simplistic-generics-2.0.0: Generic programming without too many type classes

Safe HaskellNone



Provides bare-bones zipper functionality to SRep and Holes.



data SZip ty w f where Source #

A value of type 'SZip ty w f' corresponds to a value of type 'SRep w f' with one of its leaves of type w ty absent. This is essentially a zipper for SRep.


Z_KH :: SZip ty w (K1 i ty) 
Z_L1 :: SZip ty w f -> SZip ty w (f :+: g) 
Z_R1 :: SZip ty w g -> SZip ty w (f :+: g) 
Z_PairL :: SZip ty w f -> SRep w g -> SZip ty w (f :*: g) 
Z_PairR :: SRep w f -> SZip ty w g -> SZip ty w (f :*: g) 
Z_M1 :: SMeta i t -> SZip ty w f -> SZip ty w (M1 i t f) 
(forall a. Eq (w a)) => Eq (SZip h w f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generics.Simplistic.Zipper


(==) :: SZip h w f -> SZip h w f -> Bool #

(/=) :: SZip h w f -> SZip h w f -> Bool #

(forall a. Show (w a)) => Show (SZip h w f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generics.Simplistic.Zipper


showsPrec :: Int -> SZip h w f -> ShowS #

show :: SZip h w f -> String #

showList :: [SZip h w f] -> ShowS #

plug :: SZip ty phi f -> phi ty -> SRep phi f Source #

We can transform a SZip into a SRep given we are provided with a value to plug into the identified position.

zipperMap :: (forall x. h x -> g x) -> SZip ty h f -> SZip ty g f Source #

Maps over a SZip

inr1 :: (x :*: y) t -> (Sum z x :*: y) t Source #

zipperRepZip :: SZip ty h f -> SRep w f -> Maybe (SRep (Sum ((:~:) ty) h :*: w) f) Source #

Given a z :: SZip ty h f and a r :: Rep w f, if z and r are made with the same constuctor we return a representation that contains both hs and ws in its leaves, except in one leaf of type ty. This is analogous to zipSRep.

zipSZip :: SZip ty h f -> SZip ty w f -> Maybe (SZip ty (h :*: w) f) Source #

Overlaps two zippers together; only succeeds if both zippers have the same constructor AND hole.

zipLeavesList :: SZip ty w f -> [Maybe (Exists w)] Source #

Analogous to repLeavesList

data Zipper c f g t where Source #

The Zipper datatype packages a SZip in a more standard presentation. A value of type Zipper c f g t represents a value of type SRep f t, where exactly one recursive leaf (of type t) carries a value of type g t, moreover, we also carry a proof that the constraint c holds.




type Zipper' kappa fam ann phi t = Zipper (CompoundCnstr kappa fam t) (HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi) (HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi) t Source #

Auxiliar type synonym for annotated fixpoints.

zippers :: forall kappa fam ann phi t. (forall a. Elem t fam => phi a -> Maybe (a :~: t)) -> HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi t -> [Zipper' kappa fam ann phi t] Source #

Given a function that checks wheter an arbitrary position is recursive and a value of t, returns all possible zippers ove t.

zipConstructorName :: SZip h w f -> String Source #

Retrieves the constructor name for a representation. WARNING; UNSAFE this function only works if f is the representation of a type constructed with GHC.Generics builtin mechanisms.