-- |
-- Module      :  Data.SBV.Examples.Queries.GuessNumber
-- Copyright   :  (c) Levent Erkok
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- A simple number-guessing game implementation via queries. Clearly an
-- SMT solver is hardly needed for this problem, but it is a nice demo
-- for the interactive-query programming.

module Data.SBV.Examples.Queries.GuessNumber where

import Data.SBV
import Data.SBV.Control

-- | Use the backend solver to guess the number given as argument.
-- The number is assumed to be between @0@ and @1000@, and we use a simple
-- binary search. Returns the sequence of guesses we performed during
-- the search process.
guess :: Integer -> Symbolic [Integer]
guess input = do g <- sInteger "guess"

                 -- A simple loop to find the value in a query. lb and up
                 -- correspond to the current lower/upper bound we operate in.
                 let loop lb ub sofar = do

                          io $ putStrLn $ "Current bounds: " ++ show (lb, ub)

                          -- Assert the current bound:
                          constrain $ g .>= literal lb
                          constrain $ g .<= literal ub

                          -- Issue a check-sat
                          cs <- checkSat
                          case cs of
                            Unk   -> error "Too bad, solver said Unknown.." -- Won't really happen
                            Unsat ->
                                  -- This cannot happen! If it does, the input was
                                  -- not properly constrainted. Note that we found this
                                  -- by getting an Unsat, not by checking the value!
                                  error $ unlines [ "There's no solution!"
                                                  , "Guess sequence: " ++ show (reverse sofar)
                            Sat   -> do gv <- getValue g
                                        case gv `compare` input of
                                          EQ -> -- Got it, return:
                                                return (reverse (gv : sofar))
                                          LT -> -- Solver guess is too small, increase the lower bound:
                                                loop ((lb+1) `max` (lb + (input - lb) `div` 2)) ub (gv : sofar)
                                          GT -> -- Solver guess is too big, decrease the upper bound:
                                                loop lb ((ub-1) `min` (ub - (ub - input) `div` 2)) (gv : sofar)

                 -- Start the search
                 query $ loop 0 1000 []

-- | Play a round of the game, making the solver guess the secret number 42.
-- Note that you can generate a random-number and make the solver guess it too!
-- We have:
-- >>> play
-- Current bounds: (0,1000)
-- Current bounds: (0,521)
-- Current bounds: (21,521)
-- Current bounds: (31,521)
-- Current bounds: (36,521)
-- Current bounds: (39,521)
-- Current bounds: (40,521)
-- Current bounds: (41,521)
-- Current bounds: (42,521)
-- Solved in: 9 guesses:
--   1000 0 21 31 36 39 40 41 42
play :: IO ()
play = do gs <- runSMT (guess 42)
          putStrLn $ "Solved in: " ++ show (length gs) ++ " guesses:"
          putStrLn $ "  " ++ unwords (map show gs)