module Data.HList.RecordU where
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.HList.FakePrelude
import Data.HList.Record
import Data.HList.HList
import Data.HList.HArray
import LensDefs
import Data.HList.Labelable
import Unsafe.Coerce
newtype RecordUS (x :: [*]) =
RecordUS Any
class RecordUSCxt (x :: [*]) (u :: [*]) | x -> u, u -> x where
recordUSToHList :: RecordUS x -> HList u
recordUSToHList (RecordUS Any
x) = Any -> HList u
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce Any
hListToRecordUS :: HList u -> RecordUS x
hListToRecordUS HList u
x = Any -> RecordUS x
forall (x :: [*]). Any -> RecordUS x
RecordUS (HList u -> Any
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce HList u
instance (HGroupBy EqTagValue x g, HMapUnboxF g u) => RecordUSCxt x u
data EqTagValue
instance HEqByFn EqTagValue
instance (txv ~ Tagged x v,
tyw ~ Tagged y w,
HEq v w b) => HEqBy EqTagValue txv tyw b
class HMapUnboxF (xs :: [*]) (us :: [*]) | xs -> us, us -> xs
instance HMapUnboxF '[] '[]
instance HMapUnboxF xs us => HMapUnboxF (HList x ': xs) (RecordU x ': us)
instance (RecordUSCxt x u, Show (HList u)) => Show (RecordUS x) where
showsPrec :: Int -> RecordUS x -> ShowS
showsPrec Int
n RecordUS x
r = (String
"RecordUS " String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++) ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Int -> HList u -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec Int
n (RecordUS x -> HList u
forall (x :: [*]) (u :: [*]).
RecordUSCxt x u =>
RecordUS x -> HList u
recordUSToHList RecordUS x
newtype RecordU l = RecordU (UArray Int (GetElemTy l))
type family GetElemTy (x :: [*]) :: *
type instance GetElemTy (Tagged label v ': rest) = v
deriving instance (Show (UArray Int (GetElemTy l))) => Show (RecordU l)
deriving instance (Read (UArray Int (GetElemTy l))) => Read (RecordU l)
deriving instance (Eq (UArray Int (GetElemTy l))) => Eq (RecordU l)
deriving instance (Ord (UArray Int (GetElemTy l))) => Ord (RecordU l)
class SortForRecordUS x x' | x -> x' where
sortForRecordUS :: Record x -> Record x'
instance SortForRecordUS '[] '[] where
sortForRecordUS :: Record '[] -> Record '[]
sortForRecordUS = Record '[] -> Record '[]
forall a. a -> a
instance (HPartitionEq EqTagValue x (x ': xs) xi xo,
SortForRecordUS xo xo',
sorted ~ HAppendListR xi xo',
HAppendList xi xo') =>
SortForRecordUS (x ': xs) sorted where
sortForRecordUS :: Record (x : xs) -> Record sorted
sortForRecordUS (Record HList (x : xs)
xs) = HList sorted -> Record sorted
forall (r :: [*]). HList r -> Record r
Record (HList xi -> HList xo' -> HList (HAppendListR xi xo')
forall (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]).
HAppendList l1 l2 =>
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2)
hAppendList HList xi
xi HList xo'
f :: Proxy EqTagValue
f = Proxy EqTagValue
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy EqTagValue
x1 :: Proxy x
x1 = Proxy x
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy x
(HList xi
xi,HList xo
xo) = Proxy EqTagValue
-> Proxy x -> HList (x : xs) -> (HList xi, HList xo)
forall {k} {k1} (f :: k) (x1 :: k1) (xs :: [*]) (xi :: [*])
(xo :: [*]).
HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo =>
Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
hPartitionEq Proxy EqTagValue
f Proxy x
x1 HList (x : xs)
Record HList xo'
xo' = Record xo -> Record xo'
forall (x :: [*]) (x' :: [*]).
SortForRecordUS x x' =>
Record x -> Record x'
sortForRecordUS (HList xo -> Record xo
forall (r :: [*]). HList r -> Record r
Record HList xo
instance (HFindLabel l r n,
HLookupByHNatUS n u (Tagged l v),
HasField l (Record r) v,
RecordUSCxt r u) =>
HasField l (RecordUS r) v where
hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> RecordUS r -> v
hLookupByLabel Label l
_ RecordUS r
u = case Proxy n -> HList u -> Tagged l v
forall (n :: HNat) (us :: [*]) e.
HLookupByHNatUS n us e =>
Proxy n -> HList us -> e
hLookupByHNatUS Proxy n
n (RecordUS r -> HList u
forall (x :: [*]) (u :: [*]).
RecordUSCxt x u =>
RecordUS x -> HList u
recordUSToHList RecordUS r
u) of Tagged v
v -> v
where n :: Proxy n
n = Proxy n
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy n
class HLookupByHNatUS (n :: HNat) (us :: [*]) (e :: *) | n us -> e where
hLookupByHNatUS :: Proxy n -> HList us -> e
class HLookupByHNatUS1 (r :: Either HNat HNat) (n :: HNat) (u :: [*]) (us :: [*]) (e :: *)
| r n u us -> e where
hLookupByHNatUS1 :: Proxy r -> Proxy n -> RecordU u -> HList us -> e
instance (r ~ HSubtract (HLength u) n,
RecordU u ~ ru,
HLookupByHNatUS1 r n u us e) =>
HLookupByHNatUS n (ru ': us) e where
hLookupByHNatUS :: Proxy n -> HList (ru : us) -> e
hLookupByHNatUS Proxy n
n (HCons ru
u HList us
us) = Proxy r -> Proxy n -> RecordU u -> HList us -> e
forall (r :: Either HNat HNat) (n :: HNat) (u :: [*]) (us :: [*])
HLookupByHNatUS1 r n u us e =>
Proxy r -> Proxy n -> RecordU u -> HList us -> e
hLookupByHNatUS1 (Proxy r
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy r) Proxy n
n ru
RecordU u
u HList us
instance (HNat2Integral n,
HLookupByHNatR n u ~ le,
le ~ Tagged l e,
IArray UArray e,
e ~ GetElemTy u) => HLookupByHNatUS1 (Left t) n u us le where
hLookupByHNatUS1 :: Proxy ('Left t) -> Proxy n -> RecordU u -> HList us -> le
hLookupByHNatUS1 Proxy ('Left t)
_ Proxy n
n (RecordU UArray Int (GetElemTy u)
u) HList us
_us = e -> Tagged l e
forall {k} (s :: k) b. b -> Tagged s b
Tagged (UArray Int e
UArray Int (GetElemTy u)
u UArray Int e -> Int -> e
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
a i e -> i -> e
! Proxy n -> Int
forall i. Integral i => Proxy n -> i
forall (n :: HNat) i. (HNat2Integral n, Integral i) => Proxy n -> i
hNat2Integral Proxy n
instance HLookupByHNatUS t us e => HLookupByHNatUS1 (Right t) n u us e where
hLookupByHNatUS1 :: Proxy ('Right t) -> Proxy n -> RecordU u -> HList us -> e
hLookupByHNatUS1 Proxy ('Right t)
_ Proxy n
_ RecordU u
_ = Proxy t -> HList us -> e
forall (n :: HNat) (us :: [*]) e.
HLookupByHNatUS n us e =>
Proxy n -> HList us -> e
hLookupByHNatUS (Proxy t
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy t)
type family HSubtract (n1 :: HNat) (n2 :: HNat) :: Either HNat HNat
type instance HSubtract HZero HZero = Right HZero
type instance HSubtract (HSucc x) (HSucc y) = HSubtract x y
type instance HSubtract HZero (HSucc y) = Right (HSucc y)
type instance HSubtract (HSucc y) HZero = Left (HSucc y)
recordUS :: p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (HList u) (f (HList u))
recordUS p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
r = (HList u -> RecordUS x)
-> (RecordUS x -> HList u)
-> p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
-> p (HList u) (f (HList u))
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) s a b t.
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
(s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
iso HList u -> RecordUS x
forall (x :: [*]) (u :: [*]).
RecordUSCxt x u =>
HList u -> RecordUS x
hListToRecordUS RecordUS x -> HList u
forall (x :: [*]) (u :: [*]).
RecordUSCxt x u =>
RecordUS x -> HList u
recordUSToHList p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
recordUS' :: p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (HList u) (f (HList u))
recordUS' p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
r = (p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (HList u) (f (HList u)))
-> p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (HList u) (f (HList u))
forall {k1} {k2} optic (p :: k1 -> k2 -> *) (a :: k1)
(f :: k1 -> k2) (s :: k1).
(optic ~ (p a (f a) -> p s (f s))) =>
optic -> optic
isSimple p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (HList u) (f (HList u))
forall {p :: * -> * -> *} {f :: * -> *} {x :: [*]} {g :: [*]}
{x :: [*]} {g :: [*]} {u :: [*]} {u :: [*]}.
(Profunctor p, Functor f, HGroupBy EqTagValue x g,
HGroupBy EqTagValue x g, HMapUnboxF g u, HMapUnboxF g u) =>
p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (HList u) (f (HList u))
recordUS p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
recordToRecordUS :: forall x g u.
(HMapCxt HList UnboxF g u,
HMapUnboxF g u,
HGroupBy EqTagValue x g,
RecordUSCxt x u)
=> Record x -> RecordUS x
recordToRecordUS :: forall (x :: [*]) (g :: [*]) (u :: [*]).
(HMapCxt HList UnboxF g u, HMapUnboxF g u, HGroupBy EqTagValue x g,
RecordUSCxt x u) =>
Record x -> RecordUS x
recordToRecordUS (Record HList x
x) = HList u -> RecordUS x
forall (x :: [*]) (u :: [*]).
RecordUSCxt x u =>
HList u -> RecordUS x
hListToRecordUS HList u
u :: HList u
u :: HList u
u = UnboxF -> HList g -> HList u
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap UnboxF
UnboxF HList g
g :: HList g
g :: HList g
g = Proxy EqTagValue -> HList x -> HList g
forall t (f :: t) (as :: [*]) (gs :: [*]).
HGroupBy f as gs =>
Proxy f -> HList as -> HList gs
hGroupBy (Proxy EqTagValue
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy EqTagValue) HList x
recordUSToRecord :: forall u g x.
(HConcatFD g x,
HMapCxt HList BoxF u g,
HMapUnboxF g u,
RecordUSCxt x u
) => RecordUS x -> Record x
recordUSToRecord :: forall (u :: [*]) (g :: [*]) (x :: [*]).
(HConcatFD g x, HMapCxt HList BoxF u g, HMapUnboxF g u,
RecordUSCxt x u) =>
RecordUS x -> Record x
recordUSToRecord RecordUS x
rus = HList x -> Record x
forall (r :: [*]). HList r -> Record r
Record (HList g -> HList x
forall (xxs :: [*]) (xs :: [*]).
HConcatFD xxs xs =>
HList xxs -> HList xs
hConcatFD HList g
g :: HList g
g :: HList g
g = BoxF -> HList u -> HList g
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap BoxF
BoxF (RecordUS x -> HList u
forall (x :: [*]) (u :: [*]).
RecordUSCxt x u =>
RecordUS x -> HList u
recordUSToHList RecordUS x
unboxedS :: p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x))
unboxedS p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
r = (Record x -> RecordUS x)
-> (RecordUS x -> Record x)
-> p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
-> p (Record x) (f (Record x))
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) s a b t.
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
(s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
iso Record x -> RecordUS x
forall (x :: [*]) (g :: [*]) (u :: [*]).
(HMapCxt HList UnboxF g u, HMapUnboxF g u, HGroupBy EqTagValue x g,
RecordUSCxt x u) =>
Record x -> RecordUS x
recordToRecordUS RecordUS x -> Record x
forall (u :: [*]) (g :: [*]) (x :: [*]).
(HConcatFD g x, HMapCxt HList BoxF u g, HMapUnboxF g u,
RecordUSCxt x u) =>
RecordUS x -> Record x
recordUSToRecord p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
unboxedS' :: p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x))
unboxedS' p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
r = (p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x)))
-> p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x))
forall {k1} {k2} optic (p :: k1 -> k2 -> *) (a :: k1)
(f :: k1 -> k2) (s :: k1).
(optic ~ (p a (f a) -> p s (f s))) =>
optic -> optic
isSimple p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x))
forall {x :: [*]} {g :: [*]} {x :: [*]} {g :: [*]}
{p :: * -> * -> *} {f :: * -> *} {u :: [*]} {u :: [*]}.
(HGroupBy EqTagValue x g, HGroupBy EqTagValue x g, Profunctor p,
Functor f, HConcatFD g x, SameLength' u g, SameLength' g u,
SameLength' u g, SameLength' g u, HMapAux HList UnboxF g u,
HMapAux HList BoxF u g, HMapUnboxF g u, HMapUnboxF g u) =>
p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x))
unboxedS p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x))
class ElemTyEq (xs :: [*])
(t1v ~ Tagged t1 v,
t2v ~ Tagged t2 v,
ElemTyEq (tv2 ': rest)) =>
ElemTyEq (tv1 ': tv2 ': rest)
instance t1v ~ Tagged t v => ElemTyEq (t1v ': rest)
instance ElemTyEq '[]
instance (IArray UArray v,
v ~ GetElemTy ls,
HFindLabel l ls n,
HNat2Integral n)
=> HasField l (RecordU ls) v where
hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> RecordU ls -> v
hLookupByLabel Label l
_ (RecordU UArray Int (GetElemTy ls)
ls) = UArray Int v
UArray Int (GetElemTy ls)
ls UArray Int v -> Int -> v
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
a i e -> i -> e
! Proxy n -> Int
forall i. Integral i => Proxy n -> i
forall (n :: HNat) i. (HNat2Integral n, Integral i) => Proxy n -> i
hNat2Integral (Proxy n
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy n)
instance (r ~ r',
v ~ GetElemTy r,
HFindLabel l r n,
HNat2Integral n,
IArray UArray v,
HasField l (Record r') v)
=> HUpdateAtLabel RecordU l v r r' where
hUpdateAtLabel :: SameLength r r' => Label l -> v -> RecordU r -> RecordU r'
hUpdateAtLabel Label l
_ v
v (RecordU UArray Int (GetElemTy r)
r) = UArray Int (GetElemTy r') -> RecordU r'
forall (l :: [*]). UArray Int (GetElemTy l) -> RecordU l
RecordU (UArray Int v
UArray Int (GetElemTy r)
r UArray Int v -> [(Int, v)] -> UArray Int v
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
a i e -> [(i, e)] -> a i e
// [(Proxy n -> Int
forall i. Integral i => Proxy n -> i
forall (n :: HNat) i. (HNat2Integral n, Integral i) => Proxy n -> i
hNat2Integral (Proxy n
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy n), v
class HUpdateMany lv rx where
hUpdateMany :: Record lv -> rx -> rx
instance (RecordValues lv,
HList2List (RecordValuesR lv) v,
HFindMany (LabelsOf lv) (LabelsOf r) ixs,
IArray UArray v,
v ~ GetElemTy r,
HNats2Integrals ixs) =>
HUpdateMany lv (RecordU r) where
hUpdateMany :: Record lv -> RecordU r -> RecordU r
hUpdateMany Record lv
lv (RecordU UArray Int (GetElemTy r)
r) = UArray Int (GetElemTy r) -> RecordU r
forall (l :: [*]). UArray Int (GetElemTy l) -> RecordU l
RecordU (UArray Int v
UArray Int (GetElemTy r)
r UArray Int v -> [(Int, v)] -> UArray Int v
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
a i e -> [(i, e)] -> a i e
// ([Int] -> [v] -> [(Int, v)]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [Int]
ixs (HList (RecordValuesR lv) -> [v]
forall (l :: [*]) e. HList2List l e => HList l -> [e]
hList2List (Record lv -> HList (RecordValuesR lv)
forall (r :: [*]).
RecordValues r =>
Record r -> HList (RecordValuesR r)
recordValues Record lv
where ixs :: [Int]
ixs = Proxy ixs -> [Int]
forall (ns :: [HNat]) i.
(HNats2Integrals ns, Integral i) =>
Proxy ns -> [i]
forall i. Integral i => Proxy ixs -> [i]
hNats2Integrals (Proxy ixs
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy ixs)
instance (HLeftUnion lv x lvx,
HRLabelSet x,
HLabelSet (LabelsOf x),
HRearrange (LabelsOf x) lvx x)
=> HUpdateMany lv (Record x) where
hUpdateMany :: Record lv -> Record x -> Record x
hUpdateMany Record lv
lv Record x
x = Record lvx -> Record x
forall {l :: [*]} {r :: [*]}.
(HLabelSet (LabelsOf l), HRearrange3 (LabelsOf l) r l,
SameLength' r l, SameLength' r (LabelsOf l), SameLength' l r,
SameLength' (LabelsOf l) r) =>
Record r -> Record l
hRearrange' (Record lv
lv Record lv -> Record x -> Record lvx
forall (r :: [*]) (r' :: [*]) (r'' :: [*]).
HLeftUnion r r' r'' =>
Record r -> Record r' -> Record r''
.<++. Record x
class HFindMany (ls :: [k]) (r :: [k]) (ns :: [HNat]) | ls r -> ns
instance (HFind l r n,
HFindMany ls r ns) => HFindMany (l ': ls) r (n ': ns)
instance HFindMany '[] r '[]
instance (ApplyAB f (GetElemTy x) (GetElemTy y),
IArray UArray (GetElemTy y),
IArray UArray (GetElemTy x)) => HMapAux RecordU f x y where
hMapAux :: SameLength x y => f -> RecordU x -> RecordU y
hMapAux f
f (RecordU UArray Int (GetElemTy x)
x) = UArray Int (GetElemTy y) -> RecordU y
forall (l :: [*]). UArray Int (GetElemTy l) -> RecordU l
RecordU ((GetElemTy x -> GetElemTy y)
-> UArray Int (GetElemTy x) -> UArray Int (GetElemTy y)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e' e i.
(IArray a e', IArray a e, Ix i) =>
(e' -> e) -> a i e' -> a i e
amap (f -> GetElemTy x -> GetElemTy y
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f) UArray Int (GetElemTy x)
hMapRU :: HMapCxt RecordU f x y => f -> RecordU x -> RecordU y
hMapRU :: forall f (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]).
HMapCxt RecordU f x y =>
f -> RecordU x -> RecordU y
hMapRU f
f = f -> RecordU x -> RecordU y
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap f
unboxed :: forall x y f p.
(Profunctor p,
Functor f,
RecordToRecordU x,
RecordUToRecord y)
=> RecordU x `p` f (RecordU y)
-> Record x `p` f (Record y)
unboxed :: forall (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (f :: * -> *) (p :: * -> * -> *).
(Profunctor p, Functor f, RecordToRecordU x, RecordUToRecord y) =>
p (RecordU x) (f (RecordU y)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record y))
unboxed p (RecordU x) (f (RecordU y))
r = (Record x -> RecordU x)
-> (RecordU y -> Record y)
-> p (RecordU x) (f (RecordU y))
-> p (Record x) (f (Record y))
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) s a b t.
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
(s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
iso Record x -> RecordU x
forall (x :: [*]). RecordToRecordU x => Record x -> RecordU x
recordToRecordU RecordU y -> Record y
forall (x :: [*]). RecordUToRecord x => RecordU x -> Record x
recordUToRecord p (RecordU x) (f (RecordU y))
unboxed' :: p (RecordU y) (f (RecordU y)) -> p (Record y) (f (Record y))
unboxed' p (RecordU y) (f (RecordU y))
x = (p (RecordU y) (f (RecordU y)) -> p (Record y) (f (Record y)))
-> p (RecordU y) (f (RecordU y)) -> p (Record y) (f (Record y))
forall {k1} {k2} optic (p :: k1 -> k2 -> *) (a :: k1)
(f :: k1 -> k2) (s :: k1).
(optic ~ (p a (f a) -> p s (f s))) =>
optic -> optic
isSimple p (RecordU y) (f (RecordU y)) -> p (Record y) (f (Record y))
forall (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (f :: * -> *) (p :: * -> * -> *).
(Profunctor p, Functor f, RecordToRecordU x, RecordUToRecord y) =>
p (RecordU x) (f (RecordU y)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record y))
unboxed p (RecordU y) (f (RecordU y))
class RecordToRecordU x where
recordToRecordU :: Record x -> RecordU x
instance (
RecordValues x,
HList2List (RecordValuesR x) (GetElemTy x),
HNat2Integral n,
HLengthEq x n,
IArray UArray (GetElemTy x)
) => RecordToRecordU x where
recordToRecordU :: Record x -> RecordU x
recordToRecordU (rx :: Record x
rx@(Record HList x
x)) = UArray Int (GetElemTy x) -> RecordU x
forall (l :: [*]). UArray Int (GetElemTy l) -> RecordU l
RecordU (UArray Int (GetElemTy x) -> RecordU x)
-> UArray Int (GetElemTy x) -> RecordU x
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Int, Int) -> [GetElemTy x] -> UArray Int (GetElemTy x)
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i.
(IArray a e, Ix i) =>
(i, i) -> [e] -> a i e
0, Proxy n -> Int
forall i. Integral i => Proxy n -> i
forall (n :: HNat) i. (HNat2Integral n, Integral i) => Proxy n -> i
hNat2Integral (HList x -> Proxy n
forall (l :: [*]) (n :: HNat). HLengthEq l n => HList l -> Proxy n
hLength HList x
x) Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
(HList (RecordValuesR x) -> [GetElemTy x]
forall (l :: [*]) e. HList2List l e => HList l -> [e]
hList2List (Record x -> HList (RecordValuesR x)
forall (r :: [*]).
RecordValues r =>
Record r -> HList (RecordValuesR r)
recordValues Record x
class RecordUToRecord x where
recordUToRecord :: RecordU x -> Record x
instance (
HMapCxt HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x) x,
IArray UArray (GetElemTy x),
HList2List (RecordValuesR x) (GetElemTy x)
) => RecordUToRecord x where
recordUToRecord :: RecordU x -> Record x
recordUToRecord (RecordU UArray Int (GetElemTy x)
b) = case [GetElemTy x] -> Maybe (HList (RecordValuesR x))
forall (l :: [*]) e. HList2List l e => [e] -> Maybe (HList l)
list2HList ([GetElemTy x] -> Maybe (HList (RecordValuesR x)))
-> [GetElemTy x] -> Maybe (HList (RecordValuesR x))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UArray Int (GetElemTy x) -> [GetElemTy x]
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) e i. (IArray a e, Ix i) => a i e -> [e]
elems UArray Int (GetElemTy x)
b of
Maybe (HList (RecordValuesR x))
Nothing -> String -> Record x
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Data.HList.RecordU.recordUToRecord impossibly too few elements"
Just HList (RecordValuesR x)
y0 -> HList x -> Record x
forall (r :: [*]). HList r -> Record r
Record (HList x -> Record x) -> HList x -> Record x
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TaggedFn -> HList (RecordValuesR x) -> HList x
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap TaggedFn
TaggedFn (HList (RecordValuesR x)
y0 :: HList (RecordValuesR x))
type Bad =
[Tagged "x" Double,
Tagged "i" Int,
Tagged "y" Double,
Tagged "j" Int]
bad :: Record Bad
bad :: Record
'[Tagged "x" Double, Tagged "i" Int, Tagged "y" Double,
Tagged "j" Int]
bad = Double -> Tagged "x" Double
forall {k} (s :: k) b. b -> Tagged s b
Tagged Double
1 Tagged "x" Double
-> HExtendR
(Tagged "i" Int)
(HExtendR (Tagged "y" Double) (Record '[Tagged "j" Int]))
-> HExtendR
(Tagged "x" Double)
(Tagged "i" Int)
(HExtendR (Tagged "y" Double) (Record '[Tagged "j" Int])))
forall e l. HExtend e l => e -> l -> HExtendR e l
.*. Int -> Tagged "i" Int
forall {k} (s :: k) b. b -> Tagged s b
Tagged Int
2 Tagged "i" Int
-> HExtendR (Tagged "y" Double) (Record '[Tagged "j" Int])
-> HExtendR
(Tagged "i" Int)
(HExtendR (Tagged "y" Double) (Record '[Tagged "j" Int]))
forall e l. HExtend e l => e -> l -> HExtendR e l
.*. Double -> Tagged "y" Double
forall {k} (s :: k) b. b -> Tagged s b
Tagged Double
3 Tagged "y" Double
-> Record '[Tagged "j" Int]
-> HExtendR (Tagged "y" Double) (Record '[Tagged "j" Int])
forall e l. HExtend e l => e -> l -> HExtendR e l
.*. Int -> Tagged "j" Int
forall {k} (s :: k) b. b -> Tagged s b
Tagged Int
4 Tagged "j" Int
-> Record '[] -> HExtendR (Tagged "j" Int) (Record '[])
forall e l. HExtend e l => e -> l -> HExtendR e l
.*. Record '[]
bad1 :: Record [Tagged "x" Double, Tagged "y" Double]
bad1 :: Record '[Tagged "x" Double, Tagged "y" Double]
bad1 = Double -> Tagged "x" Double
forall {k} (s :: k) b. b -> Tagged s b
Tagged Double
1 Tagged "x" Double
-> Record '[Tagged "y" Double]
-> HExtendR (Tagged "x" Double) (Record '[Tagged "y" Double])
forall e l. HExtend e l => e -> l -> HExtendR e l
.*. Double -> Tagged "y" Double
forall {k} (s :: k) b. b -> Tagged s b
Tagged Double
2 Tagged "y" Double
-> Record '[] -> HExtendR (Tagged "y" Double) (Record '[])
forall e l. HExtend e l => e -> l -> HExtendR e l
.*. Record '[]
data UnboxF = UnboxF
instance (hx ~ HList x, ux ~ RecordU x,
RecordToRecordU x) =>
ApplyAB UnboxF hx ux where
applyAB :: UnboxF -> hx -> ux
applyAB UnboxF
_ = Record x -> ux
Record x -> RecordU x
forall (x :: [*]). RecordToRecordU x => Record x -> RecordU x
recordToRecordU (Record x -> ux) -> (hx -> Record x) -> hx -> ux
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. hx -> Record x
HList x -> Record x
forall (r :: [*]). HList r -> Record r
data BoxF = BoxF
instance (ux ~ RecordU x,
hx ~ HList x,
RecordUToRecord x) =>
ApplyAB BoxF ux hx where
applyAB :: BoxF -> ux -> hx
applyAB BoxF
_ ux
ux = case RecordU x -> Record x
forall (x :: [*]). RecordUToRecord x => RecordU x -> Record x
recordUToRecord ux
RecordU x
ux of Record HList x
hx -> hx
HList x
instance (s ~ t, a ~ b,
IArray UArray a, a ~ GetElemTy s,
HLensCxt x RecordU s t a b)
=> Labelable x RecordU s t a b where
type LabelableTy RecordU = LabelableLens
hLens' :: Label x -> LabeledOptic x RecordU s t a b
hLens' Label x
x = Label x
-> forall (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
(b -> f b) -> RecordU t -> f (RecordU t)
forall {k} (x :: k) (r :: [*] -> *) (s :: [*]) (t :: [*]) a b.
HLens x r s t a b =>
Label x
-> forall (f :: * -> *). Functor f => (a -> f b) -> r s -> f (r t)
hLens Label x