Packages tagged functions

10 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (10), bsd3 (5), combinators (4), utility (4), data (3), mit (3), acme (2), apache (2), compiler-plugin (1), control (1)

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
apply-unordered20.00Apply a function to an argument specified by a type level Nat (acme, bsd3, compiler-plugin, functions, library)2021-03-261.0MichaelSloan
apply-unordered-mono80.00Apply functions to arguments in an unordered type-directed fashion (acme, bsd3, functions, library)2021-03-261.0MichaelSloan
flow912.510Write more understandable Haskell. (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)2025-02-
flow-er50.01More directional operators (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)2016-06-131.0.3expede
invert102.00Automatically generate a function’s inverse (apache, functions, library)2025-01-, Monoid_Mary
op60.00Common operators encouraging large-scale easy reading (apache, combinators, control, functions, library, utility)2019-12-
overhang122.251Hang loose with your lambdas! (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)2018-02-021.0.0jship
poly-arity240.02Tools for working with functions of undetermined arity (bsd3, data, functions, library)2017-03-190.1.0athanclark
variadic-function100.01Create and transform functions with variable arity. (bsd3, data, functions, library)2021-07-
wrap130.01Wrap a function's return value with another function (bsd3, data, functions, library)2015-02-060.0.0ChrisDone