Packages tagged git

15 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (14), bsd3 (7), program (4), development (3), cli-tool (2), deprecated (2), mit (2), mpl (2), public-domain (2), bindings (1), bsd2 (1), database (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
cli-git120.01Bindings to the git command-line interface (bindings, bsd3, git, library)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, alexfmpe, maralorn, madeline_os, ymeister
git-brunch332.00git checkout command-line tool (bsd3, git, program)2023-09-
git-config240.01A simple parser for Git configuration files (bsd3, git, library)2019-11-170.1.2ffreire
git-cuk22.00Haskell Git Helper Tool (cli-tool, git, library, mpl, program)2020-07-170.0.1shitiomatic
git-embed (deprecated in favor of githash)62.01Use TH to embed Git repo information. (bsd2, deprecated, git, library)2014-12-150.1.0borsboom
gitlab-haskell622.50A Haskell library for the GitLab web API (bsd3, git, library)2025-03-
gitlib-cmdline180.01Gitlib repository backend that uses the git command-line tool. (git, library, mit)2015-05-
gitlib-s3200.01Gitlib repository backend for storing Git objects in Amazon S3 (git, library, mit)2015-01-
gitson (deprecated)120.01A document store library for Git + JSON. (database, deprecated, git, json, library, public-domain)2016-07-210.5.2valpackett
hit-graph20.01Use graph algorithms to access and manipulate Git repos (development, git, graphs, library, public-domain)2016-04-090.1akrasner
hit-on32.00Haskell Git Helper Tool (cli-tool, git, library, mpl, program)2019-08-
miss20.01A Haskell git implimentation (bsd3, development, git, library)2018-12-300AlecHeller, davean
miss-porcelain30.00Useability extras built on top of miss. (bsd3, development, git, library)2018-12-300AlecHeller, davean
nix-thunk200.00Lightweight dependency management with Nix (bsd3, git, library, nix, program)2025-01-, abrar, alexfmpe, maralorn, madeline_os, ymeister
restless-git180.01Easy Git repository serialization (git, gpl, library)2018-10-060.7mbrock