProperShare sh dy
delins = extractHoles (doMode opts) mkCanShare sh (dx' :*: dy')
in (i , delins)
mkCanShare :: forall a ix
. PrepFix a ki codes phi ix
-> Bool
mkCanShare (HOpq _ _)
= doOpaqueHandling opts == DO_AsIs
mkCanShare pr
= doMinHeight opts < treeHeight (getConst $ holesAnn pr)
diffOpts :: (EqHO ki , DigestibleHO ki , IsNat ix)
=> DiffOptions
-> Fix ki codes ix
-> Fix ki codes ix
-> Patch ki codes ix
diffOpts opts x y
= let (i , del :*: ins) = diffOpts' opts (na2holes $ NA_I x)
(na2holes $ NA_I y)
in close (extractSpine (doOpaqueHandling opts) cast i del ins)
cast :: Sum (Const Void) f i -> f i
cast (InR fi) = fi
cast (InL _) = error "impossible"
diff :: (EqHO ki , DigestibleHO ki , IsNat ix)
=> MinHeight
-> Fix ki codes ix
-> Fix ki codes ix
-> Patch ki codes ix
diff h = diffOpts (diffOptionsDefault { doMinHeight = h})