{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
module Kleene.DFA (
    DFA (..),
    -- * Conversions
    ) where

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

import Algebra.Lattice   ((\/))
import Data.IntMap       (IntMap)
import Data.IntSet       (IntSet)
import Data.List         (intercalate)
import Data.Map          (Map)
import Data.Maybe        (fromMaybe)
import Data.RangeSet.Map (RSet)

import qualified Data.Function.Step.Discrete.Closed as SF
import qualified Data.IntMap                        as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet                        as IS
import qualified Data.Map                           as Map
import qualified Data.MemoTrie                      as MT
import qualified Data.RangeSet.Map                  as RSet

import           Kleene.Classes
import qualified Kleene.ERE             as ERE
import           Kleene.Internal.Pretty
import qualified Kleene.RE              as RE

-- | Deterministic finite automaton.
-- A deterministic finite automaton (DFA) over an alphabet \(\Sigma\) (type
-- variable @c@) is 4-tuple \(Q\), \(q_0\) , \(F\), \(\delta\), where
-- * \(Q\) is a finite set of states (subset of 'Int'),
-- * \(q_0 \in Q\) is the distinguised start state (@0@),
-- * \(F \subset Q\) is a set of final (or  accepting) states ('dfaAcceptable'), and
-- * \(\delta : Q \times \Sigma \to Q\) is a function called the state
-- transition function ('dfaTransition').
data DFA c = DFA
    { dfaTransition   :: !(IntMap (SF.SF c Int))
      -- ^ transition function
    , dfaAcceptable   :: !IntSet
      -- ^ accept states
    , dfaBlackholes   :: !IntSet
      -- ^ states we cannot escape
  deriving Show

-- Construction

-- | Convert 'RE.RE' to 'DFA'.
-- >>> putPretty $ fromRE $ RE.star "abc"
-- 0+ -> \x -> if
--     | x <= '`'  -> 3
--     | x <= 'a'  -> 2
--     | otherwise -> 3
-- 1 -> \x -> if
--     | x <= 'b'  -> 3
--     | x <= 'c'  -> 0
--     | otherwise -> 3
-- 2 -> \x -> if
--     | x <= 'a'  -> 3
--     | x <= 'b'  -> 1
--     | otherwise -> 3
-- 3 -> \_ -> 3 -- black hole
-- Everything and nothing result in blackholes:
-- >>> traverse_ (putPretty . fromRE) [RE.empty, RE.star RE.anyChar]
-- 0 -> \_ -> 0 -- black hole
-- 0+ -> \_ -> 0 -- black hole
-- Character ranges are effecient:
-- >>> putPretty $ fromRE $ RE.charRange 'a' 'z'
-- 0 -> \x -> if
--     | x <= '`'  -> 2
--     | x <= 'z'  -> 1
--     | otherwise -> 2
-- 1+ -> \_ -> 2
-- 2 -> \_ -> 2 -- black hole
-- An example with two blackholes:
-- >>> putPretty $ fromRE $ "c" <> RE.star RE.anyChar
-- 0 -> \x -> if
--     | x <= 'b'  -> 2
--     | x <= 'c'  -> 1
--     | otherwise -> 2
-- 1+ -> \_ -> 1 -- black hole
-- 2 -> \_ -> 2 -- black hole
fromRE :: forall c. (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => RE.RE c -> DFA c
fromRE = fromTM

-- | Convert 'ERE.ERE' to 'DFA'.
-- We don't always generate minimal automata:
-- >>> putPretty $ fromERE $ "a" /\ "b"
-- 0 -> \_ -> 1
-- 1 -> \_ -> 1 -- black hole
-- Compare this to an @complement@ example
-- Using 'fromTMEquiv', we can get minimal automaton, for the cost of higher
-- complexity (slow!).
-- >>> putPretty $ fromTMEquiv $ ("a" /\ "b" :: ERE.ERE Char)
-- 0 -> \_ -> 0 -- black hole
-- >>> putPretty $ fromERE $ complement $ star "abc"
-- 0 -> \x -> if
--     | x <= '`'  -> 3
--     | x <= 'a'  -> 2
--     | otherwise -> 3
-- 1+ -> \x -> if
--     | x <= 'b'  -> 3
--     | x <= 'c'  -> 0
--     | otherwise -> 3
-- 2+ -> \x -> if
--     | x <= 'a'  -> 3
--     | x <= 'b'  -> 1
--     | otherwise -> 3
-- 3+ -> \_ -> 3 -- black hole
fromERE :: forall c. (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => ERE.ERE c -> DFA c
fromERE = fromTM

-- | Create from 'TransitionMap'.
-- See 'fromRE' for a specific example.
fromTM :: forall k c. (Ord k, Ord c, TransitionMap c k) => k -> DFA c
fromTM = fromTMImpl Nothing

-- | Create from 'TransitonMap' minimising states with 'Equivalent'.
-- See 'fromERE' for an example.
fromTMEquiv :: forall k c. (Ord k, Ord c, TransitionMap c k, Equivalent c k) => k -> DFA c
fromTMEquiv = fromTMImpl (Just equivalent)

fromTMImpl :: forall k c. (Ord k, Ord c, TransitionMap c k)
    => Maybe (k ->  k -> Bool)
    -> k
    -> DFA c
fromTMImpl mequiv re = DFA
    { dfaTransition = transition
    , dfaAcceptable = IS.fromList
        [ i
        | (re', i) <- Map.toList lookupMap
        , nullable re'
    , dfaBlackholes = blackholes
    transition = IM.fromList
        [ (i, js)
        | (re', pm) <- Map.toList tm
        , let i  = fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup re' lookupMap
        , let js = SF.normalise $ fmap (\re'' -> fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup re'' lookupMap) pm

    blackholes = IS.fromList
        [ i
        | (i, sf) <- IM.toList transition
        , sf == pure i

    tm = transitionMap re

    -- reversing makes error state go last, usually
    lookupMap :: Map k Int
    lookupMap = makeLookup 1 lookupMap' (reverse $ Map.toList $ Map.delete re tm)

    lookupMap' :: Map k Int
    lookupMap' = case Map.lookup re tm of
        Nothing -> Map.empty
        Just _  -> Map.singleton re 0

    makeLookup :: Int -> Map k Int -> [(k, b)] -> Map k Int
    makeLookup = maybe makeLookupEq makeLookupEquiv mequiv

    makeLookupEq :: Int -> Map k Int -> [(k, b)] -> Map k Int
    makeLookupEq !_ !acc []            = acc
    makeLookupEq !n acc ((x, _) : xs) = makeLookup (n + 1) (Map.insert x n acc) xs

    -- this differs from makeLookupEq. We don't insert new states right away,
    -- but check whether equivalent state is already in the map.
    -- This causes n^2 of exp m operations, where n = number of states and
    -- m size of @k@.
    makeLookupEquiv :: (k -> k -> Bool) ->  Int -> Map k Int -> [(k, b)] -> Map k Int
    makeLookupEquiv _  !_ !acc []           = acc
    makeLookupEquiv eq !n acc ((x, _) : xs) = case ys of
        []           -> makeLookup (n + 1) (Map.insert x n acc) xs
        ((_, i) : _) -> makeLookup n       (Map.insert x i acc) xs
        ys = [ p | p@(y, _) <- Map.toList acc, eq x y ]

-- Destruction

-- | Convert 'DFA' to 'RE.RE'.
-- >>> putPretty $ toRE $ fromRE "foobar"
-- ^foobar$
-- For 'RE.string' regular expressions, @'toRE' . 'fromRE' = 'id'@:
-- prop> let s = take 5 s' in RE.string (s :: String) === toRE (fromRE (RE.string s))
-- But in general it isn't:
-- >>> let aToZ = RE.star $ RE.charRange 'a' 'z'
-- >>> traverse_ putPretty [aToZ, toRE $ fromRE aToZ]
-- ^[a-z]*$
-- ^([a-z]|[a-z]?[a-z]*[a-z]?)?$
-- @
-- not-prop> (re :: RE.RE Char) === toRE (fromRE re)
-- @
-- However, they are 'RE.equivalent':
-- >>> RE.equivalent aToZ (toRE (fromRE aToZ))
-- True
-- And so are others
-- >>> all (\re -> RE.equivalent re (toRE (fromRE re))) [RE.star "a", RE.star "ab"]
-- True
-- @
-- expensive-prop> RE.equivalent re (toRE (fromRE (re :: RE.RE Char)))
-- @
-- Note, that @'toRE' . 'fromRE'@ can, and usually makes regexp unrecognisable:
-- >>> putPretty $ toRE $ fromRE $ RE.star "ab"
-- ^(a(ba)*b)?$
-- We can 'complement' DFA, therefore we can complement 'RE.RE'.
-- For example. regular expression matching string containing an @a@:
-- >>> let withA = RE.star RE.anyChar <> "a" <> RE.star RE.anyChar
-- >>> let withoutA = toRE $ complement $ fromRE withA
-- >>> putPretty withoutA
-- ^([^a]|[^a]?[^a]*[^a]?)?$
-- >>> let withoutA' = RE.star $ RE.REChars $ RSet.complement $ RSet.singleton 'a'
-- >>> putPretty withoutA'
-- ^[^a]*$
-- >>> RE.equivalent withoutA withoutA'
-- True
-- Quite small, for example 2 state DFAs can result in big regular expressions:
-- >>> putPretty $ toRE $ complement $ fromRE $ star "ab"
-- ^([^]|a(ba)*(ba)?|a(ba)*([^b]|b[^a])|([^a]|a(ba)*([^b]|b[^a]))[^]*[^]?)$
-- We can use @'toRE' . 'fromERE'@ to convert 'ERE.ERE' to 'RE.RE':
-- >>> putPretty $ toRE $ fromERE $ complement $ star "ab"
-- ^([^]|a(ba)*(ba)?|a(ba)*([^b]|b[^a])|([^a]|a(ba)*([^b]|b[^a]))[^]*[^]?)$
-- >>> putPretty $ toRE $ fromERE $ "a" /\ "b"
-- ^[]$
-- See <https://mathoverflow.net/questions/45149/can-regular-expressions-be-made-unambiguous>
-- for the description of the algorithm used.
toRE :: forall c. (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => DFA c -> RE.RE c
toRE = toKleene

-- | Convert 'DFA' to 'ERE.ERE'.
toERE :: forall c. (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => DFA c -> ERE.ERE c
toERE = toKleene

-- | Convert to any 'Kleene'.
-- See 'toRE' for a specific example.
toKleene :: forall k c. (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c, FiniteKleene c k) => DFA c -> k
toKleene (DFA tr acc _) = unions
    [ re 0 j maxN
    | j <- IS.toList acc
    maxN | IM.null tr = 1
         | otherwise = succ $ fst $ IM.findMax tr

    -- this is useful for debug
    table =
      [ show i ++ " " ++ show j ++ " " ++ show k ++ " = " ++ pretty (re i j k)
      | k <- [0..pred maxN]
      , i <- [0..pred maxN]
      , j <- [0..pred maxN]

    re i j k = MT.memo re' (i, j, k)
    re' (i, j, k)
        | k <= 0    = if i == j then eps \/ r else r
        | otherwise = re i j k' \/ (re i k' k' <> star (re k' k' k') <> re k' j k')
        r = maybe empty fromRSet $ Map.lookup (i, j) re0map
        k' = k - 1

    re0map :: Map (Int, Int) (RSet c)
    re0map = Map.fromListWith RSet.union
        [ ((i, j), RSet.singletonRange (lo, hi))
        | (i, tr') <- IM.toList tr
        , (lo, hi, j) <- toPieces tr'

toPieces :: (Enum a, Bounded a, Ord a) => SF.SF a b -> [(a, a, b)]
toPieces (SF.SF m v)
    | maxBound `Map.member` m = toPieces' m
    | otherwise               = toPieces' (Map.insert maxBound v m)

toPieces' :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => Map a b -> [(a, a, b)]
toPieces' = go minBound . Map.toList where
    go _lo []            = []
    go  lo ((k, v) : kv) = (lo, k, v) : go (succ k) kv

-- Operations

-- | Run 'DFA' on the input.
-- Because we have analysed a language, in some cases we can determine an input
-- without traversing all of the input.
-- That's not the cases with 'RE.RE' 'match'.
-- >>> let dfa = fromRE $ RE.star "abc"
-- >>> map (match dfa) ["", "abc", "abcabc", "aa", 'a' : 'a' : undefined]
-- [True,True,True,False,False]
-- Holds:
-- @
-- 'match' ('fromRE' re) xs == 'match' re xs
-- @
-- prop> all (match (fromRE r)) $ take 10 $ RE.generate (curry QC.choose) 42 (r :: RE.RE Char)
instance Ord c => Match c (DFA c) where
    match (DFA tr acc bh) = go (0 :: Int) where
        go s _ | IS.member s bh = IS.member s acc
        go s []                 = IS.member s acc
        go s (c : cs)           = case IM.lookup s tr of
            Nothing -> False
            Just sf -> go (sf SF.! c) cs

-- | Complement DFA.
-- Complement of 'DFA' is way easier than of 'RE.RE': complement accept states.
-- >>> let dfa = complement $ fromRE $ RE.star "abc"
-- >>> putPretty dfa
-- 0 -> \x -> if
--     | x <= '`'  -> 3
--     | x <= 'a'  -> 2
--     | otherwise -> 3
-- 1+ -> \x -> if
--     | x <= 'b'  -> 3
--     | x <= 'c'  -> 0
--     | otherwise -> 3
-- 2+ -> \x -> if
--     | x <= 'a'  -> 3
--     | x <= 'b'  -> 1
--     | otherwise -> 3
-- 3+ -> \_ -> 3 -- black hole
-- >>> map (match dfa) ["", "abc", "abcabc", "aa","abca", 'a' : 'a' : undefined]
-- [False,False,False,True,True,True]
instance Complement c (DFA c) where
    complement (DFA tr acc err) = DFA tr acc' err where
        acc' = IS.difference (IM.keysSet tr) acc

-- Debug

instance Show c => Pretty (DFA c) where
    pretty dfa = intercalate "\n"
        [ show i ++ acc ++ " -> " ++ SF.showSF sf ++ bh
        | (i, sf) <- IM.toList (dfaTransition dfa)
        , let acc = if IS.member i (dfaAcceptable dfa) then "+" else ""
        , let bh = if IS.member i $ dfaBlackholes dfa then " -- black hole" else ""

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
-- >>> import Algebra.Lattice ((/\))
-- >>> import Test.QuickCheck ((===))
-- >>> import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
-- >>> newtype Smaller a = Smaller a deriving (Show)
-- >>> let intLog2 = (`div` 10)
-- >>> instance QC.Arbitrary a => QC.Arbitrary (Smaller a) where arbitrary = QC.scale intLog2 QC.arbitrary; shrink (Smaller a) = map Smaller (QC.shrink a)