csv: CSV loader and dumper
CSV loader and dumper
This library parses and dumps documents that are formatted according to RFC 4180, "The common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files". This format is used, among many other things, as a lingua franca for spreadsheets, and for certain web services.
- csv-0.1.2.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates
Versions [RSS] | 0.1.0, 0.1.1, 0.1.2 |
Dependencies | base (>=2 && <5), filepath, parsec [details] |
License | MIT |
Copyright | Jaap Weel, 2007 |
Author | Jaap Weel <weel@ugcs.caltech.edu> |
Maintainer | Jaap Weel <weel@ugcs.caltech.edu> |
Category | Text |
Uploaded | by JaapWeel at 2010-11-08T01:33:02Z |
Distributions | Arch:0.1.2, Debian:0.1.2, Fedora:0.1.2, FreeBSD:0.1.2, LTSHaskell:0.1.2, NixOS:0.1.2, Stackage:0.1.2, openSUSE:0.1.2 |
Reverse Dependencies | 19 direct, 37 indirect [details] |
Downloads | 18093 total (58 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | 2.0 (votes: 3) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs uploaded by user Build status unknown [no reports yet] |