Packages tagged random

22 packages have this tag.

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Related tags: library (22), bsd3 (12), mit (7), data (3), program (3), apache (2), cryptography (2), deprecated (2), fake (2), fakedata (2), vector (2), algorithm (1), application (1), codec (1), configuration (1), control (1), generic (1), gpl (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
AC-Random70.01A pure Haskell PRNG. (bsd3, library, random)2011-08-250.1AndrewCoppin
Random12390.01Haskell port of Random123 library (library, mit, random)2015-03-200.2.0BogdanOpanchuk
boltzmann-samplers190.03Uniform random generators (data, generic, library, mit, random)2018-04-
boots-app110.02Factory for quickly building an application (application, configuration, health, library, logger, mit, program, random)2019-09-
choose20.01Choose random elements from a stream. (apache, library, random)2016-10-
fakedata930.03Library for producing fake data (bsd3, fake, fakedata, library, random)2024-10-201.0.5psibi
fakedata-quickcheck70.00Fake a -> Gen a (fake, fakedata, library, mit, random)2021-06-220.2.0psibi, Jappie
freer-simple-random40.01Random number generators using freer-simple (control, library, mit, random)2018-11-
grfn60.00Uniformly-random pre-factored numbers (Kalai) (algorithm, bsd3, library, numbers, program, random)2024-06-
mt19937110.00Standard 32-bit Mersenne Twister PRNG, in pure Haskell (cryptography, data, library, mit, random)2024-07-140.1.1raehik
mwc-probability-transition (deprecated)200.01A Markov stochastic transition operator with logging (bsd3, deprecated, library, numeric, random, science, scientific-simulation, statistical-modeling, statistics)2018-05-230.4ocramz
pcgen40.01A fast, pseudorandom number generator. (apache, library, random)2017-07-052.0.1Lokathor
perfect-vector-shuffle180.00Library for performing vector shuffles (bsd3, library, program, random, vector)2024-06-
rand-vars30.01Random variable library, with Functor, Applicative and Monad instances. (bsd3, library, random)2013-01-070.1RomainEdelmann
rando152.02Easy-to-use randomness for livecoding (gpl, library, random)2018-03-310.0.0.4TomMurphy
random-class (deprecated)110.01Class of random value generation (bsd3, deprecated, library, random)2017-12-
rng-utils150.01RNG within an IORef for convenient concurrent use (bsd3, data, library, random)2020-09-230.3.1DougBeardsley, MichaelXavier, OzgunAtaman
sfmt40.01SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister(SFMT) binding. (bsd3, library, math, random)2015-04-140.1.1HirotomoMoriwaki
splitmix4952.018Fast Splittable PRNG (bsd3, library, random, system)2024-12-190.1.1phadej
tf-random1392.018High-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator (bsd3, library, random)2014-04-090.5MichalPalka
threefish150.03The Threefish block cipher and the Skein hash function for Haskell. (bsd3, codec, cryptography, library, random)2013-12-190.2.6AntonEkblad
vector-shuffling50.01Algorithms for vector shuffling (library, mit, random, vector)2018-04-031.1NikitaVolkov, effectfully, IrinaArtemeva, vlastachu