module Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib(
, SMTLibConverter
, toSMTLib2
, addNonEqConstraints
, interpretSolverOutput
, interpretSolverOutputMulti
, interpretSolverParetoOutput
, interpretSolverModelLine
, interpretSolverObjectiveLine
) where
import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Data.SBV.Core.Data
import Data.SBV.Provers.SExpr
import qualified Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib2 as SMT2
import qualified Data.Set as Set (Set, member, toList)
type SMTLibConverter = Set.Set Kind
-> Bool
-> [String]
-> [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)]
-> [Either SW (SW, [SW])]
-> [(SW, CW)]
-> [((Int, Kind, Kind), [SW])]
-> [(Int, ArrayInfo)]
-> [(String, SBVType)]
-> [(String, [String])]
-> SBVPgm
-> [(Maybe String, SW)]
-> SW
-> SMTConfig
-> CaseCond
-> SMTLibPgm
toSMTLib2 :: SMTLibConverter
toSMTLib2 = cvt SMTLib2
where cvt v kindInfo isSat comments qinps skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs asgnsSeq cstrs out config caseSelectors
| KUnbounded `Set.member` kindInfo && not (supportsUnboundedInts solverCaps)
= unsupported "unbounded integers"
| KReal `Set.member` kindInfo && not (supportsReals solverCaps)
= unsupported "algebraic reals"
| needsFloats && not (supportsFloats solverCaps)
= unsupported "single-precision floating-point numbers"
| needsDoubles && not (supportsDoubles solverCaps)
= unsupported "double-precision floating-point numbers"
| needsQuantifiers && not (supportsQuantifiers solverCaps)
= unsupported "quantifiers"
| not (null sorts) && not (supportsUninterpretedSorts solverCaps)
= unsupported "uninterpreted sorts"
| needsOptimization && not (supportsOptimization solverCaps)
= unsupported "optimization routines"
| not $ null needsUniversalOpt
= unsupportedAll $ "optimization of universally quantified metric(s): " ++ unwords needsUniversalOpt
| True
= SMTLibPgm v pgm
where sorts = [s | KUserSort s _ <- Set.toList kindInfo]
solverCaps = capabilities (solver config)
unsupported w = error $ unlines [ "SBV: Given problem needs " ++ w
, "*** Which is not supported by SBV for the chosen solver: " ++ capSolverName solverCaps
unsupportedAll w = error $ unlines [ "SBV: Given problem needs " ++ w
, "*** Which is not supported by SBV."
converter = case v of
SMTLib2 -> SMT2.cvt
pgm = converter kindInfo isSat comments qinps skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs asgnsSeq cstrs out config caseSelectors
needsFloats = KFloat `Set.member` kindInfo
needsDoubles = KDouble `Set.member` kindInfo
(needsOptimization, needsUniversalOpt) = case caseSelectors of
Opt ss -> let universals = [s | (ALL, (s, _)) <- qinps]
check (x, y) = any (`elem` universals) [x, y]
isUniversal (Maximize nm xy) | check xy = [nm]
isUniversal (Minimize nm xy) | check xy = [nm]
isUniversal _ = []
in (True, concatMap isUniversal ss)
_ -> (False, [])
| isSat = ALL `elem` quantifiers
| True = EX `elem` quantifiers
where quantifiers = map fst qinps
addNonEqConstraints :: SMTLibVersion -> RoundingMode -> [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -> [[(String, CW)]] -> Maybe [String]
addNonEqConstraints SMTLib2 = SMT2.addNonEqConstraints
interpretSolverOutput :: SMTConfig -> ([String] -> SMTModel) -> [String] -> SMTResult
interpretSolverOutput cfg _ ("unsat":ucCore) = Unsatisfiable cfg $ parseUnsatCore (getUnsatCore cfg) ucCore
interpretSolverOutput cfg extractMap ("unknown":rest) = Unknown cfg $ extractMap rest
interpretSolverOutput cfg extractMap ("sat":rest) = classifyModel cfg $ extractMap rest
interpretSolverOutput cfg _ ("timeout":_) = TimeOut cfg
interpretSolverOutput cfg _ ls = ProofError cfg ls
parseUnsatCore :: Bool -> [String] -> Maybe [String]
parseUnsatCore False _ = Nothing
parseUnsatCore True ls = Just $ concatMap getLabels ls
where getLabels s = case parseSExpr s of
Left e -> bad e
Right (EApp xs) -> let result = map grab xs
in if all isJust result
then map fromJust result
else bad "Unexpected non-label construct"
Right _ -> bad "Unexpected response from the solver"
where grab (ECon l) = Just $ noBar l
grab _ = Nothing
noBar = reverse . dropWhile bar . reverse . dropWhile bar
bar = (== '|')
bad e = error $ unlines [ "SBV: Cannot extract an unsat core:"
, " Received: " ++ show s
, " Reason : " ++ e
classifyModel :: SMTConfig -> SMTModel -> SMTResult
classifyModel cfg m = case filter (not . isRegularCW . snd) (modelObjectives m) of
[] -> Satisfiable cfg m
_ -> SatExtField cfg m
interpretSolverOutputMulti :: Int -> SMTConfig -> ([String] -> SMTModel) -> [String] -> [SMTResult]
interpretSolverOutputMulti n cfg extractMap outLines
| degenerate
= replicate n $ interpretSolverOutput cfg extractMap preModels
| n /= lms
= error $ "SBV: Expected " ++ show n ++ " models, received: " ++ show lms ++ ":\n" ++ unlines outLines
| True
= map (interpretSolverOutput cfg extractMap) multiModels
where degenerate = case outLines of
("sat" :_) -> False
("unknown":_) -> False
_ -> True
(preModels, postModels) = case break (== "(sbv_objective_model_marker)") outLines of
(pre, _:post) -> (pre, post)
r -> r
walk [] sofar = reverse sofar
walk xs sofar = case break (== "(sbv_objective_model_marker)") xs of
(g, []) -> walk [] (g:sofar)
(g, _:rest) -> walk rest (g:sofar)
multiModels = map (preModels ++) (walk postModels [])
lms = length multiModels
interpretSolverParetoOutput :: SMTConfig -> ([String] -> SMTModel) -> [String] -> [SMTResult]
interpretSolverParetoOutput cfg extractMap outLines
| null outLines
= cont []
| not isSAT
= cont [finalLine : initLines]
| True
= groupModels
where finalLine = last outLines
initLines = init outLines
isSAT = case words finalLine of
"sat":_ -> True
_ -> False
cont = map (interpretSolverOutput cfg extractMap)
groupModels = map grok $ cluster $ filter (not . irrelevant) initLines
irrelevant = null . dropWhile isSpace
cluster (x:y:rest) = (x, y) : cluster rest
cluster [] = []
cluster _ = error $ "SBV.pareto: Unable to parse pareto fronts from solver output. Uneven length:\n"
++ unlines outLines
grok :: (String, String) -> SMTResult
grok (obj, ms)
| "(objectives" `isPrefixOf` dropWhile isSpace obj
, "(model" `isPrefixOf` dropWhile isSpace ms
= classifyModel cfg $ extractMap [obj, ms]
| True
= error $ "SBV.pareto: Unable to parse pareto front from solver output:\n"
++ unlines [obj, ms]
++ "SBV.pareto: The bigger context is:"
++ unlines outLines
interpretSolverModelLine :: [NamedSymVar] -> String -> [(Int, (String, CW))]
interpretSolverModelLine inps line = either err (modelValues True inps line) (parseSExpr line)
where err r = error $ "*** Failed to parse SMT-Lib2 model output from: "
++ "*** " ++ show line ++ "\n"
++ "*** Reason: " ++ r ++ "\n"
identifyInput :: [NamedSymVar] -> SExpr -> Maybe (Int, SW, String)
identifyInput inps = classify
where classify (ECon v) = isInput v
classify (EApp (ECon v : _)) = isInput v
classify _ = Nothing
isInput ('s':v)
| all isDigit v = let inpId :: Int
inpId = read v
in case [(s, nm) | (s@(SW _ (NodeId n)), nm) <- inps, n == inpId] of
[] -> Nothing
[(s, nm)] -> Just (inpId, s, nm)
matches -> error $ "SBV.SMTLib: Cannot uniquely identify value for "
++ 's':v ++ " in " ++ show matches
isInput _ = Nothing
modelValues :: Bool -> [NamedSymVar] -> String -> SExpr -> [(Int, (String, CW))]
modelValues errOnUnrecognized inps line = extractModel
where getInput = identifyInput inps
getUIIndex (KUserSort _ (Right xs)) i = i `lookup` zip xs [0..]
getUIIndex _ _ = Nothing
extractModel (EApp (ECon "model" : rest)) = concatMap extractDefine rest
extractModel e = extract e
extractDefine (EApp (ECon "define-fun" : nm : EApp [] : ECon _ : rest)) = extract $ EApp [EApp (nm : rest)]
extractDefine r = error $ "SBV.SMTLib: Cannot extract value from model level define-fun:"
++ "\n\tInput: " ++ show line
++ "\n\tParse: " ++ show r
extract (EApp [EApp [v, ENum i]]) | Just (n, s, nm) <- getInput v = [(n, (nm, mkConstCW (kindOf s) (fst i)))]
extract (EApp [EApp [v, EReal i]]) | Just (n, s, nm) <- getInput v, isReal s = [(n, (nm, CW KReal (CWAlgReal i)))]
extract (EApp [EApp [v, EReal i]]) | Just (n, _, nm) <- getInput v = [(n, (nm, CW KReal (CWAlgReal i)))]
extract (EApp [EApp [v, ECon i]]) | Just (n, s, nm) <- getInput v, isUninterpreted s = let k = kindOf s in [(n, (nm, CW k (CWUserSort (getUIIndex k i, i))))]
extract (EApp [EApp [v, EDouble i]]) | Just (n, s, nm) <- getInput v, isDouble s = [(n, (nm, CW KDouble (CWDouble i)))]
extract (EApp [EApp [v, EFloat i]]) | Just (n, s, nm) <- getInput v, isFloat s = [(n, (nm, CW KFloat (CWFloat i)))]
extract (EApp (EApp (v : EApp (ECon "LAMBDA" : xs) : _) : _)) | Just{} <- getInput v, not (null xs) = extract (EApp [EApp [v, last xs]])
extract (EApp [EApp (v : r)])
| Just (_, _, nm) <- getInput v
, errOnUnrecognized
= error $ "SBV.SMTLib: Cannot extract value for " ++ show nm
++ "\n\tInput: " ++ show line
++ "\n\tParse: " ++ show r
extract _ = []
interpretSolverObjectiveLine :: [NamedSymVar] -> String -> [(Int, (String, GeneralizedCW))]
interpretSolverObjectiveLine inps line = either err extract (parseSExpr line)
where err r = error $ "*** Failed to parse SMT-Lib2 model output from: "
++ "*** " ++ show line ++ "\n"
++ "*** Reason: " ++ r ++ "\n"
getInput = identifyInput inps
extract :: SExpr -> [(Int, (String, GeneralizedCW))]
extract (EApp (ECon "objectives" : es)) = concatMap getObjValue es
extract _ = []
getObjValue :: SExpr -> [(Int, (String, GeneralizedCW))]
getObjValue e = case modelValues False inps line (EApp [e]) of
[] -> getUnboundedValues e
xs -> [(i, (s, RegularCW v)) | (i, (s, v)) <- xs]
getUnboundedValues :: SExpr -> [(Int, (String, GeneralizedCW))]
getUnboundedValues item = go item
where go (EApp [v, rest]) | Just (n, s, nm) <- getInput v = [(n, (nm, ExtendedCW (toGenCW (kindOf s) (simplify rest))))]
go _ = []
die r = error $ "SBV.SMTLib: Cannot convert objective value from solver output!"
++ "\n\tInput : " ++ show line
++ "\n\tParse : " ++ show r
++ "\n\tItem Parse: " ++ show item
toGenCW :: Kind -> SExpr -> ExtCW
toGenCW k = cvt
where cvt (ECon "oo") = Infinite k
cvt (ECon "epsilon") = Epsilon k
cvt (EApp [ECon "interval", x, y]) = Interval (cvt x) (cvt y)
cvt (ENum (i, _)) = BoundedCW $ mkConstCW k i
cvt (EReal r) = BoundedCW $ CW k $ CWAlgReal r
cvt (EFloat f) = BoundedCW $ CW k $ CWFloat f
cvt (EDouble d) = BoundedCW $ CW k $ CWDouble d
cvt (EApp [ECon "+", x, y]) = AddExtCW (cvt x) (cvt y)
cvt (EApp [ECon "*", x, y]) = MulExtCW (cvt x) (cvt y)
cvt e = die e
simplify :: SExpr -> SExpr
simplify (EApp [ECon "to_real", n]) = n
simplify (EApp xs) = EApp (map simplify xs)
simplify e = e
{-# ANN modelValues ("HLint: ignore Use elemIndex" :: String) #-}