Maintainer | |
Safe Haskell | None |
Graphviz's definition of X11 colors differs from the "normal"
list installed on many systems at usrshareX11rgb.txt
. For
example, Crimson
is not a usual X11 color.
Furthermore, all Gray*
colors are duplicated with Grey*
To simplify this, these duplicates have been removed but all
s with "Gray
" (whether they have the duplicate
spelling or not) in their name are also parseable as if they were
spelt with "grey
The complete list of X11 colors can be found at
- data X11Color
- = AliceBlue
- | AntiqueWhite
- | AntiqueWhite1
- | AntiqueWhite2
- | AntiqueWhite3
- | AntiqueWhite4
- | Aquamarine
- | Aquamarine1
- | Aquamarine2
- | Aquamarine3
- | Aquamarine4
- | Azure
- | Azure1
- | Azure2
- | Azure3
- | Azure4
- | Beige
- | Bisque
- | Bisque1
- | Bisque2
- | Bisque3
- | Bisque4
- | Black
- | BlanchedAlmond
- | Blue
- | Blue1
- | Blue2
- | Blue3
- | Blue4
- | BlueViolet
- | Brown
- | Brown1
- | Brown2
- | Brown3
- | Brown4
- | Burlywood
- | Burlywood1
- | Burlywood2
- | Burlywood3
- | Burlywood4
- | CadetBlue
- | CadetBlue1
- | CadetBlue2
- | CadetBlue3
- | CadetBlue4
- | Chartreuse
- | Chartreuse1
- | Chartreuse2
- | Chartreuse3
- | Chartreuse4
- | Chocolate
- | Chocolate1
- | Chocolate2
- | Chocolate3
- | Chocolate4
- | Coral
- | Coral1
- | Coral2
- | Coral3
- | Coral4
- | CornFlowerBlue
- | CornSilk
- | CornSilk1
- | CornSilk2
- | CornSilk3
- | CornSilk4
- | Crimson
- | Cyan
- | Cyan1
- | Cyan2
- | Cyan3
- | Cyan4
- | DarkGoldenrod
- | DarkGoldenrod1
- | DarkGoldenrod2
- | DarkGoldenrod3
- | DarkGoldenrod4
- | DarkGreen
- | Darkkhaki
- | DarkOliveGreen
- | DarkOliveGreen1
- | DarkOliveGreen2
- | DarkOliveGreen3
- | DarkOliveGreen4
- | DarkOrange
- | DarkOrange1
- | DarkOrange2
- | DarkOrange3
- | DarkOrange4
- | DarkOrchid
- | DarkOrchid1
- | DarkOrchid2
- | DarkOrchid3
- | DarkOrchid4
- | DarkSalmon
- | DarkSeaGreen
- | DarkSeaGreen1
- | DarkSeaGreen2
- | DarkSeaGreen3
- | DarkSeaGreen4
- | DarkSlateBlue
- | DarkSlateGray
- | DarkSlateGray1
- | DarkSlateGray2
- | DarkSlateGray3
- | DarkSlateGray4
- | DarkTurquoise
- | DarkViolet
- | DeepPink
- | DeepPink1
- | DeepPink2
- | DeepPink3
- | DeepPink4
- | DeepSkyBlue
- | DeepSkyBlue1
- | DeepSkyBlue2
- | DeepSkyBlue3
- | DeepSkyBlue4
- | DimGray
- | DodgerBlue
- | DodgerBlue1
- | DodgerBlue2
- | DodgerBlue3
- | DodgerBlue4
- | Firebrick
- | Firebrick1
- | Firebrick2
- | Firebrick3
- | Firebrick4
- | FloralWhite
- | ForestGreen
- | Gainsboro
- | GhostWhite
- | Gold
- | Gold1
- | Gold2
- | Gold3
- | Gold4
- | Goldenrod
- | Goldenrod1
- | Goldenrod2
- | Goldenrod3
- | Goldenrod4
- | Gray
- | Gray0
- | Gray1
- | Gray2
- | Gray3
- | Gray4
- | Gray5
- | Gray6
- | Gray7
- | Gray8
- | Gray9
- | Gray10
- | Gray11
- | Gray12
- | Gray13
- | Gray14
- | Gray15
- | Gray16
- | Gray17
- | Gray18
- | Gray19
- | Gray20
- | Gray21
- | Gray22
- | Gray23
- | Gray24
- | Gray25
- | Gray26
- | Gray27
- | Gray28
- | Gray29
- | Gray30
- | Gray31
- | Gray32
- | Gray33
- | Gray34
- | Gray35
- | Gray36
- | Gray37
- | Gray38
- | Gray39
- | Gray40
- | Gray41
- | Gray42
- | Gray43
- | Gray44
- | Gray45
- | Gray46
- | Gray47
- | Gray48
- | Gray49
- | Gray50
- | Gray51
- | Gray52
- | Gray53
- | Gray54
- | Gray55
- | Gray56
- | Gray57
- | Gray58
- | Gray59
- | Gray60
- | Gray61
- | Gray62
- | Gray63
- | Gray64
- | Gray65
- | Gray66
- | Gray67
- | Gray68
- | Gray69
- | Gray70
- | Gray71
- | Gray72
- | Gray73
- | Gray74
- | Gray75
- | Gray76
- | Gray77
- | Gray78
- | Gray79
- | Gray80
- | Gray81
- | Gray82
- | Gray83
- | Gray84
- | Gray85
- | Gray86
- | Gray87
- | Gray88
- | Gray89
- | Gray90
- | Gray91
- | Gray92
- | Gray93
- | Gray94
- | Gray95
- | Gray96
- | Gray97
- | Gray98
- | Gray99
- | Gray100
- | Green
- | Green1
- | Green2
- | Green3
- | Green4
- | GreenYellow
- | HoneyDew
- | HoneyDew1
- | HoneyDew2
- | HoneyDew3
- | HoneyDew4
- | HotPink
- | HotPink1
- | HotPink2
- | HotPink3
- | HotPink4
- | IndianRed
- | IndianRed1
- | IndianRed2
- | IndianRed3
- | IndianRed4
- | Indigo
- | Ivory
- | Ivory1
- | Ivory2
- | Ivory3
- | Ivory4
- | Khaki
- | Khaki1
- | Khaki2
- | Khaki3
- | Khaki4
- | Lavender
- | LavenderBlush
- | LavenderBlush1
- | LavenderBlush2
- | LavenderBlush3
- | LavenderBlush4
- | LawnGreen
- | LemonChiffon
- | LemonChiffon1
- | LemonChiffon2
- | LemonChiffon3
- | LemonChiffon4
- | LightBlue
- | LightBlue1
- | LightBlue2
- | LightBlue3
- | LightBlue4
- | LightCoral
- | LightCyan
- | LightCyan1
- | LightCyan2
- | LightCyan3
- | LightCyan4
- | LightGoldenrod
- | LightGoldenrod1
- | LightGoldenrod2
- | LightGoldenrod3
- | LightGoldenrod4
- | LightGoldenrodYellow
- | LightGray
- | LightPink
- | LightPink1
- | LightPink2
- | LightPink3
- | LightPink4
- | LightSalmon
- | LightSalmon1
- | LightSalmon2
- | LightSalmon3
- | LightSalmon4
- | LightSeaGreen
- | LightSkyBlue
- | LightSkyBlue1
- | LightSkyBlue2
- | LightSkyBlue3
- | LightSkyBlue4
- | LightSlateBlue
- | LightSlateGray
- | LightSteelBlue
- | LightSteelBlue1
- | LightSteelBlue2
- | LightSteelBlue3
- | LightSteelBlue4
- | LightYellow
- | LightYellow1
- | LightYellow2
- | LightYellow3
- | LightYellow4
- | LimeGreen
- | Linen
- | Magenta
- | Magenta1
- | Magenta2
- | Magenta3
- | Magenta4
- | Maroon
- | Maroon1
- | Maroon2
- | Maroon3
- | Maroon4
- | MediumAquamarine
- | MediumBlue
- | MediumOrchid
- | MediumOrchid1
- | MediumOrchid2
- | MediumOrchid3
- | MediumOrchid4
- | MediumPurple
- | MediumPurple1
- | MediumPurple2
- | MediumPurple3
- | MediumPurple4
- | MediumSeaGreen
- | MediumSlateBlue
- | MediumSpringGreen
- | MediumTurquoise
- | MediumVioletRed
- | MidnightBlue
- | MintCream
- | MistyRose
- | MistyRose1
- | MistyRose2
- | MistyRose3
- | MistyRose4
- | Moccasin
- | NavajoWhite
- | NavajoWhite1
- | NavajoWhite2
- | NavajoWhite3
- | NavajoWhite4
- | Navy
- | NavyBlue
- | OldLace
- | OliveDrab
- | OliveDrab1
- | OliveDrab2
- | OliveDrab3
- | OliveDrab4
- | Orange
- | Orange1
- | Orange2
- | Orange3
- | Orange4
- | OrangeRed
- | OrangeRed1
- | OrangeRed2
- | OrangeRed3
- | OrangeRed4
- | Orchid
- | Orchid1
- | Orchid2
- | Orchid3
- | Orchid4
- | PaleGoldenrod
- | PaleGreen
- | PaleGreen1
- | PaleGreen2
- | PaleGreen3
- | PaleGreen4
- | PaleTurquoise
- | PaleTurquoise1
- | PaleTurquoise2
- | PaleTurquoise3
- | PaleTurquoise4
- | PaleVioletRed
- | PaleVioletRed1
- | PaleVioletRed2
- | PaleVioletRed3
- | PaleVioletRed4
- | PapayaWhip
- | PeachPuff
- | PeachPuff1
- | PeachPuff2
- | PeachPuff3
- | PeachPuff4
- | Peru
- | Pink
- | Pink1
- | Pink2
- | Pink3
- | Pink4
- | Plum
- | Plum1
- | Plum2
- | Plum3
- | Plum4
- | PowderBlue
- | Purple
- | Purple1
- | Purple2
- | Purple3
- | Purple4
- | Red
- | Red1
- | Red2
- | Red3
- | Red4
- | RosyBrown
- | RosyBrown1
- | RosyBrown2
- | RosyBrown3
- | RosyBrown4
- | RoyalBlue
- | RoyalBlue1
- | RoyalBlue2
- | RoyalBlue3
- | RoyalBlue4
- | SaddleBrown
- | Salmon
- | Salmon1
- | Salmon2
- | Salmon3
- | Salmon4
- | SandyBrown
- | SeaGreen
- | SeaGreen1
- | SeaGreen2
- | SeaGreen3
- | SeaGreen4
- | SeaShell
- | SeaShell1
- | SeaShell2
- | SeaShell3
- | SeaShell4
- | Sienna
- | Sienna1
- | Sienna2
- | Sienna3
- | Sienna4
- | SkyBlue
- | SkyBlue1
- | SkyBlue2
- | SkyBlue3
- | SkyBlue4
- | SlateBlue
- | SlateBlue1
- | SlateBlue2
- | SlateBlue3
- | SlateBlue4
- | SlateGray
- | SlateGray1
- | SlateGray2
- | SlateGray3
- | SlateGray4
- | Snow
- | Snow1
- | Snow2
- | Snow3
- | Snow4
- | SpringGreen
- | SpringGreen1
- | SpringGreen2
- | SpringGreen3
- | SpringGreen4
- | SteelBlue
- | SteelBlue1
- | SteelBlue2
- | SteelBlue3
- | SteelBlue4
- | Tan
- | Tan1
- | Tan2
- | Tan3
- | Tan4
- | Thistle
- | Thistle1
- | Thistle2
- | Thistle3
- | Thistle4
- | Tomato
- | Tomato1
- | Tomato2
- | Tomato3
- | Tomato4
- | Transparent
- | Turquoise
- | Turquoise1
- | Turquoise2
- | Turquoise3
- | Turquoise4
- | Violet
- | VioletRed
- | VioletRed1
- | VioletRed2
- | VioletRed3
- | VioletRed4
- | Wheat
- | Wheat1
- | Wheat2
- | Wheat3
- | Wheat4
- | White
- | WhiteSmoke
- | Yellow
- | Yellow1
- | Yellow2
- | Yellow3
- | Yellow4
- | YellowGreen
- x11Colour :: X11Color -> AlphaColour Double
The X11 colors that Graphviz uses. Note that these are slightly
different from the "normal" X11 colors used (e.g. the inclusion
of Crimson
). Graphviz's list of colors also duplicated almost
all Gray
colors with Grey
ones; parsing of an X11Color
which is specified using "grey" will succeed, even for those
that don't have the duplicate spelling (e.g. DarkSlateGray1
x11Colour :: X11Color -> AlphaColour DoubleSource
Convert an X11Color
to its equivalent Colour
value. Note
that it uses AlphaColour
because of Transparent
; all other
values are completely opaque.