{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
, FunctionalDependencies
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, InstanceSigs
, OverloadedStrings
, RankNTypes
, ScopedTypeVariables
, TypeApplications
, TypeFamilies
, TypeInType
, TypeOperators
, UndecidableInstances
module Squeal.PostgreSQL.PQ
, connectdb
, finish
, withConnection
, lowerConnection
, PQ (PQ, unPQ)
, runPQ
, execPQ
, evalPQ
, IndexedMonadTransPQ (..)
, MonadPQ (..)
, LibPQ.Result
, LibPQ.Row
, ntuples
, getRow
, getRows
, nextRow
, firstRow
, liftResult
, LibPQ.ExecStatus (..)
, resultStatus
, resultErrorMessage
, resultErrorCode
, SquealException (..)
, PQState (..)
, okResult
, catchSqueal
, handleSqueal
, trySqueal
) where
import Control.Exception (Exception, throw)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Morph
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO (..), bracket, catch, handle, try)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Kind
import Data.Text (pack, Text)
import Data.Traversable
import Generics.SOP
import PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding (encodingBytes)
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as LibPQ
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Binary
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Manipulation
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as Strict
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as Strict
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as Strict
:: forall schemas io
. MonadIO io
=> ByteString
-> io (K LibPQ.Connection schemas)
connectdb = fmap K . liftIO . LibPQ.connectdb
finish :: MonadIO io => K LibPQ.Connection schemas -> io ()
finish = liftIO . LibPQ.finish . unK
:: forall schemas0 schemas1 io x
. MonadUnliftIO io
=> ByteString
-> PQ schemas0 schemas1 io x
-> io x
withConnection connString action = do
K x <- bracket (connectdb connString) finish (unPQ action)
return x
:: K LibPQ.Connection (schema ': schemas)
-> K LibPQ.Connection schemas
lowerConnection (K conn) = K conn
newtype PQ
(schemas0 :: SchemasType)
(schemas1 :: SchemasType)
(m :: Type -> Type)
(x :: Type) =
PQ { unPQ :: K LibPQ.Connection schemas0 -> m (K x schemas1) }
instance Monad m => Functor (PQ schemas0 schemas1 m) where
fmap f (PQ pq) = PQ $ \ conn -> do
K x <- pq conn
return $ K (f x)
:: Functor m
=> PQ schemas0 schemas1 m x
-> K LibPQ.Connection schemas0
-> m (x, K LibPQ.Connection schemas1)
runPQ (PQ pq) conn = (\ x -> (unK x, K (unK conn))) <$> pq conn
:: Functor m
=> PQ schemas0 schemas1 m x
-> K LibPQ.Connection schemas0
-> m (K LibPQ.Connection schemas1)
execPQ (PQ pq) conn = mapKK (\ _ -> unK conn) <$> pq conn
:: Functor m
=> PQ schemas0 schemas1 m x
-> K LibPQ.Connection schemas0
-> m x
evalPQ (PQ pq) conn = unK <$> pq conn
class IndexedMonadTransPQ pq where
:: Monad m
=> pq schemas0 schemas1 m (x -> y)
-> pq schemas1 schemas2 m x
-> pq schemas0 schemas2 m y
:: Monad m
=> pq schemas0 schemas1 m (pq schemas1 schemas2 m y)
-> pq schemas0 schemas2 m y
pqJoin pq = pq & pqBind id
:: Monad m
=> (x -> pq schemas1 schemas2 m y)
-> pq schemas0 schemas1 m x
-> pq schemas0 schemas2 m y
:: Monad m
=> pq schemas1 schemas2 m y
-> pq schemas0 schemas1 m x
-> pq schemas0 schemas2 m y
pqThen pq2 pq1 = pq1 & pqBind (\ _ -> pq2)
:: Monad m
=> (y -> pq schemas1 schemas2 m z)
-> (x -> pq schemas0 schemas1 m y)
-> x -> pq schemas0 schemas2 m z
pqAndThen g f x = pqBind g (f x)
:: MonadIO io
=> Definition schemas0 schemas1
-> pq schemas0 schemas1 io ()
instance IndexedMonadTransPQ PQ where
pqAp (PQ f) (PQ x) = PQ $ \ conn -> do
K f' <- f conn
K x' <- x (K (unK conn))
return $ K (f' x')
pqBind f (PQ x) = PQ $ \ conn -> do
K x' <- x conn
unPQ (f x') (K (unK conn))
define (UnsafeDefinition q) = PQ $ \ (K conn) -> do
resultMaybe <- liftIO $ LibPQ.exec conn q
case resultMaybe of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException
"define: LibPQ.exec returned no results"
Just result -> K <$> okResult_ result
class Monad pq => MonadPQ schemas pq | pq -> schemas where
:: ToParams x params
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys
-> x -> pq (K LibPQ.Result ys)
default manipulateParams
:: (MonadTrans t, MonadPQ schemas pq1, pq ~ t pq1)
=> ToParams x params
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys
-> x -> pq (K LibPQ.Result ys)
manipulateParams manipulation params = lift $
manipulateParams manipulation params
:: ToParams x params
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params '[]
-> x -> pq ()
manipulateParams_ q x = void $ manipulateParams q x
manipulate :: Manipulation '[] schemas '[] ys -> pq (K LibPQ.Result ys)
manipulate statement = manipulateParams statement ()
manipulate_ :: Manipulation '[] schemas '[] '[] -> pq ()
manipulate_ = void . manipulate
:: ToParams x params
=> Query '[] '[] schemas params ys
-> x -> pq (K LibPQ.Result ys)
runQueryParams = manipulateParams . queryStatement
:: Query '[] '[] schemas '[] ys
-> pq (K LibPQ.Result ys)
runQuery q = runQueryParams q ()
:: (ToParams x params, Traversable list)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys
-> list x -> pq (list (K LibPQ.Result ys))
default traversePrepared
:: (MonadTrans t, MonadPQ schemas pq1, pq ~ t pq1)
=> (ToParams x params, Traversable list)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys -> list x -> pq (list (K LibPQ.Result ys))
traversePrepared manipulation params = lift $
traversePrepared manipulation params
:: (ToParams x params, Traversable list)
=> list x
-> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys
-> pq (list (K LibPQ.Result ys))
forPrepared = flip traversePrepared
:: (ToParams x params, Foldable list)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params '[]
-> list x -> pq ()
default traversePrepared_
:: (MonadTrans t, MonadPQ schemas pq1, pq ~ t pq1)
=> (ToParams x params, Foldable list)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params '[]
-> list x -> pq ()
traversePrepared_ manipulation params = lift $
traversePrepared_ manipulation params
:: (ToParams x params, Foldable list)
=> list x
-> Manipulation '[] schemas params '[]
-> pq ()
forPrepared_ = flip traversePrepared_
liftPQ :: (LibPQ.Connection -> IO a) -> pq a
default liftPQ
:: (MonadTrans t, MonadPQ schemas pq1, pq ~ t pq1)
=> (LibPQ.Connection -> IO a) -> pq a
liftPQ = lift . liftPQ
instance (MonadIO io, schemas0 ~ schemas, schemas1 ~ schemas)
=> MonadPQ schemas (PQ schemas0 schemas1 io) where
(UnsafeManipulation q :: Manipulation '[] schemas ps ys) (params :: x) =
PQ $ \ (K conn) -> do
toParam' encoding =
(LibPQ.invalidOid, encodingBytes encoding, LibPQ.Binary)
params' = fmap (fmap toParam') (hcollapse (toParams @x @ps params))
q' = q <> ";"
resultMaybe <- liftIO $ LibPQ.execParams conn q' params' LibPQ.Binary
case resultMaybe of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException
"manipulateParams: LibPQ.execParams returned no results"
Just result -> do
okResult_ result
return $ K (K result)
(UnsafeManipulation q :: Manipulation '[] schemas xs ys) (list :: list x) =
PQ $ \ (K conn) -> liftIO $ do
let temp = "temporary_statement"
prepResultMaybe <- LibPQ.prepare conn temp q Nothing
case prepResultMaybe of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException
"traversePrepared: LibPQ.prepare returned no results"
Just prepResult -> okResult_ prepResult
results <- for list $ \ params -> do
toParam' encoding = (encodingBytes encoding,LibPQ.Binary)
params' = fmap (fmap toParam') (hcollapse (toParams @x @xs params))
resultMaybe <- LibPQ.execPrepared conn temp params' LibPQ.Binary
case resultMaybe of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException
"traversePrepared: LibPQ.execParams returned no results"
Just result -> do
okResult_ result
return $ K result
deallocResultMaybe <- LibPQ.exec conn ("DEALLOCATE " <> temp <> ";")
case deallocResultMaybe of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException
"traversePrepared: LibPQ.exec DEALLOCATE returned no results"
Just deallocResult -> okResult_ deallocResult
return (K results)
(UnsafeManipulation q :: Manipulation '[] schemas xs '[]) (list :: list x) =
PQ $ \ (K conn) -> liftIO $ do
let temp = "temporary_statement"
prepResultMaybe <- LibPQ.prepare conn temp q Nothing
case prepResultMaybe of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException
"traversePrepared_: LibPQ.prepare returned no results"
Just prepResult -> okResult_ prepResult
for_ list $ \ params -> do
toParam' encoding = (encodingBytes encoding, LibPQ.Binary)
params' = fmap (fmap toParam') (hcollapse (toParams @x @xs params))
resultMaybe <- LibPQ.execPrepared conn temp params' LibPQ.Binary
case resultMaybe of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException
"traversePrepared_: LibPQ.execParams returned no results"
Just result -> okResult_ result
deallocResultMaybe <- LibPQ.exec conn ("DEALLOCATE " <> temp <> ";")
case deallocResultMaybe of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException
"traversePrepared: LibPQ.exec DEALLOCATE returned no results"
Just deallocResult -> okResult_ deallocResult
return (K ())
liftPQ pq = PQ $ \ (K conn) -> do
y <- liftIO $ pq conn
return (K y)
instance MonadPQ schemas m => MonadPQ schemas (IdentityT m)
instance MonadPQ schemas m => MonadPQ schemas (ReaderT r m)
instance MonadPQ schemas m => MonadPQ schemas (Strict.StateT s m)
instance MonadPQ schemas m => MonadPQ schemas (Lazy.StateT s m)
instance (Monoid w, MonadPQ schemas m) => MonadPQ schemas (Strict.WriterT w m)
instance (Monoid w, MonadPQ schemas m) => MonadPQ schemas (Lazy.WriterT w m)
instance MonadPQ schemas m => MonadPQ schemas (MaybeT m)
instance MonadPQ schemas m => MonadPQ schemas (ExceptT e m)
instance (Monoid w, MonadPQ schemas m) => MonadPQ schemas (Strict.RWST r w s m)
instance (Monoid w, MonadPQ schemas m) => MonadPQ schemas (Lazy.RWST r w s m)
instance MonadPQ schemas m => MonadPQ schemas (ContT r m)
instance (Monad m, schemas0 ~ schemas1)
=> Applicative (PQ schemas0 schemas1 m) where
pure x = PQ $ \ _conn -> pure (K x)
(<*>) = pqAp
instance (Monad m, schemas0 ~ schemas1)
=> Monad (PQ schemas0 schemas1 m) where
return = pure
(>>=) = flip pqBind
instance (Monad m, schemas0 ~ schemas1)
=> Fail.MonadFail (PQ schemas0 schemas1 m) where
fail = Fail.fail
instance schemas0 ~ schemas1 => MFunctor (PQ schemas0 schemas1) where
hoist f (PQ pq) = PQ (f . pq)
instance schemas0 ~ schemas1 => MonadTrans (PQ schemas0 schemas1) where
lift m = PQ $ \ _conn -> do
x <- m
return (K x)
instance schemas0 ~ schemas1 => MMonad (PQ schemas0 schemas1) where
embed f (PQ pq) = PQ $ \ conn -> do
evalPQ (f (pq conn)) conn
instance (MonadIO m, schema0 ~ schema1)
=> MonadIO (PQ schema0 schema1 m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
instance (MonadUnliftIO m, schemas0 ~ schemas1)
=> MonadUnliftIO (PQ schemas0 schemas1 m) where
:: ((forall a . PQ schemas0 schema1 m a -> IO a) -> IO b)
-> PQ schemas0 schema1 m b
withRunInIO inner = PQ $ \conn ->
withRunInIO $ \(run :: (forall x . m x -> IO x)) ->
K <$> inner (\pq -> run $ unK <$> unPQ pq conn)
:: (FromRow columns y, MonadIO io)
=> LibPQ.Row
-> K LibPQ.Result columns
-> io y
getRow r (K result :: K LibPQ.Result columns) = liftIO $ do
numRows <- LibPQ.ntuples result
when (numRows < r) $ throw $ ResultException $
"getRow: expected at least " <> pack (show r) <> "rows but only saw "
<> pack (show numRows)
let len = fromIntegral (lengthSList (Proxy @columns))
row' <- traverse (LibPQ.getvalue result r) [0 .. len - 1]
case fromList row' of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException "getRow: found unexpected length"
Just row -> case fromRow @columns row of
Left parseError -> throw $ ParseException $ "getRow: " <> parseError
Right y -> return y
:: (FromRow columns y, MonadIO io)
=> LibPQ.Row
-> K LibPQ.Result columns
-> LibPQ.Row
-> io (Maybe (LibPQ.Row,y))
nextRow total (K result :: K LibPQ.Result columns) r
= liftIO $ if r >= total then return Nothing else do
let len = fromIntegral (lengthSList (Proxy @columns))
row' <- traverse (LibPQ.getvalue result r) [0 .. len - 1]
case fromList row' of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException "nextRow: found unexpected length"
Just row -> case fromRow @columns row of
Left parseError -> throw $ ParseException $ "nextRow: " <> parseError
Right y -> return $ Just (r+1, y)
:: (FromRow columns y, MonadIO io)
=> K LibPQ.Result columns
-> io [y]
getRows (K result :: K LibPQ.Result columns) = liftIO $ do
let len = fromIntegral (lengthSList (Proxy @columns))
numRows <- LibPQ.ntuples result
for [0 .. numRows - 1] $ \ r -> do
row' <- traverse (LibPQ.getvalue result r) [0 .. len - 1]
case fromList row' of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException "getRows: found unexpected length"
Just row -> case fromRow @columns row of
Left parseError -> throw $ ParseException $ "getRows: " <> parseError
Right y -> return y
:: (FromRow columns y, MonadIO io)
=> K LibPQ.Result columns
-> io (Maybe y)
firstRow (K result :: K LibPQ.Result columns) = liftIO $ do
numRows <- LibPQ.ntuples result
if numRows <= 0 then return Nothing else do
let len = fromIntegral (lengthSList (Proxy @columns))
row' <- traverse (LibPQ.getvalue result 0) [0 .. len - 1]
case fromList row' of
Nothing -> throw $ ResultException "firstRow: found unexpected length"
Just row -> case fromRow @columns row of
Left parseError -> throw $ ParseException $ "firstRow: " <> parseError
Right y -> return $ Just y
:: MonadIO io
=> (LibPQ.Result -> IO x)
-> K LibPQ.Result results -> io x
liftResult f (K result) = liftIO $ f result
ntuples :: MonadIO io => K LibPQ.Result columns -> io LibPQ.Row
ntuples = liftResult LibPQ.ntuples
resultStatus :: MonadIO io => K LibPQ.Result results -> io LibPQ.ExecStatus
resultStatus = liftResult LibPQ.resultStatus
:: MonadIO io => K LibPQ.Result results -> io (Maybe ByteString)
resultErrorMessage = liftResult LibPQ.resultErrorMessage
:: MonadIO io
=> K LibPQ.Result results
-> io (Maybe ByteString)
resultErrorCode = liftResult (flip LibPQ.resultErrorField LibPQ.DiagSqlstate)
data PQState = PQState
{ sqlExecStatus :: LibPQ.ExecStatus
, sqlStateCode :: Maybe ByteString
, sqlErrorMessage :: Maybe ByteString
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data SquealException
= PQException PQState
| ResultException Text
| ParseException Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Exception SquealException
okResult_ :: MonadIO io => LibPQ.Result -> io ()
okResult_ result = liftIO $ do
status <- LibPQ.resultStatus result
case status of
LibPQ.CommandOk -> return ()
LibPQ.TuplesOk -> return ()
_ -> do
stateCode <- LibPQ.resultErrorField result LibPQ.DiagSqlstate
msg <- LibPQ.resultErrorMessage result
throw . PQException $ PQState status stateCode msg
okResult :: MonadIO io => K LibPQ.Result row -> io ()
okResult = okResult_ . unK
:: MonadUnliftIO io
=> io a
-> (SquealException -> io a)
-> io a
catchSqueal = catch
:: MonadUnliftIO io
=> (SquealException -> io a)
-> io a -> io a
handleSqueal = handle
:: MonadUnliftIO io
=> io a
-> io (Either SquealException a)
trySqueal = try