Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- type SessionMap = Map Text ByteString
- type SaveSession = SessionMap -> IO [Header]
- newtype SessionBackend = SessionBackend {
- sbLoadSession :: Request -> IO (SessionMap, SaveSession)
- data SessionCookie = SessionCookie !(Either UTCTime ByteString) !ByteString !SessionMap
- data ClientSessionDateCache = ClientSessionDateCache {}
- data YesodRequest = YesodRequest {
- reqGetParams :: ![(Text, Text)]
- reqCookies :: ![(Text, Text)]
- reqWaiRequest :: !Request
- reqLangs :: ![Text]
- reqToken :: !(Maybe Text)
- reqSession :: !SessionMap
- reqAccept :: ![ContentType]
- data YesodResponse
- = YRWai !Response
- | YRWaiApp !Application
- | YRPlain !Status ![Header] !ContentType !Content !SessionMap
- type RequestBodyContents = ([(Text, Text)], [(Text, FileInfo)])
- data FileInfo = FileInfo {
- fileName :: !Text
- fileContentType :: !Text
- fileSourceRaw :: !(ConduitT () ByteString (ResourceT IO) ())
- fileMove :: !(FilePath -> IO ())
- data FileUpload
- = FileUploadMemory !(BackEnd ByteString)
- | FileUploadDisk !(InternalState -> BackEnd FilePath)
- | FileUploadSource !(BackEnd (ConduitT () ByteString (ResourceT IO) ()))
- data Approot master
- = ApprootRelative
- | ApprootStatic !Text
- | ApprootMaster !(master -> Text)
- | ApprootRequest !(master -> Request -> Text)
- type ResolvedApproot = Text
- data AuthResult
- data ScriptLoadPosition master
- = BottomOfBody
- | BottomOfHeadBlocking
- | BottomOfHeadAsync !(BottomOfHeadAsync master)
- type BottomOfHeadAsync master = [Text] -> Maybe (HtmlUrl (Route master)) -> HtmlUrl (Route master)
- type Texts = [Text]
- newtype WaiSubsite = WaiSubsite {}
- newtype WaiSubsiteWithAuth = WaiSubsiteWithAuth {}
- data RunHandlerEnv child site = RunHandlerEnv {
- rheRender :: !(Route site -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text)
- rheRoute :: !(Maybe (Route child))
- rheRouteToMaster :: !(Route child -> Route site)
- rheSite :: !site
- rheChild :: !child
- rheUpload :: !(RequestBodyLength -> FileUpload)
- rheLog :: !(Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO ())
- rheOnError :: !(ErrorResponse -> YesodApp)
- rheMaxExpires :: !Text
- data HandlerData child site = HandlerData {
- handlerRequest :: !YesodRequest
- handlerEnv :: !(RunHandlerEnv child site)
- handlerState :: !(IORef GHState)
- handlerResource :: !InternalState
- data YesodRunnerEnv site = YesodRunnerEnv {
- yreLogger :: !Logger
- yreSite :: !site
- yreSessionBackend :: !(Maybe SessionBackend)
- yreGen :: !(IO Int)
- yreGetMaxExpires :: !(IO Text)
- data YesodSubRunnerEnv sub parent = YesodSubRunnerEnv {
- ysreParentRunner :: !(ParentRunner parent)
- ysreGetSub :: !(parent -> sub)
- ysreToParentRoute :: !(Route sub -> Route parent)
- ysreParentEnv :: !(YesodRunnerEnv parent)
- type ParentRunner parent = HandlerFor parent TypedContent -> YesodRunnerEnv parent -> Maybe (Route parent) -> Application
- newtype HandlerFor site a = HandlerFor {
- unHandlerFor :: HandlerData site site -> IO a
- data GHState = GHState {
- ghsSession :: !SessionMap
- ghsRBC :: !(Maybe RequestBodyContents)
- ghsIdent :: !Int
- ghsCache :: !TypeMap
- ghsCacheBy :: !KeyedTypeMap
- ghsHeaders :: !(Endo [Header])
- type YesodApp = YesodRequest -> ResourceT IO YesodResponse
- newtype WidgetFor site a = WidgetFor {
- unWidgetFor :: WidgetData site -> IO a
- data WidgetData site = WidgetData {}
- tellWidget :: GWData (Route site) -> WidgetFor site ()
- type RY master = Route master -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text
- newtype CssBuilder = CssBuilder {}
- data PageContent url = PageContent {}
- data Content
- = ContentBuilder !Builder !(Maybe Int)
- | ContentSource !(ConduitT () (Flush Builder) (ResourceT IO) ())
- | ContentFile !FilePath !(Maybe FilePart)
- | ContentDontEvaluate !Content
- data TypedContent = TypedContent !ContentType !Content
- type RepHtml = Html
- newtype RepJson = RepJson Content
- newtype RepPlain = RepPlain Content
- newtype RepXml = RepXml Content
- type ContentType = ByteString
- newtype DontFullyEvaluate a = DontFullyEvaluate {
- unDontFullyEvaluate :: a
- data ErrorResponse
- data Header
- data Location url
- newtype UniqueList x = UniqueList ([x] -> [x])
- data Script url = Script {
- scriptLocation :: !(Location url)
- scriptAttributes :: ![(Text, Text)]
- data Stylesheet url = Stylesheet {
- styleLocation :: !(Location url)
- styleAttributes :: ![(Text, Text)]
- newtype Title = Title {}
- newtype Head url = Head (HtmlUrl url)
- newtype Body url = Body (HtmlUrl url)
- type CssBuilderUrl a = (a -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text) -> Builder
- data GWData a = GWData {
- gwdBody :: !(Body a)
- gwdTitle :: !(Last Title)
- gwdScripts :: !(UniqueList (Script a))
- gwdStylesheets :: !(UniqueList (Stylesheet a))
- gwdCss :: !(Map (Maybe Text) (CssBuilderUrl a))
- gwdJavascript :: !(Maybe (JavascriptUrl a))
- gwdHead :: !(Head a)
- data HandlerContents
- = HCContent !Status !TypedContent
- | HCError !ErrorResponse
- | HCSendFile !ContentType !FilePath !(Maybe FilePart)
- | HCRedirect !Status !Text
- | HCCreated !Text
- | HCWai !Response
- | HCWaiApp !Application
- data Logger = Logger {}
- loggerPutStr :: Logger -> LogStr -> IO ()
- newtype SubHandlerFor sub master a = SubHandlerFor {
- unSubHandlerFor :: HandlerData sub master -> IO a
type SessionMap = Map Text ByteString Source #
type SaveSession Source #
= SessionMap | The session contents after running the handler |
-> IO [Header] |
newtype SessionBackend Source #
SessionBackend | |
data SessionCookie Source #
data YesodRequest Source #
The parsed request information. This type augments the standard WAI
with additional information.
YesodRequest | |
data YesodResponse Source #
An augmented WAI Response
. This can either be a standard Response
or a higher-level data structure which Yesod will turn into a Response
type RequestBodyContents = ([(Text, Text)], [(Text, FileInfo)]) Source #
A tuple containing both the POST parameters and submitted files.
FileInfo | |
data FileUpload Source #
FileUploadMemory !(BackEnd ByteString) | |
FileUploadDisk !(InternalState -> BackEnd FilePath) | |
FileUploadSource !(BackEnd (ConduitT () ByteString (ResourceT IO) ())) |
How to determine the root of the application for constructing URLs.
Note that future versions of Yesod may add new constructors without bumping
the major version number. As a result, you should not pattern match on
ApprootRelative | No application root. |
ApprootStatic !Text | |
ApprootMaster !(master -> Text) | |
ApprootRequest !(master -> Request -> Text) |
type ResolvedApproot = Text Source #
data AuthResult Source #
data ScriptLoadPosition master Source #
type BottomOfHeadAsync master Source #
newtype WaiSubsite Source #
Wrap up a normal WAI application as a Yesod subsite. Ignore parent site's middleware and isAuthorized.
ParseRoute WaiSubsite Source # | |
RenderRoute WaiSubsite Source # | |
YesodSubDispatch WaiSubsite master Source # | |
Eq (Route WaiSubsite) Source # | |
Ord (Route WaiSubsite) Source # | |
Read (Route WaiSubsite) Source # | |
Show (Route WaiSubsite) Source # | |
data Route WaiSubsite Source # | |
newtype WaiSubsiteWithAuth Source #
Like WaiSubsite
, but applies parent site's middleware and isAuthorized.
Since: 1.4.34
data RunHandlerEnv child site Source #
RunHandlerEnv | |
data HandlerData child site Source #
HandlerData | |
MonadReader (HandlerData site site) (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
MonadReader (HandlerData child master) (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | |
data YesodRunnerEnv site Source #
YesodRunnerEnv | |
data YesodSubRunnerEnv sub parent Source #
YesodSubRunnerEnv | |
type ParentRunner parent = HandlerFor parent TypedContent -> YesodRunnerEnv parent -> Maybe (Route parent) -> Application Source #
newtype HandlerFor site a Source #
A generic handler monad, which can have a different subsite and master site. We define a newtype for better error message.
HandlerFor | |
Monad (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
Functor (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
Applicative (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
MonadIO (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
MonadUnliftIO (HandlerFor site) Source # | Since: 1.4.38 |
MonadResource (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
MonadThrow (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
MonadLogger (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
MonadLoggerIO (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
MonadHandler (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
MonadReader (HandlerData site site) (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
type HandlerSite (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
type SubHandlerSite (HandlerFor site) Source # | |
GHState | |
type YesodApp = YesodRequest -> ResourceT IO YesodResponse Source #
An extension of the basic WAI Application
datatype to provide extra
features needed by Yesod. Users should never need to use this directly, as
the HandlerT
monad and template haskell code should hide it away.
newtype WidgetFor site a Source #
A generic widget, allowing specification of both the subsite and master
site datatypes. While this is simply a WriterT
, we define a newtype for
better error messages.
WidgetFor | |
((~) * site' site, (~) * a ()) => ToWidget site' (WidgetFor site a) Source # | |
Monad (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
Functor (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
Applicative (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
MonadIO (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
MonadUnliftIO (WidgetFor site) Source # | Since: 1.4.38 |
MonadResource (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
MonadThrow (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
MonadLogger (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
MonadLoggerIO (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
MonadWidget (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
MonadHandler (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
MonadReader (WidgetData site) (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
(~) * a () => IsString (WidgetFor site a) Source # | A For example, in a yesod-scaffold site you could use: getHomeR = do defaultLayout "Widget text" |
(~) * a () => Semigroup (WidgetFor site a) Source # | |
(~) * a () => Monoid (WidgetFor site a) Source # | |
type HandlerSite (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
type SubHandlerSite (WidgetFor site) Source # | |
newtype CssBuilder Source #
Newtype wrapper allowing injection of arbitrary content into CSS.
toWidget $ CssBuilder "p { color: red }"
Since: 1.1.3
ToWidgetHead site CssBuilder Source # | |
ToWidgetMedia site CssBuilder Source # | |
ToWidget site CssBuilder Source # | |
(~) * render (RY site) => ToWidgetHead site (render -> CssBuilder) Source # | |
(~) * render (RY site) => ToWidgetMedia site (render -> CssBuilder) Source # | |
(~) * render (RY site) => ToWidget site (render -> CssBuilder) Source # | |
data PageContent url Source #
Content for a web page. By providing this datatype, we can easily create generic site templates, which would have the type signature:
PageContent url -> HtmlUrl url
ContentBuilder !Builder !(Maybe Int) | The content and optional content length. |
ContentSource !(ConduitT () (Flush Builder) (ResourceT IO) ()) | |
ContentFile !FilePath !(Maybe FilePart) | |
ContentDontEvaluate !Content |
data TypedContent Source #
type ContentType = ByteString Source #
newtype DontFullyEvaluate a Source #
Prevents a response body from being fully evaluated before sending the request.
Since 1.1.0
ToTypedContent a => ToTypedContent (DontFullyEvaluate a) Source # | |
HasContentType a => HasContentType (DontFullyEvaluate a) Source # | |
ToContent a => ToContent (DontFullyEvaluate a) Source # | |
data ErrorResponse Source #
Responses to indicate some form of an error occurred.
Headers to be added to a Result
AddCookie !SetCookie | |
DeleteCookie !ByteString !ByteString | name and path |
Header !(CI ByteString) !ByteString | key and value |
newtype UniqueList x Source #
A diff list that does not directly enforce uniqueness. When creating a widget Yesod will use nub to make it unique.
UniqueList ([x] -> [x]) |
Semigroup (UniqueList x) Source # | |
Monoid (UniqueList x) Source # | |
Script | |
data Stylesheet url Source #
Stylesheet | |
Eq url => Eq (Stylesheet url) Source # | |
Show url => Show (Stylesheet url) Source # | |
GWData | |
data HandlerContents Source #
newtype SubHandlerFor sub master a Source #
A handler monad for subsite
Since: 1.6.0
SubHandlerFor | |
Monad (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | |
Functor (SubHandlerFor sub master) Source # | |
Applicative (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | |
MonadIO (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | |
MonadUnliftIO (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | Since: 1.4.38 |
MonadResource (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | |
MonadThrow (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | |
MonadLogger (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | |
MonadLoggerIO (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | |
MonadHandler (SubHandlerFor sub master) Source # | |
MonadReader (HandlerData child master) (SubHandlerFor child master) Source # | |
type HandlerSite (SubHandlerFor sub master) Source # | |
type SubHandlerSite (SubHandlerFor sub master) Source # | |