Copyright | (c) 2018 Composewell Technologies (c) Roman Leshchinskiy 2008-2010 |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | GHC |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module contains transformations involving multiple streams, unfolds or folds. There are two types of transformations generational or eliminational. Generational transformations are like the Generate module but they generate a stream by combining streams instead of elements. Eliminational transformations are like the Eliminate module but they transform a stream by eliminating parts of the stream instead of eliminating the whole stream.
These combinators involve transformation, generation, elimination so can be classified under any of those.
Ultimately these operations should be supported by Unfolds, Pipes and Folds, and this module may become redundant.
- data AppendState s1 s2
- = AppendFirst s1
- | AppendSecond s2
- append :: Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- data InterleaveState s1 s2
- = InterleaveFirst s1 s2
- | InterleaveSecond s1 s2
- | InterleaveSecondOnly s2
- | InterleaveFirstOnly s1
- interleave :: Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- interleaveMin :: Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- interleaveSuffix :: Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- interleaveInfix :: Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- roundRobin :: Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- zipWith :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m c
- zipWithM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m c) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m c
- mergeBy :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- mergeByM :: Monad m => (a -> a -> m Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
- concatMap :: Monad m => (a -> Stream m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- concatMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m (Stream m b)) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- unfoldMany :: Monad m => Unfold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- data ConcatUnfoldInterleaveState o i
- = ConcatUnfoldInterleaveOuter o [i]
- | ConcatUnfoldInterleaveInner o [i]
- | ConcatUnfoldInterleaveInnerL [i] [i]
- | ConcatUnfoldInterleaveInnerR [i] [i]
- unfoldManyInterleave :: Monad m => Unfold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- unfoldManyRoundRobin :: Monad m => Unfold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- interpose :: Monad m => m c -> Unfold m b c -> Stream m b -> Stream m c
- interposeSuffix :: Monad m => m c -> Unfold m b c -> Stream m b -> Stream m c
- gintercalate :: Monad m => Unfold m a c -> Stream m a -> Unfold m b c -> Stream m b -> Stream m c
- gintercalateSuffix :: Monad m => Unfold m a c -> Stream m a -> Unfold m b c -> Stream m b -> Stream m c
- foldMany :: Monad m => Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- refoldMany :: Monad m => Refold m x a b -> m x -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- foldIterateM :: Monad m => (b -> m (Fold m a b)) -> m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- refoldIterateM :: Monad m => Refold m b a b -> m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- parseMany :: MonadThrow m => Parser m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- parseIterate :: MonadThrow m => (b -> Parser m a b) -> b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- chunksOf :: Monad m => Int -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- groupsBy :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- groupsRollingBy :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- wordsBy :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- splitOnSeq :: forall m a b. (MonadIO m, Storable a, Enum a, Eq a) => Array a -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- splitOnSuffixSeq :: forall m a b. (MonadIO m, Storable a, Enum a, Eq a) => Bool -> Array a -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
- sliceOnSuffix :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m (Int, Int)
- splitInnerBy :: Monad m => (f a -> m (f a, Maybe (f a))) -> (f a -> f a -> m (f a)) -> Stream m (f a) -> Stream m (f a)
- splitInnerBySuffix :: (Monad m, Eq (f a), Monoid (f a)) => (f a -> m (f a, Maybe (f a))) -> (f a -> f a -> m (f a)) -> Stream m (f a) -> Stream m (f a)
- intersectBySorted :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
Combining streams to generate streams.
Combine Two Streams
Functions ending in the shape:
t m a -> t m a -> t m a
Append a stream after another. A special case of concatMap or unfoldMany.
data AppendState s1 s2 Source #
AppendFirst s1 | |
AppendSecond s2 |
Interleave elements from two streams alternately. A special case of unfoldManyInterleave.
data InterleaveState s1 s2 Source #
InterleaveFirst s1 s2 | |
InterleaveSecond s1 s2 | |
InterleaveSecondOnly s2 | |
InterleaveFirstOnly s1 |
Execute streams alternately irrespective of whether they generate
elements or not. Note interleave
would execute a stream until it
yields an element. A special case of unfoldManyRoundRobin.
Zip corresponding elements of two streams.
Interleave elements from two streams based on a condition.
Combine N Streams
Functions generally ending in these shapes:
concat: f (t m a) -> t m a concatMap: (a -> t m b) -> t m a -> t m b unfoldMany: Unfold m a b -> t m a -> t m b
Generate streams by mapping a stream generator on each element of an input stream, append the resulting streams and flatten.
Generate streams by using an unfold on each element of an input stream, append the resulting streams and flatten. A special case of gintercalate.
unfoldMany :: Monad m => Unfold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
unfoldMany unfold stream
uses unfold
to map the input stream elements
to streams and then flattens the generated streams into a single output
data ConcatUnfoldInterleaveState o i Source #
ConcatUnfoldInterleaveOuter o [i] | |
ConcatUnfoldInterleaveInner o [i] | |
ConcatUnfoldInterleaveInnerL [i] [i] | |
ConcatUnfoldInterleaveInnerR [i] [i] |
unfoldManyInterleave :: Monad m => Unfold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
This does not pair streams like concatPairsWith, instead, it goes through each stream one by one and yields one element from each stream. After it goes to the last stream it reverses the traversal to come back to the first stream yielding elements from each stream on its way back to the first stream and so on.
input = Stream.fromList [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3],[4,4],[5,5]]
Stream.toList $ Stream.unfoldManyInterleave Unfold.fromList input
Note that this is order of magnitude more efficient than "concatPairsWith wSerial"
Like unfoldMany but intersperses an effect between the streams. A special case of gintercalate.
Like unfoldMany but intersperses streams from another source between the streams from the first source.
gintercalate :: Monad m => Unfold m a c -> Stream m a -> Unfold m b c -> Stream m b -> Stream m c Source #
Interleave streams (full streams, not the elements) unfolded from two input streams and concat. Stop when the first stream stops. If the second stream ends before the first one then first stream still keeps running alone without any interleaving with the second stream.
- a1, a2, ... an
- [b1, b2 ...] => [streamA1, streamA2, ... streamAn] [streamB1, streamB2, ...] => [streamA1, streamB1, streamA2...StreamAn, streamBn] => [a11, a12, ...a1j, b11, b12, ...b1k, a21, a22, ...]
gintercalateSuffix :: Monad m => Unfold m a c -> Stream m a -> Unfold m b c -> Stream m b -> Stream m c Source #
Interleave streams (full streams, not the elements) unfolded from two input streams and concat. Stop when the first stream stops. If the second stream ends before the first one then first stream still keeps running alone without any interleaving with the second stream.
- a1, a2, ... an
- [b1, b2 ...] => [streamA1, streamA2, ... streamAn] [streamB1, streamB2, ...] => [streamA1, streamB1, streamA2...StreamAn, streamBn] => [a11, a12, ...a1j, b11, b12, ...b1k, a21, a22, ...]
Folding and Parsing chunks of streams to eliminate nested streams. Functions generally ending in these shapes:
f (Fold m a b) -> t m a -> t m b f (Parser m a b) -> t m a -> t m b
Apply folds on a stream.
foldMany :: Monad m => Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
Apply a fold multiple times until the stream ends. If the stream is empty the output would be empty.
foldMany f = parseMany (fromFold f)
A terminating fold may terminate even without accepting a single input. So we run the fold's initial action before evaluating the stream. However, this means that if later the stream does not yield anything we have to discard the fold's initial result which could have generated an effect.
refoldIterateM :: Monad m => Refold m b a b -> m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
Like foldIterateM
but using the Refold
type instead. This could be
much more efficient due to stream fusion.
Parsing is opposite to flattening. parseMany
is dual to concatMap or
unfoldMany. concatMap generates a stream from single values in a
stream and flattens, parseMany does the opposite of flattening by
splitting the stream and then folds each such split to single value in
the output stream.
parseIterate :: MonadThrow m => (b -> Parser m a b) -> b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
Group segments of a stream and fold. Special case of parsing.
A special case of parsing.
splitOnSeq :: forall m a b. (MonadIO m, Storable a, Enum a, Eq a) => Array a -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
splitOnSuffixSeq :: forall m a b. (MonadIO m, Storable a, Enum a, Eq a) => Bool -> Array a -> Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b Source #
Transform (Nested Containers)
Opposite to compact in ArrayStream
splitInnerBy :: Monad m => (f a -> m (f a, Maybe (f a))) -> (f a -> f a -> m (f a)) -> Stream m (f a) -> Stream m (f a) Source #
Performs infix separator style splitting.