Packages tagged nix

40 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (36), program (19), bsd3 (18), apache (14), distribution (8), mit (6), ci (4), devops (4), testing (4), api (2), data (2), deprecated (2), system (2), agpl (1), application (1), bindings (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
autonix-deps (deprecated)60.02Library for Nix expression dependency generation (bsd3, deprecated, library, nix)2015-06-
autonix-deps-kf5 (deprecated)70.01Generate dependencies for KDE 5 Nix expressions (bsd3, deprecated, library, nix, program)2015-06-
cabal2nix1680.04Convert Cabal files into Nix build instructions. (bsd3, distribution, library, nix, program)2022-10-232.19.1PeterSimons, sternenseemann, jophish, cdepillabout, maralorn, expipiplus1
cachix560.00Command-line client for Nix binary cache hosting (apache, library, nix, program)2025-01-231.7.6domenkozar
cachix-api430.01Servant HTTP API specification for (apache, library, nix)2025-01-231.7.6domenkozar
cli-nix130.01Bindings to the nix command-line interface (bindings, bsd3, library, nix)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, alexfmpe, maralorn, madeline_os, ymeister
dhall-nixpkgs170.00Convert Dhall projects to Nix packages (bsd3, nix, program)2023-04-191.0.10GabrielGonzalez, sjakobi
distribution-nixpkgs490.04Types and functions to manipulate the Nixpkgs distribution (bsd3, distribution, library, nix)2024-12-, sternenseemann, jophish, cdepillabout, maralorn, expipiplus1
haskell-overridez122.01Manage nix overrides for haskell packages (bsd3, distribution, nix, program)2018-07-
hercules-ci-agent410.01Runs Continuous Integration tasks on your machines (apache, ci, devops, library, nix, program, testing)2024-11-150.10.5RobertHensing
hercules-ci-api-agent320.02API definition for Hercules CI Agent to talk to or Hercules CI Enterprise (apache, api, ci, devops, library, nix, testing)2024-02-
hercules-ci-api-core120.04Types and convenience modules use across Hercules CI API packages (apache, api, ci, devops, library, nix, testing)2024-05-
hercules-ci-cnix-expr490.02Bindings for the Nix evaluator (apache, ci, devops, library, nix, testing)2024-11-
hercules-ci-cnix-store420.04Haskell bindings for Nix's libstore (apache, library, nix)2024-11-
hnix632.259Haskell implementation of the Nix language (bsd3, data, library, nix, system)2023-11-200.17.0JohnWiegley, sjakobi, AntonLatukha
hnix-store-core390.07Core types used for interacting with the Nix store. (apache, library, nix)2024-07-310.8.0.0imalsogreg, shlevy, srk, AntonLatukha
hnix-store-db20.00Nix store database support (apache, library, nix)2024-07-310.1.0.0srk
hnix-store-json60.01JSON serialization for core types (apache, library, nix)2024-07-310.1.0.0srk
hnix-store-nar80.03NAR file format (apache, library, nix)2024-10-
hnix-store-readonly60.00Read-only Nix store (apache, library, nix)2024-07-310.1.0.0srk
hnix-store-remote310.01Remote hnix store (apache, library, nix)2024-07-310.7.0.0shlevy, srk, AntonLatukha
hnix-store-tests60.01Test utilities and instances (apache, library, nix)2024-07-310.1.0.0srk
horizon-gen-nix80.00Generate nix expressions from horizon-spec definitions (library, mit, nix, package-management, program)2023-02-040.6locallycompact
jenkinsPlugins2nix160.00Generate nix for Jenkins plugins. (bsd3, library, nix, program)2021-08-, ThomasBach
language-nix310.05Data types and functions to represent the Nix language (bsd3, distribution, language, library, nix)2019-09-212.2.0PeterSimons, sternenseemann, jophish, cdepillabout, maralorn, expipiplus1
libnix81.751Bindings to the nix package manager (foreign, gpl, library, nix)2021-11-, chris_martin
nix-freeze-tree50.00Convert a tree of files into fixed-output derivations (agpl, application, library, nix, program)2023-12-
nix-graph80.00Reify the Nix build graph into a Haskell graph data structure (bsd3, graphs, library, nix, program)2022-05-, evanrelf, jsoo
nix-narinfo140.02Parse and render .narinfo files (bsd3, library, nix, program)2024-03-
nix-paths190.02Knowledge of Nix's installation directories. (bsd3, distribution, library, nix)2017-12-051.0.1PeterSimons
nix-thunk200.00Lightweight dependency management with Nix (bsd3, git, library, nix, program)2025-01-, abrar, alexfmpe, maralorn, madeline_os, ymeister
nixfromnpm130.01Generate nix expressions from npm packages. (mit, nix, program, tools)2016-07-140.10.1thinkpad20
nvfetcher210.00Generate nix sources expr for the latest version of packages (library, mit, nix, program)2024-11-
runmany50.01Run multiple commands, interleaving output and errors (bsd3, data, nix, program, system)2018-04-260.1.3JohnWiegley
servant-nix20.01Servant Nix content-type (bsd3, library, nix, servant, web)2018-06-130.1AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
simple-nix60.02Simple parsing/pretty printing for Nix expressions (library, mit, nix)2015-06-
stack2nix100.00Convert stack.yaml files into Nix build instructions. (distribution, library, mit, nix, program)2019-04-290.2.3domenkozar, iohk_devops
stackage2nix110.00Convert Stack files into Nix build instructions. (bsd3, distribution, library, nix, program)2018-07-260.7.2mniip, typeable, dbushev
update-nix-fetchgit380.00A program to update fetchgit values in Nix expressions (bsd3, library, nix, program)2022-12-120.2.11jophish, srk, jpierre03, expipiplus1
yarn2nix70.00Convert yarn.lock files to nix expressions (distribution, library, mit, nix, program)2022-03-280.10.1Profpatsch