{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Schemas.Class where
import Control.Lens hiding (_Empty, Empty, enum, (<.>))
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.Biapplicative
import Data.Hashable
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Numeric.Natural
import Schemas.Internal
import Schemas.Untyped
class HasSchema a where
schema :: TypedSchema a
instance HasSchema () where
schema = mempty
instance HasSchema Bool where
schema = viaJSON "Boolean"
instance HasSchema Double where
schema = viaJSON "Number"
instance HasSchema Scientific where
schema = viaJSON "Number"
instance HasSchema Int where
schema = viaJSON "Integer"
instance HasSchema Integer where
schema = viaJSON "Integer"
instance HasSchema Natural where
schema = viaJSON "Integer"
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasSchema String where
schema = string
instance HasSchema Text where
schema = viaJSON "String"
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasSchema a => HasSchema [a] where
schema = list schema
instance (HasSchema a) => HasSchema (Vector a) where
schema = vector schema
instance (Eq a, Hashable a, HasSchema a) => HasSchema (HashSet a) where
schema = list schema
instance (HasSchema a) => HasSchema (NonEmpty a) where
schema = list schema
instance HasSchema a => HasSchema (Identity a) where
schema = dimap runIdentity Identity schema
deriving instance HasSchema SchemaName
instance HasSchema Schema where
schema = named "Schema" $ union'
[ alt "StringMap" $ prism' StringMap (\case StringMap x -> Just x ; _ -> Nothing)
, alt "Array" $ prism' Array (\case Array x -> Just x ; _ -> Nothing)
, alt "Enum" $ prism' Enum (\case Enum x -> Just x ; _ -> Nothing)
, alt "Record" $ prism' Record (\case Record x -> Just x ; _ -> Nothing)
, alt "Empty" _Empty
, alt "Prim" $ prism' Prim (\case Prim x -> Just x ; _ -> Nothing)
, altWith unionSchema "Union" _Union
, alt "OneOf" $ prism' OneOf (\case OneOf x -> Just x ; _ -> Nothing)
, altWith namedSchema "Named" $ prism' (uncurry Named) (\case Named s sc -> Just (s,sc) ; _ -> Nothing)
namedSchema = record $ (,) <$> field "name" fst <*> field "schema" snd
unionSchema = list (record $ (,) <$> field "constructor" fst <*> field "schema" snd)
instance HasSchema Field where
schema = record $
Field <$> field "schema" fieldSchema
<*> fmap (fromMaybe True) (optField "isRequired" (\x -> if isRequired x then Nothing else Just False))
instance HasSchema Value where
schema = viaJSON "JSON"
instance (HasSchema a, HasSchema b) => HasSchema (a,b) where
schema = record $ (,) <$> field "$1" fst <*> field "$2" snd
instance (HasSchema a, HasSchema b, HasSchema c) => HasSchema (a,b,c) where
schema = record $ (,,) <$> field "$1" (view _1) <*> field "$2" (view _2) <*> field "$3" (view _3)
instance (HasSchema a, HasSchema b, HasSchema c, HasSchema d) => HasSchema (a,b,c,d) where
schema =
$ (,,,)
<$> field "$1" (view _1)
<*> field "$2" (view _2)
<*> field "$3" (view _3)
<*> field "$4" (view _4)
instance (HasSchema a, HasSchema b, HasSchema c, HasSchema d, HasSchema e) => HasSchema (a,b,c,d,e) where
schema =
$ (,,,,)
<$> field "$1" (view _1)
<*> field "$2" (view _2)
<*> field "$3" (view _3)
<*> field "$4" (view _4)
<*> field "$5" (view _5)
instance (HasSchema a, HasSchema b) => HasSchema (Either a b) where
schema = union' [alt "Left" _Left, alt "Right" _Right]
<> union' [alt "left" _Left, alt "right" _Right]
instance (Eq key, Hashable key, HasSchema a, Key key) => HasSchema (HashMap key a) where
schema = dimap toKeyed fromKeyed $ stringMap schema
fromKeyed :: HashMap Text a -> HashMap key a
fromKeyed = Map.fromList . map (first fromKey) . Map.toList
toKeyed :: HashMap key a -> HashMap Text a
toKeyed = Map.fromList . map (first toKey) . Map.toList
class Key a where
fromKey :: Text -> a
toKey :: a -> Text
instance Key Text where
fromKey = id
toKey = id
instance Key String where
fromKey = unpack
toKey = pack
theSchema :: forall a . HasSchema a => Schema
theSchema = case extractSchema (schema @a) of x :| _ -> x
validatorsFor :: forall a . HasSchema a => Validators
validatorsFor = extractValidators (schema @a)
encode :: HasSchema a => a -> Value
encode = encodeWith schema
encodeTo :: HasSchema a => Schema -> Either [(Trace, Mismatch)] (a -> Value)
encodeTo = encodeToWith schema
decode :: HasSchema a => Value -> Either [(Trace, DecodeError)] a
decode = decodeWith schema
decodeFrom :: HasSchema a => Schema -> Either [(Trace, DecodeError)] (Value -> Either [(Trace, DecodeError)] a)
decodeFrom = decodeFromWith schema
coerce :: forall sub sup . (HasSchema sub, HasSchema sup) => Value -> Maybe Value
coerce = case isSubtypeOf (validatorsFor @sub) (theSchema @sub) (theSchema @sup) of
Right cast -> Just . cast
_ -> const Nothing
field :: HasSchema a => Text -> (from -> a) -> RecordFields from a
field = fieldWith schema
optField :: forall a from. HasSchema a => Text -> (from -> Maybe a) -> RecordFields from (Maybe a)
optField n get = optFieldWith (lmap get $ liftJust (schema @a)) n
:: forall a from e
. HasSchema a
=> Text
-> (from -> Either e a)
-> e
-> RecordFields from (Either e a)
optFieldEither n x e = optFieldGeneral (lmap x $ liftRight schema) n (Left e)
alt :: HasSchema a => Text -> Prism' from a -> UnionTag from
alt = altWith schema