Safe Haskell | None |
- data AnaParser state result s p a
- pWrap :: OutputState result => (forall r r''. (b -> r -> r'') -> state -> Steps (a, r) s p -> (state -> Steps r s p) -> (state, Steps r'' s p, state -> Steps r s p)) -> (forall r. state -> Steps r s p -> (state -> Steps r s p) -> (state, Steps r s p, state -> Steps r s p)) -> AnaParser state result s p a -> AnaParser state result s p b
- pMap :: OutputState result => (forall r r''. (b -> r -> r'') -> state -> Steps (a, r) s p -> (state, Steps r'' s p)) -> (forall r. state -> Steps r s p -> (state, Steps r s p)) -> AnaParser state result s p a -> AnaParser state result s p b
- module UU.Parsing.MachineInterface
- type Parser s = AnaParser [s] Pair s (Maybe s)
- class IsParser p s | p -> s where
- (<*>) :: p (a -> b) -> p a -> p b
- (<*) :: p a -> p b -> p a
- (*>) :: p a -> p b -> p b
- (<$>) :: (a -> b) -> p a -> p b
- (<$) :: b -> p a -> p b
- pSucceed :: a -> p a
- pLow :: a -> p a
- (<|>) :: p a -> p a -> p a
- pFail :: p a
- pCostRange :: Int# -> s -> SymbolR s -> p s
- pCostSym :: Int# -> s -> s -> p s
- pSym :: s -> p s
- pRange :: s -> SymbolR s -> p s
- getfirsts :: p v -> Expecting s
- setfirsts :: Expecting s -> p v -> p v
- getzerop :: p v -> Maybe (p v)
- getonep :: p v -> Maybe (p v)
- pCost :: (OutputState out, InputState inp sym pos, Symbol sym, Ord sym) => Int# -> AnaParser inp out sym pos ()
- getInputState :: (InputState a c d, Symbol c, Ord c, OutputState b) => AnaParser a b c d a
- handleEof :: (Symbol s, InputState a s pos) => a -> Steps (Pair a ()) s pos
- parse :: (Symbol s, InputState inp s pos) => AnaParser inp Pair s pos a -> inp -> Steps (Pair a (Pair inp ())) s pos
- parseIOMessage :: (Symbol s, InputState inp s p) => (Message s p -> String) -> AnaParser inp Pair s p a -> inp -> IO a
- parseIOMessageN :: (Symbol s, InputState inp s p) => (Message s p -> String) -> Int -> AnaParser inp Pair s p a -> inp -> IO a
- data Pair a r = Pair a r
- evalStepsIO :: (Message s p -> String) -> Steps b s p -> IO b
- evalStepsIO' :: (Message s p -> String) -> Int -> Steps b s p -> IO b
data AnaParser state result s p a Source
(InputState inp s p, OutputState out) => StateParser (AnaParser (inp, st) out s p) st | |
(Ord s, Symbol s, InputState state s p, OutputState result) => IsParser (AnaParser state result s p) s | The fast |
pWrap :: OutputState result => (forall r r''. (b -> r -> r'') -> state -> Steps (a, r) s p -> (state -> Steps r s p) -> (state, Steps r'' s p, state -> Steps r s p)) -> (forall r. state -> Steps r s p -> (state -> Steps r s p) -> (state, Steps r s p, state -> Steps r s p)) -> AnaParser state result s p a -> AnaParser state result s p bSource
pMap :: OutputState result => (forall r r''. (b -> r -> r'') -> state -> Steps (a, r) s p -> (state, Steps r'' s p)) -> (forall r. state -> Steps r s p -> (state, Steps r s p)) -> AnaParser state result s p a -> AnaParser state result s p bSource
module UU.Parsing.MachineInterface
class IsParser p s | p -> s whereSource
The IsParser
class contains the base combinators with which
to write parsers. A minimal complete instance definition consists of
definitions for '(*)', '(|)', pSucceed
, pLow
, pFail
, pCostSym
, getfirsts
, setfirsts
, and getzerop
(<*>) :: p (a -> b) -> p a -> p bSource
Sequential composition. Often used in combination with $. The function returned by parsing the left-hand side is applied to the value returned by parsing the right-hand side. Note: Implementations of this combinator should lazily match on and evaluate the right-hand side parser. The derived combinators for list parsing will explode if they do not.
(<*) :: p a -> p b -> p aSource
Value ignoring versions of sequential composition. These ignore either the value returned by the parser on the right-hand side or the left-hand side, depending on the visual direction of the combinator.
(*>) :: p a -> p b -> p bSource
(<$>) :: (a -> b) -> p a -> p bSource
Applies the function f to the result of p after parsing p.
Two variants of the parser for empty strings. pSucceed
parses the
empty string, and fully counts as an alternative parse. It returns the
value passed to it.
parses the empty string, but alternatives to pLow are always
preferred over pLow
parsing the empty string.
(<|>) :: p a -> p a -> p aSource
Alternative combinator. Succeeds if either of the two arguments succeed, and returns the result of the best success parse.
This parser always fails, and never returns any value at all.
pCostRange :: Int# -> s -> SymbolR s -> p sSource
Parses a range of symbols with an associated cost and the symbol to insert if no symbol in the range is present. Returns the actual symbol parsed.
pCostSym :: Int# -> s -> s -> p sSource
Parses a symbol with an associated cost and the symbol to insert if the symbol to parse isn't present. Returns either the symbol parsed or the symbol inserted.
Parses a symbol. Returns the symbol parsed.
pRange :: s -> SymbolR s -> p sSource
getfirsts :: p v -> Expecting sSource
Get the firsts set from the parser, i.e. the symbols it expects.
setfirsts :: Expecting s -> p v -> p vSource
Set the firsts set in the parser.
getzerop :: p v -> Maybe (p v)Source
returns Nothing
if the parser can not parse the empty
string, and returns Just p
with p
a parser that parses the empty
string and returns the appropriate value.
getonep :: p v -> Maybe (p v)Source
returns Nothing
if the parser can only parse the empty
string, and returns Just p
with p
a parser that does not parse any
empty string.
(Ord s, Symbol s, InputState state s p, OutputState result) => IsParser (AnaParser state result s p) s | The fast |
(Symbol s, Ord s, InputState i s p, OutputState o) => IsParser (OffsideParser i o s p) s |
pCost :: (OutputState out, InputState inp sym pos, Symbol sym, Ord sym) => Int# -> AnaParser inp out sym pos ()Source
getInputState :: (InputState a c d, Symbol c, Ord c, OutputState b) => AnaParser a b c d aSource
parse :: (Symbol s, InputState inp s pos) => AnaParser inp Pair s pos a -> inp -> Steps (Pair a (Pair inp ())) s posSource
parseIOMessage :: (Symbol s, InputState inp s p) => (Message s p -> String) -> AnaParser inp Pair s p a -> inp -> IO aSource
parseIOMessageN :: (Symbol s, InputState inp s p) => (Message s p -> String) -> Int -> AnaParser inp Pair s p a -> inp -> IO aSource