Packages tagged browser

9 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (8), web (5), program (4), bsd3 (3), gpl (3), testing (3), selenium (2), webdriver (2), deprecated (1), geckodriver (1), manatee (1), network (1)

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
GoogleSuggest120.02Interface to Google Suggest API (browser, gpl, library)2010-10-010.0.4AndyStewart
diohsc352.00Gemini client (browser, gpl, program)2024-11-090.1.16mbays
hbro530.02Minimal extensible web-browser (browser, library, program, web)2016-11-
hbro-contrib190.01Third-party extensions to hbro. (browser, library, program, web)2016-11-
manatee-browser130.02Browser extension for Manatee. (browser, gpl, library, manatee, network, program)2011-05-140.1.1AndyStewart
web-browser-in-haskell30.01Web Browser In Haskell (browser, library)2014-05-121.0AkashJagdhane
webdriver832.010a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol (browser, bsd3, library, selenium, testing, web, webdriver)2024-11-, MichaelSnoyman, thomasjm
webdriver-snoy (deprecated in favor of webdriver)80.01a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol (deprecated) (browser, bsd3, deprecated, library, testing, web)2014-10-
webdriver-wrapper160.00Wrapper around the webdriver package that automatically manages Selenium (browser, bsd3, geckodriver, library, selenium, testing, web, webdriver)2024-10-