{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal
( parsePrintModule
, parsePrintModuleTests
, pPrintModule
, pPrintModuleAndCheck
, parseModule
, parseModuleFromString
, extractCommentConfigs
, getTopLevelDeclNameMap
#include "prelude.inc"
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint as ExactPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types as ExactPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Parsers as ExactPrint.Parsers
import Data.Data
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.HList.HList
import qualified Data.Yaml
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8
import Data.CZipWith
import qualified UI.Butcher.Monadic as Butcher
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Text.Builder
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Types
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.LayouterBasics
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Layouters.Type
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Layouters.Decl
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Layouters.Module
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Utils
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Backend
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.BackendUtils
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.ExactPrintUtils
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Transformations.Alt
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Transformations.Floating
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Transformations.Par
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Transformations.Columns
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Transformations.Indent
import qualified GHC as GHC
hiding ( parseModule )
import ApiAnnotation ( AnnKeywordId(..) )
import GHC ( runGhc
, GenLocated(L)
, moduleNameString
import SrcLoc ( SrcSpan )
import HsSyn
import qualified DynFlags as GHC
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type as GHC
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
data InlineConfigTarget
= InlineConfigTargetModule
| InlineConfigTargetNextDecl
| InlineConfigTargetNextBinding
| InlineConfigTargetBinding String
:: ExactPrint.Anns
-> TopLevelDeclNameMap
-> Either (String, String) (CConfig Option, PerItemConfig)
extractCommentConfigs anns (TopLevelDeclNameMap declNameMap) = do
commentLiness =
[ ( k
, [ x
| (ExactPrint.Comment x _ _, _) <-
( ExactPrint.annPriorComments ann
++ ExactPrint.annFollowingComments ann
++ [ x
| (ExactPrint.AnnComment (ExactPrint.Comment x _ _), _) <-
ExactPrint.annsDP ann
| (k, ann) <- Map.toList anns
let configLiness = commentLiness <&> second
(Data.Maybe.mapMaybe $ \line -> do
l1 <-
List.stripPrefix "-- BRITTANY" line
<|> List.stripPrefix "--BRITTANY" line
<|> List.stripPrefix "-- brittany" line
<|> List.stripPrefix "--brittany" line
<|> (List.stripPrefix "{- BRITTANY" line >>= stripSuffix "-}")
let l2 = dropWhile isSpace l1
( ("@" `isPrefixOf` l2)
|| ("-disable" `isPrefixOf` l2)
|| ("-next" `isPrefixOf` l2)
|| ("{" `isPrefixOf` l2)
|| ("--" `isPrefixOf` l2)
pure l2
configParser = Butcher.addAlternatives
[ ( "commandline-config"
, \s -> "-" `isPrefixOf` dropWhile (== ' ') s
, cmdlineConfigParser
, ( "yaml-config-document"
, \s -> "{" `isPrefixOf` dropWhile (== ' ') s
, Butcher.addCmdPart (Butcher.varPartDesc "yaml-config-document")
$ fmap (\lconf -> (mempty { _conf_layout = lconf }, ""))
. either (\_ -> Nothing) Just
. Data.Yaml.decodeEither'
. Data.ByteString.Char8.pack
parser = do
let nextDecl = do
conf <- configParser
Butcher.addCmdImpl (InlineConfigTargetNextDecl, conf)
Butcher.addCmd "-next-declaration" nextDecl
Butcher.addCmd "-Next-Declaration" nextDecl
Butcher.addCmd "-NEXT-DECLARATION" nextDecl
let nextBinding = do
conf <- configParser
Butcher.addCmdImpl (InlineConfigTargetNextBinding, conf)
Butcher.addCmd "-next-binding" nextBinding
Butcher.addCmd "-Next-Binding" nextBinding
Butcher.addCmd "-NEXT-BINDING" nextBinding
let disableNextBinding = do
( InlineConfigTargetNextBinding
, mempty { _conf_roundtrip_exactprint_only = pure $ pure True }
Butcher.addCmd "-disable-next-binding" disableNextBinding
Butcher.addCmd "-Disable-Next-Binding" disableNextBinding
Butcher.addCmd "-DISABLE-NEXT-BINDING" disableNextBinding
let disableNextDecl = do
( InlineConfigTargetNextDecl
, mempty { _conf_roundtrip_exactprint_only = pure $ pure True }
Butcher.addCmd "-disable-next-declaration" disableNextDecl
Butcher.addCmd "-Disable-Next-Declaration" disableNextDecl
Butcher.addCmd "-DISABLE-NEXT-DECLARATION" disableNextDecl
Butcher.addCmd "@" $ do
Butcher.addNullCmd $ do
bindingName <- Butcher.addParamString "BINDING" mempty
conf <- configParser
Butcher.addCmdImpl (InlineConfigTargetBinding bindingName, conf)
conf <- configParser
Butcher.addCmdImpl (InlineConfigTargetModule, conf)
lineConfigss <- configLiness `forM` \(k, ss) -> do
r <- ss `forM` \s -> case Butcher.runCmdParserSimple s parser of
Left err -> Left $ (err, s)
Right c -> Right $ c
pure (k, r)
let perModule = foldl'
[ conf
| (_ , lineConfigs) <- lineConfigss
, (InlineConfigTargetModule, conf ) <- lineConfigs
perBinding = Map.fromListWith
[ (n, conf)
| (k , lineConfigs) <- lineConfigss
, (target, conf ) <- lineConfigs
, n <- case target of
InlineConfigTargetBinding s -> [s]
InlineConfigTargetNextBinding | Just name <- Map.lookup k declNameMap ->
_ -> []
perKey = Map.fromListWith
[ (k, conf)
| (k , lineConfigs) <- lineConfigss
, (target, conf ) <- lineConfigs
, case target of
InlineConfigTargetNextDecl -> True
InlineConfigTargetNextBinding | Nothing <- Map.lookup k declNameMap ->
_ -> False
$ ( perModule
, PerItemConfig { _icd_perBinding = perBinding, _icd_perKey = perKey }
getTopLevelDeclNameMap :: GHC.ParsedSource -> TopLevelDeclNameMap
getTopLevelDeclNameMap (L _ (HsModule _name _exports _ decls _ _)) =
TopLevelDeclNameMap $ Map.fromList
[ (ExactPrint.mkAnnKey decl, name)
| decl <- decls
, (name : _) <- [getDeclBindingNames decl]
parsePrintModule :: Config -> Text -> IO (Either [BrittanyError] Text)
parsePrintModule configWithDebugs inputText = runExceptT $ do
let config =
configWithDebugs { _conf_debug = _conf_debug staticDefaultConfig }
let ghcOptions = config & _conf_forward & _options_ghc & runIdentity
let config_pp = config & _conf_preprocessor
let cppMode = config_pp & _ppconf_CPPMode & confUnpack
let hackAroundIncludes = config_pp & _ppconf_hackAroundIncludes & confUnpack
(anns, parsedSource, hasCPP) <- do
let hackF s = if "#include" `isPrefixOf` s
then "-- BRITANY_INCLUDE_HACK " ++ s
else s
let hackTransform = if hackAroundIncludes
then List.intercalate "\n" . fmap hackF . lines'
else id
let cppCheckFunc dynFlags = if GHC.xopt GHC.Cpp dynFlags
then case cppMode of
CPPModeAbort -> return $ Left "Encountered -XCPP. Aborting."
CPPModeWarn -> return $ Right True
CPPModeNowarn -> return $ Right True
else return $ Right False
parseResult <- lift $ parseModuleFromString
(hackTransform $ Text.unpack inputText)
case parseResult of
Left err -> throwE [ErrorInput err]
Right x -> pure x
(inlineConf, perItemConf) <-
either (throwE . (: []) . uncurry ErrorMacroConfig) pure
$ extractCommentConfigs anns (getTopLevelDeclNameMap parsedSource)
let moduleConfig = cZipWith fromOptionIdentity config inlineConf
(errsWarns, outputTextL) <- do
let omitCheck =
& _conf_errorHandling
& _econf_omit_output_valid_check
& confUnpack
(ews, outRaw) <- if hasCPP || omitCheck
then return $ pPrintModule moduleConfig perItemConf anns parsedSource
else lift
$ pPrintModuleAndCheck moduleConfig perItemConf anns parsedSource
let hackF s = fromMaybe s
$ TextL.stripPrefix (TextL.pack "-- BRITANY_INCLUDE_HACK ") s
pure $ if hackAroundIncludes
( ews
, TextL.intercalate (TextL.pack "\n") $ fmap hackF $ TextL.splitOn
(TextL.pack "\n")
else (ews, outRaw)
let customErrOrder ErrorInput{} = 4
customErrOrder LayoutWarning{} = 0 :: Int
customErrOrder ErrorOutputCheck{} = 1
customErrOrder ErrorUnusedComment{} = 2
customErrOrder ErrorUnknownNode{} = 3
customErrOrder ErrorMacroConfig{} = 5
let hasErrors =
case moduleConfig & _conf_errorHandling & _econf_Werror & confUnpack of
False -> 0 < maximum (-1 : fmap customErrOrder errsWarns)
True -> not $ null errsWarns
if hasErrors then throwE $ errsWarns else pure $ TextL.toStrict outputTextL
:: Config
-> PerItemConfig
-> ExactPrint.Anns
-> GHC.ParsedSource
-> ([BrittanyError], TextL.Text)
pPrintModule conf inlineConf anns parsedModule =
let ((out, errs), debugStrings) =
$ MultiRWSS.runMultiRWSTNil
$ MultiRWSS.withMultiWriterAW
$ MultiRWSS.withMultiWriterAW
$ MultiRWSS.withMultiWriterW
$ MultiRWSS.withMultiReader anns
$ MultiRWSS.withMultiReader conf
$ MultiRWSS.withMultiReader inlineConf
$ MultiRWSS.withMultiReader (extractToplevelAnns parsedModule anns)
$ do
traceIfDumpConf "bridoc annotations raw" _dconf_dump_annotations
$ annsDoc anns
ppModule parsedModule
tracer = if Seq.null debugStrings
then id
trace ("---- DEBUGMESSAGES ---- ")
. foldr (seq . join trace) id debugStrings
in tracer $ (errs, Text.Builder.toLazyText out)
:: Config
-> PerItemConfig
-> ExactPrint.Anns
-> GHC.ParsedSource
-> IO ([BrittanyError], TextL.Text)
pPrintModuleAndCheck conf inlineConf anns parsedModule = do
let ghcOptions = conf & _conf_forward & _options_ghc & runIdentity
let (errs, output) = pPrintModule conf inlineConf anns parsedModule
parseResult <- parseModuleFromString ghcOptions
(\_ -> return $ Right ())
(TextL.unpack output)
let errs' = errs ++ case parseResult of
Left{} -> [ErrorOutputCheck]
Right{} -> []
return (errs', output)
parsePrintModuleTests :: Config -> String -> Text -> IO (Either String Text)
parsePrintModuleTests conf filename input = do
let inputStr = Text.unpack input
parseResult <- ExactPrint.Parsers.parseModuleFromString filename inputStr
case parseResult of
Left (_ , s ) -> return $ Left $ "parsing error: " ++ s
Right (anns, parsedModule) -> runExceptT $ do
(inlineConf, perItemConf) <-
case extractCommentConfigs anns (getTopLevelDeclNameMap parsedModule) of
Left err -> throwE $ "error in inline config: " ++ show err
Right x -> pure x
let moduleConf = cZipWith fromOptionIdentity conf inlineConf
let omitCheck =
& _conf_errorHandling
.> _econf_omit_output_valid_check
.> confUnpack
(errs, ltext) <- if omitCheck
then return $ pPrintModule moduleConf perItemConf anns parsedModule
else lift
$ pPrintModuleAndCheck moduleConf perItemConf anns parsedModule
if null errs
then pure $ TextL.toStrict $ ltext
errStrs = errs <&> \case
ErrorInput str -> str
ErrorUnusedComment str -> str
LayoutWarning str -> str
ErrorUnknownNode str _ -> str
ErrorMacroConfig str _ -> "when parsing inline config: " ++ str
ErrorOutputCheck -> "Output is not syntactically valid."
in throwE $ "pretty printing error(s):\n" ++ List.unlines errStrs
toLocal :: Config -> ExactPrint.Anns -> PPMLocal a -> PPM a
toLocal conf anns m = do
(x, write) <-
lift $ MultiRWSS.runMultiRWSTAW (conf :+: anns :+: HNil) HNil $ m
MultiRWSS.mGetRawW >>= \w -> MultiRWSS.mPutRawW (w `mappend` write)
pure x
ppModule :: GenLocated SrcSpan (HsModule GhcPs) -> PPM ()
ppModule lmod@(L _loc _m@(HsModule _name _exports _ decls _ _)) = do
post <- ppPreamble lmod
decls `forM_` \decl -> do
let declAnnKey = ExactPrint.mkAnnKey decl
let declBindingNames = getDeclBindingNames decl
inlineConf <- mAsk
let mDeclConf = Map.lookup declAnnKey $ _icd_perKey inlineConf
let mBindingConfs =
declBindingNames <&> \n -> Map.lookup n $ _icd_perBinding inlineConf
filteredAnns <- mAsk
<&> \annMap -> Map.findWithDefault Map.empty declAnnKey annMap
traceIfDumpConf "bridoc annotations filtered/transformed"
$ annsDoc filteredAnns
config <- mAsk
let config' = cZipWith fromOptionIdentity config
$ mconcat (catMaybes (mBindingConfs ++ [mDeclConf]))
let exactprintOnly = config' & _conf_roundtrip_exactprint_only & confUnpack
toLocal config' filteredAnns $ do
bd <- briDocMToPPM $ if exactprintOnly
then briDocByExactNoComment decl
else layoutDecl decl
layoutBriDoc bd
let finalComments = filter
(fst .> \case
ExactPrint.AnnComment{} -> True
_ -> False
post `forM_` \case
(ExactPrint.AnnComment (ExactPrint.Comment cmStr _ _), l) -> do
ppmMoveToExactLoc l
mTell $ Text.Builder.fromString cmStr
(ExactPrint.G AnnEofPos, (ExactPrint.DP (eofZ, eofX))) ->
let folder (acc, _) (kw, ExactPrint.DP (y, x)) = case kw of
ExactPrint.AnnComment cm
| GHC.RealSrcSpan span <- ExactPrint.commentIdentifier cm
-> ( acc + y + GHC.srcSpanEndLine span - GHC.srcSpanStartLine span
, x + GHC.srcSpanEndCol span - GHC.srcSpanStartCol span
_ -> (acc + y, x)
(cmY, cmX) = foldl' folder (0, 0) finalComments
in ppmMoveToExactLoc $ ExactPrint.DP (eofZ - cmY, eofX - cmX)
_ -> return ()
getDeclBindingNames :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> [String]
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0) /* ghc-8.6 */
getDeclBindingNames (L _ decl) = case decl of
SigD _ (TypeSig _ ns _) -> ns <&> \(L _ n) -> Text.unpack (rdrNameToText n)
ValD _ (FunBind _ (L _ n) _ _ _) -> [Text.unpack $ rdrNameToText n]
_ -> []
getDeclBindingNames (L _ decl) = case decl of
SigD (TypeSig ns _) -> ns <&> \(L _ n) -> Text.unpack (rdrNameToText n)
ValD (FunBind (L _ n) _ _ _ _) -> [Text.unpack $ rdrNameToText n]
_ -> []
:: GenLocated SrcSpan (HsModule GhcPs)
-> PPM [(ExactPrint.KeywordId, ExactPrint.DeltaPos)]
ppPreamble lmod@(L loc m@(HsModule _ _ _ _ _ _)) = do
filteredAnns <- mAsk <&> \annMap ->
Map.findWithDefault Map.empty (ExactPrint.mkAnnKey lmod) annMap
config <- mAsk
let shouldReformatPreamble =
config & _conf_layout & _lconfig_reformatModulePreamble & confUnpack
(filteredAnns', post) =
case (ExactPrint.mkAnnKey lmod) `Map.lookup` filteredAnns of
Nothing -> (filteredAnns, [])
Just mAnn ->
modAnnsDp = ExactPrint.annsDP mAnn
isWhere (ExactPrint.G AnnWhere) = True
isWhere _ = False
isEof (ExactPrint.G AnnEofPos) = True
isEof _ = False
whereInd = List.findIndex (isWhere . fst) modAnnsDp
eofInd = List.findIndex (isEof . fst) modAnnsDp
(pre, post') = case (whereInd, eofInd) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> ([], modAnnsDp)
(Just i , Nothing) -> List.splitAt (i + 1) modAnnsDp
(Nothing, Just _i) -> ([], modAnnsDp)
(Just i , Just j ) -> List.splitAt (min (i + 1) j) modAnnsDp
findInitialCommentSize = \case
((ExactPrint.AnnComment cm, ExactPrint.DP (y, _)) : rest) ->
let GHC.RealSrcSpan span = ExactPrint.commentIdentifier cm
in y
+ GHC.srcSpanEndLine span
- GHC.srcSpanStartLine span
+ findInitialCommentSize rest
_ -> 0
initialCommentSize = findInitialCommentSize pre
fixAbsoluteModuleDP = \case
(g@(ExactPrint.G AnnModule), ExactPrint.DP (y, x)) ->
(g, ExactPrint.DP (y - initialCommentSize, x))
x -> x
pre' = if shouldReformatPreamble
then map fixAbsoluteModuleDP pre
else pre
mAnn' = mAnn { ExactPrint.annsDP = pre' }
filteredAnns'' =
Map.insert (ExactPrint.mkAnnKey lmod) mAnn' filteredAnns
(filteredAnns'', post')
traceIfDumpConf "bridoc annotations filtered/transformed"
$ annsDoc filteredAnns'
if shouldReformatPreamble
then toLocal config filteredAnns' $ withTransformedAnns lmod $ do
briDoc <- briDocMToPPM $ layoutModule lmod
layoutBriDoc briDoc
let emptyModule = L loc m { hsmodDecls = [] }
in MultiRWSS.withMultiReader filteredAnns' $ processDefault emptyModule
return post
_sigHead :: Sig GhcPs -> String
_sigHead = \case
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0) /* ghc-8.6 */
TypeSig _ names _ ->
TypeSig names _ ->
"TypeSig " ++ intercalate "," (Text.unpack . lrdrNameToText <$> names)
_ -> "unknown sig"
_bindHead :: HsBind GhcPs -> String
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0) /* ghc-8.6 */
_bindHead = \case
FunBind _ fId _ _ [] -> "FunBind " ++ (Text.unpack $ lrdrNameToText $ fId)
PatBind _ _pat _ ([], []) -> "PatBind smth"
_ -> "unknown bind"
_bindHead = \case
FunBind fId _ _ _ [] -> "FunBind " ++ (Text.unpack $ lrdrNameToText $ fId)
PatBind _pat _ _ _ ([], []) -> "PatBind smth"
_ -> "unknown bind"
layoutBriDoc :: BriDocNumbered -> PPMLocal ()
layoutBriDoc briDoc = do
briDoc' <- MultiRWSS.withMultiStateS BDEmpty $ do
traceIfDumpConf "bridoc raw" _dconf_dump_bridoc_raw
$ briDocToDoc
$ unwrapBriDocNumbered
$ briDoc
transformAlts briDoc >>= mSet
>>= briDocToDoc
.> traceIfDumpConf "bridoc post-alt" _dconf_dump_bridoc_simpl_alt
mGet >>= transformSimplifyFloating .> mSet
>>= briDocToDoc
.> traceIfDumpConf "bridoc post-floating"
mGet >>= transformSimplifyPar .> mSet
>>= briDocToDoc
.> traceIfDumpConf "bridoc post-par" _dconf_dump_bridoc_simpl_par
mGet >>= transformSimplifyColumns .> mSet
>>= briDocToDoc
.> traceIfDumpConf "bridoc post-columns" _dconf_dump_bridoc_simpl_columns
mGet >>= transformSimplifyIndent .> mSet
>>= briDocToDoc
.> traceIfDumpConf "bridoc post-indent" _dconf_dump_bridoc_simpl_indent
>>= briDocToDoc
.> traceIfDumpConf "bridoc final" _dconf_dump_bridoc_final
anns :: ExactPrint.Anns <- mAsk
let state = LayoutState
{ _lstate_baseYs = [0]
, _lstate_curYOrAddNewline = Right 0
, _lstate_indLevels = [0]
, _lstate_indLevelLinger = 0
, _lstate_comments = anns
, _lstate_commentCol = Nothing
, _lstate_addSepSpace = Nothing
state' <- MultiRWSS.withMultiStateS state $ layoutBriDocM briDoc'
let remainingComments =
extractAllComments =<< Map.elems (_lstate_comments state')
`forM_` (fst .> show .> ErrorUnusedComment .> (: []) .> mTell)
return $ ()