{-# Language GADTs #-}
{-# Language StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# Language LambdaCase #-}

module EVM.Fetch where

import Prelude hiding (Word)

import EVM.Types    (Addr, w256, W256, hexText, Word)
import EVM.Symbolic (litWord)
import EVM          (IsUnique(..), EVM, Contract, Block, initialContract, nonce, balance, external)
import qualified EVM.FeeSchedule as FeeSchedule

import qualified EVM

import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.SBV.Trans.Control
import qualified Data.SBV.Internals as SBV
import Data.SBV.Trans hiding (Word)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, pack)
import Network.Wreq
import Network.Wreq.Session (Session)

import qualified Network.Wreq.Session as Session

-- | Abstract representation of an RPC fetch request
data RpcQuery a where
  QueryCode    :: Addr         -> RpcQuery ByteString
  QueryBlock   ::                 RpcQuery Block
  QueryBalance :: Addr         -> RpcQuery W256
  QueryNonce   :: Addr         -> RpcQuery W256
  QuerySlot    :: Addr -> W256 -> RpcQuery W256
  QueryChainId ::                 RpcQuery W256

data BlockNumber = Latest | BlockNumber W256

deriving instance Show (RpcQuery a)

rpc :: String -> [Value] -> Value
rpc method args = object
  [ "jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: String)
  , "id"      .= Number 1
  , "method"  .= method
  , "params"  .= args

class ToRPC a where
  toRPC :: a -> Value

instance ToRPC Addr where
  toRPC = String . pack . show

instance ToRPC W256 where
  toRPC = String . pack . show

instance ToRPC Bool where
  toRPC = Bool

instance ToRPC BlockNumber where
  toRPC Latest          = String "latest"
  toRPC (BlockNumber n) = String . pack $ show n

readText :: Read a => Text -> a
readText = read . unpack

  :: Show a
  => BlockNumber
  -> (Value -> IO (Maybe Value))
  -> RpcQuery a
  -> IO (Maybe a)
fetchQuery n f q = do
  x <- case q of
    QueryCode addr -> do
        m <- f (rpc "eth_getCode" [toRPC addr, toRPC n])
        return $ hexText . view _String <$> m
    QueryNonce addr -> do
        m <- f (rpc "eth_getTransactionCount" [toRPC addr, toRPC n])
        return $ readText . view _String <$> m
    QueryBlock -> do
      m <- f (rpc "eth_getBlockByNumber" [toRPC n, toRPC False])
      return $ m >>= parseBlock
    QueryBalance addr -> do
        m <- f (rpc "eth_getBalance" [toRPC addr, toRPC n])
        return $ readText . view _String <$> m
    QuerySlot addr slot -> do
        m <- f (rpc "eth_getStorageAt" [toRPC addr, toRPC slot, toRPC n])
        return $ readText . view _String <$> m
    QueryChainId -> do
        m <- f (rpc "eth_chainId" [toRPC n])
        return $ readText . view _String <$> m
  return x

parseBlock :: (AsValue s, Show s) => s -> Maybe EVM.Block
parseBlock j = do
  coinbase   <- readText <$> j ^? key "miner" . _String
  timestamp  <- litWord . readText <$> j ^? key "timestamp" . _String
  number     <- readText <$> j ^? key "number" . _String
  difficulty <- readText <$> j ^? key "difficulty" . _String
  -- default codesize, default gas limit, default feescedule
  return $ EVM.Block coinbase timestamp number difficulty 0xffffffff 0xffffffff FeeSchedule.istanbul

fetchWithSession :: Text -> Session -> Value -> IO (Maybe Value)
fetchWithSession url sess x = do
  r <- asValue =<< Session.post sess (unpack url) x
  return (r ^? responseBody . key "result")

  :: BlockNumber -> Text -> Addr -> Session -> IO (Maybe Contract)
fetchContractWithSession n url addr sess = runMaybeT $ do
    fetch :: Show a => RpcQuery a -> IO (Maybe a)
    fetch = fetchQuery n (fetchWithSession url sess)

  theCode    <- MaybeT $ fetch (QueryCode addr)
  theNonce   <- MaybeT $ fetch (QueryNonce addr)
  theBalance <- MaybeT $ fetch (QueryBalance addr)

  return $
    initialContract (EVM.RuntimeCode theCode)
      & set nonce    (w256 theNonce)
      & set balance  (w256 theBalance)
      & set external True

  :: BlockNumber -> Text -> Session -> Addr -> W256 -> IO (Maybe Word)
fetchSlotWithSession n url sess addr slot =
  fmap w256 <$>
    fetchQuery n (fetchWithSession url sess) (QuerySlot addr slot)

  :: BlockNumber -> Text -> Session -> IO (Maybe Block)
fetchBlockWithSession n url sess =
  fetchQuery n (fetchWithSession url sess) QueryBlock

fetchBlockFrom :: BlockNumber -> Text -> IO (Maybe Block)
fetchBlockFrom n url =
    (fetchBlockWithSession n url)

fetchContractFrom :: BlockNumber -> Text -> Addr -> IO (Maybe Contract)
fetchContractFrom n url addr =
    (fetchContractWithSession n url addr)

fetchSlotFrom :: BlockNumber -> Text -> Addr -> W256 -> IO (Maybe Word)
fetchSlotFrom n url addr slot =
    (\s -> fetchSlotWithSession n url s addr slot)

http :: BlockNumber -> Text -> Fetcher
http n url = oracle Nothing (Just (n, url)) True

zero :: Fetcher
zero = oracle Nothing Nothing True

-- smtsolving + (http or zero)
oracle :: Maybe SBV.State -> Maybe (BlockNumber, Text) -> Bool -> Fetcher
oracle smtstate info ensureConsistency q = do
  case q of
    EVM.PleaseAskSMT branchcondition pathconditions continue ->
      case smtstate of
        Nothing -> return $ continue EVM.Unknown
        Just state -> flip runReaderT state $ SBV.runQueryT $ do
         let pathconds = sAnd pathconditions
         -- Is is possible to satisfy the condition?
         continue <$> checkBranch pathconds branchcondition ensureConsistency

    -- if we are using a symbolic storage model,
    -- we generate a new array to the fetched contract here
    EVM.PleaseFetchContract addr model continue -> do
      contract <- case info of
                    Nothing -> return $ Just $ initialContract (EVM.RuntimeCode mempty)
                    Just (n, url) -> fetchContractFrom n url addr
      case contract of
        Just x -> case model of
          EVM.ConcreteS -> return $ continue x
          EVM.InitialS  -> return $ continue $ x
             & set EVM.storage (EVM.Symbolic [] $ SBV.sListArray 0 [])
          EVM.SymbolicS -> case smtstate of
            Nothing -> return (continue $ x
                               & set EVM.storage (EVM.Symbolic [] $ SBV.sListArray 0 []))

            Just state ->
              flip runReaderT state $ SBV.runQueryT $ do
                store <- freshArray_ Nothing
                return $ continue $ x
                  & set EVM.storage (EVM.Symbolic [] store)
        Nothing -> error ("oracle error: " ++ show q)

    EVM.PleaseMakeUnique val pathconditions continue ->
          case smtstate of
            Nothing -> return $ continue Multiple
            Just state -> flip runReaderT state $ SBV.runQueryT $ do
              constrain $ sAnd $ pathconditions <> [val .== val] -- dummy proposition just to make sure `val` is defined when we do `getValue` later.
              checkSat >>= \case
                Sat -> do
                  val' <- getValue val
                  s    <- checksat (val ./= literal val')
                  case s of
                    Unsat -> pure $ continue $ Unique val'
                    _ -> pure $ continue Multiple
                Unsat -> pure $ continue InconsistentU
                Unk -> pure $ continue TimeoutU
                DSat _ -> error "unexpected DSAT"

    EVM.PleaseFetchSlot addr slot continue ->
      case info of
        Nothing -> return (continue 0)
        Just (n, url) ->
         fetchSlotFrom n url addr (fromIntegral slot) >>= \case
           Just x  -> return (continue x)
           Nothing ->
             error ("oracle error: " ++ show q)

type Fetcher = EVM.Query -> IO (EVM ())

checksat :: SBool -> Query CheckSatResult
checksat b = do push 1
                constrain b
                m <- checkSat
                pop 1
                return m

-- | Checks which branches are satisfiable, checking the pathconditions for consistency
-- if the third argument is true.
-- When in debug mode, we do not want to be able to navigate to dead paths,
-- but for normal execution paths with inconsistent pathconditions
-- will be pruned anyway.
checkBranch :: SBool -> SBool -> Bool -> Query EVM.BranchCondition
checkBranch pathconds branchcondition False = do
  constrain pathconds
  checksat branchcondition >>= \case
     -- the condition is unsatisfiable
     Unsat -> -- if pathconditions are consistent then the condition must be false
            return $ EVM.Case False
     -- Sat means its possible for condition to hold
     Sat -> -- is its negation also possible?
            checksat (sNot branchcondition) >>= \case
               -- No. The condition must hold
               Unsat -> return $ EVM.Case True
               -- Yes. Both branches possible
               Sat -> return EVM.Unknown
               -- Explore both branches in case of timeout
               Unk -> return EVM.Unknown
               DSat _ -> error "checkBranch: unexpected SMT result"
     -- If the query times out, we simply explore both paths
     Unk -> return EVM.Unknown
     DSat _ -> error "checkBranch: unexpected SMT result"

checkBranch pathconds branchcondition True = do
  constrain pathconds
  checksat branchcondition >>= \case
     -- the condition is unsatisfiable
     Unsat -> -- are the pathconditions even consistent?
              checksat (sNot branchcondition) >>= \case
                -- No. We are on an inconsistent path.
                Unsat -> return EVM.Inconsistent
                -- Yes. The condition must be false.
                Sat -> return $ EVM.Case False
                -- Assume the negated condition is still possible.
                Unk -> return $ EVM.Case False
                DSat _ -> error "checkBranch: unexpected SMT result"
     -- Sat means its possible for condition to hold
     Sat -> -- is its negation also possible?
            checksat (sNot branchcondition) >>= \case
               -- No. The condition must hold
               Unsat -> return $ EVM.Case True
               -- Yes. Both branches possible
               Sat -> return EVM.Unknown
               -- Explore both branches in case of timeout
               Unk -> return EVM.Unknown
               DSat _ -> error "checkBranch: unexpected SMT result"

     -- If the query times out, we simply explore both paths
     Unk -> return EVM.Unknown
     DSat _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected SMT result"