Packages tagged parallelism
38 packages have this tag.
[Merge tag] (trustees only)Related tags: library (37), bsd3 (32), control (13), concurrency (8), data (7), compilers-interpreters (6), distributed-computing (6), mit (6), arrows (5), monads (5), accelerate (4), logic (4), program (4), data-structures (2), deprecated (2), ...
Name |
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Maintainers |
LogicGrowsOnTrees | 10 | 0.0 | 4 | a parallel implementation of logic programming using distributed tree exploration | (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, logic, parallelism) | 2014-03-09 | | GregoryCrosswhite |
LogicGrowsOnTrees-MPI | 6 | 0.0 | 1 | an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses MPI | (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, logic, parallelism) | 2014-03-09 | | GregoryCrosswhite |
LogicGrowsOnTrees-network | 17 | 0.0 | 1 | an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses multiple processes running in a network | (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, logic, parallelism) | 2016-04-05 | | GregoryCrosswhite |
LogicGrowsOnTrees-processes | 6 | 0.0 | 1 | an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses multiple processes for parallelism | (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, logic, parallelism) | 2014-03-09 | | GregoryCrosswhite |
Parallel-Arrows-BaseSpec | 8 | 0.0 | 1 | BaseSpecs used for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ and Co. | (arrows, library, mit, parallelism) | 2018-01-18 | | s4ke |
Parallel-Arrows-Definition | 7 | 0.0 | 4 | Multithreaded evaluation using Arrows. | (arrows, library, mit, parallelism) | 2018-01-18 | | s4ke |
Parallel-Arrows-Eden | 3 | 0.0 | 1 | Eden based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@. | (arrows, library, mit, parallelism) | 2018-01-18 | | s4ke |
Parallel-Arrows-Multicore | 6 | 0.0 | 1 | GpH based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ in a multicore variant. | (arrows, library, mit, parallelism) | 2018-01-18 | | s4ke |
Parallel-Arrows-ParMonad | 13 | 0.0 | 1 | Par Monad (@monad-par@) based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@. | (arrows, library, mit, parallelism) | 2018-01-18 | | s4ke |
abstract-par | 51 | 0.0 | 11 | Type classes generalizing the functionality of the 'monad-par' library. | (bsd3, control, library, monads, parallelism) | 2013-11-06 | 0.3.3 | RyanNewton |
abstract-par-accelerate | 6 | 0.0 | 2 | Provides the class ParAccelerate, nothing more. | (bsd3, library, parallelism) | 2012-05-14 | 0.3.3 | RyanNewton |
accelerate | 53 | 2.5 | 44 | An embedded language for accelerated array processing | (accelerate, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, library, parallelism) | 2020-08-28 | | ManuelChakravarty, TrevorMcDonell |
accelerate-cuda (deprecated in favor of accelerate-llvm-ptx) | 18 | 0.0 | 8 | Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs | (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, deprecated, library, parallelism) | 2017-03-31 | | ManuelChakravarty, TrevorMcDonell |
accelerate-llvm | 16 | 0.0 | 6 | Accelerate backend component generating LLVM IR | (accelerate, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, library, parallelism) | 2020-08-28 | | TrevorMcDonell |
accelerate-llvm-native | 16 | 0.0 | 5 | Accelerate backend for multicore CPUs | (accelerate, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, library, parallelism) | 2020-08-28 | | TrevorMcDonell |
accelerate-llvm-ptx | 15 | 2.0 | 5 | Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs | (accelerate, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, library, parallelism) | 2020-08-28 | | TrevorMcDonell |
accelerate-utility | 7 | 0.0 | 5 | Utility functions for the Accelerate framework | (bsd3, library, parallelism) | 2018-03-17 | | HenningThielemann |
cnc-spec-compiler | 4 | 0.0 | 1 | Compiler/Translator for CnC Specification Files. | (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, parallelism, program) | 2011-08-12 | | RyanNewton |
concurrent-supply | 33 | 2.0 | 5 | A fast concurrent unique identifier supply with a pure API | (bsd3, concurrency, library, parallelism) | 2016-01-17 | 0.1.8 | EdwardKmett |
edenmodules | 5 | 0.0 | 3 | Semi-explicit parallel programming library | (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, eden, library, parallelism) | 2014-04-06 | | MischaDieterle, JostBerthold, horstmeyer |
fpnla-examples | 4 | 0.0 | 1 | Example implementations for FPNLA library | (bsd3, library, math, parallelism) | 2014-02-04 | 0.1.1 | mblanco |
gang-of-threads | 14 | 0.0 | 1 | Non-deterministic parallelism with bags | (bsd3, control, library, parallelism) | 2014-07-22 | 3.2.1 | bholst |
haskell-cnc | 9 | 0.0 | 1 | Library for parallel programming in the Intel Concurrent Collections paradigm. | (bsd3, control, library, parallelism, program) | 2011-08-12 | | RyanNewton |
hdph | 3 | 0.0 | 1 | Haskell distributed parallel Haskell | (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, monads, parallelism, program) | 2013-02-07 | 0.0.1 | PatrickMaier |
longshot | 10 | 1.5 | 0 | Fast Brute-force search using parallelism | (algorithm, cryptography, library, mit, parallelism, program, search) | 2021-12-13 | | thyeem |
massiv | 103 | 2.5 | 15 | Massiv (Массив) is an Array Library. | (array, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, parallelism) | 2025-01-12 | | lehins |
massiv-scheduler (deprecated in favor of scheduler) | 9 | 2.0 | 0 | Work stealing scheduler for Massiv (Массив) and other parallel applications. | (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library, parallelism) | 2019-03-27 | | lehins |
massiv-test | 38 | 0.0 | 0 | Library that contains generators, properties and tests for Massiv Array Library. | (bsd3, data, data-structures, library, parallelism) | 2025-01-12 | | lehins |
meta-par | 3 | 0.0 | 2 | Provides the monad-par interface, but based on modular scheduler "mix-ins". | (bsd3, control, library, monads, parallelism) | 2012-05-04 | 0.3 | RyanNewton |
meta-par-accelerate | 11 | 0.0 | 1 | Support for integrated Accelerate computations within Meta-par. | (bsd3, library, parallelism) | 2012-05-14 | 0.3.5 | RyanNewton |
monad-par | 87 | 2.25 | 17 | A library for parallel programming based on a monad | (bsd3, control, library, monads, parallelism) | 2023-09-28 | 0.3.6 | OliverCharles, RyanNewton, SimonMarlow |
monad-par-extras | 52 | 0.0 | 5 | Combinators and extra features for Par monads | (bsd3, control, library, monads, parallelism) | 2013-07-12 | 0.3.3 | RyanNewton |
parallel | 213 | 2.0 | 206 | Parallel programming library | (bsd3, control, library, parallelism) | 2018-07-13 | | AustinSeipp, BenGamari, HerbertValerioRiedel, IanLynagh, SimonMarlow, wz1000 |
pooled-io | 30 | 0.0 | 3 | Run jobs on a limited number of threads and support data dependencies | (bsd3, library, parallelism) | 2023-02-15 | | HenningThielemann |
scan-vector-machine | 16 | 0.0 | 1 | An implementation of the Scan Vector Machine instruction set in Haskell | (bsd3, library, parallelism) | 2012-02-04 | 0.2.7 | AdamMegacz |
scheduler | 100 | 2.25 | 5 | Work stealing scheduler. | (bsd3, concurrency, library, parallelism) | 2025-01-14 | | lehins |
schedyield | 3 | 0.0 | 1 | Exposes standard POSIX function sched_yield. | (bsd3, library, parallelism, system) | 2012-07-03 | 1.0 | MichalGajda |
wigner-ville-accelerate | 11 | 0.0 | 1 | Wigner-ville transform using the Accelerate library | (bsd3, library, parallelism, time-frequency-distributions) | 2017-10-24 | | Haskell_Mouse |