Packages tagged arrows

9 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (9), mit (8), parallelism (5), combinators (4), control (4), data (3), program (3), aws (1), bsd3 (1), cloud (1), json (1), numerical (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
Parallel-Arrows-BaseSpec80.01BaseSpecs used for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ and Co. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)2018-01-
Parallel-Arrows-Definition60.04Multithreaded evaluation using Arrows. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)2018-01-
Parallel-Arrows-Eden30.01Eden based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)2018-01-
Parallel-Arrows-Multicore50.01GpH based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ in a multicore variant. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)2018-01-
Parallel-Arrows-ParMonad130.01Par Monad (@monad-par@) based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)2018-01-
arrow-utils80.00functions for working with arrows (arrows, bsd3, combinators, control, library)2024-11-110.1.2miguel_negrao
porcupine-core42.02Express portable, composable and reusable data tasks and pipelines (arrows, combinators, control, data, json, library, mit, numerical, pipes, program, streaming)2019-10-
porcupine-http30.00A location accessor for porcupine to connect to HTTP sources/sinks (arrows, combinators, control, data, library, mit, program, web)2019-10-
porcupine-s330.00A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks (arrows, aws, cloud, combinators, control, data, library, mit, program)2019-10-