poke: Discord verification bot

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Deprecated in favor of discord-register

This bot can send new server members a message on entry, ask for their full name (using a parser to check it is reasonable), email and a picture from them. Reset commands for improper forms are also implemented, as well as help, privacy and info commands. The default prefix is the negation symbol from mathematics.

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Versions [RSS]
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), calamity (>= && <0.1.21), dhall (>=1.35.0 && <1.36.1), di (>=1.3 && <1.3.1), di-polysemy (>= && <0.2.1), generic-lens (>= && <2.0.1), hspec (>=2.7.4 && <2.7.5), hspec-megaparsec (>=2.1.0 && <2.1.1), megaparsec (>=8.0.0), poke, polysemy (>= && <1.3.1), polysemy-plugin (>= && <0.2.6), text (>= && <1.2.5), text-show (>=3.8.5 && <3.9.1), unboxing-vector (>=, unordered-containers (>= && <, vector (>= && <0.12.2) [details]
License MPL-2.0
Copyright 2020 Hugh Sipiere
Author Hugh Sipiere
Maintainer Hugh Sipiere
Category Web
Home page https://github.com/psverify/poke#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/psverify/poke/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/psverify/poke
Uploaded by HughSipiere at 2020-11-05T23:59:00Z
Executables poke-exe
Downloads 187 total (2 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2020-11-06 [all 2 reports]

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Verification bot for registers with full name and email

Poke is an interactive verification bot for registers with full name, email and photo ID requirements.


  • All verification forms sent to a verification channel
  • Messages configurable with Dhall (except most admin messages in English)
  • Verification forms can be reset by those with admin role using a command giving a reason
  • Parser for full names, supporting unicode and requiring an underscore if no surname.
  • Sane defaults
  • Low memory usage (high cpu/memory usage for compile however)
  • Written in Haskell using Polysemy with Calamity effects
  • No database needed

To build run: stack build

This build depends on libtinfo-dev for Ubuntu 20.04.

The configuration is in config.dhall, this needs to be copied and filled in from config.dhall.empty.

Bot tokens can be found in the Discord Developer Portal after creating a bot.

ID numbers, or Snowflakes, can be found in the UI by right clicking on something after enabling developer mode in Appearance under the settings.