{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Graphics.SvgTree.XmlParser
( xmlOfDocument
, unparseDocument
, unparse
, xmlOfTree
, SvgAttributeLens( .. )
, drawAttributesList
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Text.Read (reads)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$), (<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Control.Applicative (many, (<|>))
import Codec.Picture (PixelRGBA8 (..))
import Control.Lens hiding (children, element,
elements, transform)
import Control.Lens.Unsound
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, parseOnly, string)
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Last (Last), getLast, (<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Graphics.SvgTree.ColorParser
import Graphics.SvgTree.CssParser (complexNumber, dashArray, num,
numberList, styleString)
import Graphics.SvgTree.CssTypes (CssDeclaration (..),
CssElement (..))
import Graphics.SvgTree.PathParser
import Graphics.SvgTree.Types
import qualified Text.XML.Light as X
import Text.XML.Light.Proc (elChildren, findAttrBy)
import Text.Printf (printf)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe str = case reads str of
[] -> Nothing
(x, _):_ -> Just x
nodeName :: X.Element -> String
nodeName = X.qName . X.elName
attributeFinder :: String -> X.Element -> Maybe String
attributeFinder str =
findAttrBy (\a -> X.qName a == str)
class ParseableAttribute a where
aparse :: String -> Maybe a
aserialize :: a -> Maybe String
instance ParseableAttribute v => ParseableAttribute (Maybe v) where
aparse = fmap Just . aparse
aserialize = (>>= aserialize)
instance ParseableAttribute v => ParseableAttribute (Last v) where
aparse = fmap Last . aparse
aserialize = aserialize . getLast
instance ParseableAttribute String where
aparse = Just
aserialize = Just
instance ParseableAttribute Number where
aparse = parseMayStartDot complexNumber
aserialize = Just . serializeNumber
instance ParseableAttribute [Number] where
aparse = parse dashArray
aserialize = Just . serializeDashArray
instance ParseableAttribute PixelRGBA8 where
aparse = parse colorParser
aserialize = Just . colorSerializer
instance ParseableAttribute [PathCommand] where
aparse = parse pathParser
aserialize v = Just $ serializeCommands v ""
instance ParseableAttribute GradientPathCommand where
aparse = parse gradientCommand
aserialize v = Just $ serializeGradientCommand v ""
instance ParseableAttribute [RPoint] where
aparse = parse pointData
aserialize v = Just $ serializePoints v ""
instance ParseableAttribute Double where
aparse = parseMayStartDot num
aserialize v = Just $ printf "%g" v
instance ParseableAttribute Texture where
aparse = parse textureParser
aserialize = Just . textureSerializer
instance ParseableAttribute [Transformation] where
aparse = parse $ many transformParser
aserialize = Just . serializeTransformations
instance ParseableAttribute Alignment where
aparse s = Just $ case s of
"none" -> AlignNone
"xMinYMin" -> AlignxMinYMin
"xMidYMin" -> AlignxMidYMin
"xMaxYMin" -> AlignxMaxYMin
"xMinYMid" -> AlignxMinYMid
"xMidYMid" -> AlignxMidYMid
"xMaxYMid" -> AlignxMaxYMid
"xMinYMax" -> AlignxMinYMax
"xMidYMax" -> AlignxMidYMax
"xMaxYMax" -> AlignxMaxYMax
_ -> _aspectRatioAlign defaultSvg
aserialize v = Just $ case v of
AlignNone -> "none"
AlignxMinYMin -> "xMinYMin"
AlignxMidYMin -> "xMidYMin"
AlignxMaxYMin -> "xMaxYMin"
AlignxMinYMid -> "xMinYMid"
AlignxMidYMid -> "xMidYMid"
AlignxMaxYMid -> "xMaxYMid"
AlignxMinYMax -> "xMinYMax"
AlignxMidYMax -> "xMidYMax"
AlignxMaxYMax -> "xMaxYMax"
instance ParseableAttribute MeshGradientType where
aparse s = Just $ case s of
"bilinear" -> GradientBilinear
"bicubic" -> GradientBicubic
_ -> GradientBilinear
aserialize v = Just $ case v of
GradientBilinear -> "bilinear"
GradientBicubic -> "bicubic"
instance ParseableAttribute MeetSlice where
aparse s = case s of
"meet" -> Just Meet
"slice" -> Just Slice
_ -> Nothing
aserialize v = Just $ case v of
Meet -> "meet"
Slice -> "slice"
instance ParseableAttribute PreserveAspectRatio where
aserialize v = Just $ defer <> align <> meetSlice where
defer = if _aspectRatioDefer v then "defer " else ""
align = fromMaybe "" . aserialize $ _aspectRatioAlign v
meetSlice = fromMaybe "" $ aserialize =<< _aspectRatioMeetSlice v
aparse s = case words s of
[] -> Nothing
[align] -> Just $ defaultSvg { _aspectRatioAlign = alignOf align }
["defer", align] ->
Just $ defaultSvg
{ _aspectRatioDefer = True
, _aspectRatioAlign = alignOf align
[align, meet] ->
Just $ defaultSvg
{ _aspectRatioMeetSlice = aparse meet
, _aspectRatioAlign = alignOf align
["defer", align, meet] ->
Just $ PreserveAspectRatio
{ _aspectRatioDefer = True
, _aspectRatioAlign = alignOf align
, _aspectRatioMeetSlice = aparse meet
_ -> Nothing
alignOf = fromMaybe (_aspectRatioAlign defaultSvg) . aparse
instance ParseableAttribute Cap where
aparse s = case s of
"butt" -> Just CapButt
"round" -> Just CapRound
"square" -> Just CapSquare
_ -> Nothing
aserialize c = Just $ case c of
CapButt -> "butt"
CapRound -> "round"
CapSquare -> "square"
instance ParseableAttribute TextAnchor where
aparse s = case s of
"middle" -> Just TextAnchorMiddle
"start" -> Just TextAnchorStart
"end" -> Just TextAnchorEnd
_ -> Nothing
aserialize t = Just $ case t of
TextAnchorMiddle -> "middle"
TextAnchorStart -> "start"
TextAnchorEnd -> "end"
instance ParseableAttribute ElementRef where
aparse s = case parseOnly pa $ T.pack s of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right v -> Just v
pa = (RefNone <$ string "none")
<|> (Ref <$> urlRef)
aserialize c = Just $ case c of
Ref r -> "url(#" <> r <> ")"
RefNone -> "none"
instance ParseableAttribute LineJoin where
aparse s = case s of
"miter" -> Just JoinMiter
"round" -> Just JoinRound
"bevel" -> Just JoinBevel
_ -> Nothing
aserialize j = Just $ case j of
JoinMiter -> "miter"
JoinRound -> "round"
JoinBevel -> "bevel"
instance ParseableAttribute CoordinateUnits where
aparse s = case s of
"userSpaceOnUse" -> Just CoordUserSpace
"objectBoundingBox" -> Just CoordBoundingBox
_ -> Just CoordBoundingBox
aserialize uni = Just $ case uni of
CoordUserSpace -> "userSpaceOnUse"
CoordBoundingBox -> "objectBoundingBox"
instance ParseableAttribute Spread where
aparse s = case s of
"pad" -> Just SpreadPad
"reflect" -> Just SpreadReflect
"repeat" -> Just SpreadRepeat
_ -> Nothing
aserialize s = Just $ case s of
SpreadPad -> "pad"
SpreadReflect -> "reflect"
SpreadRepeat -> "repeat"
instance ParseableAttribute FillRule where
aparse s = case s of
"nonzero" -> Just FillNonZero
"evenodd" -> Just FillEvenOdd
_ -> Nothing
aserialize f = Just $ case f of
FillNonZero -> "nonzero"
FillEvenOdd -> "evenodd"
instance ParseableAttribute TextAdjust where
aparse s = Just $ case s of
"spacing" -> TextAdjustSpacing
"spacingAndGlyphs" -> TextAdjustSpacingAndGlyphs
_ -> TextAdjustSpacing
aserialize a = Just $ case a of
TextAdjustSpacing -> "spacing"
TextAdjustSpacingAndGlyphs -> "spacingAndGlyphs"
instance ParseableAttribute MarkerUnit where
aparse s = case s of
"strokeWidth" -> Just MarkerUnitStrokeWidth
"userSpaceOnUse" -> Just MarkerUnitUserSpaceOnUse
_ -> Nothing
aserialize u = Just $ case u of
MarkerUnitStrokeWidth -> "strokeWidth"
MarkerUnitUserSpaceOnUse -> "userSpaceOnUse"
instance ParseableAttribute Overflow where
aparse s = case s of
"visible" -> Just OverflowVisible
"hidden" -> Just OverflowHidden
_ -> Nothing
aserialize u = Just $ case u of
OverflowVisible -> "visible"
OverflowHidden -> "hidden"
instance ParseableAttribute MarkerOrientation where
aparse s = case (s, readMaybe s) of
("auto", _) -> Just OrientationAuto
(_, Just f) -> Just $ OrientationAngle f
_ -> Nothing
aserialize s = Just $ case s of
OrientationAuto -> "auto"
OrientationAngle f -> show f
instance ParseableAttribute (Double, Double, Double, Double) where
aparse = parse viewBoxParser
aserialize = Just . serializeViewBox
instance ParseableAttribute TextPathMethod where
aparse s = case s of
"align" -> Just TextPathAlign
"stretch" -> Just TextPathStretch
_ -> Nothing
aserialize m = Just $ case m of
TextPathAlign -> "align"
TextPathStretch -> "stretch"
instance ParseableAttribute TextPathSpacing where
aparse s = case s of
"auto" -> Just TextPathSpacingAuto
"exact" -> Just TextPathSpacingExact
_ -> Nothing
aserialize s = Just $ case s of
TextPathSpacingAuto -> "auto"
TextPathSpacingExact -> "exact"
instance ParseableAttribute CompositeOperator where
aparse s = case s of
"over" -> Just CompositeOver
"in" -> Just CompositeIn
"out" -> Just CompositeOut
"atop" -> Just CompositeAtop
"xor" -> Just CompositeXor
"arithmetic" -> Just CompositeArithmetic
_ -> Nothing
aserialize v = Just $ case v of
CompositeOver -> "over"
CompositeIn -> "in"
CompositeOut -> "out"
CompositeAtop -> "atop"
CompositeXor -> "xor"
CompositeArithmetic -> "arithmetic"
instance ParseableAttribute FilterSource where
aparse s = Just $ case s of
"SourceGraphic" -> SourceGraphic
"SourceAlpha" -> SourceAlpha
"BackgroundImage" -> BackgroundImage
"BackgroundAlpha" -> BackgroundAlpha
"FillPaint" -> FillPaint
"StrokePaint" -> StrokePaint
_ -> SourceRef s
aserialize v = Just $ case v of
SourceGraphic -> "SourceGraphic"
SourceAlpha -> "SourceAlpha"
BackgroundImage -> "BackgroundImage"
BackgroundAlpha -> "BackgroundAlpha"
FillPaint -> "FillPaint"
StrokePaint -> "StrokePaint"
SourceRef s -> s
instance ParseableAttribute ColorMatrixType where
aparse s = case s of
"matrix" -> Just Matrix
"saturate" -> Just Saturate
"hueRotate" -> Just HueRotate
"luminanceToAlpha" -> Just LuminanceToAlpha
_ -> Nothing
aserialize v = Just $ case v of
Matrix -> "matrix"
Saturate -> "saturate"
HueRotate -> "hueRotate"
LuminanceToAlpha -> "luminanceToAlpha"
instance ParseableAttribute EdgeMode where
aparse s = case s of
"duplicate" -> Just EdgeDuplicate
"wrap" -> Just EdgeWrap
"none" -> Just EdgeNone
_ -> Nothing
aserialize v = Just $ case v of
EdgeDuplicate -> "duplicate"
EdgeWrap -> "wrap"
EdgeNone -> "none"
instance ParseableAttribute (Number, Last Number) where
aparse s = case aparse s of
Just [x] -> Just (x, Last Nothing)
Just [x,y] -> Just (x, Last (Just y))
_ -> Nothing
aserialize (x, Last Nothing) = aserialize [x]
aserialize (x, Last (Just y)) = aserialize [x, y]
parse :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe a
parse p str = case parseOnly p (T.pack str) of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right r -> Just r
parseMayStartDot :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe a
parseMayStartDot p l@('.':_) = parse p ('0':l)
parseMayStartDot p l = parse p l
xmlUpdate :: (XMLUpdatable a) => a -> X.Element -> a
xmlUpdate initial el = foldl' grab initial attributes
grab value updater =
case attributeFinder (_attributeName updater) el of
Nothing -> value
Just v -> _attributeUpdater updater value v
xmlUnparse :: (WithDefaultSvg a, XMLUpdatable a) => X.Element -> a
xmlUnparse = xmlUpdate defaultSvg
:: (WithDefaultSvg a, XMLUpdatable a, HasDrawAttributes a)
=> X.Element -> a
xmlUnparseWithDrawAttr e =
xmlUnparse e & drawAttributes .~ xmlUnparse e
data SvgAttributeLens t = SvgAttributeLens
{ _attributeName :: String
, _attributeUpdater :: t -> String -> t
, _attributeSerializer :: t -> Maybe String
class XMLUpdatable treeNode where
xmlTagName :: treeNode -> String
attributes :: [SvgAttributeLens treeNode]
serializeTreeNode :: treeNode -> Maybe X.Element
setChildren :: X.Element -> [X.Content] -> X.Element
setChildren xNode children = xNode { X.elContent = children }
updateWithAccessor :: XMLUpdatable b => (a -> [b]) -> a -> Maybe X.Element -> Maybe X.Element
updateWithAccessor _ _ Nothing = Nothing
updateWithAccessor accessor node (Just xNode) =
Just . setChildren xNode . fmap X.Elem . catMaybes $ serializeTreeNode <$> accessor node
genericSerializeNode :: (XMLUpdatable treeNode) => treeNode -> Maybe X.Element
genericSerializeNode node =
Just . X.unode (xmlTagName node) $ concatMap generateAttribute attributes
generateAttribute attr = case _attributeSerializer attr node of
Nothing -> []
Just str -> return X.Attr
{ X.attrKey = xName $ _attributeName attr
, X.attrVal = str
xName "href" =
X.QName { X.qName = "href"
, X.qURI = Nothing
, X.qPrefix = Just "xlink" }
xName h = X.unqual h
mergeAttributes :: X.Element -> X.Element -> X.Element
mergeAttributes thisXml otherXml =
thisXml { X.elAttribs = X.elAttribs otherXml ++ X.elAttribs thisXml }
genericSerializeWithDrawAttr :: (XMLUpdatable treeNode, HasDrawAttributes treeNode)
=> treeNode -> Maybe X.Element
genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node = mergeAttributes <$> thisXml <*> drawAttrNode where
thisXml = genericSerializeNode node
drawAttrNode = genericSerializeNode $ node ^. drawAttributes
type CssUpdater a =
a -> [[CssElement]] -> a
opacitySetter :: String -> Lens' a (Maybe Float) -> SvgAttributeLens a
opacitySetter attribute elLens =
SvgAttributeLens attribute updater serializer
serializer a = printf "%g" <$> a ^. elLens
updater el str = case parseMayStartDot num str of
Nothing -> el
Just v -> el & elLens .~ Just (realToFrac v)
type Serializer e = e -> Maybe String
parserSetter :: String -> Lens' a e -> (String -> Maybe e) -> Serializer e
-> SvgAttributeLens a
parserSetter attribute elLens parser serialize =
SvgAttributeLens attribute updater serializer
updater el str = case parser str of
Nothing -> el
Just v -> el & elLens .~ v
serializer a = serialize $ a ^. elLens
parseIn :: (Eq a, WithDefaultSvg s, ParseableAttribute a)
=> String -> Lens' s a -> SvgAttributeLens s
parseIn attribute elLens =
SvgAttributeLens attribute updater serializer
updater el str = case aparse str of
Nothing -> el
Just v -> el & elLens .~ v
serializer a
| v /= defaultVal = aserialize v
| otherwise = Nothing
v = a ^. elLens
defaultVal = defaultSvg ^. elLens
parserLastSetter :: String -> Lens' a (Last e) -> (String -> Maybe e) -> Serializer e
-> SvgAttributeLens a
parserLastSetter attribute elLens parser serialize =
SvgAttributeLens attribute updater serializer
updater el str = case parser str of
Nothing -> el
Just v -> el & elLens .~ Last (Just v)
serializer a = getLast (a ^. elLens) >>= serialize
classSetter :: SvgAttributeLens DrawAttributes
classSetter = SvgAttributeLens "class" updater serializer
updater el str =
el & attrClass .~ (T.split (== ' ') $ T.pack str)
serializer a = case a ^. attrClass of
[] -> Nothing
lst -> Just . T.unpack $ T.intercalate " " lst
cssUniqueNumber :: ASetter el el
a (Last Number)
-> CssUpdater el
cssUniqueNumber setter attr ((CssNumber n:_):_) =
attr & setter .~ Last (Just n)
cssUniqueNumber _ attr _ = attr
cssUniqueFloat :: (Fractional n)
=> ASetter el el a (Maybe n)
-> CssUpdater el
cssUniqueFloat setter attr ((CssNumber (Num n):_):_) =
attr & setter .~ Just (realToFrac n)
cssUniqueFloat _ attr _ = attr
cssUniqueMayFloat :: ASetter el el a (Last Double)
-> CssUpdater el
cssUniqueMayFloat setter attr ((CssNumber (Num n):_):_) =
attr & setter .~ Last (Just n)
cssUniqueMayFloat _ attr _ = attr
cssIdentAttr :: ParseableAttribute a => Lens' el a -> CssUpdater el
cssIdentAttr setter attr ((CssIdent i:_):_) = case aparse $ T.unpack i of
Nothing -> attr
Just v -> attr & setter .~ v
cssIdentAttr _ attr _ = attr
fontFamilyParser :: CssUpdater DrawAttributes
fontFamilyParser attr (lst:_) = attr & fontFamily .~ fontNames
fontNames = Last . Just $ T.unpack <$> extractString lst
extractString [] = []
extractString (CssIdent n:rest) = n : extractString rest
extractString (CssString n:rest) = n : extractString rest
extractString (_:rest) = extractString rest
fontFamilyParser attr _ = attr
cssUniqueTexture :: ASetter el el
a (Last Texture)
-> CssUpdater el
cssUniqueTexture setter attr css = case css of
((CssIdent "none":_):_) -> attr & setter .~ Last (Just FillNone)
((CssColor c:_):_) -> attr & setter .~ Last (Just $ ColorRef c)
((CssFunction "url" [CssReference c]:_):_) ->
attr & setter .~ Last (Just . TextureRef $ T.unpack c)
_ -> attr
cssUniqueColor :: ASetter el el a PixelRGBA8 -> CssUpdater el
cssUniqueColor setter attr css = case css of
((CssColor c:_):_) -> attr & setter .~ c
_ -> attr
cssElementRefSetter :: Lens' el (Last ElementRef) -> CssUpdater el
cssElementRefSetter setter attr ((CssFunction "url" [CssReference c]:_):_) =
attr & setter .~ Last (Just . Ref $ T.unpack c)
cssElementRefSetter setter attr ((CssIdent "none":_):_) =
attr & setter .~ Last (Just RefNone)
cssElementRefSetter _ attr _ = attr
cssMayStringSetter :: ASetter el el a (Maybe String) -> CssUpdater el
cssMayStringSetter setter attr ((CssIdent i:_):_) =
attr & setter .~ Just (T.unpack i)
cssMayStringSetter setter attr ((CssString i:_):_) =
attr & setter .~ Just (T.unpack i)
cssMayStringSetter _ attr _ = attr
cssNullSetter :: CssUpdater a
cssNullSetter attr _ = attr
cssDashArray :: ASetter el el a (Last [Number]) -> CssUpdater el
cssDashArray setter attr (lst:_) =
case [n | CssNumber n <- lst ] of
[] -> attr
v -> attr & setter .~ Last (Just v)
cssDashArray _ attr _ = attr
drawAttributesList :: [(SvgAttributeLens DrawAttributes, CssUpdater DrawAttributes)]
drawAttributesList =
[("stroke-width" `parseIn` strokeWidth, cssUniqueNumber strokeWidth)
,("stroke" `parseIn` strokeColor, cssUniqueTexture strokeColor)
,("fill" `parseIn` fillColor, cssUniqueTexture fillColor)
,("stroke-linecap" `parseIn` strokeLineCap, cssIdentAttr strokeLineCap)
,("stroke-linejoin" `parseIn` strokeLineJoin, cssIdentAttr strokeLineJoin)
,("stroke-miterlimit" `parseIn` strokeMiterLimit,
cssUniqueMayFloat strokeMiterLimit)
,("transform" `parseIn` transform, const)
,(opacitySetter "opacity" groupOpacity, cssUniqueFloat groupOpacity)
,(opacitySetter "fill-opacity" fillOpacity, cssUniqueFloat fillOpacity)
,(opacitySetter "stroke-opacity" strokeOpacity, cssUniqueFloat strokeOpacity)
,("font-size" `parseIn` fontSize, cssUniqueNumber fontSize)
,(parserLastSetter "font-family" fontFamily (Just . commaSeparate)
(Just . intercalate ", "), fontFamilyParser)
,("fill-rule" `parseIn` fillRule, cssIdentAttr fillRule)
,("clip-rule" `parseIn` clipRule, cssIdentAttr clipRule)
,("mask" `parseIn` maskRef, cssElementRefSetter maskRef)
,(classSetter, cssNullSetter)
,("id" `parseIn` attrId, cssMayStringSetter attrId)
,("stroke-dashoffset" `parseIn` strokeOffset,
cssUniqueNumber strokeOffset)
,("stroke-dasharray" `parseIn` strokeDashArray, cssDashArray strokeDashArray)
,("text-anchor" `parseIn` textAnchor, cssIdentAttr textAnchor)
,("clip-path" `parseIn` clipPathRef, cssElementRefSetter clipPathRef)
,("marker-end" `parseIn` markerEnd, cssElementRefSetter markerEnd)
,("marker-start" `parseIn` markerStart, cssElementRefSetter markerStart)
,("marker-mid" `parseIn` markerMid, cssElementRefSetter markerMid)
,("filter" `parseIn` filterRef, cssNullSetter)
commaSeparate =
fmap (T.unpack . T.strip) . T.split (',' ==) . T.pack
serializeDashArray :: [Number] -> String
serializeDashArray =
intercalate ", " . fmap serializeNumber
instance XMLUpdatable DrawAttributes where
attributes =
styleAttribute drawAttributesList : fmap fst drawAttributesList
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeNode
styleAttribute :: [(SvgAttributeLens a, CssUpdater a)] -> SvgAttributeLens a
styleAttribute styleAttrs = SvgAttributeLens
{ _attributeName = "style"
, _attributeUpdater = updater
, _attributeSerializer = const Nothing
updater attrs style = case parse styleString style of
Nothing -> attrs
Just decls -> foldl' applyer attrs decls
cssUpdaters = [(T.pack $ _attributeName n, u) | (n, u) <- styleAttrs]
applyer value (CssDeclaration txt elems) =
case lookup txt cssUpdaters of
Nothing -> value
Just f -> f value elems
instance XMLUpdatable Rectangle where
xmlTagName _ = "rect"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes =
["width" `parseIn` rectWidth
,"height" `parseIn` rectHeight
,"x" `parseIn` (rectUpperLeftCorner._1)
,"y" `parseIn` (rectUpperLeftCorner._2)
,"rx" `parseIn` (rectCornerRadius._1)
,"ry" `parseIn` (rectCornerRadius._2)
instance XMLUpdatable Image where
xmlTagName _ = "image"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes =
["width" `parseIn` imageWidth
,"height" `parseIn` imageHeight
,"x" `parseIn` (imageCornerUpperLeft._1)
,"y" `parseIn` (imageCornerUpperLeft._2)
,parserSetter "href" imageHref (Just . dropSharp) Just
,"preserveAspectRatio" `parseIn` imageAspectRatio
instance XMLUpdatable Line where
xmlTagName _ = "line"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes =
["x1" `parseIn` (linePoint1._1)
,"y1" `parseIn` (linePoint1._2)
,"x2" `parseIn` (linePoint2._1)
,"y2" `parseIn` (linePoint2._2)
instance XMLUpdatable Ellipse where
xmlTagName _ = "ellipse"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes =
["cx" `parseIn` (ellipseCenter._1)
,"cy" `parseIn` (ellipseCenter._2)
,"rx" `parseIn` ellipseXRadius
,"ry" `parseIn` ellipseYRadius
instance XMLUpdatable Circle where
xmlTagName _ = "circle"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes =
["cx" `parseIn` (circleCenter._1)
,"cy" `parseIn` (circleCenter._2)
,"r" `parseIn` circleRadius
instance XMLUpdatable Mask where
xmlTagName _ = "mask"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _maskContent node $
genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node
attributes =
["x" `parseIn` (maskPosition._1)
,"y" `parseIn` (maskPosition._2)
,"width" `parseIn` maskWidth
,"height" `parseIn` maskHeight
,"maskContentUnits" `parseIn` maskContentUnits
,"maskUnits" `parseIn` maskUnits
instance XMLUpdatable ClipPath where
xmlTagName _ = "clipPath"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _clipPathContent node $
genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node
attributes =
["clipPathUnits" `parseIn` clipPathUnits]
instance XMLUpdatable Polygon where
xmlTagName _ = "polygon"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes = ["points" `parseIn` polygonPoints]
instance XMLUpdatable PolyLine where
xmlTagName _ = "polyline"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes = ["points" `parseIn` polyLinePoints]
instance XMLUpdatable Path where
xmlTagName _ = "path"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes = ["d" `parseIn` pathDefinition]
instance XMLUpdatable MeshGradientPatch where
xmlTagName _ = "meshpatch"
attributes = []
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _meshGradientPatchStops node $ genericSerializeNode node
instance XMLUpdatable MeshGradientRow where
xmlTagName _ = "meshrow"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _meshGradientRowPatches node $ genericSerializeNode node
attributes = []
instance XMLUpdatable MeshGradient where
xmlTagName _ = "meshgradient"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _meshGradientRows node $ genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node
attributes =
["x" `parseIn` meshGradientX
,"y" `parseIn` meshGradientY
,"type" `parseIn` meshGradientType
,"gradientUnits" `parseIn` meshGradientUnits
,"gradientTransform" `parseIn` meshGradientTransform
instance XMLUpdatable LinearGradient where
xmlTagName _ = "linearGradient"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _linearGradientStops node $ genericSerializeNode node
attributes =
["gradientTransform" `parseIn` linearGradientTransform
,"gradientUnits" `parseIn` linearGradientUnits
,"spreadMethod" `parseIn` linearGradientSpread
,"x1" `parseIn` (linearGradientStart._1)
,"y1" `parseIn` (linearGradientStart._2)
,"x2" `parseIn` (linearGradientStop._1)
,"y2" `parseIn` (linearGradientStop._2)
instance XMLUpdatable Tree where
xmlTagName _ = "TREE"
attributes = []
serializeTreeNode e = case e of
None -> Nothing
UseTree u _ -> serializeTreeNode u
GroupTree g -> serializeTreeNode g
SymbolTree s -> serializeTreeNode s
DefinitionTree d -> serializeTreeNode d
FilterTree g -> serializeTreeNode g
PathTree p -> serializeTreeNode p
CircleTree c -> serializeTreeNode c
PolyLineTree p -> serializeTreeNode p
PolygonTree p -> serializeTreeNode p
EllipseTree el -> serializeTreeNode el
LineTree l -> serializeTreeNode l
RectangleTree r -> serializeTreeNode r
TextTree Nothing t -> serializeTreeNode t
ImageTree i -> serializeTreeNode i
LinearGradientTree l -> serializeTreeNode l
RadialGradientTree r -> serializeTreeNode r
MeshGradientTree m -> serializeTreeNode m
PatternTree p -> serializeTreeNode p
MarkerTree m -> serializeTreeNode m
MaskTree m -> serializeTreeNode m
ClipPathTree c -> serializeTreeNode c
TextTree (Just p) t -> do
textNode <- serializeTreeNode t
pathNode <- serializeTreeNode p
let sub = [X.Elem . setChildren pathNode $ X.elContent textNode]
return $ setChildren textNode sub
isNotNone :: Tree -> Bool
isNotNone None = False
isNotNone _ = True
instance XMLUpdatable (Group Tree) where
xmlTagName _ = "g"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor (filter isNotNone . _groupChildren) node $
genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node
attributes = []
instance XMLUpdatable (Symbol Tree) where
xmlTagName _ = "symbol"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor (filter isNotNone . _groupChildren . _groupOfSymbol) node $
genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node
attributes =
["viewBox" `parseIn` (groupOfSymbol . groupViewBox)
,"preserveAspectRatio" `parseIn` (groupOfSymbol . groupAspectRatio)
instance XMLUpdatable (Definitions Tree) where
xmlTagName _ = "defs"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor (filter isNotNone . _groupChildren . _groupOfDefinitions) node $
genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node
attributes =
["viewBox" `parseIn` (groupOfDefinitions . groupViewBox)
,"preserveAspectRatio" `parseIn` (groupOfDefinitions . groupAspectRatio)
instance XMLUpdatable Filter where
xmlTagName _ = "filter"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _filterChildren node $
genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node
attributes =
[ "width" `parseIn` filterWidth
, "height" `parseIn` filterHeight
, "x" `parseIn` filterX
, "y" `parseIn` filterY ]
instance XMLUpdatable FilterElement where
xmlTagName _ = "FilterElement"
serializeTreeNode fe = flip mergeAttributes <$> (genericSerializeNode fe) <*>
case fe of
FEColorMatrix m -> serializeTreeNode m
FEComposite c -> serializeTreeNode c
FEGaussianBlur b -> serializeTreeNode b
attributes =
[ "result" `parseIn` (filterAttributes . filterResult)]
instance XMLUpdatable ColorMatrix where
xmlTagName _ = "feColorMatrix"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes =
[ "in" `parseIn` colorMatrixIn
, "type" `parseIn` colorMatrixType
, "values" `parseIn` colorMatrixValues ]
instance XMLUpdatable Composite where
xmlTagName _ = "feComposite"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes =
[ "in" `parseIn` compositeIn
, "in2" `parseIn` compositeIn2
, "operator" `parseIn` compositeOperator
, "k1" `parseIn` compositeK1
, "k2" `parseIn` compositeK2
, "k3" `parseIn` compositeK3
, "k4" `parseIn` compositeK4 ]
instance XMLUpdatable GaussianBlur where
xmlTagName _ = "feGaussianBlur"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes =
[ "in" `parseIn` gaussianBlurIn
, "stdDeviation" `parseIn` lensProduct gaussianBlurStdDeviationX gaussianBlurStdDeviationY
, "edgeMode" `parseIn` gaussianBlurEdgeMode ]
instance XMLUpdatable RadialGradient where
xmlTagName _ = "radialGradient"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _radialGradientStops node $ genericSerializeNode node
attributes =
["gradientTransform" `parseIn` radialGradientTransform
,"gradientUnits" `parseIn` radialGradientUnits
,"spreadMethod" `parseIn` radialGradientSpread
,"cx" `parseIn` (radialGradientCenter._1)
,"cy" `parseIn` (radialGradientCenter._2)
,"r" `parseIn` radialGradientRadius
,"fx" `parseIn` radialGradientFocusX
,"fy" `parseIn` radialGradientFocusY
instance XMLUpdatable Use where
xmlTagName _ = "use"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeWithDrawAttr
attributes =
["x" `parseIn` (useBase._1)
,"y" `parseIn` (useBase._2)
,"width" `parseIn` useWidth
,"height" `parseIn` useHeight
,parserSetter "href" useName (Just . dropSharp) (Just . ('#':))
dropSharp :: String -> String
dropSharp ('#':rest) = rest
dropSharp a = a
instance XMLUpdatable TextInfo where
xmlTagName _ = "tspan"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeNode
attributes =
[parserSetter "x" textInfoX (parse dashArray) dashNotEmpty
,parserSetter "y" textInfoY (parse dashArray) dashNotEmpty
,parserSetter "dx" textInfoDX (parse dashArray) dashNotEmpty
,parserSetter "dy" textInfoDY (parse dashArray) dashNotEmpty
,parserSetter "rotate" textInfoRotate
(parse numberList)
,"textLength" `parseIn` textInfoLength
dashNotEmpty [] = Nothing
dashNotEmpty lst = Just $ serializeDashArray lst
rotateNotEmpty [] = Nothing
rotateNotEmpty lst =
Just . unwords $ printf "%g" <$> lst
instance XMLUpdatable TextPath where
xmlTagName _ = "textPath"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeNode
attributes =
["startOffset" `parseIn` textPathStartOffset
,"method" `parseIn` textPathMethod
,"spacing" `parseIn` textPathSpacing
,parserSetter "href" textPathName (Just . dropSharp) (Just . ('#':))
instance XMLUpdatable Text where
xmlTagName _ = "text"
serializeTreeNode = serializeText
attributes = ["lengthAdjust" `parseIn` textAdjust]
instance XMLUpdatable Pattern where
xmlTagName _ = "pattern"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _patternElements node $ genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node
attributes =
["viewBox" `parseIn` patternViewBox
,"patternUnits" `parseIn` patternUnit
,"width" `parseIn` patternWidth
,"height" `parseIn` patternHeight
,"x" `parseIn` (patternPos._1)
,"y" `parseIn` (patternPos._2)
,"preserveAspectRatio" `parseIn` patternAspectRatio
,parserSetter "href" patternHref (Just . dropSharp) (Just . ('#':))
,"patternTransform" `parseIn` patternTransform
instance XMLUpdatable Marker where
xmlTagName _ = "marker"
serializeTreeNode node =
updateWithAccessor _markerElements node $ genericSerializeWithDrawAttr node
attributes =
["refX" `parseIn` (markerRefPoint._1)
,"refY" `parseIn` (markerRefPoint._2)
,"markerWidth" `parseIn` markerWidth
,"markerHeight" `parseIn` markerHeight
,"patternUnits" `parseIn` markerUnits
,"orient" `parseIn` markerOrient
,"viewBox" `parseIn` markerViewBox
,"overflow" `parseIn` markerOverflow
,"preserveAspectRatio" `parseIn` markerAspectRatio
serializeText :: Text -> Maybe X.Element
serializeText topText = namedNode where
namedNode = fmap (\x -> x { X.elName = X.unqual "text" }) topNode
topNode = serializeSpan $ _textRoot topText
serializeSpan tspan = case (info, drawInfo) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just a, Nothing) -> Just $ setChildren a subContent
(Nothing, Just b) -> Just $ setChildren b subContent
(Just a, Just b) ->
Just $ setChildren (mergeAttributes a b) subContent
info = genericSerializeNode $ _spanInfo tspan
drawInfo = genericSerializeNode $ _spanDrawAttributes tspan
subContent = catMaybes $ serializeContent <$> _spanContent tspan
serializeContent (SpanText t) = Just . X.Text $ X.blank_cdata { X.cdData = T.unpack t }
serializeContent (SpanTextRef _t) = Just . X.Text $ X.blank_cdata { X.cdData = "" }
serializeContent (SpanSub sub) = X.Elem <$> serializeSpan sub
unparseText :: [X.Content] -> ([TextSpanContent], Maybe TextPath)
unparseText = extractResult . go True
extractResult (a, b, _) = (a, b)
go startStrip [] = ([], Nothing, startStrip)
go startStrip (X.CRef _:rest) = go startStrip rest
go startStrip (X.Elem e@(nodeName -> "tspan"):rest) =
(SpanSub spans : trest, mpath, retStrip)
(trest, mpath, retStrip) = go restStrip rest
(sub, _, restStrip) = go startStrip $ X.elContent e
spans = TextSpan (xmlUnparse e) (xmlUnparse e) sub
go startStrip (X.Elem e@(nodeName -> "tref"):rest) =
case attributeFinder "href" e of
Nothing -> go startStrip rest
Just v -> (SpanTextRef v : trest, mpath, stripRet)
where (trest, mpath, stripRet) = go startStrip rest
go startStrip (X.Elem e@(nodeName -> "textPath"):rest) =
case attributeFinder "href" e of
Nothing -> go startStrip rest
Just v -> (tsub ++ trest, pure p, retStrp)
p = (xmlUnparse e) { _textPathName = dropSharp v }
(trest, _, retStrp) = go restStrip rest
(tsub, _, restStrip) = go startStrip $ X.elContent e
go startStrip (X.Elem _:rest) = go startStrip rest
go startStrip (X.Text t:rest)
| T.length cleanText == 0 = go startStrip rest
| otherwise =
(SpanText cleanText : trest, mpath, stripRet)
(trest, mpath, stripRet) = go subShouldStrip rest
subShouldStrip = T.pack " " `T.isSuffixOf` cleanText
space = T.singleton ' '
singulariseSpaces tt
| space `T.isPrefixOf` tt = space
| otherwise = tt
stripStart | startStrip = T.stripStart
| otherwise = id
cleanText = stripStart
. T.concat
. fmap singulariseSpaces
. T.groupBy (\a b -> (a /= ' ' && b /= ' ') || a == b)
. T.filter (\c -> c /= '\n' && c /= '\r')
. T.map (\c -> if c == '\t' then ' ' else c)
. T.pack
$ X.cdData t
gradientOffsetSetter :: SvgAttributeLens GradientStop
gradientOffsetSetter = SvgAttributeLens "offset" setter serialize
serialize a = Just $ printf "%d%%" percentage
where percentage = floor . (100 *) $ a ^. gradientOffset :: Int
setter el str = el & gradientOffset .~ val
val = realToFrac $ case parseMayStartDot complexNumber str of
Nothing -> 0
Just (Num n) -> n
Just (Px n) -> n
Just (Percent n) -> n
Just (Em n) -> n
Just (Pc n) -> n
Just (Mm n) -> n
Just (Cm n) -> n
Just (Point n) -> n
Just (Inches n) -> n
instance XMLUpdatable GradientStop where
xmlTagName _ = "stop"
serializeTreeNode = genericSerializeNode
attributes = styleAttribute cssAvailable : fmap fst cssAvailable ++ lst where
cssAvailable :: [(SvgAttributeLens GradientStop, CssUpdater GradientStop)]
cssAvailable =
[(opacitySetter "stop-opacity" gradientOpacity, (cssUniqueFloat gradientOpacity))
,("stop-color" `parseIn` gradientColor, cssUniqueColor gradientColor)
lst =
,"path" `parseIn` gradientPath
parseGradientStops :: X.Element -> [GradientStop]
parseGradientStops = concatMap unStop . elChildren
unStop e@(nodeName -> "stop") = [xmlUnparse e]
unStop _ = []
parseMeshGradientPatches :: X.Element -> [MeshGradientPatch]
parseMeshGradientPatches = foldMap unparsePatch . elChildren where
unparsePatch e@(nodeName -> "meshpatch") = [MeshGradientPatch $ parseGradientStops e]
unparsePatch _ = []
parseMeshGradientRows :: X.Element -> [MeshGradientRow]
parseMeshGradientRows = foldMap unRows . elChildren where
unRows e@(nodeName -> "meshrow") = [MeshGradientRow $ parseMeshGradientPatches e]
unRows _ = []
unparseFE :: X.Element -> FilterElement
unparseFE _ = FENone
unparse :: X.Element -> Tree
unparse e@(nodeName -> "pattern") =
PatternTree $ xmlUnparse e & patternElements .~ map unparse (elChildren e)
unparse e@(nodeName -> "marker") =
MarkerTree $ xmlUnparseWithDrawAttr e & markerElements .~ map unparse (elChildren e)
unparse e@(nodeName -> "mask") =
MaskTree $ xmlUnparseWithDrawAttr e & maskContent .~ map unparse (elChildren e)
unparse e@(nodeName -> "clipPath") =
ClipPathTree $ xmlUnparseWithDrawAttr e & clipPathContent .~ map unparse (elChildren e)
unparse (nodeName -> "style") = None
unparse e@(nodeName -> "defs") =
DefinitionTree . Definitions $ groupNode & groupChildren .~ map unparse (elChildren e)
groupNode :: Group Tree
groupNode = _groupOfSymbol $ xmlUnparseWithDrawAttr e
unparse e@(nodeName -> "filter") =
FilterTree $ xmlUnparseWithDrawAttr e & filterChildren .~ map unparseFE (elChildren e)
unparse e@(nodeName -> "symbol") =
SymbolTree . Symbol $ groupNode & groupChildren .~ map unparse (elChildren e)
groupNode :: Group Tree
groupNode = _groupOfSymbol $ xmlUnparseWithDrawAttr e
unparse e@(nodeName -> "g") =
GroupTree $ xmlUnparseWithDrawAttr e & groupChildren .~ map unparse (elChildren e)
unparse e@(nodeName -> "text") =
TextTree tPath $ xmlUnparse e & textRoot .~ root
(textContent, tPath) = unparseText $ X.elContent e
root = TextSpan
{ _spanInfo = xmlUnparse e
, _spanDrawAttributes = xmlUnparse e
, _spanContent = textContent
unparse e = case nodeName e of
"image" -> ImageTree parsed
"ellipse" -> EllipseTree parsed
"rect" -> RectangleTree parsed
"polyline" -> PolyLineTree parsed
"polygon" -> PolygonTree parsed
"circle" -> CircleTree parsed
"line" -> LineTree parsed
"path" -> PathTree parsed
"linearGradient" ->
LinearGradientTree $ parsed & linearGradientStops .~ parseGradientStops e
"radialGradient" ->
RadialGradientTree $ parsed & radialGradientStops .~ parseGradientStops e
"meshgradient" ->
MeshGradientTree $ parsed & meshGradientRows .~ parseMeshGradientRows e
"use" -> UseTree parsed Nothing
_ -> None
parsed :: (WithDefaultSvg a, XMLUpdatable a, HasDrawAttributes a) => a
parsed = xmlUnparseWithDrawAttr e
unparseDocument :: FilePath -> X.Element -> Maybe Document
unparseDocument rootLocation e@(nodeName -> "svg") = Just Document
{ _viewBox =
attributeFinder "viewBox" e >>= parse viewBoxParser
, _elements = parsedElements
, _width = lengthFind "width"
, _height = lengthFind "height"
, _definitions = defs
, _description = ""
, _documentLocation = rootLocation
parsedElements = map unparse $ elChildren e
defs = foldl' (foldTree worker) M.empty parsedElements
worker m t =
case t ^.drawAttributes.attrId of
Nothing -> m
Just tid -> M.insert tid t m
lengthFind n =
attributeFinder n e >>= parse complexNumber
unparseDocument _ _ = Nothing
xmlOfDocument :: Document -> X.Element
xmlOfDocument doc =
X.node (X.unqual "svg") (attrs, descTag ++ children)
attr name = X.Attr (X.unqual name)
children = catMaybes [serializeTreeNode el | el <- _elements doc]
docViewBox = case _viewBox doc of
Nothing -> []
Just b -> [attr "viewBox" $ serializeViewBox b]
descTag = case _description doc of
"" -> []
txt -> [X.node (X.unqual "desc") txt]
attrs =
docViewBox ++
[attr "xmlns" "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
,attr "xmlns:xlink" "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
,attr "version" "1.1"] ++
catMaybes [attr "width" . serializeNumber <$> _width doc
,attr "height" . serializeNumber <$> _height doc
xmlOfTree :: Tree -> Maybe X.Element
xmlOfTree = serializeTreeNode