Packages tagged application

55 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: program (51), bsd3 (30), library (23), console (9), gpl (8), deprecated (7), mit (6), compilers-interpreters (5), web (5), apache (3), graphics (3), text (3), network (2), servant (2), swagger (2), utils (2), agpl (1), animation (1), command-line-tool (1), commandline (1), configuration (1), consul (1), development (1), education (1), factory (1), game (1), graphs (1), health (1), image-viewer (1), images (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
Gifcurry312.01GIF creation utility. (application, bsd3, graphics, library, program)2018-03-
Hmpf30.01An MPD client designed for a Home Theatre PC (application, program)2007-08-120.1TomBevan
LambdaINet70.01Graphical Interaction Net Evaluator for Optimal Evaluation (application, bsd3, program)2014-09-
animascii (deprecated)50.01text-file based ASCII animator (application, deprecated, gpl, program)2018-03-
ar-timestamp-wiper50.01Wipes time stamps from .a files (like ar -D) (application, library, mit, program)2013-08-070.1.0NiklasHambuechen, PatrickChilton
bein (deprecated)90.01Bein is a provenance and workflow management system for bioinformatics. (application, deprecated, gpl, program)2010-05-280.3.3FrederickRoss
black-jewel40.01The pirate bay client. (application, gpl, program)2013-05-
boots150.03IoC Monad in Haskell (application, factory, ioc, library, mit, monad)2019-09-
boots-app110.02Factory for quickly building an application (application, configuration, health, library, logger, mit, program, random)2019-09-
boots-cloud (deprecated)30.00Factory for quickly building a microservice (application, consul, deprecated, library, microservice, mit, servant, swagger, web)2019-08-280.2leptonyu
boots-web (deprecated)30.01Factory for quickly building a web application (application, deprecated, library, mit, servant, swagger, web)2019-09-
cantor70.01Application for analysis of java source code (application, bsd3, program, source-code-analysis)2014-12-250.4klangner
choose-exe20.01Command-line program to choose random element from a stream. (apache, application, library, program)2016-10-
coin80.01Simple account manager (application, program)2017-06-131.2.1piotrborek
cursedcsv62.01Terminal tool for viewing tabular data (application, bsd3, program)2021-08-120.1.4GershomBazerman
download-media-content40.01Simple tool to download images from RSS feeds (e.g. Flickr, Picasa) (application, bsd3, program)2011-08-
epub-tools280.01Command line utilities for working with epub files (application, console, program)2024-01-233.2DinoMorelli
epubname (deprecated in favor of epub-tools)60.01Rename epub ebook files based on meta information (application, bsd3, console, deprecated, program)2011-02-222.3.2DinoMorelli
follower20.01Follow Tweets anonymously (application, console, gpl, program, web)2011-01-230.0.1EmreBasar
ghclive40.01Interactive Haskell interpreter in a browser. (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program, web)2012-08-
gotta-go-fast140.01A command line utility for practicing typing (application, bsd3, program)2022-05-
graph-rewriting-cl (deprecated in favor of graph-rewriting-trs)30.01Interactive graph rewriting system implementing various well-known combinators (application, bsd3, deprecated, graphs, program)2011-02-070.2.2JanRochel
graph-rewriting-lambdascope450.01Lambdascope, an optimal evaluator of the lambda calculus (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)2024-03-180.5.11JanRochel
graph-rewriting-ski390.01Two interactive evalutors of the SKI combinator calculus (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)2024-03-180.6.8JanRochel
graph-rewriting-trs240.01Interactive evaluation of first-order applicative term rewrite systems (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)2024-03-180.1.10JanRochel
graph-rewriting-ww230.01Interactive evaluator of the lambda-calculus with explicit sharing (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)2024-03-180.3.8JanRochel
hascard250.00A TUI for reviewing notes using 'flashcards' written with markdown-like syntax. (application, bsd3, library, program)2024-10-
haskell-pdf-presenter110.01Tool for presenting PDF-based presentations. (application, gpl, graphics, image-viewer, pdf, program)2014-01-200.2.5MichaelAdams
hoodle210.01Executable for hoodle (application, gpl, library, program)2016-07-250.5IanWooKim
hoodle-core240.02Core library for hoodle (application, bsd3, library)2016-07-250.16.0IanWooKim
hoodle-extra30.01extra hoodle tools (application, gpl, program)2014-07-140.1IanWooKim
hoodle-publish60.02publish hoodle files as a static web site (application, bsd3, library, program)2016-07-250.2.1IanWooKim
hscrtmpl140.01Haskell shell script templates (application, console, program, scripting)2023-07-082.0DinoMorelli
hxournal260.01A pen notetaking program written in haskell (application, bsd3, library, program)2012-09-
imj-game-hamazed22.00A game with flying numbers and 8-bit color animations. (animation, application, bsd3, education, game, graphics, library, program)2018-01-
iptadmin120.01web-interface for iptables (application, bsd3, program, system, tools, web)2013-05-191.3.4EvgenyTarasov
kmonad92.00Advanced keyboard remapping utility (application, library, mit, program)2024-09-110.4.3david_janssen, TonyZorman
lsystem20.01Paint an L-System Grammar (application, bsd3, program)2011-10-251.2CarlosGomez
movie-monad82.01Plays videos using GStreamer and GTK+. (application, bsd3, multimedia, multimedia-player, program, video)2018-04-
nix-freeze-tree50.00Convert a tree of files into fixed-output derivations (agpl, application, library, nix, program)2023-12-
opn60.01Open files or URLs using associated programs. (application, bsd3, console, program)2017-12-300.1.3AndersClaesson
pb20.01pastebin command line application (application, bsd3, console, network, program, utils)2010-08-150.1.0DominikPicheta
perceptual-hash472.00Find duplicate images (application, bsd3, commandline, images, library, program)2023-11-
photoname200.01Rename photo image files based on EXIF shoot date (application, console, library, program)2024-11-215.4DinoMorelli
squeeze270.01A file-packing application. (application, library, program, utils)2020-08-
sshtun80.01Wrapper daemon to manage an ssh tunnel (application, bsd3, network, program)2012-04-261.0.0DinoMorelli
text-replace202.00Simple text replacements from a list of search/replace pairs (apache, application, library, program, text)2023-01-
themplate60.01Project templating tool (application, bsd3, console, development, program, template)2015-07-081.2BennoFuenfstueck
thimk (deprecated in favor of spelling-suggest)40.01Command-line spelling word suggestion tool (application, bsd3, console, deprecated, program, text)2010-09-130.3.1BartonMassey
traypoweroff40.01Tray Icon application to PowerOff / Reboot computer (application, bsd3, program)2010-04-081.0.0LuisCabellos
weatherhs20.00Weather and related data info command-line tool (application, command-line-tool, gpl, program)2022-09-011.0.0NH000
weekdaze50.00A school-timetable problem-solver. (application, library, program, teaching)2020-08-
wordlist92.00Command-line tool to get random words (apache, application, library, program, text)2023-03-
xkcd40.01Downloads the most recent xkcd comic. (application, bsd3, program)2012-08-050.1.1RobertSelvek
xournal-convert50.01convert utility for xoj files (application, bsd3, library, program)2012-02-170.1.1IanWooKim