{-# Language ImplicitParams #-}
{-# Language ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language GADTs #-}
{-# Language RecordWildCards #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# Language StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# Language StrictData #-}
{-# Language TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# Language TypeOperators #-}
{-# Language ViewPatterns #-}

module EVM where

import Prelude hiding (log, Word, exponent, GT, LT)

import Data.SBV hiding (Word, output, Unknown)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import EVM.ABI
import EVM.Types
import EVM.Solidity
import EVM.Concrete (createAddress, wordValue, keccakBlob, create2Address)
import EVM.Symbolic
import EVM.Op
import EVM.FeeSchedule (FeeSchedule (..))
import Options.Generic as Options
import qualified EVM.Precompiled

import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import Control.Lens hiding (op, (:<), (|>), (.>))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (state)

import Data.ByteString              (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy         (fromStrict)
import Data.Map.Strict              (Map)
import Data.Maybe                   (fromMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup               (Semigroup (..))
import Data.Sequence                (Seq)
import Data.Vector.Storable         (Vector)
import Data.Foldable                (toList)

import Data.Tree

import qualified Data.ByteString      as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Data.ByteArray       as BA
import qualified Data.Map.Strict      as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence        as Seq
import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper     as Zipper
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as Vector

import qualified Data.Vector as RegularVector

import Crypto.Number.ModArithmetic (expFast)
import qualified Crypto.Hash as Crypto
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, SHA256, RIPEMD160)

-- * Data types

-- | EVM failure modes
data Error
  = BalanceTooLow Word Word
  | UnrecognizedOpcode Word8
  | SelfDestruction
  | StackUnderrun
  | BadJumpDestination
  | Revert ByteString
  | NoSuchContract Addr
  | OutOfGas Word Word
  | BadCheatCode (Maybe Word32)
  | StackLimitExceeded
  | IllegalOverflow
  | Query Query
  | Choose Choose
  | StateChangeWhileStatic
  | InvalidMemoryAccess
  | CallDepthLimitReached
  | MaxCodeSizeExceeded Word Word
  | PrecompileFailure
  | UnexpectedSymbolicArg
  | DeadPath
  | NotUnique Whiff
  | SMTTimeout
deriving instance Show Error

-- | The possible result states of a VM
data VMResult
  = VMFailure Error -- ^ An operation failed
  | VMSuccess Buffer -- ^ Reached STOP, RETURN, or end-of-code

deriving instance Show VMResult

-- | The state of a stepwise EVM execution
data VM = VM
  { _result         :: Maybe VMResult
  , _state          :: FrameState
  , _frames         :: [Frame]
  , _env            :: Env
  , _block          :: Block
  , _tx             :: TxState
  , _logs           :: Seq Log
  , _traces         :: Zipper.TreePos Zipper.Empty Trace
  , _cache          :: Cache
  , _burned         :: Word
  , _constraints    :: [(SBool, Whiff)]
  , _iterations     :: Map CodeLocation Int
  deriving (Show)

data Trace = Trace
  { _traceCodehash :: W256
  , _traceOpIx     :: Maybe Int
  , _traceData     :: TraceData
  deriving (Show)

data TraceData
  = EventTrace Log
  | FrameTrace FrameContext
  | QueryTrace Query
  | ErrorTrace Error
  | EntryTrace Text
  | ReturnTrace Buffer FrameContext
  deriving (Show)

-- | Queries halt execution until resolved through RPC calls or SMT queries
data Query where
  PleaseFetchContract :: Addr -> StorageModel -> (Contract -> EVM ()) -> Query
  PleaseMakeUnique    :: SymVal a => SBV a -> [SBool] -> (IsUnique a -> EVM ()) -> Query
  PleaseFetchSlot     :: Addr -> Word -> (Word -> EVM ()) -> Query
  PleaseAskSMT        :: SBool -> [SBool] -> (BranchCondition -> EVM ()) -> Query

data Choose where
  PleaseChoosePath    :: Whiff -> (Bool -> EVM ()) -> Choose

instance Show Query where
  showsPrec _ = \case
    PleaseFetchContract addr _ _ ->
      (("<EVM.Query: fetch contract " ++ show addr ++ ">") ++)
    PleaseFetchSlot addr slot _ ->
      (("<EVM.Query: fetch slot "
        ++ show slot ++ " for "
        ++ show addr ++ ">") ++)
    PleaseAskSMT condition constraints _ ->
      (("<EVM.Query: ask SMT about "
        ++ show condition ++ " in context "
        ++ show constraints ++ ">") ++)
    PleaseMakeUnique val constraints _ ->
      (("<EVM.Query: make value "
        ++ show val ++ " unique in context "
        ++ show constraints ++ ">") ++)

instance Show Choose where
  showsPrec _ = \case
    PleaseChoosePath _ _ ->
      (("<EVM.Choice: waiting for user to select path (0,1)") ++)

-- | Alias for the type of e.g. @exec1@.
type EVM a = State VM a

type CodeLocation = (Addr, Int)

-- | The possible return values of a SMT query
data BranchCondition = Case Bool | Unknown | Inconsistent
  deriving Show

-- | The possible return values of a `is unique` SMT query
data IsUnique a = Unique a | Multiple | InconsistentU | TimeoutU
  deriving Show

-- | The cache is data that can be persisted for efficiency:
-- any expensive query that is constant at least within a block.
data Cache = Cache
  { _fetched :: Map Addr Contract,
    _path :: Map (CodeLocation, Int) Bool
  } deriving Show

-- | A way to specify an initial VM state
data VMOpts = VMOpts
  { vmoptContract :: Contract
  , vmoptCalldata :: (Buffer, SymWord)
  , vmoptValue :: SymWord
  , vmoptAddress :: Addr
  , vmoptCaller :: SAddr
  , vmoptOrigin :: Addr
  , vmoptGas :: W256
  , vmoptGaslimit :: W256
  , vmoptNumber :: W256
  , vmoptTimestamp :: SymWord
  , vmoptCoinbase :: Addr
  , vmoptDifficulty :: W256
  , vmoptMaxCodeSize :: W256
  , vmoptBlockGaslimit :: W256
  , vmoptGasprice :: W256
  , vmoptSchedule :: FeeSchedule Integer
  , vmoptChainId :: W256
  , vmoptCreate :: Bool
  , vmoptStorageModel :: StorageModel
  } deriving Show

-- | A log entry
data Log = Log Addr Buffer [SymWord]
  deriving (Show)

-- | An entry in the VM's "call/create stack"
data Frame = Frame
  { _frameContext   :: FrameContext
  , _frameState     :: FrameState
  deriving (Show)

-- | Call/create info
data FrameContext
  = CreationContext
    { creationContextAddress   :: Addr
    , creationContextCodehash  :: W256
    , creationContextReversion :: Map Addr Contract
    , creationContextSubstate  :: SubState
  | CallContext
    { callContextTarget    :: Addr
    , callContextContext   :: Addr
    , callContextOffset    :: Word
    , callContextSize      :: Word
    , callContextCodehash  :: W256
    , callContextAbi       :: Maybe Word
    , callContextData      :: Buffer
    , callContextReversion :: Map Addr Contract
    , callContextSubState  :: SubState
  deriving (Show)

-- | The "registers" of the VM along with memory and data stack
data FrameState = FrameState
  { _contract     :: Addr
  , _codeContract :: Addr
  , _code         :: ByteString
  , _pc           :: Int
  , _stack        :: [SymWord]
  , _memory       :: Buffer
  , _memorySize   :: Int
  , _calldata     :: (Buffer, SymWord)
  , _callvalue    :: SymWord
  , _caller       :: SAddr
  , _gas          :: Word
  , _returndata   :: Buffer
  , _static       :: Bool
  deriving (Show)

-- | The state that spans a whole transaction
data TxState = TxState
  { _gasprice        :: Word
  , _txgaslimit      :: Word
  , _origin          :: Addr
  , _toAddr          :: Addr
  , _value           :: SymWord
  , _substate        :: SubState
  , _isCreate        :: Bool
  , _txReversion     :: Map Addr Contract
  deriving (Show)

-- | The "accrued substate" across a transaction
data SubState = SubState
  { _selfdestructs   :: [Addr]
  , _touchedAccounts :: [Addr]
  , _refunds         :: [(Addr, Integer)]
  -- in principle we should include logs here, but do not for now
  deriving (Show)

-- | A contract is either in creation (running its "constructor") or
-- post-creation, and code in these two modes is treated differently
-- by instructions like @EXTCODEHASH@, so we distinguish these two
-- code types.
data ContractCode
  = InitCode ByteString     -- ^ "Constructor" code, during contract creation
  | RuntimeCode ByteString  -- ^ "Instance" code, after contract creation
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A contract can either have concrete or symbolic storage
-- depending on what type of execution we are doing
data Storage
  = Concrete (Map Word SymWord)
  | Symbolic [(SymWord, SymWord)] (SArray (WordN 256) (WordN 256))
  deriving (Show)

-- to allow for Eq Contract (which useful for debugging vmtests)
-- we mock an instance of Eq for symbolic storage.
-- It should not (cannot) be used though.
instance Eq Storage where
  (==) (Concrete a) (Concrete b) = fmap forceLit a == fmap forceLit b
  (==) (Symbolic _ _) (Concrete _) = False
  (==) (Concrete _) (Symbolic _ _) = False
  (==) _ _ = error "do not compare two symbolic arrays like this!"

-- | The state of a contract
data Contract = Contract
  { _contractcode :: ContractCode
  , _storage      :: Storage
  , _balance      :: Word
  , _nonce        :: Word
  , _codehash     :: W256
  , _opIxMap      :: Vector Int
  , _codeOps      :: RegularVector.Vector (Int, Op)
  , _external     :: Bool
  , _origStorage  :: Map Word Word

deriving instance Show Contract
deriving instance Eq Contract

-- | When doing symbolic execution, we have three different
-- ways to model the storage of contracts. This determines
-- not only the initial contract storage model but also how
-- RPC or state fetched contracts will be modeled.
data StorageModel
  = ConcreteS    -- ^ Uses `Concrete` Storage. Reading / Writing from abstract
                 -- locations causes a runtime failure. Can be nicely combined with RPC.

  | SymbolicS    -- ^ Uses `Symbolic` Storage. Reading / Writing never reaches RPC,
                 -- but always done using an SMT array with no default value.

  | InitialS     -- ^ Uses `Symbolic` Storage. Reading / Writing never reaches RPC,
                 -- but always done using an SMT array with 0 as the default value.

  deriving (Read, Show)

instance ParseField StorageModel

-- | Various environmental data
data Env = Env
  { _contracts    :: Map Addr Contract
  , _chainId      :: Word
  , _storageModel :: StorageModel
  , _sha3Crack    :: Map Word ByteString
  , _keccakUsed   :: [([SWord 8], SWord 256)]
  deriving (Show)

-- | Data about the block
data Block = Block
  { _coinbase    :: Addr
  , _timestamp   :: SymWord
  , _number      :: Word
  , _difficulty  :: Word
  , _gaslimit    :: Word
  , _maxCodeSize :: Word
  , _schedule    :: FeeSchedule Integer
  } deriving Show

blankState :: FrameState
blankState = FrameState
  { _contract     = 0
  , _codeContract = 0
  , _code         = mempty
  , _pc           = 0
  , _stack        = mempty
  , _memory       = mempty
  , _memorySize   = 0
  , _calldata     = (mempty, 0)
  , _callvalue    = 0
  , _caller       = 0
  , _gas          = 0
  , _returndata   = mempty
  , _static       = False

makeLenses ''FrameState
makeLenses ''Frame
makeLenses ''Block
makeLenses ''TxState
makeLenses ''SubState
makeLenses ''Contract
makeLenses ''Env
makeLenses ''Cache
makeLenses ''Trace
makeLenses ''VM

-- | An "external" view of a contract's bytecode, appropriate for
-- e.g. @EXTCODEHASH@.
bytecode :: Getter Contract ByteString
bytecode = contractcode . to f
  where f (InitCode _)    = BS.empty
        f (RuntimeCode b) = b

instance Semigroup Cache where
  a <> b = Cache
    { _fetched = Map.unionWith unifyCachedContract (view fetched a) (view fetched b)
    , _path = mappend (view path a) (view path b)

-- only intended for use in Cache merges, where we expect
-- everything to be Concrete
unifyCachedContract :: Contract -> Contract -> Contract
unifyCachedContract a b = a & set storage merged
  where merged = case (view storage a, view storage b) of
                   (Concrete sa, Concrete sb) ->
                     Concrete (mappend sa sb)
                   _ ->
                     view storage a

instance Monoid Cache where
  mempty = Cache { _fetched = mempty,
                   _path = mempty

-- * Data accessors

currentContract :: VM -> Maybe Contract
currentContract vm =
  view (env . contracts . at (view (state . codeContract) vm)) vm

-- * Data constructors

makeVm :: VMOpts -> VM
makeVm o = VM
  { _result = Nothing
  , _frames = mempty
  , _tx = TxState
    { _gasprice = w256 $ vmoptGasprice o
    , _txgaslimit = w256 $ vmoptGaslimit o
    , _origin = vmoptOrigin o
    , _toAddr = vmoptAddress o
    , _value = vmoptValue o
    , _substate = SubState mempty mempty mempty
    , _isCreate = vmoptCreate o
    , _txReversion = Map.fromList
      [(vmoptAddress o, vmoptContract o)]
  , _logs = mempty
  , _traces = Zipper.fromForest []
  , _block = Block
    { _coinbase = vmoptCoinbase o
    , _timestamp = vmoptTimestamp o
    , _number = w256 $ vmoptNumber o
    , _difficulty = w256 $ vmoptDifficulty o
    , _maxCodeSize = w256 $ vmoptMaxCodeSize o
    , _gaslimit = w256 $ vmoptBlockGaslimit o
    , _schedule = vmoptSchedule o
  , _state = FrameState
    { _pc = 0
    , _stack = mempty
    , _memory = mempty
    , _memorySize = 0
    , _code = theCode
    , _contract = vmoptAddress o
    , _codeContract = vmoptAddress o
    , _calldata = vmoptCalldata o
    , _callvalue = vmoptValue o
    , _caller = vmoptCaller o
    , _gas = w256 $ vmoptGas o
    , _returndata = mempty
    , _static = False
  , _env = Env
    { _sha3Crack = mempty
    , _chainId = w256 $ vmoptChainId o
    , _contracts = Map.fromList
      [(vmoptAddress o, vmoptContract o)]
    , _keccakUsed = mempty
    , _storageModel = vmoptStorageModel o
  , _cache = Cache mempty mempty
  , _burned = 0
  , _constraints = []
  , _iterations = mempty
  } where theCode = case _contractcode (vmoptContract o) of
            InitCode b    -> b
            RuntimeCode b -> b

-- | Initialize empty contract with given code
initialContract :: ContractCode -> Contract
initialContract theContractCode = Contract
  { _contractcode = theContractCode
  , _codehash =
    if BS.null theCode then 0 else
      keccak (stripBytecodeMetadata theCode)
  , _storage  = Concrete mempty
  , _balance  = 0
  , _nonce    = if creation then 1 else 0
  , _opIxMap  = mkOpIxMap theCode
  , _codeOps  = mkCodeOps theCode
  , _external = False
  , _origStorage = mempty
  } where
      (creation, theCode) = case theContractCode of
            InitCode b    -> (True, b)
            RuntimeCode b -> (False, b)

contractWithStore :: ContractCode -> Storage -> Contract
contractWithStore theContractCode store =
  initialContract theContractCode & set storage store

-- * Opcode dispatch (exec1)

-- | Update program counter
next :: (?op :: Word8) => EVM ()
next = modifying (state . pc) (+ (opSize ?op))

-- | Executes the EVM one step
exec1 :: EVM ()
exec1 = do
  vm <- get

    -- Convenience function to access parts of the current VM state.
    -- Arcane type signature needed to avoid monomorphism restriction.
    the :: (b -> VM -> Const a VM) -> ((a -> Const a a) -> b) -> a
    the f g = view (f . g) vm

    -- Convenient aliases
    mem  = the state memory
    stk  = the state stack
    self = the state contract
    this = fromMaybe (error "internal error: state contract") (preview (ix self) (the env contracts))

    fees@FeeSchedule {..} = the block schedule

    doStop = finishFrame (FrameReturned mempty)

  if self > 0x0 && self <= 0x9 then do
    -- call to precompile
    let ?op = 0x00 -- dummy value
      calldatasize = snd (the state calldata)
    case maybeLitWord calldatasize of
        Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
        Just calldatasize' -> do
          copyBytesToMemory (fst $ the state calldata) (num calldatasize') 0 0
          executePrecompile self (num $ the state gas) 0 (num calldatasize') 0 0 []
          vmx <- get
          case view (state.stack) vmx of
            (x:_) -> case maybeLitWord x of
              Just 0 -> do
                fetchAccount self $ \_ -> do
                  touchAccount self
                  vmError PrecompileFailure
              Just _ ->
                fetchAccount self $ \_ -> do
                  touchAccount self
                  out <- use (state . returndata)
                  finishFrame (FrameReturned out)
              Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
            _ ->

  else if the state pc >= num (BS.length (the state code))
    then doStop

    else do
      let ?op = BS.index (the state code) (the state pc)

      case ?op of

        -- op: PUSH
        x | x >= 0x60 && x <= 0x7f -> do
          let !n = num x - 0x60 + 1
              !xs = padRight n $ BS.take n (BS.drop (1 + the state pc)
                                        (the state code))
          limitStack 1 $
            burn g_verylow $ do
              push (w256 (word xs))

        -- op: DUP
        x | x >= 0x80 && x <= 0x8f -> do
          let !i = x - 0x80 + 1
          case preview (ix (num i - 1)) stk of
            Nothing -> underrun
            Just y ->
              limitStack 1 $
                burn g_verylow $ do
                  pushSym y

        -- op: SWAP
        x | x >= 0x90 && x <= 0x9f -> do
          let i = num (x - 0x90 + 1)
          if length stk < i + 1
            then underrun
              burn g_verylow $ do
                zoom (state . stack) $ do
                  assign (ix 0) (stk ^?! ix i)
                  assign (ix i) (stk ^?! ix 0)

        -- op: LOG
        x | x >= 0xa0 && x <= 0xa4 ->
          notStatic $
          let n = (num x - 0xa0) in
          case stk of
            (xOffset':xSize':xs) ->
              if length xs < n
              then underrun
                forceConcrete2 (xOffset', xSize') $ \(xOffset, xSize) -> do
                    let (topics, xs') = splitAt n xs
                        bytes         = readMemory (num xOffset) (num xSize) vm
                        log           = Log self bytes topics

                    burn (g_log + g_logdata * (num xSize) + num n * g_logtopic) $
                      accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
                        traceLog log
                        assign (state . stack) xs'
                        pushToSequence logs log
            _ ->

        -- op: STOP
        0x00 -> doStop

        -- op: ADD
        0x01 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) (uncurry (+))
        -- op: MUL
        0x02 -> stackOp2 (const g_low) (uncurry (*))
        -- op: SUB
        0x03 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) (uncurry (-))

        -- op: DIV
        0x04 -> stackOp2 (const g_low) (uncurry (sDiv))

        -- op: SDIV
        0x05 ->
          stackOp2 (const g_low) (uncurry sdiv)

        -- op: MOD
        0x06 -> stackOp2 (const g_low) $ \(S a x, S b y) -> S (ITE (IsZero b) (Literal 0) (Mod a b)) (ite (y .== 0) 0 (x `sMod` y))

        -- op: SMOD
        0x07 -> stackOp2 (const g_low) $ uncurry smod
        -- op: ADDMOD
        0x08 -> stackOp3 (const g_mid) (\(x, y, z) -> addmod x y z)
        -- op: MULMOD
        0x09 -> stackOp3 (const g_mid) (\(x, y, z) -> mulmod x y z)

        -- op: LT
        0x10 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \(S a x, S b y) -> iteWhiff (LT a b) (x .< y) 1 0
        -- op: GT
        0x11 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \(S a x, S b y) -> iteWhiff (GT a b) (x .> y) 1 0
        -- op: SLT
        0x12 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry slt
        -- op: SGT
        0x13 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry sgt

        -- op: EQ
        0x14 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \(S a x, S b y) -> iteWhiff (Eq a b) (x .== y) 1 0
        -- op: ISZERO
        0x15 -> stackOp1 (const g_verylow) $ \(S a x) -> iteWhiff (IsZero a) (x .== 0) 1 0

        -- op: AND
        0x16 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry (.&.)
        -- op: OR
        0x17 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry (.|.)
        -- op: XOR
        0x18 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry xor
        -- op: NOT
        0x19 -> stackOp1 (const g_verylow) complement

        -- op: BYTE
        0x1a -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \case
          (n, _) | (forceLit n) >= 32 -> 0
          (n, x) | otherwise          -> 0xff .&. shiftR x (8 * (31 - num (forceLit n)))

        -- op: SHL
        0x1b -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \((S a n), (S b x)) -> S (SHL b a) $ sShiftLeft x n
        -- op: SHR
        0x1c -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \((S a n), (S b x)) -> S (SHR b a) $ sShiftRight x n
        -- op: SAR
        0x1d -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \((S a n), (S b x)) -> S (SAR b a) $ sSignedShiftArithRight x n

        -- op: SHA3
        -- more accurately refered to as KECCAK
        0x20 ->
          case stk of
            (xOffset' : xSize' : xs) ->
              forceConcrete xOffset' $
                \xOffset -> forceConcrete xSize' $ \xSize ->
                  burn (g_sha3 + g_sha3word * ceilDiv (num xSize) 32) $
                    accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
                      (hash@(S _ hash'), invMap, bytes) <- case readMemory xOffset xSize vm of
                                         ConcreteBuffer bs -> do
                                           pure (litWord $ keccakBlob bs, Map.singleton (keccakBlob bs) bs, litBytes bs)
                                         SymbolicBuffer bs -> do
                                           let hash' = symkeccak' bs
                                           return (S (FromKeccak $ SymbolicBuffer bs) hash', mempty, bs)

                      -- Although we would like to simply assert that the uninterpreted function symkeccak'
                      -- is injective, this proves to cause a lot of concern for our smt solvers, probably
                      -- due to the introduction of universal quantifiers into the queries.

                      -- Instead, we keep track of all of the particular invocations of symkeccak' we see
                      -- (similarly to sha3Crack), and simply assert that injectivity holds for these
                      -- particular invocations.
                      -- We additionally make the probabalisitc assumption that the output of symkeccak'
                      -- is greater than 100. This lets us avoid having to reason about storage collisions
                      -- between mappings and "normal" slots

                      let previousUsed = view (env . keccakUsed) vm
                      env . keccakUsed <>= [(bytes, hash')]
                      constraints <>= (hash' .> 100, Todo "probabilistic keccak assumption" []):
                        (fmap (\(preimage, image) ->
                          -- keccak is a function
                          ((preimage .== bytes .=> image .== hash') .&&
                          -- which is injective
                          (image .== hash' .=> preimage .== bytes), Todo "injective keccak assumption" []))

                      assign (state . stack) (hash : xs)
                      (env . sha3Crack) <>= invMap
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: ADDRESS
        0x30 ->
          limitStack 1 $
            burn g_base (next >> push (num self))

        -- op: BALANCE
        0x31 ->
          case stk of
            (x':xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
              burn g_balance $
                fetchAccount (num x) $ \c -> do
                  assign (state . stack) xs
                  push (view balance c)
            [] ->

        -- op: ORIGIN
        0x32 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (num (the tx origin))

        -- op: CALLER
        0x33 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            let toSymWord :: SAddr -> SymWord
                toSymWord (SAddr x) = case unliteral x of
                  Just s -> litWord $ num s
                  Nothing -> var "CALLER" $ sFromIntegral x
            in next >> pushSym (toSymWord (the state caller))

        -- op: CALLVALUE
        0x34 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> pushSym (the state callvalue)

        -- op: CALLDATALOAD
        0x35 -> stackOp1 (const g_verylow) $
          \ind -> uncurry (readSWordWithBound ind) (the state calldata)

        -- op: CALLDATASIZE
        0x36 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> pushSym (snd (the state calldata))

        -- op: CALLDATACOPY
        0x37 ->
          case stk of
            (xTo' : xFrom' : xSize' : xs) -> forceConcrete3 (xTo',xFrom',xSize') $ \(xTo,xFrom,xSize) ->
              burn (g_verylow + g_copy * ceilDiv (num xSize) 32) $
                accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees xTo xSize $ do
                  assign (state . stack) xs
                  case the state calldata of
                    (SymbolicBuffer cd, (S _ cdlen)) -> copyBytesToMemory (SymbolicBuffer [ite (i .<= cdlen) x 0 | (x, i) <- zip cd [1..]]) xSize xFrom xTo
                    -- when calldata is concrete,
                    -- the bound should always be equal to the bytestring length
                    (cd, _) -> copyBytesToMemory cd xSize xFrom xTo
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: CODESIZE
        0x38 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (num (BS.length (the state code)))

        -- op: CODECOPY
        0x39 ->
          case stk of
            (memOffset' : codeOffset' : n' : xs) -> forceConcrete3 (memOffset',codeOffset',n') $ \(memOffset,codeOffset,n) -> do
              burn (g_verylow + g_copy * ceilDiv (num n) 32) $
                accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees memOffset n $ do
                  assign (state . stack) xs
                  copyBytesToMemory (ConcreteBuffer (the state code))
                    n codeOffset memOffset
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: GASPRICE
        0x3a ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (the tx gasprice)

        -- op: EXTCODESIZE
        0x3b ->
          case stk of
            (x':xs) -> makeUnique x' $ \x ->
              if x == num cheatCode
                then do
                  assign (state . stack) xs
                  push (w256 1)
                  burn g_extcode $
                    fetchAccount (num x) $ \c -> do
                      assign (state . stack) xs
                      push (num (BS.length (view bytecode c)))
            [] ->

        -- op: EXTCODECOPY
        0x3c ->
          case stk of
            ( extAccount'
              : memOffset'
              : codeOffset'
              : codeSize'
              : xs ) ->
              forceConcrete4 (extAccount', memOffset', codeOffset', codeSize') $
                \(extAccount, memOffset, codeOffset, codeSize) ->
                  burn (g_extcode + g_copy * ceilDiv (num codeSize) 32) $
                    accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees memOffset codeSize $
                      fetchAccount (num extAccount) $ \c -> do
                        assign (state . stack) xs
                        copyBytesToMemory (ConcreteBuffer (view bytecode c))
                          codeSize codeOffset memOffset
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: RETURNDATASIZE
        0x3d ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (num $ len (the state returndata))

        -- op: RETURNDATACOPY
        0x3e ->
          case stk of
            (xTo' : xFrom' : xSize' :xs) -> forceConcrete3 (xTo', xFrom', xSize') $
              \(xTo, xFrom, xSize) ->
                burn (g_verylow + g_copy * ceilDiv (num xSize) 32) $
                  accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees xTo xSize $ do
                    assign (state . stack) xs
                    if len (the state returndata) < num xFrom + num xSize
                    then vmError InvalidMemoryAccess
                    else copyBytesToMemory (the state returndata) xSize xFrom xTo
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: EXTCODEHASH
        0x3f ->
          case stk of
            (x':xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
              burn g_extcodehash $ do
                assign (state . stack) xs
                fetchAccount (num x) $ \c ->
                   if accountEmpty c
                     then push (num (0 :: Int))
                     else push (num (keccak (view bytecode c)))
            [] ->

        -- op: BLOCKHASH
        0x40 -> do
          -- We adopt the fake block hash scheme of the VMTests,
          -- so that blockhash(i) is the hash of i as decimal ASCII.
          stackOp1 (const g_blockhash) $
            \(forceLit -> i) ->
              if i + 256 < the block number || i >= the block number
              then 0
                (num i :: Integer)
                  & show & Char8.pack & keccak & num

        -- op: COINBASE
        0x41 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (num (the block coinbase))

        -- op: TIMESTAMP
        0x42 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> pushSym (the block timestamp)

        -- op: NUMBER
        0x43 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (the block number)

        -- op: DIFFICULTY
        0x44 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (the block difficulty)

        -- op: GASLIMIT
        0x45 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (the block gaslimit)

        -- op: CHAINID
        0x46 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (the env chainId)

        -- op: SELFBALANCE
        0x47 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_low $
            next >> push (view balance this)

        -- op: POP
        0x50 ->
          case stk of
            (_:xs) -> burn g_base (next >> assign (state . stack) xs)
            _      -> underrun

        -- op: MLOAD
        0x51 ->
          case stk of
            (x':xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
              burn g_verylow $
                accessMemoryWord fees x $ do
                  assign (state . stack) (view (word256At (num x)) mem : xs)
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: MSTORE
        0x52 ->
          case stk of
            (x':y:xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
              burn g_verylow $
                accessMemoryWord fees x $ do
                  assign (state . memory . word256At (num x)) y
                  assign (state . stack) xs
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: MSTORE8
        0x53 ->
          case stk of
            (x':(S _ y):xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
              burn g_verylow $
                accessMemoryRange fees x 1 $ do
                  let yByte = bvExtract (Proxy :: Proxy 7) (Proxy :: Proxy 0) y
                  modifying (state . memory) (setMemoryByte x yByte)
                  assign (state . stack) xs
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: SLOAD
        0x54 ->
          case stk of
            (x:xs) ->
              burn g_sload $
                accessStorage self x $ \y -> do
                  assign (state . stack) (y:xs)
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: SSTORE
        0x55 ->
          notStatic $
          case stk of
            (x:new:xs) ->
              accessStorage self x $ \current -> do
                availableGas <- use (state . gas)

                if num availableGas <= g_callstipend
                  then finishFrame (FrameErrored (OutOfGas availableGas (num g_callstipend)))
                  else do
                    let original = case view storage this of
                                  Concrete _ -> fromMaybe 0 (Map.lookup (forceLit x) (view origStorage this))
                                  Symbolic _ _ -> 0 -- we don't use this value anywhere anyway
                        cost = case (maybeLitWord current, maybeLitWord new) of
                                 (Just current', Just new') ->
                                    if (current' == new') then g_sload
                                    else if (current' == original) && (original == 0) then g_sset
                                    else if (current' == original) then g_sreset
                                    else g_sload

                                 -- if any of the arguments are symbolic,
                                 -- assume worst case scenario
                                 _ -> g_sset

                    burn cost $ do
                      assign (state . stack) xs
                      modifying (env . contracts . ix self . storage)
                        (writeStorage x new)

                      case (maybeLitWord current, maybeLitWord new) of
                         (Just current', Just new') ->
                            unless (current' == new') $
                              if current' == original
                              then when (original /= 0 && new' == 0) $
                                      refund r_sclear
                              else do
                                      when (original /= 0) $
                                        if new' == 0
                                        then refund r_sclear
                                        else unRefund r_sclear
                                      when (original == new') $
                                        if original == 0
                                        then refund (g_sset - g_sload)
                                        else refund (g_sreset - g_sload)
                         -- if any of the arguments are symbolic,
                         -- don't change the refund counter
                         _ -> noop
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: JUMP
        0x56 ->
          case stk of
            (x:xs) ->
              burn g_mid $ forceConcrete x $ \x' ->
                checkJump x' xs
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: JUMPI
        0x57 -> do
          case stk of
            (x:y@(S w _):xs) -> forceConcrete x $ \x' ->
                burn g_high $
                  let jump :: Bool -> EVM ()
                      jump True = assign (state . stack) xs >> next
                      jump _    = checkJump x' xs
                  in case maybeLitWord y of
                      Just y' -> jump (0 == y')
                      -- if the jump condition is symbolic, an smt query has to be made.
                      Nothing -> askSMT (self, the state pc) (0 .== y, IsZero w) jump
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: PC
        0x58 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (num (the state pc))

        -- op: MSIZE
        0x59 ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (num (the state memorySize))

        -- op: GAS
        0x5a ->
          limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
            next >> push (the state gas - num g_base)

        -- op: JUMPDEST
        0x5b -> burn g_jumpdest next

        -- op: EXP
        0x0a ->
          let cost (_ ,(forceLit -> exponent)) =
                if exponent == 0
                then g_exp
                else g_exp + g_expbyte * num (ceilDiv (1 + log2 exponent) 8)
          in stackOp2 cost $ \((S a x),(S b y)) -> S (Exp a b) (x .^ y)

        -- op: SIGNEXTEND
        0x0b ->
          stackOp2 (const g_low) $ \((forceLit -> bytes), w@(S a x)) ->
            if bytes >= 32 then w
            else let n = num bytes * 8 + 7 in
              S (Todo "signextend" [a]) $ ite (sTestBit x n)
                                          (x .|. complement (bit n - 1))
                                          (x .&. (bit n - 1))

        -- op: CREATE
        0xf0 ->
          notStatic $
          case stk of
            (xValue' : xOffset' : xSize' : xs) -> forceConcrete3 (xValue', xOffset', xSize') $
              \(xValue, xOffset, xSize) -> do
                accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
                  availableGas <- use (state . gas)
                    newAddr = createAddress self (wordValue (view nonce this))
                    (cost, gas') = costOfCreate fees availableGas 0
                  burn (cost - gas') $ forceConcreteBuffer (readMemory (num xOffset) (num xSize) vm) $ \initCode ->
                    create self this (num gas') xValue xs newAddr initCode
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: CALL
        0xf1 ->
          case stk of
            ( xGas'
              : S _ xTo
              : (forceLit -> xValue)
              : xInOffset'
              : xInSize'
              : xOutOffset'
              : xOutSize'
              : xs
             ) -> forceConcrete5 (xGas',xInOffset', xInSize', xOutOffset', xOutSize') $
              \(xGas, xInOffset, xInSize, xOutOffset, xOutSize) ->
                (if xValue > 0 then notStatic else id) $
                  let target = SAddr $ sFromIntegral xTo in
                  delegateCall this xGas target target xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $ \callee -> do
                    zoom state $ do
                      assign callvalue (litWord xValue)
                      assign caller (litAddr self)
                      assign contract callee
                    transfer self callee xValue
                    touchAccount self
                    touchAccount callee
            _ ->

        -- op: CALLCODE
        0xf2 ->
          case stk of
            ( xGas'
              : S _ xTo'
              : (forceLit -> xValue)
              : xInOffset'
              : xInSize'
              : xOutOffset'
              : xOutSize'
              : xs
              ) -> forceConcrete5 (xGas', xInOffset', xInSize', xOutOffset', xOutSize') $
                \(xGas, xInOffset, xInSize, xOutOffset, xOutSize) ->
                  let target = SAddr $ sFromIntegral xTo' in
                  delegateCall this xGas target (litAddr self) xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $ \_ -> do
                    zoom state $ do
                      assign callvalue (litWord xValue)
                      assign caller (litAddr self)
                    touchAccount self
            _ ->

        -- op: RETURN
        0xf3 ->
          case stk of
            (xOffset' : xSize' :_) -> forceConcrete2 (xOffset', xSize') $ \(xOffset, xSize) ->
              accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
                  output = readMemory xOffset xSize vm
                  codesize = num (len output)
                  maxsize = the block maxCodeSize
                case view frames vm of
                  [] ->
                    case (the tx isCreate) of
                      True ->
                        if codesize > maxsize
                          finishFrame (FrameErrored (MaxCodeSizeExceeded maxsize codesize))
                          burn (g_codedeposit * num codesize) $
                            finishFrame (FrameReturned output)
                      False ->
                        finishFrame (FrameReturned output)
                  (frame: _) -> do
                      context = view frameContext frame
                    case context of
                      CreationContext {} ->
                        if codesize > maxsize
                          finishFrame (FrameErrored (MaxCodeSizeExceeded maxsize codesize))
                          burn (g_codedeposit * num codesize) $
                            finishFrame (FrameReturned output)
                      CallContext {} ->
                          finishFrame (FrameReturned output)
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: DELEGATECALL
        0xf4 ->
          case stk of
             :S _ xTo
             :xs) -> forceConcrete5 (xGas', xInOffset', xInSize', xOutOffset', xOutSize') $
              \(xGas, xInOffset, xInSize, xOutOffset, xOutSize) ->
                let target = SAddr $ sFromIntegral xTo in
                delegateCall this xGas target (litAddr self) 0 xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $ \_ -> do
                  touchAccount self
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: CREATE2
        0xf5 -> notStatic $
          case stk of
             :xs) -> forceConcrete4 (xValue', xOffset', xSize', xSalt') $
              \(xValue, xOffset, xSize, xSalt) ->
                accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
                  availableGas <- use (state . gas)
                  forceConcreteBuffer (readMemory (num xOffset) (num xSize) vm) $ \initCode ->
                    newAddr  = create2Address self (num xSalt) initCode
                    (cost, gas') = costOfCreate fees availableGas xSize
                   in burn (cost - gas') $
                    create self this (num gas') xValue xs newAddr initCode
            _ -> underrun

        -- op: STATICCALL
        0xfa ->
          case stk of
             :S _ xTo
             :xs) -> forceConcrete5 (xGas', xInOffset', xInSize', xOutOffset', xOutSize') $
              \(xGas, xInOffset, xInSize, xOutOffset, xOutSize) -> do
                let target = SAddr $ sFromIntegral xTo
                delegateCall this xGas target target 0 xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $ \callee -> do
                  zoom state $ do
                    assign callvalue 0
                    assign caller (litAddr self)
                    assign contract callee
                    assign static True
                  touchAccount self
                  touchAccount callee
            _ ->

        -- op: SELFDESTRUCT
        0xff ->
          notStatic $
          case stk of
            [] -> underrun
            (xTo':_) -> forceConcrete xTo' $ \(num -> xTo) ->
                funds = view balance this
                recipientExists = accountExists xTo vm
                c_new = if not recipientExists && funds /= 0
                        then num g_selfdestruct_newaccount
                        else 0
              in burn (g_selfdestruct + c_new) $ do
                   destructs <- use (tx . substate . selfdestructs)
                   unless (elem self destructs) $ refund r_selfdestruct
                   selfdestruct self
                   touchAccount xTo

                   if funds /= 0
                   then fetchAccount xTo $ \_ -> do
                          env . contracts . ix xTo . balance += funds
                          assign (env . contracts . ix self . balance) 0
                   else doStop

        -- op: REVERT
        0xfd ->
          case stk of
            (xOffset':xSize':_) -> forceConcrete2 (xOffset', xSize') $ \(xOffset, xSize) ->
              accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
                let output = readMemory xOffset xSize vm
                finishFrame (FrameReverted output)
            _ -> underrun

        xxx ->
          vmError (UnrecognizedOpcode xxx)

transfer :: Addr -> Addr -> Word -> EVM ()
transfer xFrom xTo xValue =
  zoom (env . contracts) $ do
    ix xFrom . balance -= xValue
    ix xTo  . balance += xValue

-- | Checks a *CALL for failure; OOG, too many callframes, memory access etc.
  :: (?op :: Word8)
  => Contract -> Word -> Addr -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord]
   -- continuation with gas available for call
  -> (Integer -> EVM ())
  -> EVM ()
callChecks this xGas xContext xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs continue = do
  vm <- get
  let fees = view (block . schedule) vm
  accessMemoryRange fees xInOffset xInSize $
    accessMemoryRange fees xOutOffset xOutSize $ do
      availableGas <- use (state . gas)
      let recipientExists = accountExists xContext vm
          (cost, gas') = costOfCall fees recipientExists xValue availableGas xGas
      burn (cost - gas') $ do
        if xValue > view balance this
        then do
          assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
          assign (state . returndata) mempty
          pushTrace $ ErrorTrace $ BalanceTooLow xValue (view balance this)
        else if length (view frames vm) >= 1024
             then do
               assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
               assign (state . returndata) mempty
               pushTrace $ ErrorTrace CallDepthLimitReached
             else continue gas'

  :: (?op :: Word8)
  => Contract
  -> Word
  -> Addr
  -> Addr
  -> Word
  -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word
  -> [SymWord]
  -> EVM ()
precompiledContract this xGas precompileAddr recipient xValue inOffset inSize outOffset outSize xs =
  callChecks this xGas recipient xValue inOffset inSize outOffset outSize xs $ \gas' ->
    executePrecompile precompileAddr gas' inOffset inSize outOffset outSize xs
    self <- use (state . contract)
    stk <- use (state . stack)
    case stk of
      (x:_) -> case maybeLitWord x of
        Just 0 ->
          return ()
        Just 1 ->
          fetchAccount recipient $ \_ -> do

          transfer self recipient xValue
          touchAccount self
          touchAccount recipient
          touchAccount precompileAddr
        _ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
      _ -> underrun

  :: (?op :: Word8)
  => Addr
  -> Integer -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord]
  -> EVM ()
executePrecompile preCompileAddr gasCap inOffset inSize outOffset outSize xs  = do
  vm <- get
  let input = readMemory (num inOffset) (num inSize) vm
      fees = view (block . schedule) vm
      cost = costOfPrecompile fees preCompileAddr input
      notImplemented = error $ "precompile at address " <> show preCompileAddr <> " not yet implemented"
      precompileFail = burn (num gasCap - cost) $ do
                         assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
                         pushTrace $ ErrorTrace PrecompileFailure
  if cost > num gasCap then
    burn (num gasCap) $ do
      assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
    burn cost $
      case preCompileAddr of
        -- ECRECOVER
        0x1 ->
         -- TODO: support symbolic variant
         forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->
          case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x1 (truncpadlit 128 input') 32 of
            Nothing -> do
              -- return no output for invalid signature
              assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
              assign (state . returndata) mempty
            Just output -> do
              assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
              assign (state . returndata) (ConcreteBuffer output)
              copyBytesToMemory (ConcreteBuffer output) outSize 0 outOffset

        -- SHA2-256
        0x2 ->
            hash = case input of
                     ConcreteBuffer input' -> ConcreteBuffer $ BS.pack $ BA.unpack (Crypto.hash input' :: Digest SHA256)
                     SymbolicBuffer input' -> SymbolicBuffer $ symSHA256 input'
          in do
            assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
            assign (state . returndata) hash
            copyBytesToMemory hash outSize 0 outOffset

        -- RIPEMD-160
        0x3 ->
         -- TODO: support symbolic variant
         forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->

            padding = BS.pack $ replicate 12 0
            hash' = BS.pack $ BA.unpack (Crypto.hash input' :: Digest RIPEMD160)
            hash  = ConcreteBuffer $ padding <> hash'
          in do
            assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
            assign (state . returndata) hash
            copyBytesToMemory hash outSize 0 outOffset

        -- IDENTITY
        0x4 -> do
            assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
            assign (state . returndata) input
            copyCallBytesToMemory input outSize 0 outOffset

        -- MODEXP
        0x5 ->
         -- TODO: support symbolic variant
         forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->

            (lenb, lene, lenm) = parseModexpLength input'

            output = ConcreteBuffer $
              case (isZero (96 + lenb + lene) lenm input') of
                 True ->
                   truncpadlit (num lenm) (asBE (0 :: Int))
                 False ->
                     b = asInteger $ lazySlice 96 lenb input'
                     e = asInteger $ lazySlice (96 + lenb) lene input'
                     m = asInteger $ lazySlice (96 + lenb + lene) lenm input'
                     padLeft (num lenm) (asBE (expFast b e m))
          in do
            assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
            assign (state . returndata) output
            copyBytesToMemory output outSize 0 outOffset

        -- ECADD
        0x6 ->
         -- TODO: support symbolic variant
         forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->
           case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x6 (truncpadlit 128 input') 64 of
          Nothing -> precompileFail
          Just output -> do
            let truncpaddedOutput = ConcreteBuffer $ truncpadlit 64 output
            assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
            assign (state . returndata) truncpaddedOutput
            copyBytesToMemory truncpaddedOutput outSize 0 outOffset

        -- ECMUL
        0x7 ->
         -- TODO: support symbolic variant
         forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->

          case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x7 (truncpadlit 96 input') 64 of
          Nothing -> precompileFail
          Just output -> do
            let truncpaddedOutput = ConcreteBuffer $ truncpadlit 64 output
            assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
            assign (state . returndata) truncpaddedOutput
            copyBytesToMemory truncpaddedOutput outSize 0 outOffset

        -- ECPAIRING
        0x8 ->
         -- TODO: support symbolic variant
         forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->

          case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x8 input' 32 of
          Nothing -> precompileFail
          Just output -> do
            let truncpaddedOutput = ConcreteBuffer $ truncpadlit 32 output
            assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
            assign (state . returndata) truncpaddedOutput
            copyBytesToMemory truncpaddedOutput outSize 0 outOffset

        -- BLAKE2
        0x9 ->
         -- TODO: support symbolic variant
         forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' -> do

          case (BS.length input', 1 >= BS.last input') of
            (213, True) -> case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x9 input' 64 of
              Just output -> do
                let truncpaddedOutput = ConcreteBuffer $ truncpadlit 64 output
                assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
                assign (state . returndata) truncpaddedOutput
                copyBytesToMemory truncpaddedOutput outSize 0 outOffset
              Nothing -> precompileFail
            _ -> precompileFail

        _   -> notImplemented

truncpadlit :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
truncpadlit n xs = if m > n then BS.take n xs
                   else BS.append xs (BS.replicate (n - m) 0)
  where m = BS.length xs

lazySlice :: Word -> Word -> ByteString -> LS.ByteString
lazySlice offset size bs =
  let bs' = LS.take (num size) (LS.drop (num offset) (fromStrict bs))
  in bs' <> LS.replicate ((num size) - LS.length bs') 0

parseModexpLength :: ByteString -> (Word, Word, Word)
parseModexpLength input =
  let lenb = w256 $ word $ LS.toStrict $ lazySlice  0 32 input
      lene = w256 $ word $ LS.toStrict $ lazySlice 32 64 input
      lenm = w256 $ word $ LS.toStrict $ lazySlice 64 96 input
  in (lenb, lene, lenm)

isZero :: Word -> Word -> ByteString -> Bool
isZero offset size bs =
  LS.all (== 0) $
    LS.take (num size) $
      LS.drop (num offset) $
        fromStrict bs

asInteger :: LS.ByteString -> Integer
asInteger xs = if xs == mempty then 0
  else 256 * asInteger (LS.init xs)
      + num (LS.last xs)

-- * Opcode helper actions

noop :: Monad m => m ()
noop = pure ()

pushTo :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s [a] [a] -> a -> m ()
pushTo f x = f %= (x :)

pushToSequence :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s (Seq a) (Seq a) -> a -> m ()
pushToSequence f x = f %= (Seq.|> x)

getCodeLocation :: VM -> CodeLocation
getCodeLocation vm = (view (state . contract) vm, view (state . pc) vm)

-- | Ask the SMT solver to provide a concrete model for val iff a unique model exists
makeUnique :: SymWord -> (Word -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
makeUnique sw@(S w val) cont = case maybeLitWord sw of
  Nothing -> do
    conditions <- use constraints
    assign result . Just . VMFailure . Query $ PleaseMakeUnique val (fst <$> conditions) $ \case
      Unique a -> do
        assign result Nothing
        cont (C w $ fromSizzle a)
      InconsistentU -> vmError $ DeadPath
      TimeoutU -> vmError $ SMTTimeout
      Multiple -> vmError $ NotUnique w
  Just a -> cont a

-- | Construct SMT Query and halt execution until resolved
askSMT :: CodeLocation -> (SBool, Whiff) -> (Bool -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
askSMT codeloc (condition, whiff) continue = do
  -- We keep track of how many times we have come across this particular
  -- (contract, pc) combination in the `iteration` mapping.
  iteration <- use (iterations . at codeloc . non 0)

  -- If we are backstepping, the result of this query should be cached
  -- already. So we first check the cache to see if the result is known
  use (cache . path . at (codeloc, iteration)) >>= \case
     -- If the query has been done already, select path or select the only available
     Just w -> choosePath (Case w)
     -- If this is a new query, run the query, cache the result
     -- increment the iterations and select appropriate path
     Nothing -> do pathconds <- use constraints
                   assign result . Just . VMFailure . Query $ PleaseAskSMT
                     condition' (fst <$> pathconds) choosePath

   where condition' = simplifyCondition condition whiff
     -- Only one path is possible

         choosePath :: BranchCondition -> EVM ()
         choosePath (Case v) = do assign result Nothing
                                  pushTo constraints $ if v then (condition', whiff) else (sNot condition', IsZero whiff)
                                  iteration <- use (iterations . at codeloc . non 0)
                                  assign (cache . path . at (codeloc, iteration)) (Just v)
                                  assign (iterations . at codeloc) (Just (iteration + 1))
                                  continue v
         -- Both paths are possible; we ask for more input
         choosePath Unknown = assign result . Just . VMFailure . Choose . PleaseChoosePath whiff $ choosePath . Case
         -- None of the paths are possible; fail this branch
         choosePath Inconsistent = vmError DeadPath

-- | Construct RPC Query and halt execution until resolved
fetchAccount :: Addr -> (Contract -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
fetchAccount addr continue =
  use (env . contracts . at addr) >>= \case
    Just c -> continue c
    Nothing ->
      use (cache . fetched . at addr) >>= \case
        Just c -> do
          assign (env . contracts . at addr) (Just c)
          continue c
        Nothing -> do
          model <- use (env . storageModel)
          assign result . Just . VMFailure $ Query $
            PleaseFetchContract addr model
              (\c -> do assign (cache . fetched . at addr) (Just c)
                        assign (env . contracts . at addr) (Just c)
                        assign result Nothing
                        tryContinue c)
    tryContinue c =
      if (view external c) && (accountEmpty c)
        then vmError . NoSuchContract $ addr
        else continue c

readStorage :: Storage -> SymWord -> Maybe (SymWord)
readStorage (Symbolic _ s) (S w loc) = Just $ S (FromStorage w s) $ readArray s loc
readStorage (Concrete s) loc = Map.lookup (forceLit loc) s

writeStorage :: SymWord -> SymWord -> Storage -> Storage
writeStorage k@(S _ loc) v@(S _ val) (Symbolic xs s) = Symbolic ((k,v):xs) (writeArray s loc val)
writeStorage loc val (Concrete s) = Concrete (Map.insert (forceLit loc) val s)

  :: Addr                -- ^ Contract address
  -> SymWord             -- ^ Storage slot key
  -> (SymWord -> EVM ()) -- ^ Continuation
  -> EVM ()
accessStorage addr slot continue =
  use (env . contracts . at addr) >>= \case
    Just c ->
      case readStorage (view storage c) slot of
        -- Notice that if storage is symbolic, we always continue straight away
        Just x ->
          continue x
        Nothing ->
          if view external c
            -- check if the slot is cached
            use (cache . fetched . at addr) >>= \case
              Nothing -> mkQuery
              Just cachedContract ->
                maybe mkQuery continue (readStorage (view storage cachedContract) slot)
          else do
            modifying (env . contracts . ix addr . storage) (writeStorage slot 0)
            continue 0
    Nothing ->
      fetchAccount addr $ \_ ->
        accessStorage addr slot continue
      mkQuery = assign result . Just . VMFailure . Query $
                  PleaseFetchSlot addr (forceLit slot)
                    (\(litWord -> x) -> do
                        modifying (cache . fetched . ix addr . storage) (writeStorage slot x)
                        modifying (env . contracts . ix addr . storage) (writeStorage slot x)
                        assign result Nothing
                        continue x)

accountExists :: Addr -> VM -> Bool
accountExists addr vm =
  case view (env . contracts . at addr) vm of
    Just c -> not (accountEmpty c)
    Nothing -> False

-- EIP 161
accountEmpty :: Contract -> Bool
accountEmpty c =
  (view contractcode c == RuntimeCode mempty)
  && (view nonce c == 0)
  && (view balance c == 0)

-- * How to finalize a transaction
finalize :: EVM ()
finalize = do
    revertContracts  = use (tx . txReversion) >>= assign (env . contracts)
    revertSubstate   = assign (tx . substate) (SubState mempty mempty mempty)

  use result >>= \case
    Nothing ->
      error "Finalising an unfinished tx."
    Just (VMFailure (Revert _)) -> do
    Just (VMFailure _) -> do
      -- burn remaining gas
      assign (state . gas) 0
    Just (VMSuccess output) -> do
      -- deposit the code from a creation tx
      creation <- use (tx . isCreate)
      createe  <- use (state . contract)
      createeExists <- (Map.member createe) <$> use (env . contracts)

      when (creation && createeExists) $ forceConcreteBuffer output $ \code' -> replaceCode createe (RuntimeCode code')

  -- compute and pay the refund to the caller and the
  -- corresponding payment to the miner
  txOrigin     <- use (tx . origin)
  sumRefunds   <- (sum . (snd <$>)) <$> (use (tx . substate . refunds))
  miner        <- use (block . coinbase)
  blockReward  <- num . r_block <$> (use (block . schedule))
  gasPrice     <- use (tx . gasprice)
  gasLimit     <- use (tx . txgaslimit)
  gasRemaining <- use (state . gas)

    gasUsed      = gasLimit - gasRemaining
    cappedRefund = min (quot gasUsed 2) (num sumRefunds)
    originPay    = (gasRemaining + cappedRefund) * gasPrice
    minerPay     = gasPrice * (gasUsed - cappedRefund)

  modifying (env . contracts)
     (Map.adjust (over balance (+ originPay)) txOrigin)
  modifying (env . contracts)
     (Map.adjust (over balance (+ minerPay)) miner)
  touchAccount miner

  -- pay out the block reward, recreating the miner if necessary
  preuse (env . contracts . ix miner) >>= \case
    Nothing -> modifying (env . contracts)
      (Map.insert miner (initialContract (EVM.RuntimeCode mempty)))
    Just _  -> noop
  modifying (env . contracts)
    (Map.adjust (over balance (+ blockReward)) miner)

  -- perform state trie clearing (EIP 161), of selfdestructs
  -- and touched accounts. addresses are cleared if they have
  --    a) selfdestructed, or
  --    b) been touched and
  --    c) are empty.
  -- (see Yellow Paper "Accrued Substate")
  -- remove any destructed addresses
  destroyedAddresses <- use (tx . substate . selfdestructs)
  modifying (env . contracts)
    (Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> (notElem k destroyedAddresses)))
  -- then, clear any remaining empty and touched addresses
  touchedAddresses <- use (tx . substate . touchedAccounts)
  modifying (env . contracts)
      (\k a -> not ((elem k touchedAddresses) && accountEmpty a)))

-- | Loads the selected contract as the current contract to execute
loadContract :: Addr -> EVM ()
loadContract target =
  preuse (env . contracts . ix target . contractcode) >>=
      Nothing ->
        error "Call target doesn't exist"
      Just (InitCode targetCode) -> do
        assign (state . contract) target
        assign (state . code)     targetCode
        assign (state . codeContract) target
      Just (RuntimeCode targetCode) -> do
        assign (state . contract) target
        assign (state . code)     targetCode
        assign (state . codeContract) target

limitStack :: Int -> EVM () -> EVM ()
limitStack n continue = do
  stk <- use (state . stack)
  if length stk + n > 1024
    then vmError StackLimitExceeded
    else continue

notStatic :: EVM () -> EVM ()
notStatic continue = do
  bad <- use (state . static)
  if bad
    then vmError StateChangeWhileStatic
    else continue

-- | Burn gas, failing if insufficient gas is available
-- We use the `Integer` type to avoid overflows in intermediate
-- calculations and throw if the value won't fit into a uint64
burn :: Integer -> EVM () -> EVM ()
burn n' continue =
  if n' > (2 :: Integer) ^ (64 :: Integer) - 1
  then vmError IllegalOverflow
  else do
    let n = num n'
    available <- use (state . gas)
    if n <= available
      then do
        state . gas -= n
        burned += n
        vmError (OutOfGas available n)

forceConcreteAddr :: SAddr -> (Addr -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcreteAddr n continue = case maybeLitAddr n of
  Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
  Just c -> continue c

forceConcrete :: SymWord -> (Word -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete n continue = case maybeLitWord n of
  Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
  Just c -> continue c

forceConcrete2 :: (SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete2 (n,m) continue = case (maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord m) of
  (Just c, Just d) -> continue (c, d)
  _ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg

forceConcrete3 :: (SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete3 (k,n,m) continue = case (maybeLitWord k, maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord m) of
  (Just c, Just d, Just f) -> continue (c, d, f)
  _ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg

forceConcrete4 :: (SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word, Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete4 (k,l,n,m) continue = case (maybeLitWord k, maybeLitWord l, maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord m) of
  (Just b, Just c, Just d, Just f) -> continue (b, c, d, f)
  _ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg

forceConcrete5 :: (SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word, Word, Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete5 (k,l,m,n,o) continue = case (maybeLitWord k, maybeLitWord l, maybeLitWord m, maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord o) of
  (Just a, Just b, Just c, Just d, Just e) -> continue (a, b, c, d, e)
  _ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg

forceConcrete6 :: (SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word, Word, Word, Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete6 (k,l,m,n,o,p) continue = case (maybeLitWord k, maybeLitWord l, maybeLitWord m, maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord o, maybeLitWord p) of
  (Just a, Just b, Just c, Just d, Just e, Just f) -> continue (a, b, c, d, e, f)
  _ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg

forceConcreteBuffer :: Buffer -> (ByteString -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcreteBuffer (SymbolicBuffer b) continue = case maybeLitBytes b of
  Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
  Just bs -> continue bs
forceConcreteBuffer (ConcreteBuffer b) continue = continue b

-- * Substate manipulation
refund :: Integer -> EVM ()
refund n = do
  self <- use (state . contract)
  pushTo (tx . substate . refunds) (self, n)

unRefund :: Integer -> EVM ()
unRefund n = do
  self <- use (state . contract)
  refs <- use (tx . substate . refunds)
  assign (tx . substate . refunds)
    (filter (\(a,b) -> not (a == self && b == n)) refs)

touchAccount :: Addr -> EVM()
touchAccount = pushTo ((tx . substate) . touchedAccounts)

selfdestruct :: Addr -> EVM()
selfdestruct = pushTo ((tx . substate) . selfdestructs)

-- * Cheat codes

-- The cheat code is 7109709ecfa91a80626ff3989d68f67f5b1dd12d.
-- Call this address using one of the cheatActions below to do
-- special things, e.g. changing the block timestamp. Beware that
-- these are necessarily hevm specific.
cheatCode :: Addr
cheatCode = num (keccak "hevm cheat code")

  :: (?op :: Word8)
  => (Word, Word) -> (Word, Word)
  -> EVM ()
cheat (inOffset, inSize) (outOffset, outSize) = do
  mem <- use (state . memory)
  vm <- get
    abi = readMemoryWord32 inOffset mem
    input = readMemory (inOffset + 4) (inSize - 4) vm
  case fromSized <$> unliteral abi of
    Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
    Just abi' ->
      case Map.lookup abi' cheatActions of
        Nothing ->
          vmError (BadCheatCode (Just abi'))
        Just action -> do
            action outOffset outSize input
            push 1

type CheatAction = Word -> Word -> Buffer -> EVM ()

cheatActions :: Map Word32 CheatAction
cheatActions =
    [ action "warp(uint256)" $
        \sig _ _ input -> case decodeStaticArgs input of
          [x]  -> assign (block . timestamp) (mksym x)
          _ -> vmError (BadCheatCode sig),

      action "roll(uint256)" $
        \sig _ _ input -> case decodeStaticArgs input of
          [x] -> forceConcrete (mksym x) (assign (block . number))
          _ -> vmError (BadCheatCode sig),

      action "store(address,bytes32,bytes32)" $
        \sig _ _ input -> case decodeStaticArgs input of
          [a, slot, new] ->
            makeUnique (mksym $ sFromIntegral a) $ \(C _ (num -> a')) ->
              fetchAccount a' $ \_ -> do
                modifying (env . contracts . ix a' . storage) (writeStorage (mksym slot) (mksym new))
          _ -> vmError (BadCheatCode sig),

      action "load(address,bytes32)" $
        \sig outOffset _ input -> case decodeStaticArgs input of
          [a, slot] ->
            makeUnique (mksym $ sFromIntegral a) $ \(C _ (num -> a'))->
              accessStorage a' (mksym slot) $ \res -> do
                assign (state . returndata . word256At 0) res
                assign (state . memory . word256At outOffset) res
          _ -> vmError (BadCheatCode sig)
    action s f = (abiKeccak s, f (Just $ abiKeccak s))
    mksym x = S (Todo "abidecode" []) x

-- * General call implementation ("delegateCall")
  :: (?op :: Word8)
  => Contract -> Word -> SAddr -> SAddr -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord]
  -> (Addr -> EVM ())
  -> EVM ()
delegateCall this gasGiven (SAddr xTo) (SAddr xContext) xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs continue =
  makeUnique (S (Todo "xTo" []) $ sFromIntegral xTo) $ \(C _ (num -> xTo')) ->
    makeUnique (S (Todo "xcontext" []) $ sFromIntegral xContext) $ \(C _ (num -> xContext')) ->
      if xTo' > 0 && xTo' <= 9
      then precompiledContract this gasGiven xTo' xContext' xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs
      else if num xTo' == cheatCode then
          assign (state . stack) xs
          cheat (xInOffset, xInSize) (xOutOffset, xOutSize)
        callChecks this gasGiven xContext' xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $
        \xGas -> do
          vm0 <- get
          fetchAccount xTo' . const $
            preuse (env . contracts . ix xTo') >>= \case
              Nothing ->
                vmError (NoSuchContract xTo')
              Just target -> do
                burn xGas $ do
                  let newContext = CallContext
                                    { callContextTarget    = xTo'
                                    , callContextContext   = xContext'
                                    , callContextOffset    = xOutOffset
                                    , callContextSize      = xOutSize
                                    , callContextCodehash  = view codehash target
                                    , callContextReversion = view (env . contracts) vm0
                                    , callContextSubState  = view (tx . substate) vm0
                                    , callContextAbi =
                                        if xInSize >= 4
                                        then case unliteral $ readMemoryWord32 xInOffset (view (state . memory) vm0)
                                             of Nothing -> Nothing
                                                Just abi -> Just . w256 $ num abi
                                        else Nothing
                                    , callContextData = (readMemory (num xInOffset) (num xInSize) vm0)

                  pushTrace (FrameTrace newContext)
                  vm1 <- get

                  pushTo frames $ Frame
                    { _frameState = (set stack xs) (view state vm1)
                    , _frameContext = newContext

                  zoom state $ do
                    assign gas (num xGas)
                    assign pc 0
                    assign code (view bytecode target)
                    assign codeContract xTo'
                    assign stack mempty
                    assign memory mempty
                    assign memorySize 0
                    assign returndata mempty
                    assign calldata (readMemory (num xInOffset) (num xInSize) vm0, w256lit (num xInSize))

                  continue xTo'

-- -- * Contract creation

-- EIP 684
collision :: Maybe Contract -> Bool
collision c' = case c' of
  Just c -> (view contractcode c /= RuntimeCode mempty) || (view nonce c /= 0)
  Nothing -> False

create :: (?op :: Word8)
  => Addr -> Contract
  -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord] -> Addr -> ByteString -> EVM ()
create self this xGas' xValue xs newAddr initCode = do
  vm0 <- get
  let xGas = num xGas'
  if xValue > view balance this
  then do
    assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
    assign (state . returndata) mempty
    pushTrace $ ErrorTrace $ BalanceTooLow xValue (view balance this)
  else if length (view frames vm0) >= 1024
  then do
    assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
    assign (state . returndata) mempty
    pushTrace $ ErrorTrace $ CallDepthLimitReached
  else if collision $ view (env . contracts . at newAddr) vm0
  then burn xGas $ do
    assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
    modifying (env . contracts . ix self . nonce) succ
  else burn xGas $ do
    touchAccount self
    touchAccount newAddr
      store = case view (env . storageModel) vm0 of
        ConcreteS -> Concrete mempty
        SymbolicS -> Symbolic [] $ sListArray 0 []
        InitialS  -> Symbolic [] $ sListArray 0 []
      newContract =
        initialContract (InitCode initCode) & set storage store
      newContext  =
        CreationContext { creationContextAddress   = newAddr
                        , creationContextCodehash  = view codehash newContract
                        , creationContextReversion = view (env . contracts) vm0
                        , creationContextSubstate  = view (tx . substate) vm0

    zoom (env . contracts) $ do
      oldAcc <- use (at newAddr)
      let oldBal = maybe 0 (view balance) oldAcc

      assign (at newAddr) (Just (newContract & balance .~ oldBal))
      modifying (ix self . nonce) succ

    transfer self newAddr xValue

    pushTrace (FrameTrace newContext)
    vm1 <- get
    pushTo frames $ Frame
      { _frameContext = newContext
      , _frameState   = (set stack xs) (view state vm1)

    assign state $
        & set contract   newAddr
        & set codeContract newAddr
        & set code       initCode
        & set callvalue  (litWord xValue)
        & set caller     (litAddr self)
        & set gas        xGas'

-- | Replace a contract's code, like when CREATE returns
-- from the constructor code.
replaceCode :: Addr -> ContractCode -> EVM ()
replaceCode target newCode =
  zoom (env . contracts . at target) $
    get >>= \case
      Just now -> case (view contractcode now) of
        InitCode _ ->
          put . Just $
          initialContract newCode
          & set storage (view storage now)
          & set balance (view balance now)
          & set nonce   (view nonce now)
        RuntimeCode _ ->
          error ("internal error: can't replace code of deployed contract " <> show target)
      Nothing ->
        error "internal error: can't replace code of nonexistent contract"

replaceCodeOfSelf :: ContractCode -> EVM ()
replaceCodeOfSelf newCode = do
  vm <- get
  replaceCode (view (state . contract) vm) newCode

resetState :: EVM ()
resetState = do
  assign result Nothing
  assign frames []
  assign state  blankState

-- * VM error implementation

vmError :: Error -> EVM ()
vmError e = finishFrame (FrameErrored e)

underrun :: EVM ()
underrun = vmError StackUnderrun

-- | A stack frame can be popped in three ways.
data FrameResult
  = FrameReturned Buffer -- ^ STOP, RETURN, or no more code
  | FrameReverted Buffer -- ^ REVERT
  | FrameErrored Error -- ^ Any other error
  deriving Show

-- | This function defines how to pop the current stack frame in either of
-- the ways specified by 'FrameResult'.
-- It also handles the case when the current stack frame is the only one;
-- in this case, we set the final '_result' of the VM execution.
finishFrame :: FrameResult -> EVM ()
finishFrame how = do
  oldVm <- get

  case view frames oldVm of
    -- Is the current frame the only one?
    [] -> do
      case how of
          FrameReturned output -> assign result . Just $ VMSuccess output
          FrameReverted buffer -> forceConcreteBuffer buffer $ \out -> assign result . Just $ VMFailure (Revert out)
          FrameErrored e       -> assign result . Just $ VMFailure e

    -- Are there some remaining frames?
    nextFrame : remainingFrames -> do

      -- Insert a debug trace.
      insertTrace $
        case how of
          FrameErrored e ->
            ErrorTrace e
          FrameReverted (ConcreteBuffer output) ->
            ErrorTrace (Revert output)
          FrameReverted (SymbolicBuffer output) ->
            ErrorTrace (Revert (forceLitBytes output))
          FrameReturned output ->
            ReturnTrace output (view frameContext nextFrame)
      -- Pop to the previous level of the debug trace stack.

      -- Pop the top frame.
      assign frames remainingFrames
      -- Install the state of the frame to which we shall return.
      assign state (view frameState nextFrame)

      -- When entering a call, the gas allowance is counted as burned
      -- in advance; this unburns the remainder and adds it to the
      -- parent frame.
      let remainingGas = view (state . gas) oldVm
          reclaimRemainingGasAllowance = do
            modifying burned (subtract remainingGas)
            modifying (state . gas) (+ remainingGas)

          FeeSchedule {..} = view ( block . schedule ) oldVm

      -- Now dispatch on whether we were creating or calling,
      -- and whether we shall return, revert, or error (six cases).
      case view frameContext nextFrame of

        -- Were we calling?
        CallContext _ _ (num -> outOffset) (num -> outSize) _ _ _ reversion substate' -> do

            revertContracts = assign (env . contracts) reversion
            revertSubstate  = assign (tx . substate) substate'

          case how of
            -- Case 1: Returning from a call?
            FrameReturned output -> do
              assign (state . returndata) output
              copyCallBytesToMemory output outSize 0 outOffset
              push 1

            -- Case 2: Reverting during a call?
            FrameReverted output -> do
              assign (state . returndata) output
              copyCallBytesToMemory output outSize 0 outOffset
              push 0

            -- Case 3: Error during a call?
            FrameErrored _ -> do
              assign (state . returndata) mempty
              push 0
        -- Or were we creating?
        CreationContext _ _ reversion substate' -> do
          creator <- use (state . contract)
            createe = view (state . contract) oldVm
            revertContracts = assign (env . contracts) reversion'
            revertSubstate  = assign (tx . substate) substate'

            -- persist the nonce through the reversion
            reversion' = (Map.adjust (over nonce (+ 1)) creator) reversion

          case how of
            -- Case 4: Returning during a creation?
            FrameReturned output ->
              forceConcreteBuffer output $ \output' -> do
                replaceCode createe (RuntimeCode output')
                assign (state . returndata) mempty
                push (num createe)

            -- Case 5: Reverting during a creation?
            FrameReverted output -> do
              assign (state . returndata) output
              push 0

            -- Case 6: Error during a creation?
            FrameErrored _ -> do
              assign (state . returndata) mempty
              push 0

-- * Memory helpers

  :: FeeSchedule Integer
  -> Word
  -> Word
  -> EVM ()
  -> EVM ()
accessUnboundedMemoryRange _ _ 0 continue = continue
accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees f l continue = do
  m0 <- num <$> use (state . memorySize)
    let m1 = 32 * ceilDiv (max m0 (num f + num l)) 32
    burn (memoryCost fees m1 - memoryCost fees m0) $ do
      assign (state . memorySize) (num m1)

  :: FeeSchedule Integer
  -> Word
  -> Word
  -> EVM ()
  -> EVM ()
accessMemoryRange _ _ 0 continue = continue
accessMemoryRange fees f l continue =
  if f + l < l
    then vmError IllegalOverflow
    else accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees f l continue

  :: FeeSchedule Integer -> Word -> EVM () -> EVM ()
accessMemoryWord fees x = accessMemoryRange fees x 32

  :: Buffer -> Word -> Word -> Word -> EVM ()
copyBytesToMemory bs size xOffset yOffset =
  if size == 0 then noop
  else do
    mem <- use (state . memory)
    assign (state . memory) $
      writeMemory bs size xOffset yOffset mem

  :: Buffer -> Word -> Word -> Word -> EVM ()
copyCallBytesToMemory bs size xOffset yOffset =
  if size == 0 then noop
  else do
    mem <- use (state . memory)
    assign (state . memory) $
      writeMemory bs (min size (num (len bs))) xOffset yOffset mem

readMemory :: Word -> Word -> VM -> Buffer
readMemory offset size vm = sliceWithZero (num offset) (num size) (view (state . memory) vm)

  :: Functor f
  => Word -> (SymWord -> f (SymWord))
  -> Buffer -> f Buffer
word256At i = lens getter setter where
  getter = readMemoryWord i
  setter m x = setMemoryWord i x m

-- * Tracing

  :: (MonadState VM m) => TraceData -> m Trace
withTraceLocation x = do
  vm <- get
    Just this =
      currentContract vm
  pure Trace
    { _traceData = x
    , _traceCodehash = view codehash this
    , _traceOpIx = (view opIxMap this) Vector.!? (view (state . pc) vm)

pushTrace :: TraceData -> EVM ()
pushTrace x = do
  trace <- withTraceLocation x
  modifying traces $
    \t -> Zipper.children $ Zipper.insert (Node trace []) t

insertTrace :: TraceData -> EVM ()
insertTrace x = do
  trace <- withTraceLocation x
  modifying traces $
    \t -> Zipper.nextSpace $ Zipper.insert (Node trace []) t

popTrace :: EVM ()
popTrace =
  modifying traces $
    \t -> case Zipper.parent t of
            Nothing -> error "internal error (trace root)"
            Just t' -> Zipper.nextSpace t'

zipperRootForest :: Zipper.TreePos Zipper.Empty a -> Forest a
zipperRootForest z =
  case Zipper.parent z of
    Nothing -> Zipper.toForest z
    Just z' -> zipperRootForest (Zipper.nextSpace z')

traceForest :: VM -> Forest Trace
traceForest = view (traces . to zipperRootForest)

traceLog :: (MonadState VM m) => Log -> m ()
traceLog log = do
  trace <- withTraceLocation (EventTrace log)
  modifying traces $
    \t -> Zipper.nextSpace (Zipper.insert (Node trace []) t)

-- * Stack manipulation

push :: Word -> EVM ()
push = pushSym . w256lit . num

pushSym :: SymWord -> EVM ()
pushSym x = state . stack %= (x :)

  :: (?op :: Word8)
  => ((SymWord) -> Integer)
  -> ((SymWord) -> (SymWord))
  -> EVM ()
stackOp1 cost f =
  use (state . stack) >>= \case
    (x:xs) ->
      burn (cost x) $ do
        let !y = f x
        state . stack .= y : xs
    _ ->

  :: (?op :: Word8)
  => (((SymWord), (SymWord)) -> Integer)
  -> (((SymWord), (SymWord)) -> (SymWord))
  -> EVM ()
stackOp2 cost f =
  use (state . stack) >>= \case
    (x:y:xs) ->
      burn (cost (x, y)) $ do
        state . stack .= f (x, y) : xs
    _ ->

  :: (?op :: Word8)
  => (((SymWord), (SymWord), (SymWord)) -> Integer)
  -> (((SymWord), (SymWord), (SymWord)) -> (SymWord))
  -> EVM ()
stackOp3 cost f =
  use (state . stack) >>= \case
    (x:y:z:xs) ->
      burn (cost (x, y, z)) $ do
        state . stack .= f (x, y, z) : xs
    _ ->

-- * Bytecode data functions

checkJump :: (Integral n) => n -> [SymWord] -> EVM ()
checkJump x xs = do
  theCode <- use (state . code)
  self <- use (state . codeContract)
  theCodeOps <- use (env . contracts . ix self . codeOps)
  theOpIxMap <- use (env . contracts . ix self . opIxMap)
  if x < num (BS.length theCode) && BS.index theCode (num x) == 0x5b
      if OpJumpdest == snd (theCodeOps RegularVector.! (theOpIxMap Vector.! num x))
      then do
        state . stack .= xs
        state . pc .= num x
        vmError BadJumpDestination
    else vmError BadJumpDestination

opSize :: Word8 -> Int
opSize x | x >= 0x60 && x <= 0x7f = num x - 0x60 + 2
opSize _                          = 1

-- Index i of the resulting vector contains the operation index for
-- the program counter value i.  This is needed because source map
-- entries are per operation, not per byte.
mkOpIxMap :: ByteString -> Vector Int
mkOpIxMap xs = Vector.create $ Vector.new (BS.length xs) >>= \v ->
  -- Loop over the byte string accumulating a vector-mutating action.
  -- This is somewhat obfuscated, but should be fast.
  let (_, _, _, m) =
        BS.foldl' (go v) (0 :: Word8, 0, 0, return ()) xs
  in m >> return v
    go v (0, !i, !j, !m) x | x >= 0x60 && x <= 0x7f =
      {- Start of PUSH op. -} (x - 0x60 + 1, i + 1, j,     m >> Vector.write v i j)
    go v (1, !i, !j, !m) _ =
      {- End of PUSH op. -}   (0,            i + 1, j + 1, m >> Vector.write v i j)
    go v (0, !i, !j, !m) _ =
      {- Other op. -}         (0,            i + 1, j + 1, m >> Vector.write v i j)
    go v (n, !i, !j, !m) _ =
      {- PUSH data. -}        (n - 1,        i + 1, j,     m >> Vector.write v i j)

vmOp :: VM -> Maybe Op
vmOp vm =
  let i  = vm ^. state . pc
      xs = BS.drop i (vm ^. state . code)
      op = BS.index xs 0
  in if BS.null xs
     then Nothing
     else Just (readOp op (BS.drop 1 xs))

vmOpIx :: VM -> Maybe Int
vmOpIx vm =
  do self <- currentContract vm
     (view opIxMap self) Vector.!? (view (state . pc) vm)

opParams :: VM -> Map String (SymWord)
opParams vm =
  case vmOp vm of
    Just OpCreate ->
      params $ words "value offset size"
    Just OpCall ->
      params $ words "gas to value in-offset in-size out-offset out-size"
    Just OpSstore ->
      params $ words "index value"
    Just OpCodecopy ->
      params $ words "mem-offset code-offset code-size"
    Just OpSha3 ->
      params $ words "offset size"
    Just OpCalldatacopy ->
      params $ words "to from size"
    Just OpExtcodecopy ->
      params $ words "account mem-offset code-offset code-size"
    Just OpReturn ->
      params $ words "offset size"
    Just OpJumpi ->
      params $ words "destination condition"
    _ -> mempty
    params xs =
      if length (vm ^. state . stack) >= length xs
      then Map.fromList (zip xs (vm ^. state . stack))
      else mempty

readOp :: Word8 -> ByteString -> Op
readOp x _  | x >= 0x80 && x <= 0x8f = OpDup (x - 0x80 + 1)
readOp x _  | x >= 0x90 && x <= 0x9f = OpSwap (x - 0x90 + 1)
readOp x _  | x >= 0xa0 && x <= 0xa4 = OpLog (x - 0xa0)
readOp x xs | x >= 0x60 && x <= 0x7f =
  let n   = x - 0x60 + 1
      xs' = BS.take (num n) xs
  in OpPush (word xs')
readOp x _ = case x of
  0x00 -> OpStop
  0x01 -> OpAdd
  0x02 -> OpMul
  0x03 -> OpSub
  0x04 -> OpDiv
  0x05 -> OpSdiv
  0x06 -> OpMod
  0x07 -> OpSmod
  0x08 -> OpAddmod
  0x09 -> OpMulmod
  0x0a -> OpExp
  0x0b -> OpSignextend
  0x10 -> OpLt
  0x11 -> OpGt
  0x12 -> OpSlt
  0x13 -> OpSgt
  0x14 -> OpEq
  0x15 -> OpIszero
  0x16 -> OpAnd
  0x17 -> OpOr
  0x18 -> OpXor
  0x19 -> OpNot
  0x1a -> OpByte
  0x1b -> OpShl
  0x1c -> OpShr
  0x1d -> OpSar
  0x20 -> OpSha3
  0x30 -> OpAddress
  0x31 -> OpBalance
  0x32 -> OpOrigin
  0x33 -> OpCaller
  0x34 -> OpCallvalue
  0x35 -> OpCalldataload
  0x36 -> OpCalldatasize
  0x37 -> OpCalldatacopy
  0x38 -> OpCodesize
  0x39 -> OpCodecopy
  0x3a -> OpGasprice
  0x3b -> OpExtcodesize
  0x3c -> OpExtcodecopy
  0x3d -> OpReturndatasize
  0x3e -> OpReturndatacopy
  0x3f -> OpExtcodehash
  0x40 -> OpBlockhash
  0x41 -> OpCoinbase
  0x42 -> OpTimestamp
  0x43 -> OpNumber
  0x44 -> OpDifficulty
  0x45 -> OpGaslimit
  0x46 -> OpChainid
  0x47 -> OpSelfbalance
  0x50 -> OpPop
  0x51 -> OpMload
  0x52 -> OpMstore
  0x53 -> OpMstore8
  0x54 -> OpSload
  0x55 -> OpSstore
  0x56 -> OpJump
  0x57 -> OpJumpi
  0x58 -> OpPc
  0x59 -> OpMsize
  0x5a -> OpGas
  0x5b -> OpJumpdest
  0xf0 -> OpCreate
  0xf1 -> OpCall
  0xf2 -> OpCallcode
  0xf3 -> OpReturn
  0xf4 -> OpDelegatecall
  0xf5 -> OpCreate2
  0xfd -> OpRevert
  0xfa -> OpStaticcall
  0xff -> OpSelfdestruct
  _    -> OpUnknown x

mkCodeOps :: ByteString -> RegularVector.Vector (Int, Op)
mkCodeOps bytes = RegularVector.fromList . toList $ go 0 bytes
    go !i !xs =
      case BS.uncons xs of
        Nothing ->
        Just (x, xs') ->
          let j = opSize x
          in (i, readOp x xs') Seq.<| go (i + j) (BS.drop j xs)

-- * Gas cost calculation helpers

-- Gas cost function for CALL, transliterated from the Yellow Paper.
  :: FeeSchedule Integer
  -> Bool -> Word -> Word -> Word
  -> (Integer, Integer)
costOfCall (FeeSchedule {..}) recipientExists xValue availableGas' xGas' =
  (c_gascap + c_extra, c_callgas)
    availableGas = num availableGas'
    xGas = num xGas'
    c_extra =
      num g_call + c_xfer + c_new
    c_xfer =
      if xValue /= 0  then num g_callvalue              else 0
    c_callgas =
      if xValue /= 0  then c_gascap + num g_callstipend else c_gascap
    c_new =
      if not recipientExists && xValue /= 0
      then num g_newaccount
      else 0
    c_gascap =
      if availableGas >= c_extra
      then min xGas (allButOne64th (availableGas - c_extra))
      else xGas

-- Gas cost of create, including hash cost if needed
  :: FeeSchedule Integer
  -> Word -> Word -> (Integer, Integer)
costOfCreate (FeeSchedule {..}) availableGas' hashSize =
  (createCost + initGas, initGas)
    availableGas = num availableGas'
    createCost = g_create + hashCost
    hashCost   = g_sha3word * ceilDiv (num hashSize) 32
    initGas    = allButOne64th (availableGas - createCost)

-- Gas cost of precompiles
costOfPrecompile :: FeeSchedule Integer -> Addr -> Buffer -> Integer
costOfPrecompile (FeeSchedule {..}) precompileAddr input =
  case precompileAddr of
    0x1 -> 3000
    -- SHA2-256
    0x2 -> num $ (((len input + 31) `div` 32) * 12) + 60
    -- RIPEMD-160
    0x3 -> num $ (((len input + 31) `div` 32) * 120) + 600
    0x4 -> num $ (((len input + 31) `div` 32) * 3) + 15
    -- MODEXP
    0x5 -> num $ (f (num (max lenm lenb)) * num (max lene' 1)) `div` (num g_quaddivisor)
      where input' = case input of
              SymbolicBuffer _ -> error "unsupported: symbolic MODEXP gas cost calc"
              ConcreteBuffer b -> b
            (lenb, lene, lenm) = parseModexpLength input'
            lene' | lene <= 32 && ez = 0
                  | lene <= 32 = num (log2 e')
                  | e' == 0 = 8 * (lene - 32)
                  | otherwise = num (log2 e') + 8 * (lene - 32)

            ez = isZero (96 + lenb) lene input'
            e' = w256 $ word $ LS.toStrict $
                   lazySlice (96 + lenb) (min 32 lene) input'

            f :: Integer -> Integer
            f x | x <= 64 = x * x
                | x <= 1024 = (x * x) `div` 4 + 96 * x - 3072
                | otherwise = (x * x) `div` 16 + 480 * x - 199680
    -- ECADD
    0x6 -> g_ecadd
    -- ECMUL
    0x7 -> g_ecmul
    0x8 -> num $ ((len input) `div` 192) * (num g_pairing_point) + (num g_pairing_base)
    -- BLAKE2
    0x9 -> let input' = case input of
                         SymbolicBuffer _ -> error "unsupported: symbolic BLAKE2B gas cost calc"
                         ConcreteBuffer b -> b
           in g_fround * (num $ asInteger $ lazySlice 0 4 input')
    _ -> error ("unimplemented precompiled contract " ++ show precompileAddr)

-- Gas cost of memory expansion
memoryCost :: FeeSchedule Integer -> Integer -> Integer
memoryCost FeeSchedule{..} byteCount =
    wordCount = ceilDiv byteCount 32
    linearCost = g_memory * wordCount
    quadraticCost = div (wordCount * wordCount) 512
    linearCost + quadraticCost

-- * Arithmetic

ceilDiv :: (Num a, Integral a) => a -> a -> a
ceilDiv m n = div (m + n - 1) n

allButOne64th :: (Num a, Integral a) => a -> a
allButOne64th n = n - div n 64

log2 :: FiniteBits b => b -> Int
log2 x = finiteBitSize x - 1 - countLeadingZeros x

-- * Emacs setup

-- Local Variables:
-- outline-regexp: "-- \\*+\\|data \\|newtype \\|type \\| +-- op: "
-- outline-heading-alist:
--   (("-- *" . 1) ("data " . 2) ("newtype " . 2) ("type " . 2))
-- compile-command: "make"
-- End: