Copyright | Copyright (c) Daan Leijen 2003, 2004 |
License | wxWindows |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- Global
- Classes
- AcceleratorEntry
- AcceleratorTable
- ActivateEvent
- AuiDefaultTabArt
- AuiDefaultToolBarArt
- AuiDockArt
- AuiManager
- AuiManagerEvent
- AuiNotebook
- AuiNotebookEvent
- AuiNotebookPage
- AuiNotebookPageArray
- AuiPaneInfo
- AuiPaneInfoArray
- AuiSimpleTabArt
- AuiTabArt
- AuiTabContainer
- AuiTabContainerButton
- AuiTabCtrl
- AuiToolBar
- AuiToolBarArt
- AuiToolBarEvent
- AuiToolBarItem
- AuiToolBarItemArray
- AutoBufferedPaintDC
- Bitmap
- BitmapButton
- BitmapToggleButton
- BookCtrlBase
- BookCtrlEvent
- BoolProperty
- BoxSizer
- Brush
- BufferedDC
- BufferedPaintDC
- BusyCursor
- BusyInfo
- Button
- CalculateLayoutEvent
- CalendarCtrl
- CalendarDateAttr
- CalendarEvent
- Caret
- CheckBox
- CheckListBox
- Choice
- ClassInfo
- ClientDC
- Clipboard
- CloseEvent
- Closure
- ComboBox
- CommandEvent
- ConfigBase
- ContextHelp
- ContextHelpButton
- Control
- Cursor
- DC
- DataFormat
- DataObjectComposite
- DateProperty
- DateTime
- Dialog
- DirDialog
- DragImage
- DrawControl
- DrawWindow
- DropTarget
- EncodingConverter
- EraseEvent
- Event
- EvtHandler
- FileConfig
- FileDialog
- FileHistory
- FileInputStream
- FileOutputStream
- FileProperty
- FileType
- FindDialogEvent
- FindReplaceData
- FindReplaceDialog
- FlexGridSizer
- FloatProperty
- Font
- FontData
- FontDialog
- FontEnumerator
- FontMapper
- Frame
- GLCanvas
- GLContext
- Gauge
- GenericDragImage
- GraphicsBrush
- GraphicsContext
- GraphicsFont
- GraphicsMatrix
- GraphicsObject
- GraphicsPath
- GraphicsPen
- GraphicsRenderer
- Grid
- GridCellAttr
- GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer
- GridCellBoolEditor
- GridCellChoiceEditor
- GridCellCoordsArray
- GridCellEditor
- GridCellFloatEditor
- GridCellNumberEditor
- GridCellNumberRenderer
- GridCellTextEditor
- GridCellTextEnterEditor
- GridEditorCreatedEvent
- GridEvent
- GridRangeSelectEvent
- GridSizeEvent
- GridSizer
- HelpControllerHelpProvider
- HelpEvent
- HelpProvider
- HtmlHelpController
- HtmlWindow
- HyperlinkCtrl
- Icon
- IconBundle
- IdleEvent
- Image
- ImageList
- IndividualLayoutConstraint
- InputSink
- InputSinkEvent
- InputStream
- IntProperty
- KeyEvent
- LayoutAlgorithm
- LayoutConstraints
- ListBox
- ListCtrl
- ListEvent
- ListItem
- Locale
- Log
- LogChain
- LogNull
- LogStderr
- LogTextCtrl
- LogWindow
Haskell class definitions for the wxWidgets C library (wxc.dll
Do not edit this file manually! This file was automatically generated by wxDirect.
From the files:
And contains 2015 methods for 150 classes.
- bitmapDataObjectCreate :: Bitmap a -> IO (BitmapDataObject ())
- bitmapDataObjectCreateEmpty :: IO (BitmapDataObject ())
- bitmapDataObjectDelete :: BitmapDataObject a -> IO ()
- bitmapDataObjectGetBitmap :: BitmapDataObject a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapDataObjectSetBitmap :: BitmapDataObject a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- cFree :: Ptr a -> IO ()
- colorPickerCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Color -> Rect -> Int -> IO (ColourPickerCtrl ())
- colorPickerCtrlGetColour :: ColourPickerCtrl a -> IO Color
- colorPickerCtrlSetColour :: ColourPickerCtrl a -> Color -> IO ()
- cursorCreateFromImage :: Image a -> IO (Cursor ())
- cursorCreateFromStock :: Id -> IO (Cursor ())
- cursorCreateLoad :: String -> Int -> Size -> IO (Cursor ())
- dragIcon :: Icon a -> Point -> IO (DragImage ())
- dragListItem :: ListCtrl a -> Id -> IO (DragImage ())
- dragString :: String -> Point -> IO (DragImage ())
- dragTreeItem :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (DragImage ())
- dropSourceCreate :: DataObject a -> Window b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> IO (DropSource ())
- dropSourceDelete :: DropSource a -> IO ()
- dropSourceDoDragDrop :: DropSource a -> Int -> IO Int
- fileDataObjectAddFile :: FileDataObject a -> String -> IO ()
- fileDataObjectCreate :: [String] -> IO (FileDataObject ())
- fileDataObjectDelete :: FileDataObject a -> IO ()
- fileDataObjectGetFilenames :: FileDataObject a -> IO [String]
- gcdcCreate :: WindowDC a -> IO (GCDC ())
- gcdcCreateFromMemory :: MemoryDC a -> IO (GCDC ())
- gcdcCreateFromPrinter :: PrinterDC a -> IO (GCDC ())
- gcdcDelete :: GCDC a -> IO ()
- gcdcGetGraphicsContext :: GCDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- gcdcSetGraphicsContext :: GCDC a -> GraphicsContext b -> IO ()
- genericDragIcon :: Icon a -> IO (GenericDragImage ())
- genericDragListItem :: ListCtrl a -> Id -> IO (GenericDragImage ())
- genericDragString :: String -> IO (GenericDragImage ())
- genericDragTreeItem :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (GenericDragImage ())
- getApplicationDir :: IO String
- getApplicationPath :: IO String
- getColourFromUser :: Window a -> Color -> IO Color
- getELJLocale :: IO (WXCLocale ())
- getELJTranslation :: String -> IO (Ptr ())
- getFontFromUser :: Window a -> Font b -> IO (Font ())
- getNumberFromUser :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Window g -> Point -> IO Int
- getPasswordFromUser :: String -> String -> String -> Window d -> IO String
- getTextFromUser :: String -> String -> String -> Window d -> Point -> Bool -> IO String
- isDefined :: String -> IO Bool
- kill :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
- logDebug :: String -> IO ()
- logError :: String -> IO ()
- logErrorMsg :: String -> IO ()
- logFatalError :: String -> IO ()
- logFatalErrorMsg :: String -> IO ()
- logMessage :: String -> IO ()
- logMessageMsg :: String -> IO ()
- logStatus :: String -> IO ()
- logSysError :: String -> IO ()
- logTrace :: String -> String -> IO ()
- logVerbose :: String -> IO ()
- logWarning :: String -> IO ()
- logWarningMsg :: String -> IO ()
- acceleratorEntryCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (AcceleratorEntry ())
- acceleratorEntryDelete :: AcceleratorEntry a -> IO ()
- acceleratorEntryGetCommand :: AcceleratorEntry a -> IO Int
- acceleratorEntryGetFlags :: AcceleratorEntry a -> IO Int
- acceleratorEntryGetKeyCode :: AcceleratorEntry a -> IO Int
- acceleratorEntrySet :: AcceleratorEntry a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- acceleratorTableCreate :: Int -> Ptr b -> IO (AcceleratorTable ())
- acceleratorTableDelete :: AcceleratorTable a -> IO ()
- activateEventCopyObject :: ActivateEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- activateEventGetActive :: ActivateEvent a -> IO Bool
- auiDefaultTabArtClone :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> IO (AuiTabArt ())
- auiDefaultTabArtCreate :: IO (AuiDefaultTabArt ())
- auiDefaultTabArtDrawBackground :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtDrawButton :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtDrawTab :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiNotebookPage d -> Rect -> Int -> Rect -> Rect -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Size -> IO Int
- auiDefaultTabArtGetIndentSize :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> IO Int
- auiDefaultTabArtGetTabSize :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> String -> Bitmap e -> Bool -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> IO Size
- auiDefaultTabArtSetActiveColour :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtSetColour :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtSetFlags :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtSetMeasuringFont :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtSetNormalFont :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtSetSelectedFont :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtSetSizingInfo :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Size -> Int -> IO ()
- auiDefaultTabArtShowDropDown :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Int -> IO Int
- auiDefaultToolBarArtClone :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> IO (AuiToolBarArt ())
- auiDefaultToolBarArtCreate :: IO (AuiDefaultToolBarArt ())
- auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawBackground :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawButton :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawControlLabel :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawGripper :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawLabel :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawSeparator :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtGetElementSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO Int
- auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFlags :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> IO Int
- auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFont :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> IO (Font ())
- auiDefaultToolBarArtGetLabelSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> IO Size
- auiDefaultToolBarArtGetTextOrientation :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> IO Int
- auiDefaultToolBarArtGetToolSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> IO Size
- auiDefaultToolBarArtSetElementSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFlags :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFont :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtSetTextOrientation :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiDefaultToolBarArtShowDropDown :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Window b -> AuiToolBarItemArray c -> IO Int
- auiDockArtDrawBackground :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Int -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDockArtDrawBorder :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo e -> IO ()
- auiDockArtDrawCaption :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> String -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo f -> IO ()
- auiDockArtDrawGripper :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo e -> IO ()
- auiDockArtDrawPaneButton :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo g -> IO ()
- auiDockArtDrawSash :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Int -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiDockArtGetColour :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> IO Color
- auiDockArtGetFont :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> IO (Font ())
- auiDockArtGetMetric :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> IO Int
- auiDockArtSetColour :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> Color -> IO ()
- auiDockArtSetFont :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> Font c -> IO ()
- auiDockArtSetMetric :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> Int -> IO ()
- auiManagerAddPane :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> Int -> String -> IO Bool
- auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfo :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> AuiPaneInfo c -> IO Bool
- auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> AuiPaneInfo c -> Point -> IO Bool
- auiManagerCreate :: Window a -> Int -> IO (AuiManager ())
- auiManagerDelete :: AuiManager a -> IO ()
- auiManagerDetachPane :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> IO Bool
- auiManagerGetAllPanes :: AuiManager a -> IO (AuiPaneInfoArray ())
- auiManagerGetArtProvider :: AuiManager a -> IO (AuiDockArt ())
- auiManagerGetDockSizeConstraint :: AuiManager a -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
- auiManagerGetFlags :: AuiManager a -> IO Int
- auiManagerGetManagedWindow :: AuiManager a -> IO (Window ())
- auiManagerGetManager :: Window a -> IO (AuiManager ())
- auiManagerGetPaneByName :: AuiManager a -> String -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiManagerGetPaneByWindow :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiManagerHideHint :: AuiManager a -> IO ()
- auiManagerInsertPane :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> AuiPaneInfo c -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiManagerLoadPaneInfo :: AuiManager a -> String -> AuiPaneInfo c -> IO ()
- auiManagerLoadPerspective :: AuiManager a -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool
- auiManagerSavePaneInfo :: AuiManager a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO String
- auiManagerSavePerspective :: AuiManager a -> IO String
- auiManagerSetArtProvider :: AuiManager a -> AuiDockArt b -> IO ()
- auiManagerSetDockSizeConstraint :: AuiManager a -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
- auiManagerSetFlags :: AuiManager a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiManagerSetManagedWindow :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> IO ()
- auiManagerShowHint :: AuiManager a -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiManagerUnInit :: AuiManager a -> IO ()
- auiManagerUpdate :: AuiManager a -> IO ()
- auiManagerEventCanVeto :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO Bool
- auiManagerEventCreate :: Int -> IO (AuiManagerEvent ())
- auiManagerEventGetButton :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO Int
- auiManagerEventGetDC :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO (DC ())
- auiManagerEventGetManager :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO (AuiManager ())
- auiManagerEventGetPane :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiManagerEventGetVeto :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO Bool
- auiManagerEventSetButton :: AuiManagerEvent a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiManagerEventSetCanVeto :: AuiManagerEvent a -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiManagerEventSetDC :: AuiManagerEvent a -> DC b -> IO ()
- auiManagerEventSetManager :: AuiManagerEvent a -> AuiManager b -> IO ()
- auiManagerEventSetPane :: AuiManagerEvent a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO ()
- auiManagerEventVeto :: AuiManagerEvent a -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiNotebookAddPage :: AuiNotebook a -> Window b -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookAddPageWithBitmap :: AuiNotebook a -> Window b -> String -> Bool -> Bitmap e -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookAdvanceSelection :: AuiNotebook a -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiNotebookChangeSelection :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Int
- auiNotebookCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebook ())
- auiNotebookCreateDefault :: IO (AuiNotebook ())
- auiNotebookCreateFromDefault :: AuiNotebook a -> Window b -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookDeleteAllPages :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookDeletePage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookGetArtProvider :: AuiNotebook a -> IO (AuiTabArt ())
- auiNotebookGetCurrentPage :: AuiNotebook a -> IO (Window ())
- auiNotebookGetHeightForPageHeight :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Int
- auiNotebookGetPage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO (Window ())
- auiNotebookGetPageBitmap :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ())
- auiNotebookGetPageCount :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Int
- auiNotebookGetPageIndex :: AuiNotebook a -> Window b -> IO Int
- auiNotebookGetPageText :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO String
- auiNotebookGetPageToolTip :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO String
- auiNotebookGetSelection :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Int
- auiNotebookGetTabCtrlHeight :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Int
- auiNotebookInsertPage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Window c -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookInsertPageWithBitmap :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Window c -> String -> Bool -> Bitmap f -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookRemovePage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookSetArtProvider :: AuiNotebook a -> AuiTabArt b -> IO ()
- auiNotebookSetFont :: AuiNotebook a -> Font b -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookSetMeasuringFont :: AuiNotebook a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiNotebookSetNormalFont :: AuiNotebook a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiNotebookSetPageBitmap :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookSetPageImage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookSetPageText :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> String -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookSetPageToolTip :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> String -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookSetSelectedFont :: AuiNotebook a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiNotebookSetSelection :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Int
- auiNotebookSetTabCtrlHeight :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiNotebookSetUniformBitmapSize :: AuiNotebook a -> Size -> IO ()
- auiNotebookShowWindowMenu :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookSplit :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- auiNotebookEventCreate :: Int -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebookEvent ())
- auiNotebookEventGetDragSource :: AuiNotebookEvent a -> IO (AuiNotebook ())
- auiNotebookPageActive :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO Bool
- auiNotebookPageBitmap :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- auiNotebookPageCaption :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO String
- auiNotebookPageRect :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO Rect
- auiNotebookPageTooltip :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO String
- auiNotebookPageWindow :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO (Window ())
- auiNotebookPageArrayCreate :: IO (AuiNotebookPageArray ())
- auiNotebookPageArrayDelete :: AuiNotebookPageArray a -> IO ()
- auiNotebookPageArrayGetCount :: AuiNotebookPageArray a -> IO Int
- auiNotebookPageArrayItem :: AuiNotebookPageArray a -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebookPage ())
- auiPaneInfoBestSize :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Size -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoBestSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoBottom :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoBottomDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCaption :: AuiPaneInfo a -> String -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCaptionVisible :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCenter :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCenterPane :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCentre :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCentrePane :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCloseButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCopy :: AuiPaneInfo a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCreate :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoCreateDefault :: IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoDefaultPane :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoDestroyOnClose :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoDirection :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoDock :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoDockFixed :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoFixed :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoFloat :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoFloatable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoFloatingPosition :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoFloatingPositionXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoFloatingSize :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Size -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoFloatingSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoGripper :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoGripperTop :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoHasBorder :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoHasCaption :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoHasCloseButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoHasFlag :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoHasGripper :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoHasGripperTop :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoHasMaximizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoHasMinimizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoHasPinButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoHide :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoIcon :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bitmap b -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoIsBottomDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsDocked :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsFixed :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsFloatable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsFloating :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsLeftDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsMovable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsOk :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsResizable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsRightDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsShown :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsToolbar :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoIsTopDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool
- auiPaneInfoLayer :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoLeft :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoLeftDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoMaxSize :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Size -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoMaxSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoMaximizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoMinSize :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Size -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoMinSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoMinimizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoMovable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoName :: AuiPaneInfo a -> String -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoPaneBorder :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoPinButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoPosition :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoResizable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoRight :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoRightDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoRow :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoSafeSet :: AuiPaneInfo a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO ()
- auiPaneInfoSetFlag :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoShow :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoToolbarPane :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoTop :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoTopDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoWindow :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Window b -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiPaneInfoArrayCreate :: IO (AuiPaneInfoArray ())
- auiPaneInfoArrayDelete :: AuiPaneInfoArray a -> IO ()
- auiPaneInfoArrayGetCount :: AuiPaneInfoArray a -> IO Int
- auiPaneInfoArrayItem :: AuiPaneInfoArray a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ())
- auiSimpleTabArtClone :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> IO (AuiTabArt ())
- auiSimpleTabArtCreate :: IO (AuiSimpleTabArt ())
- auiSimpleTabArtDrawBackground :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtDrawButton :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtDrawTab :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiNotebookPage d -> Rect -> Int -> Rect -> Rect -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Size -> IO Int
- auiSimpleTabArtGetIndentSize :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> IO Int
- auiSimpleTabArtGetTabSize :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> String -> Bitmap e -> Bool -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> IO Size
- auiSimpleTabArtSetActiveColour :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtSetColour :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtSetFlags :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtSetMeasuringFont :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtSetNormalFont :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtSetSelectedFont :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtSetSizingInfo :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Size -> Int -> IO ()
- auiSimpleTabArtShowDropDown :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Int -> IO Int
- auiTabArtClone :: AuiTabArt a -> IO (AuiTabArt ())
- auiTabArtDrawBackground :: AuiTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiTabArtDrawButton :: AuiTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiTabArtDrawTab :: AuiTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiNotebookPage d -> Rect -> Int -> Rect -> Rect -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()
- auiTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize :: AuiTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Size -> IO Int
- auiTabArtGetIndentSize :: AuiTabArt a -> IO Int
- auiTabArtGetTabSize :: AuiTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> String -> Bitmap e -> Bool -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> IO Size
- auiTabArtSetActiveColour :: AuiTabArt a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiTabArtSetColour :: AuiTabArt a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiTabArtSetFlags :: AuiTabArt a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiTabArtSetMeasuringFont :: AuiTabArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiTabArtSetNormalFont :: AuiTabArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiTabArtSetSelectedFont :: AuiTabArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiTabArtSetSizingInfo :: AuiTabArt a -> Size -> Int -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerAddButton :: AuiTabContainer a -> Id -> Int -> Bitmap d -> Bitmap e -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerAddPage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPage c -> IO Bool
- auiTabContainerCreate :: IO (AuiTabContainer ())
- auiTabContainerDoShowHide :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerGetActivePage :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO Int
- auiTabContainerGetArtProvider :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO (AuiTabArt ())
- auiTabContainerGetFlags :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO Int
- auiTabContainerGetIdxFromWindow :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> IO Int
- auiTabContainerGetPage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebookPage ())
- auiTabContainerGetPageCount :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO Int
- auiTabContainerGetPages :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO (AuiNotebookPageArray ())
- auiTabContainerGetTabOffset :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO Int
- auiTabContainerGetWindowFromIdx :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO (Window ())
- auiTabContainerInsertPage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPage c -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiTabContainerIsTabVisible :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> Int -> DC d -> Window e -> IO Bool
- auiTabContainerMakeTabVisible :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> Window c -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerMovePage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiTabContainerRemoveButton :: AuiTabContainer a -> Id -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerRemovePage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> IO Bool
- auiTabContainerSetActiveColour :: AuiTabContainer a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerSetActivePage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiTabContainerSetActivePageByWindow :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> IO Bool
- auiTabContainerSetArtProvider :: AuiTabContainer a -> AuiTabArt b -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerSetColour :: AuiTabContainer a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerSetFlags :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerSetMeasuringFont :: AuiTabContainer a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerSetNoneActive :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerSetNormalFont :: AuiTabContainer a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerSetRect :: AuiTabContainer a -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerSetSelectedFont :: AuiTabContainer a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerSetTabOffset :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiTabContainerButtonBitmap :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- auiTabContainerButtonCurState :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO Int
- auiTabContainerButtonDisBitmap :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- auiTabContainerButtonId :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO Int
- auiTabContainerButtonLocation :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO Int
- auiTabContainerButtonRect :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO Rect
- auiTabCtrlAddButton :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Id -> Int -> Bitmap d -> Bitmap e -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlAddPage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPage c -> IO Bool
- auiTabCtrlDoShowHide :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlGetActivePage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO Int
- auiTabCtrlGetArtProvider :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO (AuiTabArt ())
- auiTabCtrlGetFlags :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO Int
- auiTabCtrlGetIdxFromWindow :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> IO Int
- auiTabCtrlGetPage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebookPage ())
- auiTabCtrlGetPageCount :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO Int
- auiTabCtrlGetPages :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO (AuiNotebookPageArray ())
- auiTabCtrlGetTabOffset :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO Int
- auiTabCtrlGetWindowFromIdx :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO (Window ())
- auiTabCtrlInsertPage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPage c -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiTabCtrlIsTabVisible :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> DC d -> Window e -> IO Bool
- auiTabCtrlMakeTabVisible :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> Window c -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlMovePage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiTabCtrlRemoveButton :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Id -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlRemovePage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> IO Bool
- auiTabCtrlSetActiveColour :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlSetActivePage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiTabCtrlSetActivePageByWindow :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> IO Bool
- auiTabCtrlSetArtProvider :: AuiTabCtrl a -> AuiTabArt b -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlSetColour :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Color -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlSetFlags :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlSetMeasuringFont :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlSetNoneActive :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlSetNormalFont :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlSetRect :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlSetSelectedFont :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiTabCtrlSetTabOffset :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarAddControl :: AuiToolBar a -> Control b -> String -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarAddLabel :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarAddSeparator :: AuiToolBar a -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarAddSpacer :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarAddStretchSpacer :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarAddTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> Bitmap d -> Bitmap e -> Int -> String -> String -> WxObject i -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarAddToolByBitmap :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> Bitmap d -> Bool -> WxObject f -> String -> String -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarAddToolByLabel :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> Bitmap d -> String -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarClear :: AuiToolBar a -> IO ()
- auiToolBarClearTools :: AuiToolBar a -> IO ()
- auiToolBarCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBar ())
- auiToolBarCreateDefault :: IO (AuiToolBar ())
- auiToolBarCreateFromDefault :: AuiToolBar a -> Window b -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarDelete :: AuiToolBar a -> IO ()
- auiToolBarDeleteByIndex :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarDeleteTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarEnableTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiToolBarFindControl :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (Control ())
- auiToolBarFindTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarFindToolByIndex :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarFindToolByPosition :: AuiToolBar a -> Point -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarGetArtProvider :: AuiToolBar a -> IO (AuiToolBarArt ())
- auiToolBarGetGripperVisible :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarGetHintSize :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Size
- auiToolBarGetOverflowVisible :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarGetToolBarFits :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarGetToolBitmap :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ())
- auiToolBarGetToolBitmapSize :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Size
- auiToolBarGetToolBorderPadding :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarGetToolCount :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarGetToolDropDown :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarGetToolEnabled :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarGetToolFits :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarGetToolFitsByIndex :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarGetToolIndex :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Int
- auiToolBarGetToolLabel :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO String
- auiToolBarGetToolLongHelp :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO String
- auiToolBarGetToolPacking :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarGetToolPos :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Int
- auiToolBarGetToolProportion :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Int
- auiToolBarGetToolRect :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Rect
- auiToolBarGetToolSeparation :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarGetToolShortHelp :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO String
- auiToolBarGetToolSticky :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarGetToolTextOrientation :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarGetToolToggled :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarGetWindowStyleFlag :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarIsPaneValid :: AuiToolBar a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarRealize :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarSetArtProvider :: AuiToolBar a -> AuiToolBarArt b -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetCustomOverflowItems :: AuiToolBar a -> AuiToolBarItemArray b -> AuiToolBarItemArray c -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetFont :: AuiToolBar a -> Font b -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarSetGripperVisible :: AuiToolBar a -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetMargins :: AuiToolBar a -> Size -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetMarginsDetailed :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetMarginsXY :: AuiToolBar a -> Point -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetOverflowVisible :: AuiToolBar a -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolBitmap :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolBitmapSize :: AuiToolBar a -> Size -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolBorderPadding :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolDropDown :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolLabel :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolLongHelp :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolPacking :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolProportion :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolSeparation :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolShortHelp :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolSticky :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetToolTextOrientation :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarSetWindowStyleFlag :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarToggleTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtClone :: AuiToolBarArt a -> IO (AuiToolBarArt ())
- auiToolBarArtDrawBackground :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtDrawButton :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtDrawControlLabel :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtDrawGripper :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtDrawLabel :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtDrawSeparator :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtGetElementSize :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO Int
- auiToolBarArtGetFlags :: AuiToolBarArt a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarArtGetFont :: AuiToolBarArt a -> IO (Font ())
- auiToolBarArtGetLabelSize :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> IO Size
- auiToolBarArtGetTextOrientation :: AuiToolBarArt a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarArtGetToolSize :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> IO Size
- auiToolBarArtSetElementSize :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtSetFlags :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtSetFont :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Font b -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtSetTextOrientation :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarArtShowDropDown :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Window b -> AuiToolBarItemArray c -> IO Int
- auiToolBarEventGetClickPoint :: AuiToolBarEvent a -> IO Point
- auiToolBarEventGetItemRect :: AuiToolBarEvent a -> IO Rect
- auiToolBarEventGetToolId :: AuiToolBarEvent a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarEventIsDropDownClicked :: AuiToolBarEvent a -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarItemAssign :: AuiToolBarItem a -> AuiToolBarItem b -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemCopy :: AuiToolBarItem a -> AuiToolBarItem b -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarItemCreate :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarItemCreateDefault :: IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- auiToolBarItemGetAlignment :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarItemGetBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- auiToolBarItemGetDisabledBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- auiToolBarItemGetHoverBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- auiToolBarItemGetId :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarItemGetKind :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarItemGetLabel :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO String
- auiToolBarItemGetLongHelp :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO String
- auiToolBarItemGetMinSize :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Size
- auiToolBarItemGetProportion :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarItemGetShortHelp :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO String
- auiToolBarItemGetSizerItem :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (SizerItem ())
- auiToolBarItemGetSpacerPixels :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarItemGetState :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarItemGetUserData :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarItemGetWindow :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (Window ())
- auiToolBarItemHasDropDown :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarItemIsActive :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarItemIsSticky :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Bool
- auiToolBarItemSetActive :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetAlignment :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetDisabledBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetHasDropDown :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetHoverBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetId :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetKind :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetLabel :: AuiToolBarItem a -> String -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetLongHelp :: AuiToolBarItem a -> String -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetMinSize :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Size -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetProportion :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetShortHelp :: AuiToolBarItem a -> String -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetSizerItem :: AuiToolBarItem a -> SizerItem b -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetSpacerPixels :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetState :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetSticky :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bool -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetUserData :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemSetWindow :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Window b -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemArrayCreate :: IO (AuiToolBarItemArray ())
- auiToolBarItemArrayDelete :: AuiToolBarItemArray a -> IO ()
- auiToolBarItemArrayGetCount :: AuiToolBarItemArray a -> IO Int
- auiToolBarItemArrayItem :: AuiToolBarItemArray a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ())
- autoBufferedPaintDCCreate :: Window a -> IO (AutoBufferedPaintDC ())
- autoBufferedPaintDCDelete :: AutoBufferedPaintDC a -> IO ()
- bitmapAddHandler :: EvtHandler a -> IO ()
- bitmapCleanUpHandlers :: IO ()
- bitmapCreate :: Ptr a -> Int -> Size -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapCreateDefault :: IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapCreateEmpty :: Size -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapCreateFromImage :: Image a -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapCreateFromXPM :: Bitmap a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapCreateLoad :: String -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapDelete :: Bitmap a -> IO ()
- bitmapFindHandlerByExtension :: Bitmap a -> Int -> IO (Ptr ())
- bitmapFindHandlerByName :: String -> IO (Ptr ())
- bitmapFindHandlerByType :: Int -> IO (Ptr ())
- bitmapGetDepth :: Bitmap a -> IO Int
- bitmapGetHeight :: Bitmap a -> IO Int
- bitmapGetMask :: Bitmap a -> IO (Mask ())
- bitmapGetSubBitmap :: Bitmap a -> Rect -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapGetWidth :: Bitmap a -> IO Int
- bitmapInitStandardHandlers :: IO ()
- bitmapInsertHandler :: EvtHandler a -> IO ()
- bitmapIsOk :: Bitmap a -> IO Bool
- bitmapIsStatic :: Bitmap a -> IO Bool
- bitmapLoadFile :: Bitmap a -> String -> Int -> IO Int
- bitmapRemoveHandler :: String -> IO Bool
- bitmapSafeDelete :: Bitmap a -> IO ()
- bitmapSaveFile :: Bitmap a -> String -> Int -> Palette d -> IO Int
- bitmapSetDepth :: Bitmap a -> Int -> IO ()
- bitmapSetHeight :: Bitmap a -> Int -> IO ()
- bitmapSetMask :: Bitmap a -> Mask b -> IO ()
- bitmapSetWidth :: Bitmap a -> Int -> IO ()
- bitmapButtonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Bitmap c -> Rect -> Style -> IO (BitmapButton ())
- bitmapButtonGetBitmapDisabled :: BitmapButton a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapButtonGetBitmapFocus :: BitmapButton a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapButtonGetBitmapLabel :: BitmapButton a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapButtonGetBitmapSelected :: BitmapButton a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- bitmapButtonGetMarginX :: BitmapButton a -> IO Int
- bitmapButtonGetMarginY :: BitmapButton a -> IO Int
- bitmapButtonSetBitmapDisabled :: BitmapButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- bitmapButtonSetBitmapFocus :: BitmapButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- bitmapButtonSetBitmapLabel :: BitmapButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- bitmapButtonSetBitmapSelected :: BitmapButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- bitmapButtonSetMargins :: BitmapButton a -> Point -> IO ()
- bitmapToggleButtonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Bitmap c -> Rect -> Int -> IO (BitmapToggleButton ())
- bitmapToggleButtonEnable :: BitmapToggleButton a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- bitmapToggleButtonGetValue :: BitmapToggleButton a -> IO Bool
- bitmapToggleButtonSetBitmapLabel :: BitmapToggleButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- bitmapToggleButtonSetValue :: BitmapToggleButton a -> Bool -> IO ()
- bookCtrlBaseAddPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Window b -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool
- bookCtrlBaseAdvanceSelection :: BookCtrlBase a -> Bool -> IO ()
- bookCtrlBaseAssignImageList :: BookCtrlBase a -> ImageList b -> IO ()
- bookCtrlBaseChangeSelection :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Int
- bookCtrlBaseCreateFromDefault :: BookCtrlBase a -> Window b -> Int -> Point -> Size -> Int -> String -> IO Bool
- bookCtrlBaseDeleteAllPages :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO Bool
- bookCtrlBaseDeletePage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Bool
- bookCtrlBaseFindPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Window b -> IO Int
- bookCtrlBaseGetCurrentPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO (Window ())
- bookCtrlBaseGetImageList :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO (ImageList ())
- bookCtrlBaseGetPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO (Window ())
- bookCtrlBaseGetPageCount :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO Int
- bookCtrlBaseGetPageImage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Int
- bookCtrlBaseGetPageText :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO String
- bookCtrlBaseGetSelection :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO Int
- bookCtrlBaseHitTest :: BookCtrlBase a -> Point -> Ptr CInt -> IO Int
- bookCtrlBaseInsertPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> Window c -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool
- bookCtrlBaseRemovePage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Bool
- bookCtrlBaseSetImageList :: BookCtrlBase a -> ImageList b -> IO ()
- bookCtrlBaseSetPageImage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- bookCtrlBaseSetPageSize :: BookCtrlBase a -> Size -> IO ()
- bookCtrlBaseSetPageText :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> String -> IO Bool
- bookCtrlBaseSetSelection :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Int
- bookCtrlEventCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (BookCtrlEvent ())
- bookCtrlEventGetOldSelection :: BookCtrlEvent a -> IO Int
- bookCtrlEventGetSelection :: BookCtrlEvent a -> IO Int
- boolPropertyCreate :: String -> String -> Bool -> IO (BoolProperty ())
- boxSizerCalcMin :: BoxSizer a -> IO Size
- boxSizerCreate :: Int -> IO (BoxSizer ())
- boxSizerGetOrientation :: BoxSizer a -> IO Int
- boxSizerRecalcSizes :: BoxSizer a -> IO ()
- brushAssign :: Brush a -> Brush b -> IO ()
- brushCreateDefault :: IO (Brush ())
- brushCreateFromBitmap :: Bitmap a -> IO (Brush ())
- brushCreateFromColour :: Color -> Int -> IO (Brush ())
- brushCreateFromStock :: Id -> IO (Brush ())
- brushDelete :: Brush a -> IO ()
- brushGetColour :: Brush a -> IO Color
- brushGetStipple :: Brush a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- brushGetStyle :: Brush a -> IO Int
- brushIsEqual :: Brush a -> Brush b -> IO Bool
- brushIsOk :: Brush a -> IO Bool
- brushIsStatic :: Brush a -> IO Bool
- brushSafeDelete :: Brush a -> IO ()
- brushSetColour :: Brush a -> Color -> IO ()
- brushSetColourSingle :: Brush a -> Char -> Char -> Char -> IO ()
- brushSetStipple :: Brush a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- brushSetStyle :: Brush a -> Int -> IO ()
- bufferedDCCreateByDCAndBitmap :: DC a -> Bitmap b -> Int -> IO (BufferedDC ())
- bufferedDCCreateByDCAndSize :: DC a -> Size -> Int -> IO (BufferedDC ())
- bufferedDCDelete :: BufferedDC a -> IO ()
- bufferedPaintDCCreate :: Window a -> Int -> IO (BufferedPaintDC ())
- bufferedPaintDCCreateWithBitmap :: Window a -> Bitmap b -> Int -> IO (BufferedPaintDC ())
- bufferedPaintDCDelete :: BufferedPaintDC a -> IO ()
- busyCursorCreate :: IO (BusyCursor ())
- busyCursorCreateWithCursor :: BusyCursor a -> IO (Ptr ())
- busyCursorDelete :: BusyCursor a -> IO ()
- busyInfoCreate :: String -> IO (BusyInfo ())
- busyInfoDelete :: BusyInfo a -> IO ()
- buttonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Button ())
- buttonSetBackgroundColour :: Button a -> Color -> IO Int
- buttonSetDefault :: Button a -> IO ()
- calculateLayoutEventCreate :: Id -> IO (CalculateLayoutEvent ())
- calculateLayoutEventGetFlags :: CalculateLayoutEvent a -> IO Int
- calculateLayoutEventGetRect :: CalculateLayoutEvent a -> IO Rect
- calculateLayoutEventSetFlags :: CalculateLayoutEvent a -> Int -> IO ()
- calculateLayoutEventSetRect :: CalculateLayoutEvent a -> Rect -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> DateTime c -> Rect -> Style -> IO (CalendarCtrl ())
- calendarCtrlEnableHolidayDisplay :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlEnableMonthChange :: CalendarCtrl a -> Bool -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlGetAttr :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> IO (Ptr ())
- calendarCtrlGetDate :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourBg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color
- calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourFg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color
- calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourBg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color
- calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourFg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color
- calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourBg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color
- calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourFg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color
- calendarCtrlHitTest :: CalendarCtrl a -> Point -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> IO Int
- calendarCtrlResetAttr :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlSetAttr :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlSetDate :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlSetHeaderColours :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlSetHighlightColours :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlSetHoliday :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlSetHolidayColours :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- calendarDateAttrCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Int -> IO (CalendarDateAttr ())
- calendarDateAttrCreateDefault :: IO (CalendarDateAttr ())
- calendarDateAttrDelete :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO ()
- calendarDateAttrGetBackgroundColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Color
- calendarDateAttrGetBorder :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Int
- calendarDateAttrGetBorderColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Color
- calendarDateAttrGetFont :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO (Font ())
- calendarDateAttrGetTextColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Color
- calendarDateAttrHasBackgroundColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool
- calendarDateAttrHasBorder :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool
- calendarDateAttrHasBorderColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool
- calendarDateAttrHasFont :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool
- calendarDateAttrHasTextColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool
- calendarDateAttrIsHoliday :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool
- calendarDateAttrSetBackgroundColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Color -> IO ()
- calendarDateAttrSetBorder :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Int -> IO ()
- calendarDateAttrSetBorderColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Color -> IO ()
- calendarDateAttrSetFont :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Font b -> IO ()
- calendarDateAttrSetHoliday :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Int -> IO ()
- calendarDateAttrSetTextColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Color -> IO ()
- calendarEventGetDate :: CalendarEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- calendarEventGetWeekDay :: CalendarEvent a -> IO Int
- caretCreate :: Window a -> Int -> Int -> IO (Caret ())
- caretGetBlinkTime :: IO Int
- caretGetPosition :: Caret a -> IO Point
- caretGetSize :: Caret a -> IO Size
- caretGetWindow :: Caret a -> IO (Window ())
- caretHide :: Caret a -> IO ()
- caretIsOk :: Caret a -> IO Bool
- caretIsVisible :: Caret a -> IO Bool
- caretMove :: Caret a -> Point -> IO ()
- caretSetBlinkTime :: Int -> IO ()
- caretSetSize :: Caret a -> Size -> IO ()
- caretShow :: Caret a -> IO ()
- checkBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (CheckBox ())
- checkBoxDelete :: CheckBox a -> IO ()
- checkBoxGetValue :: CheckBox a -> IO Bool
- checkBoxSetValue :: CheckBox a -> Bool -> IO ()
- checkListBoxCheck :: CheckListBox a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- checkListBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> [String] -> Style -> IO (CheckListBox ())
- checkListBoxDelete :: CheckListBox a -> IO ()
- checkListBoxIsChecked :: CheckListBox a -> Int -> IO Bool
- choiceAppend :: Choice a -> String -> IO ()
- choiceClear :: Choice a -> IO ()
- choiceCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> [String] -> Style -> IO (Choice ())
- choiceDelete :: Choice a -> Int -> IO ()
- choiceFindString :: Choice a -> String -> IO Int
- choiceGetCount :: Choice a -> IO Int
- choiceGetSelection :: Choice a -> IO Int
- choiceGetString :: Choice a -> Int -> IO String
- choiceSetSelection :: Choice a -> Int -> IO ()
- choiceSetString :: Choice a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- classInfoCreateClassByName :: ClassInfo a -> IO (Ptr ())
- classInfoFindClass :: String -> IO (ClassInfo ())
- classInfoGetBaseClassName1 :: ClassInfo a -> IO String
- classInfoGetBaseClassName2 :: ClassInfo a -> IO String
- classInfoGetClassName :: ClassInfo a -> IO (Ptr ())
- classInfoGetClassNameEx :: ClassInfo a -> IO String
- classInfoGetSize :: ClassInfo a -> IO Int
- classInfoIsKindOf :: ClassInfo a -> String -> IO Bool
- classInfoIsKindOfEx :: ClassInfo a -> ClassInfo b -> IO Bool
- clientDCCreate :: Window a -> IO (ClientDC ())
- clientDCDelete :: ClientDC a -> IO ()
- clipboardAddData :: Clipboard a -> DataObject b -> IO Bool
- clipboardClear :: Clipboard a -> IO ()
- clipboardClose :: Clipboard a -> IO ()
- clipboardCreate :: IO (Clipboard ())
- clipboardFlush :: Clipboard a -> IO Bool
- clipboardGetData :: Clipboard a -> DataObject b -> IO Bool
- clipboardIsOpened :: Clipboard a -> IO Bool
- clipboardIsSupported :: Clipboard a -> DataFormat b -> IO Bool
- clipboardOpen :: Clipboard a -> IO Bool
- clipboardSetData :: Clipboard a -> DataObject b -> IO Bool
- clipboardUsePrimarySelection :: Clipboard a -> Bool -> IO ()
- closeEventCanVeto :: CloseEvent a -> IO Bool
- closeEventCopyObject :: CloseEvent a -> WxObject b -> IO ()
- closeEventGetLoggingOff :: CloseEvent a -> IO Bool
- closeEventGetVeto :: CloseEvent a -> IO Bool
- closeEventSetCanVeto :: CloseEvent a -> Bool -> IO ()
- closeEventSetLoggingOff :: CloseEvent a -> Bool -> IO ()
- closeEventVeto :: CloseEvent a -> Bool -> IO ()
- closureCreate :: FunPtr (Ptr fun -> Ptr state -> Ptr (TEvent evt) -> IO ()) -> Ptr b -> IO (Closure ())
- closureGetData :: Closure a -> IO (Ptr ())
- comboBoxAppend :: ComboBox a -> String -> IO ()
- comboBoxAppendData :: ComboBox a -> String -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- comboBoxClear :: ComboBox a -> IO ()
- comboBoxCopy :: ComboBox a -> IO ()
- comboBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> [String] -> Style -> IO (ComboBox ())
- comboBoxCut :: ComboBox a -> IO ()
- comboBoxDelete :: ComboBox a -> Int -> IO ()
- comboBoxFindString :: ComboBox a -> String -> IO Int
- comboBoxGetClientData :: ComboBox a -> Int -> IO (ClientData ())
- comboBoxGetCount :: ComboBox a -> IO Int
- comboBoxGetInsertionPoint :: ComboBox a -> IO Int
- comboBoxGetLastPosition :: ComboBox a -> IO Int
- comboBoxGetSelection :: ComboBox a -> IO Int
- comboBoxGetString :: ComboBox a -> Int -> IO String
- comboBoxGetStringSelection :: ComboBox a -> IO String
- comboBoxGetValue :: ComboBox a -> IO String
- comboBoxPaste :: ComboBox a -> IO ()
- comboBoxRemove :: ComboBox a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- comboBoxReplace :: ComboBox a -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- comboBoxSetClientData :: ComboBox a -> Int -> ClientData c -> IO ()
- comboBoxSetEditable :: ComboBox a -> Bool -> IO ()
- comboBoxSetInsertionPoint :: ComboBox a -> Int -> IO ()
- comboBoxSetInsertionPointEnd :: ComboBox a -> IO ()
- comboBoxSetSelection :: ComboBox a -> Int -> IO ()
- comboBoxSetTextSelection :: ComboBox a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- comboBoxSetValue :: ComboBox a -> String -> IO ()
- commandEventCopyObject :: CommandEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- commandEventCreate :: Int -> Id -> IO (CommandEvent ())
- commandEventDelete :: CommandEvent a -> IO ()
- commandEventGetClientData :: CommandEvent a -> IO (ClientData ())
- commandEventGetClientObject :: CommandEvent a -> IO (ClientData ())
- commandEventGetExtraLong :: CommandEvent a -> IO Int
- commandEventGetInt :: CommandEvent a -> IO Int
- commandEventGetSelection :: CommandEvent a -> IO Int
- commandEventGetString :: CommandEvent a -> IO String
- commandEventIsChecked :: CommandEvent a -> IO Bool
- commandEventIsSelection :: CommandEvent a -> IO Bool
- commandEventSetClientData :: CommandEvent a -> ClientData b -> IO ()
- commandEventSetClientObject :: CommandEvent a -> ClientData b -> IO ()
- commandEventSetExtraLong :: CommandEvent a -> Int -> IO ()
- commandEventSetInt :: CommandEvent a -> Int -> IO ()
- commandEventSetString :: CommandEvent a -> String -> IO ()
- configBaseCreate :: IO (ConfigBase ())
- configBaseDelete :: ConfigBase a -> IO ()
- configBaseDeleteAll :: ConfigBase a -> IO Bool
- configBaseDeleteEntry :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool
- configBaseDeleteGroup :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Bool
- configBaseExists :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Bool
- configBaseExpandEnvVars :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO String
- configBaseFlush :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- configBaseGet :: IO (ConfigBase ())
- configBaseGetAppName :: ConfigBase a -> IO String
- configBaseGetEntryType :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Int
- configBaseGetFirstEntry :: ConfigBase a -> Ptr b -> IO String
- configBaseGetFirstGroup :: ConfigBase a -> Ptr b -> IO String
- configBaseGetNextEntry :: ConfigBase a -> Ptr b -> IO String
- configBaseGetNextGroup :: ConfigBase a -> Ptr b -> IO String
- configBaseGetNumberOfEntries :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO Int
- configBaseGetNumberOfGroups :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO Int
- configBaseGetPath :: ConfigBase a -> IO String
- configBaseGetStyle :: ConfigBase a -> IO Int
- configBaseGetVendorName :: ConfigBase a -> IO String
- configBaseHasEntry :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Bool
- configBaseHasGroup :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Bool
- configBaseIsExpandingEnvVars :: ConfigBase a -> IO Bool
- configBaseIsRecordingDefaults :: ConfigBase a -> IO Bool
- configBaseReadBool :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool
- configBaseReadDouble :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Double -> IO Double
- configBaseReadInteger :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Int -> IO Int
- configBaseReadString :: ConfigBase a -> String -> String -> IO String
- configBaseRenameEntry :: ConfigBase a -> String -> String -> IO Bool
- configBaseRenameGroup :: ConfigBase a -> String -> String -> IO Bool
- configBaseSet :: ConfigBase a -> IO ()
- configBaseSetAppName :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO ()
- configBaseSetExpandEnvVars :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO ()
- configBaseSetPath :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO ()
- configBaseSetRecordDefaults :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO ()
- configBaseSetStyle :: ConfigBase a -> Int -> IO ()
- configBaseSetVendorName :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO ()
- configBaseWriteBool :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool
- configBaseWriteDouble :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Double -> IO Bool
- configBaseWriteInteger :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Int -> IO Bool
- configBaseWriteLong :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Int -> IO Bool
- configBaseWriteString :: ConfigBase a -> String -> String -> IO Bool
- contextHelpBeginContextHelp :: ContextHelp a -> Window b -> IO Bool
- contextHelpCreate :: Window a -> Bool -> IO (ContextHelp ())
- contextHelpDelete :: ContextHelp a -> IO ()
- contextHelpEndContextHelp :: ContextHelp a -> IO Bool
- contextHelpButtonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Int -> IO (ContextHelpButton ())
- controlCommand :: Control a -> Event b -> IO ()
- controlGetLabel :: Control a -> IO String
- controlSetLabel :: Control a -> String -> IO ()
- cursorDelete :: Cursor a -> IO ()
- cursorIsStatic :: Cursor a -> IO Bool
- cursorSafeDelete :: Cursor a -> IO ()
- dcBlit :: DC a -> Rect -> DC c -> Point -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- dcCalcBoundingBox :: DC a -> Point -> IO ()
- dcCanDrawBitmap :: DC a -> IO Bool
- dcCanGetTextExtent :: DC a -> IO Bool
- dcClear :: DC a -> IO ()
- dcComputeScaleAndOrigin :: DC a -> IO ()
- dcCrossHair :: DC a -> Point -> IO ()
- dcDelete :: DC a -> IO ()
- dcDestroyClippingRegion :: DC a -> IO ()
- dcDeviceToLogicalX :: DC a -> Int -> IO Int
- dcDeviceToLogicalXRel :: DC a -> Int -> IO Int
- dcDeviceToLogicalY :: DC a -> Int -> IO Int
- dcDeviceToLogicalYRel :: DC a -> Int -> IO Int
- dcDrawArc :: DC a -> Point -> Point -> Point -> IO ()
- dcDrawBitmap :: DC a -> Bitmap b -> Point -> Bool -> IO ()
- dcDrawCheckMark :: DC a -> Rect -> IO ()
- dcDrawCircle :: DC a -> Point -> Int -> IO ()
- dcDrawEllipse :: DC a -> Rect -> IO ()
- dcDrawEllipticArc :: DC a -> Rect -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
- dcDrawIcon :: DC a -> Icon b -> Point -> IO ()
- dcDrawLabel :: DC a -> String -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- dcDrawLabelBitmap :: DC a -> String -> Bitmap c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> IO Rect
- dcDrawLine :: DC a -> Point -> Point -> IO ()
- dcDrawLines :: DC a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Point -> IO ()
- dcDrawPoint :: DC a -> Point -> IO ()
- dcDrawPolyPolygon :: DC a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Point -> Int -> IO ()
- dcDrawPolygon :: DC a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Point -> Int -> IO ()
- dcDrawRectangle :: DC a -> Rect -> IO ()
- dcDrawRotatedText :: DC a -> String -> Point -> Double -> IO ()
- dcDrawRoundedRectangle :: DC a -> Rect -> Double -> IO ()
- dcDrawText :: DC a -> String -> Point -> IO ()
- dcEndDoc :: DC a -> IO ()
- dcEndPage :: DC a -> IO ()
- dcFloodFill :: DC a -> Point -> Color -> Int -> IO ()
- dcGetBackground :: DC a -> IO (Brush ())
- dcGetBackgroundMode :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcGetBrush :: DC a -> IO (Brush ())
- dcGetCharHeight :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcGetCharWidth :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcGetClippingBox :: DC a -> IO Rect
- dcGetDepth :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcGetDeviceOrigin :: DC a -> IO Point
- dcGetFont :: DC a -> IO (Font ())
- dcGetLogicalFunction :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcGetLogicalOrigin :: DC a -> IO Point
- dcGetLogicalScale :: DC a -> IO (Size2D Double)
- dcGetMapMode :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcGetMultiLineTextExtent :: DC a -> String -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Font f -> IO ()
- dcGetPPI :: DC a -> IO Size
- dcGetPen :: DC a -> IO (Pen ())
- dcGetPixel :: DC a -> Point -> Color -> IO Bool
- dcGetPixel2 :: DC a -> Point -> IO Color
- dcGetSize :: DC a -> IO Size
- dcGetSizeMM :: DC a -> IO Size
- dcGetTextBackground :: DC a -> IO Color
- dcGetTextExtent :: DC a -> String -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Ptr f -> Font g -> IO ()
- dcGetTextForeground :: DC a -> IO Color
- dcGetUserScale :: DC a -> IO (Size2D Double)
- dcGetUserScaleX :: DC a -> IO Double
- dcGetUserScaleY :: DC a -> IO Double
- dcIsOk :: DC a -> IO Bool
- dcLogicalToDeviceX :: DC a -> Int -> IO Int
- dcLogicalToDeviceXRel :: DC a -> Int -> IO Int
- dcLogicalToDeviceY :: DC a -> Int -> IO Int
- dcLogicalToDeviceYRel :: DC a -> Int -> IO Int
- dcMaxX :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcMaxY :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcMinX :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcMinY :: DC a -> IO Int
- dcResetBoundingBox :: DC a -> IO ()
- dcSetAxisOrientation :: DC a -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
- dcSetBackground :: DC a -> Brush b -> IO ()
- dcSetBackgroundMode :: DC a -> Int -> IO ()
- dcSetBrush :: DC a -> Brush b -> IO ()
- dcSetClippingRegion :: DC a -> Rect -> IO ()
- dcSetClippingRegionFromRegion :: DC a -> Region b -> IO ()
- dcSetDeviceClippingRegion :: DC a -> Region b -> IO ()
- dcSetDeviceOrigin :: DC a -> Point -> IO ()
- dcSetFont :: DC a -> Font b -> IO ()
- dcSetLogicalFunction :: DC a -> Int -> IO ()
- dcSetLogicalOrigin :: DC a -> Point -> IO ()
- dcSetLogicalScale :: DC a -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
- dcSetMapMode :: DC a -> Int -> IO ()
- dcSetPalette :: DC a -> Palette b -> IO ()
- dcSetPen :: DC a -> Pen b -> IO ()
- dcSetTextBackground :: DC a -> Color -> IO ()
- dcSetTextForeground :: DC a -> Color -> IO ()
- dcSetUserScale :: DC a -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
- dcStartDoc :: DC a -> String -> IO Bool
- dcStartPage :: DC a -> IO ()
- dataFormatCreateFromId :: String -> IO (DataFormat ())
- dataFormatCreateFromType :: Int -> IO (DataFormat ())
- dataFormatDelete :: DataFormat a -> IO ()
- dataFormatGetId :: DataFormat a -> IO String
- dataFormatGetType :: DataFormat a -> IO Int
- dataFormatIsEqual :: DataFormat a -> Ptr b -> IO Bool
- dataFormatSetId :: DataFormat a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- dataFormatSetType :: DataFormat a -> Int -> IO ()
- dataObjectCompositeAdd :: DataObjectComposite a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO ()
- dataObjectCompositeCreate :: IO (DataObjectComposite ())
- dataObjectCompositeDelete :: DataObjectComposite a -> IO ()
- datePropertyCreate :: String -> String -> DateTime c -> IO (DateProperty ())
- dateTimeAddDate :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeAddDateValues :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeAddTime :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeAddTimeValues :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeConvertYearToBC :: Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeCreate :: IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeDelete :: DateTime a -> IO ()
- dateTimeFormat :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO String
- dateTimeFormatDate :: DateTime a -> IO String
- dateTimeFormatISODate :: DateTime a -> IO String
- dateTimeFormatISOTime :: DateTime a -> IO String
- dateTimeFormatTime :: DateTime a -> IO String
- dateTimeGetAmString :: IO String
- dateTimeGetBeginDST :: Int -> Int -> DateTime c -> IO ()
- dateTimeGetCentury :: Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetCountry :: IO Int
- dateTimeGetCurrentMonth :: Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetCurrentYear :: Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetDayOfYear :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetEndDST :: Int -> Int -> DateTime c -> IO ()
- dateTimeGetHour :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetLastMonthDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeGetLastWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeGetMillisecond :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetMinute :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetMonth :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetMonthName :: Int -> Int -> IO String
- dateTimeGetNextWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeGetNumberOfDays :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetNumberOfDaysMonth :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetPmString :: IO String
- dateTimeGetPrevWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeGetSecond :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetTicks :: DateTime a -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetTimeNow :: IO Int
- dateTimeGetValue :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- dateTimeGetWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeGetWeekDayInSameWeek :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeGetWeekDayName :: Int -> Int -> IO String
- dateTimeGetWeekDayTZ :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetWeekOfMonth :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetWeekOfYear :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeGetYear :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Int
- dateTimeIsBetween :: DateTime a -> DateTime b -> DateTime c -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsDST :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsDSTApplicable :: Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsEarlierThan :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsEqualTo :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsEqualUpTo :: DateTime a -> DateTime b -> Ptr c -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsLaterThan :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsLeapYear :: Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsSameDate :: DateTime a -> DateTime b -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsSameTime :: DateTime a -> DateTime b -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsStrictlyBetween :: DateTime a -> DateTime b -> DateTime c -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsValid :: DateTime a -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsWestEuropeanCountry :: Int -> IO Bool
- dateTimeIsWorkDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO Bool
- dateTimeMakeGMT :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeMakeTimezone :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeNow :: DateTime a -> IO ()
- dateTimeParseDate :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr ())
- dateTimeParseDateTime :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr ())
- dateTimeParseFormat :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> IO (Ptr ())
- dateTimeParseRfc822Date :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr ())
- dateTimeParseTime :: DateTime a -> Time b -> IO (Ptr ())
- dateTimeResetTime :: DateTime a -> IO ()
- dateTimeSet :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetCountry :: Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetHour :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetMillisecond :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetMinute :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetMonth :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetSecond :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetTime :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetToCurrent :: DateTime a -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetToLastMonthDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetToLastWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- dateTimeSetToNextWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetToPrevWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetToWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- dateTimeSetToWeekDayInSameWeek :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSetYear :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeSubtractDate :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeSubtractTime :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (DateTime ())
- dateTimeToGMT :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeToTimezone :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- dateTimeToday :: DateTime a -> IO ()
- dateTimeUNow :: DateTime a -> IO ()
- dateTimewxDateTime :: Int -> Int -> IO (Ptr ())
- dialogCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Dialog ())
- dialogEndModal :: Dialog a -> Int -> IO ()
- dialogGetReturnCode :: Dialog a -> IO Int
- dialogIsModal :: Dialog a -> IO Bool
- dialogSetReturnCode :: Dialog a -> Int -> IO ()
- dialogShowModal :: Dialog a -> IO Int
- dirDialogCreate :: Window a -> String -> String -> Point -> Style -> IO (DirDialog ())
- dirDialogGetMessage :: DirDialog a -> IO String
- dirDialogGetPath :: DirDialog a -> IO String
- dirDialogGetStyle :: DirDialog a -> IO Int
- dirDialogSetMessage :: DirDialog a -> String -> IO ()
- dirDialogSetPath :: DirDialog a -> String -> IO ()
- dirDialogSetStyle :: DirDialog a -> Int -> IO ()
- dragImageBeginDrag :: DragImage a -> Point -> Window c -> Window d -> IO Bool
- dragImageBeginDragFullScreen :: DragImage a -> Point -> Window c -> Bool -> Rect -> IO Bool
- dragImageCreate :: Bitmap a -> Point -> IO (DragImage ())
- dragImageDelete :: DragImage a -> IO ()
- dragImageEndDrag :: DragImage a -> IO ()
- dragImageHide :: DragImage a -> IO Bool
- dragImageMove :: DragImage a -> Point -> IO Bool
- dragImageShow :: DragImage a -> IO Bool
- drawControlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (DrawControl ())
- drawWindowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (DrawWindow ())
- dropTargetGetData :: DropTarget a -> IO ()
- dropTargetSetDataObject :: DropTarget a -> DataObject b -> IO ()
- encodingConverterConvert :: EncodingConverter a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- encodingConverterCreate :: IO (EncodingConverter ())
- encodingConverterDelete :: EncodingConverter a -> IO ()
- encodingConverterGetAllEquivalents :: EncodingConverter a -> Int -> List c -> IO Int
- encodingConverterGetPlatformEquivalents :: EncodingConverter a -> Int -> Int -> List d -> IO Int
- encodingConverterInit :: EncodingConverter a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- eraseEventCopyObject :: EraseEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- eraseEventGetDC :: EraseEvent a -> IO (DC ())
- eventCopyObject :: Event a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- eventGetEventObject :: Event a -> IO (WxObject ())
- eventGetEventType :: Event a -> IO Int
- eventGetId :: Event a -> IO Int
- eventGetSkipped :: Event a -> IO Bool
- eventGetTimestamp :: Event a -> IO Int
- eventIsCommandEvent :: Event a -> IO Bool
- eventNewEventType :: IO Int
- eventSetEventObject :: Event a -> WxObject b -> IO ()
- eventSetEventType :: Event a -> Int -> IO ()
- eventSetId :: Event a -> Int -> IO ()
- eventSetTimestamp :: Event a -> Int -> IO ()
- eventSkip :: Event a -> IO ()
- evtHandlerAddPendingEvent :: EvtHandler a -> Event b -> IO ()
- evtHandlerConnect :: EvtHandler a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr e -> IO Int
- evtHandlerCreate :: IO (EvtHandler ())
- evtHandlerDelete :: EvtHandler a -> IO ()
- evtHandlerDisconnect :: EvtHandler a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Id -> IO Int
- evtHandlerGetClientClosure :: EvtHandler a -> IO (Closure ())
- evtHandlerGetClosure :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> Int -> IO (Closure ())
- evtHandlerGetEvtHandlerEnabled :: EvtHandler a -> IO Bool
- evtHandlerGetNextHandler :: EvtHandler a -> IO (EvtHandler ())
- evtHandlerGetPreviousHandler :: EvtHandler a -> IO (EvtHandler ())
- evtHandlerProcessEvent :: EvtHandler a -> Event b -> IO Bool
- evtHandlerProcessPendingEvents :: EvtHandler a -> IO ()
- evtHandlerSetClientClosure :: EvtHandler a -> Closure b -> IO ()
- evtHandlerSetEvtHandlerEnabled :: EvtHandler a -> Bool -> IO ()
- evtHandlerSetNextHandler :: EvtHandler a -> EvtHandler b -> IO ()
- evtHandlerSetPreviousHandler :: EvtHandler a -> EvtHandler b -> IO ()
- fileConfigCreate :: InputStream a -> IO (FileConfig ())
- fileDialogCreate :: Window a -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Point -> Style -> IO (FileDialog ())
- fileDialogGetDirectory :: FileDialog a -> IO String
- fileDialogGetFilename :: FileDialog a -> IO String
- fileDialogGetFilenames :: FileDialog a -> IO [String]
- fileDialogGetFilterIndex :: FileDialog a -> IO Int
- fileDialogGetMessage :: FileDialog a -> IO String
- fileDialogGetPath :: FileDialog a -> IO String
- fileDialogGetPaths :: FileDialog a -> IO [String]
- fileDialogGetStyle :: FileDialog a -> IO Int
- fileDialogGetWildcard :: FileDialog a -> IO String
- fileDialogSetDirectory :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO ()
- fileDialogSetFilename :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO ()
- fileDialogSetFilterIndex :: FileDialog a -> Int -> IO ()
- fileDialogSetMessage :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO ()
- fileDialogSetPath :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO ()
- fileDialogSetStyle :: FileDialog a -> Int -> IO ()
- fileDialogSetWildcard :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO ()
- fileHistoryAddFileToHistory :: FileHistory a -> String -> IO ()
- fileHistoryAddFilesToMenu :: FileHistory a -> Menu b -> IO ()
- fileHistoryCreate :: Int -> IO (FileHistory ())
- fileHistoryDelete :: FileHistory a -> IO ()
- fileHistoryGetCount :: FileHistory a -> IO Int
- fileHistoryGetHistoryFile :: FileHistory a -> Int -> IO String
- fileHistoryGetMaxFiles :: FileHistory a -> IO Int
- fileHistoryGetMenus :: FileHistory a -> IO [Menu ()]
- fileHistoryLoad :: FileHistory a -> ConfigBase b -> IO ()
- fileHistoryRemoveFileFromHistory :: FileHistory a -> Int -> IO ()
- fileHistoryRemoveMenu :: FileHistory a -> Menu b -> IO ()
- fileHistorySave :: FileHistory a -> ConfigBase b -> IO ()
- fileHistoryUseMenu :: FileHistory a -> Menu b -> IO ()
- fileInputStreamCreate :: String -> IO (FileInputStream ())
- fileInputStreamDelete :: FileInputStream a -> IO ()
- fileInputStreamIsOk :: FileInputStream a -> IO Bool
- fileOutputStreamCreate :: String -> IO (FileOutputStream ())
- fileOutputStreamDelete :: FileOutputStream a -> IO ()
- fileOutputStreamIsOk :: FileOutputStream a -> IO Bool
- filePropertyCreate :: String -> String -> String -> IO (FileProperty ())
- fileTypeDelete :: FileType a -> IO ()
- fileTypeExpandCommand :: FileType a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO String
- fileTypeGetDescription :: FileType a -> IO String
- fileTypeGetExtensions :: FileType a -> List b -> IO Int
- fileTypeGetIcon :: FileType a -> Icon b -> IO Int
- fileTypeGetMimeType :: FileType a -> IO String
- fileTypeGetMimeTypes :: FileType a -> List b -> IO Int
- fileTypeGetOpenCommand :: FileType a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO Int
- fileTypeGetPrintCommand :: FileType a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO Int
- findDialogEventGetFindString :: FindDialogEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO Int
- findDialogEventGetFlags :: FindDialogEvent a -> IO Int
- findDialogEventGetReplaceString :: FindDialogEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO Int
- findReplaceDataCreate :: Int -> IO (FindReplaceData ())
- findReplaceDataCreateDefault :: IO (FindReplaceData ())
- findReplaceDataDelete :: FindReplaceData a -> IO ()
- findReplaceDataGetFindString :: FindReplaceData a -> IO String
- findReplaceDataGetFlags :: FindReplaceData a -> IO Int
- findReplaceDataGetReplaceString :: FindReplaceData a -> IO String
- findReplaceDataSetFindString :: FindReplaceData a -> String -> IO ()
- findReplaceDataSetFlags :: FindReplaceData a -> Int -> IO ()
- findReplaceDataSetReplaceString :: FindReplaceData a -> String -> IO ()
- findReplaceDialogCreate :: Window a -> FindReplaceData b -> String -> Int -> IO (FindReplaceDialog ())
- findReplaceDialogGetData :: FindReplaceDialog a -> IO (FindReplaceData ())
- findReplaceDialogSetData :: FindReplaceDialog a -> FindReplaceData b -> IO ()
- flexGridSizerAddGrowableCol :: FlexGridSizer a -> Int -> IO ()
- flexGridSizerAddGrowableRow :: FlexGridSizer a -> Int -> IO ()
- flexGridSizerCalcMin :: FlexGridSizer a -> IO Size
- flexGridSizerCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (FlexGridSizer ())
- flexGridSizerRecalcSizes :: FlexGridSizer a -> IO ()
- flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableCol :: FlexGridSizer a -> Int -> IO ()
- flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableRow :: FlexGridSizer a -> Int -> IO ()
- floatPropertyCreate :: String -> String -> Float -> IO (FloatProperty ())
- fontCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> String -> Int -> IO (Font ())
- fontCreateDefault :: IO (Font ())
- fontCreateFromStock :: Id -> IO (Font ())
- fontDelete :: Font a -> IO ()
- fontGetDefaultEncoding :: Font a -> IO Int
- fontGetEncoding :: Font a -> IO Int
- fontGetFaceName :: Font a -> IO String
- fontGetFamily :: Font a -> IO Int
- fontGetFamilyString :: Font a -> IO String
- fontGetPointSize :: Font a -> IO Int
- fontGetStyle :: Font a -> IO Int
- fontGetStyleString :: Font a -> IO String
- fontGetUnderlined :: Font a -> IO Int
- fontGetWeight :: Font a -> IO Int
- fontGetWeightString :: Font a -> IO String
- fontIsOk :: Font a -> IO Bool
- fontIsStatic :: Font a -> IO Bool
- fontSafeDelete :: Font a -> IO ()
- fontSetDefaultEncoding :: Font a -> Int -> IO ()
- fontSetEncoding :: Font a -> Int -> IO ()
- fontSetFaceName :: Font a -> String -> IO ()
- fontSetFamily :: Font a -> Int -> IO ()
- fontSetPointSize :: Font a -> Int -> IO ()
- fontSetStyle :: Font a -> Int -> IO ()
- fontSetUnderlined :: Font a -> Int -> IO ()
- fontSetWeight :: Font a -> Int -> IO ()
- fontDataCreate :: IO (FontData ())
- fontDataDelete :: FontData a -> IO ()
- fontDataEnableEffects :: FontData a -> Bool -> IO ()
- fontDataGetAllowSymbols :: FontData a -> IO Bool
- fontDataGetChosenFont :: FontData a -> IO (Font ())
- fontDataGetColour :: FontData a -> IO Color
- fontDataGetEnableEffects :: FontData a -> IO Bool
- fontDataGetEncoding :: FontData a -> IO Int
- fontDataGetInitialFont :: FontData a -> IO (Font ())
- fontDataGetShowHelp :: FontData a -> IO Int
- fontDataSetAllowSymbols :: FontData a -> Bool -> IO ()
- fontDataSetChosenFont :: FontData a -> Font b -> IO ()
- fontDataSetColour :: FontData a -> Color -> IO ()
- fontDataSetEncoding :: FontData a -> Int -> IO ()
- fontDataSetInitialFont :: FontData a -> Font b -> IO ()
- fontDataSetRange :: FontData a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- fontDataSetShowHelp :: FontData a -> Bool -> IO ()
- fontDialogCreate :: Window a -> FontData b -> IO (FontDialog ())
- fontDialogGetFontData :: FontDialog a -> IO (FontData ())
- fontEnumeratorCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (FontEnumerator ())
- fontEnumeratorDelete :: FontEnumerator a -> IO ()
- fontEnumeratorEnumerateEncodings :: FontEnumerator a -> String -> IO Bool
- fontEnumeratorEnumerateFacenames :: FontEnumerator a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- fontMapperCreate :: IO (FontMapper ())
- fontMapperGetAltForEncoding :: FontMapper a -> Int -> Ptr c -> String -> IO Bool
- fontMapperIsEncodingAvailable :: FontMapper a -> Int -> String -> IO Bool
- frameCentre :: Frame a -> Int -> IO ()
- frameCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Frame ())
- frameCreateStatusBar :: Frame a -> Int -> Int -> IO (StatusBar ())
- frameCreateToolBar :: Frame a -> Int -> IO (ToolBar ())
- frameGetClientAreaOriginleft :: Frame a -> IO Int
- frameGetClientAreaOrigintop :: Frame a -> IO Int
- frameGetMenuBar :: Frame a -> IO (MenuBar ())
- frameGetStatusBar :: Frame a -> IO (StatusBar ())
- frameGetTitle :: Frame a -> IO String
- frameGetToolBar :: Frame a -> IO (ToolBar ())
- frameIsFullScreen :: Frame a -> IO Bool
- frameRestore :: Frame a -> IO ()
- frameSetMenuBar :: Frame a -> MenuBar b -> IO ()
- frameSetShape :: Frame a -> Region b -> IO Bool
- frameSetStatusBar :: Frame a -> StatusBar b -> IO ()
- frameSetStatusText :: Frame a -> String -> Int -> IO ()
- frameSetStatusWidths :: Frame a -> Int -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- frameSetTitle :: Frame a -> String -> IO ()
- frameSetToolBar :: Frame a -> ToolBar b -> IO ()
- frameShowFullScreen :: Frame a -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool
- glCanvasCreate :: Window a -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> Rect -> Style -> String -> Palette g -> IO (GLCanvas ())
- glCanvasIsDisplaySupported :: Ptr CInt -> IO Bool
- glCanvasIsExtensionSupported :: String -> IO Bool
- glCanvasSetColour :: GLCanvas a -> Color -> IO Bool
- glCanvasSetCurrent :: GLCanvas a -> GLContext b -> IO Bool
- glCanvasSwapBuffers :: GLCanvas a -> IO Bool
- glContextCreate :: GLCanvas a -> GLContext b -> IO (GLContext ())
- glContextCreateFromNull :: GLCanvas a -> IO (GLContext ())
- glContextSetCurrent :: GLContext a -> GLCanvas b -> IO Bool
- gaugeCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Int -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Gauge ())
- gaugeGetBezelFace :: Gauge a -> IO Int
- gaugeGetRange :: Gauge a -> IO Int
- gaugeGetShadowWidth :: Gauge a -> IO Int
- gaugeGetValue :: Gauge a -> IO Int
- gaugeSetBezelFace :: Gauge a -> Int -> IO ()
- gaugeSetRange :: Gauge a -> Int -> IO ()
- gaugeSetShadowWidth :: Gauge a -> Int -> IO ()
- gaugeSetValue :: Gauge a -> Int -> IO ()
- genericDragImageCreate :: Cursor a -> IO (GenericDragImage ())
- genericDragImageDoDrawImage :: GenericDragImage a -> DC b -> Point -> IO Bool
- genericDragImageGetImageRect :: GenericDragImage a -> Point -> IO Rect
- genericDragImageUpdateBackingFromWindow :: GenericDragImage a -> DC b -> MemoryDC c -> Rect -> Rect -> IO Bool
- graphicsBrushCreate :: IO (GraphicsBrush ())
- graphicsBrushDelete :: GraphicsBrush a -> IO ()
- graphicsContextClip :: GraphicsContext a -> Region b -> IO ()
- graphicsContextClipByRectangle :: GraphicsContext a -> Rect2D Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextConcatTransform :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO ()
- graphicsContextCreate :: WindowDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsContextCreateDefaultMatrix :: GraphicsContext a -> IO (GraphicsMatrix ())
- graphicsContextCreateFromMemory :: MemoryDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsContextCreateFromNative :: GraphicsContext a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsContextCreateFromNativeWindow :: Window a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsContextCreateFromPrinter :: PrinterDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsContextCreateFromWindow :: Window a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsContextCreateMatrix :: GraphicsContext a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO (GraphicsMatrix ())
- graphicsContextCreatePath :: GraphicsContext a -> IO (GraphicsPath ())
- graphicsContextDelete :: GraphicsContext a -> IO ()
- graphicsContextDrawBitmap :: GraphicsContext a -> Bitmap b -> Rect2D Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextDrawEllipse :: GraphicsContext a -> Rect2D Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextDrawIcon :: GraphicsContext a -> Icon b -> Rect2D Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextDrawLines :: GraphicsContext a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Int -> IO ()
- graphicsContextDrawPath :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsPath b -> Int -> IO ()
- graphicsContextDrawRectangle :: GraphicsContext a -> Rect2D Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextDrawRoundedRectangle :: GraphicsContext a -> Rect2D Double -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextDrawText :: GraphicsContext a -> String -> Point2 Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextDrawTextWithAngle :: GraphicsContext a -> String -> Point2 Double -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextFillPath :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsPath b -> Int -> IO ()
- graphicsContextGetNativeContext :: GraphicsContext a -> IO (Ptr ())
- graphicsContextGetTextExtent :: GraphicsContext a -> String -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextPopState :: GraphicsContext a -> IO ()
- graphicsContextPushState :: GraphicsContext a -> IO ()
- graphicsContextResetClip :: GraphicsContext a -> IO ()
- graphicsContextRotate :: GraphicsContext a -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextScale :: GraphicsContext a -> Size2D Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextSetBrush :: GraphicsContext a -> Brush b -> IO ()
- graphicsContextSetFont :: GraphicsContext a -> Font b -> Color -> IO ()
- graphicsContextSetGraphicsBrush :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsBrush b -> IO ()
- graphicsContextSetGraphicsFont :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsFont b -> IO ()
- graphicsContextSetGraphicsPen :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsPen b -> IO ()
- graphicsContextSetPen :: GraphicsContext a -> Pen b -> IO ()
- graphicsContextSetTransform :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO ()
- graphicsContextStrokeLine :: GraphicsContext a -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> IO ()
- graphicsContextStrokeLines :: GraphicsContext a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Int -> IO ()
- graphicsContextStrokePath :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsPath b -> IO ()
- graphicsContextTranslate :: GraphicsContext a -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsFontCreate :: IO (GraphicsFont ())
- graphicsFontDelete :: GraphicsFont a -> IO ()
- graphicsMatrixConcat :: GraphicsMatrix a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO ()
- graphicsMatrixCreate :: IO (GraphicsMatrix ())
- graphicsMatrixDelete :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO ()
- graphicsMatrixGet :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
- graphicsMatrixGetNativeMatrix :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO (Ptr ())
- graphicsMatrixInvert :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO ()
- graphicsMatrixIsEqual :: GraphicsMatrix a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO Bool
- graphicsMatrixIsIdentity :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO Bool
- graphicsMatrixRotate :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsMatrixScale :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Size2D Double -> IO ()
- graphicsMatrixSet :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsMatrixTransformDistance :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
- graphicsMatrixTransformPoint :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO (Point2 Double)
- graphicsMatrixTranslate :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsObjectGetRenderer :: IO (GraphicsRenderer ())
- graphicsObjectIsNull :: GraphicsObject a -> IO Bool
- graphicsPathAddArc :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool -> IO ()
- graphicsPathAddArcToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsPathAddCircle :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsPathAddCurveToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> IO ()
- graphicsPathAddEllipse :: GraphicsPath a -> Rect2D Double -> IO ()
- graphicsPathAddLineToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> IO ()
- graphicsPathAddPath :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> GraphicsPath c -> IO ()
- graphicsPathAddQuadCurveToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> IO ()
- graphicsPathAddRectangle :: GraphicsPath a -> Rect2D Double -> IO ()
- graphicsPathAddRoundedRectangle :: GraphicsPath a -> Rect2D Double -> Double -> IO ()
- graphicsPathCloseSubpath :: GraphicsPath a -> IO ()
- graphicsPathContains :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Int -> IO ()
- graphicsPathDelete :: GraphicsPath a -> IO ()
- graphicsPathGetBox :: GraphicsPath a -> IO (Rect2D Double)
- graphicsPathGetCurrentPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> IO (Point2 Double)
- graphicsPathGetNativePath :: GraphicsPath a -> IO (Ptr ())
- graphicsPathMoveToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> IO ()
- graphicsPathTransform :: GraphicsPath a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO ()
- graphicsPathUnGetNativePath :: GraphicsPath a -> IO ()
- graphicsPenCreate :: IO (GraphicsPen ())
- graphicsPenDelete :: GraphicsPen a -> IO ()
- graphicsRendererCreateContext :: WindowDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeContext :: GraphicsRenderer a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeWindow :: Window a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsRendererCreateContextFromWindow :: Window a -> IO (GraphicsContext ())
- graphicsRendererCreatePath :: GraphicsRenderer a -> IO (GraphicsPath ())
- graphicsRendererDelete :: GraphicsRenderer a -> IO ()
- graphicsRendererGetDefaultRenderer :: GraphicsRenderer a -> IO (GraphicsRenderer ())
- gridAppendCols :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridAppendRows :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridAutoSize :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridAutoSizeColumn :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridAutoSizeColumns :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridAutoSizeRow :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridAutoSizeRows :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridBeginBatch :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridBlockToDeviceRect :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Rect
- gridCanDragColSize :: Grid a -> Int -> IO Bool
- gridCanDragGridSize :: Grid a -> IO Bool
- gridCanDragRowSize :: Grid a -> Int -> IO Bool
- gridCanEnableCellControl :: Grid a -> IO Bool
- gridCellToRect :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO Rect
- gridClearGrid :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridClearSelection :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Grid ())
- gridCreateGrid :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridDeleteCols :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridDeleteRows :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridDisableCellEditControl :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridDisableDragColSize :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridDisableDragGridSize :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridDisableDragRowSize :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridDrawAllGridLines :: Grid a -> DC b -> Region c -> IO ()
- gridDrawCell :: Grid a -> DC b -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridDrawCellBorder :: Grid a -> DC b -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridDrawCellHighlight :: Grid a -> DC b -> GridCellAttr c -> IO ()
- gridDrawColLabel :: Grid a -> DC b -> Int -> IO ()
- gridDrawColLabels :: Grid a -> DC b -> IO ()
- gridDrawGridSpace :: Grid a -> DC b -> IO ()
- gridDrawRowLabel :: Grid a -> DC b -> Int -> IO ()
- gridDrawRowLabels :: Grid a -> DC b -> IO ()
- gridDrawTextRectangle :: Grid a -> DC b -> String -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridEnableCellEditControl :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridEnableDragColSize :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridEnableDragGridSize :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridEnableDragRowSize :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridEnableEditing :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridEnableGridLines :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridEndBatch :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridGetBatchCount :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetCellAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO Size
- gridGetCellBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Color -> IO ()
- gridGetCellEditor :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellEditor ())
- gridGetCellFont :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Font d -> IO ()
- gridGetCellHighlightColour :: Grid a -> IO Color
- gridGetCellRenderer :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellRenderer ())
- gridGetCellSize :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO Size
- gridGetCellTextColour :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Color -> IO ()
- gridGetCellValue :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO String
- gridGetColLabelAlignment :: Grid a -> IO Size
- gridGetColLabelSize :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetColLabelValue :: Grid a -> Int -> IO String
- gridGetColSize :: Grid a -> Int -> IO Int
- gridGetDefaultCellAlignment :: Grid a -> IO Size
- gridGetDefaultCellBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> IO Color
- gridGetDefaultCellFont :: Grid a -> IO (Font ())
- gridGetDefaultCellTextColour :: Grid a -> IO Color
- gridGetDefaultColLabelSize :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetDefaultColSize :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetDefaultEditor :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellEditor ())
- gridGetDefaultEditorForCell :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellEditor ())
- gridGetDefaultEditorForType :: Grid a -> String -> IO (GridCellEditor ())
- gridGetDefaultRenderer :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellRenderer ())
- gridGetDefaultRendererForCell :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellRenderer ())
- gridGetDefaultRendererForType :: Grid a -> String -> IO (GridCellRenderer ())
- gridGetDefaultRowLabelSize :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetDefaultRowSize :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetGridCursorCol :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetGridCursorRow :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetGridLineColour :: Grid a -> IO Color
- gridGetLabelBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> IO Color
- gridGetLabelFont :: Grid a -> IO (Font ())
- gridGetLabelTextColour :: Grid a -> IO Color
- gridGetNumberCols :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetNumberRows :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetRowLabelAlignment :: Grid a -> IO Size
- gridGetRowLabelSize :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridGetRowLabelValue :: Grid a -> Int -> IO String
- gridGetRowSize :: Grid a -> Int -> IO Int
- gridGetSelectedCells :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellCoordsArray ())
- gridGetSelectedCols :: Grid a -> IO [Int]
- gridGetSelectedRows :: Grid a -> IO [Int]
- gridGetSelectionBackground :: Grid a -> IO Color
- gridGetSelectionBlockBottomRight :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellCoordsArray ())
- gridGetSelectionBlockTopLeft :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellCoordsArray ())
- gridGetSelectionForeground :: Grid a -> IO Color
- gridGetTable :: Grid a -> IO (GridTableBase ())
- gridGetTextBoxSize :: Grid a -> DC b -> [String] -> IO Size
- gridGridLinesEnabled :: Grid a -> IO Int
- gridHideCellEditControl :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridInsertCols :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridInsertRows :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridIsCellEditControlEnabled :: Grid a -> IO Bool
- gridIsCellEditControlShown :: Grid a -> IO Bool
- gridIsCurrentCellReadOnly :: Grid a -> IO Bool
- gridIsEditable :: Grid a -> IO Bool
- gridIsInSelection :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- gridIsReadOnly :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- gridIsSelection :: Grid a -> IO Bool
- gridIsVisible :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridMakeCellVisible :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridMoveCursorDown :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridMoveCursorDownBlock :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridMoveCursorLeft :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridMoveCursorLeftBlock :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridMoveCursorRight :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridMoveCursorRightBlock :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridMoveCursorUp :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridMoveCursorUpBlock :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool
- gridMovePageDown :: Grid a -> IO Bool
- gridMovePageUp :: Grid a -> IO Bool
- gridProcessTableMessage :: Grid a -> Event b -> IO Bool
- gridRegisterDataType :: Grid a -> String -> GridCellRenderer c -> GridCellEditor d -> IO ()
- gridSaveEditControlValue :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridSelectAll :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridSelectBlock :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridSelectCol :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridSelectRow :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridSetCellAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetCellBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetCellEditor :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> GridCellEditor d -> IO ()
- gridSetCellFont :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Font d -> IO ()
- gridSetCellHighlightColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetCellRenderer :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> GridCellRenderer d -> IO ()
- gridSetCellSize :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Size -> IO ()
- gridSetCellTextColour :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetCellValue :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- gridSetColAttr :: Grid a -> Int -> GridCellAttr c -> IO ()
- gridSetColFormatBool :: Grid a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetColFormatCustom :: Grid a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- gridSetColFormatFloat :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetColFormatNumber :: Grid a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetColLabelAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetColLabelSize :: Grid a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetColLabelValue :: Grid a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- gridSetColMinimalWidth :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetColSize :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetDefaultCellAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetDefaultCellBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetDefaultCellFont :: Grid a -> Font b -> IO ()
- gridSetDefaultCellTextColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetDefaultColSize :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridSetDefaultEditor :: Grid a -> GridCellEditor b -> IO ()
- gridSetDefaultRenderer :: Grid a -> GridCellRenderer b -> IO ()
- gridSetDefaultRowSize :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridSetGridCursor :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetGridLineColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetLabelBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetLabelFont :: Grid a -> Font b -> IO ()
- gridSetLabelTextColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetMargins :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetReadOnly :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridSetRowAttr :: Grid a -> Int -> GridCellAttr c -> IO ()
- gridSetRowLabelAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetRowLabelSize :: Grid a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetRowLabelValue :: Grid a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- gridSetRowMinimalHeight :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetRowSize :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetSelectionBackground :: Grid a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetSelectionForeground :: Grid a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridSetSelectionMode :: Grid a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSetTable :: Grid a -> GridTableBase b -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool
- gridShowCellEditControl :: Grid a -> IO ()
- gridStringToLines :: Grid a -> String -> Ptr c -> IO Int
- gridXToCol :: Grid a -> Int -> IO Int
- gridXToEdgeOfCol :: Grid a -> Int -> IO Int
- gridXYToCell :: Grid a -> Point -> IO Point
- gridYToEdgeOfRow :: Grid a -> Int -> IO Int
- gridYToRow :: Grid a -> Int -> IO Int
- gridCellAttrCtor :: IO (GridCellAttr ())
- gridCellAttrDecRef :: GridCellAttr a -> IO ()
- gridCellAttrGetAlignment :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Size
- gridCellAttrGetBackgroundColour :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Color
- gridCellAttrGetEditor :: GridCellAttr a -> Grid b -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellEditor ())
- gridCellAttrGetFont :: GridCellAttr a -> IO (Font ())
- gridCellAttrGetRenderer :: GridCellAttr a -> Grid b -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellRenderer ())
- gridCellAttrGetTextColour :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Color
- gridCellAttrHasAlignment :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool
- gridCellAttrHasBackgroundColour :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool
- gridCellAttrHasEditor :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool
- gridCellAttrHasFont :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool
- gridCellAttrHasRenderer :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool
- gridCellAttrHasTextColour :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool
- gridCellAttrIncRef :: GridCellAttr a -> IO ()
- gridCellAttrIsReadOnly :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool
- gridCellAttrSetAlignment :: GridCellAttr a -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- gridCellAttrSetBackgroundColour :: GridCellAttr a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridCellAttrSetDefAttr :: GridCellAttr a -> GridCellAttr b -> IO ()
- gridCellAttrSetEditor :: GridCellAttr a -> GridCellEditor b -> IO ()
- gridCellAttrSetFont :: GridCellAttr a -> Font b -> IO ()
- gridCellAttrSetReadOnly :: GridCellAttr a -> Bool -> IO ()
- gridCellAttrSetRenderer :: GridCellAttr a -> GridCellRenderer b -> IO ()
- gridCellAttrSetTextColour :: GridCellAttr a -> Color -> IO ()
- gridCellAutoWrapStringRendererCtor :: IO (GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer ())
- gridCellBoolEditorCtor :: IO (GridCellBoolEditor ())
- gridCellChoiceEditorCtor :: [String] -> Bool -> IO (GridCellChoiceEditor ())
- gridCellCoordsArrayCreate :: IO (GridCellCoordsArray ())
- gridCellCoordsArrayDelete :: GridCellCoordsArray a -> IO ()
- gridCellCoordsArrayGetCount :: GridCellCoordsArray a -> IO Int
- gridCellCoordsArrayItem :: GridCellCoordsArray a -> Int -> IO Point
- gridCellEditorBeginEdit :: GridCellEditor a -> Int -> Int -> Grid d -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorCreate :: GridCellEditor a -> Window b -> Id -> EvtHandler d -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorDestroy :: GridCellEditor a -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorEndEdit :: GridCellEditor a -> Int -> Int -> Grid d -> String -> String -> IO Int
- gridCellEditorGetControl :: GridCellEditor a -> IO (Control ())
- gridCellEditorHandleReturn :: GridCellEditor a -> Event b -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorIsAcceptedKey :: GridCellEditor a -> Event b -> IO Bool
- gridCellEditorIsCreated :: GridCellEditor a -> IO Bool
- gridCellEditorPaintBackground :: GridCellEditor a -> DC b -> Rect -> GridCellAttr d -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorReset :: GridCellEditor a -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorSetControl :: GridCellEditor a -> Control b -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorSetParameters :: GridCellEditor a -> String -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorSetSize :: GridCellEditor a -> Rect -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorShow :: GridCellEditor a -> Bool -> GridCellAttr c -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorStartingClick :: GridCellEditor a -> IO ()
- gridCellEditorStartingKey :: GridCellEditor a -> Event b -> IO ()
- gridCellFloatEditorCtor :: Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellFloatEditor ())
- gridCellNumberEditorCtor :: Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellNumberEditor ())
- gridCellNumberRendererCtor :: IO (GridCellNumberRenderer ())
- gridCellTextEditorCtor :: IO (GridCellTextEditor ())
- gridCellTextEnterEditorCtor :: IO (GridCellTextEnterEditor ())
- gridEditorCreatedEventGetCol :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> IO Int
- gridEditorCreatedEventGetControl :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> IO (Control ())
- gridEditorCreatedEventGetRow :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> IO Int
- gridEditorCreatedEventSetCol :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridEditorCreatedEventSetControl :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> Control b -> IO ()
- gridEditorCreatedEventSetRow :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridEventAltDown :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridEventControlDown :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridEventGetCol :: GridEvent a -> IO Int
- gridEventGetPosition :: GridEvent a -> IO Point
- gridEventGetRow :: GridEvent a -> IO Int
- gridEventMetaDown :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridEventSelecting :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridEventShiftDown :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridRangeSelectEventAltDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridRangeSelectEventControlDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRightCoords :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Point
- gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRow :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Int
- gridRangeSelectEventGetLeftCol :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Int
- gridRangeSelectEventGetRightCol :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Int
- gridRangeSelectEventGetTopLeftCoords :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Point
- gridRangeSelectEventGetTopRow :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Int
- gridRangeSelectEventMetaDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridRangeSelectEventSelecting :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridRangeSelectEventShiftDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridSizeEventAltDown :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridSizeEventControlDown :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridSizeEventGetPosition :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Point
- gridSizeEventGetRowOrCol :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Int
- gridSizeEventMetaDown :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridSizeEventShiftDown :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Bool
- gridSizerCalcMin :: GridSizer a -> IO Size
- gridSizerCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridSizer ())
- gridSizerGetCols :: GridSizer a -> IO Int
- gridSizerGetHGap :: GridSizer a -> IO Int
- gridSizerGetRows :: GridSizer a -> IO Int
- gridSizerGetVGap :: GridSizer a -> IO Int
- gridSizerRecalcSizes :: GridSizer a -> IO ()
- gridSizerSetCols :: GridSizer a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSizerSetHGap :: GridSizer a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSizerSetRows :: GridSizer a -> Int -> IO ()
- gridSizerSetVGap :: GridSizer a -> Int -> IO ()
- helpControllerHelpProviderCreate :: HelpControllerBase a -> IO (HelpControllerHelpProvider ())
- helpControllerHelpProviderGetHelpController :: HelpControllerHelpProvider a -> IO (HelpControllerBase ())
- helpControllerHelpProviderSetHelpController :: HelpControllerHelpProvider a -> HelpController b -> IO ()
- helpEventGetLink :: HelpEvent a -> IO String
- helpEventGetPosition :: HelpEvent a -> IO Point
- helpEventGetTarget :: HelpEvent a -> IO String
- helpEventSetLink :: HelpEvent a -> String -> IO ()
- helpEventSetPosition :: HelpEvent a -> Point -> IO ()
- helpEventSetTarget :: HelpEvent a -> String -> IO ()
- helpProviderAddHelp :: HelpProvider a -> Window b -> String -> IO ()
- helpProviderAddHelpById :: HelpProvider a -> Id -> String -> IO ()
- helpProviderDelete :: HelpProvider a -> IO ()
- helpProviderGet :: IO (HelpProvider ())
- helpProviderGetHelp :: HelpProvider a -> Window b -> IO String
- helpProviderRemoveHelp :: HelpProvider a -> Window b -> IO ()
- helpProviderSet :: HelpProvider a -> IO (HelpProvider ())
- helpProviderShowHelp :: HelpProvider a -> Window b -> IO Bool
- htmlHelpControllerAddBook :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO Bool
- htmlHelpControllerCreate :: Int -> IO (HtmlHelpController ())
- htmlHelpControllerDelete :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO ()
- htmlHelpControllerDisplay :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> IO Int
- htmlHelpControllerDisplayBlock :: HtmlHelpController a -> Int -> IO Bool
- htmlHelpControllerDisplayContents :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO Int
- htmlHelpControllerDisplayIndex :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO Int
- htmlHelpControllerDisplayNumber :: HtmlHelpController a -> Id -> IO Int
- htmlHelpControllerDisplaySection :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO Bool
- htmlHelpControllerDisplaySectionNumber :: HtmlHelpController a -> Int -> IO Bool
- htmlHelpControllerGetFrame :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO (Frame ())
- htmlHelpControllerGetFrameParameters :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr ())
- htmlHelpControllerInitialize :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO Bool
- htmlHelpControllerKeywordSearch :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO Bool
- htmlHelpControllerLoadFile :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO Bool
- htmlHelpControllerQuit :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO Bool
- htmlHelpControllerReadCustomization :: HtmlHelpController a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO ()
- htmlHelpControllerSetFrameParameters :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> Size -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- htmlHelpControllerSetTempDir :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO ()
- htmlHelpControllerSetTitleFormat :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- htmlHelpControllerSetViewer :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> Int -> IO ()
- htmlHelpControllerUseConfig :: HtmlHelpController a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO ()
- htmlHelpControllerWriteCustomization :: HtmlHelpController a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO ()
- htmlWindowAppendToPage :: HtmlWindow a -> String -> IO Bool
- htmlWindowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> String -> IO (HtmlWindow ())
- htmlWindowGetInternalRepresentation :: HtmlWindow a -> IO (HtmlContainerCell ())
- htmlWindowGetOpenedAnchor :: HtmlWindow a -> IO String
- htmlWindowGetOpenedPage :: HtmlWindow a -> IO String
- htmlWindowGetOpenedPageTitle :: HtmlWindow a -> IO String
- htmlWindowGetRelatedFrame :: HtmlWindow a -> IO (Frame ())
- htmlWindowHistoryBack :: HtmlWindow a -> IO Bool
- htmlWindowHistoryCanBack :: HtmlWindow a -> IO Bool
- htmlWindowHistoryCanForward :: HtmlWindow a -> IO Bool
- htmlWindowHistoryClear :: HtmlWindow a -> IO ()
- htmlWindowHistoryForward :: HtmlWindow a -> IO Bool
- htmlWindowLoadPage :: HtmlWindow a -> String -> IO Bool
- htmlWindowReadCustomization :: HtmlWindow a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO ()
- htmlWindowSetBorders :: HtmlWindow a -> Int -> IO ()
- htmlWindowSetFonts :: HtmlWindow a -> String -> String -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()
- htmlWindowSetPage :: HtmlWindow a -> String -> IO ()
- htmlWindowSetRelatedFrame :: HtmlWindow a -> Frame b -> String -> IO ()
- htmlWindowSetRelatedStatusBar :: HtmlWindow a -> Int -> IO ()
- htmlWindowWriteCustomization :: HtmlWindow a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO ()
- hyperlinkCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> String -> Rect -> Int -> IO (HyperlinkCtrl ())
- hyperlinkCtrlGetHoverColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO Color
- hyperlinkCtrlGetNormalColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO Color
- hyperlinkCtrlGetURL :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO String
- hyperlinkCtrlGetVisited :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO Bool
- hyperlinkCtrlGetVisitedColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO Color
- hyperlinkCtrlSetHoverColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> Color -> IO ()
- hyperlinkCtrlSetNormalColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> Color -> IO ()
- hyperlinkCtrlSetURL :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> String -> IO ()
- hyperlinkCtrlSetVisited :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> Bool -> IO ()
- hyperlinkCtrlSetVisitedColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> Color -> IO ()
- iconAssign :: Icon a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- iconCopyFromBitmap :: Icon a -> Bitmap b -> IO ()
- iconCreateDefault :: IO (Icon ())
- iconCreateLoad :: String -> Int -> Size -> IO (Icon ())
- iconDelete :: Icon a -> IO ()
- iconFromRaw :: Icon a -> Size -> IO (Icon ())
- iconFromXPM :: Icon a -> IO (Icon ())
- iconGetDepth :: Icon a -> IO Int
- iconGetHeight :: Icon a -> IO Int
- iconGetWidth :: Icon a -> IO Int
- iconIsEqual :: Icon a -> Icon b -> IO Bool
- iconIsOk :: Icon a -> IO Bool
- iconIsStatic :: Icon a -> IO Bool
- iconLoad :: Icon a -> String -> Int -> Size -> IO Int
- iconSafeDelete :: Icon a -> IO ()
- iconSetDepth :: Icon a -> Int -> IO ()
- iconSetHeight :: Icon a -> Int -> IO ()
- iconSetWidth :: Icon a -> Int -> IO ()
- iconBundleAddIcon :: IconBundle a -> Icon b -> IO ()
- iconBundleAddIconFromFile :: IconBundle a -> String -> Int -> IO ()
- iconBundleCreateDefault :: IO (IconBundle ())
- iconBundleCreateFromFile :: String -> Int -> IO (IconBundle ())
- iconBundleCreateFromIcon :: Icon a -> IO (IconBundle ())
- iconBundleDelete :: IconBundle a -> IO ()
- iconBundleGetIcon :: IconBundle a -> Size -> IO (Icon ())
- idleEventCopyObject :: IdleEvent a -> WxObject b -> IO ()
- idleEventMoreRequested :: IdleEvent a -> IO Bool
- idleEventRequestMore :: IdleEvent a -> Bool -> IO ()
- imageCanRead :: String -> IO Bool
- imageConvertToBitmap :: Image a -> IO (Bitmap ())
- imageConvertToByteString :: Image a -> Int -> IO ByteString
- imageConvertToLazyByteString :: Image a -> Int -> IO ByteString
- imageCopy :: Image a -> IO (Image ())
- imageCountColours :: Image a -> Int -> IO Int
- imageCreateDefault :: IO (Image ())
- imageCreateFromBitmap :: Bitmap a -> IO (Image ())
- imageCreateFromByteString :: Size -> ByteString -> IO (Image ())
- imageCreateFromData :: Size -> Ptr b -> IO (Image ())
- imageCreateFromDataEx :: Size -> Ptr b -> Bool -> IO (Image ())
- imageCreateFromFile :: String -> IO (Image ())
- imageCreateFromLazyByteString :: Size -> ByteString -> IO (Image ())
- imageCreateSized :: Size -> IO (Image ())
- imageDelete :: Image a -> IO ()
- imageDestroy :: Image a -> IO ()
- imageGetBlue :: Image a -> Point -> IO Char
- imageGetData :: Image a -> IO (Ptr ())
- imageGetGreen :: Image a -> Point -> IO Char
- imageGetHeight :: Image a -> IO Int
- imageGetMaskBlue :: Image a -> IO Char
- imageGetMaskGreen :: Image a -> IO Char
- imageGetMaskRed :: Image a -> IO Char
- imageGetOption :: Image a -> String -> IO String
- imageGetOptionInt :: Image a -> String -> IO Bool
- imageGetRed :: Image a -> Point -> IO Char
- imageGetSubImage :: Image a -> Rect -> IO (Image ())
- imageGetType :: Image a -> IO Int
- imageGetWidth :: Image a -> IO Int
- imageHasMask :: Image a -> IO Bool
- imageHasOption :: Image a -> String -> IO Bool
- imageInitialize :: Image a -> Size -> IO ()
- imageInitializeFromData :: Image a -> Size -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- imageIsOk :: Image a -> IO Bool
- imageLoadFile :: Image a -> String -> Int -> IO Bool
- imageLoadStream :: Image a -> InputStream b -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- imageMirror :: Image a -> Bool -> IO (Image ())
- imagePaste :: Image a -> Image b -> Point -> IO ()
- imageReplace :: Image a -> Color -> Color -> IO ()
- imageRescale :: Image a -> Size -> IO ()
- imageRescaleEx :: Image a -> Size -> Int -> IO ()
- imageRotate :: Image a -> Double -> Point -> Bool -> Ptr e -> IO (Image ())
- imageRotate90 :: Image a -> Bool -> IO (Image ())
- imageSaveFile :: Image a -> String -> Int -> IO Bool
- imageSaveStream :: Image a -> OutputStream b -> Int -> IO Bool
- imageScale :: Image a -> Size -> IO (Image ())
- imageScaleEx :: Image a -> Size -> Int -> IO (Image ())
- imageSetData :: Image a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- imageSetDataAndSize :: Image a -> Ptr b -> Size -> IO ()
- imageSetMask :: Image a -> Int -> IO ()
- imageSetMaskColour :: Image a -> Color -> IO ()
- imageSetOption :: Image a -> String -> String -> IO ()
- imageSetOptionInt :: Image a -> String -> Int -> IO ()
- imageSetRGB :: Image a -> Point -> Color -> IO ()
- imageSetType :: Image a -> Int -> IO ()
- imageListAddBitmap :: ImageList a -> Bitmap b -> Bitmap c -> IO Int
- imageListAddIcon :: ImageList a -> Icon b -> IO Int
- imageListAddMasked :: ImageList a -> Bitmap b -> Color -> IO Int
- imageListCreate :: Size -> Bool -> Int -> IO (ImageList ())
- imageListDelete :: ImageList a -> IO ()
- imageListDraw :: ImageList a -> Int -> DC c -> Point -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool
- imageListGetImageCount :: ImageList a -> IO Int
- imageListGetSize :: ImageList a -> Int -> IO Size
- imageListRemove :: ImageList a -> Int -> IO Bool
- imageListRemoveAll :: ImageList a -> IO Bool
- imageListReplace :: ImageList a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> Bitmap d -> IO Bool
- imageListReplaceIcon :: ImageList a -> Int -> Icon c -> IO Bool
- individualLayoutConstraintAbove :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintAbsolute :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintAsIs :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintBelow :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintGetDone :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Bool
- individualLayoutConstraintGetEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> IO Int
- individualLayoutConstraintGetMargin :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int
- individualLayoutConstraintGetMyEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int
- individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int
- individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherWindow :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO (Ptr ())
- individualLayoutConstraintGetPercent :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int
- individualLayoutConstraintGetRelationship :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int
- individualLayoutConstraintGetValue :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int
- individualLayoutConstraintLeftOf :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintPercentOf :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintResetIfWin :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> IO Bool
- individualLayoutConstraintRightOf :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintSameAs :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintSatisfyConstraint :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Ptr b -> Window c -> IO Bool
- individualLayoutConstraintSet :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> Window c -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintSetDone :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Bool -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintSetEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintSetMargin :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintSetRelationship :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintSetValue :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO ()
- individualLayoutConstraintUnconstrained :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO ()
- inputSinkCreate :: InputStream a -> EvtHandler b -> Int -> IO (InputSink ())
- inputSinkGetId :: InputSink a -> IO Int
- inputSinkStart :: InputSink a -> IO ()
- inputSinkEventLastError :: InputSinkEvent a -> IO Int
- inputSinkEventLastInput :: InputSinkEvent a -> IO (Ptr CWchar)
- inputSinkEventLastRead :: InputSinkEvent a -> IO Int
- inputStreamCanRead :: InputStream a -> IO Bool
- inputStreamDelete :: InputStream a -> IO ()
- inputStreamEof :: InputStream a -> IO Bool
- inputStreamGetC :: InputStream a -> IO Char
- inputStreamLastRead :: InputStream a -> IO Int
- inputStreamPeek :: InputStream a -> IO Char
- inputStreamRead :: InputStream a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO ()
- inputStreamSeekI :: InputStream a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- inputStreamTell :: InputStream a -> IO Int
- inputStreamUngetBuffer :: InputStream a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO Int
- inputStreamUngetch :: InputStream a -> Char -> IO Int
- intPropertyCreate :: String -> String -> Int -> IO (IntProperty ())
- keyEventAltDown :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool
- keyEventControlDown :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool
- keyEventCopyObject :: KeyEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- keyEventGetKeyCode :: KeyEvent a -> IO Int
- keyEventGetModifiers :: KeyEvent a -> IO Int
- keyEventGetPosition :: KeyEvent a -> IO Point
- keyEventGetX :: KeyEvent a -> IO Int
- keyEventGetY :: KeyEvent a -> IO Int
- keyEventHasModifiers :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool
- keyEventMetaDown :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool
- keyEventSetKeyCode :: KeyEvent a -> Int -> IO ()
- keyEventShiftDown :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool
- layoutAlgorithmCreate :: IO (LayoutAlgorithm ())
- layoutAlgorithmDelete :: LayoutAlgorithm a -> IO ()
- layoutAlgorithmLayoutFrame :: LayoutAlgorithm a -> Frame b -> Ptr c -> IO Bool
- layoutAlgorithmLayoutMDIFrame :: LayoutAlgorithm a -> Frame b -> Rect -> Int -> IO Bool
- layoutAlgorithmLayoutWindow :: LayoutAlgorithm a -> Frame b -> Ptr c -> IO Bool
- layoutConstraintsCreate :: IO (LayoutConstraints ())
- layoutConstraintsbottom :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ())
- layoutConstraintscentreX :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ())
- layoutConstraintscentreY :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ())
- layoutConstraintsheight :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ())
- layoutConstraintsleft :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ())
- layoutConstraintsright :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ())
- layoutConstraintstop :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ())
- layoutConstraintswidth :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ())
- listBoxAppend :: ListBox a -> String -> IO ()
- listBoxAppendData :: ListBox a -> String -> Ptr c -> IO ()
- listBoxClear :: ListBox a -> IO ()
- listBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> [String] -> Style -> IO (ListBox ())
- listBoxDelete :: ListBox a -> Int -> IO ()
- listBoxFindString :: ListBox a -> String -> IO Int
- listBoxGetClientData :: ListBox a -> Int -> IO (ClientData ())
- listBoxGetCount :: ListBox a -> IO Int
- listBoxGetSelection :: ListBox a -> IO Int
- listBoxGetSelections :: ListBox a -> Ptr CInt -> Int -> IO Int
- listBoxGetString :: ListBox a -> Int -> IO String
- listBoxInsertItems :: ListBox a -> Ptr b -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
- listBoxIsSelected :: ListBox a -> Int -> IO Bool
- listBoxSetClientData :: ListBox a -> Int -> ClientData c -> IO ()
- listBoxSetFirstItem :: ListBox a -> Int -> IO ()
- listBoxSetSelection :: ListBox a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- listBoxSetString :: ListBox a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- listBoxSetStringSelection :: ListBox a -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
- listCtrlArrange :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlAssignImageList :: ListCtrl a -> ImageList b -> Int -> IO ()
- listCtrlClearAll :: ListCtrl a -> IO ()
- listCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (ListCtrl ())
- listCtrlDeleteAllColumns :: ListCtrl a -> IO Bool
- listCtrlDeleteAllItems :: ListCtrl a -> IO Bool
- listCtrlDeleteColumn :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlDeleteItem :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlEditLabel :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO ()
- listCtrlEndEditLabel :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlEnsureVisible :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlFindItem :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> Bool -> IO Int
- listCtrlFindItemByData :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- listCtrlFindItemByPosition :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Point -> Int -> IO Int
- listCtrlGetColumn :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> ListItem c -> IO Bool
- listCtrlGetColumn2 :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO (ListItem ())
- listCtrlGetColumnCount :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int
- listCtrlGetColumnWidth :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int
- listCtrlGetCountPerPage :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int
- listCtrlGetEditControl :: ListCtrl a -> IO (TextCtrl ())
- listCtrlGetImageList :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO (ImageList ())
- listCtrlGetItem :: ListCtrl a -> ListItem b -> IO Bool
- listCtrlGetItem2 :: ListCtrl a -> IO (ListItem ())
- listCtrlGetItemCount :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int
- listCtrlGetItemData :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int
- listCtrlGetItemFont :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO (Font ())
- listCtrlGetItemPosition :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Point
- listCtrlGetItemPosition2 :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Point
- listCtrlGetItemRect :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Rect
- listCtrlGetItemSpacing :: ListCtrl a -> Bool -> IO Size
- listCtrlGetItemState :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- listCtrlGetItemText :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO String
- listCtrlGetNextItem :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- listCtrlGetSelectedItemCount :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int
- listCtrlGetTextColour :: ListCtrl a -> IO Color
- listCtrlGetTopItem :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int
- listCtrlHitTest :: ListCtrl a -> Point -> Ptr c -> IO Int
- listCtrlInsertColumn :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- listCtrlInsertColumnFromInfo :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> ListItem c -> IO Int
- listCtrlInsertItem :: ListCtrl a -> ListItem b -> IO Int
- listCtrlInsertItemWithData :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO Int
- listCtrlInsertItemWithImage :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- listCtrlInsertItemWithLabel :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> Int -> IO Int
- listCtrlIsVirtual :: ListCtrl a -> IO Bool
- listCtrlRefreshItem :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO ()
- listCtrlScrollList :: ListCtrl a -> Vector -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSetBackgroundColour :: ListCtrl a -> Color -> IO ()
- listCtrlSetColumn :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> ListItem c -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSetColumnWidth :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSetForegroundColour :: ListCtrl a -> Color -> IO Int
- listCtrlSetImageList :: ListCtrl a -> ImageList b -> Int -> IO ()
- listCtrlSetItem :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> String -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSetItemData :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSetItemFromInfo :: ListCtrl a -> ListItem b -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSetItemImage :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSetItemPosition :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Point -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSetItemState :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSetItemText :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- listCtrlSetSingleStyle :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- listCtrlSetTextColour :: ListCtrl a -> Color -> IO ()
- listCtrlSetWindowStyleFlag :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO ()
- listCtrlSortItems :: ListCtrl a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO Bool
- listCtrlSortItems2 :: ListCtrl a -> Closure b -> IO Bool
- listCtrlUpdateStyle :: ListCtrl a -> IO ()
- listEventCancelled :: ListEvent a -> IO Bool
- listEventGetCacheFrom :: ListEvent a -> IO Int
- listEventGetCacheTo :: ListEvent a -> IO Int
- listEventGetCode :: ListEvent a -> IO Int
- listEventGetColumn :: ListEvent a -> IO Int
- listEventGetData :: ListEvent a -> IO Int
- listEventGetImage :: ListEvent a -> IO Int
- listEventGetIndex :: ListEvent a -> IO Int
- listEventGetItem :: ListEvent a -> IO (ListItem ())
- listEventGetLabel :: ListEvent a -> IO String
- listEventGetMask :: ListEvent a -> IO Int
- listEventGetPoint :: ListEvent a -> IO Point
- listEventGetText :: ListEvent a -> IO String
- listItemClear :: ListItem a -> IO ()
- listItemClearAttributes :: ListItem a -> IO ()
- listItemCreate :: IO (ListItem ())
- listItemDelete :: ListItem a -> IO ()
- listItemGetAlign :: ListItem a -> IO Int
- listItemGetAttributes :: ListItem a -> IO (Ptr ())
- listItemGetBackgroundColour :: ListItem a -> IO Color
- listItemGetColumn :: ListItem a -> IO Int
- listItemGetData :: ListItem a -> IO Int
- listItemGetFont :: ListItem a -> IO (Font ())
- listItemGetId :: ListItem a -> IO Int
- listItemGetImage :: ListItem a -> IO Int
- listItemGetMask :: ListItem a -> IO Int
- listItemGetState :: ListItem a -> IO Int
- listItemGetText :: ListItem a -> IO String
- listItemGetTextColour :: ListItem a -> IO Color
- listItemGetWidth :: ListItem a -> IO Int
- listItemHasAttributes :: ListItem a -> IO Bool
- listItemSetAlign :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- listItemSetBackgroundColour :: ListItem a -> Color -> IO ()
- listItemSetColumn :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- listItemSetData :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- listItemSetDataPointer :: ListItem a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- listItemSetFont :: ListItem a -> Font b -> IO ()
- listItemSetId :: ListItem a -> Id -> IO ()
- listItemSetImage :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- listItemSetMask :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- listItemSetState :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- listItemSetStateMask :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- listItemSetText :: ListItem a -> String -> IO ()
- listItemSetTextColour :: ListItem a -> Color -> IO ()
- listItemSetWidth :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO ()
- localeAddCatalog :: Locale a -> Ptr b -> IO Int
- localeAddCatalogLookupPathPrefix :: Locale a -> Ptr b -> IO ()
- localeCreate :: Int -> Int -> IO (Locale ())
- localeDelete :: Locale a -> IO ()
- localeGetLocale :: Locale a -> IO (Locale ())
- localeGetName :: Locale a -> IO String
- localeGetString :: Locale a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO String
- localeIsLoaded :: Locale a -> Ptr b -> IO Bool
- localeIsOk :: Locale a -> IO Bool
- logAddTraceMask :: Log a -> String -> IO ()
- logDelete :: Log a -> IO ()
- logDontCreateOnDemand :: Log a -> IO ()
- logFlush :: Log a -> IO ()
- logFlushActive :: Log a -> IO ()
- logGetActiveTarget :: IO (Log ())
- logGetTimestamp :: Log a -> IO (Ptr CWchar)
- logGetTraceMask :: Log a -> IO Int
- logGetVerbose :: Log a -> IO Int
- logHasPendingMessages :: Log a -> IO Bool
- logIsAllowedTraceMask :: Log a -> Mask b -> IO Bool
- logOnLog :: Log a -> Int -> String -> Int -> IO ()
- logRemoveTraceMask :: Log a -> String -> IO ()
- logResume :: Log a -> IO ()
- logSetActiveTarget :: Log a -> IO (Log ())
- logSetTimestamp :: Log a -> String -> IO ()
- logSetVerbose :: Log a -> Bool -> IO ()
- logSuspend :: Log a -> IO ()
- logChainCreate :: Log a -> IO (LogChain ())
- logChainDelete :: LogChain a -> IO ()
- logChainGetOldLog :: LogChain a -> IO (Log ())
- logChainIsPassingMessages :: LogChain a -> IO Bool
- logChainPassMessages :: LogChain a -> Bool -> IO ()
- logChainSetLog :: LogChain a -> Log b -> IO ()
- logNullCreate :: IO (LogNull ())
- logStderrCreate :: IO (LogStderr ())
- logStderrCreateStdOut :: IO (LogStderr ())
- logTextCtrlCreate :: TextCtrl a -> IO (LogTextCtrl ())
- logWindowCreate :: Window a -> String -> Bool -> Bool -> IO (LogWindow ())
- logWindowGetFrame :: LogWindow a -> IO (Frame ())
bitmapDataObjectCreate :: Bitmap a -> IO (BitmapDataObject ()) Source
usage: (bitmapDataObjectCreate bmp
bitmapDataObjectCreateEmpty :: IO (BitmapDataObject ()) Source
usage: (bitmapDataObjectCreateEmpty
bitmapDataObjectDelete :: BitmapDataObject a -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapDataObjectDelete obj
bitmapDataObjectGetBitmap :: BitmapDataObject a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapDataObjectGetBitmap obj
bitmapDataObjectSetBitmap :: BitmapDataObject a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapDataObjectSetBitmap obj bmp
colorPickerCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Color -> Rect -> Int -> IO (ColourPickerCtrl ()) Source
usage: (colorPickerCtrlCreate parent id colour xywh style
colorPickerCtrlGetColour :: ColourPickerCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (colorPickerCtrlGetColour self
colorPickerCtrlSetColour :: ColourPickerCtrl a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (colorPickerCtrlSetColour self colour
cursorCreateFromImage :: Image a -> IO (Cursor ()) Source
usage: (cursorCreateFromImage image
cursorCreateFromStock :: Id -> IO (Cursor ()) Source
usage: (cursorCreateFromStock id
cursorCreateLoad :: String -> Int -> Size -> IO (Cursor ()) Source
usage: (cursorCreateLoad name wxtype widthheight
dragTreeItem :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (DragImage ()) Source
usage: (dragTreeItem treeCtrl id
dropSourceCreate :: DataObject a -> Window b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> IO (DropSource ()) Source
usage: (dropSourceCreate wxdata win copy move none
dropSourceDelete :: DropSource a -> IO () Source
usage: (dropSourceDelete obj
dropSourceDoDragDrop :: DropSource a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (dropSourceDoDragDrop obj move
fileDataObjectAddFile :: FileDataObject a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (fileDataObjectAddFile obj fle
fileDataObjectCreate :: [String] -> IO (FileDataObject ()) Source
usage: (fileDataObjectCreate cntlst
fileDataObjectDelete :: FileDataObject a -> IO () Source
usage: (fileDataObjectDelete obj
fileDataObjectGetFilenames :: FileDataObject a -> IO [String] Source
usage: (fileDataObjectGetFilenames obj
gcdcCreate :: WindowDC a -> IO (GCDC ()) Source
usage: (gcdcCreate dc
gcdcCreateFromMemory :: MemoryDC a -> IO (GCDC ()) Source
usage: (gcdcCreateFromMemory dc
gcdcCreateFromPrinter :: PrinterDC a -> IO (GCDC ()) Source
usage: (gcdcCreateFromPrinter dc
gcdcDelete :: GCDC a -> IO () Source
usage: (gcdcDelete self
gcdcGetGraphicsContext :: GCDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (gcdcGetGraphicsContext self
gcdcSetGraphicsContext :: GCDC a -> GraphicsContext b -> IO () Source
usage: (gcdcSetGraphicsContext self gc
genericDragIcon :: Icon a -> IO (GenericDragImage ()) Source
usage: (genericDragIcon icon
genericDragListItem :: ListCtrl a -> Id -> IO (GenericDragImage ()) Source
usage: (genericDragListItem treeCtrl id
genericDragString :: String -> IO (GenericDragImage ()) Source
usage: (genericDragString test
genericDragTreeItem :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (GenericDragImage ()) Source
usage: (genericDragTreeItem treeCtrl id
getApplicationDir :: IO String Source
usage: (getApplicationDir
getApplicationPath :: IO String Source
usage: (getApplicationPath
getELJLocale :: IO (WXCLocale ()) Source
usage: (getELJLocale
getELJTranslation :: String -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (getELJTranslation sz
getFontFromUser :: Window a -> Font b -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (getFontFromUser parent fontInit
getNumberFromUser :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Window g -> Point -> IO Int Source
usage: (getNumberFromUser message prompt caption value min max parent xy
getPasswordFromUser :: String -> String -> String -> Window d -> IO String Source
usage: (getPasswordFromUser message caption defaultText parent
getTextFromUser :: String -> String -> String -> Window d -> Point -> Bool -> IO String Source
usage: (getTextFromUser message caption defaultText parent xy center
isDefined :: String -> IO Bool Source
Check if a preprocessor macro is defined. For example, wxIsDefined("WXGTK")
or wxIsDefined("wxUSE_GIF")
logErrorMsg :: String -> IO () Source
usage: (logErrorMsg msg
logFatalError :: String -> IO () Source
usage: (logFatalError msg
logFatalErrorMsg :: String -> IO () Source
usage: (logFatalErrorMsg msg
logMessage :: String -> IO () Source
usage: (logMessage msg
logMessageMsg :: String -> IO () Source
usage: (logMessageMsg msg
logSysError :: String -> IO () Source
usage: (logSysError msg
logVerbose :: String -> IO () Source
usage: (logVerbose msg
logWarning :: String -> IO () Source
usage: (logWarning msg
logWarningMsg :: String -> IO () Source
usage: (logWarningMsg msg
acceleratorEntryCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (AcceleratorEntry ()) Source
usage: (acceleratorEntryCreate flags keyCode cmd
acceleratorEntryDelete :: AcceleratorEntry a -> IO () Source
usage: (acceleratorEntryDelete obj
acceleratorEntryGetCommand :: AcceleratorEntry a -> IO Int Source
usage: (acceleratorEntryGetCommand obj
acceleratorEntryGetFlags :: AcceleratorEntry a -> IO Int Source
usage: (acceleratorEntryGetFlags obj
acceleratorEntryGetKeyCode :: AcceleratorEntry a -> IO Int Source
usage: (acceleratorEntryGetKeyCode obj
acceleratorEntrySet :: AcceleratorEntry a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (acceleratorEntrySet obj flags keyCode cmd
acceleratorTableCreate :: Int -> Ptr b -> IO (AcceleratorTable ()) Source
usage: (acceleratorTableCreate n entries
acceleratorTableDelete :: AcceleratorTable a -> IO () Source
usage: (acceleratorTableDelete obj
activateEventCopyObject :: ActivateEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (activateEventCopyObject obj obj
activateEventGetActive :: ActivateEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (activateEventGetActive obj
auiDefaultTabArtClone :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> IO (AuiTabArt ()) Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtClone obj
auiDefaultTabArtCreate :: IO (AuiDefaultTabArt ()) Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtCreate
auiDefaultTabArtDrawBackground :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect
auiDefaultTabArtDrawButton :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtDrawButton obj dc wnd inRect bitmapId buttonState orientation outRect
auiDefaultTabArtDrawTab :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiNotebookPage d -> Rect -> Int -> Rect -> Rect -> Ptr CInt -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtDrawTab obj dc wnd pane inRect closeButtonState outTabRect outButtonRect xExtent
auiDefaultTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Size -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize obj wnd pages widthheight
auiDefaultTabArtGetIndentSize :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtGetIndentSize obj
auiDefaultTabArtGetTabSize :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> String -> Bitmap e -> Bool -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtGetTabSize obj dc wnd caption bitmap active closeButtonState xExtent
auiDefaultTabArtSetActiveColour :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtSetActiveColour obj colour
auiDefaultTabArtSetColour :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtSetColour obj colour
auiDefaultTabArtSetFlags :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtSetFlags obj flags
auiDefaultTabArtSetMeasuringFont :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtSetMeasuringFont obj font
auiDefaultTabArtSetNormalFont :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtSetNormalFont obj font
auiDefaultTabArtSetSelectedFont :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtSetSelectedFont obj font
auiDefaultTabArtSetSizingInfo :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Size -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtSetSizingInfo obj widthheight tabCount
auiDefaultTabArtShowDropDown :: AuiDefaultTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiDefaultTabArtShowDropDown obj wnd items activeIdx
auiDefaultToolBarArtClone :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> IO (AuiToolBarArt ()) Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtClone obj
auiDefaultToolBarArtCreate :: IO (AuiDefaultToolBarArt ()) Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtCreate
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawBackground :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawButton :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawButton obj dc wnd item rect
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawControlLabel :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawControlLabel obj dc wnd item rect
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton obj dc wnd item rect
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawGripper :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawGripper obj dc wnd rect
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawLabel :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawLabel obj dc wnd item rect
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton obj dc wnd rect state
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground obj dc wnd rect
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawSeparator :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawSeparator obj dc wnd rect
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetElementSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtGetElementSize obj element
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFlags :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFlags obj
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFont :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFont obj
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetLabelSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtGetLabelSize obj dc wnd item
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetTextOrientation :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtGetTextOrientation obj
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetToolSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtGetToolSize obj dc wnd item
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetElementSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtSetElementSize obj elementid size
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFlags :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFlags obj flags
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFont :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFont obj font
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetTextOrientation :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtSetTextOrientation obj orientation
auiDefaultToolBarArtShowDropDown :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt a -> Window b -> AuiToolBarItemArray c -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiDefaultToolBarArtShowDropDown obj wnd items
auiDockArtDrawBackground :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Int -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDockArtDrawBackground obj dc window orientation rect
auiDockArtDrawBorder :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo e -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDockArtDrawBorder obj dc window rect pane
auiDockArtDrawCaption :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> String -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo f -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDockArtDrawCaption obj dc window text rect pane
auiDockArtDrawGripper :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo e -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDockArtDrawGripper obj dc window rect pane
auiDockArtDrawPaneButton :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo g -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDockArtDrawPaneButton obj dc window button buttonstate rect pane
auiDockArtDrawSash :: AuiDockArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Int -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDockArtDrawSash obj dc window orientation rect
auiDockArtGetColour :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> IO Color Source
usage: (auiDockArtGetColour obj id
auiDockArtGetFont :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (auiDockArtGetFont obj id
auiDockArtGetMetric :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiDockArtGetMetric obj id
auiDockArtSetColour :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDockArtSetColour obj id colour
auiDockArtSetFont :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> Font c -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDockArtSetFont obj id font
auiDockArtSetMetric :: AuiDockArt a -> Id -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiDockArtSetMetric obj id newval
auiManagerAddPane :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> Int -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiManagerAddPane obj window direction caption
auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfo :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> AuiPaneInfo c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfo obj window paneinfo
auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> AuiPaneInfo c -> Point -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition obj window paneinfo xy
auiManagerCreate :: Window a -> Int -> IO (AuiManager ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerCreate managedwnd flags
auiManagerDelete :: AuiManager a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerDelete obj
auiManagerDetachPane :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiManagerDetachPane obj window
auiManagerGetAllPanes :: AuiManager a -> IO (AuiPaneInfoArray ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerGetAllPanes obj
auiManagerGetArtProvider :: AuiManager a -> IO (AuiDockArt ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerGetArtProvider obj
auiManagerGetDockSizeConstraint :: AuiManager a -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerGetDockSizeConstraint obj widthpct heightpct
auiManagerGetFlags :: AuiManager a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiManagerGetFlags obj
auiManagerGetManagedWindow :: AuiManager a -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerGetManagedWindow obj
auiManagerGetManager :: Window a -> IO (AuiManager ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerGetManager window
auiManagerGetPaneByName :: AuiManager a -> String -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerGetPaneByName obj name
auiManagerGetPaneByWindow :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerGetPaneByWindow obj window
auiManagerHideHint :: AuiManager a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerHideHint obj
auiManagerInsertPane :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> AuiPaneInfo c -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiManagerInsertPane obj window insertlocation insertlevel
auiManagerLoadPaneInfo :: AuiManager a -> String -> AuiPaneInfo c -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerLoadPaneInfo obj panepart pane
auiManagerLoadPerspective :: AuiManager a -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiManagerLoadPerspective obj perspective update
auiManagerSavePaneInfo :: AuiManager a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO String Source
usage: (auiManagerSavePaneInfo obj pane
auiManagerSavePerspective :: AuiManager a -> IO String Source
usage: (auiManagerSavePerspective obj
auiManagerSetArtProvider :: AuiManager a -> AuiDockArt b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerSetArtProvider obj artprovider
auiManagerSetDockSizeConstraint :: AuiManager a -> Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerSetDockSizeConstraint obj widthpct heightpct
auiManagerSetFlags :: AuiManager a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerSetFlags obj flags
auiManagerSetManagedWindow :: AuiManager a -> Window b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerSetManagedWindow obj managedwnd
auiManagerShowHint :: AuiManager a -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerShowHint obj rect
auiManagerUnInit :: AuiManager a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerUnInit obj
auiManagerUpdate :: AuiManager a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerUpdate obj
auiManagerEventCanVeto :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiManagerEventCanVeto obj
auiManagerEventCreate :: Int -> IO (AuiManagerEvent ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerEventCreate wxtype
auiManagerEventGetButton :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiManagerEventGetButton obj
auiManagerEventGetDC :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO (DC ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerEventGetDC obj
auiManagerEventGetManager :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO (AuiManager ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerEventGetManager obj
auiManagerEventGetPane :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiManagerEventGetPane obj
auiManagerEventGetVeto :: AuiManagerEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiManagerEventGetVeto obj
auiManagerEventSetButton :: AuiManagerEvent a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerEventSetButton obj button
auiManagerEventSetCanVeto :: AuiManagerEvent a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerEventSetCanVeto obj canveto
auiManagerEventSetDC :: AuiManagerEvent a -> DC b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerEventSetDC obj pdc
auiManagerEventSetManager :: AuiManagerEvent a -> AuiManager b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerEventSetManager obj manager
auiManagerEventSetPane :: AuiManagerEvent a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerEventSetPane obj pane
auiManagerEventVeto :: AuiManagerEvent a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiManagerEventVeto obj veto
auiNotebookAddPage :: AuiNotebook a -> Window b -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookAddPage obj page text select imageId
auiNotebookAddPageWithBitmap :: AuiNotebook a -> Window b -> String -> Bool -> Bitmap e -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookAddPageWithBitmap obj page caption select bitmap
auiNotebookAdvanceSelection :: AuiNotebook a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiNotebookAdvanceSelection obj forward
auiNotebookChangeSelection :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiNotebookChangeSelection obj n
auiNotebookCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebook ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookCreate parent id xy widthheight style
auiNotebookCreateDefault :: IO (AuiNotebook ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookCreateDefault
auiNotebookCreateFromDefault :: AuiNotebook a -> Window b -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookCreateFromDefault obj parent id xy widthheight style
auiNotebookDeleteAllPages :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookDeleteAllPages obj
auiNotebookDeletePage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookDeletePage obj page
auiNotebookGetArtProvider :: AuiNotebook a -> IO (AuiTabArt ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetArtProvider obj
auiNotebookGetCurrentPage :: AuiNotebook a -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetCurrentPage obj
auiNotebookGetHeightForPageHeight :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetHeightForPageHeight obj pageHeight
auiNotebookGetPage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetPage obj pageidx
auiNotebookGetPageBitmap :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetPageBitmap obj page
auiNotebookGetPageCount :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetPageCount obj
auiNotebookGetPageIndex :: AuiNotebook a -> Window b -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetPageIndex obj pagewnd
auiNotebookGetPageText :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO String Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetPageText obj page
auiNotebookGetPageToolTip :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO String Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetPageToolTip obj pageIdx
auiNotebookGetSelection :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetSelection obj
auiNotebookGetTabCtrlHeight :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiNotebookGetTabCtrlHeight obj
auiNotebookInsertPage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Window c -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookInsertPage obj index page text select imageId
auiNotebookInsertPageWithBitmap :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Window c -> String -> Bool -> Bitmap f -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookInsertPageWithBitmap obj pageidx page caption select bitmap
auiNotebookRemovePage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookRemovePage obj page
auiNotebookSetArtProvider :: AuiNotebook a -> AuiTabArt b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetArtProvider obj art
auiNotebookSetFont :: AuiNotebook a -> Font b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetFont obj font
auiNotebookSetMeasuringFont :: AuiNotebook a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetMeasuringFont obj font
auiNotebookSetNormalFont :: AuiNotebook a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetNormalFont obj font
auiNotebookSetPageBitmap :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetPageBitmap obj page bitmap
auiNotebookSetPageImage :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetPageImage obj n imageId
auiNotebookSetPageText :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetPageText obj page text
auiNotebookSetPageToolTip :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetPageToolTip obj page text
auiNotebookSetSelectedFont :: AuiNotebook a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetSelectedFont obj font
auiNotebookSetSelection :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetSelection obj newpage
auiNotebookSetTabCtrlHeight :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetTabCtrlHeight obj height
auiNotebookSetUniformBitmapSize :: AuiNotebook a -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (auiNotebookSetUniformBitmapSize obj widthheight
auiNotebookShowWindowMenu :: AuiNotebook a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookShowWindowMenu obj
auiNotebookSplit :: AuiNotebook a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiNotebookSplit obj page direction
auiNotebookEventCreate :: Int -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebookEvent ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookEventCreate commandtype winid
auiNotebookEventGetDragSource :: AuiNotebookEvent a -> IO (AuiNotebook ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookEventGetDragSource obj
auiNotebookPageActive :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageActive obj
auiNotebookPageBitmap :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageBitmap obj
auiNotebookPageCaption :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO String Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageCaption obj
auiNotebookPageRect :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO Rect Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageRect obj
auiNotebookPageTooltip :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO String Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageTooltip obj
auiNotebookPageWindow :: AuiNotebookPage a -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageWindow obj
auiNotebookPageArrayCreate :: IO (AuiNotebookPageArray ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageArrayCreate
auiNotebookPageArrayDelete :: AuiNotebookPageArray a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageArrayDelete obj
auiNotebookPageArrayGetCount :: AuiNotebookPageArray a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageArrayGetCount obj
auiNotebookPageArrayItem :: AuiNotebookPageArray a -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebookPage ()) Source
usage: (auiNotebookPageArrayItem obj idx
auiPaneInfoBestSize :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Size -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoBestSize obj widthheight
auiPaneInfoBestSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoBestSizeXY obj xy
auiPaneInfoBottom :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoBottom obj
auiPaneInfoBottomDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoBottomDockable obj b
auiPaneInfoCaption :: AuiPaneInfo a -> String -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCaption obj c
auiPaneInfoCaptionVisible :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCaptionVisible obj visible
auiPaneInfoCenter :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCenter obj
auiPaneInfoCenterPane :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCenterPane obj
auiPaneInfoCentre :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCentre obj
auiPaneInfoCentrePane :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCentrePane obj
auiPaneInfoCloseButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCloseButton obj visible
auiPaneInfoCopy :: AuiPaneInfo a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCopy obj c
auiPaneInfoCreate :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCreate c
auiPaneInfoCreateDefault :: IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoCreateDefault
auiPaneInfoDefaultPane :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoDefaultPane obj
auiPaneInfoDestroyOnClose :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoDestroyOnClose obj b
auiPaneInfoDirection :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoDirection obj direction
auiPaneInfoDock :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoDock obj
auiPaneInfoDockFixed :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoDockFixed obj b
auiPaneInfoDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoDockable obj b
auiPaneInfoFixed :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoFixed obj
auiPaneInfoFloat :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoFloat obj
auiPaneInfoFloatable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoFloatable obj b
auiPaneInfoFloatingPosition :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoFloatingPosition obj xy
auiPaneInfoFloatingPositionXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoFloatingPositionXY obj xy
auiPaneInfoFloatingSize :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Size -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoFloatingSize obj widthheight
auiPaneInfoFloatingSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoFloatingSizeXY obj xy
auiPaneInfoGripper :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoGripper obj visible
auiPaneInfoGripperTop :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoGripperTop obj attop
auiPaneInfoHasBorder :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHasBorder obj
auiPaneInfoHasCaption :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHasCaption obj
auiPaneInfoHasCloseButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHasCloseButton obj
auiPaneInfoHasFlag :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHasFlag obj flag
auiPaneInfoHasGripper :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHasGripper obj
auiPaneInfoHasGripperTop :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHasGripperTop obj
auiPaneInfoHasMaximizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHasMaximizeButton obj
auiPaneInfoHasMinimizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHasMinimizeButton obj
auiPaneInfoHasPinButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHasPinButton obj
auiPaneInfoHide :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoHide obj
auiPaneInfoIcon :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bitmap b -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIcon obj b
auiPaneInfoIsBottomDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsBottomDockable obj
auiPaneInfoIsDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsDockable obj
auiPaneInfoIsDocked :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsDocked obj
auiPaneInfoIsFixed :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsFixed obj
auiPaneInfoIsFloatable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsFloatable obj
auiPaneInfoIsFloating :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsFloating obj
auiPaneInfoIsLeftDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsLeftDockable obj
auiPaneInfoIsMovable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsMovable obj
auiPaneInfoIsOk :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsOk obj
auiPaneInfoIsResizable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsResizable obj
auiPaneInfoIsRightDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsRightDockable obj
auiPaneInfoIsShown :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsShown obj
auiPaneInfoIsToolbar :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsToolbar obj
auiPaneInfoIsTopDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoIsTopDockable obj
auiPaneInfoLayer :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoLayer obj layer
auiPaneInfoLeft :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoLeft obj
auiPaneInfoLeftDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoLeftDockable obj b
auiPaneInfoMaxSize :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Size -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoMaxSize obj widthheight
auiPaneInfoMaxSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoMaxSizeXY obj xy
auiPaneInfoMaximizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoMaximizeButton obj visible
auiPaneInfoMinSize :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Size -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoMinSize obj widthheight
auiPaneInfoMinSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Point -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoMinSizeXY obj xy
auiPaneInfoMinimizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoMinimizeButton obj visible
auiPaneInfoMovable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoMovable obj b
auiPaneInfoName :: AuiPaneInfo a -> String -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoName obj n
auiPaneInfoPaneBorder :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoPaneBorder obj visible
auiPaneInfoPinButton :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoPinButton obj visible
auiPaneInfoPosition :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoPosition obj pos
auiPaneInfoResizable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoResizable obj resizable
auiPaneInfoRight :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoRight obj
auiPaneInfoRightDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoRightDockable obj b
auiPaneInfoRow :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoRow obj row
auiPaneInfoSafeSet :: AuiPaneInfo a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoSafeSet obj source
auiPaneInfoSetFlag :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Int -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoSetFlag obj flag optionstate
auiPaneInfoShow :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoShow obj show
auiPaneInfoToolbarPane :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoToolbarPane obj
auiPaneInfoTop :: AuiPaneInfo a -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoTop obj
auiPaneInfoTopDockable :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Bool -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoTopDockable obj b
auiPaneInfoWindow :: AuiPaneInfo a -> Window b -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoWindow obj w
auiPaneInfoArrayCreate :: IO (AuiPaneInfoArray ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoArrayCreate
auiPaneInfoArrayDelete :: AuiPaneInfoArray a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoArrayDelete obj
auiPaneInfoArrayGetCount :: AuiPaneInfoArray a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoArrayGetCount obj
auiPaneInfoArrayItem :: AuiPaneInfoArray a -> Int -> IO (AuiPaneInfo ()) Source
usage: (auiPaneInfoArrayItem obj idx
auiSimpleTabArtClone :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> IO (AuiTabArt ()) Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtClone obj
auiSimpleTabArtCreate :: IO (AuiSimpleTabArt ()) Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtCreate
auiSimpleTabArtDrawBackground :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect
auiSimpleTabArtDrawButton :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtDrawButton obj dc wnd inRect bitmapId buttonState orientation outRect
auiSimpleTabArtDrawTab :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiNotebookPage d -> Rect -> Int -> Rect -> Rect -> Ptr CInt -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtDrawTab obj dc wnd pane inRect closeButtonState outTabRect outButtonRect xExtent
auiSimpleTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Size -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize obj wnd pages widthheight
auiSimpleTabArtGetIndentSize :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtGetIndentSize obj
auiSimpleTabArtGetTabSize :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> String -> Bitmap e -> Bool -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtGetTabSize obj dc wnd caption bitmap active closeButtonState xExtent
auiSimpleTabArtSetActiveColour :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtSetActiveColour obj colour
auiSimpleTabArtSetColour :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtSetColour obj colour
auiSimpleTabArtSetFlags :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtSetFlags obj flags
auiSimpleTabArtSetMeasuringFont :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtSetMeasuringFont obj font
auiSimpleTabArtSetNormalFont :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtSetNormalFont obj font
auiSimpleTabArtSetSelectedFont :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtSetSelectedFont obj font
auiSimpleTabArtSetSizingInfo :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Size -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtSetSizingInfo obj widthheight tabCount
auiSimpleTabArtShowDropDown :: AuiSimpleTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiSimpleTabArtShowDropDown obj wnd items activeIdx
auiTabArtClone :: AuiTabArt a -> IO (AuiTabArt ()) Source
usage: (auiTabArtClone obj
auiTabArtDrawBackground :: AuiTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect
auiTabArtDrawButton :: AuiTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtDrawButton obj dc wnd inrect bitmapid buttonstate orientation outrect
auiTabArtDrawTab :: AuiTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiNotebookPage d -> Rect -> Int -> Rect -> Rect -> Ptr CInt -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtDrawTab obj dc wnd page rect closebuttonstate outtabrect outbuttonrect xextent
auiTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize :: AuiTabArt a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPageArray c -> Size -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize obj wnd pages widthheight
auiTabArtGetIndentSize :: AuiTabArt a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabArtGetIndentSize obj
auiTabArtGetTabSize :: AuiTabArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> String -> Bitmap e -> Bool -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiTabArtGetTabSize obj dc wnd caption bitmap active closebuttonstate xextent
auiTabArtSetActiveColour :: AuiTabArt a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtSetActiveColour obj colour
auiTabArtSetColour :: AuiTabArt a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtSetColour obj colour
auiTabArtSetFlags :: AuiTabArt a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtSetFlags obj flags
auiTabArtSetMeasuringFont :: AuiTabArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtSetMeasuringFont obj font
auiTabArtSetNormalFont :: AuiTabArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtSetNormalFont obj font
auiTabArtSetSelectedFont :: AuiTabArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtSetSelectedFont obj font
auiTabArtSetSizingInfo :: AuiTabArt a -> Size -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabArtSetSizingInfo obj widthheight tabcount
auiTabContainerAddButton :: AuiTabContainer a -> Id -> Int -> Bitmap d -> Bitmap e -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerAddButton obj id location normalBitmap disabledBitmap
auiTabContainerAddPage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPage c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabContainerAddPage obj page info
auiTabContainerCreate :: IO (AuiTabContainer ()) Source
usage: (auiTabContainerCreate
auiTabContainerDoShowHide :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerDoShowHide obj
auiTabContainerGetActivePage :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabContainerGetActivePage obj
auiTabContainerGetArtProvider :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO (AuiTabArt ()) Source
usage: (auiTabContainerGetArtProvider obj
auiTabContainerGetFlags :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabContainerGetFlags obj
auiTabContainerGetIdxFromWindow :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabContainerGetIdxFromWindow obj page
auiTabContainerGetPage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebookPage ()) Source
usage: (auiTabContainerGetPage obj idx
auiTabContainerGetPageCount :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabContainerGetPageCount obj
auiTabContainerGetPages :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO (AuiNotebookPageArray ()) Source
usage: (auiTabContainerGetPages obj
auiTabContainerGetTabOffset :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabContainerGetTabOffset obj
auiTabContainerGetWindowFromIdx :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (auiTabContainerGetWindowFromIdx obj idx
auiTabContainerInsertPage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPage c -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabContainerInsertPage obj page info idx
auiTabContainerIsTabVisible :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> Int -> DC d -> Window e -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabContainerIsTabVisible obj tabPage tabOffset dc wnd
auiTabContainerMakeTabVisible :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> Window c -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerMakeTabVisible obj tabPage win
auiTabContainerMovePage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabContainerMovePage obj page newIdx
auiTabContainerRemoveButton :: AuiTabContainer a -> Id -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerRemoveButton obj id
auiTabContainerRemovePage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabContainerRemovePage obj page
auiTabContainerSetActiveColour :: AuiTabContainer a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetActiveColour obj colour
auiTabContainerSetActivePage :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetActivePage obj page
auiTabContainerSetActivePageByWindow :: AuiTabContainer a -> Window b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetActivePageByWindow obj page
auiTabContainerSetArtProvider :: AuiTabContainer a -> AuiTabArt b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetArtProvider obj art
auiTabContainerSetColour :: AuiTabContainer a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetColour obj colour
auiTabContainerSetFlags :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetFlags obj flags
auiTabContainerSetMeasuringFont :: AuiTabContainer a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetMeasuringFont obj measuringFont
auiTabContainerSetNoneActive :: AuiTabContainer a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetNoneActive obj
auiTabContainerSetNormalFont :: AuiTabContainer a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetNormalFont obj normalFont
auiTabContainerSetRect :: AuiTabContainer a -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetRect obj rect
auiTabContainerSetSelectedFont :: AuiTabContainer a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetSelectedFont obj selectedFont
auiTabContainerSetTabOffset :: AuiTabContainer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabContainerSetTabOffset obj offset
auiTabContainerButtonBitmap :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (auiTabContainerButtonBitmap obj
auiTabContainerButtonCurState :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabContainerButtonCurState obj
auiTabContainerButtonDisBitmap :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (auiTabContainerButtonDisBitmap obj
auiTabContainerButtonId :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabContainerButtonId obj
auiTabContainerButtonLocation :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabContainerButtonLocation obj
auiTabContainerButtonRect :: AuiTabContainerButton a -> IO Rect Source
usage: (auiTabContainerButtonRect obj
auiTabCtrlAddButton :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Id -> Int -> Bitmap d -> Bitmap e -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlAddButton obj id location normalBitmap disabledBitmap
auiTabCtrlAddPage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPage c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlAddPage obj page info
auiTabCtrlDoShowHide :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlDoShowHide obj
auiTabCtrlGetActivePage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlGetActivePage obj
auiTabCtrlGetArtProvider :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO (AuiTabArt ()) Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlGetArtProvider obj
auiTabCtrlGetFlags :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlGetFlags obj
auiTabCtrlGetIdxFromWindow :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlGetIdxFromWindow obj page
auiTabCtrlGetPage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO (AuiNotebookPage ()) Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlGetPage obj idx
auiTabCtrlGetPageCount :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlGetPageCount obj
auiTabCtrlGetPages :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO (AuiNotebookPageArray ()) Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlGetPages obj
auiTabCtrlGetTabOffset :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlGetTabOffset obj
auiTabCtrlGetWindowFromIdx :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlGetWindowFromIdx obj idx
auiTabCtrlInsertPage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> AuiNotebookPage c -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlInsertPage obj page info idx
auiTabCtrlIsTabVisible :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> DC d -> Window e -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlIsTabVisible obj tabPage tabOffset dc wnd
auiTabCtrlMakeTabVisible :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> Window c -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlMakeTabVisible obj tabPage win
auiTabCtrlMovePage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlMovePage obj page newIdx
auiTabCtrlRemoveButton :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Id -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlRemoveButton obj id
auiTabCtrlRemovePage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlRemovePage obj page
auiTabCtrlSetActiveColour :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetActiveColour obj colour
auiTabCtrlSetActivePage :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetActivePage obj page
auiTabCtrlSetActivePageByWindow :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Window b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetActivePageByWindow obj page
auiTabCtrlSetArtProvider :: AuiTabCtrl a -> AuiTabArt b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetArtProvider obj art
auiTabCtrlSetColour :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetColour obj colour
auiTabCtrlSetFlags :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetFlags obj flags
auiTabCtrlSetMeasuringFont :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetMeasuringFont obj measuringFont
auiTabCtrlSetNoneActive :: AuiTabCtrl a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetNoneActive obj
auiTabCtrlSetNormalFont :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetNormalFont obj normalFont
auiTabCtrlSetRect :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetRect obj rect
auiTabCtrlSetSelectedFont :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetSelectedFont obj selectedFont
auiTabCtrlSetTabOffset :: AuiTabCtrl a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiTabCtrlSetTabOffset obj offset
auiToolBarAddControl :: AuiToolBar a -> Control b -> String -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarAddControl obj control label
auiToolBarAddLabel :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarAddLabel obj toolid label width
auiToolBarAddSeparator :: AuiToolBar a -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarAddSeparator obj
auiToolBarAddSpacer :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarAddSpacer obj pixels
auiToolBarAddStretchSpacer :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarAddStretchSpacer obj proportion
auiToolBarAddTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> Bitmap d -> Bitmap e -> Int -> String -> String -> WxObject i -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarAddTool obj toolid label bitmap disabledbitmap kind shorthelpstring longhelpstring clientdata
auiToolBarAddToolByBitmap :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> Bitmap d -> Bool -> WxObject f -> String -> String -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarAddToolByBitmap obj toolid bitmap disabledbitmap toggle clientdata shorthelpstring longhelpstring
auiToolBarAddToolByLabel :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> Bitmap d -> String -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarAddToolByLabel obj toolid label bitmap shorthelpstring kind
auiToolBarClear :: AuiToolBar a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarClear obj
auiToolBarClearTools :: AuiToolBar a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarClearTools obj
auiToolBarCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBar ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarCreate parent id xy widthheight style
auiToolBarCreateDefault :: IO (AuiToolBar ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarCreateDefault
auiToolBarCreateFromDefault :: AuiToolBar a -> Window b -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarCreateFromDefault obj parent id xy widthheight style
auiToolBarDelete :: AuiToolBar a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarDelete obj
auiToolBarDeleteByIndex :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarDeleteByIndex obj toolid
auiToolBarDeleteTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarDeleteTool obj toolid
auiToolBarEnableTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarEnableTool obj toolid state
auiToolBarFindControl :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (Control ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarFindControl obj windowid
auiToolBarFindTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarFindTool obj toolid
auiToolBarFindToolByIndex :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarFindToolByIndex obj idx
auiToolBarFindToolByPosition :: AuiToolBar a -> Point -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarFindToolByPosition obj xy
auiToolBarGetArtProvider :: AuiToolBar a -> IO (AuiToolBarArt ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetArtProvider obj
auiToolBarGetGripperVisible :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetGripperVisible obj
auiToolBarGetHintSize :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetHintSize obj dockdirection
auiToolBarGetOverflowVisible :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetOverflowVisible obj
auiToolBarGetToolBarFits :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolBarFits obj
auiToolBarGetToolBitmap :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolBitmap obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolBitmapSize :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolBitmapSize obj
auiToolBarGetToolBorderPadding :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolBorderPadding obj
auiToolBarGetToolCount :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolCount obj
auiToolBarGetToolDropDown :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolDropDown obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolEnabled :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolEnabled obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolFits :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolFits obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolFitsByIndex :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolFitsByIndex obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolIndex :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolIndex obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolLabel :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO String Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolLabel obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolLongHelp :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO String Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolLongHelp obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolPacking :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolPacking obj
auiToolBarGetToolPos :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolPos obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolProportion :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolProportion obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolRect :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Rect Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolRect obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolSeparation :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolSeparation obj
auiToolBarGetToolShortHelp :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO String Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolShortHelp obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolSticky :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolSticky obj toolid
auiToolBarGetToolTextOrientation :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolTextOrientation obj
auiToolBarGetToolToggled :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetToolToggled obj toolid
auiToolBarGetWindowStyleFlag :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarGetWindowStyleFlag obj
auiToolBarIsPaneValid :: AuiToolBar a -> AuiPaneInfo b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarIsPaneValid obj pane
auiToolBarRealize :: AuiToolBar a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarRealize obj
auiToolBarSetArtProvider :: AuiToolBar a -> AuiToolBarArt b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetArtProvider obj art
auiToolBarSetCustomOverflowItems :: AuiToolBar a -> AuiToolBarItemArray b -> AuiToolBarItemArray c -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetCustomOverflowItems obj prepend append
auiToolBarSetFont :: AuiToolBar a -> Font b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetFont obj font
auiToolBarSetGripperVisible :: AuiToolBar a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetGripperVisible obj visible
auiToolBarSetMargins :: AuiToolBar a -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetMargins obj widthheight
auiToolBarSetMarginsDetailed :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetMarginsDetailed obj left right top bottom
auiToolBarSetMarginsXY :: AuiToolBar a -> Point -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetMarginsXY obj xy
auiToolBarSetOverflowVisible :: AuiToolBar a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetOverflowVisible obj visible
auiToolBarSetToolBitmap :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolBitmap obj toolid bitmap
auiToolBarSetToolBitmapSize :: AuiToolBar a -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolBitmapSize obj widthheight
auiToolBarSetToolBorderPadding :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolBorderPadding obj padding
auiToolBarSetToolDropDown :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolDropDown obj toolid dropdown
auiToolBarSetToolLabel :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolLabel obj toolid label
auiToolBarSetToolLongHelp :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolLongHelp obj toolid helpstring
auiToolBarSetToolPacking :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolPacking obj packing
auiToolBarSetToolProportion :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolProportion obj toolid proportion
auiToolBarSetToolSeparation :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolSeparation obj separation
auiToolBarSetToolShortHelp :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolShortHelp obj toolid helpstring
auiToolBarSetToolSticky :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolSticky obj toolid sticky
auiToolBarSetToolTextOrientation :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetToolTextOrientation obj orientation
auiToolBarSetWindowStyleFlag :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarSetWindowStyleFlag obj style
auiToolBarToggleTool :: AuiToolBar a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarToggleTool obj toolid state
auiToolBarArtClone :: AuiToolBarArt a -> IO (AuiToolBarArt ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtClone obj
auiToolBarArtDrawBackground :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect
auiToolBarArtDrawButton :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtDrawButton obj dc wnd item rect
auiToolBarArtDrawControlLabel :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtDrawControlLabel obj dc wnd item rect
auiToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton obj dc wnd item rect
auiToolBarArtDrawGripper :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtDrawGripper obj dc wnd rect
auiToolBarArtDrawLabel :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtDrawLabel obj dc wnd item rect
auiToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton obj dc wnd rect state
auiToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground obj dc wnd rect
auiToolBarArtDrawSeparator :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtDrawSeparator obj dc wnd rect
auiToolBarArtGetElementSize :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtGetElementSize obj elementid
auiToolBarArtGetFlags :: AuiToolBarArt a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtGetFlags obj
auiToolBarArtGetFont :: AuiToolBarArt a -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtGetFont obj
auiToolBarArtGetLabelSize :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtGetLabelSize obj dc wnd item
auiToolBarArtGetTextOrientation :: AuiToolBarArt a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtGetTextOrientation obj
auiToolBarArtGetToolSize :: AuiToolBarArt a -> DC b -> Window c -> AuiToolBarItem d -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtGetToolSize obj dc wnd item
auiToolBarArtSetElementSize :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtSetElementSize obj elementid size
auiToolBarArtSetFlags :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtSetFlags obj flags
auiToolBarArtSetFont :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtSetFont obj font
auiToolBarArtSetTextOrientation :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtSetTextOrientation obj orientation
auiToolBarArtShowDropDown :: AuiToolBarArt a -> Window b -> AuiToolBarItemArray c -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarArtShowDropDown obj wnd items
auiToolBarEventGetClickPoint :: AuiToolBarEvent a -> IO Point Source
usage: (auiToolBarEventGetClickPoint obj
auiToolBarEventGetItemRect :: AuiToolBarEvent a -> IO Rect Source
usage: (auiToolBarEventGetItemRect obj
auiToolBarEventGetToolId :: AuiToolBarEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarEventGetToolId obj
auiToolBarEventIsDropDownClicked :: AuiToolBarEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarEventIsDropDownClicked obj
auiToolBarItemAssign :: AuiToolBarItem a -> AuiToolBarItem b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemAssign obj c
auiToolBarItemCopy :: AuiToolBarItem a -> AuiToolBarItem b -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemCopy obj c
auiToolBarItemCreate :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemCreate c
auiToolBarItemCreateDefault :: IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemCreateDefault
auiToolBarItemGetAlignment :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetAlignment obj
auiToolBarItemGetBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetBitmap obj
auiToolBarItemGetDisabledBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetDisabledBitmap obj
auiToolBarItemGetHoverBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetHoverBitmap obj
auiToolBarItemGetId :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetId obj
auiToolBarItemGetKind :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetKind obj
auiToolBarItemGetLabel :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO String Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetLabel obj
auiToolBarItemGetLongHelp :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO String Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetLongHelp obj
auiToolBarItemGetMinSize :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Size Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetMinSize obj
auiToolBarItemGetProportion :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetProportion obj
auiToolBarItemGetShortHelp :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO String Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetShortHelp obj
auiToolBarItemGetSizerItem :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (SizerItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetSizerItem obj
auiToolBarItemGetSpacerPixels :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetSpacerPixels obj
auiToolBarItemGetState :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetState obj
auiToolBarItemGetUserData :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetUserData obj
auiToolBarItemGetWindow :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemGetWindow obj
auiToolBarItemHasDropDown :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemHasDropDown obj
auiToolBarItemIsActive :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemIsActive obj
auiToolBarItemIsSticky :: AuiToolBarItem a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemIsSticky obj
auiToolBarItemSetActive :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetActive obj b
auiToolBarItemSetAlignment :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetAlignment obj l
auiToolBarItemSetBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetBitmap obj bmp
auiToolBarItemSetDisabledBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetDisabledBitmap obj bmp
auiToolBarItemSetHasDropDown :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetHasDropDown obj b
auiToolBarItemSetHoverBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetHoverBitmap obj bmp
auiToolBarItemSetId :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetId obj newid
auiToolBarItemSetKind :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetKind obj newkind
auiToolBarItemSetLabel :: AuiToolBarItem a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetLabel obj s
auiToolBarItemSetLongHelp :: AuiToolBarItem a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetLongHelp obj s
auiToolBarItemSetMinSize :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetMinSize obj widthheight
auiToolBarItemSetProportion :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetProportion obj p
auiToolBarItemSetShortHelp :: AuiToolBarItem a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetShortHelp obj s
auiToolBarItemSetSizerItem :: AuiToolBarItem a -> SizerItem b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetSizerItem obj s
auiToolBarItemSetSpacerPixels :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetSpacerPixels obj s
auiToolBarItemSetState :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetState obj newstate
auiToolBarItemSetSticky :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetSticky obj b
auiToolBarItemSetUserData :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetUserData obj l
auiToolBarItemSetWindow :: AuiToolBarItem a -> Window b -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemSetWindow obj w
auiToolBarItemArrayCreate :: IO (AuiToolBarItemArray ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemArrayCreate
auiToolBarItemArrayDelete :: AuiToolBarItemArray a -> IO () Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemArrayDelete obj
auiToolBarItemArrayGetCount :: AuiToolBarItemArray a -> IO Int Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemArrayGetCount obj
auiToolBarItemArrayItem :: AuiToolBarItemArray a -> Int -> IO (AuiToolBarItem ()) Source
usage: (auiToolBarItemArrayItem obj idx
autoBufferedPaintDCCreate :: Window a -> IO (AutoBufferedPaintDC ()) Source
usage: (autoBufferedPaintDCCreate window
autoBufferedPaintDCDelete :: AutoBufferedPaintDC a -> IO () Source
usage: (autoBufferedPaintDCDelete self
bitmapAddHandler :: EvtHandler a -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapAddHandler handler
bitmapCleanUpHandlers :: IO () Source
usage: (bitmapCleanUpHandlers
bitmapCreate :: Ptr a -> Int -> Size -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapCreate wxdata wxtype widthheight depth
bitmapCreateDefault :: IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapCreateDefault
bitmapCreateEmpty :: Size -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapCreateEmpty widthheight depth
bitmapCreateFromImage :: Image a -> Int -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapCreateFromImage image depth
bitmapCreateFromXPM :: Bitmap a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapCreateFromXPM wxdata
bitmapDelete :: Bitmap a -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapDelete obj
bitmapFindHandlerByExtension :: Bitmap a -> Int -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (bitmapFindHandlerByExtension extension wxtype
bitmapFindHandlerByName :: String -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (bitmapFindHandlerByName name
bitmapFindHandlerByType :: Int -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (bitmapFindHandlerByType wxtype
bitmapGetDepth :: Bitmap a -> IO Int Source
usage: (bitmapGetDepth obj
bitmapGetHeight :: Bitmap a -> IO Int Source
usage: (bitmapGetHeight obj
bitmapGetMask :: Bitmap a -> IO (Mask ()) Source
usage: (bitmapGetMask obj
bitmapGetSubBitmap :: Bitmap a -> Rect -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapGetSubBitmap obj xywh
bitmapGetWidth :: Bitmap a -> IO Int Source
usage: (bitmapGetWidth obj
bitmapInitStandardHandlers :: IO () Source
usage: (bitmapInitStandardHandlers
bitmapInsertHandler :: EvtHandler a -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapInsertHandler handler
bitmapIsOk :: Bitmap a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bitmapIsOk obj
bitmapIsStatic :: Bitmap a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bitmapIsStatic self
bitmapLoadFile :: Bitmap a -> String -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (bitmapLoadFile obj name wxtype
bitmapRemoveHandler :: String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bitmapRemoveHandler name
bitmapSafeDelete :: Bitmap a -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapSafeDelete self
bitmapSaveFile :: Bitmap a -> String -> Int -> Palette d -> IO Int Source
usage: (bitmapSaveFile obj name wxtype cmap
bitmapSetDepth :: Bitmap a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapSetDepth obj d
bitmapSetHeight :: Bitmap a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapSetHeight obj h
bitmapSetMask :: Bitmap a -> Mask b -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapSetMask obj mask
bitmapSetWidth :: Bitmap a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapSetWidth obj w
bitmapButtonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Bitmap c -> Rect -> Style -> IO (BitmapButton ()) Source
usage: (bitmapButtonCreate prt id bmp lfttopwdthgt stl
bitmapButtonGetBitmapDisabled :: BitmapButton a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapButtonGetBitmapDisabled obj
bitmapButtonGetBitmapFocus :: BitmapButton a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapButtonGetBitmapFocus obj
bitmapButtonGetBitmapLabel :: BitmapButton a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapButtonGetBitmapLabel obj
bitmapButtonGetBitmapSelected :: BitmapButton a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (bitmapButtonGetBitmapSelected obj
bitmapButtonGetMarginX :: BitmapButton a -> IO Int Source
usage: (bitmapButtonGetMarginX obj
bitmapButtonGetMarginY :: BitmapButton a -> IO Int Source
usage: (bitmapButtonGetMarginY obj
bitmapButtonSetBitmapDisabled :: BitmapButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapButtonSetBitmapDisabled obj disabled
bitmapButtonSetBitmapFocus :: BitmapButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapButtonSetBitmapFocus obj focus
bitmapButtonSetBitmapLabel :: BitmapButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapButtonSetBitmapLabel obj bitmap
bitmapButtonSetBitmapSelected :: BitmapButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapButtonSetBitmapSelected obj sel
bitmapButtonSetMargins :: BitmapButton a -> Point -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapButtonSetMargins obj xy
bitmapToggleButtonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Bitmap c -> Rect -> Int -> IO (BitmapToggleButton ()) Source
usage: (bitmapToggleButtonCreate parent id bmp xywh style
bitmapToggleButtonEnable :: BitmapToggleButton a -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bitmapToggleButtonEnable obj enable
bitmapToggleButtonGetValue :: BitmapToggleButton a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bitmapToggleButtonGetValue obj
bitmapToggleButtonSetBitmapLabel :: BitmapToggleButton a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapToggleButtonSetBitmapLabel obj bmp
bitmapToggleButtonSetValue :: BitmapToggleButton a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (bitmapToggleButtonSetValue obj state
bookCtrlBaseAddPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Window b -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseAddPage obj page text select imageId
bookCtrlBaseAdvanceSelection :: BookCtrlBase a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseAdvanceSelection obj forward
bookCtrlBaseAssignImageList :: BookCtrlBase a -> ImageList b -> IO () Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseAssignImageList obj imageList
bookCtrlBaseChangeSelection :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseChangeSelection obj page
bookCtrlBaseCreateFromDefault :: BookCtrlBase a -> Window b -> Int -> Point -> Size -> Int -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseCreateFromDefault obj parent winid xy widthheight style name
bookCtrlBaseDeleteAllPages :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseDeleteAllPages obj
bookCtrlBaseDeletePage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseDeletePage obj page
bookCtrlBaseFindPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Window b -> IO Int Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseFindPage obj page
bookCtrlBaseGetCurrentPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseGetCurrentPage obj
bookCtrlBaseGetImageList :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO (ImageList ()) Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseGetImageList obj
bookCtrlBaseGetPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseGetPage obj page
bookCtrlBaseGetPageCount :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO Int Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseGetPageCount obj
bookCtrlBaseGetPageImage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseGetPageImage obj nPage
bookCtrlBaseGetPageText :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO String Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseGetPageText obj nPage
bookCtrlBaseGetSelection :: BookCtrlBase a -> IO Int Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseGetSelection obj
bookCtrlBaseHitTest :: BookCtrlBase a -> Point -> Ptr CInt -> IO Int Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseHitTest obj xy flags
bookCtrlBaseInsertPage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> Window c -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseInsertPage obj index page text select imageId
bookCtrlBaseRemovePage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseRemovePage obj page
bookCtrlBaseSetImageList :: BookCtrlBase a -> ImageList b -> IO () Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseSetImageList obj imageList
bookCtrlBaseSetPageImage :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseSetPageImage obj page image
bookCtrlBaseSetPageSize :: BookCtrlBase a -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseSetPageSize obj widthheight
bookCtrlBaseSetPageText :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseSetPageText obj page text
bookCtrlBaseSetSelection :: BookCtrlBase a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (bookCtrlBaseSetSelection obj page
bookCtrlEventCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (BookCtrlEvent ()) Source
usage: (bookCtrlEventCreate commandType winid nSel nOldSel
bookCtrlEventGetOldSelection :: BookCtrlEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (bookCtrlEventGetOldSelection obj
bookCtrlEventGetSelection :: BookCtrlEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (bookCtrlEventGetSelection obj
boolPropertyCreate :: String -> String -> Bool -> IO (BoolProperty ()) Source
usage: (boolPropertyCreate label name value
boxSizerCalcMin :: BoxSizer a -> IO Size Source
usage: (boxSizerCalcMin obj
boxSizerCreate :: Int -> IO (BoxSizer ()) Source
usage: (boxSizerCreate orient
boxSizerGetOrientation :: BoxSizer a -> IO Int Source
usage: (boxSizerGetOrientation obj
boxSizerRecalcSizes :: BoxSizer a -> IO () Source
usage: (boxSizerRecalcSizes obj
brushAssign :: Brush a -> Brush b -> IO () Source
usage: (brushAssign obj brush
brushCreateDefault :: IO (Brush ()) Source
usage: (brushCreateDefault
brushCreateFromBitmap :: Bitmap a -> IO (Brush ()) Source
usage: (brushCreateFromBitmap bitmap
brushCreateFromColour :: Color -> Int -> IO (Brush ()) Source
usage: (brushCreateFromColour col style
brushCreateFromStock :: Id -> IO (Brush ()) Source
usage: (brushCreateFromStock id
brushDelete :: Brush a -> IO () Source
usage: (brushDelete obj
brushGetColour :: Brush a -> IO Color Source
usage: (brushGetColour obj
brushGetStipple :: Brush a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (brushGetStipple obj
brushGetStyle :: Brush a -> IO Int Source
usage: (brushGetStyle obj
brushIsStatic :: Brush a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (brushIsStatic self
brushSafeDelete :: Brush a -> IO () Source
usage: (brushSafeDelete self
brushSetColour :: Brush a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (brushSetColour obj col
brushSetColourSingle :: Brush a -> Char -> Char -> Char -> IO () Source
usage: (brushSetColourSingle obj r g b
brushSetStipple :: Brush a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (brushSetStipple obj stipple
brushSetStyle :: Brush a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (brushSetStyle obj style
bufferedDCCreateByDCAndBitmap :: DC a -> Bitmap b -> Int -> IO (BufferedDC ()) Source
usage: (bufferedDCCreateByDCAndBitmap dc bitmap style
bufferedDCCreateByDCAndSize :: DC a -> Size -> Int -> IO (BufferedDC ()) Source
usage: (bufferedDCCreateByDCAndSize dc widthhight style
bufferedDCDelete :: BufferedDC a -> IO () Source
usage: (bufferedDCDelete self
bufferedPaintDCCreate :: Window a -> Int -> IO (BufferedPaintDC ()) Source
usage: (bufferedPaintDCCreate window style
bufferedPaintDCCreateWithBitmap :: Window a -> Bitmap b -> Int -> IO (BufferedPaintDC ()) Source
usage: (bufferedPaintDCCreateWithBitmap window bitmap style
bufferedPaintDCDelete :: BufferedPaintDC a -> IO () Source
usage: (bufferedPaintDCDelete self
busyCursorCreate :: IO (BusyCursor ()) Source
usage: (busyCursorCreate
busyCursorCreateWithCursor :: BusyCursor a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (busyCursorCreateWithCursor cur
busyCursorDelete :: BusyCursor a -> IO () Source
usage: (busyCursorDelete obj
busyInfoCreate :: String -> IO (BusyInfo ()) Source
usage: (busyInfoCreate txt
busyInfoDelete :: BusyInfo a -> IO () Source
usage: (busyInfoDelete obj
buttonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Button ()) Source
usage: (buttonCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl
buttonSetBackgroundColour :: Button a -> Color -> IO Int Source
usage: (buttonSetBackgroundColour obj colour
buttonSetDefault :: Button a -> IO () Source
usage: (buttonSetDefault obj
calculateLayoutEventCreate :: Id -> IO (CalculateLayoutEvent ()) Source
usage: (calculateLayoutEventCreate id
calculateLayoutEventGetFlags :: CalculateLayoutEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (calculateLayoutEventGetFlags obj
calculateLayoutEventGetRect :: CalculateLayoutEvent a -> IO Rect Source
usage: (calculateLayoutEventGetRect obj
calculateLayoutEventSetFlags :: CalculateLayoutEvent a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (calculateLayoutEventSetFlags obj flags
calculateLayoutEventSetRect :: CalculateLayoutEvent a -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (calculateLayoutEventSetRect obj xywh
calendarCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> DateTime c -> Rect -> Style -> IO (CalendarCtrl ()) Source
usage: (calendarCtrlCreate prt id dat lfttopwdthgt stl
calendarCtrlEnableHolidayDisplay :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlEnableHolidayDisplay obj display
calendarCtrlEnableMonthChange :: CalendarCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlEnableMonthChange obj enable
calendarCtrlGetAttr :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (calendarCtrlGetAttr obj day
calendarCtrlGetDate :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlGetDate obj date
calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourBg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourBg obj
calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourFg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourFg obj
calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourBg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourBg obj
calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourFg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourFg obj
calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourBg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourBg obj
calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourFg :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourFg obj
calendarCtrlHitTest :: CalendarCtrl a -> Point -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> IO Int Source
usage: (calendarCtrlHitTest obj xy date wd
calendarCtrlResetAttr :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlResetAttr obj day
calendarCtrlSetAttr :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlSetAttr obj day attr
calendarCtrlSetDate :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlSetDate obj date
calendarCtrlSetHeaderColours :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlSetHeaderColours obj colFg colBg
calendarCtrlSetHighlightColours :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlSetHighlightColours obj colFg colBg
calendarCtrlSetHoliday :: CalendarCtrl a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlSetHoliday obj day
calendarCtrlSetHolidayColours :: CalendarCtrl a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarCtrlSetHolidayColours obj colFg colBg
calendarDateAttrCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Int -> IO (CalendarDateAttr ()) Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrCreate ctxt cbck cbrd fnt brd
calendarDateAttrCreateDefault :: IO (CalendarDateAttr ()) Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrCreateDefault
calendarDateAttrDelete :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrDelete obj
calendarDateAttrGetBackgroundColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Color Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrGetBackgroundColour obj
calendarDateAttrGetBorder :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Int Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrGetBorder obj
calendarDateAttrGetBorderColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Color Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrGetBorderColour obj
calendarDateAttrGetFont :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrGetFont obj
calendarDateAttrGetTextColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Color Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrGetTextColour obj
calendarDateAttrHasBackgroundColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrHasBackgroundColour obj
calendarDateAttrHasBorder :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrHasBorder obj
calendarDateAttrHasBorderColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrHasBorderColour obj
calendarDateAttrHasFont :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrHasFont obj
calendarDateAttrHasTextColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrHasTextColour obj
calendarDateAttrIsHoliday :: CalendarDateAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrIsHoliday obj
calendarDateAttrSetBackgroundColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrSetBackgroundColour obj col
calendarDateAttrSetBorder :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrSetBorder obj border
calendarDateAttrSetBorderColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrSetBorderColour obj col
calendarDateAttrSetFont :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrSetFont obj font
calendarDateAttrSetHoliday :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrSetHoliday obj holiday
calendarDateAttrSetTextColour :: CalendarDateAttr a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarDateAttrSetTextColour obj col
calendarEventGetDate :: CalendarEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (calendarEventGetDate obj dte
calendarEventGetWeekDay :: CalendarEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (calendarEventGetWeekDay obj
caretGetBlinkTime :: IO Int Source
usage: (caretGetBlinkTime
caretGetPosition :: Caret a -> IO Point Source
usage: (caretGetPosition obj
caretGetSize :: Caret a -> IO Size Source
usage: (caretGetSize obj
caretGetWindow :: Caret a -> IO (Window ()) Source
usage: (caretGetWindow obj
caretIsVisible :: Caret a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (caretIsVisible obj
caretSetBlinkTime :: Int -> IO () Source
usage: (caretSetBlinkTime milliseconds
caretSetSize :: Caret a -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (caretSetSize obj widthheight
checkBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (CheckBox ()) Source
usage: (checkBoxCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl
checkBoxDelete :: CheckBox a -> IO () Source
usage: (checkBoxDelete obj
checkBoxGetValue :: CheckBox a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (checkBoxGetValue obj
checkBoxSetValue :: CheckBox a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (checkBoxSetValue obj value
checkListBoxCheck :: CheckListBox a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (checkListBoxCheck obj item check
checkListBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> [String] -> Style -> IO (CheckListBox ()) Source
usage: (checkListBoxCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt nstr stl
checkListBoxDelete :: CheckListBox a -> IO () Source
usage: (checkListBoxDelete obj
checkListBoxIsChecked :: CheckListBox a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (checkListBoxIsChecked obj item
choiceAppend :: Choice a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (choiceAppend obj item
choiceClear :: Choice a -> IO () Source
usage: (choiceClear obj
choiceCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> [String] -> Style -> IO (Choice ()) Source
usage: (choiceCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt nstr stl
choiceDelete :: Choice a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (choiceDelete obj n
choiceGetCount :: Choice a -> IO Int Source
usage: (choiceGetCount obj
choiceGetSelection :: Choice a -> IO Int Source
usage: (choiceGetSelection obj
choiceSetSelection :: Choice a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (choiceSetSelection obj n
classInfoCreateClassByName :: ClassInfo a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (classInfoCreateClassByName inf
classInfoFindClass :: String -> IO (ClassInfo ()) Source
usage: (classInfoFindClass txt
classInfoGetBaseClassName1 :: ClassInfo a -> IO String Source
usage: (classInfoGetBaseClassName1 obj
classInfoGetBaseClassName2 :: ClassInfo a -> IO String Source
usage: (classInfoGetBaseClassName2 obj
classInfoGetClassName :: ClassInfo a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (classInfoGetClassName inf
classInfoGetClassNameEx :: ClassInfo a -> IO String Source
usage: (classInfoGetClassNameEx obj
classInfoGetSize :: ClassInfo a -> IO Int Source
usage: (classInfoGetSize obj
classInfoIsKindOfEx :: ClassInfo a -> ClassInfo b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (classInfoIsKindOfEx obj classInfo
clientDCCreate :: Window a -> IO (ClientDC ()) Source
usage: (clientDCCreate win
clientDCDelete :: ClientDC a -> IO () Source
usage: (clientDCDelete obj
clipboardAddData :: Clipboard a -> DataObject b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (clipboardAddData obj wxdata
clipboardClear :: Clipboard a -> IO () Source
usage: (clipboardClear obj
clipboardClose :: Clipboard a -> IO () Source
usage: (clipboardClose obj
clipboardCreate :: IO (Clipboard ()) Source
usage: (clipboardCreate
clipboardFlush :: Clipboard a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (clipboardFlush obj
clipboardGetData :: Clipboard a -> DataObject b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (clipboardGetData obj wxdata
clipboardIsOpened :: Clipboard a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (clipboardIsOpened obj
clipboardIsSupported :: Clipboard a -> DataFormat b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (clipboardIsSupported obj format
clipboardOpen :: Clipboard a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (clipboardOpen obj
clipboardSetData :: Clipboard a -> DataObject b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (clipboardSetData obj wxdata
clipboardUsePrimarySelection :: Clipboard a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (clipboardUsePrimarySelection obj primary
closeEventCanVeto :: CloseEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (closeEventCanVeto obj
closeEventCopyObject :: CloseEvent a -> WxObject b -> IO () Source
usage: (closeEventCopyObject obj obj
closeEventGetLoggingOff :: CloseEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (closeEventGetLoggingOff obj
closeEventGetVeto :: CloseEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (closeEventGetVeto obj
closeEventSetCanVeto :: CloseEvent a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (closeEventSetCanVeto obj canVeto
closeEventSetLoggingOff :: CloseEvent a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (closeEventSetLoggingOff obj logOff
closeEventVeto :: CloseEvent a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (closeEventVeto obj veto
closureCreate :: FunPtr (Ptr fun -> Ptr state -> Ptr (TEvent evt) -> IO ()) -> Ptr b -> IO (Closure ()) Source
usage: (closureCreate funCEvent wxdata
closureGetData :: Closure a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (closureGetData obj
comboBoxAppend :: ComboBox a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxAppend obj item
comboBoxAppendData :: ComboBox a -> String -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxAppendData obj item d
comboBoxClear :: ComboBox a -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxClear obj
comboBoxCopy :: ComboBox a -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxCopy obj
comboBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> [String] -> Style -> IO (ComboBox ()) Source
usage: (comboBoxCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt nstr stl
comboBoxCut :: ComboBox a -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxCut obj
comboBoxDelete :: ComboBox a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxDelete obj n
comboBoxGetClientData :: ComboBox a -> Int -> IO (ClientData ()) Source
usage: (comboBoxGetClientData obj n
comboBoxGetCount :: ComboBox a -> IO Int Source
usage: (comboBoxGetCount obj
comboBoxGetInsertionPoint :: ComboBox a -> IO Int Source
usage: (comboBoxGetInsertionPoint obj
comboBoxGetLastPosition :: ComboBox a -> IO Int Source
usage: (comboBoxGetLastPosition obj
comboBoxGetSelection :: ComboBox a -> IO Int Source
usage: (comboBoxGetSelection obj
comboBoxGetStringSelection :: ComboBox a -> IO String Source
usage: (comboBoxGetStringSelection obj
comboBoxGetValue :: ComboBox a -> IO String Source
usage: (comboBoxGetValue obj
comboBoxPaste :: ComboBox a -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxPaste obj
comboBoxReplace :: ComboBox a -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxReplace obj from to value
comboBoxSetClientData :: ComboBox a -> Int -> ClientData c -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxSetClientData obj n clientData
comboBoxSetEditable :: ComboBox a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxSetEditable obj editable
comboBoxSetInsertionPoint :: ComboBox a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxSetInsertionPoint obj pos
comboBoxSetInsertionPointEnd :: ComboBox a -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxSetInsertionPointEnd obj
comboBoxSetSelection :: ComboBox a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxSetSelection obj n
comboBoxSetTextSelection :: ComboBox a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxSetTextSelection obj from to
comboBoxSetValue :: ComboBox a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (comboBoxSetValue obj value
commandEventCopyObject :: CommandEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (commandEventCopyObject obj objectdest
commandEventCreate :: Int -> Id -> IO (CommandEvent ()) Source
usage: (commandEventCreate typ id
commandEventDelete :: CommandEvent a -> IO () Source
usage: (commandEventDelete obj
commandEventGetClientData :: CommandEvent a -> IO (ClientData ()) Source
usage: (commandEventGetClientData obj
commandEventGetClientObject :: CommandEvent a -> IO (ClientData ()) Source
usage: (commandEventGetClientObject obj
commandEventGetExtraLong :: CommandEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (commandEventGetExtraLong obj
commandEventGetInt :: CommandEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (commandEventGetInt obj
commandEventGetSelection :: CommandEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (commandEventGetSelection obj
commandEventGetString :: CommandEvent a -> IO String Source
usage: (commandEventGetString obj
commandEventIsChecked :: CommandEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (commandEventIsChecked obj
commandEventIsSelection :: CommandEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (commandEventIsSelection obj
commandEventSetClientData :: CommandEvent a -> ClientData b -> IO () Source
usage: (commandEventSetClientData obj clientData
commandEventSetClientObject :: CommandEvent a -> ClientData b -> IO () Source
usage: (commandEventSetClientObject obj clientObject
commandEventSetExtraLong :: CommandEvent a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (commandEventSetExtraLong obj extraLong
commandEventSetInt :: CommandEvent a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (commandEventSetInt obj i
commandEventSetString :: CommandEvent a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (commandEventSetString obj s
configBaseCreate :: IO (ConfigBase ()) Source
usage: (configBaseCreate
configBaseDelete :: ConfigBase a -> IO () Source
usage: (configBaseDelete obj
configBaseDeleteAll :: ConfigBase a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseDeleteAll obj
configBaseDeleteEntry :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseDeleteEntry obj key bDeleteGroupIfEmpty
configBaseDeleteGroup :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseDeleteGroup obj key
configBaseExists :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseExists obj strName
configBaseExpandEnvVars :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO String Source
usage: (configBaseExpandEnvVars obj str
configBaseFlush :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseFlush obj bCurrentOnly
configBaseGet :: IO (ConfigBase ()) Source
usage: (configBaseGet
configBaseGetAppName :: ConfigBase a -> IO String Source
usage: (configBaseGetAppName obj
configBaseGetEntryType :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Int Source
usage: (configBaseGetEntryType obj name
configBaseGetFirstEntry :: ConfigBase a -> Ptr b -> IO String Source
usage: (configBaseGetFirstEntry obj lIndex
configBaseGetFirstGroup :: ConfigBase a -> Ptr b -> IO String Source
usage: (configBaseGetFirstGroup obj lIndex
configBaseGetNextEntry :: ConfigBase a -> Ptr b -> IO String Source
usage: (configBaseGetNextEntry obj lIndex
configBaseGetNextGroup :: ConfigBase a -> Ptr b -> IO String Source
usage: (configBaseGetNextGroup obj lIndex
configBaseGetNumberOfEntries :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO Int Source
usage: (configBaseGetNumberOfEntries obj bRecursive
configBaseGetNumberOfGroups :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO Int Source
usage: (configBaseGetNumberOfGroups obj bRecursive
configBaseGetPath :: ConfigBase a -> IO String Source
usage: (configBaseGetPath obj
configBaseGetStyle :: ConfigBase a -> IO Int Source
usage: (configBaseGetStyle obj
configBaseGetVendorName :: ConfigBase a -> IO String Source
usage: (configBaseGetVendorName obj
configBaseHasEntry :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseHasEntry obj strName
configBaseHasGroup :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseHasGroup obj strName
configBaseIsExpandingEnvVars :: ConfigBase a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseIsExpandingEnvVars obj
configBaseIsRecordingDefaults :: ConfigBase a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseIsRecordingDefaults obj
configBaseReadBool :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseReadBool obj key defVal
configBaseReadDouble :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Double -> IO Double Source
usage: (configBaseReadDouble obj key defVal
configBaseReadInteger :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (configBaseReadInteger obj key defVal
configBaseReadString :: ConfigBase a -> String -> String -> IO String Source
usage: (configBaseReadString obj key defVal
configBaseRenameEntry :: ConfigBase a -> String -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseRenameEntry obj oldName newName
configBaseRenameGroup :: ConfigBase a -> String -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseRenameGroup obj oldName newName
configBaseSet :: ConfigBase a -> IO () Source
usage: (configBaseSet self
configBaseSetAppName :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (configBaseSetAppName obj appName
configBaseSetExpandEnvVars :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (configBaseSetExpandEnvVars obj bDoIt
configBaseSetPath :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (configBaseSetPath obj strPath
configBaseSetRecordDefaults :: ConfigBase a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (configBaseSetRecordDefaults obj bDoIt
configBaseSetStyle :: ConfigBase a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (configBaseSetStyle obj style
configBaseSetVendorName :: ConfigBase a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (configBaseSetVendorName obj vendorName
configBaseWriteBool :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseWriteBool obj key value
configBaseWriteDouble :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Double -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseWriteDouble obj key value
configBaseWriteInteger :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseWriteInteger obj key value
configBaseWriteLong :: ConfigBase a -> String -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseWriteLong obj key value
configBaseWriteString :: ConfigBase a -> String -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (configBaseWriteString obj key value
contextHelpBeginContextHelp :: ContextHelp a -> Window b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (contextHelpBeginContextHelp obj win
contextHelpCreate :: Window a -> Bool -> IO (ContextHelp ()) Source
usage: (contextHelpCreate win beginHelp
contextHelpDelete :: ContextHelp a -> IO () Source
usage: (contextHelpDelete obj
contextHelpEndContextHelp :: ContextHelp a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (contextHelpEndContextHelp obj
contextHelpButtonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Int -> IO (ContextHelpButton ()) Source
usage: (contextHelpButtonCreate parent id xywh style
controlCommand :: Control a -> Event b -> IO () Source
usage: (controlCommand obj event
controlGetLabel :: Control a -> IO String Source
usage: (controlGetLabel obj
controlSetLabel :: Control a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (controlSetLabel obj text
cursorDelete :: Cursor a -> IO () Source
usage: (cursorDelete obj
cursorIsStatic :: Cursor a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (cursorIsStatic self
cursorSafeDelete :: Cursor a -> IO () Source
usage: (cursorSafeDelete self
dcBlit :: DC a -> Rect -> DC c -> Point -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dcBlit obj xdestydestwidthheight source xsrcysrc rop useMask
dcCalcBoundingBox :: DC a -> Point -> IO () Source
usage: (dcCalcBoundingBox obj xy
dcCanDrawBitmap :: DC a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dcCanDrawBitmap obj
dcCanGetTextExtent :: DC a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dcCanGetTextExtent obj
dcComputeScaleAndOrigin :: DC a -> IO () Source
usage: (dcComputeScaleAndOrigin obj
dcCrossHair :: DC a -> Point -> IO () Source
usage: (dcCrossHair obj xy
dcDestroyClippingRegion :: DC a -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDestroyClippingRegion obj
dcDrawBitmap :: DC a -> Bitmap b -> Point -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawBitmap obj bmp xy useMask
dcDrawCheckMark :: DC a -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawCheckMark obj xywidthheight
dcDrawEllipse :: DC a -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawEllipse obj xywidthheight
dcDrawEllipticArc :: DC a -> Rect -> Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawEllipticArc obj xywh sa ea
dcDrawLabel :: DC a -> String -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawLabel obj str xywh align indexAccel
dcDrawLabelBitmap :: DC a -> String -> Bitmap c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> IO Rect Source
usage: (dcDrawLabelBitmap obj str bmp xywh align indexAccel
dcDrawLines :: DC a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Point -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawLines obj n x y xoffsetyoffset
dcDrawPoint :: DC a -> Point -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawPoint obj xy
dcDrawPolyPolygon :: DC a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Point -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawPolyPolygon obj n count x y xoffsetyoffset fillStyle
dcDrawPolygon :: DC a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Point -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawPolygon obj n x y xoffsetyoffset fillStyle
dcDrawRectangle :: DC a -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawRectangle obj xywidthheight
dcDrawRotatedText :: DC a -> String -> Point -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawRotatedText obj text xy angle
dcDrawRoundedRectangle :: DC a -> Rect -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (dcDrawRoundedRectangle obj xywidthheight radius
dcGetBackground :: DC a -> IO (Brush ()) Source
usage: (dcGetBackground obj
dcGetBackgroundMode :: DC a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dcGetBackgroundMode obj
dcGetBrush :: DC a -> IO (Brush ()) Source
usage: (dcGetBrush obj
dcGetCharHeight :: DC a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dcGetCharHeight obj
dcGetCharWidth :: DC a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dcGetCharWidth obj
dcGetClippingBox :: DC a -> IO Rect Source
usage: (dcGetClippingBox obj
dcGetDepth :: DC a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dcGetDepth obj
dcGetDeviceOrigin :: DC a -> IO Point Source
usage: (dcGetDeviceOrigin obj
dcGetLogicalFunction :: DC a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dcGetLogicalFunction obj
dcGetLogicalOrigin :: DC a -> IO Point Source
usage: (dcGetLogicalOrigin obj
dcGetMapMode :: DC a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dcGetMapMode obj
dcGetMultiLineTextExtent :: DC a -> String -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Font f -> IO () Source
usage: (dcGetMultiLineTextExtent self string w h heightLine theFont
dcGetSizeMM :: DC a -> IO Size Source
usage: (dcGetSizeMM obj
dcGetTextBackground :: DC a -> IO Color Source
usage: (dcGetTextBackground obj
dcGetTextExtent :: DC a -> String -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Ptr f -> Font g -> IO () Source
usage: (dcGetTextExtent self string w h descent externalLeading theFont
dcGetTextForeground :: DC a -> IO Color Source
usage: (dcGetTextForeground obj
dcGetUserScaleX :: DC a -> IO Double Source
usage: (dcGetUserScaleX dc
dcGetUserScaleY :: DC a -> IO Double Source
usage: (dcGetUserScaleY dc
dcResetBoundingBox :: DC a -> IO () Source
usage: (dcResetBoundingBox obj
dcSetAxisOrientation :: DC a -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetAxisOrientation obj xLeftRight yBottomUp
dcSetBackground :: DC a -> Brush b -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetBackground obj brush
dcSetBackgroundMode :: DC a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetBackgroundMode obj mode
dcSetBrush :: DC a -> Brush b -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetBrush obj brush
dcSetClippingRegion :: DC a -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetClippingRegion obj xywidthheight
dcSetClippingRegionFromRegion :: DC a -> Region b -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetClippingRegionFromRegion obj region
dcSetDeviceClippingRegion :: DC a -> Region b -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetDeviceClippingRegion obj region
dcSetDeviceOrigin :: DC a -> Point -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetDeviceOrigin obj xy
dcSetLogicalFunction :: DC a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetLogicalFunction obj function
dcSetLogicalOrigin :: DC a -> Point -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetLogicalOrigin obj xy
dcSetMapMode :: DC a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetMapMode obj mode
dcSetPalette :: DC a -> Palette b -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetPalette obj palette
dcSetTextBackground :: DC a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetTextBackground obj colour
dcSetTextForeground :: DC a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (dcSetTextForeground obj colour
dcStartPage :: DC a -> IO () Source
usage: (dcStartPage obj
dataFormatCreateFromId :: String -> IO (DataFormat ()) Source
usage: (dataFormatCreateFromId name
dataFormatCreateFromType :: Int -> IO (DataFormat ()) Source
usage: (dataFormatCreateFromType typ
dataFormatDelete :: DataFormat a -> IO () Source
usage: (dataFormatDelete obj
dataFormatGetId :: DataFormat a -> IO String Source
usage: (dataFormatGetId obj
dataFormatGetType :: DataFormat a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dataFormatGetType obj
dataFormatIsEqual :: DataFormat a -> Ptr b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dataFormatIsEqual obj other
dataFormatSetId :: DataFormat a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (dataFormatSetId obj id
dataFormatSetType :: DataFormat a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dataFormatSetType obj typ
dataObjectCompositeAdd :: DataObjectComposite a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dataObjectCompositeAdd obj dat preferred
dataObjectCompositeCreate :: IO (DataObjectComposite ()) Source
usage: (dataObjectCompositeCreate
dataObjectCompositeDelete :: DataObjectComposite a -> IO () Source
usage: (dataObjectCompositeDelete obj
datePropertyCreate :: String -> String -> DateTime c -> IO (DateProperty ()) Source
usage: (datePropertyCreate label name value
dateTimeAddDateValues :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeAddDateValues obj yrs mnt wek day
dateTimeAddTimeValues :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeAddTimeValues obj hrs min sec mls
dateTimeConvertYearToBC :: Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeConvertYearToBC year
dateTimeCreate :: IO (DateTime ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeCreate
dateTimeDelete :: DateTime a -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeDelete obj
dateTimeFormat :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO String Source
usage: (dateTimeFormat obj format tz
dateTimeFormatDate :: DateTime a -> IO String Source
usage: (dateTimeFormatDate obj
dateTimeFormatISODate :: DateTime a -> IO String Source
usage: (dateTimeFormatISODate obj
dateTimeFormatISOTime :: DateTime a -> IO String Source
usage: (dateTimeFormatISOTime obj
dateTimeFormatTime :: DateTime a -> IO String Source
usage: (dateTimeFormatTime obj
dateTimeGetAmString :: IO String Source
usage: (dateTimeGetAmString
dateTimeGetBeginDST :: Int -> Int -> DateTime c -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeGetBeginDST year country dt
dateTimeGetCentury :: Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeGetCentury year
dateTimeGetCountry :: IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeGetCountry
dateTimeGetCurrentMonth :: Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeGetCurrentMonth cal
dateTimeGetCurrentYear :: Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeGetCurrentYear cal
dateTimeGetEndDST :: Int -> Int -> DateTime c -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeGetEndDST year country dt
dateTimeGetLastMonthDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO (DateTime ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeGetLastMonthDay obj month year
dateTimeGetLastWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (DateTime ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeGetLastWeekDay obj weekday month year
dateTimeGetNextWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO (DateTime ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeGetNextWeekDay obj weekday
dateTimeGetNumberOfDaysMonth :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeGetNumberOfDaysMonth month year cal
dateTimeGetPmString :: IO String Source
usage: (dateTimeGetPmString
dateTimeGetPrevWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO (DateTime ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeGetPrevWeekDay obj weekday
dateTimeGetTicks :: DateTime a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeGetTicks obj
dateTimeGetTimeNow :: IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeGetTimeNow
dateTimeGetValue :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeGetValue obj hilong lolong
dateTimeGetWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (DateTime ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeGetWeekDay obj weekday n month year
dateTimeGetWeekDayInSameWeek :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO (DateTime ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeGetWeekDayInSameWeek obj weekday
dateTimeGetWeekDayName :: Int -> Int -> IO String Source
usage: (dateTimeGetWeekDayName weekday flags
dateTimeGetWeekOfMonth :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeGetWeekOfMonth obj flags tz
dateTimeGetWeekOfYear :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (dateTimeGetWeekOfYear obj flags tz
dateTimeIsBetween :: DateTime a -> DateTime b -> DateTime c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeIsBetween obj t1 t2
dateTimeIsDSTApplicable :: Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeIsDSTApplicable year country
dateTimeIsEarlierThan :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeIsEarlierThan obj datetime
dateTimeIsEqualUpTo :: DateTime a -> DateTime b -> Ptr c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeIsEqualUpTo obj dt ts
dateTimeIsLaterThan :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeIsLaterThan obj datetime
dateTimeIsStrictlyBetween :: DateTime a -> DateTime b -> DateTime c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeIsStrictlyBetween obj t1 t2
dateTimeIsValid :: DateTime a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeIsValid obj
dateTimeIsWestEuropeanCountry :: Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeIsWestEuropeanCountry country
dateTimeMakeGMT :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeMakeGMT obj noDST
dateTimeMakeTimezone :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeMakeTimezone obj tz noDST
dateTimeNow :: DateTime a -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeNow dt
dateTimeParseDateTime :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeParseDateTime obj datetime
dateTimeParseFormat :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeParseFormat obj date format dateDef
dateTimeParseRfc822Date :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeParseRfc822Date obj date
dateTimeResetTime :: DateTime a -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeResetTime obj
dateTimeSet :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSet obj day month year hour minute second millisec
dateTimeSetCountry :: Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetCountry country
dateTimeSetDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetDay obj day
dateTimeSetHour :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetHour obj hour
dateTimeSetMillisecond :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetMillisecond obj millisecond
dateTimeSetMinute :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetMinute obj minute
dateTimeSetMonth :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetMonth obj month
dateTimeSetSecond :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetSecond obj second
dateTimeSetTime :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetTime obj hour minute second millisec
dateTimeSetToCurrent :: DateTime a -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetToCurrent obj
dateTimeSetToLastMonthDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetToLastMonthDay obj month year
dateTimeSetToLastWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeSetToLastWeekDay obj weekday month year
dateTimeSetToNextWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetToNextWeekDay obj weekday
dateTimeSetToPrevWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetToPrevWeekDay obj weekday
dateTimeSetToWeekDay :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dateTimeSetToWeekDay obj weekday n month year
dateTimeSetToWeekDayInSameWeek :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetToWeekDayInSameWeek obj weekday
dateTimeSetYear :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeSetYear obj year
dateTimeSubtractDate :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (DateTime ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeSubtractDate obj diff
dateTimeSubtractTime :: DateTime a -> Ptr b -> IO (DateTime ()) Source
usage: (dateTimeSubtractTime obj diff
dateTimeToGMT :: DateTime a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeToGMT obj noDST
dateTimeToTimezone :: DateTime a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeToTimezone obj tz noDST
dateTimeToday :: DateTime a -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeToday dt
dateTimeUNow :: DateTime a -> IO () Source
usage: (dateTimeUNow dt
dialogCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Dialog ()) Source
usage: (dialogCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl
dialogEndModal :: Dialog a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dialogEndModal obj retCode
dialogGetReturnCode :: Dialog a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dialogGetReturnCode obj
dialogIsModal :: Dialog a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dialogIsModal obj
dialogSetReturnCode :: Dialog a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dialogSetReturnCode obj returnCode
dialogShowModal :: Dialog a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dialogShowModal obj
dirDialogCreate :: Window a -> String -> String -> Point -> Style -> IO (DirDialog ()) Source
usage: (dirDialogCreate prt msg dir lfttop stl
dirDialogGetMessage :: DirDialog a -> IO String Source
usage: (dirDialogGetMessage obj
dirDialogGetPath :: DirDialog a -> IO String Source
usage: (dirDialogGetPath obj
dirDialogGetStyle :: DirDialog a -> IO Int Source
usage: (dirDialogGetStyle obj
dirDialogSetMessage :: DirDialog a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (dirDialogSetMessage obj msg
dirDialogSetPath :: DirDialog a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (dirDialogSetPath obj pth
dirDialogSetStyle :: DirDialog a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (dirDialogSetStyle obj style
dragImageBeginDrag :: DragImage a -> Point -> Window c -> Window d -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dragImageBeginDrag self xy window boundingWindow
dragImageBeginDragFullScreen :: DragImage a -> Point -> Window c -> Bool -> Rect -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dragImageBeginDragFullScreen self xposypos window fullScreen rect
dragImageDelete :: DragImage a -> IO () Source
usage: (dragImageDelete self
dragImageEndDrag :: DragImage a -> IO () Source
usage: (dragImageEndDrag self
dragImageHide :: DragImage a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dragImageHide self
dragImageShow :: DragImage a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (dragImageShow self
drawControlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (DrawControl ()) Source
usage: (drawControlCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl
drawWindowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (DrawWindow ()) Source
usage: (drawWindowCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl
dropTargetGetData :: DropTarget a -> IO () Source
usage: (dropTargetGetData obj
dropTargetSetDataObject :: DropTarget a -> DataObject b -> IO () Source
usage: (dropTargetSetDataObject obj dat
encodingConverterConvert :: EncodingConverter a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (encodingConverterConvert obj input output
encodingConverterCreate :: IO (EncodingConverter ()) Source
usage: (encodingConverterCreate
encodingConverterDelete :: EncodingConverter a -> IO () Source
usage: (encodingConverterDelete obj
encodingConverterGetAllEquivalents :: EncodingConverter a -> Int -> List c -> IO Int Source
usage: (encodingConverterGetAllEquivalents obj enc lst
encodingConverterGetPlatformEquivalents :: EncodingConverter a -> Int -> Int -> List d -> IO Int Source
usage: (encodingConverterGetPlatformEquivalents obj enc platform lst
encodingConverterInit :: EncodingConverter a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (encodingConverterInit obj inputenc outputenc method
eraseEventCopyObject :: EraseEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (eraseEventCopyObject obj obj
eraseEventGetDC :: EraseEvent a -> IO (DC ()) Source
usage: (eraseEventGetDC obj
eventCopyObject :: Event a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (eventCopyObject obj objectdest
eventGetEventObject :: Event a -> IO (WxObject ()) Source
usage: (eventGetEventObject obj
eventGetEventType :: Event a -> IO Int Source
usage: (eventGetEventType obj
eventGetId :: Event a -> IO Int Source
usage: (eventGetId obj
eventGetSkipped :: Event a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (eventGetSkipped obj
eventGetTimestamp :: Event a -> IO Int Source
usage: (eventGetTimestamp obj
eventIsCommandEvent :: Event a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (eventIsCommandEvent obj
eventNewEventType :: IO Int Source
usage: (eventNewEventType
eventSetEventObject :: Event a -> WxObject b -> IO () Source
usage: (eventSetEventObject obj obj
eventSetEventType :: Event a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (eventSetEventType obj typ
eventSetId :: Event a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (eventSetId obj id
eventSetTimestamp :: Event a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (eventSetTimestamp obj ts
evtHandlerAddPendingEvent :: EvtHandler a -> Event b -> IO () Source
usage: (evtHandlerAddPendingEvent obj event
evtHandlerConnect :: EvtHandler a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr e -> IO Int Source
usage: (evtHandlerConnect obj first last wxtype wxdata
evtHandlerCreate :: IO (EvtHandler ()) Source
usage: (evtHandlerCreate
evtHandlerDelete :: EvtHandler a -> IO () Source
usage: (evtHandlerDelete obj
evtHandlerDisconnect :: EvtHandler a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Id -> IO Int Source
usage: (evtHandlerDisconnect obj first last wxtype id
evtHandlerGetClientClosure :: EvtHandler a -> IO (Closure ()) Source
Get the client data in the form of a closure. Use closureGetData
to get to the actual data.
evtHandlerGetClosure :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> Int -> IO (Closure ()) Source
usage: (evtHandlerGetClosure obj id wxtype
evtHandlerGetEvtHandlerEnabled :: EvtHandler a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (evtHandlerGetEvtHandlerEnabled obj
evtHandlerGetNextHandler :: EvtHandler a -> IO (EvtHandler ()) Source
usage: (evtHandlerGetNextHandler obj
evtHandlerGetPreviousHandler :: EvtHandler a -> IO (EvtHandler ()) Source
usage: (evtHandlerGetPreviousHandler obj
evtHandlerProcessEvent :: EvtHandler a -> Event b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (evtHandlerProcessEvent obj event
evtHandlerProcessPendingEvents :: EvtHandler a -> IO () Source
usage: (evtHandlerProcessPendingEvents obj
evtHandlerSetClientClosure :: EvtHandler a -> Closure b -> IO () Source
Set the client data as a closure. The closure data contains the data while the function is called on deletion.
evtHandlerSetEvtHandlerEnabled :: EvtHandler a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (evtHandlerSetEvtHandlerEnabled obj enabled
evtHandlerSetNextHandler :: EvtHandler a -> EvtHandler b -> IO () Source
usage: (evtHandlerSetNextHandler obj handler
evtHandlerSetPreviousHandler :: EvtHandler a -> EvtHandler b -> IO () Source
usage: (evtHandlerSetPreviousHandler obj handler
fileConfigCreate :: InputStream a -> IO (FileConfig ()) Source
usage: (fileConfigCreate inp
fileDialogCreate :: Window a -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Point -> Style -> IO (FileDialog ()) Source
usage: (fileDialogCreate prt msg dir fle wcd lfttop stl
fileDialogGetDirectory :: FileDialog a -> IO String Source
usage: (fileDialogGetDirectory obj
fileDialogGetFilename :: FileDialog a -> IO String Source
usage: (fileDialogGetFilename obj
fileDialogGetFilenames :: FileDialog a -> IO [String] Source
usage: (fileDialogGetFilenames obj
fileDialogGetFilterIndex :: FileDialog a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fileDialogGetFilterIndex obj
fileDialogGetMessage :: FileDialog a -> IO String Source
usage: (fileDialogGetMessage obj
fileDialogGetPath :: FileDialog a -> IO String Source
usage: (fileDialogGetPath obj
fileDialogGetPaths :: FileDialog a -> IO [String] Source
usage: (fileDialogGetPaths obj
fileDialogGetStyle :: FileDialog a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fileDialogGetStyle obj
fileDialogGetWildcard :: FileDialog a -> IO String Source
usage: (fileDialogGetWildcard obj
fileDialogSetDirectory :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (fileDialogSetDirectory obj dir
fileDialogSetFilename :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (fileDialogSetFilename obj name
fileDialogSetFilterIndex :: FileDialog a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fileDialogSetFilterIndex obj filterIndex
fileDialogSetMessage :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (fileDialogSetMessage obj message
fileDialogSetPath :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (fileDialogSetPath obj path
fileDialogSetStyle :: FileDialog a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fileDialogSetStyle obj style
fileDialogSetWildcard :: FileDialog a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (fileDialogSetWildcard obj wildCard
fileHistoryAddFileToHistory :: FileHistory a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (fileHistoryAddFileToHistory obj file
fileHistoryAddFilesToMenu :: FileHistory a -> Menu b -> IO () Source
usage: (fileHistoryAddFilesToMenu obj menu
fileHistoryCreate :: Int -> IO (FileHistory ()) Source
usage: (fileHistoryCreate maxFiles
fileHistoryDelete :: FileHistory a -> IO () Source
usage: (fileHistoryDelete obj
fileHistoryGetCount :: FileHistory a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fileHistoryGetCount obj
fileHistoryGetHistoryFile :: FileHistory a -> Int -> IO String Source
usage: (fileHistoryGetHistoryFile obj i
fileHistoryGetMaxFiles :: FileHistory a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fileHistoryGetMaxFiles obj
fileHistoryGetMenus :: FileHistory a -> IO [Menu ()] Source
usage: (fileHistoryGetMenus obj
fileHistoryLoad :: FileHistory a -> ConfigBase b -> IO () Source
usage: (fileHistoryLoad obj config
fileHistoryRemoveFileFromHistory :: FileHistory a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fileHistoryRemoveFileFromHistory obj i
fileHistoryRemoveMenu :: FileHistory a -> Menu b -> IO () Source
usage: (fileHistoryRemoveMenu obj menu
fileHistorySave :: FileHistory a -> ConfigBase b -> IO () Source
usage: (fileHistorySave obj config
fileHistoryUseMenu :: FileHistory a -> Menu b -> IO () Source
usage: (fileHistoryUseMenu obj menu
fileInputStreamCreate :: String -> IO (FileInputStream ()) Source
usage: (fileInputStreamCreate ofileName
fileInputStreamDelete :: FileInputStream a -> IO () Source
usage: (fileInputStreamDelete self
fileInputStreamIsOk :: FileInputStream a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (fileInputStreamIsOk self
fileOutputStreamCreate :: String -> IO (FileOutputStream ()) Source
usage: (fileOutputStreamCreate ofileName
fileOutputStreamDelete :: FileOutputStream a -> IO () Source
usage: (fileOutputStreamDelete self
fileOutputStreamIsOk :: FileOutputStream a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (fileOutputStreamIsOk self
filePropertyCreate :: String -> String -> String -> IO (FileProperty ()) Source
usage: (filePropertyCreate label name value
fileTypeDelete :: FileType a -> IO () Source
usage: (fileTypeDelete obj
fileTypeExpandCommand :: FileType a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO String Source
usage: (fileTypeExpandCommand obj cmd params
fileTypeGetDescription :: FileType a -> IO String Source
usage: (fileTypeGetDescription obj
fileTypeGetExtensions :: FileType a -> List b -> IO Int Source
usage: (fileTypeGetExtensions obj lst
fileTypeGetMimeType :: FileType a -> IO String Source
usage: (fileTypeGetMimeType obj
fileTypeGetOpenCommand :: FileType a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO Int Source
usage: (fileTypeGetOpenCommand obj buf params
fileTypeGetPrintCommand :: FileType a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO Int Source
usage: (fileTypeGetPrintCommand obj buf params
findDialogEventGetFindString :: FindDialogEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO Int Source
usage: (findDialogEventGetFindString obj ref
findDialogEventGetFlags :: FindDialogEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (findDialogEventGetFlags obj
findDialogEventGetReplaceString :: FindDialogEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO Int Source
usage: (findDialogEventGetReplaceString obj ref
findReplaceDataCreate :: Int -> IO (FindReplaceData ()) Source
usage: (findReplaceDataCreate flags
findReplaceDataCreateDefault :: IO (FindReplaceData ()) Source
usage: (findReplaceDataCreateDefault
findReplaceDataDelete :: FindReplaceData a -> IO () Source
usage: (findReplaceDataDelete obj
findReplaceDataGetFindString :: FindReplaceData a -> IO String Source
usage: (findReplaceDataGetFindString obj
findReplaceDataGetFlags :: FindReplaceData a -> IO Int Source
usage: (findReplaceDataGetFlags obj
findReplaceDataGetReplaceString :: FindReplaceData a -> IO String Source
usage: (findReplaceDataGetReplaceString obj
findReplaceDataSetFindString :: FindReplaceData a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (findReplaceDataSetFindString obj str
findReplaceDataSetFlags :: FindReplaceData a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (findReplaceDataSetFlags obj flags
findReplaceDataSetReplaceString :: FindReplaceData a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (findReplaceDataSetReplaceString obj str
findReplaceDialogCreate :: Window a -> FindReplaceData b -> String -> Int -> IO (FindReplaceDialog ()) Source
usage: (findReplaceDialogCreate parent wxdata title style
findReplaceDialogGetData :: FindReplaceDialog a -> IO (FindReplaceData ()) Source
usage: (findReplaceDialogGetData obj
findReplaceDialogSetData :: FindReplaceDialog a -> FindReplaceData b -> IO () Source
usage: (findReplaceDialogSetData obj wxdata
flexGridSizerAddGrowableCol :: FlexGridSizer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (flexGridSizerAddGrowableCol obj idx
flexGridSizerAddGrowableRow :: FlexGridSizer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (flexGridSizerAddGrowableRow obj idx
flexGridSizerCalcMin :: FlexGridSizer a -> IO Size Source
usage: (flexGridSizerCalcMin obj
flexGridSizerCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (FlexGridSizer ()) Source
usage: (flexGridSizerCreate rows cols vgap hgap
flexGridSizerRecalcSizes :: FlexGridSizer a -> IO () Source
usage: (flexGridSizerRecalcSizes obj
flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableCol :: FlexGridSizer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableCol obj idx
flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableRow :: FlexGridSizer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableRow obj idx
floatPropertyCreate :: String -> String -> Float -> IO (FloatProperty ()) Source
usage: (floatPropertyCreate label name value
fontCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> String -> Int -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (fontCreate pointSize family style weight underlined face enc
fontCreateDefault :: IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (fontCreateDefault
fontCreateFromStock :: Id -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (fontCreateFromStock id
fontDelete :: Font a -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDelete obj
fontGetDefaultEncoding :: Font a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fontGetDefaultEncoding obj
fontGetEncoding :: Font a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fontGetEncoding obj
fontGetFaceName :: Font a -> IO String Source
usage: (fontGetFaceName obj
fontGetFamily :: Font a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fontGetFamily obj
fontGetFamilyString :: Font a -> IO String Source
usage: (fontGetFamilyString obj
fontGetPointSize :: Font a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fontGetPointSize obj
fontGetStyle :: Font a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fontGetStyle obj
fontGetStyleString :: Font a -> IO String Source
usage: (fontGetStyleString obj
fontGetUnderlined :: Font a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fontGetUnderlined obj
fontGetWeight :: Font a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fontGetWeight obj
fontGetWeightString :: Font a -> IO String Source
usage: (fontGetWeightString obj
fontIsStatic :: Font a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (fontIsStatic self
fontSafeDelete :: Font a -> IO () Source
usage: (fontSafeDelete self
fontSetDefaultEncoding :: Font a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fontSetDefaultEncoding obj encoding
fontSetEncoding :: Font a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fontSetEncoding obj encoding
fontSetFaceName :: Font a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (fontSetFaceName obj faceName
fontSetFamily :: Font a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fontSetFamily obj family
fontSetPointSize :: Font a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fontSetPointSize obj pointSize
fontSetStyle :: Font a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fontSetStyle obj style
fontSetUnderlined :: Font a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fontSetUnderlined obj underlined
fontSetWeight :: Font a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fontSetWeight obj weight
fontDataCreate :: IO (FontData ()) Source
usage: (fontDataCreate
fontDataDelete :: FontData a -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDataDelete obj
fontDataEnableEffects :: FontData a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDataEnableEffects obj flag
fontDataGetAllowSymbols :: FontData a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (fontDataGetAllowSymbols obj
fontDataGetChosenFont :: FontData a -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (fontDataGetChosenFont obj
fontDataGetColour :: FontData a -> IO Color Source
usage: (fontDataGetColour obj
fontDataGetEnableEffects :: FontData a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (fontDataGetEnableEffects obj
fontDataGetEncoding :: FontData a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fontDataGetEncoding obj
fontDataGetInitialFont :: FontData a -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (fontDataGetInitialFont obj
fontDataGetShowHelp :: FontData a -> IO Int Source
usage: (fontDataGetShowHelp obj
fontDataSetAllowSymbols :: FontData a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDataSetAllowSymbols obj flag
fontDataSetChosenFont :: FontData a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDataSetChosenFont obj font
fontDataSetColour :: FontData a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDataSetColour obj colour
fontDataSetEncoding :: FontData a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDataSetEncoding obj encoding
fontDataSetInitialFont :: FontData a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDataSetInitialFont obj font
fontDataSetRange :: FontData a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDataSetRange obj minRange maxRange
fontDataSetShowHelp :: FontData a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (fontDataSetShowHelp obj flag
fontDialogCreate :: Window a -> FontData b -> IO (FontDialog ()) Source
usage: (fontDialogCreate prt fnt
fontDialogGetFontData :: FontDialog a -> IO (FontData ()) Source
usage: (fontDialogGetFontData obj
fontEnumeratorCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (FontEnumerator ()) Source
usage: (fontEnumeratorCreate obj fnc
fontEnumeratorDelete :: FontEnumerator a -> IO () Source
usage: (fontEnumeratorDelete obj
fontEnumeratorEnumerateEncodings :: FontEnumerator a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (fontEnumeratorEnumerateEncodings obj facename
fontEnumeratorEnumerateFacenames :: FontEnumerator a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (fontEnumeratorEnumerateFacenames obj encoding fixedWidthOnly
fontMapperCreate :: IO (FontMapper ()) Source
usage: (fontMapperCreate
fontMapperGetAltForEncoding :: FontMapper a -> Int -> Ptr c -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (fontMapperGetAltForEncoding obj encoding altencoding buf
fontMapperIsEncodingAvailable :: FontMapper a -> Int -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (fontMapperIsEncodingAvailable obj encoding buf
frameCentre :: Frame a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (frameCentre self orientation
frameCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Frame ()) Source
usage: (frameCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl
frameCreateStatusBar :: Frame a -> Int -> Int -> IO (StatusBar ()) Source
usage: (frameCreateStatusBar obj number style
frameCreateToolBar :: Frame a -> Int -> IO (ToolBar ()) Source
usage: (frameCreateToolBar obj style
frameGetClientAreaOriginleft :: Frame a -> IO Int Source
usage: (frameGetClientAreaOriginleft obj
frameGetClientAreaOrigintop :: Frame a -> IO Int Source
usage: (frameGetClientAreaOrigintop obj
frameGetMenuBar :: Frame a -> IO (MenuBar ()) Source
usage: (frameGetMenuBar obj
frameGetStatusBar :: Frame a -> IO (StatusBar ()) Source
usage: (frameGetStatusBar obj
frameGetTitle :: Frame a -> IO String Source
usage: (frameGetTitle obj
frameGetToolBar :: Frame a -> IO (ToolBar ()) Source
usage: (frameGetToolBar obj
frameIsFullScreen :: Frame a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (frameIsFullScreen self
frameRestore :: Frame a -> IO () Source
usage: (frameRestore obj
frameSetMenuBar :: Frame a -> MenuBar b -> IO () Source
usage: (frameSetMenuBar obj menubar
frameSetStatusBar :: Frame a -> StatusBar b -> IO () Source
usage: (frameSetStatusBar obj statBar
frameSetStatusText :: Frame a -> String -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (frameSetStatusText obj txt number
frameSetStatusWidths :: Frame a -> Int -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (frameSetStatusWidths obj n widthsfield
frameSetTitle :: Frame a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (frameSetTitle frame txt
frameSetToolBar :: Frame a -> ToolBar b -> IO () Source
usage: (frameSetToolBar obj toolbar
frameShowFullScreen :: Frame a -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (frameShowFullScreen self show style
glCanvasCreate :: Window a -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> Rect -> Style -> String -> Palette g -> IO (GLCanvas ()) Source
usage: (glCanvasCreate parent windowID attributes xywh stl title palette
glCanvasIsDisplaySupported :: Ptr CInt -> IO Bool Source
usage: (glCanvasIsDisplaySupported attributes
glCanvasIsExtensionSupported :: String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (glCanvasIsExtensionSupported extension
glCanvasSetCurrent :: GLCanvas a -> GLContext b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (glCanvasSetCurrent self ctxt
glCanvasSwapBuffers :: GLCanvas a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (glCanvasSwapBuffers self
glContextCreate :: GLCanvas a -> GLContext b -> IO (GLContext ()) Source
usage: (glContextCreate win other
glContextCreateFromNull :: GLCanvas a -> IO (GLContext ()) Source
usage: (glContextCreateFromNull win
glContextSetCurrent :: GLContext a -> GLCanvas b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (glContextSetCurrent self win
gaugeCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Int -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Gauge ()) Source
usage: (gaugeCreate prt id rng lfttopwdthgt stl
gaugeGetBezelFace :: Gauge a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gaugeGetBezelFace obj
gaugeGetRange :: Gauge a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gaugeGetRange obj
gaugeGetShadowWidth :: Gauge a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gaugeGetShadowWidth obj
gaugeGetValue :: Gauge a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gaugeGetValue obj
gaugeSetBezelFace :: Gauge a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gaugeSetBezelFace obj w
gaugeSetRange :: Gauge a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gaugeSetRange obj r
gaugeSetShadowWidth :: Gauge a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gaugeSetShadowWidth obj w
gaugeSetValue :: Gauge a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gaugeSetValue obj pos
genericDragImageCreate :: Cursor a -> IO (GenericDragImage ()) Source
usage: (genericDragImageCreate cursor
genericDragImageDoDrawImage :: GenericDragImage a -> DC b -> Point -> IO Bool Source
usage: (genericDragImageDoDrawImage self dc xy
genericDragImageGetImageRect :: GenericDragImage a -> Point -> IO Rect Source
usage: (genericDragImageGetImageRect self xposypos
genericDragImageUpdateBackingFromWindow :: GenericDragImage a -> DC b -> MemoryDC c -> Rect -> Rect -> IO Bool Source
usage: (genericDragImageUpdateBackingFromWindow self windowDC destDC xywh xdestydestwidthheight
graphicsBrushCreate :: IO (GraphicsBrush ()) Source
usage: (graphicsBrushCreate
graphicsBrushDelete :: GraphicsBrush a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsBrushDelete self
graphicsContextClip :: GraphicsContext a -> Region b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextClip self region
graphicsContextClipByRectangle :: GraphicsContext a -> Rect2D Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextClipByRectangle self xywh
graphicsContextConcatTransform :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextConcatTransform self path
graphicsContextCreate :: WindowDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextCreate dc
graphicsContextCreateDefaultMatrix :: GraphicsContext a -> IO (GraphicsMatrix ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextCreateDefaultMatrix self
graphicsContextCreateFromMemory :: MemoryDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextCreateFromMemory dc
graphicsContextCreateFromNative :: GraphicsContext a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextCreateFromNative context
graphicsContextCreateFromNativeWindow :: Window a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextCreateFromNativeWindow window
graphicsContextCreateFromPrinter :: PrinterDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextCreateFromPrinter dc
graphicsContextCreateFromWindow :: Window a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextCreateFromWindow window
graphicsContextCreateMatrix :: GraphicsContext a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO (GraphicsMatrix ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextCreateMatrix self a b c d tx ty
graphicsContextCreatePath :: GraphicsContext a -> IO (GraphicsPath ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextCreatePath self
graphicsContextDelete :: GraphicsContext a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDelete self
graphicsContextDrawBitmap :: GraphicsContext a -> Bitmap b -> Rect2D Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDrawBitmap self bmp xywh
graphicsContextDrawEllipse :: GraphicsContext a -> Rect2D Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDrawEllipse self xywh
graphicsContextDrawIcon :: GraphicsContext a -> Icon b -> Rect2D Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDrawIcon self icon xywh
graphicsContextDrawLines :: GraphicsContext a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDrawLines self n x y style
graphicsContextDrawPath :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsPath b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDrawPath self path style
graphicsContextDrawRectangle :: GraphicsContext a -> Rect2D Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDrawRectangle self xywh
graphicsContextDrawRoundedRectangle :: GraphicsContext a -> Rect2D Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDrawRoundedRectangle self xywh radius
graphicsContextDrawText :: GraphicsContext a -> String -> Point2 Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDrawText self text xy
graphicsContextDrawTextWithAngle :: GraphicsContext a -> String -> Point2 Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextDrawTextWithAngle self text xy radius
graphicsContextFillPath :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsPath b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextFillPath self path style
graphicsContextGetNativeContext :: GraphicsContext a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (graphicsContextGetNativeContext self
graphicsContextGetTextExtent :: GraphicsContext a -> String -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextGetTextExtent self text width height descent externalLeading
graphicsContextPopState :: GraphicsContext a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextPopState self
graphicsContextPushState :: GraphicsContext a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextPushState self
graphicsContextResetClip :: GraphicsContext a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextResetClip self
graphicsContextRotate :: GraphicsContext a -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextRotate self angle
graphicsContextScale :: GraphicsContext a -> Size2D Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextScale self xScaleyScale
graphicsContextSetBrush :: GraphicsContext a -> Brush b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextSetBrush self brush
graphicsContextSetFont :: GraphicsContext a -> Font b -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextSetFont self font colour
graphicsContextSetGraphicsBrush :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsBrush b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextSetGraphicsBrush self brush
graphicsContextSetGraphicsFont :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsFont b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextSetGraphicsFont self font
graphicsContextSetGraphicsPen :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsPen b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextSetGraphicsPen self pen
graphicsContextSetPen :: GraphicsContext a -> Pen b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextSetPen self pen
graphicsContextSetTransform :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextSetTransform self path
graphicsContextStrokeLine :: GraphicsContext a -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextStrokeLine self x1y1 x2y2
graphicsContextStrokeLines :: GraphicsContext a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextStrokeLines self n x y style
graphicsContextStrokePath :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsPath b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextStrokePath self path
graphicsContextTranslate :: GraphicsContext a -> Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsContextTranslate self dx dy
graphicsFontCreate :: IO (GraphicsFont ()) Source
usage: (graphicsFontCreate
graphicsFontDelete :: GraphicsFont a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsFontDelete self
graphicsMatrixConcat :: GraphicsMatrix a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixConcat self t
graphicsMatrixCreate :: IO (GraphicsMatrix ()) Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixCreate
graphicsMatrixDelete :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixDelete self
graphicsMatrixGet :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixGet self a b c d tx ty
graphicsMatrixGetNativeMatrix :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixGetNativeMatrix self
graphicsMatrixInvert :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixInvert self
graphicsMatrixIsEqual :: GraphicsMatrix a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixIsEqual self t
graphicsMatrixIsIdentity :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixIsIdentity self
graphicsMatrixRotate :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixRotate self angle
graphicsMatrixScale :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Size2D Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixScale self xScaleyScale
graphicsMatrixSet :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixSet self a b c d tx ty
graphicsMatrixTransformDistance :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixTransformDistance self dx dy
graphicsMatrixTransformPoint :: GraphicsMatrix a -> IO (Point2 Double) Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixTransformPoint self
graphicsMatrixTranslate :: GraphicsMatrix a -> Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsMatrixTranslate self dx dy
graphicsObjectGetRenderer :: IO (GraphicsRenderer ()) Source
usage: (graphicsObjectGetRenderer
graphicsObjectIsNull :: GraphicsObject a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (graphicsObjectIsNull self
graphicsPathAddArc :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddArc self xy r startAngle endAngle clockwise
graphicsPathAddArcToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddArcToPoint self x1y1 x2y2 r
graphicsPathAddCircle :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddCircle self xy r
graphicsPathAddCurveToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddCurveToPoint self cx1cy1 cx2cy2 xy
graphicsPathAddEllipse :: GraphicsPath a -> Rect2D Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddEllipse self xywh
graphicsPathAddLineToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddLineToPoint self xy
graphicsPathAddPath :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> GraphicsPath c -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddPath self xy path
graphicsPathAddQuadCurveToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Point2 Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddQuadCurveToPoint self cxcy xy
graphicsPathAddRectangle :: GraphicsPath a -> Rect2D Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddRectangle self xywh
graphicsPathAddRoundedRectangle :: GraphicsPath a -> Rect2D Double -> Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathAddRoundedRectangle self xywh radius
graphicsPathCloseSubpath :: GraphicsPath a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathCloseSubpath self
graphicsPathContains :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathContains self xy style
graphicsPathDelete :: GraphicsPath a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathDelete self
graphicsPathGetBox :: GraphicsPath a -> IO (Rect2D Double) Source
usage: (graphicsPathGetBox self
graphicsPathGetCurrentPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> IO (Point2 Double) Source
usage: (graphicsPathGetCurrentPoint self
graphicsPathGetNativePath :: GraphicsPath a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (graphicsPathGetNativePath self
graphicsPathMoveToPoint :: GraphicsPath a -> Point2 Double -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathMoveToPoint self xy
graphicsPathTransform :: GraphicsPath a -> GraphicsMatrix b -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathTransform self matrix
graphicsPathUnGetNativePath :: GraphicsPath a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPathUnGetNativePath p
graphicsPenCreate :: IO (GraphicsPen ()) Source
usage: (graphicsPenCreate
graphicsPenDelete :: GraphicsPen a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsPenDelete self
graphicsRendererCreateContext :: WindowDC a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsRendererCreateContext dc
graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeContext :: GraphicsRenderer a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeContext context
graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeWindow :: Window a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeWindow window
graphicsRendererCreateContextFromWindow :: Window a -> IO (GraphicsContext ()) Source
usage: (graphicsRendererCreateContextFromWindow window
graphicsRendererCreatePath :: GraphicsRenderer a -> IO (GraphicsPath ()) Source
usage: (graphicsRendererCreatePath self
graphicsRendererDelete :: GraphicsRenderer a -> IO () Source
usage: (graphicsRendererDelete self
graphicsRendererGetDefaultRenderer :: GraphicsRenderer a -> IO (GraphicsRenderer ()) Source
usage: (graphicsRendererGetDefaultRenderer self
gridAppendCols :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridAppendCols obj numCols updateLabels
gridAppendRows :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridAppendRows obj numRows updateLabels
gridAutoSize :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridAutoSize obj
gridAutoSizeColumn :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridAutoSizeColumn obj col setAsMin
gridAutoSizeColumns :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridAutoSizeColumns obj setAsMin
gridAutoSizeRows :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridAutoSizeRows obj setAsMin
gridBeginBatch :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridBeginBatch obj
gridBlockToDeviceRect :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Rect Source
usage: (gridBlockToDeviceRect obj top left bottom right
gridCanDragGridSize :: Grid a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCanDragGridSize obj
gridCanEnableCellControl :: Grid a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCanEnableCellControl obj
gridClearGrid :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridClearGrid obj
gridClearSelection :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridClearSelection obj
gridCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Grid ()) Source
usage: (gridCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl
gridCreateGrid :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCreateGrid obj rows cols selmode
gridDeleteCols :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridDeleteCols obj pos numCols updateLabels
gridDeleteRows :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridDeleteRows obj pos numRows updateLabels
gridDisableCellEditControl :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDisableCellEditControl obj
gridDisableDragColSize :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDisableDragColSize obj
gridDisableDragGridSize :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDisableDragGridSize obj
gridDisableDragRowSize :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDisableDragRowSize obj
gridDrawAllGridLines :: Grid a -> DC b -> Region c -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDrawAllGridLines obj dc reg
gridDrawCellBorder :: Grid a -> DC b -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDrawCellBorder obj dc row col
gridDrawCellHighlight :: Grid a -> DC b -> GridCellAttr c -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDrawCellHighlight obj dc attr
gridDrawColLabels :: Grid a -> DC b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDrawColLabels obj dc
gridDrawGridSpace :: Grid a -> DC b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDrawGridSpace obj dc
gridDrawRowLabels :: Grid a -> DC b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDrawRowLabels obj dc
gridDrawTextRectangle :: Grid a -> DC b -> String -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridDrawTextRectangle obj dc txt xywh horizontalAlignment verticalAlignment
gridEnableCellEditControl :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEnableCellEditControl obj enable
gridEnableDragColSize :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEnableDragColSize obj enable
gridEnableDragGridSize :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEnableDragGridSize obj enable
gridEnableDragRowSize :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEnableDragRowSize obj enable
gridEnableEditing :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEnableEditing obj edit
gridEnableGridLines :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEnableGridLines obj enable
gridEndBatch :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEndBatch obj
gridGetBatchCount :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetBatchCount obj
gridGetCellAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO Size Source
usage: (gridGetCellAlignment obj row col
gridGetCellBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridGetCellBackgroundColour obj row col colour
gridGetCellEditor :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridGetCellEditor obj row col
gridGetCellFont :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Font d -> IO () Source
usage: (gridGetCellFont obj row col font
gridGetCellHighlightColour :: Grid a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridGetCellHighlightColour obj
gridGetCellRenderer :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellRenderer ()) Source
usage: (gridGetCellRenderer obj row col
gridGetCellTextColour :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridGetCellTextColour obj row col colour
gridGetColLabelAlignment :: Grid a -> IO Size Source
usage: (gridGetColLabelAlignment obj
gridGetColLabelSize :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetColLabelSize obj
gridGetDefaultCellAlignment :: Grid a -> IO Size Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultCellAlignment obj
gridGetDefaultCellBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultCellBackgroundColour obj
gridGetDefaultCellFont :: Grid a -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultCellFont obj
gridGetDefaultCellTextColour :: Grid a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultCellTextColour obj
gridGetDefaultColLabelSize :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultColLabelSize obj
gridGetDefaultColSize :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultColSize obj
gridGetDefaultEditor :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultEditor obj
gridGetDefaultEditorForCell :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultEditorForCell obj row col
gridGetDefaultEditorForType :: Grid a -> String -> IO (GridCellEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultEditorForType obj typeName
gridGetDefaultRenderer :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellRenderer ()) Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultRenderer obj
gridGetDefaultRendererForCell :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellRenderer ()) Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultRendererForCell obj row col
gridGetDefaultRendererForType :: Grid a -> String -> IO (GridCellRenderer ()) Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultRendererForType obj typeName
gridGetDefaultRowLabelSize :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultRowLabelSize obj
gridGetDefaultRowSize :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetDefaultRowSize obj
gridGetGridCursorCol :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetGridCursorCol obj
gridGetGridCursorRow :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetGridCursorRow obj
gridGetGridLineColour :: Grid a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridGetGridLineColour obj
gridGetLabelBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridGetLabelBackgroundColour obj
gridGetLabelFont :: Grid a -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (gridGetLabelFont obj
gridGetLabelTextColour :: Grid a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridGetLabelTextColour obj
gridGetNumberCols :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetNumberCols obj
gridGetNumberRows :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetNumberRows obj
gridGetRowLabelAlignment :: Grid a -> IO Size Source
usage: (gridGetRowLabelAlignment obj
gridGetRowLabelSize :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGetRowLabelSize obj
gridGetSelectedCells :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellCoordsArray ()) Source
usage: (gridGetSelectedCells obj
gridGetSelectedCols :: Grid a -> IO [Int] Source
usage: (gridGetSelectedCols obj
gridGetSelectedRows :: Grid a -> IO [Int] Source
usage: (gridGetSelectedRows obj
gridGetSelectionBackground :: Grid a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridGetSelectionBackground obj
gridGetSelectionBlockBottomRight :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellCoordsArray ()) Source
usage: (gridGetSelectionBlockBottomRight obj
gridGetSelectionBlockTopLeft :: Grid a -> IO (GridCellCoordsArray ()) Source
usage: (gridGetSelectionBlockTopLeft obj
gridGetSelectionForeground :: Grid a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridGetSelectionForeground obj
gridGetTable :: Grid a -> IO (GridTableBase ()) Source
usage: (gridGetTable obj
gridGetTextBoxSize :: Grid a -> DC b -> [String] -> IO Size Source
usage: (gridGetTextBoxSize obj dc countlines
gridGridLinesEnabled :: Grid a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridGridLinesEnabled obj
gridHideCellEditControl :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridHideCellEditControl obj
gridInsertCols :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridInsertCols obj pos numCols updateLabels
gridInsertRows :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridInsertRows obj pos numRows updateLabels
gridIsCellEditControlEnabled :: Grid a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridIsCellEditControlEnabled obj
gridIsCellEditControlShown :: Grid a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridIsCellEditControlShown obj
gridIsCurrentCellReadOnly :: Grid a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridIsCurrentCellReadOnly obj
gridIsEditable :: Grid a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridIsEditable obj
gridIsSelection :: Grid a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridIsSelection obj
gridIsVisible :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridIsVisible obj row col wholeCellVisible
gridMakeCellVisible :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridMakeCellVisible obj row col
gridMoveCursorDown :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridMoveCursorDown obj expandSelection
gridMoveCursorDownBlock :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridMoveCursorDownBlock obj expandSelection
gridMoveCursorLeft :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridMoveCursorLeft obj expandSelection
gridMoveCursorLeftBlock :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridMoveCursorLeftBlock obj expandSelection
gridMoveCursorRight :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridMoveCursorRight obj expandSelection
gridMoveCursorRightBlock :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridMoveCursorRightBlock obj expandSelection
gridMoveCursorUpBlock :: Grid a -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridMoveCursorUpBlock obj expandSelection
gridMovePageDown :: Grid a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridMovePageDown obj
gridMovePageUp :: Grid a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridMovePageUp obj
gridProcessTableMessage :: Grid a -> Event b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridProcessTableMessage obj evt
gridRegisterDataType :: Grid a -> String -> GridCellRenderer c -> GridCellEditor d -> IO () Source
usage: (gridRegisterDataType obj typeName renderer editor
gridSaveEditControlValue :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSaveEditControlValue obj
gridSelectAll :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSelectAll obj
gridSelectBlock :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSelectBlock obj topRow leftCol bottomRow rightCol addToSelected
gridSetCellAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetCellAlignment obj row col horiz vert
gridSetCellBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetCellBackgroundColour obj row col colour
gridSetCellEditor :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> GridCellEditor d -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetCellEditor obj row col editor
gridSetCellFont :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Font d -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetCellFont obj row col font
gridSetCellHighlightColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetCellHighlightColour obj col
gridSetCellRenderer :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> GridCellRenderer d -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetCellRenderer obj row col renderer
gridSetCellSize :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetCellSize obj row col srowscol
gridSetCellTextColour :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetCellTextColour obj row col colour
gridSetCellValue :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetCellValue obj row col s
gridSetColAttr :: Grid a -> Int -> GridCellAttr c -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetColAttr obj col attr
gridSetColFormatBool :: Grid a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetColFormatBool obj col
gridSetColFormatCustom :: Grid a -> Int -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetColFormatCustom obj col typeName
gridSetColFormatFloat :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetColFormatFloat obj col width precision
gridSetColFormatNumber :: Grid a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetColFormatNumber obj col
gridSetColLabelAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetColLabelAlignment obj horiz vert
gridSetColLabelSize :: Grid a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetColLabelSize obj height
gridSetColLabelValue :: Grid a -> Int -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetColLabelValue obj col label
gridSetColMinimalWidth :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetColMinimalWidth obj col width
gridSetDefaultCellAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetDefaultCellAlignment obj horiz vert
gridSetDefaultCellBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetDefaultCellBackgroundColour obj colour
gridSetDefaultCellFont :: Grid a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetDefaultCellFont obj font
gridSetDefaultCellTextColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetDefaultCellTextColour obj colour
gridSetDefaultColSize :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetDefaultColSize obj width resizeExistingCols
gridSetDefaultEditor :: Grid a -> GridCellEditor b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetDefaultEditor obj editor
gridSetDefaultRenderer :: Grid a -> GridCellRenderer b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetDefaultRenderer obj renderer
gridSetDefaultRowSize :: Grid a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetDefaultRowSize obj height resizeExistingRows
gridSetGridLineColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetGridLineColour obj col
gridSetLabelBackgroundColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetLabelBackgroundColour obj colour
gridSetLabelFont :: Grid a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetLabelFont obj font
gridSetLabelTextColour :: Grid a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetLabelTextColour obj colour
gridSetMargins :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetMargins obj extraWidth extraHeight
gridSetReadOnly :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetReadOnly obj row col isReadOnly
gridSetRowAttr :: Grid a -> Int -> GridCellAttr c -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetRowAttr obj row attr
gridSetRowLabelAlignment :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetRowLabelAlignment obj horiz vert
gridSetRowLabelSize :: Grid a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetRowLabelSize obj width
gridSetRowLabelValue :: Grid a -> Int -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetRowLabelValue obj row label
gridSetRowMinimalHeight :: Grid a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetRowMinimalHeight obj row width
gridSetSelectionBackground :: Grid a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetSelectionBackground obj c
gridSetSelectionForeground :: Grid a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetSelectionForeground obj c
gridSetSelectionMode :: Grid a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSetSelectionMode obj selmode
gridSetTable :: Grid a -> GridTableBase b -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridSetTable obj table takeOwnership selmode
gridShowCellEditControl :: Grid a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridShowCellEditControl obj
gridStringToLines :: Grid a -> String -> Ptr c -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridStringToLines obj value lines
gridCellAttrCtor :: IO (GridCellAttr ()) Source
usage: (gridCellAttrCtor
gridCellAttrDecRef :: GridCellAttr a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrDecRef obj
gridCellAttrGetAlignment :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Size Source
usage: (gridCellAttrGetAlignment obj
gridCellAttrGetBackgroundColour :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridCellAttrGetBackgroundColour obj
gridCellAttrGetEditor :: GridCellAttr a -> Grid b -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridCellAttrGetEditor obj grid row col
gridCellAttrGetFont :: GridCellAttr a -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (gridCellAttrGetFont obj
gridCellAttrGetRenderer :: GridCellAttr a -> Grid b -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellRenderer ()) Source
usage: (gridCellAttrGetRenderer obj grid row col
gridCellAttrGetTextColour :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Color Source
usage: (gridCellAttrGetTextColour obj
gridCellAttrHasAlignment :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCellAttrHasAlignment obj
gridCellAttrHasBackgroundColour :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCellAttrHasBackgroundColour obj
gridCellAttrHasEditor :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCellAttrHasEditor obj
gridCellAttrHasFont :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCellAttrHasFont obj
gridCellAttrHasRenderer :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCellAttrHasRenderer obj
gridCellAttrHasTextColour :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCellAttrHasTextColour obj
gridCellAttrIncRef :: GridCellAttr a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrIncRef obj
gridCellAttrIsReadOnly :: GridCellAttr a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCellAttrIsReadOnly obj
gridCellAttrSetAlignment :: GridCellAttr a -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrSetAlignment obj hAlign vAlign
gridCellAttrSetBackgroundColour :: GridCellAttr a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrSetBackgroundColour obj colBack
gridCellAttrSetDefAttr :: GridCellAttr a -> GridCellAttr b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrSetDefAttr obj defAttr
gridCellAttrSetEditor :: GridCellAttr a -> GridCellEditor b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrSetEditor obj editor
gridCellAttrSetFont :: GridCellAttr a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrSetFont obj font
gridCellAttrSetReadOnly :: GridCellAttr a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrSetReadOnly obj isReadOnly
gridCellAttrSetRenderer :: GridCellAttr a -> GridCellRenderer b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrSetRenderer obj renderer
gridCellAttrSetTextColour :: GridCellAttr a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellAttrSetTextColour obj colText
gridCellAutoWrapStringRendererCtor :: IO (GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer ()) Source
usage: (gridCellAutoWrapStringRendererCtor
gridCellBoolEditorCtor :: IO (GridCellBoolEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridCellBoolEditorCtor
gridCellChoiceEditorCtor :: [String] -> Bool -> IO (GridCellChoiceEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridCellChoiceEditorCtor countchoices allowOthers
gridCellCoordsArrayCreate :: IO (GridCellCoordsArray ()) Source
usage: (gridCellCoordsArrayCreate
gridCellCoordsArrayDelete :: GridCellCoordsArray a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellCoordsArrayDelete obj
gridCellCoordsArrayGetCount :: GridCellCoordsArray a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridCellCoordsArrayGetCount obj
gridCellCoordsArrayItem :: GridCellCoordsArray a -> Int -> IO Point Source
usage: (gridCellCoordsArrayItem obj idx
gridCellEditorBeginEdit :: GridCellEditor a -> Int -> Int -> Grid d -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorBeginEdit obj row col grid
gridCellEditorCreate :: GridCellEditor a -> Window b -> Id -> EvtHandler d -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorCreate obj parent id evtHandler
gridCellEditorDestroy :: GridCellEditor a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorDestroy obj
gridCellEditorEndEdit :: GridCellEditor a -> Int -> Int -> Grid d -> String -> String -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridCellEditorEndEdit obj row col grid oldStr newStr
gridCellEditorGetControl :: GridCellEditor a -> IO (Control ()) Source
usage: (gridCellEditorGetControl obj
gridCellEditorHandleReturn :: GridCellEditor a -> Event b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorHandleReturn obj event
gridCellEditorIsAcceptedKey :: GridCellEditor a -> Event b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCellEditorIsAcceptedKey obj event
gridCellEditorIsCreated :: GridCellEditor a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridCellEditorIsCreated obj
gridCellEditorPaintBackground :: GridCellEditor a -> DC b -> Rect -> GridCellAttr d -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorPaintBackground obj dc xywh attr
gridCellEditorReset :: GridCellEditor a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorReset obj
gridCellEditorSetControl :: GridCellEditor a -> Control b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorSetControl obj control
gridCellEditorSetParameters :: GridCellEditor a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorSetParameters obj params
gridCellEditorSetSize :: GridCellEditor a -> Rect -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorSetSize obj xywh
gridCellEditorShow :: GridCellEditor a -> Bool -> GridCellAttr c -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorShow obj show attr
gridCellEditorStartingClick :: GridCellEditor a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorStartingClick obj
gridCellEditorStartingKey :: GridCellEditor a -> Event b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridCellEditorStartingKey obj event
gridCellFloatEditorCtor :: Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellFloatEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridCellFloatEditorCtor width precision
gridCellNumberEditorCtor :: Int -> Int -> IO (GridCellNumberEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridCellNumberEditorCtor min max
gridCellNumberRendererCtor :: IO (GridCellNumberRenderer ()) Source
usage: (gridCellNumberRendererCtor
gridCellTextEditorCtor :: IO (GridCellTextEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridCellTextEditorCtor
gridCellTextEnterEditorCtor :: IO (GridCellTextEnterEditor ()) Source
usage: (gridCellTextEnterEditorCtor
gridEditorCreatedEventGetCol :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridEditorCreatedEventGetCol obj
gridEditorCreatedEventGetControl :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> IO (Control ()) Source
usage: (gridEditorCreatedEventGetControl obj
gridEditorCreatedEventGetRow :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridEditorCreatedEventGetRow obj
gridEditorCreatedEventSetCol :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEditorCreatedEventSetCol obj col
gridEditorCreatedEventSetControl :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> Control b -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEditorCreatedEventSetControl obj ctrl
gridEditorCreatedEventSetRow :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridEditorCreatedEventSetRow obj row
gridEventAltDown :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridEventAltDown obj
gridEventControlDown :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridEventControlDown obj
gridEventGetCol :: GridEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridEventGetCol obj
gridEventGetPosition :: GridEvent a -> IO Point Source
usage: (gridEventGetPosition obj
gridEventGetRow :: GridEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridEventGetRow obj
gridEventMetaDown :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridEventMetaDown obj
gridEventSelecting :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridEventSelecting obj
gridEventShiftDown :: GridEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridEventShiftDown obj
gridRangeSelectEventAltDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventAltDown obj
gridRangeSelectEventControlDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventControlDown obj
gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRightCoords :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Point Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRightCoords obj
gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRow :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRow obj
gridRangeSelectEventGetLeftCol :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventGetLeftCol obj
gridRangeSelectEventGetRightCol :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventGetRightCol obj
gridRangeSelectEventGetTopLeftCoords :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Point Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventGetTopLeftCoords obj
gridRangeSelectEventGetTopRow :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventGetTopRow obj
gridRangeSelectEventMetaDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventMetaDown obj
gridRangeSelectEventSelecting :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventSelecting obj
gridRangeSelectEventShiftDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridRangeSelectEventShiftDown obj
gridSizeEventAltDown :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridSizeEventAltDown obj
gridSizeEventControlDown :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridSizeEventControlDown obj
gridSizeEventGetPosition :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Point Source
usage: (gridSizeEventGetPosition obj
gridSizeEventGetRowOrCol :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridSizeEventGetRowOrCol obj
gridSizeEventMetaDown :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridSizeEventMetaDown obj
gridSizeEventShiftDown :: GridSizeEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (gridSizeEventShiftDown obj
gridSizerCalcMin :: GridSizer a -> IO Size Source
usage: (gridSizerCalcMin obj
gridSizerCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (GridSizer ()) Source
usage: (gridSizerCreate rows cols vgap hgap
gridSizerGetCols :: GridSizer a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridSizerGetCols obj
gridSizerGetHGap :: GridSizer a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridSizerGetHGap obj
gridSizerGetRows :: GridSizer a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridSizerGetRows obj
gridSizerGetVGap :: GridSizer a -> IO Int Source
usage: (gridSizerGetVGap obj
gridSizerRecalcSizes :: GridSizer a -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSizerRecalcSizes obj
gridSizerSetCols :: GridSizer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSizerSetCols obj cols
gridSizerSetHGap :: GridSizer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSizerSetHGap obj gap
gridSizerSetRows :: GridSizer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSizerSetRows obj rows
gridSizerSetVGap :: GridSizer a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (gridSizerSetVGap obj gap
helpControllerHelpProviderCreate :: HelpControllerBase a -> IO (HelpControllerHelpProvider ()) Source
usage: (helpControllerHelpProviderCreate ctr
helpControllerHelpProviderGetHelpController :: HelpControllerHelpProvider a -> IO (HelpControllerBase ()) Source
usage: (helpControllerHelpProviderGetHelpController obj
helpControllerHelpProviderSetHelpController :: HelpControllerHelpProvider a -> HelpController b -> IO () Source
usage: (helpControllerHelpProviderSetHelpController obj hc
helpEventGetLink :: HelpEvent a -> IO String Source
usage: (helpEventGetLink obj
helpEventGetPosition :: HelpEvent a -> IO Point Source
usage: (helpEventGetPosition obj
helpEventGetTarget :: HelpEvent a -> IO String Source
usage: (helpEventGetTarget obj
helpEventSetLink :: HelpEvent a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (helpEventSetLink obj link
helpEventSetPosition :: HelpEvent a -> Point -> IO () Source
usage: (helpEventSetPosition obj xy
helpEventSetTarget :: HelpEvent a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (helpEventSetTarget obj target
helpProviderAddHelp :: HelpProvider a -> Window b -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (helpProviderAddHelp obj window text
helpProviderAddHelpById :: HelpProvider a -> Id -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (helpProviderAddHelpById obj id text
helpProviderDelete :: HelpProvider a -> IO () Source
usage: (helpProviderDelete obj
helpProviderGet :: IO (HelpProvider ()) Source
usage: (helpProviderGet
helpProviderGetHelp :: HelpProvider a -> Window b -> IO String Source
usage: (helpProviderGetHelp obj window
helpProviderRemoveHelp :: HelpProvider a -> Window b -> IO () Source
usage: (helpProviderRemoveHelp obj window
helpProviderSet :: HelpProvider a -> IO (HelpProvider ()) Source
usage: (helpProviderSet helpProvider
helpProviderShowHelp :: HelpProvider a -> Window b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (helpProviderShowHelp obj window
htmlHelpControllerAddBook :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerAddBook obj book showwaitmsg
htmlHelpControllerCreate :: Int -> IO (HtmlHelpController ()) Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerCreate style
htmlHelpControllerDelete :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerDelete obj
htmlHelpControllerDisplay :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> IO Int Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerDisplay obj x
htmlHelpControllerDisplayBlock :: HtmlHelpController a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerDisplayBlock obj blockNo
htmlHelpControllerDisplayContents :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO Int Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerDisplayContents obj
htmlHelpControllerDisplayIndex :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO Int Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerDisplayIndex obj
htmlHelpControllerDisplayNumber :: HtmlHelpController a -> Id -> IO Int Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerDisplayNumber obj id
htmlHelpControllerDisplaySection :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerDisplaySection obj section
htmlHelpControllerDisplaySectionNumber :: HtmlHelpController a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerDisplaySectionNumber obj sectionNo
htmlHelpControllerGetFrame :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO (Frame ()) Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerGetFrame obj
htmlHelpControllerGetFrameParameters :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerGetFrameParameters obj title width height posx posy newFrameEachTime
htmlHelpControllerInitialize :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerInitialize obj file
htmlHelpControllerKeywordSearch :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerKeywordSearch obj keyword
htmlHelpControllerLoadFile :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerLoadFile obj file
htmlHelpControllerQuit :: HtmlHelpController a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerQuit obj
htmlHelpControllerReadCustomization :: HtmlHelpController a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerReadCustomization obj cfg path
htmlHelpControllerSetFrameParameters :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> Size -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerSetFrameParameters obj title widthheight posx posy newFrameEachTime
htmlHelpControllerSetTempDir :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerSetTempDir obj path
htmlHelpControllerSetTitleFormat :: HtmlHelpController a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerSetTitleFormat obj format
htmlHelpControllerSetViewer :: HtmlHelpController a -> String -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerSetViewer obj viewer flags
htmlHelpControllerUseConfig :: HtmlHelpController a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerUseConfig obj config rootpath
htmlHelpControllerWriteCustomization :: HtmlHelpController a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlHelpControllerWriteCustomization obj cfg path
htmlWindowAppendToPage :: HtmlWindow a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlWindowAppendToPage obj source
htmlWindowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> String -> IO (HtmlWindow ()) Source
usage: (htmlWindowCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl txt
htmlWindowGetInternalRepresentation :: HtmlWindow a -> IO (HtmlContainerCell ()) Source
usage: (htmlWindowGetInternalRepresentation obj
htmlWindowGetOpenedAnchor :: HtmlWindow a -> IO String Source
usage: (htmlWindowGetOpenedAnchor obj
htmlWindowGetOpenedPage :: HtmlWindow a -> IO String Source
usage: (htmlWindowGetOpenedPage obj
htmlWindowGetOpenedPageTitle :: HtmlWindow a -> IO String Source
usage: (htmlWindowGetOpenedPageTitle obj
htmlWindowGetRelatedFrame :: HtmlWindow a -> IO (Frame ()) Source
usage: (htmlWindowGetRelatedFrame obj
htmlWindowHistoryBack :: HtmlWindow a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlWindowHistoryBack obj
htmlWindowHistoryCanBack :: HtmlWindow a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlWindowHistoryCanBack obj
htmlWindowHistoryCanForward :: HtmlWindow a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlWindowHistoryCanForward obj
htmlWindowHistoryClear :: HtmlWindow a -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlWindowHistoryClear obj
htmlWindowHistoryForward :: HtmlWindow a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlWindowHistoryForward obj
htmlWindowLoadPage :: HtmlWindow a -> String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (htmlWindowLoadPage obj location
htmlWindowReadCustomization :: HtmlWindow a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlWindowReadCustomization obj cfg path
htmlWindowSetBorders :: HtmlWindow a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlWindowSetBorders obj b
htmlWindowSetFonts :: HtmlWindow a -> String -> String -> Ptr CInt -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlWindowSetFonts obj normalface fixedface sizes
htmlWindowSetPage :: HtmlWindow a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlWindowSetPage obj source
htmlWindowSetRelatedFrame :: HtmlWindow a -> Frame b -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlWindowSetRelatedFrame obj frame format
htmlWindowSetRelatedStatusBar :: HtmlWindow a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlWindowSetRelatedStatusBar obj bar
htmlWindowWriteCustomization :: HtmlWindow a -> ConfigBase b -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (htmlWindowWriteCustomization obj cfg path
hyperlinkCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> String -> Rect -> Int -> IO (HyperlinkCtrl ()) Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlCreate parent id label url xywh style
hyperlinkCtrlGetHoverColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlGetHoverColour self
hyperlinkCtrlGetNormalColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlGetNormalColour self
hyperlinkCtrlGetURL :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO String Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlGetURL self
hyperlinkCtrlGetVisited :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlGetVisited self
hyperlinkCtrlGetVisitedColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlGetVisitedColour self
hyperlinkCtrlSetHoverColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlSetHoverColour self colour
hyperlinkCtrlSetNormalColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlSetNormalColour self colour
hyperlinkCtrlSetURL :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlSetURL self url
hyperlinkCtrlSetVisited :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlSetVisited self visited
hyperlinkCtrlSetVisitedColour :: HyperlinkCtrl a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (hyperlinkCtrlSetVisitedColour self colour
iconAssign :: Icon a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (iconAssign obj other
iconCopyFromBitmap :: Icon a -> Bitmap b -> IO () Source
usage: (iconCopyFromBitmap obj bmp
iconCreateDefault :: IO (Icon ()) Source
usage: (iconCreateDefault
iconCreateLoad :: String -> Int -> Size -> IO (Icon ()) Source
usage: (iconCreateLoad name wxtype widthheight
iconDelete :: Icon a -> IO () Source
usage: (iconDelete obj
iconFromXPM :: Icon a -> IO (Icon ()) Source
usage: (iconFromXPM wxdata
iconGetDepth :: Icon a -> IO Int Source
usage: (iconGetDepth obj
iconGetHeight :: Icon a -> IO Int Source
usage: (iconGetHeight obj
iconGetWidth :: Icon a -> IO Int Source
usage: (iconGetWidth obj
iconIsStatic :: Icon a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (iconIsStatic self
iconLoad :: Icon a -> String -> Int -> Size -> IO Int Source
usage: (iconLoad obj name wxtype widthheight
iconSafeDelete :: Icon a -> IO () Source
usage: (iconSafeDelete self
iconSetDepth :: Icon a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (iconSetDepth obj depth
iconSetHeight :: Icon a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (iconSetHeight obj height
iconSetWidth :: Icon a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (iconSetWidth obj width
iconBundleAddIcon :: IconBundle a -> Icon b -> IO () Source
usage: (iconBundleAddIcon obj icon
iconBundleAddIconFromFile :: IconBundle a -> String -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (iconBundleAddIconFromFile obj file wxtype
iconBundleCreateDefault :: IO (IconBundle ()) Source
usage: (iconBundleCreateDefault
iconBundleCreateFromFile :: String -> Int -> IO (IconBundle ()) Source
usage: (iconBundleCreateFromFile file wxtype
iconBundleCreateFromIcon :: Icon a -> IO (IconBundle ()) Source
usage: (iconBundleCreateFromIcon icon
iconBundleDelete :: IconBundle a -> IO () Source
usage: (iconBundleDelete obj
iconBundleGetIcon :: IconBundle a -> Size -> IO (Icon ()) Source
usage: (iconBundleGetIcon obj wh
idleEventCopyObject :: IdleEvent a -> WxObject b -> IO () Source
usage: (idleEventCopyObject obj objectdest
idleEventMoreRequested :: IdleEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (idleEventMoreRequested obj
idleEventRequestMore :: IdleEvent a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (idleEventRequestMore obj needMore
imageCanRead :: String -> IO Bool Source
usage: (imageCanRead name
imageConvertToBitmap :: Image a -> IO (Bitmap ()) Source
usage: (imageConvertToBitmap obj
imageConvertToByteString :: Image a -> Int -> IO ByteString Source
usage: (imageConvertToByteString obj wxtype
imageConvertToLazyByteString :: Image a -> Int -> IO ByteString Source
usage: (imageConvertToLazyByteString obj wxtype
imageCreateDefault :: IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageCreateDefault
imageCreateFromBitmap :: Bitmap a -> IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageCreateFromBitmap bitmap
imageCreateFromByteString :: Size -> ByteString -> IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageCreateFromByteString widthheight datalength
imageCreateFromData :: Size -> Ptr b -> IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageCreateFromData widthheight wxdata
imageCreateFromDataEx :: Size -> Ptr b -> Bool -> IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageCreateFromDataEx widthheight wxdata isStaticData
imageCreateFromFile :: String -> IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageCreateFromFile name
imageCreateFromLazyByteString :: Size -> ByteString -> IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageCreateFromLazyByteString widthheight datalength
imageCreateSized :: Size -> IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageCreateSized widthheight
imageDelete :: Image a -> IO () Source
usage: (imageDelete image
imageDestroy :: Image a -> IO () Source
usage: (imageDestroy obj
imageGetData :: Image a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (imageGetData obj
imageGetHeight :: Image a -> IO Int Source
usage: (imageGetHeight obj
imageGetMaskBlue :: Image a -> IO Char Source
usage: (imageGetMaskBlue obj
imageGetMaskGreen :: Image a -> IO Char Source
usage: (imageGetMaskGreen obj
imageGetMaskRed :: Image a -> IO Char Source
usage: (imageGetMaskRed obj
imageGetType :: Image a -> IO Int Source
usage: (imageGetType obj
imageGetWidth :: Image a -> IO Int Source
usage: (imageGetWidth obj
imageHasMask :: Image a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (imageHasMask obj
imageInitialize :: Image a -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (imageInitialize obj widthheight
imageInitializeFromData :: Image a -> Size -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (imageInitializeFromData obj widthheight wxdata
imageLoadStream :: Image a -> InputStream b -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (imageLoadStream obj name wxtype index
imageRescale :: Image a -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (imageRescale obj widthheight
imageRescaleEx :: Image a -> Size -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (imageRescaleEx obj widthheight quality
imageRotate :: Image a -> Double -> Point -> Bool -> Ptr e -> IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageRotate obj angle cxcy interpolating offsetafterrotation
imageSaveStream :: Image a -> OutputStream b -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (imageSaveStream obj stream wxtype
imageScaleEx :: Image a -> Size -> Int -> IO (Image ()) Source
usage: (imageScaleEx obj widthheight quality
imageSetData :: Image a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (imageSetData obj wxdata
imageSetDataAndSize :: Image a -> Ptr b -> Size -> IO () Source
usage: (imageSetDataAndSize obj wxdata newwidthnewheight
imageSetMask :: Image a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (imageSetMask obj mask
imageSetMaskColour :: Image a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (imageSetMaskColour obj rgb
imageSetOption :: Image a -> String -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (imageSetOption obj name value
imageSetOptionInt :: Image a -> String -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (imageSetOptionInt obj name value
imageSetType :: Image a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (imageSetType obj wxtype
imageListAddBitmap :: ImageList a -> Bitmap b -> Bitmap c -> IO Int Source
usage: (imageListAddBitmap obj bitmap mask
imageListAddMasked :: ImageList a -> Bitmap b -> Color -> IO Int Source
usage: (imageListAddMasked obj bitmap maskColour
imageListCreate :: Size -> Bool -> Int -> IO (ImageList ()) Source
usage: (imageListCreate widthheight mask initialCount
imageListDelete :: ImageList a -> IO () Source
usage: (imageListDelete obj
imageListDraw :: ImageList a -> Int -> DC c -> Point -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool Source
usage: (imageListDraw obj index dc xy flags solidBackground
imageListGetImageCount :: ImageList a -> IO Int Source
usage: (imageListGetImageCount obj
imageListRemoveAll :: ImageList a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (imageListRemoveAll obj
imageListReplace :: ImageList a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> Bitmap d -> IO Bool Source
usage: (imageListReplace obj index bitmap mask
imageListReplaceIcon :: ImageList a -> Int -> Icon c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (imageListReplaceIcon obj index icon
individualLayoutConstraintAbove :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintAbove obj sibling marg
individualLayoutConstraintAbsolute :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintAbsolute obj val
individualLayoutConstraintAsIs :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintAsIs obj
individualLayoutConstraintBelow :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintBelow obj sibling marg
individualLayoutConstraintGetDone :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintGetDone obj
individualLayoutConstraintGetEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> IO Int Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintGetEdge obj which thisWin other
individualLayoutConstraintGetMargin :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintGetMargin obj
individualLayoutConstraintGetMyEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintGetMyEdge obj
individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherEdge obj
individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherWindow :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherWindow obj
individualLayoutConstraintGetPercent :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintGetPercent obj
individualLayoutConstraintGetRelationship :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintGetRelationship obj
individualLayoutConstraintGetValue :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO Int Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintGetValue obj
individualLayoutConstraintLeftOf :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintLeftOf obj sibling marg
individualLayoutConstraintPercentOf :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintPercentOf obj otherW wh per
individualLayoutConstraintResetIfWin :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintResetIfWin obj otherW
individualLayoutConstraintRightOf :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintRightOf obj sibling marg
individualLayoutConstraintSameAs :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Window b -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintSameAs obj otherW edge marg
individualLayoutConstraintSatisfyConstraint :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Ptr b -> Window c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintSatisfyConstraint obj constraints win
individualLayoutConstraintSet :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> Window c -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintSet obj rel otherW otherE val marg
individualLayoutConstraintSetDone :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintSetDone obj d
individualLayoutConstraintSetEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintSetEdge obj which
individualLayoutConstraintSetMargin :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintSetMargin obj m
individualLayoutConstraintSetRelationship :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintSetRelationship obj r
individualLayoutConstraintSetValue :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintSetValue obj v
individualLayoutConstraintUnconstrained :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IO () Source
usage: (individualLayoutConstraintUnconstrained obj
inputSinkCreate :: InputStream a -> EvtHandler b -> Int -> IO (InputSink ()) Source
Create an event driven input stream. It is unsafe to reference the original inputStream after this call! The last parameter bufferLen
gives the default input batch size. The sink is automatically destroyed whenever the input stream has no more input.
inputSinkGetId :: InputSink a -> IO Int Source
After creation, retrieve the id
of the sink to connect to wxEVT_INPUT_SINK
inputSinkStart :: InputSink a -> IO () Source
After event connection, start non-blocking reading of the inputstream. This will generate inputSinkEvent
inputSinkEventLastError :: InputSinkEvent a -> IO Int Source
Get the input status (wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR
is ok).
inputSinkEventLastInput :: InputSinkEvent a -> IO (Ptr CWchar) Source
The input buffer.
inputSinkEventLastRead :: InputSinkEvent a -> IO Int Source
The number of characters in the input buffer.
inputStreamCanRead :: InputStream a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (inputStreamCanRead self
inputStreamDelete :: InputStream a -> IO () Source
usage: (inputStreamDelete obj
inputStreamEof :: InputStream a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (inputStreamEof obj
inputStreamGetC :: InputStream a -> IO Char Source
usage: (inputStreamGetC obj
inputStreamLastRead :: InputStream a -> IO Int Source
usage: (inputStreamLastRead obj
inputStreamPeek :: InputStream a -> IO Char Source
usage: (inputStreamPeek obj
inputStreamRead :: InputStream a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (inputStreamRead obj buffer size
inputStreamSeekI :: InputStream a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (inputStreamSeekI obj pos mode
inputStreamTell :: InputStream a -> IO Int Source
usage: (inputStreamTell obj
inputStreamUngetBuffer :: InputStream a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (inputStreamUngetBuffer obj buffer size
inputStreamUngetch :: InputStream a -> Char -> IO Int Source
usage: (inputStreamUngetch obj c
intPropertyCreate :: String -> String -> Int -> IO (IntProperty ()) Source
usage: (intPropertyCreate label name value
keyEventAltDown :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (keyEventAltDown obj
keyEventControlDown :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (keyEventControlDown obj
keyEventCopyObject :: KeyEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (keyEventCopyObject obj obj
keyEventGetKeyCode :: KeyEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (keyEventGetKeyCode obj
keyEventGetModifiers :: KeyEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (keyEventGetModifiers obj
keyEventGetPosition :: KeyEvent a -> IO Point Source
usage: (keyEventGetPosition obj
keyEventGetX :: KeyEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (keyEventGetX obj
keyEventGetY :: KeyEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (keyEventGetY obj
keyEventHasModifiers :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (keyEventHasModifiers obj
keyEventMetaDown :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (keyEventMetaDown obj
keyEventSetKeyCode :: KeyEvent a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (keyEventSetKeyCode obj code
keyEventShiftDown :: KeyEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (keyEventShiftDown obj
layoutAlgorithmCreate :: IO (LayoutAlgorithm ()) Source
usage: (layoutAlgorithmCreate
layoutAlgorithmDelete :: LayoutAlgorithm a -> IO () Source
usage: (layoutAlgorithmDelete obj
layoutAlgorithmLayoutFrame :: LayoutAlgorithm a -> Frame b -> Ptr c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (layoutAlgorithmLayoutFrame obj frame mainWindow
layoutAlgorithmLayoutMDIFrame :: LayoutAlgorithm a -> Frame b -> Rect -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (layoutAlgorithmLayoutMDIFrame obj frame xywh use
layoutAlgorithmLayoutWindow :: LayoutAlgorithm a -> Frame b -> Ptr c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (layoutAlgorithmLayoutWindow obj frame mainWindow
layoutConstraintsCreate :: IO (LayoutConstraints ()) Source
usage: (layoutConstraintsCreate
layoutConstraintsbottom :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (layoutConstraintsbottom obj
layoutConstraintscentreX :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (layoutConstraintscentreX obj
layoutConstraintscentreY :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (layoutConstraintscentreY obj
layoutConstraintsheight :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (layoutConstraintsheight obj
layoutConstraintsleft :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (layoutConstraintsleft obj
layoutConstraintsright :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (layoutConstraintsright obj
layoutConstraintstop :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (layoutConstraintstop obj
layoutConstraintswidth :: LayoutConstraints a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (layoutConstraintswidth obj
listBoxAppend :: ListBox a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (listBoxAppend obj item
listBoxAppendData :: ListBox a -> String -> Ptr c -> IO () Source
usage: (listBoxAppendData obj item wxdata
listBoxClear :: ListBox a -> IO () Source
usage: (listBoxClear obj
listBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> [String] -> Style -> IO (ListBox ()) Source
usage: (listBoxCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt nstr stl
listBoxDelete :: ListBox a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listBoxDelete obj n
listBoxGetClientData :: ListBox a -> Int -> IO (ClientData ()) Source
usage: (listBoxGetClientData obj n
listBoxGetCount :: ListBox a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listBoxGetCount obj
listBoxGetSelection :: ListBox a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listBoxGetSelection obj
listBoxGetSelections :: ListBox a -> Ptr CInt -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (listBoxGetSelections obj aSelections allocated
listBoxInsertItems :: ListBox a -> Ptr b -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listBoxInsertItems obj items pos count
listBoxSetClientData :: ListBox a -> Int -> ClientData c -> IO () Source
usage: (listBoxSetClientData obj n clientData
listBoxSetFirstItem :: ListBox a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listBoxSetFirstItem obj n
listBoxSetSelection :: ListBox a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (listBoxSetSelection obj n select
listBoxSetStringSelection :: ListBox a -> String -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (listBoxSetStringSelection obj str sel
listCtrlAssignImageList :: ListCtrl a -> ImageList b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlAssignImageList obj images which
listCtrlClearAll :: ListCtrl a -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlClearAll obj
listCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (ListCtrl ()) Source
usage: (listCtrlCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl
listCtrlDeleteAllColumns :: ListCtrl a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlDeleteAllColumns obj
listCtrlDeleteAllItems :: ListCtrl a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlDeleteAllItems obj
listCtrlEditLabel :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlEditLabel obj item
listCtrlEndEditLabel :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlEndEditLabel obj cancel
listCtrlEnsureVisible :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlEnsureVisible obj item
listCtrlFindItem :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> Bool -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlFindItem obj start str partial
listCtrlFindItemByData :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlFindItemByData obj start wxdata
listCtrlFindItemByPosition :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Point -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlFindItemByPosition obj start xy direction
listCtrlGetColumn :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> ListItem c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlGetColumn obj col item
listCtrlGetColumn2 :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO (ListItem ()) Source
usage: (listCtrlGetColumn2 obj col
listCtrlGetColumnCount :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlGetColumnCount obj
listCtrlGetColumnWidth :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlGetColumnWidth obj col
listCtrlGetCountPerPage :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlGetCountPerPage obj
listCtrlGetEditControl :: ListCtrl a -> IO (TextCtrl ()) Source
usage: (listCtrlGetEditControl obj
listCtrlGetImageList :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO (ImageList ()) Source
usage: (listCtrlGetImageList obj which
listCtrlGetItem2 :: ListCtrl a -> IO (ListItem ()) Source
usage: (listCtrlGetItem2 obj
listCtrlGetItemCount :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlGetItemCount obj
listCtrlGetItemFont :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (listCtrlGetItemFont obj item
listCtrlGetItemPosition :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Point Source
usage: (listCtrlGetItemPosition obj item
listCtrlGetItemPosition2 :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO Point Source
usage: (listCtrlGetItemPosition2 obj item
listCtrlGetItemRect :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Rect Source
usage: (listCtrlGetItemRect obj item code
listCtrlGetItemSpacing :: ListCtrl a -> Bool -> IO Size Source
usage: (listCtrlGetItemSpacing obj isSmall
listCtrlGetItemState :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlGetItemState obj item stateMask
listCtrlGetNextItem :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlGetNextItem obj item geometry state
listCtrlGetSelectedItemCount :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlGetSelectedItemCount obj
listCtrlGetTextColour :: ListCtrl a -> IO Color Source
usage: (listCtrlGetTextColour obj
listCtrlGetTopItem :: ListCtrl a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlGetTopItem obj
listCtrlHitTest :: ListCtrl a -> Point -> Ptr c -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlHitTest obj xy flags
listCtrlInsertColumn :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlInsertColumn obj col heading format width
listCtrlInsertColumnFromInfo :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> ListItem c -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlInsertColumnFromInfo obj col info
listCtrlInsertItem :: ListCtrl a -> ListItem b -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlInsertItem obj info
listCtrlInsertItemWithData :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlInsertItemWithData obj index label
listCtrlInsertItemWithImage :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlInsertItemWithImage obj index imageIndex
listCtrlInsertItemWithLabel :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> Int -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlInsertItemWithLabel obj index label imageIndex
listCtrlIsVirtual :: ListCtrl a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlIsVirtual obj
listCtrlRefreshItem :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlRefreshItem obj item
listCtrlSetBackgroundColour :: ListCtrl a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlSetBackgroundColour obj col
listCtrlSetColumn :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> ListItem c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSetColumn obj col item
listCtrlSetColumnWidth :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSetColumnWidth obj col width
listCtrlSetForegroundColour :: ListCtrl a -> Color -> IO Int Source
usage: (listCtrlSetForegroundColour obj col
listCtrlSetImageList :: ListCtrl a -> ImageList b -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlSetImageList obj imageList which
listCtrlSetItem :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> String -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSetItem obj index col label imageId
listCtrlSetItemData :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSetItemData obj item wxdata
listCtrlSetItemFromInfo :: ListCtrl a -> ListItem b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSetItemFromInfo obj info
listCtrlSetItemImage :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSetItemImage obj item image selImage
listCtrlSetItemPosition :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Point -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSetItemPosition obj item xy
listCtrlSetItemState :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSetItemState obj item state stateMask
listCtrlSetItemText :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlSetItemText obj item str
listCtrlSetSingleStyle :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlSetSingleStyle obj style add
listCtrlSetTextColour :: ListCtrl a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlSetTextColour obj col
listCtrlSetWindowStyleFlag :: ListCtrl a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlSetWindowStyleFlag obj style
listCtrlSortItems :: ListCtrl a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSortItems obj fn eifobj
listCtrlSortItems2 :: ListCtrl a -> Closure b -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listCtrlSortItems2 obj closure
listCtrlUpdateStyle :: ListCtrl a -> IO () Source
usage: (listCtrlUpdateStyle obj
listEventCancelled :: ListEvent a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listEventCancelled obj
listEventGetCacheFrom :: ListEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listEventGetCacheFrom obj
listEventGetCacheTo :: ListEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listEventGetCacheTo obj
listEventGetCode :: ListEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listEventGetCode obj
listEventGetColumn :: ListEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listEventGetColumn obj
listEventGetData :: ListEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listEventGetData obj
listEventGetImage :: ListEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listEventGetImage obj
listEventGetIndex :: ListEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listEventGetIndex obj
listEventGetItem :: ListEvent a -> IO (ListItem ()) Source
usage: (listEventGetItem obj
listEventGetLabel :: ListEvent a -> IO String Source
usage: (listEventGetLabel obj
listEventGetMask :: ListEvent a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listEventGetMask obj
listEventGetPoint :: ListEvent a -> IO Point Source
usage: (listEventGetPoint obj
listEventGetText :: ListEvent a -> IO String Source
usage: (listEventGetText obj
listItemClear :: ListItem a -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemClear obj
listItemClearAttributes :: ListItem a -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemClearAttributes obj
listItemCreate :: IO (ListItem ()) Source
usage: (listItemCreate
listItemDelete :: ListItem a -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemDelete obj
listItemGetAlign :: ListItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listItemGetAlign obj
listItemGetAttributes :: ListItem a -> IO (Ptr ()) Source
usage: (listItemGetAttributes obj
listItemGetBackgroundColour :: ListItem a -> IO Color Source
usage: (listItemGetBackgroundColour obj
listItemGetColumn :: ListItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listItemGetColumn obj
listItemGetData :: ListItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listItemGetData obj
listItemGetFont :: ListItem a -> IO (Font ()) Source
usage: (listItemGetFont obj
listItemGetId :: ListItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listItemGetId obj
listItemGetImage :: ListItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listItemGetImage obj
listItemGetMask :: ListItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listItemGetMask obj
listItemGetState :: ListItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listItemGetState obj
listItemGetText :: ListItem a -> IO String Source
usage: (listItemGetText obj
listItemGetTextColour :: ListItem a -> IO Color Source
usage: (listItemGetTextColour obj
listItemGetWidth :: ListItem a -> IO Int Source
usage: (listItemGetWidth obj
listItemHasAttributes :: ListItem a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (listItemHasAttributes obj
listItemSetAlign :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetAlign obj align
listItemSetBackgroundColour :: ListItem a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetBackgroundColour obj colBack
listItemSetColumn :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetColumn obj col
listItemSetData :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetData obj wxdata
listItemSetDataPointer :: ListItem a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetDataPointer obj wxdata
listItemSetFont :: ListItem a -> Font b -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetFont obj font
listItemSetId :: ListItem a -> Id -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetId obj id
listItemSetImage :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetImage obj image
listItemSetMask :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetMask obj mask
listItemSetState :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetState obj state
listItemSetStateMask :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetStateMask obj stateMask
listItemSetText :: ListItem a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetText obj text
listItemSetTextColour :: ListItem a -> Color -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetTextColour obj colText
listItemSetWidth :: ListItem a -> Int -> IO () Source
usage: (listItemSetWidth obj width
localeAddCatalogLookupPathPrefix :: Locale a -> Ptr b -> IO () Source
usage: (localeAddCatalogLookupPathPrefix obj prefix
localeDelete :: Locale a -> IO () Source
usage: (localeDelete obj
localeGetLocale :: Locale a -> IO (Locale ()) Source
usage: (localeGetLocale obj
localeGetName :: Locale a -> IO String Source
usage: (localeGetName obj
localeGetString :: Locale a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO String Source
usage: (localeGetString obj szOrigString szDomain
localeIsOk :: Locale a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (localeIsOk obj
logAddTraceMask :: Log a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (logAddTraceMask obj str
logDontCreateOnDemand :: Log a -> IO () Source
usage: (logDontCreateOnDemand obj
logFlushActive :: Log a -> IO () Source
usage: (logFlushActive obj
logGetActiveTarget :: IO (Log ()) Source
usage: (logGetActiveTarget
logGetTraceMask :: Log a -> IO Int Source
usage: (logGetTraceMask obj
logGetVerbose :: Log a -> IO Int Source
usage: (logGetVerbose obj
logHasPendingMessages :: Log a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (logHasPendingMessages obj
logRemoveTraceMask :: Log a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (logRemoveTraceMask obj str
logSetActiveTarget :: Log a -> IO (Log ()) Source
usage: (logSetActiveTarget pLogger
logSetTimestamp :: Log a -> String -> IO () Source
usage: (logSetTimestamp obj ts
logSetVerbose :: Log a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (logSetVerbose obj bVerbose
logSuspend :: Log a -> IO () Source
usage: (logSuspend obj
logChainCreate :: Log a -> IO (LogChain ()) Source
usage: (logChainCreate logger
logChainDelete :: LogChain a -> IO () Source
usage: (logChainDelete obj
logChainGetOldLog :: LogChain a -> IO (Log ()) Source
usage: (logChainGetOldLog obj
logChainIsPassingMessages :: LogChain a -> IO Bool Source
usage: (logChainIsPassingMessages obj
logChainPassMessages :: LogChain a -> Bool -> IO () Source
usage: (logChainPassMessages obj bDoPass
logChainSetLog :: LogChain a -> Log b -> IO () Source
usage: (logChainSetLog obj logger
logNullCreate :: IO (LogNull ()) Source
usage: (logNullCreate
logStderrCreate :: IO (LogStderr ()) Source
usage: (logStderrCreate
logStderrCreateStdOut :: IO (LogStderr ()) Source
usage: (logStderrCreateStdOut
logTextCtrlCreate :: TextCtrl a -> IO (LogTextCtrl ()) Source
usage: (logTextCtrlCreate text
logWindowCreate :: Window a -> String -> Bool -> Bool -> IO (LogWindow ()) Source
usage: (logWindowCreate parent title showit passthrough
logWindowGetFrame :: LogWindow a -> IO (Frame ()) Source
usage: (logWindowGetFrame obj