module Algorithms.Geometry.PolygonTriangulation.TriangulateMonotone where

import           Control.Lens
import           Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.CircularSeq as C
import           Data.Ext
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import           Data.Geometry.LineSegment
import           Data.Geometry.Point
import           Data.Geometry.Polygon
import qualified Data.List as L
import           Data.Ord (comparing, Down(..))
import           Data.Semigroup
import           Data.Util
import           Algorithms.Geometry.PolygonTriangulation.Types
import           Data.PlaneGraph (PlaneGraph)
import           Data.Geometry.PlanarSubdivision.Basic(PolygonFaceData, PlanarSubdivision)


type MonotonePolygon p r = SimplePolygon p r

data LR = L | R deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Triangulates a polygon of \(n\) vertices
-- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
triangulate        :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                   => proxy s -> MonotonePolygon p r
                   -> PlanarSubdivision s p PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData r
triangulate px pg' = constructSubdivision px e es (computeDiagonals pg)
    pg     = toCounterClockWiseOrder pg'
    (e:es) = listEdges pg
  -- TODO: Find a way to construct the graph in O(n) time.

-- | Triangulates a polygon of \(n\) vertices
-- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
triangulate'        :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
                    => proxy s -> MonotonePolygon p r
                    -> PlaneGraph s p PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData r
triangulate' px pg' = constructGraph px e es (computeDiagonals pg)
    pg     = toCounterClockWiseOrder pg'
    (e:es) = listEdges pg
  -- TODO: Find a way to construct the graph in O(n) time.

-- | Given a y-monotone polygon in counter clockwise order computes the diagonals
-- to add to triangulate the polygon
-- pre: the input polygon is y-monotone and has \(n \geq 3\) vertices
-- running time: \(O(n)\)
computeDiagonals    :: (Ord r, Num r)
                    => MonotonePolygon p r -> [LineSegment 2 p r]
computeDiagonals pg = diags'' <> diags'
    -- | run the stack computation
    SP (_:stack') diags' = L.foldl' (\(SP stack acc) v' -> (<> acc) <$> process v' stack)
                                    (SP [v,u] []) vs'
    -- add vertices from the last guy w to all 'middle' guys of the final stack
    diags'' = map (seg w) $ init stack'
    -- extract the last vertex
    Just (vs',w) = unsnoc vs
    -- merge the two lists into one list for procerssing
    (u:v:vs) = uncurry (mergeBy $ comparing (\(Point2 x y :+ _) -> (Down y, x)))
             $ splitPolygon pg

type P p r = Point 2 r :+ (LR :+ p)

type Stack a = [a]

-- type Scan p r = State (Stack (P p r))

chainOf :: P p r -> LR
chainOf = (^.extra.core)

toVtx :: P p r -> Point 2 r :+ p
toVtx = (&extra %~ (^.extra))

seg     :: P p r -> P p r -> LineSegment 2 p r
seg u v = ClosedLineSegment (toVtx u) (toVtx v)

process                    :: (Ord r, Num r)
                           => P p r -> Stack (P p r)
                           -> SP (Stack (P p r)) [LineSegment 2 p r]
process _ []               = error "TriangulateMonotone.process: absurd. empty stack"
process v stack@(u:ws)
  | chainOf v /= chainOf u = SP [v,u]      (map (seg v) . init $ stack)
  | otherwise              = SP (v:w:rest) (map (seg v) popped)
        (popped,rest) = bimap (map fst) (map fst) . L.span (isInside v) $ zip ws stack
        w             = last $ u:popped

-- | test if m does not block the line segment from v to u
isInside          :: (Ord r, Num r) => P p r -> (P p r, P p r) -> Bool
isInside v (u, m) = case ccw' v m u of
                     CoLinear -> False
                     CCW      -> chainOf v == R
                     CW       -> chainOf v == L

-- | given a comparison function, merge the two ordered lists
mergeBy     :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
mergeBy cmp = go
    go []     ys     = ys
    go xs     []     = xs
    go (x:xs) (y:ys) = case x `cmp` y of
                         GT -> y : go (x:xs) ys
                         _  -> x : go xs     (y:ys)

-- | When the polygon is in counter clockwise order we return (leftChain,rightChain)
-- ordered from the top-down.
-- if there are multiple points with the maximum yCoord we pick the rightmost one,
-- if there are multiple point with the minimum yCoord we pick the leftmost one.
-- running time: \(O(n)\)
splitPolygon    :: Ord r => MonotonePolygon p r
                -> ([Point 2 r :+ (LR :+ p)], [Point 2 r :+ (LR :+ p)])
splitPolygon pg = bimap (f L) (f R)
                . second reverse
                . L.break (\v -> v^.core == vMinY)
                . F.toList . C.rightElements $ vs'
    f x = map (&extra %~ (x :+))
    -- rotates the list to the vtx with max ycoord
    Just vs' = C.findRotateTo (\v -> v^.core == vMaxY)
             $ pg^.outerBoundary
    vMaxY = getY F.maximumBy
    vMinY = getY F.minimumBy
    swap' (Point2 x y) = Point2 y x
    getY ff = let p = ff (comparing (^ swap')) $ pg^.outerBoundary
              in p^.core


-- testPolygon = fromPoints . map ext $ [ point2 10 10
--                                      , point2 5 20
--                                      , point2 3 14
--                                      , point2 1 1
--                                      , point2 8 8 ]

testPoly5 :: SimplePolygon () Rational
testPoly5 = toCounterClockWiseOrder . fromPoints $ map ext $ [ Point2 176 736
                                                             , Point2 240 688
                                                             , Point2 240 608
                                                             , Point2 128 576
                                                             , Point2 64 640
                                                             , Point2 80 720
                                                             , Point2 128 752

-- testPoly5 :: SimplePolygon () Rational
-- testPoly5 = toCounterClockWiseOrder . fromPoints $ map ext $ [ Point2 320 320
--                                                              , Point2 256 320
--                                                              , Point2 224 320
--                                                              , Point2 128 240
--                                                              , Point2 64 224
--                                                              , Point2 256 192
--                                                              ]