Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Convert MIDI events of a MIDI controller to a control signal.
- replicateLong :: Write sig y => StrictTime -> y -> sig y
- piecewiseConstant :: Write sig y => T StrictTime y -> sig y
- piecewiseConstantInit :: Write sig y => y -> T StrictTime y -> sig y
- piecewiseConstantInitWith :: Write sig c => (y -> c) -> c -> T StrictTime [y] -> sig c
- type Instrument y signal = y -> y -> LazyTime -> signal
- type Bank y signal = Program -> Instrument y signal
- renderInstrument :: C y => Bank y signal -> Note -> signal
- renderInstrumentIgnoreProgram :: C y => Instrument y signal -> Note -> signal
- flatten :: (Monoid signal, C time) => T time [signal] -> T time signal
- applyModulation :: (Transform signal, NormalForm signal) => signal -> Modulator (signal -> instr, note) (instr, note)
- evaluateVectorHead :: NormalForm signal => signal -> t -> t
- advanceModulation :: (Transform signal, NormalForm signal) => LazyTime -> State signal LazyTime
- advanceModulationChunk :: (Transform signal, NormalForm signal) => StrictTime -> State signal StrictTime
- advanceModulationChunkStrict :: (Transform signal, NormalForm signal) => StrictTime -> State signal StrictTime
- advanceModulationChunkPC :: NFData body => StrictTime -> State (T StrictTime body) StrictTime
- type FilterSequence event signal = Filter event (T ShortStrictTime signal)
- data Modulator note signal = Modulator state (StrictTime -> State state StrictTime) (note -> State state signal)
- applyModulator :: Modulator a b -> T StrictTime [a] -> T StrictTime [b]
- sequenceCore :: (C event, Monoid signal) => Channel -> Program -> Modulator Note signal -> FilterSequence event signal
- errorNoProgram :: Program
- sequence :: (C event, Monoid signal, C y) => Channel -> Instrument y signal -> FilterSequence event signal
- sequenceModulated :: (C event, Transform ctrl, NormalForm ctrl, Monoid signal, C y) => ctrl -> Channel -> (ctrl -> Instrument y signal) -> FilterSequence event signal
- sequenceMultiModulated :: (C event, Monoid signal, C y) => Channel -> instrument -> Modulator (instrument, Note) (Instrument y signal, Note) -> FilterSequence event signal
- sequenceMultiProgram :: (C event, Monoid signal, C y) => Channel -> Program -> [Instrument y signal] -> FilterSequence event signal
- sequenceModulatedMultiProgram :: (Transform ctrl, NormalForm ctrl, C event, Monoid signal, C y) => ctrl -> Channel -> Program -> [ctrl -> Instrument y signal] -> FilterSequence event signal
replicateLong :: Write sig y => StrictTime -> y -> sig y Source #
piecewiseConstant :: Write sig y => T StrictTime y -> sig y Source #
piecewiseConstantInit :: Write sig y => y -> T StrictTime y -> sig y Source #
piecewiseConstantInitWith :: Write sig c => (y -> c) -> c -> T StrictTime [y] -> sig c Source #
type Instrument y signal = y -> y -> LazyTime -> signal Source #
type Bank y signal = Program -> Instrument y signal Source #
renderInstrument :: C y => Bank y signal -> Note -> signal Source #
Instrument parameters are: velocity from -1 to 1 (0 is the normal pressure, no pressure aka NoteOff is not supported), frequency is given in Hertz
renderInstrumentIgnoreProgram :: C y => Instrument y signal -> Note -> signal Source #
flatten :: (Monoid signal, C time) => T time [signal] -> T time signal Source #
Turn an event list with bundles of elements into an event list with single events. ToDo: Move to event-list package?
applyModulation :: (Transform signal, NormalForm signal) => signal -> Modulator (signal -> instr, note) (instr, note) Source #
evaluateVectorHead :: NormalForm signal => signal -> t -> t Source #
We have to evaluate the head value at each drop
in order to avoid growing thunks that lead to a space leak.
advanceModulation :: (Transform signal, NormalForm signal) => LazyTime -> State signal LazyTime Source #
advanceModulationChunk :: (Transform signal, NormalForm signal) => StrictTime -> State signal StrictTime Source #
advanceModulationChunkStrict :: (Transform signal, NormalForm signal) => StrictTime -> State signal StrictTime Source #
advanceModulationChunkPC :: NFData body => StrictTime -> State (T StrictTime body) StrictTime Source #
type FilterSequence event signal = Filter event (T ShortStrictTime signal) Source #
data Modulator note signal Source #
The state action for the time
should just return the argument time.
However we need this time (or alternatively another result type)
for triggering the drop
in advanceModulationChunk
Without this strict evaluation,
the drop will be delayed until the control curve is actually needed.
Modulator state (StrictTime -> State state StrictTime) (note -> State state signal) |
applyModulator :: Modulator a b -> T StrictTime [a] -> T StrictTime [b] Source #
sequenceCore :: (C event, Monoid signal) => Channel -> Program -> Modulator Note signal -> FilterSequence event signal Source #
sequence :: (C event, Monoid signal, C y) => Channel -> Instrument y signal -> FilterSequence event signal Source #
sequenceModulated :: (C event, Transform ctrl, NormalForm ctrl, Monoid signal, C y) => ctrl -> Channel -> (ctrl -> Instrument y signal) -> FilterSequence event signal Source #
sequenceMultiModulated :: (C event, Monoid signal, C y) => Channel -> instrument -> Modulator (instrument, Note) (Instrument y signal, Note) -> FilterSequence event signal Source #
sequenceMultiProgram :: (C event, Monoid signal, C y) => Channel -> Program -> [Instrument y signal] -> FilterSequence event signal Source #
sequenceModulatedMultiProgram :: (Transform ctrl, NormalForm ctrl, C event, Monoid signal, C y) => ctrl -> Channel -> Program -> [ctrl -> Instrument y signal] -> FilterSequence event signal Source #