Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Environment emode
- openEnvironment :: forall emode. Mode emode => FilePath -> Limits -> IO (Environment emode)
- isReadOnlyEnvironment :: forall emode. Mode emode => Bool
- closeEnvironment :: forall emode. Mode emode => Environment emode -> IO ()
- data Limits = Limits {
- mapSize :: !Int
- maxDatabases :: !Int
- maxReaders :: !Int
- defaultLimits :: Limits
- data Database emode
- getDatabase :: forall emode. Mode emode => Environment emode -> Maybe String -> IO (Database emode)
- closeDatabase :: forall emode. Mode emode => Database emode -> IO ()
- data Transaction tmode emode
- beginReadOnlyTransaction :: forall emode. Mode emode => Environment emode -> IO (Transaction ReadOnly emode)
- abortReadOnlyTransaction :: forall emode. Mode emode => Transaction ReadOnly emode -> IO ()
- withReadOnlyTransaction :: forall m a emode. (Mode emode, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m) => Environment emode -> (Transaction ReadOnly emode -> m a) -> m a
- waitReaders :: Mode emode => Environment emode -> IO ()
- beginReadWriteTransaction :: Environment ReadWrite -> IO (Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite)
- abortReadWriteTransaction :: Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite -> IO ()
- commitReadWriteTransaction :: Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite -> IO ()
- withReadWriteTransaction :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m) => Environment ReadWrite -> (Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite -> m a) -> m a
- data Cursor
- openCursor :: forall emode tmode. (Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Transaction tmode emode -> Database emode -> IO Cursor
- closeCursor :: Cursor -> IO ()
- withCursor :: forall m a emode tmode. (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Transaction tmode emode -> Database emode -> (Cursor -> m a) -> m a
- readLMDB :: forall m emode tmode. (MonadIO m, Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Unfold m (ReadOptions, Database emode, EitherTxn tmode (Maybe ChunkSize) (Transaction tmode emode, Cursor)) (ByteString, ByteString)
- unsafeReadLMDB :: forall m k v emode tmode. (MonadIO m, Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Unfold m (ReadOptions, Database emode, EitherTxn tmode (Maybe ChunkSize) (Transaction tmode emode, Cursor), CStringLen -> IO k, CStringLen -> IO v) (k, v)
- data ReadOptions = ReadOptions {}
- defaultReadOptions :: ReadOptions
- data ReadDirection
- data ReadStart
- = ReadBeg
- | ReadEnd
- | ReadGE !ByteString
- | ReadGT !ByteString
- | ReadLE !ByteString
- | ReadLT !ByteString
- getLMDB :: forall emode tmode. (Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Database emode -> MaybeTxn tmode (Transaction tmode emode) -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
- writeLMDB :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadThrow m) => WriteOptions m a -> Database ReadWrite -> Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite -> Fold m (ByteString, ByteString) a
- newtype WriteOptions m a = WriteOptions {}
- defaultWriteOptions :: WriteOptions m ()
- data OverwriteOptions m a where
- OverwriteAllow :: OverwriteOptions m ()
- OverwriteDisallow :: Either (WriteAccum m a) (WriteAccumWithOld m a) -> OverwriteOptions m a
- OverwriteAppend :: WriteAccum m a -> OverwriteOptions m a
- type WriteAccum m a = Fold m (ByteString, ByteString) a
- type WriteAccumWithOld m a = Fold m (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString) a
- type ShowKey = ByteString -> String
- type ShowValue = ByteString -> String
- writeAccumThrow :: Monad m => Maybe (ShowKey, ShowValue) -> WriteAccum m ()
- writeAccumThrowAllowSameValue :: Monad m => Maybe (ShowKey, ShowValue) -> WriteAccumWithOld m ()
- writeAccumIgnore :: Monad m => WriteAccum m ()
- writeAccumStop :: Monad m => WriteAccum m ()
- chunkPairs :: Monad m => ChunkSize -> Stream m (ByteString, ByteString) -> Stream m (Seq (ByteString, ByteString))
- chunkPairsFold :: forall m a. Monad m => ChunkSize -> Fold m (Seq (ByteString, ByteString)) a -> Fold m (ByteString, ByteString) a
- writeLMDBChunk :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => WriteOptions m a -> Database ReadWrite -> Seq (ByteString, ByteString) -> m a
- deleteLMDB :: DeleteOptions -> Database emode -> Transaction ReadWrite emode -> ByteString -> IO ()
- clearDatabase :: Database ReadWrite -> IO ()
- class Mode a
- data ReadWrite
- data ReadOnly
- type family SubMode emode tmode where ...
- data LMDB_Error = LMDB_Error {}
- data MDB_ErrCode
- data ChunkSize
- = ChunkNumPairs !Int
- | ChunkBytes !Int
- data MaybeTxn tmode a where
- data EitherTxn tmode a b where
- kibibyte :: Num a => a
- mebibyte :: Num a => a
- gibibyte :: Num a => a
- tebibyte :: Num a => a
The functionality for the limits and getting the environment and database, in particular the idea of specifying the read-only or read-write mode at the type level, was mostly obtained from the lmdb-simple library.
Unless you know what you’re doing, please do not use other mechanisms (in addition to the
public functionality of this library) in the same Haskell program to interact with your LMDB
databases. (If you really want to do this, you should heed all the low-level requirements we
have linked to in the source code of this library, and in general understand how the LMDB C
API works with MDB_NOTLS
With LMDB, one first creates a so-called “environment,” which one can think of as a file or directory on disk.
data Environment emode Source #
openEnvironment :: forall emode. Mode emode => FilePath -> Limits -> IO (Environment emode) Source #
Open an LMDB environment in either ReadWrite
or ReadOnly
mode. The FilePath
argument may
be either a directory or a regular file, but it must already exist; when creating a new
environment, one should create an empty file or directory beforehand. If a regular file, an
additional file with "-lock" appended to the name is automatically created for the reader lock
Note that an environment must have been opened in ReadWrite
mode at least once before it can be
opened in ReadOnly
An environment opened in ReadOnly
mode may still modify the reader lock table (except when the
filesystem is read-only, in which case no locks are used).
To satisfy certain low-level LMDB requirements, please do not have opened the same environment
(i.e., the same FilePath
) more than once in the same process at the same time. Furthermore,
please use the environment in the process that opened it (not after forking a new process).
isReadOnlyEnvironment :: forall emode. Mode emode => Bool Source #
closeEnvironment :: forall emode. Mode emode => Environment emode -> IO () Source #
Closes the given environment.
If you have merely a few dozen environments at most, there should be no need for this. (It is a common practice with LMDB to create one’s environments once and reuse them for the remainder of the program’s execution.)
To satisfy certain low-level LMDB requirements:
- Before calling this function, please call
on all databases in the environment. - Before calling this function, close all cursors and commit/abort all transactions on the
environment. To make sure this requirement is satisified for read-only transactions, either (a)
or (b) pass precreated cursors/transactions toreadLMDB
. - After calling this function, do not use the environment or any related databases, transactions, and cursors.
LMDB environments have various limits on the size and number of databases and concurrent readers.
Limits | |
defaultLimits :: Limits Source #
The default limits are 1 MiB map size, 0 named databases (see Databases), and
126 concurrent readers. These can be adjusted freely, and in particular the mapSize
may be set
very large (limited only by available address space). However, LMDB is not optimized for a large
number of named databases so maxDatabases
should be kept to a minimum.
The default mapSize
is intentionally small, and should be changed to something appropriate for
your application. It ought to be a multiple of the OS page size, and should be chosen as large as
possible to accommodate future growth of the database(s). Once set for an environment, this limit
cannot be reduced to a value smaller than the space already consumed by the environment; however,
it can later be increased.
If you are going to use any named databases then you will need to change maxDatabases
to the
number of named databases you plan to use. However, you do not need to change this field if you
are only going to use the single main (unnamed) database.
After creating an environment, one creates within it one or more databases.
getDatabase :: forall emode. Mode emode => Environment emode -> Maybe String -> IO (Database emode) Source #
Gets a database with the given name.
If only one database is desired within the environment, the name can be Nothing
(known as the
“unnamed database”).
If one or more named databases (a database with a Just
name) are desired, the maxDatabases
the environment’s limits should have been adjusted accordingly. The unnamed database will in this
case contain the names of the named databases as keys, which one is allowed to read but not
Warning: When getting a named database for the first time (i.e., creating it), one must do so
in the ReadWrite
environment mode. (This restriction does not apply for the unnamed database.)
In this case, this function spawns a bound thread and creates a temporary read-write transaction
under the hood; see Transactions.
closeDatabase :: forall emode. Mode emode => Database emode -> IO () Source #
Closes the given database.
If you have merely a few dozen databases at most, there should be no need for this. (It is a common practice with LMDB to create one’s databases once and reuse them for the remainder of the program’s execution.)
To satisfy certain low-level LMDB requirements:
- Before calling this function, please make sure all read-write transactions that have modified the database have already been committed or aborted.
- After calling this function, do not use the database or any of its cursors again. To make sure
this requirement is satisfied for cursors on read-only transactions, either (a) call
or (b) pass precreated cursors/transactions toreadLMDB
In LMDB, there are two types of transactions: read-only transactions and read-write transactions. On a given environment, read-only transactions do not block other transactions and read-write transactions do not block read-only transactions, but read-write transactions are serialized and block other read-write transactions.
Read-only transactions attain a snapshot view of the environment; this view is not affected by newer read-write transactions.
Warning: Long-lived transactions are discouraged by LMDB, and it is your responsibility as a user of this library to avoid them as necessary. The reasons are twofold: (a) The first one we already mentioned: Read-write transactions block other read-write transactions. (b) The second is more insidious: Even though read-only transactions do not block read-write transactions, read-only transactions (since they attain a snapshot view of the environment) prevent the reuse of pages freed by newer read-write transactions, so the database can grow quickly.
data Transaction tmode emode Source #
Read-only transactions
beginReadOnlyTransaction :: forall emode. Mode emode => Environment emode -> IO (Transaction ReadOnly emode) Source #
Begins an LMDB read-only transaction on the given environment.
For read-only transactions returned from this function, it is your responsibility to (a) make
sure the transaction only gets used by a single readLMDB
, unsafeReadLMDB
, or getLMDB
at the
same time, (b) use the transaction only on databases in the environment on which the transaction
was begun, (c) make sure that those databases were already obtained before the transaction was
begun, (d) dispose of the transaction with abortReadOnlyTransaction
, and (e) be aware of the
caveats regarding long-lived transactions; see Transactions.
To easily manage a read-only transaction’s lifecycle, we suggest using withReadOnlyTransaction
abortReadOnlyTransaction :: forall emode. Mode emode => Transaction ReadOnly emode -> IO () Source #
Disposes of a read-only transaction created with beginReadOnlyTransaction
It is your responsibility to not use the transaction or any of its cursors afterwards.
withReadOnlyTransaction :: forall m a emode. (Mode emode, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m) => Environment emode -> (Transaction ReadOnly emode -> m a) -> m a Source #
Creates a temporary read-only transaction on which the provided action is performed, after which the transaction gets aborted. The transaction also gets aborted upon exceptions.
You have the same responsibilities as documented for beginReadOnlyTransaction
(apart from the
transaction disposal).
waitReaders :: Mode emode => Environment emode -> IO () Source #
Waits for active read-only transactions on the given environment to finish. Note: This triggers garbage collection.
Read-write transactions
beginReadWriteTransaction :: Environment ReadWrite -> IO (Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite) Source #
Begins an LMDB read-write transaction on the given environment.
Unlike read-only transactions, a given read-write transaction is not allowed to stray from the OS
thread on which it was begun, and it is your responsibility to make sure of this. You can achieve
this with, e.g., runInBoundThread
Additionally, for read-write transactions returned from this function, it is your responsibility
to (a) use the transaction only on databases in the environment on which the transaction was
begun, (b) make sure that those databases were already obtained before the transaction was begun,
(c) commit/abort the transaction with commitReadWriteTransaction
and (d) be aware of the caveats regarding long-lived transactions; see
To easily manage a read-write transaction’s lifecycle, we suggest using
abortReadWriteTransaction :: Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite -> IO () Source #
Aborts a read-write transaction created with beginReadWriteTransaction
It is your responsibility to not use the transaction afterwards.
commitReadWriteTransaction :: Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite -> IO () Source #
Commits a read-write transaction created with beginReadWriteTransaction
It is your responsibility to not use the transaction afterwards.
withReadWriteTransaction :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m) => Environment ReadWrite -> (Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite -> m a) -> m a Source #
Spawns a new bound thread and creates a temporary read-write transaction on which the provided action is performed, after which the transaction gets committed. The transaction gets aborted upon exceptions.
You have the same responsibilities as documented for beginReadWriteTransaction
(apart from
running it on a bound thread and committing/aborting it).
openCursor :: forall emode tmode. (Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Transaction tmode emode -> Database emode -> IO Cursor Source #
Opens a cursor for use with readLMDB
or unsafeReadLMDB
. It is your responsibility to (a)
make sure the cursor only gets used by a single readLMDB
or unsafeReadLMDB
at the same time,
(b) make sure the provided database is within the environment on which the provided transaction
was begun, and (c) dispose of the cursor with closeCursor
To easily manage a cursor’s lifecycle, we suggest using withCursor
closeCursor :: Cursor -> IO () Source #
Disposes of a cursor created with openCursor
withCursor :: forall m a emode tmode. (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Transaction tmode emode -> Database emode -> (Cursor -> m a) -> m a Source #
Creates a temporary cursor on which the provided action is performed, after which the cursor gets closed. The cursor also gets closed upon exceptions.
You have the same responsibilities as documented for openCursor
(apart from the cursor
Stream-based reading
readLMDB :: forall m emode tmode. (MonadIO m, Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Unfold m (ReadOptions, Database emode, EitherTxn tmode (Maybe ChunkSize) (Transaction tmode emode, Cursor)) (ByteString, ByteString) Source #
Creates an unfold with which we can stream key-value pairs from the given database.
If an existing transaction and cursor are not provided, there are two possibilities: (a) If a chunk size is not provided, a read-only transaction and cursor are automatically created for the entire duration of the unfold. (b) Otherwise, new transactions and cursors are automatically created according to the desired chunk size. In this case, each transaction (apart from the first one) starts as expected at the key next to (i.e., the largest/smallest key less/greater than) the previously encountered key.
If you want to iterate through a large database while avoiding a long-lived transaction (see
Transactions), it is your responsibility to either chunk up your usage of
(with which readStart
can help) or specify a chunk size as described above.
Runtime consideration: If you call readLMDB
very frequently without a precreated transaction
and cursor, you might find upon profiling that a significant time is being spent at
, or find yourself having to increase maxReaders
in the environment’s limits
because the transactions and cursors are not being garbage collected fast enough. In this case,
please consider precreating a transaction and cursor.
If you don’t want the overhead of intermediate ByteString
s (on your way to your eventual data
structures), use unsafeReadLMDB
unsafeReadLMDB :: forall m k v emode tmode. (MonadIO m, Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Unfold m (ReadOptions, Database emode, EitherTxn tmode (Maybe ChunkSize) (Transaction tmode emode, Cursor), CStringLen -> IO k, CStringLen -> IO v) (k, v) Source #
Similar to readLMDB
, except that the keys and values are not automatically converted into
Haskell ByteString
To ensure safety, please make sure that the memory pointed to by the CStringLen
for each
key/value mapping function call is (a) only read (and not written to); and (b) not used after the
mapping function has returned. One way to transform the CStringLen
s to your desired data
structures is to use unsafePackCStringLen
data ReadOptions Source #
ReadOptions | |
Show ReadOptions Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ReadOptions -> ShowS # show :: ReadOptions -> String # showList :: [ReadOptions] -> ShowS # |
defaultReadOptions :: ReadOptions Source #
By default, we start reading from the beginning of the database (i.e., from the smallest key) and iterate in forward direction.
data ReadDirection Source #
Direction of key iteration.
Show ReadDirection Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ReadDirection -> ShowS # show :: ReadDirection -> String # showList :: [ReadDirection] -> ShowS # |
The key from which an iteration should start.
ReadBeg | Start from the smallest key. |
ReadEnd | Start from the largest key. |
ReadGE !ByteString | Start from the smallest key that is greater than or equal to the given key. |
ReadGT !ByteString | Start from the smallest key that is greater than the given key. |
ReadLE !ByteString | Start from the largest key that is less than or equal to the given key. |
ReadLT !ByteString | Start from the largest key that is less than the given key. |
Direct reading
getLMDB :: forall emode tmode. (Mode emode, Mode tmode, SubMode emode tmode) => Database emode -> MaybeTxn tmode (Transaction tmode emode) -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString) Source #
Looks up the value for the given key in the given database.
If an existing transaction is not provided, a read-only transaction is automatically created internally.
Runtime consideration: If you call getLMDB
very frequently without a precreated transaction,
you might find upon profiling that a significant time is being spent at mdb_txn_begin
, or find
yourself having to increase maxReaders
in the environment’s limits because the transactions are
not being garbage collected fast enough. In this case, please consider precreating a transaction.
Stream-based writing
writeLMDB :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadThrow m) => WriteOptions m a -> Database ReadWrite -> Transaction ReadWrite ReadWrite -> Fold m (ByteString, ByteString) a Source #
Creates a fold that writes a stream of key-value pairs to the provided database using the provided transaction.
If you have a long stream of key-value pairs that you want to write to an LMDB database while avoiding a long-lived transaction (see Transactions), you can use the functions for chunked writing.
newtype WriteOptions m a Source #
WriteOptions | |
Fields |
defaultWriteOptions :: WriteOptions m () Source #
By default, we allow overwriting.
data OverwriteOptions m a where Source #
: When a key reoccurs, overwrite the value.OverwriteDisallow
: When a key reoccurs, don’t overwrite and hand the maladaptive key-value pair to the accumulator.OverwriteAppend
: Assume the input data is already increasing, which allows the use ofMDB_APPEND
under the hood and substantially improves write performance. Hand arriving key-value pairs in a maladaptive order to the accumulator.
OverwriteAllow :: OverwriteOptions m () | |
OverwriteDisallow :: Either (WriteAccum m a) (WriteAccumWithOld m a) -> OverwriteOptions m a | |
OverwriteAppend :: WriteAccum m a -> OverwriteOptions m a |
Accumulator types for OverwriteDisallow
and OverwriteAppend
. Various commonly used
accumulators are provided as well.
type WriteAccum m a = Fold m (ByteString, ByteString) a Source #
A fold for (key, new value)
type WriteAccumWithOld m a = Fold m (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString) a Source #
A fold for (key, new value, old value)
. This has the overhead of getting the old value.
type ShowKey = ByteString -> String Source #
A function that shows a database key.
type ShowValue = ByteString -> String Source #
A function that shows a database value.
writeAccumThrow :: Monad m => Maybe (ShowKey, ShowValue) -> WriteAccum m () Source #
Throws upon the first maladaptive key. If desired, shows the maladaptive key-value pair in the exception.
writeAccumThrowAllowSameValue :: Monad m => Maybe (ShowKey, ShowValue) -> WriteAccumWithOld m () Source #
Throws upon the first maladaptive key where the old value differs from the new value. If desired, shows the maladaptive key-value pair with the old value in the exception.
writeAccumIgnore :: Monad m => WriteAccum m () Source #
Silently ignores maladaptive keys.
writeAccumStop :: Monad m => WriteAccum m () Source #
Gracefully stops upon the first maladaptive key.
Chunked writing
chunkPairs :: Monad m => ChunkSize -> Stream m (ByteString, ByteString) -> Stream m (Seq (ByteString, ByteString)) Source #
Chunks up the incoming stream of key-value pairs using the desired chunk size. One can try,
e.g., ChunkBytes mebibyte
(1 MiB chunks) and benchmark from there.
chunkPairsFold :: forall m a. Monad m => ChunkSize -> Fold m (Seq (ByteString, ByteString)) a -> Fold m (ByteString, ByteString) a Source #
Chunks up the incoming stream of key-value pairs using the desired chunk size. One can try,
e.g., ChunkBytes mebibyte
(1 MiB chunks) and benchmark from there.
The chunks are processed using the desired fold.
writeLMDBChunk :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => WriteOptions m a -> Database ReadWrite -> Seq (ByteString, ByteString) -> m a Source #
Writes a chunk of key-value pairs to the given database. Under the hood, it uses writeLMDB
surrounded with a withReadWriteTransaction
deleteLMDB :: DeleteOptions -> Database emode -> Transaction ReadWrite emode -> ByteString -> IO () Source #
Deletes the given key from the given database using the given transaction.
clearDatabase :: Database ReadWrite -> IO () Source #
Clears, i.e., removes all key-value pairs from, the given database.
Warning: Under the hood, this function spawns a bound thread and creates a potentially long-lived read-write transaction; see Transactions.
Minimal complete definition
Mode ReadOnly Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal Methods isReadOnlyMode :: ReadOnly -> Bool Source # | |
Mode ReadWrite Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal Methods isReadOnlyMode :: ReadWrite -> Bool Source # |
Mode ReadWrite Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal Methods isReadOnlyMode :: ReadWrite -> Bool Source # |
Mode ReadOnly Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal Methods isReadOnlyMode :: ReadOnly -> Bool Source # |
type family SubMode emode tmode where ... Source #
Enforces at the type level that ReadWrite
environments support both ReadWrite
transactions, but ReadOnly
environments support only ReadOnly
Error types
data LMDB_Error Source #
LMDB_Error | |
Exception LMDB_Error Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal.Foreign Methods toException :: LMDB_Error -> SomeException # fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe LMDB_Error # displayException :: LMDB_Error -> String # | |
Show LMDB_Error Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal.Foreign Methods showsPrec :: Int -> LMDB_Error -> ShowS # show :: LMDB_Error -> String # showList :: [LMDB_Error] -> ShowS # |
data MDB_ErrCode Source #
Show MDB_ErrCode Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal.Foreign Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MDB_ErrCode -> ShowS # show :: MDB_ErrCode -> String # showList :: [MDB_ErrCode] -> ShowS # | |
Eq MDB_ErrCode Source # | |
Defined in Streamly.External.LMDB.Internal.Foreign |
A chunk size.
ChunkNumPairs !Int | Chunk up key-value pairs by number of pairs. The final chunk can have a fewer number of pairs. |
ChunkBytes !Int | Chunk up key-value pairs by number of bytes. As soon as the byte count for the keys and values is reached, a new chunk is created (such that each chunk has at least one key-value pair and can end up with more than the desired number of bytes). The final chunk can have less than the desired number of bytes. |
data MaybeTxn tmode a where Source #
A type for an optional thing where we want to fix the transaction mode to ReadOnly
in the
nothing case. (Maybe
isn’t powerful enough for this.)