{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -freduction-depth=0 #-} -- Avoid reduction overflow error caused by NumberOfRegisters
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}

module ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.ByteString
    ( ByteString(..)
    , ShiftBits (..)
    , Resize (..)
    , reverseEndianness
    , set
    , unset
    , isSet
    , isUnset
    , toWords
    , concat
    , truncate
    , append
    , emptyByteString
    , toBsBits
    , orRight
    ) where

import           Control.DeepSeq                   (NFData)
import           Control.Monad                     (forM, replicateM)
import           Data.Aeson                        (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Bits                         as B
import qualified Data.ByteString                   as Bytes
import           Data.Constraint.Nat               (Max)
import           Data.Foldable                     (foldlM)
import           Data.Kind                         (Type)
import           Data.List                         (reverse, unfoldr)
import           Data.Maybe                        (Maybe (..))
import           Data.String                       (IsString (..))
import           Data.These                        (These (..))
import           Data.Traversable                  (for, mapM)
import           GHC.Generics                      (Generic, Par1 (..))
import           GHC.Natural                       (naturalFromInteger)
import           Numeric                           (readHex, showHex)
import           Prelude                           (Integer, const, drop, fmap, otherwise, pure, return, take, type (~),
                                                    ($), (.), (<$>), (<), (<>), (==), (>), (>=))
import qualified Prelude                           as Haskell
import           Test.QuickCheck                   (Arbitrary (..), chooseInteger)

import           ZkFold.Base.Algebra.Basic.Class
import           ZkFold.Base.Algebra.Basic.Number
import           ZkFold.Base.Data.HFunctor         (HFunctor (..))
import           ZkFold.Base.Data.Package          (packWith, unpackWith)
import           ZkFold.Base.Data.Utils            (zipWithM)
import qualified ZkFold.Base.Data.Vector           as V
import           ZkFold.Base.Data.Vector           (Vector (..))
import           ZkFold.Prelude                    (replicate, replicateA, (!!))
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.Class
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Bool         (Bool (..), BoolType (..))
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Class        (SymbolicData)
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Combinators
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Conditional  (Conditional)
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Eq           (Eq)
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.FieldElement (FieldElement)
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Input        (SymbolicInput, isValid)
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.Interpreter       (Interpreter (..))
import           ZkFold.Symbolic.MonadCircuit      (ClosedPoly, newAssigned)

-- | A ByteString which stores @n@ bits and uses elements of @a@ as registers, one element per register.
-- Bit layout is Big-endian.
newtype ByteString (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) = ByteString (context (Vector n))
    deriving ((forall x. ByteString n context -> Rep (ByteString n context) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (ByteString n context) x -> ByteString n context)
-> Generic (ByteString n context)
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (ByteString n context) x -> ByteString n context
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
ByteString n context -> Rep (ByteString n context) x
forall x. Rep (ByteString n context) x -> ByteString n context
forall x. ByteString n context -> Rep (ByteString n context) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
ByteString n context -> Rep (ByteString n context) x
from :: forall x. ByteString n context -> Rep (ByteString n context) x
$cto :: forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (ByteString n context) x -> ByteString n context
to :: forall x. Rep (ByteString n context) x -> ByteString n context

deriving stock instance Haskell.Show (c (Vector n)) => Haskell.Show (ByteString n c)
deriving stock instance Haskell.Eq (c (Vector n)) => Haskell.Eq (ByteString n c)
deriving anyclass instance NFData (c (Vector n)) => NFData (ByteString n c)
deriving newtype instance (KnownNat n, Symbolic c) => SymbolicData (ByteString n c)
deriving newtype instance (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => Eq (ByteString n c)
deriving newtype instance (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => Conditional (Bool c) (ByteString n c)

    ( Symbolic c
    , m * 8 ~ n
    , KnownNat m
    ) => IsString (ByteString n c) where
    fromString :: String -> ByteString n c
fromString = ByteString -> ByteString n c
forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant (ByteString -> ByteString n c)
-> (String -> ByteString) -> String -> ByteString n c
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. IsString a => String -> a
fromString @Bytes.ByteString

    ( Symbolic c
    , m * 8 ~ n
    , KnownNat m
    ) => FromConstant Bytes.ByteString (ByteString n c) where
    fromConstant :: ByteString -> ByteString n c
fromConstant ByteString
bytes = forall (k :: Natural) (m :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
Vector k (ByteString m c) -> ByteString (k * m) c
concat @_ @8 (Vector m (ByteString 8 c) -> ByteString (m * 8) c)
-> Vector m (ByteString 8 c) -> ByteString (m * 8) c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural @(ByteString 8 c)
        (Natural -> ByteString 8 c)
-> (Word8 -> Natural) -> Word8 -> ByteString 8 c
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Integer -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
        (Integer -> Natural) -> (Word8 -> Integer) -> Word8 -> Natural
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Word8 -> Integer
forall a. Integral a => a -> Integer
Haskell.toInteger (Word8 -> ByteString 8 c)
-> Vector m Word8 -> Vector m (ByteString 8 c)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector @m [Word8]

            desiredLen :: Natural
desiredLen = forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
value @m
            actualLen :: Natural
actualLen = Int -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (Int -> Natural) -> Int -> Natural
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString -> Int
Bytes.length ByteString
            paddedBytes :: [Word8]
paddedBytes = Natural -> Word8 -> [Word8]
forall a. Natural -> a -> [a]
replicate (Natural
desiredLen Natural -> Natural -> Natural
-! Natural
actualLen) Word8
0 [Word8] -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> ByteString -> [Word8]
Bytes.unpack ByteString

emptyByteString :: FromConstant Natural (ByteString 0 c) => ByteString 0 c
emptyByteString :: forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
FromConstant Natural (ByteString 0 c) =>
ByteString 0 c
emptyByteString = forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural

-- | A class for data types that support bit shift and bit cyclic shift (rotation) operations.
class ShiftBits a where
    {-# MINIMAL (shiftBits | (shiftBitsL, shiftBitsR)), (rotateBits | (rotateBitsL, rotateBitsR)) #-}

    -- | shiftBits performs a left shift when its agrument is greater than zero and a right shift otherwise.
    shiftBits :: a -> Integer -> a
    shiftBits a
a Integer
      | Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Integer
0     = a -> Natural -> a
forall a. ShiftBits a => a -> Natural -> a
shiftBitsR a
a (Integer -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (Integer -> Natural) -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Natural
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Integer -> Integer
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a
negate (Integer -> Natural) -> Integer -> Natural
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer
      | Bool
otherwise = a -> Natural -> a
forall a. ShiftBits a => a -> Natural -> a
shiftBitsL a
a (Integer -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral Integer

    shiftBitsL :: a -> Natural -> a
    shiftBitsL a
a Natural
s = a -> Integer -> a
forall a. ShiftBits a => a -> Integer -> a
shiftBits a
a (Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral Natural

    shiftBitsR :: a -> Natural -> a
    shiftBitsR a
a Natural
s = a -> Integer -> a
forall a. ShiftBits a => a -> Integer -> a
shiftBits a
a (Integer -> Integer
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a
negate (Integer -> Integer) -> (Natural -> Integer) -> Natural -> Integer
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (Natural -> Integer) -> Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Natural

    -- | rotateBits performs a left cyclic shift when its agrument is greater than zero and a right cyclic shift otherwise.
    rotateBits :: a -> Integer -> a
    rotateBits a
a Integer
      | Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Integer
0     = a -> Natural -> a
forall a. ShiftBits a => a -> Natural -> a
rotateBitsR a
a (Integer -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (Integer -> Natural) -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Natural
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Integer -> Integer
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a
negate (Integer -> Natural) -> Integer -> Natural
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer
      | Bool
otherwise = a -> Natural -> a
forall a. ShiftBits a => a -> Natural -> a
rotateBitsL a
a (Integer -> Natural
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral Integer

    rotateBitsL :: a -> Natural -> a
    rotateBitsL a
a Natural
s = a -> Integer -> a
forall a. ShiftBits a => a -> Integer -> a
rotateBits a
a (Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral Natural

    rotateBitsR :: a -> Natural -> a
    rotateBitsR a
a Natural
s = a -> Integer -> a
forall a. ShiftBits a => a -> Integer -> a
rotateBits a
a (Integer -> Integer
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a
negate (Integer -> Integer) -> (Natural -> Integer) -> Natural -> Integer
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (Natural -> Integer) -> Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Natural

instance Arithmetic a => ToConstant (ByteString n (Interpreter a)) where
    type Const (ByteString n (Interpreter a)) = Natural
    toConstant :: ByteString n (Interpreter a)
-> Const (ByteString n (Interpreter a))
toConstant (ByteString (Interpreter Vector n a
bits)) = (Natural -> a -> Natural) -> Natural -> Vector n a -> Natural
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Vector n a -> b
forall (t :: Type -> Type) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Haskell.foldl (\Natural
y a
p -> a -> Const a
forall a. ToConstant a => a -> Const a
toConstant a
p Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ Natural
base Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* Natural
y) Natural
0 Vector n a
        where base :: Natural
base = Natural

-- | Pack a ByteString using one field element per bit.
-- @fromConstant@ discards bits after @n@.
-- If the constant is greater than @2^n@, only the part modulo @2^n@ will be converted into a ByteString.
instance (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => FromConstant Natural (ByteString n c) where
    fromConstant :: Natural -> ByteString n c
fromConstant Natural
n = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c)
-> (Vector n (BaseField c) -> c (Vector n))
-> Vector n (BaseField c)
-> ByteString n c
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type).
(Symbolic c, Functor f) =>
f (BaseField c) -> c f
embed @c (Vector n (BaseField c) -> ByteString n c)
-> Vector n (BaseField c) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c)
forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector ([BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c))
-> [BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Natural -> BaseField c
forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant (Natural -> BaseField c) -> [Natural] -> [BaseField c]
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Natural -> Natural -> [Natural]
toBsBits Natural
n (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
value @n)

instance (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => FromConstant Integer (ByteString n c) where
    fromConstant :: Integer -> ByteString n c
fromConstant = Natural -> ByteString n c
forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant (Natural -> ByteString n c)
-> (Integer -> Natural) -> Integer -> ByteString n c
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Integer -> Natural
naturalFromInteger (Integer -> Natural) -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Natural
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> a
`Haskell.mod` (Integer
2 Integer -> Natural -> Integer
forall a b. Exponent a b => a -> b -> a
^ forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
getNatural @n))

instance (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => Arbitrary (ByteString n c) where
    arbitrary :: Gen (ByteString n c)
arbitrary = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c)
-> ([BaseField c] -> c (Vector n))
-> [BaseField c]
-> ByteString n c
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type).
(Symbolic c, Functor f) =>
f (BaseField c) -> c f
embed @c (Vector n (BaseField c) -> c (Vector n))
-> ([BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c))
-> [BaseField c]
-> c (Vector n)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c)
forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector ([BaseField c] -> ByteString n c)
-> Gen [BaseField c] -> Gen (ByteString n c)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Natural -> Gen (BaseField c) -> Gen [BaseField c]
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a.
Applicative f =>
Natural -> f a -> f [a]
replicateA (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
value @n) (Natural -> Gen (BaseField c)
forall {b} {b}.
(FromConstant Integer b, Exponent Integer b) =>
b -> Gen b
toss (Natural
1 :: Natural))
        where toss :: b -> Gen b
toss b
b = Integer -> b
forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant (Integer -> b) -> Gen Integer -> Gen b
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (Integer, Integer) -> Gen Integer
chooseInteger (Integer
0, Integer
2 Integer -> b -> Integer
forall a b. Exponent a b => a -> b -> a
^ b
b Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- Integer

reverseEndianness' :: forall wordSize k m x {n}.
    ( KnownNat wordSize
    , n ~ k * wordSize
    , m * 8 ~ wordSize
    ) => Vector n x -> Vector n x
reverseEndianness' :: forall (wordSize :: Natural) (k :: Natural) (m :: Natural) x
       {n :: Natural}.
(KnownNat wordSize, n ~ (k * wordSize), (m * 8) ~ wordSize) =>
Vector n x -> Vector n x
reverseEndianness' Vector n x
v =
    let chunks :: Vector k (Vector wordSize x)
chunks = forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) a.
KnownNat n =>
Vector (m * n) a -> Vector m (Vector n a)
V.chunks @k @wordSize Vector n x
Vector (k * wordSize) x
        chunks' :: Vector k (Vector wordSize x)
chunks' = (Vector wordSize x -> Vector wordSize x)
-> Vector k (Vector wordSize x) -> Vector k (Vector wordSize x)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Vector k a -> Vector k b
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (Vector m (Vector 8 x) -> Vector wordSize x
Vector m (Vector 8 x) -> Vector (m * 8) x
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) a.
Vector m (Vector n a) -> Vector (m * n) a
V.concat (Vector m (Vector 8 x) -> Vector wordSize x)
-> (Vector wordSize x -> Vector m (Vector 8 x))
-> Vector wordSize x
-> Vector wordSize x
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Vector m (Vector 8 x) -> Vector m (Vector 8 x)
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> Vector size a
V.reverse (Vector m (Vector 8 x) -> Vector m (Vector 8 x))
-> (Vector wordSize x -> Vector m (Vector 8 x))
-> Vector wordSize x
-> Vector m (Vector 8 x)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) a.
KnownNat n =>
Vector (m * n) a -> Vector m (Vector n a)
V.chunks @m @8) Vector k (Vector wordSize x)
     in Vector k (Vector wordSize x) -> Vector (k * wordSize) x
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) a.
Vector m (Vector n a) -> Vector (m * n) a
V.concat Vector k (Vector wordSize x)

reverseEndianness :: forall wordSize k c m {n}.
    ( Symbolic c
    , KnownNat wordSize
    , n ~ k * wordSize
    , m * 8 ~ wordSize
    ) => ByteString n c -> ByteString n c
reverseEndianness :: forall (wordSize :: Natural) (k :: Natural)
       (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (m :: Natural) {n :: Natural}.
(Symbolic c, KnownNat wordSize, n ~ (k * wordSize),
 (m * 8) ~ wordSize) =>
ByteString n c -> ByteString n c
reverseEndianness (ByteString c (Vector n)
v) = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (forall a. Vector n a -> Vector n a)
-> c (Vector n) -> c (Vector n)
forall {k} (c :: (k -> Type) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type)
       (g :: k -> Type).
HFunctor c =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
(forall a. f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
hmap (forall (wordSize :: Natural) (k :: Natural) (m :: Natural) x
       {n :: Natural}.
(KnownNat wordSize, n ~ (k * wordSize), (m * 8) ~ wordSize) =>
Vector n x -> Vector n x
reverseEndianness' @wordSize @k) c (Vector n)

instance (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => BoolType (ByteString n c) where
    false :: ByteString n c
false = Natural -> ByteString n c
forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant (Natural
0 :: Natural)
    true :: ByteString n c
true = ByteString n c -> ByteString n c
forall b. BoolType b => b -> b
not ByteString n c
forall b. BoolType b => b

    not :: ByteString n c -> ByteString n c
not (ByteString c (Vector n)
bits) = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector n)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] (Vector n) i m)
-> c (Vector n)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
fromCircuitF c (Vector n)
bits ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
  (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
  FunBody '[Vector n] (Vector n) i m)
 -> c (Vector n))
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] (Vector n) i m)
-> c (Vector n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (i -> m i) -> Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)
forall (t :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> Vector n a -> m (Vector n b)
mapM (\i
i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (\i -> x
p -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
one x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- i -> x
p i

    ByteString n c
l || :: ByteString n c -> ByteString n c -> ByteString n c
|| ByteString n c
r = ByteString n c
-> ByteString n c
-> (forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c))
-> ByteString (Max n n) c
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
ByteString m c
-> ByteString n c
-> (forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c))
-> ByteString (Max m n) c
bitwiseOperation ByteString n c
l ByteString n c
r i -> i -> (i -> x) -> x
forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c)
forall {a} {t}.
(AdditiveGroup a, MultiplicativeSemigroup a) =>
t -> t -> (t -> a) -> a
            cons :: t -> t -> (t -> a) -> a
cons t
i t
j t -> a
x =
                        let xi :: a
xi = t -> a
x t
                            xj :: a
xj = t -> a
x t
                        in a
xi a -> a -> a
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ a
xj a -> a -> a
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- a
xi a -> a -> a
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* a

    ByteString n c
l && :: ByteString n c -> ByteString n c -> ByteString n c
&& ByteString n c
r = ByteString n c
-> ByteString n c
-> (forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c))
-> ByteString (Max n n) c
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
ByteString m c
-> ByteString n c
-> (forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c))
-> ByteString (Max m n) c
bitwiseOperation ByteString n c
l ByteString n c
r i -> i -> (i -> x) -> x
forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c)
forall {a} {t}.
MultiplicativeSemigroup a =>
t -> t -> (t -> a) -> a
            cons :: t -> t -> (t -> a) -> a
cons t
i t
j t -> a
x =
                        let xi :: a
xi = t -> a
x t
                            xj :: a
xj = t -> a
x t
                        in a
xi a -> a -> a
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* a

    xor :: ByteString n c -> ByteString n c -> ByteString n c
xor (ByteString c (Vector n)
l) (ByteString c (Vector n)
r) =
        c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector n)
-> c (Vector n)
-> (Vector n (BaseField c)
    -> Vector n (BaseField c) -> Vector n (BaseField c))
-> CircuitFun '[Vector n, Vector n] (Vector n) c
-> c (Vector n)
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) a (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type) (h :: Type -> Type).
(Symbolic c, BaseField c ~ a) =>
c f -> c g -> (f a -> g a -> h a) -> CircuitFun '[f, g] h c -> c h
symbolic2F c (Vector n)
l c (Vector n)
            (\Vector n (BaseField c)
x Vector n (BaseField c)
y -> [BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c)
forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector ([BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c))
-> [BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Natural -> BaseField c
forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant (Natural -> BaseField c) -> [Natural] -> [BaseField c]
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Natural -> Natural -> [Natural]
toBsBits (Vector n (BaseField c) -> Natural
forall a.
(ToConstant a, Const a ~ Natural) =>
Vector n a -> Natural
vecToNat Vector n (BaseField c)
x Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. Bits a => a -> a -> a
`B.xor` Vector n (BaseField c) -> Natural
forall a.
(ToConstant a, Const a ~ Natural) =>
Vector n a -> Natural
vecToNat Vector n (BaseField c)
y) (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
value @n))
            (\Vector n i
lv Vector n i
rv -> do
                let varsLeft :: Vector n i
varsLeft = Vector n i
                    varsRight :: Vector n i
varsRight = Vector n i
                (i -> i -> m i) -> Vector n i -> Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) a b c.
(Traversable f, Zip f, Applicative m) =>
(a -> b -> m c) -> f a -> f b -> m (f c)
zipWithM  (\i
i i
j -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ i -> i -> (i -> x) -> x
forall {a} {t}.
(AdditiveGroup a, MultiplicativeSemigroup a) =>
t -> t -> (t -> a) -> a
cons i
i i
j) Vector n i
varsLeft Vector n i
                vecToNat :: (ToConstant a, Const a ~ Natural) => Vector n a -> Natural
                vecToNat :: forall a.
(ToConstant a, Const a ~ Natural) =>
Vector n a -> Natural
vecToNat = (Natural -> a -> Natural) -> Natural -> Vector n a -> Natural
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Vector n a -> b
forall (t :: Type -> Type) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
Haskell.foldl (\Natural
x a
p -> a -> Const a
forall a. ToConstant a => a -> Const a
toConstant a
p Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ Natural
2 Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* Natural
x :: Natural) Natural

                cons :: t -> t -> (t -> a) -> a
cons t
i t
j t -> a
x =
                    let xi :: a
xi = t -> a
x t
                        xj :: a
xj = t -> a
x t
                     in a
xi a -> a -> a
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ a
xj a -> a -> a
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- (a
xi a -> a -> a
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* a
xj a -> a -> a
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ a
xi a -> a -> a
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* a

    :: forall m n c
    .  Symbolic c
    => ByteString m c
    -> ByteString n c
    -> ByteString (Max m n) c
orRight :: forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
ByteString m c -> ByteString n c -> ByteString (Max m n) c
orRight ByteString m c
l ByteString n c
r = ByteString m c
-> ByteString n c
-> (forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c))
-> ByteString (Max m n) c
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
ByteString m c
-> ByteString n c
-> (forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c))
-> ByteString (Max m n) c
bitwiseOperation ByteString m c
l ByteString n c
r i -> i -> (i -> x) -> x
forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c)
forall {a} {t}.
(AdditiveGroup a, MultiplicativeSemigroup a) =>
t -> t -> (t -> a) -> a
            cons :: t -> t -> (t -> a) -> a
cons t
i t
j t -> a
x =
                        let xi :: a
xi = t -> a
x t
                            xj :: a
xj = t -> a
x t
                        in a
xi a -> a -> a
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ a
xj a -> a -> a
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- a
xi a -> a -> a
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* a

-- | A ByteString of length @n@ can only be split into words of length @wordSize@ if all of the following conditions are met:
-- 1. @wordSize@ is not greater than @n@;
-- 2. @wordSize@ is not zero;
-- 3. The bytestring is not empty;
-- 4. @wordSize@ divides @n@.

toWords :: forall m wordSize c. (Symbolic c, KnownNat wordSize) => ByteString (m * wordSize) c -> Vector m (ByteString wordSize c)
toWords :: forall (m :: Natural) (wordSize :: Natural)
       (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic c, KnownNat wordSize) =>
ByteString (m * wordSize) c -> Vector m (ByteString wordSize c)
toWords (ByteString c (Vector (m * wordSize))
bits) = c (Vector wordSize) -> ByteString wordSize c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector wordSize) -> ByteString wordSize c)
-> Vector m (c (Vector wordSize))
-> Vector m (ByteString wordSize c)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (forall a. Vector (m * wordSize) a -> Vector m (Vector wordSize a))
-> c (Vector (m * wordSize)) -> Vector m (c (Vector wordSize))
forall {k1} (c :: (k1 -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (h :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type).
(Package c, Functor f) =>
(forall (a :: k1). h a -> f (g a)) -> c h -> f (c g)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (h :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
Functor f =>
(forall a. h a -> f (g a)) -> c h -> f (c g)
unpackWith (forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) a.
KnownNat n =>
Vector (m * n) a -> Vector m (Vector n a)
V.chunks @m @wordSize) c (Vector (m * wordSize))

concat :: forall k m c. (Symbolic c) => Vector k (ByteString m c) -> ByteString (k * m) c
concat :: forall (k :: Natural) (m :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
Vector k (ByteString m c) -> ByteString (k * m) c
concat Vector k (ByteString m c)
bs = c (Vector (k * m)) -> ByteString (k * m) c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector (k * m)) -> ByteString (k * m) c)
-> c (Vector (k * m)) -> ByteString (k * m) c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (forall a. Vector k (Vector m a) -> Vector (k * m) a)
-> Vector k (c (Vector m)) -> c (Vector (k * m))
forall {k1} (c :: (k1 -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: k1 -> Type) (h :: k1 -> Type).
(Package c, Foldable f, Functor f) =>
(forall (a :: k1). f (g a) -> h a) -> f (c g) -> c h
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type) (h :: Type -> Type).
(Foldable f, Functor f) =>
(forall a. f (g a) -> h a) -> f (c g) -> c h
packWith Vector k (Vector m a) -> Vector (k * m) a
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) a.
Vector m (Vector n a) -> Vector (m * n) a
forall a. Vector k (Vector m a) -> Vector (k * m) a
V.concat ((\(ByteString c (Vector m)
bits) -> c (Vector m)
bits) (ByteString m c -> c (Vector m))
-> Vector k (ByteString m c) -> Vector k (c (Vector m))
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Vector k (ByteString m c)

-- | Describes types that can be truncated by dropping several bits from the end (i.e. stored in the lower registers)

truncate :: forall m n c. (
    Symbolic c
  , KnownNat n
  , n <= m
  ) => ByteString m c -> ByteString n c
truncate :: forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, n <= m) =>
ByteString m c -> ByteString n c
truncate (ByteString c (Vector m)
bits) = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (forall a. Vector m a -> Vector n a)
-> c (Vector m) -> c (Vector n)
forall {k} (c :: (k -> Type) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type)
       (g :: k -> Type).
HFunctor c =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
(forall a. f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
hmap (forall (n :: Natural) (size :: Natural) a.
KnownNat n =>
Vector size a -> Vector n a
V.take @n) c (Vector m)

    :: forall m n c
    .  Symbolic c
    => KnownNat m
    => KnownNat n
    => ByteString m c
    -> ByteString n c
    -> ByteString (m + n) c
append :: forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic c, KnownNat m, KnownNat n) =>
ByteString m c -> ByteString n c -> ByteString (m + n) c
append (ByteString c (Vector m)
bits1) (ByteString c (Vector n)
bits2) =
    c (Vector (m + n)) -> ByteString (m + n) c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector (m + n)) -> ByteString (m + n) c)
-> c (Vector (m + n)) -> ByteString (m + n) c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector m)
-> c (Vector n)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector m, Vector n] (Vector (m + n)) i m)
-> c (Vector (m + n))
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type) (h :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> c g -> CircuitFun '[f, g] h c -> c h
fromCircuit2F c (Vector m)
bits1 c (Vector n)
bits2 ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
  (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
  FunBody '[Vector m, Vector n] (Vector (m + n)) i m)
 -> c (Vector (m + n)))
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector m, Vector n] (Vector (m + n)) i m)
-> c (Vector (m + n))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Vector m i
v1 Vector n i
v2 -> Vector (m + n) i -> m (Vector (m + n) i)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Vector (m + n) i -> m (Vector (m + n) i))
-> Vector (m + n) i -> m (Vector (m + n) i)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Vector m i
v1 Vector m i -> Vector n i -> Vector (m + n) i
forall (m :: Natural) a (n :: Natural).
Vector m a -> Vector n a -> Vector (m + n) a
`V.append` Vector n i

instance (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => ShiftBits (ByteString n c) where
    shiftBits :: ByteString n c -> Integer -> ByteString n c
shiftBits bs :: ByteString n c
bs@(ByteString c (Vector n)
oldBits) Integer
      | Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Integer
0 = ByteString n c
      | Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
Haskell.abs Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Natural -> Integer
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
getNatural @n) = ByteString n c
forall b. BoolType b => b
      | Bool
otherwise = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector n)
-> (Vector n (BaseField c) -> Vector n (BaseField c))
-> CircuitFun '[Vector n] (Vector n) c
-> c (Vector n)
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) a (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type).
(Symbolic c, BaseField c ~ a) =>
c f -> (f a -> g a) -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
symbolicF c (Vector n)
          (\Vector n (BaseField c)
v ->  Vector n (BaseField c)
-> Integer -> BaseField c -> Vector n (BaseField c)
forall (size :: Natural) a.
KnownNat size =>
Vector size a -> Integer -> a -> Vector size a
V.shift Vector n (BaseField c)
v Integer
s (Integer -> BaseField c
forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant (Integer
0 :: Integer)))
          (\Vector n i
bitsV -> do
              let bits :: [i]
bits = Vector n i -> [i]
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> [a]
V.fromVector Vector n i
z <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (x -> (i -> x) -> x
forall a b. a -> b -> a
Haskell.const x
forall a. AdditiveMonoid a => a
              let zeros :: [i]
zeros = Int -> i -> [i]
forall a. Int -> a -> [a]
Haskell.replicate (Integer -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (Integer -> Int) -> Integer -> Int
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
Haskell.abs Integer
s) i

              let newBits :: [i]
newBits = case Integer
s Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Integer
0 of
Haskell.True  -> Int -> [i] -> [i]
forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]
take (Natural -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (Natural -> Int) -> Natural -> Int
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
getNatural @n) ([i] -> [i]) -> [i] -> [i]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [i]
zeros [i] -> [i] -> [i]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [i]
Haskell.False -> Int -> [i] -> [i]
forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]
drop (Integer -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral Integer
s) ([i] -> [i]) -> [i] -> [i]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [i]
bits [i] -> [i] -> [i]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [i]

              Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)) -> Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [i] -> Vector n i
forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector [i]

    rotateBits :: ByteString n c -> Integer -> ByteString n c
rotateBits (ByteString c (Vector n)
bits) Integer
s = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (forall a. Vector n a -> Vector n a)
-> c (Vector n) -> c (Vector n)
forall {k} (c :: (k -> Type) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type)
       (g :: k -> Type).
HFunctor c =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
(forall a. f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
hmap (Vector n a -> Integer -> Vector n a
forall (size :: Natural) a.
KnownNat size =>
Vector size a -> Integer -> Vector size a
`V.rotate` Integer
s) c (Vector n)

  ( Symbolic c
  , KnownNat k
  , KnownNat n
  ) => Resize (ByteString k c) (ByteString n c) where
    resize :: ByteString k c -> ByteString n c
resize (ByteString c (Vector k)
      | Int
diff Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0 = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector k)
-> (Vector k (BaseField c) -> Vector n (BaseField c))
-> CircuitFun '[Vector k] (Vector n) c
-> c (Vector n)
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) a (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type).
(Symbolic c, BaseField c ~ a) =>
c f -> (f a -> g a) -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
symbolicF c (Vector k)
          (\Vector k (BaseField c)
v -> [BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c)
forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector ([BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c))
-> [BaseField c] -> Vector n (BaseField c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [BaseField c]
zeroA [BaseField c] -> [BaseField c] -> [BaseField c]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Vector k (BaseField c) -> [BaseField c]
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> [a]
V.fromVector Vector k (BaseField c)
          (\Vector k i
bitsV -> do
              let bits :: [i]
bits = Vector k i -> [i]
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> [a]
V.fromVector Vector k i
zeros <- Int -> m i -> m [i]
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Applicative m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
replicateM Int
diff (m i -> m [i]) -> m i -> m [i]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (x -> (i -> x) -> x
forall a b. a -> b -> a
Haskell.const x
forall a. AdditiveMonoid a => a
              Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)) -> Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [i] -> Vector n i
forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector ([i] -> Vector n i) -> [i] -> Vector n i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [i]
zeros [i] -> [i] -> [i]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [i]
      | Bool
otherwise = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (forall a. Vector k a -> Vector n a)
-> c (Vector k) -> c (Vector n)
forall {k} (c :: (k -> Type) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type)
       (g :: k -> Type).
HFunctor c =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
(forall a. f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
hmap ([a] -> Vector n a
forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector ([a] -> Vector n a)
-> (Vector k a -> [a]) -> Vector k a -> Vector n a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Int -> [a] -> [a]
forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]
Haskell.drop (Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a
Haskell.abs Int
diff) ([a] -> [a]) -> (Vector k a -> [a]) -> Vector k a -> [a]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Vector k a -> [a]
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> [a]
V.fromVector) c (Vector k)
            diff :: Haskell.Int
            diff :: Int
diff = Natural -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
getNatural @n) Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
Haskell.- Natural -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
getNatural @k)

            zeroA :: [BaseField c]
zeroA = Int -> BaseField c -> [BaseField c]
forall a. Int -> a -> [a]
Haskell.replicate Int
diff (Integer -> BaseField c
forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant (Integer
0 :: Integer ))

  ( Symbolic c
  , KnownNat n
  ) => SymbolicInput (ByteString n c) where

    isValid :: ByteString n c -> Bool (Context (ByteString n c))
isValid (ByteString c (Vector n)
bits) = Context (ByteString n c) Par1 -> Bool (Context (ByteString n c))
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type). c Par1 -> Bool c
Bool (Context (ByteString n c) Par1 -> Bool (Context (ByteString n c)))
-> Context (ByteString n c) Par1 -> Bool (Context (ByteString n c))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Context (ByteString n c) (Vector n)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i,
       (BaseField (Context (ByteString n c)))
       (WitnessField (Context (ByteString n c)))
       m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] Par1 i m)
-> Context (ByteString n c) Par1
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
Context (ByteString n c) f
-> CircuitFun '[f] g (Context (ByteString n c))
-> Context (ByteString n c) g
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
fromCircuitF c (Vector n)
Context (ByteString n c) (Vector n)
bits ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
  (NFData i,
     (BaseField (Context (ByteString n c)))
     (WitnessField (Context (ByteString n c)))
     m) =>
  FunBody '[Vector n] Par1 i m)
 -> Context (ByteString n c) Par1)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i,
       (BaseField (Context (ByteString n c)))
       (WitnessField (Context (ByteString n c)))
       m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] Par1 i m)
-> Context (ByteString n c) Par1
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Vector n i
v -> do
        let vs :: [i]
vs = Vector n i -> [i]
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> [a]
V.fromVector Vector n i
ys <- [i] -> (i -> m i) -> m [i]
forall (t :: Type -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
t a -> (a -> f b) -> f (t b)
for [i]
vs ((i -> m i) -> m [i]) -> (i -> m i) -> m [i]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i
i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (\i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
i x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* (x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
one x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- i -> x
p i
        [Par1 i]
us <-[i] -> (i -> m (Par1 i)) -> m [Par1 i]
forall (t :: Type -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
t a -> (a -> f b) -> f (t b)
for [i]
ys ((i -> m (Par1 i)) -> m [Par1 i])
-> (i -> m (Par1 i)) -> m [Par1 i]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i
i -> Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)
forall i a w (m :: Type -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type).
(MonadCircuit i a w m, Representable f, Traversable f) =>
f i -> m (f i)
isZero (Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)) -> Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ i -> Par1 i
forall p. p -> Par1 p
Par1 i
        case [Par1 i]
us of
            []       -> i -> Par1 i
forall p. p -> Par1 p
Par1 (i -> Par1 i) -> m i -> m (Par1 i)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (x -> (i -> x) -> x
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
            (Par1 i
b : [Par1 i]
bs) -> (Par1 i -> Par1 i -> m (Par1 i))
-> Par1 i -> [Par1 i] -> m (Par1 i)
forall (t :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) b a.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
foldlM (\(Par1 i
v1) (Par1 i
v2) -> i -> Par1 i
forall p. p -> Par1 p
Par1 (i -> Par1 i) -> m i -> m (Par1 i)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (((i -> x) -> i -> x
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ i
v1) ((i -> x) -> x) -> ((i -> x) -> x) -> (i -> x) -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* ((i -> x) -> i -> x
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ i
v2))) Par1 i
b [Par1 i]

set :: forall c n. (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => ByteString n c -> Natural -> ByteString n c
set :: forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (n :: Natural).
(Symbolic c, KnownNat n) =>
ByteString n c -> Natural -> ByteString n c
set (ByteString c (Vector n)
bits) Natural
ix = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector n)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] (Vector n) i m)
-> c (Vector n)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
fromCircuitF c (Vector n)
bits ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
  (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
  FunBody '[Vector n] (Vector n) i m)
 -> c (Vector n))
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] (Vector n) i m)
-> c (Vector n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Natural -> i -> m i) -> Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)
forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
(KnownNat n, Monad m) =>
(Natural -> a -> m b) -> Vector n a -> m (Vector n b)
V.mapMWithIx (\Natural
i i
v -> if Natural
i Natural -> Natural -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Natural
ix then ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (x -> (i -> x) -> x
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
one) else i -> m i
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure i

unset :: forall c n. (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => ByteString n c -> Natural -> ByteString n c
unset :: forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (n :: Natural).
(Symbolic c, KnownNat n) =>
ByteString n c -> Natural -> ByteString n c
unset (ByteString c (Vector n)
bits) Natural
ix = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c) -> c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector n)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] (Vector n) i m)
-> c (Vector n)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
fromCircuitF c (Vector n)
bits ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
  (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
  FunBody '[Vector n] (Vector n) i m)
 -> c (Vector n))
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] (Vector n) i m)
-> c (Vector n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Natural -> i -> m i) -> Vector n i -> m (Vector n i)
forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
(KnownNat n, Monad m) =>
(Natural -> a -> m b) -> Vector n a -> m (Vector n b)
V.mapMWithIx (\Natural
i i
v -> if Natural
i Natural -> Natural -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Natural
ix then ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (x -> (i -> x) -> x
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const x
forall a. AdditiveMonoid a => a
zero) else i -> m i
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure i

isSet :: forall c n. Symbolic c => ByteString n c -> Natural -> Bool c
isSet :: forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (n :: Natural).
Symbolic c =>
ByteString n c -> Natural -> Bool c
isSet (ByteString c (Vector n)
bits) Natural
ix = c Par1 -> Bool c
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type). c Par1 -> Bool c
Bool (c Par1 -> Bool c) -> c Par1 -> Bool c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector n)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] Par1 i m)
-> c Par1
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
fromCircuitF c (Vector n)
bits ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
  (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
  FunBody '[Vector n] Par1 i m)
 -> c Par1)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] Par1 i m)
-> c Par1
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Vector n i
v -> do
    let vs :: [i]
vs = Vector n i -> [i]
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> [a]
V.fromVector Vector n i
    Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)) -> Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ i -> Par1 i
forall p. p -> Par1 p
Par1 (i -> Par1 i) -> i -> Par1 i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ([i] -> Natural -> i
forall a. [a] -> Natural -> a
!! Natural
ix) [i]

isUnset :: forall c n. Symbolic c => ByteString n c -> Natural -> Bool c
isUnset :: forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (n :: Natural).
Symbolic c =>
ByteString n c -> Natural -> Bool c
isUnset (ByteString c (Vector n)
bits) Natural
ix = c Par1 -> Bool c
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type). c Par1 -> Bool c
Bool (c Par1 -> Bool c) -> c Par1 -> Bool c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector n)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] Par1 i m)
-> c Par1
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
fromCircuitF c (Vector n)
bits ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
  (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
  FunBody '[Vector n] Par1 i m)
 -> c Par1)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector n] Par1 i m)
-> c Par1
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Vector n i
v -> do
    let vs :: [i]
vs = Vector n i -> [i]
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> [a]
V.fromVector Vector n i
        i :: i
i = ([i] -> Natural -> i
forall a. [a] -> Natural -> a
!! Natural
ix) [i]
j <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
one x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- i -> x
p i
    Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)) -> Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ i -> Par1 i
forall p. p -> Par1 p
Par1 i


toBsBits :: Natural -> Natural -> [Natural]
toBsBits :: Natural -> Natural -> [Natural]
toBsBits Natural
num Natural
n = [Natural] -> [Natural]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [Natural]
        base :: Natural
base = Natural

        availableBits :: [Natural]
availableBits = (Natural -> Maybe (Natural, Natural)) -> Natural -> [Natural]
forall b a. (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]
unfoldr (Natural -> Natural -> Maybe (Natural, Natural)
toBase Natural
base) (Natural
num Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> a
`Haskell.mod` (Natural
2 Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a b. (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
Haskell.^ Natural
n)) [Natural] -> [Natural] -> [Natural]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Natural -> [Natural]
forall a. a -> [a]
Haskell.repeat Natural

        bits :: [Natural]
bits = Int -> [Natural] -> [Natural]
forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]
take (Natural -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
Haskell.fromIntegral Natural
n) [Natural]

-- | Convert a number into @base@-ary system.

toBase :: Natural -> Natural -> Maybe (Natural, Natural)
toBase :: Natural -> Natural -> Maybe (Natural, Natural)
toBase Natural
_ Natural
0    = Maybe (Natural, Natural)
forall a. Maybe a
toBase Natural
base Natural
b = let (Natural
d, Natural
m) = Natural
b Natural -> Natural -> (Natural, Natural)
forall a. SemiEuclidean a => a -> a -> (a, a)
`divMod` Natural
base in (Natural, Natural) -> Maybe (Natural, Natural)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Natural
m, Natural

-- | A generic bitwise operation on two ByteStrings.
-- If one of the strings is longer, the operation is applied to the least significant bits. The remaining bits are not affected, i.e.
-- 101 || 01001 == 01101
-- TODO: Shall we expose it to users? Can they do something malicious having such function? AFAIK there are checks that constrain each bit to 0 or 1.
    :: forall m n c
    .  Symbolic c
    => ByteString m c
    -> ByteString n c
    -> (forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c))
    -> ByteString (Max m n) c
bitwiseOperation :: forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
ByteString m c
-> ByteString n c
-> (forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c))
-> ByteString (Max m n) c
bitwiseOperation (ByteString c (Vector m)
bits1) (ByteString c (Vector n)
bits2) forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c)
cons =
    c (Vector (Max m n)) -> ByteString (Max m n) c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector (Max m n)) -> ByteString (Max m n) c)
-> c (Vector (Max m n)) -> ByteString (Max m n) c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ c (Vector m)
-> c (Vector n)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector m, Vector n] (Vector (Max m n)) i m)
-> c (Vector (Max m n))
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
       (g :: Type -> Type) (h :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> c g -> CircuitFun '[f, g] h c -> c h
fromCircuit2F c (Vector m)
bits1 c (Vector n)
bits2 ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
  (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
  FunBody '[Vector m, Vector n] (Vector (Max m n)) i m)
 -> c (Vector (Max m n)))
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
    (NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField c) (WitnessField c) m) =>
    FunBody '[Vector m, Vector n] (Vector (Max m n)) i m)
-> c (Vector (Max m n))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Vector m i
lv Vector n i
rv -> do
        let aligned :: Vector (Max m n) (These i i)
aligned = Vector m i -> Vector n i -> Vector (Max m n) (These i i)
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural) a b.
Vector m a -> Vector n b -> Vector (Max m n) (These a b)
V.alignRight Vector m i
lv Vector n i
  (If (OrdCond (CmpNat n m) 'True 'True 'False) m n) (These i i)
-> (These i i -> m i)
-> m (Vector (If (OrdCond (CmpNat n m) 'True 'True 'False) m n) i)
forall (t :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
t a -> (a -> m b) -> m (t b)
forM Vector
  (If (OrdCond (CmpNat n m) 'True 'True 'False) m n) (These i i)
Vector (Max m n) (These i i)
aligned ((These i i -> m i)
 -> m (Vector (If (OrdCond (CmpNat n m) 'True 'True 'False) m n) i))
-> (These i i -> m i)
-> m (Vector (If (OrdCond (CmpNat n m) 'True 'True 'False) m n) i)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
            These i
i i
j -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c)
forall i. i -> i -> ClosedPoly i (BaseField c)
cons i
i i
            This i
i -> i -> m i
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure i
            That i
j -> i -> m i
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure i

instance (Symbolic c, NumberOfBits (BaseField c) ~ n) => Iso (FieldElement c) (ByteString n c) where
  from :: FieldElement c -> ByteString n c
from = c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (c (Vector n) -> ByteString n c)
-> (FieldElement c -> c (Vector n))
-> FieldElement c
-> ByteString n c
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. FieldElement c -> c (Vector n)
FieldElement c -> Bits (FieldElement c)
forall a. BinaryExpansion a => a -> Bits a

instance (Symbolic c, NumberOfBits (BaseField c) ~ n) => Iso (ByteString n c) (FieldElement c) where
  from :: ByteString n c -> FieldElement c
from (ByteString c (Vector n)
a) = Bits (FieldElement c) -> FieldElement c
forall a. BinaryExpansion a => Bits a -> a
fromBinary c (Vector n)
Bits (FieldElement c)

instance (Symbolic c, KnownNat n)
    => FromJSON (ByteString n c) where
    parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (ByteString n c)
parseJSON Value
val = do
str <- Value -> Parser String
forall a. FromJSON a => Value -> Parser a
parseJSON Value
        case forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (n :: Natural).
(Symbolic c, KnownNat n) =>
String -> Maybe (ByteString n c)
hexToByteString @c @n String
str of
            Maybe (ByteString n c)
Nothing -> String -> Parser (ByteString n c)
forall a. String -> Parser a
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
Haskell.fail String
"bad bytestring!"
            Just ByteString n c
a  -> ByteString n c -> Parser (ByteString n c)
forall a. a -> Parser a
forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ByteString n c

instance Arithmetic a => ToJSON (ByteString n (Interpreter a)) where
    toJSON :: ByteString n (Interpreter a) -> Value
toJSON = String -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
toJSON (String -> Value)
-> (ByteString n (Interpreter a) -> String)
-> ByteString n (Interpreter a)
-> Value
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString n (Interpreter a) -> String
forall a (n :: Natural).
Arithmetic a =>
ByteString n (Interpreter a) -> String

byteStringToHex :: Arithmetic a => ByteString n (Interpreter a) -> Haskell.String
byteStringToHex :: forall a (n :: Natural).
Arithmetic a =>
ByteString n (Interpreter a) -> String
byteStringToHex ByteString n (Interpreter a)
bytes = Natural -> ShowS
forall a. Integral a => a -> ShowS
showHex (ByteString n (Interpreter a)
-> Const (ByteString n (Interpreter a))
forall a. ToConstant a => a -> Const a
toConstant ByteString n (Interpreter a)
bytes) String

hexToByteString :: (Symbolic c, KnownNat n) => Haskell.String -> Maybe (ByteString n c)
hexToByteString :: forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (n :: Natural).
(Symbolic c, KnownNat n) =>
String -> Maybe (ByteString n c)
hexToByteString String
str = case ReadS Natural
forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => ReadS a
readHex String
str of
n, String
"")] -> ByteString n c -> Maybe (ByteString n c)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural
    [(Natural, String)]
_         -> Maybe (ByteString n c)
forall a. Maybe a