Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module reexports the functionality in Generic
which maps well
to explicity sized vectors.
Functions returning a vector determine the size from the type context unless
they have a '
suffix in which case they take an explicit Proxy
Functions where the resultant vector size is not know until compile time are not exported.
- data Vector v (n :: Nat) a
- data MVector v (n :: Nat) s a
- length :: forall v n a. KnownNat n => Vector v n a -> Int
- length' :: forall v n a. Vector v n a -> Proxy n
- knownLength :: forall v n a r. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> (KnownNat n => r) -> r
- knownLength' :: forall v n a r. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> (KnownNat n => Proxy n -> r) -> r
- index :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> Finite n -> a
- index' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => Vector v ((n + m) + 1) a -> p n -> a
- unsafeIndex :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> Int -> a
- head :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v (1 + n) a -> a
- last :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v (n + 1) a -> a
- indexM :: forall v n a m. (Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v n a -> Finite n -> m a
- indexM' :: forall v n k a m p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v (n + k) a -> p n -> m a
- unsafeIndexM :: forall v n a m. (Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v n a -> Int -> m a
- headM :: forall v n a m. (Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v (1 + n) a -> m a
- lastM :: forall v n a m. (Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> m a
- slice :: forall v i n m a p. (KnownNat i, KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p i -> Vector v ((i + n) + m) a -> Vector v n a
- slice' :: forall v i n m a p. (KnownNat i, KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p i -> p n -> Vector v ((i + n) + m) a -> Vector v n a
- init :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v n a
- tail :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v (1 + n) a -> Vector v n a
- take :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => Vector v (n + m) a -> Vector v n a
- take' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> Vector v (n + m) a -> Vector v n a
- drop :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => Vector v (n + m) a -> Vector v m a
- drop' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> Vector v (n + m) a -> Vector v m a
- splitAt :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => Vector v (n + m) a -> (Vector v n a, Vector v m a)
- splitAt' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> Vector v (n + m) a -> (Vector v n a, Vector v m a)
- empty :: forall v a. Vector v a => Vector v 0 a
- singleton :: forall v a. Vector v a => a -> Vector v 1 a
- fromTuple :: forall v a input length. (Vector v a, IndexedListLiterals input length a, KnownNat length) => input -> Vector v length a
- replicate :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => a -> Vector v n a
- replicate' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> a -> Vector v n a
- generate :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => (Finite n -> a) -> Vector v n a
- generate' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> (Finite n -> a) -> Vector v n a
- iterateN :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => (a -> a) -> a -> Vector v n a
- iterateN' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> (a -> a) -> a -> Vector v n a
- replicateM :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => m a -> m (Vector v n a)
- replicateM' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => p n -> m a -> m (Vector v n a)
- generateM :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => (Finite n -> m a) -> m (Vector v n a)
- generateM' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => p n -> (Finite n -> m a) -> m (Vector v n a)
- unfoldrN :: forall v n a b. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> Vector v n a
- unfoldrN' :: forall v n a b p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> Vector v n a
- enumFromN :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Num a) => a -> Vector v n a
- enumFromN' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Num a) => a -> p n -> Vector v n a
- enumFromStepN :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Num a) => a -> a -> Vector v n a
- enumFromStepN' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Num a) => a -> a -> p n -> Vector v n a
- cons :: forall v n a. Vector v a => a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v (1 + n) a
- snoc :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> a -> Vector v (n + 1) a
- (++) :: forall v n m a. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> Vector v m a -> Vector v (n + m) a
- force :: Vector v a => Vector v n a -> Vector v n a
- (//) :: Vector v a => Vector v m a -> [(Finite m, a)] -> Vector v m a
- update :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, a)) => Vector v m a -> Vector v n (Int, a) -> Vector v m a
- update_ :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) => Vector v m a -> Vector v n Int -> Vector v n a -> Vector v m a
- unsafeUpd :: Vector v a => Vector v m a -> [(Int, a)] -> Vector v m a
- unsafeUpdate :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, a)) => Vector v m a -> Vector v n (Int, a) -> Vector v m a
- unsafeUpdate_ :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) => Vector v m a -> Vector v n Int -> Vector v n a -> Vector v m a
- accum :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> a) -> Vector v m a -> [(Int, b)] -> Vector v m a
- accumulate :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, b)) => (a -> b -> a) -> Vector v m a -> Vector v n (Int, b) -> Vector v m a
- accumulate_ :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> Vector v m a -> Vector v n Int -> Vector v n b -> Vector v m a
- unsafeAccum :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> a) -> Vector v m a -> [(Int, b)] -> Vector v m a
- unsafeAccumulate :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, b)) => (a -> b -> a) -> Vector v m a -> Vector v n (Int, b) -> Vector v m a
- unsafeAccumulate_ :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> Vector v m a -> Vector v n Int -> Vector v n b -> Vector v m a
- reverse :: Vector v a => Vector v n a -> Vector v n a
- backpermute :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) => Vector v m a -> Vector v n Int -> Vector v n a
- unsafeBackpermute :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) => Vector v m a -> Vector v n Int -> Vector v n a
- ix :: forall v n a f. (Vector v a, Functor f) => Finite n -> (a -> f a) -> Vector v n a -> f (Vector v n a)
- _head :: forall v n a f. (Vector v a, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> Vector v (1 + n) a -> f (Vector v (1 + n) a)
- _last :: forall v n a f. (Vector v a, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> f (Vector v (n + 1) a)
- indexed :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, a), Vector v (Finite n, a)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n (Finite n, a)
- map :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b
- imap :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Finite n -> a -> b) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b
- concatMap :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> Vector v m b) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v (n * m) b
- mapM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> m b) -> Vector v n a -> m (Vector v n b)
- imapM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Finite n -> a -> m b) -> Vector v n a -> m (Vector v n b)
- mapM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> m b) -> Vector v n a -> m ()
- imapM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (Finite n -> a -> m b) -> Vector v n a -> m ()
- forM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => Vector v n a -> (a -> m b) -> m (Vector v n b)
- forM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => Vector v n a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
- zipWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (a -> b -> c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c
- zipWith3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d
- zipWith4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e
- zipWith5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f
- zipWith6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f, Vector v g) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f -> Vector v n g
- izipWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c
- izipWith3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d
- izipWith4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e
- izipWith5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f
- izipWith6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f, Vector v g) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f -> Vector v n g
- zip :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v (a, b)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n (a, b)
- zip3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v (a, b, c)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n (a, b, c)
- zip4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v (a, b, c, d)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n (a, b, c, d)
- zip5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n (a, b, c, d, e)
- zip6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e, f)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f -> Vector v n (a, b, c, d, e, f)
- zipWithM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (a -> b -> m c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> m (Vector v n c)
- izipWithM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> m c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> m (Vector v n c)
- zipWithM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> m ()
- izipWithM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> m c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> m ()
- unzip :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v (a, b)) => Vector v n (a, b) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b)
- unzip3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v (a, b, c)) => Vector v n (a, b, c) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b, Vector v n c)
- unzip4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v (a, b, c, d)) => Vector v n (a, b, c, d) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b, Vector v n c, Vector v n d)
- unzip5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e)) => Vector v n (a, b, c, d, e) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b, Vector v n c, Vector v n d, Vector v n e)
- unzip6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e, f)) => Vector v n (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b, Vector v n c, Vector v n d, Vector v n e, Vector v n f)
- elem :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => a -> Vector v n a -> Bool
- notElem :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => a -> Vector v n a -> Bool
- find :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Vector v n a -> Maybe a
- findIndex :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Vector v n a -> Maybe (Finite n)
- elemIndex :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => a -> Vector v n a -> Maybe (Finite n)
- foldl :: Vector v b => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> a
- foldl1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (1 + n) a -> a
- foldl' :: Vector v b => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> a
- foldl1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (1 + n) a -> a
- foldr :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b
- foldr1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> a
- foldr' :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b
- foldr1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> a
- ifoldl :: Vector v b => (a -> Finite n -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> a
- ifoldl' :: Vector v b => (a -> Finite n -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> a
- ifoldr :: Vector v a => (Finite n -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b
- ifoldr' :: Vector v a => (Finite n -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b
- all :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Vector v n a -> Bool
- any :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Vector v n a -> Bool
- and :: Vector v Bool => Vector v n Bool -> Bool
- or :: Vector v Bool => Vector v n Bool -> Bool
- sum :: (Vector v a, Num a) => Vector v n a -> a
- product :: (Vector v a, Num a) => Vector v n a -> a
- maximum :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> a
- maximumBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> a
- minimum :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> a
- minimumBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> a
- maxIndex :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> Finite (n + 1)
- maxIndexBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Finite (n + 1)
- minIndex :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> Finite (n + 1)
- minIndexBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Finite (n + 1)
- foldM :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m a
- ifoldM :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Finite n -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m a
- fold1M :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> Vector v (1 + n) a -> m a
- foldM' :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m a
- ifoldM' :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Finite n -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m a
- fold1M' :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> m a
- foldM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m ()
- ifoldM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Finite n -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m ()
- fold1M_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> m ()
- foldM'_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m ()
- ifoldM'_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Finite n -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m ()
- fold1M'_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> m ()
- sequence :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v (m a)) => Vector v n (m a) -> m (Vector v n a)
- sequence_ :: (Monad m, Vector v (m a)) => Vector v n (m a) -> m ()
- prescanl :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a
- prescanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a
- postscanl :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a
- postscanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a
- scanl :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a
- scanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a
- scanl1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v (n + 1) a
- scanl1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v (n + 1) a
- prescanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b
- prescanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b
- postscanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b
- postscanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b
- scanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b
- scanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b
- scanr1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v (n + 1) a
- scanr1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v (n + 1) a
- toList :: Vector v a => Vector v n a -> [a]
- fromList :: (Vector v a, KnownNat n) => [a] -> Maybe (Vector v n a)
- fromListN :: forall v n a. (Vector v a, KnownNat n) => [a] -> Maybe (Vector v n a)
- fromListN' :: forall v n a p. (Vector v a, KnownNat n) => p n -> [a] -> Maybe (Vector v n a)
- withSizedList :: forall v a r. Vector v a => [a] -> (forall n. KnownNat n => Vector v n a -> r) -> r
- convert :: (Vector v a, Vector w a) => Vector v n a -> Vector w n a
- freeze :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a -> m (Vector v n a)
- thaw :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => Vector v n a -> m (MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a)
- copy :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a -> Vector v n a -> m ()
- unsafeFreeze :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a -> m (Vector v n a)
- unsafeThaw :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => Vector v n a -> m (MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a)
- toSized :: forall v n a. (Vector v a, KnownNat n) => v a -> Maybe (Vector v n a)
- withSized :: forall v a r. Vector v a => v a -> (forall n. KnownNat n => Vector v n a -> r) -> r
- fromSized :: Vector v n a -> v a
- withVectorUnsafe :: (v a -> w b) -> Vector v n a -> Vector w n b
data Vector v (n :: Nat) a Source #
A wrapper to tag vectors with a type level length.
Be careful when using the constructor here to not construct sized vectors which have a different length than that specified in the type parameter!
KnownNat n => Monad (Vector Vector n) # | Treats a
Functor v => Functor (Vector v n) Source # | |
KnownNat n => Applicative (Vector Vector n) # | The |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized Methods pure :: a -> Vector Vector0 n a # (<*>) :: Vector Vector0 n (a -> b) -> Vector Vector0 n a -> Vector Vector0 n b # liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector Vector0 n a -> Vector Vector0 n b -> Vector Vector0 n c # (*>) :: Vector Vector0 n a -> Vector Vector0 n b -> Vector Vector0 n b # (<*) :: Vector Vector0 n a -> Vector Vector0 n b -> Vector Vector0 n a # | |
Foldable v => Foldable (Vector v n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized.Internal Methods fold :: Monoid m => Vector v n m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Vector v n a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v n a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v n a -> a # toList :: Vector v n a -> [a] # null :: Vector v n a -> Bool # length :: Vector v n a -> Int # elem :: Eq a => a -> Vector v n a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Vector v n a -> a # minimum :: Ord a => Vector v n a -> a # | |
Traversable v => Traversable (Vector v n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized.Internal | |
KnownNat n => Distributive (Vector Vector n) # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized Methods distribute :: Functor f => f (Vector Vector0 n a) -> Vector Vector0 n (f a) # collect :: Functor f => (a -> Vector Vector0 n b) -> f a -> Vector Vector0 n (f b) # distributeM :: Monad m => m (Vector Vector0 n a) -> Vector Vector0 n (m a) # collectM :: Monad m => (a -> Vector Vector0 n b) -> m a -> Vector Vector0 n (m b) # | |
KnownNat n => Representable (Vector Vector n) # | |
Eq1 v => Eq1 (Vector v n) Source # | |
Ord1 v => Ord1 (Vector v n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized.Internal | |
Show1 v => Show1 (Vector v n) Source # | |
Eq (v a) => Eq (Vector v n a) Source # | |
(Vector v a, Floating a, KnownNat n) => Floating (Vector v n a) # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized Methods exp :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # log :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # sqrt :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # (**) :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # logBase :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # sin :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # cos :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # tan :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # asin :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # acos :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # atan :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # sinh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # cosh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # tanh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # asinh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # acosh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # atanh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # log1p :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # expm1 :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # | |
(Vector v a, Fractional a, KnownNat n) => Fractional (Vector v n a) # | |
(KnownNat n, Typeable v, Typeable a, Data (v a)) => Data (Vector v n a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized.Internal Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Vector v n a -> c (Vector v n a) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Vector v n a) # toConstr :: Vector v n a -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Vector v n a -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Vector v n a)) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Vector v n a)) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Vector v n a -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Vector v n a -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Vector v n a -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Vector v n a -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Vector v n a -> m (Vector v n a) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Vector v n a -> m (Vector v n a) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Vector v n a -> m (Vector v n a) # | |
(Vector v a, Num a, KnownNat n) => Num (Vector v n a) # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized Methods (+) :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # (-) :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # (*) :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # negate :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # abs :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # signum :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # fromInteger :: Integer -> Vector v n a # | |
Ord (v a) => Ord (Vector v n a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized.Internal | |
(KnownNat n, Vector v a, Read (v a)) => Read (Vector v n a) # | |
Show (v a) => Show (Vector v n a) Source # | |
Generic (Vector v n a) Source # | |
(Semigroup g, Vector v g) => Semigroup (Vector v n g) # | The |
(Monoid m, Vector v m, KnownNat n) => Monoid (Vector v n m) # | The If |
(KnownNat n, Storable a, Vector v a) => Storable (Vector v n a) # | Any sized vector containing storable elements is itself storable. |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized Methods sizeOf :: Vector v n a -> Int # alignment :: Vector v n a -> Int # peekElemOff :: Ptr (Vector v n a) -> Int -> IO (Vector v n a) # pokeElemOff :: Ptr (Vector v n a) -> Int -> Vector v n a -> IO () # peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (Vector v n a) # pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Vector v n a -> IO () # | |
NFData (v a) => NFData (Vector v n a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized.Internal | |
type Rep (Vector Vector n) # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized | |
type Mutable (Vector v n) # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized | |
type Rep (Vector v n a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Sized.Internal |
data MVector v (n :: Nat) s a Source #
A wrapper to tag mutable vectors with a type level length.
Be careful when using the constructor here to not construct sized vectors which have a different length than that specified in the type parameter!
(KnownNat n, Typeable v, Typeable s, Typeable a, Data (v s a)) => Data (MVector v n s a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable.Sized.Internal Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> MVector v n s a -> c (MVector v n s a) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (MVector v n s a) # toConstr :: MVector v n s a -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: MVector v n s a -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (MVector v n s a)) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (MVector v n s a)) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> MVector v n s a -> MVector v n s a # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> MVector v n s a -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> MVector v n s a -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> MVector v n s a -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> MVector v n s a -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> MVector v n s a -> m (MVector v n s a) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> MVector v n s a -> m (MVector v n s a) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> MVector v n s a -> m (MVector v n s a) # | |
Generic (MVector v n s a) Source # | |
Storable (v s a) => Storable (MVector v n s a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable.Sized.Internal Methods sizeOf :: MVector v n s a -> Int # alignment :: MVector v n s a -> Int # peekElemOff :: Ptr (MVector v n s a) -> Int -> IO (MVector v n s a) # pokeElemOff :: Ptr (MVector v n s a) -> Int -> MVector v n s a -> IO () # peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (MVector v n s a) # pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> MVector v n s a -> IO () # | |
NFData (v s a) => NFData (MVector v n s a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable.Sized.Internal | |
type Rep (MVector v n s a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable.Sized.Internal |
Length information
:: Vector v a | |
=> Vector v n a | a vector of some (potentially unknown) length |
-> (KnownNat n => r) | a value that depends on knowing the vector's length |
-> r | the value computed with the length |
O(1) Reveal a KnownNat
instance for a vector's length, determined
at runtime.
index :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> Finite n -> a Source #
O(1) Safe indexing using a Finite
index' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => Vector v ((n + m) + 1) a -> p n -> a Source #
O(1) Safe indexing using a Proxy
unsafeIndex :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> Int -> a Source #
O(1) Indexing using an Int without bounds checking.
head :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v (1 + n) a -> a Source #
O(1) Yield the first element of a non-empty vector.
last :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v (n + 1) a -> a Source #
O(1) Yield the last element of a non-empty vector.
Monadic indexing
indexM :: forall v n a m. (Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v n a -> Finite n -> m a Source #
O(1) Safe indexing in a monad. See the documentation for indexM
an explanation of why this is useful.
indexM' :: forall v n k a m p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v (n + k) a -> p n -> m a Source #
unsafeIndexM :: forall v n a m. (Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v n a -> Int -> m a Source #
O(1) Indexing using an Int without bounds checking. See the
documentation for indexM
for an explanation of why this is useful.
headM :: forall v n a m. (Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v (1 + n) a -> m a Source #
O(1) Yield the first element of a non-empty vector in a monad. See the
documentation for indexM
for an explanation of why this is useful.
lastM :: forall v n a m. (Vector v a, Monad m) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> m a Source #
O(1) Yield the last element of a non-empty vector in a monad. See the
documentation for indexM
for an explanation of why this is useful.
Extracting subvectors (slicing)
:: (KnownNat i, KnownNat n, Vector v a) | |
=> p i | starting index |
-> Vector v ((i + n) + m) a | |
-> Vector v n a |
O(1) Yield a slice of the vector without copying it with an inferred length argument.
:: (KnownNat i, KnownNat n, Vector v a) | |
=> p i | starting index |
-> p n | length |
-> Vector v ((i + n) + m) a | |
-> Vector v n a |
O(1) Yield a slice of the vector without copying it with an explicit length argument.
init :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(1) Yield all but the last element of a non-empty vector without copying.
tail :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v (1 + n) a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(1) Yield all but the first element of a non-empty vector without copying.
take :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => Vector v (n + m) a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(1) Yield the first n elements. The resultant vector always contains this many elements. The length of the resultant vector is inferred from the type.
take' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> Vector v (n + m) a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(1) Yield the first n elements. The resultant vector always contains
this many elements. The length of the resultant vector is given explicitly
as a Proxy
drop :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => Vector v (n + m) a -> Vector v m a Source #
O(1) Yield all but the the first n elements. The given vector must contain at least this many elements The length of the resultant vector is inferred from the type.
drop' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> Vector v (n + m) a -> Vector v m a Source #
O(1) Yield all but the the first n elements. The given vector must
contain at least this many elements The length of the resultant vector is
givel explicitly as a Proxy
splitAt :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => Vector v (n + m) a -> (Vector v n a, Vector v m a) Source #
O(1) Yield the first n elements paired with the remainder without copying. The lengths of the resultant vector are inferred from the type.
splitAt' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> Vector v (n + m) a -> (Vector v n a, Vector v m a) Source #
O(1) Yield the first n elements paired with the remainder without
copying. The length of the first resultant vector is passed explicitly as a
singleton :: forall v a. Vector v a => a -> Vector v 1 a Source #
O(1) Vector with exactly one element.
fromTuple :: forall v a input length. (Vector v a, IndexedListLiterals input length a, KnownNat length) => input -> Vector v length a Source #
O(n) Construct a vector in a type safe manner fromTuple (1,2) :: Vector v 2 Int fromTuple ("hey", "what's", "going", "on") :: Vector v 4 String
replicate :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Construct a vector with the same element in each position where the length is inferred from the type.
replicate' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Construct a vector with the same element in each position where the
length is given explicitly as a Proxy
generate :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => (Finite n -> a) -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) construct a vector of the given length by applying the function to each index where the length is inferred from the type.
generate' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> (Finite n -> a) -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) construct a vector of the given length by applying the function to
each index where the length is given explicitly as a Proxy
iterateN :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => (a -> a) -> a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Apply function n times to value. Zeroth element is original value. The length is inferred from the type.
iterateN' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> (a -> a) -> a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Apply function n times to value. Zeroth element is original value.
The length is given explicitly as a Proxy
Monadic initialization
replicateM :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => m a -> m (Vector v n a) Source #
O(n) Execute the monadic action n
times and store the results in a
vector where n
is inferred from the type.
replicateM' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => p n -> m a -> m (Vector v n a) Source #
O(n) Execute the monadic action n
times and store the results in a
vector where n
is given explicitly as a Proxy
generateM :: forall v n m a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => (Finite n -> m a) -> m (Vector v n a) Source #
O(n) Construct a vector of length n
by applying the monadic action to
each index where n is inferred from the type.
generateM' :: forall v n m a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Monad m) => p n -> (Finite n -> m a) -> m (Vector v n a) Source #
O(n) Construct a vector of length n
by applying the monadic action to
each index where n is given explicitly as a Proxy
unfoldrN :: forall v n a b. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Construct a vector with exactly n
elements by repeatedly applying
the generator function to the a seed. The length, n
, is inferred from the
unfoldrN' :: forall v n a b p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a) => p n -> (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Construct a vector with exactly n
elements by repeatedly applying
the generator function to the a seed. The length, n
, is given explicitly
as a Proxy
enumFromN :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Num a) => a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Yield a vector of length n
containing the values x
, x+1
etc. The length, n
, is inferred from the type.
enumFromN' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Num a) => a -> p n -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Yield a vector of length n
containing the values x
, x+1
etc. The length, n
, is given explicitly as a Proxy
enumFromStepN :: forall v n a. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Num a) => a -> a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Yield a vector of the given length containing the values x
, x+y
etc. The length, n
, is inferred from the type.
enumFromStepN' :: forall v n a p. (KnownNat n, Vector v a, Num a) => a -> a -> p n -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Yield a vector of the given length containing the values x
, x+y
etc. The length, n
, is given explicitly as a Proxy
cons :: forall v n a. Vector v a => a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v (1 + n) a Source #
O(n) Prepend an element.
snoc :: forall v n a. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> a -> Vector v (n + 1) a Source #
O(n) Append an element.
(++) :: forall v n m a. Vector v a => Vector v n a -> Vector v m a -> Vector v (n + m) a Source #
O(m+n) Concatenate two vectors.
Restricting memory usage
force :: Vector v a => Vector v n a -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Yield the argument but force it not to retain any extra memory, possibly by copying it.
This is especially useful when dealing with slices. For example:
force (slice 0 2 <huge vector>)
Here, the slice retains a reference to the huge vector. Forcing it creates a copy of just the elements that belong to the slice and allows the huge vector to be garbage collected.
Modifying vectors
Bulk updates
:: Vector v a | |
=> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> [(Finite m, a)] | list of index/value pairs (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
O(m+n) For each pair (i,a)
from the list, replace the vector
element at position i
by a
<5,9,2,7> // [(2,1),(0,3),(2,8)] = <3,9,8,7>
:: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, a)) | |
=> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> Vector v n (Int, a) | vector of index/value pairs (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
O(m+n) For each pair (i,a)
from the vector of index/value pairs,
replace the vector element at position i
by a
update <5,9,2,7> <(2,1),(0,3),(2,8)> = <3,9,8,7>
:: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) | |
=> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> Vector v n Int | index vector (of length |
-> Vector v n a | value vector (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
O(m+n) For each index i
from the index vector and the
corresponding value a
from the value vector, replace the element of the
initial vector at position i
by a
update_ <5,9,2,7> <2,0,2> <1,3,8> = <3,9,8,7>
This function is useful for instances of Vector
that cannot store pairs.
Otherwise, update
is probably more convenient.
update_ xs is ys =update
xs (zip
is ys)
:: Vector v a | |
=> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> [(Int, a)] | list of index/value pairs (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
Same as (//
) but without bounds checking.
:: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, a)) | |
=> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> Vector v n (Int, a) | vector of index/value pairs (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
Same as update
but without bounds checking.
:: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) | |
=> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> Vector v n Int | index vector (of length |
-> Vector v n a | value vector (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
Same as update_
but without bounds checking.
:: Vector v a | |
=> (a -> b -> a) | accumulating function |
-> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> [(Int, b)] | list of index/value pairs (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
O(m+n) For each pair (i,b)
from the list, replace the vector element
at position i
by f a b
accum (+) <5,9,2> [(2,4),(1,6),(0,3),(1,7)] = <5+3, 9+6+7, 2+4>
:: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, b)) | |
=> (a -> b -> a) | accumulating function |
-> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> Vector v n (Int, b) | vector of index/value pairs (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
O(m+n) For each pair (i,b)
from the vector of pairs, replace the vector
element a
at position i
by f a b
accumulate (+) <5,9,2> <(2,4),(1,6),(0,3),(1,7)> = <5+3, 9+6+7, 2+4>
:: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Vector v b) | |
=> (a -> b -> a) | accumulating function |
-> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> Vector v n Int | index vector (of length |
-> Vector v n b | value vector (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
O(m+n) For each index i
from the index vector and the
corresponding value b
from the the value vector,
replace the element of the initial vector at
position i
by f a b
accumulate_ (+) <5,9,2> <2,1,0,1> <4,6,3,7> = <5+3, 9+6+7, 2+4>
This function is useful for instances of Vector
that cannot store pairs.
Otherwise, accumulate
is probably more convenient:
accumulate_ f as is bs =accumulate
f as (zip
is bs)
:: Vector v a | |
=> (a -> b -> a) | accumulating function |
-> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> [(Int, b)] | list of index/value pairs (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
Same as accum
but without bounds checking.
:: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, b)) | |
=> (a -> b -> a) | accumulating function |
-> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> Vector v n (Int, b) | vector of index/value pairs (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
Same as accumulate
but without bounds checking.
:: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Vector v b) | |
=> (a -> b -> a) | accumulating function |
-> Vector v m a | initial vector (of length |
-> Vector v n Int | index vector (of length |
-> Vector v n b | value vector (of length |
-> Vector v m a |
Same as accumulate_
but without bounds checking.
:: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) | |
=> Vector v m a |
-> Vector v n Int |
-> Vector v n a |
O(n) Yield the vector obtained by replacing each element i
of the
index vector by xs
. This is equivalent to !
but is
often much more
) is
backpermute <a,b,c,d> <0,3,2,3,1,0> = <a,d,c,d,b,a>
:: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) | |
=> Vector v m a |
-> Vector v n Int |
-> Vector v n a |
Same as backpermute
but without bounds checking.
ix :: forall v n a f. (Vector v a, Functor f) => Finite n -> (a -> f a) -> Vector v n a -> f (Vector v n a) Source #
Lens to access (O(1)) and update (O(n)) an arbitrary element by its index.
_head :: forall v n a f. (Vector v a, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> Vector v (1 + n) a -> f (Vector v (1 + n) a) Source #
Lens to access (O(1)) and update (O(n)) the first element of a non-empty vector.
_last :: forall v n a f. (Vector v a, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> f (Vector v (n + 1) a) Source #
Lens to access (O(1)) and update (O(n)) the last element of a non-empty vector.
Elementwise operations
indexed :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, a), Vector v (Finite n, a)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n (Finite n, a) Source #
O(n) Pair each element in a vector with its index
map :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b Source #
O(n) Map a function over a vector
imap :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Finite n -> a -> b) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b Source #
O(n) Apply a function to every element of a vector and its index
concatMap :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> Vector v m b) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v (n * m) b Source #
O(n*m) Map a function over a vector and concatenate the results. The function is required to always return the same length vector.
Monadic mapping
mapM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> m b) -> Vector v n a -> m (Vector v n b) Source #
O(n) Apply the monadic action to all elements of the vector, yielding a vector of results
imapM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Finite n -> a -> m b) -> Vector v n a -> m (Vector v n b) Source #
O(n) Apply the monadic action to every element of a vector and its index, yielding a vector of results
mapM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> m b) -> Vector v n a -> m () Source #
O(n) Apply the monadic action to all elements of a vector and ignore the results
imapM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (Finite n -> a -> m b) -> Vector v n a -> m () Source #
O(n) Apply the monadic action to every element of a vector and its index, ignoring the results
forM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => Vector v n a -> (a -> m b) -> m (Vector v n b) Source #
O(n) Apply the monadic action to all elements of the vector, yielding a
vector of results. Equvalent to flip
forM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => Vector v n a -> (a -> m b) -> m () Source #
O(n) Apply the monadic action to all elements of a vector and ignore the
results. Equivalent to flip
zipWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (a -> b -> c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c Source #
O(n) Zip two vectors of the same length with the given function.
zipWith3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d Source #
Zip three vectors with the given function.
zipWith4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e Source #
zipWith5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f Source #
zipWith6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f, Vector v g) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f -> Vector v n g Source #
izipWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c Source #
O(n) Zip two vectors of the same length with a function that also takes the elements' indices).
izipWith3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d Source #
izipWith4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e Source #
izipWith5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f Source #
izipWith6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f, Vector v g) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f -> Vector v n g Source #
zip :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v (a, b)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n (a, b) Source #
O(n) Zip two vectors of the same length
zip3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v (a, b, c)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n (a, b, c) Source #
zip4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v (a, b, c, d)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n (a, b, c, d) Source #
zip5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n (a, b, c, d, e) Source #
zip6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e, f)) => Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n c -> Vector v n d -> Vector v n e -> Vector v n f -> Vector v n (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source #
Monadic zipping
zipWithM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (a -> b -> m c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> m (Vector v n c) Source #
O(n) Zip the two vectors of the same length with the monadic action and yield a vector of results
izipWithM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> m c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> m (Vector v n c) Source #
O(n) Zip the two vectors with a monadic action that also takes the element index and yield a vector of results
zipWithM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> m () Source #
O(n) Zip the two vectors with the monadic action and ignore the results
izipWithM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Finite n -> a -> b -> m c) -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b -> m () Source #
O(n) Zip the two vectors with a monadic action that also takes the element index and ignore the results
unzip :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v (a, b)) => Vector v n (a, b) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b) Source #
O(min(m,n)) Unzip a vector of pairs.
unzip3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v (a, b, c)) => Vector v n (a, b, c) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b, Vector v n c) Source #
unzip4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v (a, b, c, d)) => Vector v n (a, b, c, d) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b, Vector v n c, Vector v n d) Source #
unzip5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e)) => Vector v n (a, b, c, d, e) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b, Vector v n c, Vector v n d, Vector v n e) Source #
unzip6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e, Vector v f, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e, f)) => Vector v n (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (Vector v n a, Vector v n b, Vector v n c, Vector v n d, Vector v n e, Vector v n f) Source #
Working with predicates
elem :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => a -> Vector v n a -> Bool infix 4 Source #
O(n) Check if the vector contains an element
notElem :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => a -> Vector v n a -> Bool infix 4 Source #
O(n) Check if the vector does not contain an element (inverse of elem
foldl1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (1 + n) a -> a Source #
O(n) Left fold on non-empty vectors
foldl' :: Vector v b => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> a Source #
O(n) Left fold with strict accumulator
foldl1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (1 + n) a -> a Source #
O(n) Left fold on non-empty vectors with strict accumulator
foldr1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> a Source #
O(n) Right fold on non-empty vectors
foldr' :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b Source #
O(n) Right fold with a strict accumulator
foldr1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> a Source #
O(n) Right fold on non-empty vectors with strict accumulator
ifoldl :: Vector v b => (a -> Finite n -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> a Source #
O(n) Left fold (function applied to each element and its index)
ifoldl' :: Vector v b => (a -> Finite n -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> a Source #
O(n) Left fold with strict accumulator (function applied to each element and its index)
ifoldr :: Vector v a => (Finite n -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b Source #
O(n) Right fold (function applied to each element and its index)
ifoldr' :: Vector v a => (Finite n -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> b Source #
O(n) Right fold with strict accumulator (function applied to each element and its index)
Specialised folds
all :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Vector v n a -> Bool Source #
O(n) Check if all elements satisfy the predicate.
any :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Vector v n a -> Bool Source #
O(n) Check if any element satisfies the predicate.
product :: (Vector v a, Num a) => Vector v n a -> a Source #
O(n) Compute the produce of the elements
maximum :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> a Source #
O(n) Yield the maximum element of the non-empty vector.
maximumBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> a Source #
O(n) Yield the maximum element of the non-empty vector according to the given comparison function.
minimum :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> a Source #
O(n) Yield the minimum element of the non-empty vector.
minimumBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> a Source #
O(n) Yield the minimum element of the non-empty vector according to the given comparison function.
maxIndex :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> Finite (n + 1) Source #
O(n) Yield the index of the maximum element of the non-empty vector.
maxIndexBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Finite (n + 1) Source #
O(n) Yield the index of the maximum element of the non-empty vector according to the given comparison function.
minIndex :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => Vector v (n + 1) a -> Finite (n + 1) Source #
O(n) Yield the index of the minimum element of the non-empty vector.
minIndexBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Finite (n + 1) Source #
O(n) Yield the index of the minimum element of the non-empty vector according to the given comparison function.
Monadic folds
foldM :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m a Source #
O(n) Monadic fold
ifoldM :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Finite n -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m a Source #
O(n) Monadic fold (action applied to each element and its index)
fold1M :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> Vector v (1 + n) a -> m a Source #
O(n) Monadic fold over non-empty vectors
foldM' :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m a Source #
O(n) Monadic fold with strict accumulator
ifoldM' :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Finite n -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m a Source #
O(n) Monadic fold with strict accumulator (action applied to each element and its index)
fold1M' :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> m a Source #
O(n) Monadic fold over non-empty vectors with strict accumulator
foldM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m () Source #
O(n) Monadic fold that discards the result
ifoldM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Finite n -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m () Source #
O(n) Monadic fold that discards the result (action applied to each element and its index)
fold1M_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> m () Source #
O(n) Monadic fold over non-empty vectors that discards the result
foldM'_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m () Source #
O(n) Monadic fold with strict accumulator that discards the result
ifoldM'_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Finite n -> b -> m a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> m () Source #
O(n) Monadic fold with strict accumulator that discards the result (action applied to each element and its index)
fold1M'_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> m () Source #
O(n) Monad fold over non-empty vectors with strict accumulator that discards the result
Monadic sequencing
sequence :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v (m a)) => Vector v n (m a) -> m (Vector v n a) Source #
Evaluate each action and collect the results
sequence_ :: (Monad m, Vector v (m a)) => Vector v n (m a) -> m () Source #
Evaluate each action and discard the results
Prefix sums (scans)
prescanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Prescan with strict accumulator
postscanl :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Scan
postscanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Scan with strict accumulator
scanl :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Haskell-style scan
scanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector v n b -> Vector v n a Source #
O(n) Haskell-style scan with strict accumulator
scanl1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v (n + 1) a Source #
O(n) Scan over a non-empty vector
scanl1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v (n + 1) a Source #
O(n) Scan over a non-empty vector with a strict accumulator
prescanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b Source #
O(n) Right-to-left prescan
prescanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b Source #
O(n) Right-to-left prescan with strict accumulator
postscanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b Source #
O(n) Right-to-left scan
postscanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b Source #
O(n) Right-to-left scan with strict accumulator
scanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b Source #
O(n) Right-to-left Haskell-style scan
scanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n b Source #
O(n) Right-to-left Haskell-style scan with strict accumulator
scanr1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v (n + 1) a Source #
O(n) Right-to-left scan over a non-empty vector
scanr1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector v (n + 1) a -> Vector v (n + 1) a Source #
O(n) Right-to-left scan over a non-empty vector with a strict accumulator
fromList :: (Vector v a, KnownNat n) => [a] -> Maybe (Vector v n a) Source #
O(n) Convert a list to a vector
fromListN :: forall v n a. (Vector v a, KnownNat n) => [a] -> Maybe (Vector v n a) Source #
O(n) Convert the first n
elements of a list to a vector. The length of
the resultant vector is inferred from the type.
fromListN' :: forall v n a p. (Vector v a, KnownNat n) => p n -> [a] -> Maybe (Vector v n a) Source #
O(n) Convert the first n
elements of a list to a vector. The length of
the resultant vector is given explicitly as a Proxy
withSizedList :: forall v a r. Vector v a => [a] -> (forall n. KnownNat n => Vector v n a -> r) -> r Source #
O(n) Takes a list and returns a continuation providing a vector with a size parameter corresponding to the length of the list.
Essentially converts a list into a vector with the proper size parameter, determined at runtime.
See withSized
Other Vector types
convert :: (Vector v a, Vector w a) => Vector v n a -> Vector w n a Source #
O(n) Convert different vector types
Mutable vectors
freeze :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a -> m (Vector v n a) Source #
O(n) Yield an immutable copy of the mutable vector.
thaw :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => Vector v n a -> m (MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a) Source #
O(n) Yield a mutable copy of the immutable vector.
copy :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a -> Vector v n a -> m () Source #
O(n) Copy an immutable vector into a mutable one.
unsafeFreeze :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a -> m (Vector v n a) Source #
O(1) Unsafely convert a mutable vector to an immutable one withouy copying. The mutable vector may not be used after this operation.
unsafeThaw :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => Vector v n a -> m (MVector (Mutable v) n (PrimState m) a) Source #
O(n) Unsafely convert an immutable vector to a mutable one without copying. The immutable vector may not be used after this operation.
Unsized Vectors
withSized :: forall v a r. Vector v a => v a -> (forall n. KnownNat n => Vector v n a -> r) -> r Source #
withVectorUnsafe :: (v a -> w b) -> Vector v n a -> Vector w n b Source #
Apply a function on unsized vectors to a sized vector. The function must preserve the size of the vector, this is not checked.
Orphan instances
KnownNat n => Monad (Vector Vector n) Source # | Treats a
KnownNat n => Applicative (Vector Vector n) Source # | The |
Methods pure :: a -> Vector Vector0 n a # (<*>) :: Vector Vector0 n (a -> b) -> Vector Vector0 n a -> Vector Vector0 n b # liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector Vector0 n a -> Vector Vector0 n b -> Vector Vector0 n c # (*>) :: Vector Vector0 n a -> Vector Vector0 n b -> Vector Vector0 n b # (<*) :: Vector Vector0 n a -> Vector Vector0 n b -> Vector Vector0 n a # | |
KnownNat n => Distributive (Vector Vector n) Source # | |
Methods distribute :: Functor f => f (Vector Vector0 n a) -> Vector Vector0 n (f a) # collect :: Functor f => (a -> Vector Vector0 n b) -> f a -> Vector Vector0 n (f b) # distributeM :: Monad m => m (Vector Vector0 n a) -> Vector Vector0 n (m a) # collectM :: Monad m => (a -> Vector Vector0 n b) -> m a -> Vector Vector0 n (m b) # | |
KnownNat n => Representable (Vector Vector n) Source # | |
(Vector v a, Floating a, KnownNat n) => Floating (Vector v n a) Source # | |
Methods exp :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # log :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # sqrt :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # (**) :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # logBase :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # sin :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # cos :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # tan :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # asin :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # acos :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # atan :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # sinh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # cosh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # tanh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # asinh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # acosh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # atanh :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # log1p :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # expm1 :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # | |
(Vector v a, Fractional a, KnownNat n) => Fractional (Vector v n a) Source # | |
(Vector v a, Num a, KnownNat n) => Num (Vector v n a) Source # | |
Methods (+) :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # (-) :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # (*) :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # negate :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # abs :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # signum :: Vector v n a -> Vector v n a # fromInteger :: Integer -> Vector v n a # | |
(KnownNat n, Vector v a, Read (v a)) => Read (Vector v n a) Source # | |
(Semigroup g, Vector v g) => Semigroup (Vector v n g) Source # | The |
(Monoid m, Vector v m, KnownNat n) => Monoid (Vector v n m) Source # | The If |
(KnownNat n, Storable a, Vector v a) => Storable (Vector v n a) Source # | Any sized vector containing storable elements is itself storable. |
Methods sizeOf :: Vector v n a -> Int # alignment :: Vector v n a -> Int # peekElemOff :: Ptr (Vector v n a) -> Int -> IO (Vector v n a) # pokeElemOff :: Ptr (Vector v n a) -> Int -> Vector v n a -> IO () # peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (Vector v n a) # pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Vector v n a -> IO () # |