taffybar-4.1.0: A desktop bar similar to xmobar, but with more GUI
Copyright(c) Ivan Malison
LicenseBSD3-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerIvan Malison <IvanMalison@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Utility functions to facilitate building GTK interfaces.



onClick Source #


:: [EventType]

Types of button clicks to listen to.

-> IO a

Action to execute.

-> EventButton 
-> IO Bool 

Execute the given action as a response to any of the given types of mouse button clicks.

attachPopup Source #


:: (IsWidget w, IsWindow wnd) 
=> w

The widget to set as popup.

-> Text

The title of the popup.

-> wnd

The window to attach the popup to.

-> IO () 

Attach the given widget as a popup with the given title to the given window. The newly attached popup is not shown initially. Use the displayPopup function to display it.

displayPopup Source #


:: (IsWidget w, IsWidget wnd, IsWindow wnd) 
=> w

The popup widget.

-> wnd

The window the widget was attached to.

-> IO () 

Display the given popup widget (previously prepared using the attachPopup function) immediately beneath (or above) the given window.

widgetGetAllocatedSize :: (IsWidget self, MonadIO m) => self -> m (Int, Int) Source #

colorize Source #


:: String

Foreground color.

-> String

Background color.

-> String


-> String 

Creates markup with the given foreground and background colors and the given contents.

drawOn :: IsWidget object => object -> IO () -> IO object Source #

widgetSetClassGI :: (IsWidget b, MonadIO m) => b -> Text -> m b Source #

alignCenter :: (IsWidget o, MonadIO m) => o -> m () Source #

vFillCenter :: (IsWidget o, MonadIO m) => o -> m () Source #

setMinWidth :: (IsWidget w, MonadIO m) => Int -> w -> m w Source #

buildPadBox :: MonadIO m => Widget -> m Widget Source #

Wrap a widget with two container boxes. The inner box will have the class "inner-pad", and the outer box will have the class "outer-pad". These boxes can be used to add padding between the outline of the widget and its contents, or for the purpose of displaying a different background behind the widget.