Maintainer | |
Safe Haskell | None |
This module defines simple helper functions for use with Text.PrettyPrint. It also re-exports all the pretty-printing combinators from that module.
Note that the PrintDot
instances for Bool
, etc. match those
specified for use with Graphviz.
You should only be using this module if you are writing custom node
types for use with Data.GraphViz.Types. For actual printing of
code, use
(which produces a
The Dot language specification specifies that any identifier is in one of four forms:
- Any string of alphabetic ([a-zA-Z\200-\377]) characters, underscores ('_') or digits ([0-9]), not beginning with a digit;
- a number [-]?(.[0-9]+ | [0-9]+(.[0-9]*)? );
- any double-quoted string ("...") possibly containing escaped quotes (\");
- an HTML string (<...>).
(Note that the first restriction is referring to a byte-by-byte
comparison using octal values; when using UTF-8 this corresponds to
all characters c
where ord c >= 128
Due to these restrictions, you should only use text
when you are
sure that the Text
in question is static and quotes are
definitely needed/unneeded; it is better to use the Text
instance for PrintDot
. For more information, see the
specification page:
- module Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text.Monadic
- type DotCode = State GraphvizState Doc
- renderDot :: DotCode -> Text
- class PrintDot a where
- unqtText :: Text -> DotCode
- dotText :: Text -> DotCode
- printIt :: PrintDot a => a -> Text
- addQuotes :: Text -> DotCode -> DotCode
- unqtEscaped :: [Char] -> Text -> DotCode
- printEscaped :: [Char] -> Text -> DotCode
- wrap :: DotCode -> DotCode -> DotCode -> DotCode
- commaDel :: (PrintDot a, PrintDot b) => a -> b -> DotCode
- printField :: PrintDot a => Text -> a -> DotCode
- angled :: DotCode -> DotCode
- fslash :: DotCode
- printColorScheme :: Bool -> ColorScheme -> DotCode
A class used to correctly print parts of the Graphviz Dot language.
Minimal implementation is unqtDot
The unquoted representation, for use when composing values to produce a larger printing value.
The actual quoted representation; this should be quoted if it
contains characters not permitted a plain ID String, a number
or it is not an HTML string. Defaults to unqtDot
unqtListToDot :: [a] -> DotCodeSource
The correct way of representing a list of this value when printed; not all Dot values require this to be implemented. Defaults to Haskell-like list representation.
listToDot :: [a] -> DotCodeSource
The quoted form of unqtListToDot
; defaults to wrapping double
quotes around the result of unqtListToDot
(since the default
implementation has characters that must be quoted).
unqtText :: Text -> DotCodeSource
For use with OverloadedStrings
to avoid ambiguous type variable errors.
dotText :: Text -> DotCodeSource
For use with OverloadedStrings
to avoid ambiguous type variable errors.
printIt :: PrintDot a => a -> TextSource
Convert to DotCode; note that this has no indentation, as we can only have one of indentation and (possibly) infinite line lengths.
unqtEscaped :: [Char] -> Text -> DotCodeSource
Escape the specified chars as well as "
printEscaped :: [Char] -> Text -> DotCodeSource
Escape the specified chars as well as "
and then wrap the
result in quotes.
printField :: PrintDot a => Text -> a -> DotCodeSource
printColorScheme :: Bool -> ColorScheme -> DotCodeSource