Copyright | (c) 2016 AlphaSheets Inc |
Stability | Experimental |
Portability | Portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- newtype Matcher s a = Matcher {
- runMatcher :: forall r. SomeSEXP s -> (a -> r) -> (MatcherError s -> r) -> r
- matchOnly :: (MonadR m, NFData a) => Matcher s a -> SomeSEXP s -> m (Either (MatcherError s) a)
- somesexp :: Matcher s (SomeSEXP s)
- sexp :: SSEXPTYPE ty -> Matcher s (SEXP s ty)
- with :: SomeSEXP s -> Matcher s a -> Matcher s a
- hexp :: SSEXPTYPE ty -> (HExp s ty -> Matcher s a) -> Matcher s a
- null :: Matcher s ()
- s4 :: Matcher s ()
- s3 :: [String] -> Matcher s ()
- guardType :: SEXPTYPE -> Matcher s ()
- typeOf :: Matcher s SEXPTYPE
- getS3Class :: Matcher s [String]
- someAttribute :: String -> Matcher s (SomeSEXP s)
- attribute :: SSEXPTYPE a -> String -> Matcher s (SEXP s a)
- attributes :: Matcher s (Maybe a) -> Matcher s [(String, a)]
- lookupAttribute :: String -> Matcher s (Maybe (SomeSEXP s))
- names :: Matcher s [String]
- dim :: Matcher s [Int]
- dimnames :: Matcher s [[String]]
- rownames :: Matcher s [String]
- factor :: Matcher s [String]
- charList :: SEXP s String -> [String]
- choice :: [Matcher s a] -> Matcher s a
- list :: Int -> Matcher s a -> Matcher s [a]
A composition of SEXP
destructors. A Matcher
is bound to the region
where SomeSEXP
is allocated, so extracted value will not leak out of the
region scope.
This matcher is a pure function, so if you need to allocate any object (for example for comparison or lookup) you should do it before running matcher.
Matcher | |
matchOnly :: (MonadR m, NFData a) => Matcher s a -> SomeSEXP s -> m (Either (MatcherError s) a) Source #
Match a SomeSEXP
, returning a MatchError
if matching failed.
Result is always fully evaluated, since otherwise it wouldn't be possible to guarantee that thunks in the return value will not escape the memory region.
Matcher interface.
The main functions of the matcher provide a simple way of accessing
information about the current SomeSEXP
. Those functions are useful if you
use pure internal functions R
functions to get information out of
the data structure.
Another scenario is to use them in submatchers together with with
combinator, that allow you to inspect the structure deeper without exiting
the matcher.
sexp :: SSEXPTYPE ty -> Matcher s (SEXP s ty) Source #
Returns current SEXP
if it is of the requested type, fails otherwise,
returns TypeMissmatch
in that case.
with :: SomeSEXP s -> Matcher s a -> Matcher s a Source #
Run a submatcher on another SomeSEXP
. All exceptions in the internal
matcher are propagated to the parent one. This combinator allows to inspect
nested structures without exiting the matcher, so it's possible to effectively
combine it with alternative function.
Type guards
Guards provides a handy way to check if we are expecting object of the type we are interesting in.
hexp :: SSEXPTYPE ty -> (HExp s ty -> Matcher s a) -> Matcher s a Source #
lifted to Matcher, applies hexp to the current value
and allow to run internal matcher on it. Is useful when you need to inspect
data using high level functions from Language.R
Succeeds if current SomeSEXP
is S4 object. This check is more accurate
then using guardType S4
as it uses internal R's function to check if the
object is S4.
s3 :: [String] -> Matcher s () Source #
Succeeds if SomeSEXP
is an S3 object of the given type. In general case
it's better to use getS3Class
because it will run same check, but also will
return the class(es) of the current expression.
This test is not expressible in terms of the guardType
, becausee guardType
does not see additional information about S3 types. And any raw object can be
a class instance.
getS3Class :: Matcher s [String] Source #
Return the class of the S3 object, fails otherwise.
Attributes are additional data that can be attached to any R value.
Attributes may be seen as a Map Text (SomeSEXP s0)
. Attributes may add
additional information to the data that may completely change it's meaning.
For example by adding dim
attribute matrix or array can be created out of
vector, or factors are presented as an interger vector with rownames
attribute attached.
someAttribute :: String -> Matcher s (SomeSEXP s) Source #
Returns any attribute by it's name if it exists. Fails with
attribute :: SSEXPTYPE a -> String -> Matcher s (SEXP s a) Source #
Typed version of the someAttribute
call. In addition to retrieving value
it's dynamically type checked.
attributes :: Matcher s (Maybe a) -> Matcher s [(String, a)] Source #
Match all attributes, takes a matcher and applies it to the each attribute
exists, returns list of the attribute name, together with matcher result. If
matcher returns Nothing
- result is omitted..
lookupAttribute :: String -> Matcher s (Maybe (SomeSEXP s)) Source #
Find an attribute in attribute list if it exists.