{-# Language ImplicitParams #-}
{-# Language ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language GADTs #-}
{-# Language RecordWildCards #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# Language StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# Language StrictData #-}
{-# Language TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# Language TypeOperators #-}
{-# Language ViewPatterns #-}
module EVM where
import Prelude hiding (log, Word, exponent, GT, LT)
import Data.SBV hiding (Word, output, Unknown)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import EVM.ABI
import EVM.Types
import EVM.Solidity
import EVM.Concrete (createAddress, wordValue, keccakBlob, create2Address)
import EVM.Symbolic
import EVM.Op
import EVM.FeeSchedule (FeeSchedule (..))
import Options.Generic as Options
import qualified EVM.Precompiled
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import Control.Lens hiding (op, (:<), (|>), (.>))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (state)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Tree
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Zipper
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector as RegularVector
import Crypto.Number.ModArithmetic (expFast)
import qualified Crypto.Hash as Crypto
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, SHA256, RIPEMD160)
data Error
= BalanceTooLow Word Word
| UnrecognizedOpcode Word8
| SelfDestruction
| StackUnderrun
| BadJumpDestination
| Revert ByteString
| NoSuchContract Addr
| OutOfGas Word Word
| BadCheatCode (Maybe Word32)
| StackLimitExceeded
| IllegalOverflow
| Query Query
| Choose Choose
| StateChangeWhileStatic
| InvalidMemoryAccess
| CallDepthLimitReached
| MaxCodeSizeExceeded Word Word
| PrecompileFailure
| UnexpectedSymbolicArg
| DeadPath
| NotUnique Whiff
| SMTTimeout
deriving instance Show Error
data VMResult
= VMFailure Error
| VMSuccess Buffer
deriving instance Show VMResult
data VM = VM
{ _result :: Maybe VMResult
, _state :: FrameState
, _frames :: [Frame]
, _env :: Env
, _block :: Block
, _tx :: TxState
, _logs :: Seq Log
, _traces :: Zipper.TreePos Zipper.Empty Trace
, _cache :: Cache
, _burned :: Word
, _constraints :: [(SBool, Whiff)]
, _iterations :: Map CodeLocation Int
deriving (Show)
data Trace = Trace
{ _traceCodehash :: W256
, _traceOpIx :: Maybe Int
, _traceData :: TraceData
deriving (Show)
data TraceData
= EventTrace Log
| FrameTrace FrameContext
| QueryTrace Query
| ErrorTrace Error
| EntryTrace Text
| ReturnTrace Buffer FrameContext
deriving (Show)
data Query where
PleaseFetchContract :: Addr -> StorageModel -> (Contract -> EVM ()) -> Query
PleaseMakeUnique :: SymVal a => SBV a -> [SBool] -> (IsUnique a -> EVM ()) -> Query
PleaseFetchSlot :: Addr -> Word -> (Word -> EVM ()) -> Query
PleaseAskSMT :: SBool -> [SBool] -> (BranchCondition -> EVM ()) -> Query
data Choose where
PleaseChoosePath :: Whiff -> (Bool -> EVM ()) -> Choose
instance Show Query where
showsPrec _ = \case
PleaseFetchContract addr _ _ ->
(("<EVM.Query: fetch contract " ++ show addr ++ ">") ++)
PleaseFetchSlot addr slot _ ->
(("<EVM.Query: fetch slot "
++ show slot ++ " for "
++ show addr ++ ">") ++)
PleaseAskSMT condition constraints _ ->
(("<EVM.Query: ask SMT about "
++ show condition ++ " in context "
++ show constraints ++ ">") ++)
PleaseMakeUnique val constraints _ ->
(("<EVM.Query: make value "
++ show val ++ " unique in context "
++ show constraints ++ ">") ++)
instance Show Choose where
showsPrec _ = \case
PleaseChoosePath _ _ ->
(("<EVM.Choice: waiting for user to select path (0,1)") ++)
type EVM a = State VM a
type CodeLocation = (Addr, Int)
data BranchCondition = Case Bool | Unknown | Inconsistent
deriving Show
data IsUnique a = Unique a | Multiple | InconsistentU | TimeoutU
deriving Show
data Cache = Cache
{ _fetched :: Map Addr Contract,
_path :: Map (CodeLocation, Int) Bool
} deriving Show
data VMOpts = VMOpts
{ vmoptContract :: Contract
, vmoptCalldata :: (Buffer, SymWord)
, vmoptValue :: SymWord
, vmoptAddress :: Addr
, vmoptCaller :: SAddr
, vmoptOrigin :: Addr
, vmoptGas :: W256
, vmoptGaslimit :: W256
, vmoptNumber :: W256
, vmoptTimestamp :: SymWord
, vmoptCoinbase :: Addr
, vmoptDifficulty :: W256
, vmoptMaxCodeSize :: W256
, vmoptBlockGaslimit :: W256
, vmoptGasprice :: W256
, vmoptSchedule :: FeeSchedule Integer
, vmoptChainId :: W256
, vmoptCreate :: Bool
, vmoptStorageModel :: StorageModel
} deriving Show
data Log = Log Addr Buffer [SymWord]
deriving (Show)
data Frame = Frame
{ _frameContext :: FrameContext
, _frameState :: FrameState
deriving (Show)
data FrameContext
= CreationContext
{ creationContextAddress :: Addr
, creationContextCodehash :: W256
, creationContextReversion :: Map Addr Contract
, creationContextSubstate :: SubState
| CallContext
{ callContextTarget :: Addr
, callContextContext :: Addr
, callContextOffset :: Word
, callContextSize :: Word
, callContextCodehash :: W256
, callContextAbi :: Maybe Word
, callContextData :: Buffer
, callContextReversion :: Map Addr Contract
, callContextSubState :: SubState
deriving (Show)
data FrameState = FrameState
{ _contract :: Addr
, _codeContract :: Addr
, _code :: ByteString
, _pc :: Int
, _stack :: [SymWord]
, _memory :: Buffer
, _memorySize :: Int
, _calldata :: (Buffer, SymWord)
, _callvalue :: SymWord
, _caller :: SAddr
, _gas :: Word
, _returndata :: Buffer
, _static :: Bool
deriving (Show)
data TxState = TxState
{ _gasprice :: Word
, _txgaslimit :: Word
, _origin :: Addr
, _toAddr :: Addr
, _value :: SymWord
, _substate :: SubState
, _isCreate :: Bool
, _txReversion :: Map Addr Contract
deriving (Show)
data SubState = SubState
{ _selfdestructs :: [Addr]
, _touchedAccounts :: [Addr]
, _refunds :: [(Addr, Integer)]
deriving (Show)
data ContractCode
= InitCode ByteString
| RuntimeCode ByteString
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Storage
= Concrete (Map Word SymWord)
| Symbolic [(SymWord, SymWord)] (SArray (WordN 256) (WordN 256))
deriving (Show)
instance Eq Storage where
(==) (Concrete a) (Concrete b) = fmap forceLit a == fmap forceLit b
(==) (Symbolic _ _) (Concrete _) = False
(==) (Concrete _) (Symbolic _ _) = False
(==) _ _ = error "do not compare two symbolic arrays like this!"
data Contract = Contract
{ _contractcode :: ContractCode
, _storage :: Storage
, _balance :: Word
, _nonce :: Word
, _codehash :: W256
, _opIxMap :: Vector Int
, _codeOps :: RegularVector.Vector (Int, Op)
, _external :: Bool
, _origStorage :: Map Word Word
deriving instance Show Contract
deriving instance Eq Contract
data StorageModel
= ConcreteS
| SymbolicS
| InitialS
deriving (Read, Show)
instance ParseField StorageModel
data Env = Env
{ _contracts :: Map Addr Contract
, _chainId :: Word
, _storageModel :: StorageModel
, _sha3Crack :: Map Word ByteString
, _keccakUsed :: [([SWord 8], SWord 256)]
deriving (Show)
data Block = Block
{ _coinbase :: Addr
, _timestamp :: SymWord
, _number :: Word
, _difficulty :: Word
, _gaslimit :: Word
, _maxCodeSize :: Word
, _schedule :: FeeSchedule Integer
} deriving Show
blankState :: FrameState
blankState = FrameState
{ _contract = 0
, _codeContract = 0
, _code = mempty
, _pc = 0
, _stack = mempty
, _memory = mempty
, _memorySize = 0
, _calldata = (mempty, 0)
, _callvalue = 0
, _caller = 0
, _gas = 0
, _returndata = mempty
, _static = False
makeLenses ''FrameState
makeLenses ''Frame
makeLenses ''Block
makeLenses ''TxState
makeLenses ''SubState
makeLenses ''Contract
makeLenses ''Env
makeLenses ''Cache
makeLenses ''Trace
makeLenses ''VM
bytecode :: Getter Contract ByteString
bytecode = contractcode . to f
where f (InitCode _) = BS.empty
f (RuntimeCode b) = b
instance Semigroup Cache where
a <> b = Cache
{ _fetched = Map.unionWith unifyCachedContract (view fetched a) (view fetched b)
, _path = mappend (view path a) (view path b)
unifyCachedContract :: Contract -> Contract -> Contract
unifyCachedContract a b = a & set storage merged
where merged = case (view storage a, view storage b) of
(Concrete sa, Concrete sb) ->
Concrete (mappend sa sb)
_ ->
view storage a
instance Monoid Cache where
mempty = Cache { _fetched = mempty,
_path = mempty
currentContract :: VM -> Maybe Contract
currentContract vm =
view (env . contracts . at (view (state . codeContract) vm)) vm
makeVm :: VMOpts -> VM
makeVm o = VM
{ _result = Nothing
, _frames = mempty
, _tx = TxState
{ _gasprice = w256 $ vmoptGasprice o
, _txgaslimit = w256 $ vmoptGaslimit o
, _origin = vmoptOrigin o
, _toAddr = vmoptAddress o
, _value = vmoptValue o
, _substate = SubState mempty mempty mempty
, _isCreate = vmoptCreate o
, _txReversion = Map.fromList
[(vmoptAddress o, vmoptContract o)]
, _logs = mempty
, _traces = Zipper.fromForest []
, _block = Block
{ _coinbase = vmoptCoinbase o
, _timestamp = vmoptTimestamp o
, _number = w256 $ vmoptNumber o
, _difficulty = w256 $ vmoptDifficulty o
, _maxCodeSize = w256 $ vmoptMaxCodeSize o
, _gaslimit = w256 $ vmoptBlockGaslimit o
, _schedule = vmoptSchedule o
, _state = FrameState
{ _pc = 0
, _stack = mempty
, _memory = mempty
, _memorySize = 0
, _code = theCode
, _contract = vmoptAddress o
, _codeContract = vmoptAddress o
, _calldata = vmoptCalldata o
, _callvalue = vmoptValue o
, _caller = vmoptCaller o
, _gas = w256 $ vmoptGas o
, _returndata = mempty
, _static = False
, _env = Env
{ _sha3Crack = mempty
, _chainId = w256 $ vmoptChainId o
, _contracts = Map.fromList
[(vmoptAddress o, vmoptContract o)]
, _keccakUsed = mempty
, _storageModel = vmoptStorageModel o
, _cache = Cache mempty mempty
, _burned = 0
, _constraints = []
, _iterations = mempty
} where theCode = case _contractcode (vmoptContract o) of
InitCode b -> b
RuntimeCode b -> b
initialContract :: ContractCode -> Contract
initialContract theContractCode = Contract
{ _contractcode = theContractCode
, _codehash =
if BS.null theCode then 0 else
keccak (stripBytecodeMetadata theCode)
, _storage = Concrete mempty
, _balance = 0
, _nonce = if creation then 1 else 0
, _opIxMap = mkOpIxMap theCode
, _codeOps = mkCodeOps theCode
, _external = False
, _origStorage = mempty
} where
(creation, theCode) = case theContractCode of
InitCode b -> (True, b)
RuntimeCode b -> (False, b)
contractWithStore :: ContractCode -> Storage -> Contract
contractWithStore theContractCode store =
initialContract theContractCode & set storage store
next :: (?op :: Word8) => EVM ()
next = modifying (state . pc) (+ (opSize ?op))
exec1 :: EVM ()
exec1 = do
vm <- get
the :: (b -> VM -> Const a VM) -> ((a -> Const a a) -> b) -> a
the f g = view (f . g) vm
mem = the state memory
stk = the state stack
self = the state contract
this = fromMaybe (error "internal error: state contract") (preview (ix self) (the env contracts))
fees@FeeSchedule {..} = the block schedule
doStop = finishFrame (FrameReturned mempty)
if self > 0x0 && self <= 0x9 then do
let ?op = 0x00
calldatasize = snd (the state calldata)
case maybeLitWord calldatasize of
Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
Just calldatasize' -> do
copyBytesToMemory (fst $ the state calldata) (num calldatasize') 0 0
executePrecompile self (num $ the state gas) 0 (num calldatasize') 0 0 []
vmx <- get
case view (state.stack) vmx of
(x:_) -> case maybeLitWord x of
Just 0 -> do
fetchAccount self $ \_ -> do
touchAccount self
vmError PrecompileFailure
Just _ ->
fetchAccount self $ \_ -> do
touchAccount self
out <- use (state . returndata)
finishFrame (FrameReturned out)
Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
_ ->
else if the state pc >= num (BS.length (the state code))
then doStop
else do
let ?op = BS.index (the state code) (the state pc)
case ?op of
x | x >= 0x60 && x <= 0x7f -> do
let !n = num x - 0x60 + 1
!xs = padRight n $ BS.take n (BS.drop (1 + the state pc)
(the state code))
limitStack 1 $
burn g_verylow $ do
push (w256 (word xs))
x | x >= 0x80 && x <= 0x8f -> do
let !i = x - 0x80 + 1
case preview (ix (num i - 1)) stk of
Nothing -> underrun
Just y ->
limitStack 1 $
burn g_verylow $ do
pushSym y
x | x >= 0x90 && x <= 0x9f -> do
let i = num (x - 0x90 + 1)
if length stk < i + 1
then underrun
burn g_verylow $ do
zoom (state . stack) $ do
assign (ix 0) (stk ^?! ix i)
assign (ix i) (stk ^?! ix 0)
x | x >= 0xa0 && x <= 0xa4 ->
notStatic $
let n = (num x - 0xa0) in
case stk of
(xOffset':xSize':xs) ->
if length xs < n
then underrun
forceConcrete2 (xOffset', xSize') $ \(xOffset, xSize) -> do
let (topics, xs') = splitAt n xs
bytes = readMemory (num xOffset) (num xSize) vm
log = Log self bytes topics
burn (g_log + g_logdata * (num xSize) + num n * g_logtopic) $
accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
traceLog log
assign (state . stack) xs'
pushToSequence logs log
_ ->
0x00 -> doStop
0x01 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) (uncurry (+))
0x02 -> stackOp2 (const g_low) (uncurry (*))
0x03 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) (uncurry (-))
0x04 -> stackOp2 (const g_low) (uncurry (sDiv))
0x05 ->
stackOp2 (const g_low) (uncurry sdiv)
0x06 -> stackOp2 (const g_low) $ \(S a x, S b y) -> S (ITE (IsZero b) (Literal 0) (Mod a b)) (ite (y .== 0) 0 (x `sMod` y))
0x07 -> stackOp2 (const g_low) $ uncurry smod
0x08 -> stackOp3 (const g_mid) (\(x, y, z) -> addmod x y z)
0x09 -> stackOp3 (const g_mid) (\(x, y, z) -> mulmod x y z)
0x10 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \(S a x, S b y) -> iteWhiff (LT a b) (x .< y) 1 0
0x11 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \(S a x, S b y) -> iteWhiff (GT a b) (x .> y) 1 0
0x12 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry slt
0x13 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry sgt
0x14 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \(S a x, S b y) -> iteWhiff (Eq a b) (x .== y) 1 0
0x15 -> stackOp1 (const g_verylow) $ \(S a x) -> iteWhiff (IsZero a) (x .== 0) 1 0
0x16 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry (.&.)
0x17 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry (.|.)
0x18 -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ uncurry xor
0x19 -> stackOp1 (const g_verylow) complement
0x1a -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \case
(n, _) | (forceLit n) >= 32 -> 0
(n, x) | otherwise -> 0xff .&. shiftR x (8 * (31 - num (forceLit n)))
0x1b -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \((S a n), (S b x)) -> S (SHL b a) $ sShiftLeft x n
0x1c -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \((S a n), (S b x)) -> S (SHR b a) $ sShiftRight x n
0x1d -> stackOp2 (const g_verylow) $ \((S a n), (S b x)) -> S (SAR b a) $ sSignedShiftArithRight x n
0x20 ->
case stk of
(xOffset' : xSize' : xs) ->
forceConcrete xOffset' $
\xOffset -> forceConcrete xSize' $ \xSize ->
burn (g_sha3 + g_sha3word * ceilDiv (num xSize) 32) $
accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
(hash@(S _ hash'), invMap, bytes) <- case readMemory xOffset xSize vm of
ConcreteBuffer bs -> do
pure (litWord $ keccakBlob bs, Map.singleton (keccakBlob bs) bs, litBytes bs)
SymbolicBuffer bs -> do
let hash' = symkeccak' bs
return (S (FromKeccak $ SymbolicBuffer bs) hash', mempty, bs)
let previousUsed = view (env . keccakUsed) vm
env . keccakUsed <>= [(bytes, hash')]
constraints <>= (hash' .> 100, Todo "probabilistic keccak assumption" []):
(fmap (\(preimage, image) ->
((preimage .== bytes .=> image .== hash') .&&
(image .== hash' .=> preimage .== bytes), Todo "injective keccak assumption" []))
assign (state . stack) (hash : xs)
(env . sha3Crack) <>= invMap
_ -> underrun
0x30 ->
limitStack 1 $
burn g_base (next >> push (num self))
0x31 ->
case stk of
(x':xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
burn g_balance $
fetchAccount (num x) $ \c -> do
assign (state . stack) xs
push (view balance c)
[] ->
0x32 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (num (the tx origin))
0x33 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
let toSymWord :: SAddr -> SymWord
toSymWord (SAddr x) = case unliteral x of
Just s -> litWord $ num s
Nothing -> var "CALLER" $ sFromIntegral x
in next >> pushSym (toSymWord (the state caller))
0x34 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> pushSym (the state callvalue)
0x35 -> stackOp1 (const g_verylow) $
\ind -> uncurry (readSWordWithBound ind) (the state calldata)
0x36 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> pushSym (snd (the state calldata))
0x37 ->
case stk of
(xTo' : xFrom' : xSize' : xs) -> forceConcrete3 (xTo',xFrom',xSize') $ \(xTo,xFrom,xSize) ->
burn (g_verylow + g_copy * ceilDiv (num xSize) 32) $
accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees xTo xSize $ do
assign (state . stack) xs
case the state calldata of
(SymbolicBuffer cd, (S _ cdlen)) -> copyBytesToMemory (SymbolicBuffer [ite (i .<= cdlen) x 0 | (x, i) <- zip cd [1..]]) xSize xFrom xTo
(cd, _) -> copyBytesToMemory cd xSize xFrom xTo
_ -> underrun
0x38 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (num (BS.length (the state code)))
0x39 ->
case stk of
(memOffset' : codeOffset' : n' : xs) -> forceConcrete3 (memOffset',codeOffset',n') $ \(memOffset,codeOffset,n) -> do
burn (g_verylow + g_copy * ceilDiv (num n) 32) $
accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees memOffset n $ do
assign (state . stack) xs
copyBytesToMemory (ConcreteBuffer (the state code))
n codeOffset memOffset
_ -> underrun
0x3a ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (the tx gasprice)
0x3b ->
case stk of
(x':xs) -> makeUnique x' $ \x ->
if x == num cheatCode
then do
assign (state . stack) xs
push (w256 1)
burn g_extcode $
fetchAccount (num x) $ \c -> do
assign (state . stack) xs
push (num (BS.length (view bytecode c)))
[] ->
0x3c ->
case stk of
( extAccount'
: memOffset'
: codeOffset'
: codeSize'
: xs ) ->
forceConcrete4 (extAccount', memOffset', codeOffset', codeSize') $
\(extAccount, memOffset, codeOffset, codeSize) ->
burn (g_extcode + g_copy * ceilDiv (num codeSize) 32) $
accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees memOffset codeSize $
fetchAccount (num extAccount) $ \c -> do
assign (state . stack) xs
copyBytesToMemory (ConcreteBuffer (view bytecode c))
codeSize codeOffset memOffset
_ -> underrun
0x3d ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (num $ len (the state returndata))
0x3e ->
case stk of
(xTo' : xFrom' : xSize' :xs) -> forceConcrete3 (xTo', xFrom', xSize') $
\(xTo, xFrom, xSize) ->
burn (g_verylow + g_copy * ceilDiv (num xSize) 32) $
accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees xTo xSize $ do
assign (state . stack) xs
if len (the state returndata) < num xFrom + num xSize
then vmError InvalidMemoryAccess
else copyBytesToMemory (the state returndata) xSize xFrom xTo
_ -> underrun
0x3f ->
case stk of
(x':xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
burn g_extcodehash $ do
assign (state . stack) xs
fetchAccount (num x) $ \c ->
if accountEmpty c
then push (num (0 :: Int))
else push (num (keccak (view bytecode c)))
[] ->
0x40 -> do
stackOp1 (const g_blockhash) $
\(forceLit -> i) ->
if i + 256 < the block number || i >= the block number
then 0
(num i :: Integer)
& show & Char8.pack & keccak & num
0x41 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (num (the block coinbase))
0x42 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> pushSym (the block timestamp)
0x43 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (the block number)
0x44 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (the block difficulty)
0x45 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (the block gaslimit)
0x46 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (the env chainId)
0x47 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_low $
next >> push (view balance this)
0x50 ->
case stk of
(_:xs) -> burn g_base (next >> assign (state . stack) xs)
_ -> underrun
0x51 ->
case stk of
(x':xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
burn g_verylow $
accessMemoryWord fees x $ do
assign (state . stack) (view (word256At (num x)) mem : xs)
_ -> underrun
0x52 ->
case stk of
(x':y:xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
burn g_verylow $
accessMemoryWord fees x $ do
assign (state . memory . word256At (num x)) y
assign (state . stack) xs
_ -> underrun
0x53 ->
case stk of
(x':(S _ y):xs) -> forceConcrete x' $ \x ->
burn g_verylow $
accessMemoryRange fees x 1 $ do
let yByte = bvExtract (Proxy :: Proxy 7) (Proxy :: Proxy 0) y
modifying (state . memory) (setMemoryByte x yByte)
assign (state . stack) xs
_ -> underrun
0x54 ->
case stk of
(x:xs) ->
burn g_sload $
accessStorage self x $ \y -> do
assign (state . stack) (y:xs)
_ -> underrun
0x55 ->
notStatic $
case stk of
(x:new:xs) ->
accessStorage self x $ \current -> do
availableGas <- use (state . gas)
if num availableGas <= g_callstipend
then finishFrame (FrameErrored (OutOfGas availableGas (num g_callstipend)))
else do
let original = case view storage this of
Concrete _ -> fromMaybe 0 (Map.lookup (forceLit x) (view origStorage this))
Symbolic _ _ -> 0
cost = case (maybeLitWord current, maybeLitWord new) of
(Just current', Just new') ->
if (current' == new') then g_sload
else if (current' == original) && (original == 0) then g_sset
else if (current' == original) then g_sreset
else g_sload
_ -> g_sset
burn cost $ do
assign (state . stack) xs
modifying (env . contracts . ix self . storage)
(writeStorage x new)
case (maybeLitWord current, maybeLitWord new) of
(Just current', Just new') ->
unless (current' == new') $
if current' == original
then when (original /= 0 && new' == 0) $
refund r_sclear
else do
when (original /= 0) $
if new' == 0
then refund r_sclear
else unRefund r_sclear
when (original == new') $
if original == 0
then refund (g_sset - g_sload)
else refund (g_sreset - g_sload)
_ -> noop
_ -> underrun
0x56 ->
case stk of
(x:xs) ->
burn g_mid $ forceConcrete x $ \x' ->
checkJump x' xs
_ -> underrun
0x57 -> do
case stk of
(x:y@(S w _):xs) -> forceConcrete x $ \x' ->
burn g_high $
let jump :: Bool -> EVM ()
jump True = assign (state . stack) xs >> next
jump _ = checkJump x' xs
in case maybeLitWord y of
Just y' -> jump (0 == y')
Nothing -> askSMT (self, the state pc) (0 .== y, IsZero w) jump
_ -> underrun
0x58 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (num (the state pc))
0x59 ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (num (the state memorySize))
0x5a ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
next >> push (the state gas - num g_base)
0x5b -> burn g_jumpdest next
0x0a ->
let cost (_ ,(forceLit -> exponent)) =
if exponent == 0
then g_exp
else g_exp + g_expbyte * num (ceilDiv (1 + log2 exponent) 8)
in stackOp2 cost $ \((S a x),(S b y)) -> S (Exp a b) (x .^ y)
0x0b ->
stackOp2 (const g_low) $ \((forceLit -> bytes), w@(S a x)) ->
if bytes >= 32 then w
else let n = num bytes * 8 + 7 in
S (Todo "signextend" [a]) $ ite (sTestBit x n)
(x .|. complement (bit n - 1))
(x .&. (bit n - 1))
0xf0 ->
notStatic $
case stk of
(xValue' : xOffset' : xSize' : xs) -> forceConcrete3 (xValue', xOffset', xSize') $
\(xValue, xOffset, xSize) -> do
accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
availableGas <- use (state . gas)
newAddr = createAddress self (wordValue (view nonce this))
(cost, gas') = costOfCreate fees availableGas 0
burn (cost - gas') $ forceConcreteBuffer (readMemory (num xOffset) (num xSize) vm) $ \initCode ->
create self this (num gas') xValue xs newAddr initCode
_ -> underrun
0xf1 ->
case stk of
( xGas'
: S _ xTo
: (forceLit -> xValue)
: xInOffset'
: xInSize'
: xOutOffset'
: xOutSize'
: xs
) -> forceConcrete5 (xGas',xInOffset', xInSize', xOutOffset', xOutSize') $
\(xGas, xInOffset, xInSize, xOutOffset, xOutSize) ->
(if xValue > 0 then notStatic else id) $
let target = SAddr $ sFromIntegral xTo in
delegateCall this xGas target target xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $ \callee -> do
zoom state $ do
assign callvalue (litWord xValue)
assign caller (litAddr self)
assign contract callee
transfer self callee xValue
touchAccount self
touchAccount callee
_ ->
0xf2 ->
case stk of
( xGas'
: S _ xTo'
: (forceLit -> xValue)
: xInOffset'
: xInSize'
: xOutOffset'
: xOutSize'
: xs
) -> forceConcrete5 (xGas', xInOffset', xInSize', xOutOffset', xOutSize') $
\(xGas, xInOffset, xInSize, xOutOffset, xOutSize) ->
let target = SAddr $ sFromIntegral xTo' in
delegateCall this xGas target (litAddr self) xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $ \_ -> do
zoom state $ do
assign callvalue (litWord xValue)
assign caller (litAddr self)
touchAccount self
_ ->
0xf3 ->
case stk of
(xOffset' : xSize' :_) -> forceConcrete2 (xOffset', xSize') $ \(xOffset, xSize) ->
accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
output = readMemory xOffset xSize vm
codesize = num (len output)
maxsize = the block maxCodeSize
case view frames vm of
[] ->
case (the tx isCreate) of
True ->
if codesize > maxsize
finishFrame (FrameErrored (MaxCodeSizeExceeded maxsize codesize))
burn (g_codedeposit * num codesize) $
finishFrame (FrameReturned output)
False ->
finishFrame (FrameReturned output)
(frame: _) -> do
context = view frameContext frame
case context of
CreationContext {} ->
if codesize > maxsize
finishFrame (FrameErrored (MaxCodeSizeExceeded maxsize codesize))
burn (g_codedeposit * num codesize) $
finishFrame (FrameReturned output)
CallContext {} ->
finishFrame (FrameReturned output)
_ -> underrun
0xf4 ->
case stk of
:S _ xTo
:xs) -> forceConcrete5 (xGas', xInOffset', xInSize', xOutOffset', xOutSize') $
\(xGas, xInOffset, xInSize, xOutOffset, xOutSize) ->
let target = SAddr $ sFromIntegral xTo in
delegateCall this xGas target (litAddr self) 0 xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $ \_ -> do
touchAccount self
_ -> underrun
0xf5 -> notStatic $
case stk of
:xs) -> forceConcrete4 (xValue', xOffset', xSize', xSalt') $
\(xValue, xOffset, xSize, xSalt) ->
accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
availableGas <- use (state . gas)
forceConcreteBuffer (readMemory (num xOffset) (num xSize) vm) $ \initCode ->
newAddr = create2Address self (num xSalt) initCode
(cost, gas') = costOfCreate fees availableGas xSize
in burn (cost - gas') $
create self this (num gas') xValue xs newAddr initCode
_ -> underrun
0xfa ->
case stk of
:S _ xTo
:xs) -> forceConcrete5 (xGas', xInOffset', xInSize', xOutOffset', xOutSize') $
\(xGas, xInOffset, xInSize, xOutOffset, xOutSize) -> do
let target = SAddr $ sFromIntegral xTo
delegateCall this xGas target target 0 xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $ \callee -> do
zoom state $ do
assign callvalue 0
assign caller (litAddr self)
assign contract callee
assign static True
touchAccount self
touchAccount callee
_ ->
0xff ->
notStatic $
case stk of
[] -> underrun
(xTo':_) -> forceConcrete xTo' $ \(num -> xTo) ->
funds = view balance this
recipientExists = accountExists xTo vm
c_new = if not recipientExists && funds /= 0
then num g_selfdestruct_newaccount
else 0
in burn (g_selfdestruct + c_new) $ do
destructs <- use (tx . substate . selfdestructs)
unless (elem self destructs) $ refund r_selfdestruct
selfdestruct self
touchAccount xTo
if funds /= 0
then fetchAccount xTo $ \_ -> do
env . contracts . ix xTo . balance += funds
assign (env . contracts . ix self . balance) 0
else doStop
0xfd ->
case stk of
(xOffset':xSize':_) -> forceConcrete2 (xOffset', xSize') $ \(xOffset, xSize) ->
accessMemoryRange fees xOffset xSize $ do
let output = readMemory xOffset xSize vm
finishFrame (FrameReverted output)
_ -> underrun
xxx ->
vmError (UnrecognizedOpcode xxx)
transfer :: Addr -> Addr -> Word -> EVM ()
transfer xFrom xTo xValue =
zoom (env . contracts) $ do
ix xFrom . balance -= xValue
ix xTo . balance += xValue
:: (?op :: Word8)
=> Contract -> Word -> Addr -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord]
-> (Integer -> EVM ())
-> EVM ()
callChecks this xGas xContext xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs continue = do
vm <- get
let fees = view (block . schedule) vm
accessMemoryRange fees xInOffset xInSize $
accessMemoryRange fees xOutOffset xOutSize $ do
availableGas <- use (state . gas)
let recipientExists = accountExists xContext vm
(cost, gas') = costOfCall fees recipientExists xValue availableGas xGas
burn (cost - gas') $ do
if xValue > view balance this
then do
assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) mempty
pushTrace $ ErrorTrace $ BalanceTooLow xValue (view balance this)
else if length (view frames vm) >= 1024
then do
assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) mempty
pushTrace $ ErrorTrace CallDepthLimitReached
else continue gas'
:: (?op :: Word8)
=> Contract
-> Word
-> Addr
-> Addr
-> Word
-> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word
-> [SymWord]
-> EVM ()
precompiledContract this xGas precompileAddr recipient xValue inOffset inSize outOffset outSize xs =
callChecks this xGas recipient xValue inOffset inSize outOffset outSize xs $ \gas' ->
executePrecompile precompileAddr gas' inOffset inSize outOffset outSize xs
self <- use (state . contract)
stk <- use (state . stack)
case stk of
(x:_) -> case maybeLitWord x of
Just 0 ->
return ()
Just 1 ->
fetchAccount recipient $ \_ -> do
transfer self recipient xValue
touchAccount self
touchAccount recipient
touchAccount precompileAddr
_ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
_ -> underrun
:: (?op :: Word8)
=> Addr
-> Integer -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord]
-> EVM ()
executePrecompile preCompileAddr gasCap inOffset inSize outOffset outSize xs = do
vm <- get
let input = readMemory (num inOffset) (num inSize) vm
fees = view (block . schedule) vm
cost = costOfPrecompile fees preCompileAddr input
notImplemented = error $ "precompile at address " <> show preCompileAddr <> " not yet implemented"
precompileFail = burn (num gasCap - cost) $ do
assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
pushTrace $ ErrorTrace PrecompileFailure
if cost > num gasCap then
burn (num gasCap) $ do
assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
burn cost $
case preCompileAddr of
0x1 ->
forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->
case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x1 (truncpadlit 128 input') 32 of
Nothing -> do
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) mempty
Just output -> do
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) (ConcreteBuffer output)
copyBytesToMemory (ConcreteBuffer output) outSize 0 outOffset
0x2 ->
hash = case input of
ConcreteBuffer input' -> ConcreteBuffer $ BS.pack $ BA.unpack (Crypto.hash input' :: Digest SHA256)
SymbolicBuffer input' -> SymbolicBuffer $ symSHA256 input'
in do
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) hash
copyBytesToMemory hash outSize 0 outOffset
0x3 ->
forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->
padding = BS.pack $ replicate 12 0
hash' = BS.pack $ BA.unpack (Crypto.hash input' :: Digest RIPEMD160)
hash = ConcreteBuffer $ padding <> hash'
in do
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) hash
copyBytesToMemory hash outSize 0 outOffset
0x4 -> do
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) input
copyCallBytesToMemory input outSize 0 outOffset
0x5 ->
forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->
(lenb, lene, lenm) = parseModexpLength input'
output = ConcreteBuffer $
case (isZero (96 + lenb + lene) lenm input') of
True ->
truncpadlit (num lenm) (asBE (0 :: Int))
False ->
b = asInteger $ lazySlice 96 lenb input'
e = asInteger $ lazySlice (96 + lenb) lene input'
m = asInteger $ lazySlice (96 + lenb + lene) lenm input'
padLeft (num lenm) (asBE (expFast b e m))
in do
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) output
copyBytesToMemory output outSize 0 outOffset
0x6 ->
forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->
case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x6 (truncpadlit 128 input') 64 of
Nothing -> precompileFail
Just output -> do
let truncpaddedOutput = ConcreteBuffer $ truncpadlit 64 output
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) truncpaddedOutput
copyBytesToMemory truncpaddedOutput outSize 0 outOffset
0x7 ->
forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->
case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x7 (truncpadlit 96 input') 64 of
Nothing -> precompileFail
Just output -> do
let truncpaddedOutput = ConcreteBuffer $ truncpadlit 64 output
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) truncpaddedOutput
copyBytesToMemory truncpaddedOutput outSize 0 outOffset
0x8 ->
forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' ->
case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x8 input' 32 of
Nothing -> precompileFail
Just output -> do
let truncpaddedOutput = ConcreteBuffer $ truncpadlit 32 output
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) truncpaddedOutput
copyBytesToMemory truncpaddedOutput outSize 0 outOffset
0x9 ->
forceConcreteBuffer input $ \input' -> do
case (BS.length input', 1 >= BS.last input') of
(213, True) -> case EVM.Precompiled.execute 0x9 input' 64 of
Just output -> do
let truncpaddedOutput = ConcreteBuffer $ truncpadlit 64 output
assign (state . stack) (1 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) truncpaddedOutput
copyBytesToMemory truncpaddedOutput outSize 0 outOffset
Nothing -> precompileFail
_ -> precompileFail
_ -> notImplemented
truncpadlit :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
truncpadlit n xs = if m > n then BS.take n xs
else BS.append xs (BS.replicate (n - m) 0)
where m = BS.length xs
lazySlice :: Word -> Word -> ByteString -> LS.ByteString
lazySlice offset size bs =
let bs' = LS.take (num size) (LS.drop (num offset) (fromStrict bs))
in bs' <> LS.replicate ((num size) - LS.length bs') 0
parseModexpLength :: ByteString -> (Word, Word, Word)
parseModexpLength input =
let lenb = w256 $ word $ LS.toStrict $ lazySlice 0 32 input
lene = w256 $ word $ LS.toStrict $ lazySlice 32 64 input
lenm = w256 $ word $ LS.toStrict $ lazySlice 64 96 input
in (lenb, lene, lenm)
isZero :: Word -> Word -> ByteString -> Bool
isZero offset size bs =
LS.all (== 0) $
LS.take (num size) $
LS.drop (num offset) $
fromStrict bs
asInteger :: LS.ByteString -> Integer
asInteger xs = if xs == mempty then 0
else 256 * asInteger (LS.init xs)
+ num (LS.last xs)
noop :: Monad m => m ()
noop = pure ()
pushTo :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s [a] [a] -> a -> m ()
pushTo f x = f %= (x :)
pushToSequence :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s (Seq a) (Seq a) -> a -> m ()
pushToSequence f x = f %= (Seq.|> x)
getCodeLocation :: VM -> CodeLocation
getCodeLocation vm = (view (state . contract) vm, view (state . pc) vm)
makeUnique :: SymWord -> (Word -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
makeUnique sw@(S w val) cont = case maybeLitWord sw of
Nothing -> do
conditions <- use constraints
assign result . Just . VMFailure . Query $ PleaseMakeUnique val (fst <$> conditions) $ \case
Unique a -> do
assign result Nothing
cont (C w $ fromSizzle a)
InconsistentU -> vmError $ DeadPath
TimeoutU -> vmError $ SMTTimeout
Multiple -> vmError $ NotUnique w
Just a -> cont a
askSMT :: CodeLocation -> (SBool, Whiff) -> (Bool -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
askSMT codeloc (condition, whiff) continue = do
iteration <- use (iterations . at codeloc . non 0)
use (cache . path . at (codeloc, iteration)) >>= \case
Just w -> choosePath (Case w)
Nothing -> do pathconds <- use constraints
assign result . Just . VMFailure . Query $ PleaseAskSMT
condition' (fst <$> pathconds) choosePath
where condition' = simplifyCondition condition whiff
choosePath :: BranchCondition -> EVM ()
choosePath (Case v) = do assign result Nothing
pushTo constraints $ if v then (condition', whiff) else (sNot condition', IsZero whiff)
iteration <- use (iterations . at codeloc . non 0)
assign (cache . path . at (codeloc, iteration)) (Just v)
assign (iterations . at codeloc) (Just (iteration + 1))
continue v
choosePath Unknown = assign result . Just . VMFailure . Choose . PleaseChoosePath whiff $ choosePath . Case
choosePath Inconsistent = vmError DeadPath
fetchAccount :: Addr -> (Contract -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
fetchAccount addr continue =
use (env . contracts . at addr) >>= \case
Just c -> continue c
Nothing ->
use (cache . fetched . at addr) >>= \case
Just c -> do
assign (env . contracts . at addr) (Just c)
continue c
Nothing -> do
model <- use (env . storageModel)
assign result . Just . VMFailure $ Query $
PleaseFetchContract addr model
(\c -> do assign (cache . fetched . at addr) (Just c)
assign (env . contracts . at addr) (Just c)
assign result Nothing
tryContinue c)
tryContinue c =
if (view external c) && (accountEmpty c)
then vmError . NoSuchContract $ addr
else continue c
readStorage :: Storage -> SymWord -> Maybe (SymWord)
readStorage (Symbolic _ s) (S w loc) = Just $ S (FromStorage w s) $ readArray s loc
readStorage (Concrete s) loc = Map.lookup (forceLit loc) s
writeStorage :: SymWord -> SymWord -> Storage -> Storage
writeStorage k@(S _ loc) v@(S _ val) (Symbolic xs s) = Symbolic ((k,v):xs) (writeArray s loc val)
writeStorage loc val (Concrete s) = Concrete (Map.insert (forceLit loc) val s)
:: Addr
-> SymWord
-> (SymWord -> EVM ())
-> EVM ()
accessStorage addr slot continue =
use (env . contracts . at addr) >>= \case
Just c ->
case readStorage (view storage c) slot of
Just x ->
continue x
Nothing ->
if view external c
use (cache . fetched . at addr) >>= \case
Nothing -> mkQuery
Just cachedContract ->
maybe mkQuery continue (readStorage (view storage cachedContract) slot)
else do
modifying (env . contracts . ix addr . storage) (writeStorage slot 0)
continue 0
Nothing ->
fetchAccount addr $ \_ ->
accessStorage addr slot continue
mkQuery = assign result . Just . VMFailure . Query $
PleaseFetchSlot addr (forceLit slot)
(\(litWord -> x) -> do
modifying (cache . fetched . ix addr . storage) (writeStorage slot x)
modifying (env . contracts . ix addr . storage) (writeStorage slot x)
assign result Nothing
continue x)
accountExists :: Addr -> VM -> Bool
accountExists addr vm =
case view (env . contracts . at addr) vm of
Just c -> not (accountEmpty c)
Nothing -> False
accountEmpty :: Contract -> Bool
accountEmpty c =
(view contractcode c == RuntimeCode mempty)
&& (view nonce c == 0)
&& (view balance c == 0)
finalize :: EVM ()
finalize = do
revertContracts = use (tx . txReversion) >>= assign (env . contracts)
revertSubstate = assign (tx . substate) (SubState mempty mempty mempty)
use result >>= \case
Nothing ->
error "Finalising an unfinished tx."
Just (VMFailure (Revert _)) -> do
Just (VMFailure _) -> do
assign (state . gas) 0
Just (VMSuccess output) -> do
creation <- use (tx . isCreate)
createe <- use (state . contract)
createeExists <- (Map.member createe) <$> use (env . contracts)
when (creation && createeExists) $ forceConcreteBuffer output $ \code' -> replaceCode createe (RuntimeCode code')
txOrigin <- use (tx . origin)
sumRefunds <- (sum . (snd <$>)) <$> (use (tx . substate . refunds))
miner <- use (block . coinbase)
blockReward <- num . r_block <$> (use (block . schedule))
gasPrice <- use (tx . gasprice)
gasLimit <- use (tx . txgaslimit)
gasRemaining <- use (state . gas)
gasUsed = gasLimit - gasRemaining
cappedRefund = min (quot gasUsed 2) (num sumRefunds)
originPay = (gasRemaining + cappedRefund) * gasPrice
minerPay = gasPrice * (gasUsed - cappedRefund)
modifying (env . contracts)
(Map.adjust (over balance (+ originPay)) txOrigin)
modifying (env . contracts)
(Map.adjust (over balance (+ minerPay)) miner)
touchAccount miner
preuse (env . contracts . ix miner) >>= \case
Nothing -> modifying (env . contracts)
(Map.insert miner (initialContract (EVM.RuntimeCode mempty)))
Just _ -> noop
modifying (env . contracts)
(Map.adjust (over balance (+ blockReward)) miner)
destroyedAddresses <- use (tx . substate . selfdestructs)
modifying (env . contracts)
(Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> (notElem k destroyedAddresses)))
touchedAddresses <- use (tx . substate . touchedAccounts)
modifying (env . contracts)
(\k a -> not ((elem k touchedAddresses) && accountEmpty a)))
loadContract :: Addr -> EVM ()
loadContract target =
preuse (env . contracts . ix target . contractcode) >>=
Nothing ->
error "Call target doesn't exist"
Just (InitCode targetCode) -> do
assign (state . contract) target
assign (state . code) targetCode
assign (state . codeContract) target
Just (RuntimeCode targetCode) -> do
assign (state . contract) target
assign (state . code) targetCode
assign (state . codeContract) target
limitStack :: Int -> EVM () -> EVM ()
limitStack n continue = do
stk <- use (state . stack)
if length stk + n > 1024
then vmError StackLimitExceeded
else continue
notStatic :: EVM () -> EVM ()
notStatic continue = do
bad <- use (state . static)
if bad
then vmError StateChangeWhileStatic
else continue
burn :: Integer -> EVM () -> EVM ()
burn n' continue =
if n' > (2 :: Integer) ^ (64 :: Integer) - 1
then vmError IllegalOverflow
else do
let n = num n'
available <- use (state . gas)
if n <= available
then do
state . gas -= n
burned += n
vmError (OutOfGas available n)
forceConcreteAddr :: SAddr -> (Addr -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcreteAddr n continue = case maybeLitAddr n of
Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
Just c -> continue c
forceConcrete :: SymWord -> (Word -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete n continue = case maybeLitWord n of
Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
Just c -> continue c
forceConcrete2 :: (SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete2 (n,m) continue = case (maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord m) of
(Just c, Just d) -> continue (c, d)
_ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
forceConcrete3 :: (SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete3 (k,n,m) continue = case (maybeLitWord k, maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord m) of
(Just c, Just d, Just f) -> continue (c, d, f)
_ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
forceConcrete4 :: (SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word, Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete4 (k,l,n,m) continue = case (maybeLitWord k, maybeLitWord l, maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord m) of
(Just b, Just c, Just d, Just f) -> continue (b, c, d, f)
_ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
forceConcrete5 :: (SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word, Word, Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete5 (k,l,m,n,o) continue = case (maybeLitWord k, maybeLitWord l, maybeLitWord m, maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord o) of
(Just a, Just b, Just c, Just d, Just e) -> continue (a, b, c, d, e)
_ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
forceConcrete6 :: (SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord, SymWord) -> ((Word, Word, Word, Word, Word, Word) -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcrete6 (k,l,m,n,o,p) continue = case (maybeLitWord k, maybeLitWord l, maybeLitWord m, maybeLitWord n, maybeLitWord o, maybeLitWord p) of
(Just a, Just b, Just c, Just d, Just e, Just f) -> continue (a, b, c, d, e, f)
_ -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
forceConcreteBuffer :: Buffer -> (ByteString -> EVM ()) -> EVM ()
forceConcreteBuffer (SymbolicBuffer b) continue = case maybeLitBytes b of
Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
Just bs -> continue bs
forceConcreteBuffer (ConcreteBuffer b) continue = continue b
refund :: Integer -> EVM ()
refund n = do
self <- use (state . contract)
pushTo (tx . substate . refunds) (self, n)
unRefund :: Integer -> EVM ()
unRefund n = do
self <- use (state . contract)
refs <- use (tx . substate . refunds)
assign (tx . substate . refunds)
(filter (\(a,b) -> not (a == self && b == n)) refs)
touchAccount :: Addr -> EVM()
touchAccount = pushTo ((tx . substate) . touchedAccounts)
selfdestruct :: Addr -> EVM()
selfdestruct = pushTo ((tx . substate) . selfdestructs)
cheatCode :: Addr
cheatCode = num (keccak "hevm cheat code")
:: (?op :: Word8)
=> (Word, Word) -> (Word, Word)
-> EVM ()
cheat (inOffset, inSize) (outOffset, outSize) = do
mem <- use (state . memory)
vm <- get
abi = readMemoryWord32 inOffset mem
input = readMemory (inOffset + 4) (inSize - 4) vm
case fromSized <$> unliteral abi of
Nothing -> vmError UnexpectedSymbolicArg
Just abi' ->
case Map.lookup abi' cheatActions of
Nothing ->
vmError (BadCheatCode (Just abi'))
Just action -> do
action outOffset outSize input
push 1
type CheatAction = Word -> Word -> Buffer -> EVM ()
cheatActions :: Map Word32 CheatAction
cheatActions =
[ action "warp(uint256)" $
\sig _ _ input -> case decodeStaticArgs input of
[x] -> assign (block . timestamp) (mksym x)
_ -> vmError (BadCheatCode sig),
action "roll(uint256)" $
\sig _ _ input -> case decodeStaticArgs input of
[x] -> forceConcrete (mksym x) (assign (block . number))
_ -> vmError (BadCheatCode sig),
action "store(address,bytes32,bytes32)" $
\sig _ _ input -> case decodeStaticArgs input of
[a, slot, new] ->
makeUnique (mksym $ sFromIntegral a) $ \(C _ (num -> a')) ->
fetchAccount a' $ \_ -> do
modifying (env . contracts . ix a' . storage) (writeStorage (mksym slot) (mksym new))
_ -> vmError (BadCheatCode sig),
action "load(address,bytes32)" $
\sig outOffset _ input -> case decodeStaticArgs input of
[a, slot] ->
makeUnique (mksym $ sFromIntegral a) $ \(C _ (num -> a'))->
accessStorage a' (mksym slot) $ \res -> do
assign (state . returndata . word256At 0) res
assign (state . memory . word256At outOffset) res
_ -> vmError (BadCheatCode sig)
action s f = (abiKeccak s, f (Just $ abiKeccak s))
mksym x = S (Todo "abidecode" []) x
:: (?op :: Word8)
=> Contract -> Word -> SAddr -> SAddr -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SymWord]
-> (Addr -> EVM ())
-> EVM ()
delegateCall this gasGiven (SAddr xTo) (SAddr xContext) xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs continue =
makeUnique (S (Todo "xTo" []) $ sFromIntegral xTo) $ \(C _ (num -> xTo')) ->
makeUnique (S (Todo "xcontext" []) $ sFromIntegral xContext) $ \(C _ (num -> xContext')) ->
if xTo' > 0 && xTo' <= 9
then precompiledContract this gasGiven xTo' xContext' xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs
else if num xTo' == cheatCode then
assign (state . stack) xs
cheat (xInOffset, xInSize) (xOutOffset, xOutSize)
callChecks this gasGiven xContext' xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs $
\xGas -> do
vm0 <- get
fetchAccount xTo' . const $
preuse (env . contracts . ix xTo') >>= \case
Nothing ->
vmError (NoSuchContract xTo')
Just target -> do
burn xGas $ do
let newContext = CallContext
{ callContextTarget = xTo'
, callContextContext = xContext'
, callContextOffset = xOutOffset
, callContextSize = xOutSize
, callContextCodehash = view codehash target
, callContextReversion = view (env . contracts) vm0
, callContextSubState = view (tx . substate) vm0
, callContextAbi =
if xInSize >= 4
then case unliteral $ readMemoryWord32 xInOffset (view (state . memory) vm0)
of Nothing -> Nothing
Just abi -> Just . w256 $ num abi
else Nothing
, callContextData = (readMemory (num xInOffset) (num xInSize) vm0)
pushTrace (FrameTrace newContext)
vm1 <- get
pushTo frames $ Frame
{ _frameState = (set stack xs) (view state vm1)
, _frameContext = newContext
zoom state $ do
assign gas (num xGas)
assign pc 0
assign code (view bytecode target)
assign codeContract xTo'
assign stack mempty
assign memory mempty
assign memorySize 0
assign returndata mempty
assign calldata (readMemory (num xInOffset) (num xInSize) vm0, w256lit (num xInSize))
continue xTo'
collision :: Maybe Contract -> Bool
collision c' = case c' of
Just c -> (view contractcode c /= RuntimeCode mempty) || (view nonce c /= 0)
Nothing -> False
create :: (?op :: Word8)
=> Addr -> Contract
-> Word -> Word -> [SymWord] -> Addr -> ByteString -> EVM ()
create self this xGas' xValue xs newAddr initCode = do
vm0 <- get
let xGas = num xGas'
if xValue > view balance this
then do
assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) mempty
pushTrace $ ErrorTrace $ BalanceTooLow xValue (view balance this)
else if length (view frames vm0) >= 1024
then do
assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
assign (state . returndata) mempty
pushTrace $ ErrorTrace $ CallDepthLimitReached
else if collision $ view (env . contracts . at newAddr) vm0
then burn xGas $ do
assign (state . stack) (0 : xs)
modifying (env . contracts . ix self . nonce) succ
else burn xGas $ do
touchAccount self
touchAccount newAddr
store = case view (env . storageModel) vm0 of
ConcreteS -> Concrete mempty
SymbolicS -> Symbolic [] $ sListArray 0 []
InitialS -> Symbolic [] $ sListArray 0 []
newContract =
initialContract (InitCode initCode) & set storage store
newContext =
CreationContext { creationContextAddress = newAddr
, creationContextCodehash = view codehash newContract
, creationContextReversion = view (env . contracts) vm0
, creationContextSubstate = view (tx . substate) vm0
zoom (env . contracts) $ do
oldAcc <- use (at newAddr)
let oldBal = maybe 0 (view balance) oldAcc
assign (at newAddr) (Just (newContract & balance .~ oldBal))
modifying (ix self . nonce) succ
transfer self newAddr xValue
pushTrace (FrameTrace newContext)
vm1 <- get
pushTo frames $ Frame
{ _frameContext = newContext
, _frameState = (set stack xs) (view state vm1)
assign state $
& set contract newAddr
& set codeContract newAddr
& set code initCode
& set callvalue (litWord xValue)
& set caller (litAddr self)
& set gas xGas'
replaceCode :: Addr -> ContractCode -> EVM ()
replaceCode target newCode =
zoom (env . contracts . at target) $
get >>= \case
Just now -> case (view contractcode now) of
InitCode _ ->
put . Just $
initialContract newCode
& set storage (view storage now)
& set balance (view balance now)
& set nonce (view nonce now)
RuntimeCode _ ->
error ("internal error: can't replace code of deployed contract " <> show target)
Nothing ->
error "internal error: can't replace code of nonexistent contract"
replaceCodeOfSelf :: ContractCode -> EVM ()
replaceCodeOfSelf newCode = do
vm <- get
replaceCode (view (state . contract) vm) newCode
resetState :: EVM ()
resetState = do
assign result Nothing
assign frames []
assign state blankState
vmError :: Error -> EVM ()
vmError e = finishFrame (FrameErrored e)
underrun :: EVM ()
underrun = vmError StackUnderrun
data FrameResult
= FrameReturned Buffer
| FrameReverted Buffer
| FrameErrored Error
deriving Show
finishFrame :: FrameResult -> EVM ()
finishFrame how = do
oldVm <- get
case view frames oldVm of
[] -> do
case how of
FrameReturned output -> assign result . Just $ VMSuccess output
FrameReverted buffer -> forceConcreteBuffer buffer $ \out -> assign result . Just $ VMFailure (Revert out)
FrameErrored e -> assign result . Just $ VMFailure e
nextFrame : remainingFrames -> do
insertTrace $
case how of
FrameErrored e ->
ErrorTrace e
FrameReverted (ConcreteBuffer output) ->
ErrorTrace (Revert output)
FrameReverted (SymbolicBuffer output) ->
ErrorTrace (Revert (forceLitBytes output))
FrameReturned output ->
ReturnTrace output (view frameContext nextFrame)
assign frames remainingFrames
assign state (view frameState nextFrame)
let remainingGas = view (state . gas) oldVm
reclaimRemainingGasAllowance = do
modifying burned (subtract remainingGas)
modifying (state . gas) (+ remainingGas)
FeeSchedule {..} = view ( block . schedule ) oldVm
case view frameContext nextFrame of
CallContext _ _ (num -> outOffset) (num -> outSize) _ _ _ reversion substate' -> do
revertContracts = assign (env . contracts) reversion
revertSubstate = assign (tx . substate) substate'
case how of
FrameReturned output -> do
assign (state . returndata) output
copyCallBytesToMemory output outSize 0 outOffset
push 1
FrameReverted output -> do
assign (state . returndata) output
copyCallBytesToMemory output outSize 0 outOffset
push 0
FrameErrored _ -> do
assign (state . returndata) mempty
push 0
CreationContext _ _ reversion substate' -> do
creator <- use (state . contract)
createe = view (state . contract) oldVm
revertContracts = assign (env . contracts) reversion'
revertSubstate = assign (tx . substate) substate'
reversion' = (Map.adjust (over nonce (+ 1)) creator) reversion
case how of
FrameReturned output ->
forceConcreteBuffer output $ \output' -> do
replaceCode createe (RuntimeCode output')
assign (state . returndata) mempty
push (num createe)
FrameReverted output -> do
assign (state . returndata) output
push 0
FrameErrored _ -> do
assign (state . returndata) mempty
push 0
:: FeeSchedule Integer
-> Word
-> Word
-> EVM ()
-> EVM ()
accessUnboundedMemoryRange _ _ 0 continue = continue
accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees f l continue = do
m0 <- num <$> use (state . memorySize)
let m1 = 32 * ceilDiv (max m0 (num f + num l)) 32
burn (memoryCost fees m1 - memoryCost fees m0) $ do
assign (state . memorySize) (num m1)
:: FeeSchedule Integer
-> Word
-> Word
-> EVM ()
-> EVM ()
accessMemoryRange _ _ 0 continue = continue
accessMemoryRange fees f l continue =
if f + l < l
then vmError IllegalOverflow
else accessUnboundedMemoryRange fees f l continue
:: FeeSchedule Integer -> Word -> EVM () -> EVM ()
accessMemoryWord fees x = accessMemoryRange fees x 32
:: Buffer -> Word -> Word -> Word -> EVM ()
copyBytesToMemory bs size xOffset yOffset =
if size == 0 then noop
else do
mem <- use (state . memory)
assign (state . memory) $
writeMemory bs size xOffset yOffset mem
:: Buffer -> Word -> Word -> Word -> EVM ()
copyCallBytesToMemory bs size xOffset yOffset =
if size == 0 then noop
else do
mem <- use (state . memory)
assign (state . memory) $
writeMemory bs (min size (num (len bs))) xOffset yOffset mem
readMemory :: Word -> Word -> VM -> Buffer
readMemory offset size vm = sliceWithZero (num offset) (num size) (view (state . memory) vm)
:: Functor f
=> Word -> (SymWord -> f (SymWord))
-> Buffer -> f Buffer
word256At i = lens getter setter where
getter = readMemoryWord i
setter m x = setMemoryWord i x m
:: (MonadState VM m) => TraceData -> m Trace
withTraceLocation x = do
vm <- get
Just this =
currentContract vm
pure Trace
{ _traceData = x
, _traceCodehash = view codehash this
, _traceOpIx = (view opIxMap this) Vector.!? (view (state . pc) vm)
pushTrace :: TraceData -> EVM ()
pushTrace x = do
trace <- withTraceLocation x
modifying traces $
\t -> Zipper.children $ Zipper.insert (Node trace []) t
insertTrace :: TraceData -> EVM ()
insertTrace x = do
trace <- withTraceLocation x
modifying traces $
\t -> Zipper.nextSpace $ Zipper.insert (Node trace []) t
popTrace :: EVM ()
popTrace =
modifying traces $
\t -> case Zipper.parent t of
Nothing -> error "internal error (trace root)"
Just t' -> Zipper.nextSpace t'
zipperRootForest :: Zipper.TreePos Zipper.Empty a -> Forest a
zipperRootForest z =
case Zipper.parent z of
Nothing -> Zipper.toForest z
Just z' -> zipperRootForest (Zipper.nextSpace z')
traceForest :: VM -> Forest Trace
traceForest = view (traces . to zipperRootForest)
traceLog :: (MonadState VM m) => Log -> m ()
traceLog log = do
trace <- withTraceLocation (EventTrace log)
modifying traces $
\t -> Zipper.nextSpace (Zipper.insert (Node trace []) t)
push :: Word -> EVM ()
push = pushSym . w256lit . num
pushSym :: SymWord -> EVM ()
pushSym x = state . stack %= (x :)
:: (?op :: Word8)
=> ((SymWord) -> Integer)
-> ((SymWord) -> (SymWord))
-> EVM ()
stackOp1 cost f =
use (state . stack) >>= \case
(x:xs) ->
burn (cost x) $ do
let !y = f x
state . stack .= y : xs
_ ->
:: (?op :: Word8)
=> (((SymWord), (SymWord)) -> Integer)
-> (((SymWord), (SymWord)) -> (SymWord))
-> EVM ()
stackOp2 cost f =
use (state . stack) >>= \case
(x:y:xs) ->
burn (cost (x, y)) $ do
state . stack .= f (x, y) : xs
_ ->
:: (?op :: Word8)
=> (((SymWord), (SymWord), (SymWord)) -> Integer)
-> (((SymWord), (SymWord), (SymWord)) -> (SymWord))
-> EVM ()
stackOp3 cost f =
use (state . stack) >>= \case
(x:y:z:xs) ->
burn (cost (x, y, z)) $ do
state . stack .= f (x, y, z) : xs
_ ->
checkJump :: (Integral n) => n -> [SymWord] -> EVM ()
checkJump x xs = do
theCode <- use (state . code)
self <- use (state . codeContract)
theCodeOps <- use (env . contracts . ix self . codeOps)
theOpIxMap <- use (env . contracts . ix self . opIxMap)
if x < num (BS.length theCode) && BS.index theCode (num x) == 0x5b
if OpJumpdest == snd (theCodeOps RegularVector.! (theOpIxMap Vector.! num x))
then do
state . stack .= xs
state . pc .= num x
vmError BadJumpDestination
else vmError BadJumpDestination
opSize :: Word8 -> Int
opSize x | x >= 0x60 && x <= 0x7f = num x - 0x60 + 2
opSize _ = 1
mkOpIxMap :: ByteString -> Vector Int
mkOpIxMap xs = Vector.create $ Vector.new (BS.length xs) >>= \v ->
let (_, _, _, m) =
BS.foldl' (go v) (0 :: Word8, 0, 0, return ()) xs
in m >> return v
go v (0, !i, !j, !m) x | x >= 0x60 && x <= 0x7f =
(x - 0x60 + 1, i + 1, j, m >> Vector.write v i j)
go v (1, !i, !j, !m) _ =
(0, i + 1, j + 1, m >> Vector.write v i j)
go v (0, !i, !j, !m) _ =
(0, i + 1, j + 1, m >> Vector.write v i j)
go v (n, !i, !j, !m) _ =
(n - 1, i + 1, j, m >> Vector.write v i j)
vmOp :: VM -> Maybe Op
vmOp vm =
let i = vm ^. state . pc
xs = BS.drop i (vm ^. state . code)
op = BS.index xs 0
in if BS.null xs
then Nothing
else Just (readOp op (BS.drop 1 xs))
vmOpIx :: VM -> Maybe Int
vmOpIx vm =
do self <- currentContract vm
(view opIxMap self) Vector.!? (view (state . pc) vm)
opParams :: VM -> Map String (SymWord)
opParams vm =
case vmOp vm of
Just OpCreate ->
params $ words "value offset size"
Just OpCall ->
params $ words "gas to value in-offset in-size out-offset out-size"
Just OpSstore ->
params $ words "index value"
Just OpCodecopy ->
params $ words "mem-offset code-offset code-size"
Just OpSha3 ->
params $ words "offset size"
Just OpCalldatacopy ->
params $ words "to from size"
Just OpExtcodecopy ->
params $ words "account mem-offset code-offset code-size"
Just OpReturn ->
params $ words "offset size"
Just OpJumpi ->
params $ words "destination condition"
_ -> mempty
params xs =
if length (vm ^. state . stack) >= length xs
then Map.fromList (zip xs (vm ^. state . stack))
else mempty
readOp :: Word8 -> ByteString -> Op
readOp x _ | x >= 0x80 && x <= 0x8f = OpDup (x - 0x80 + 1)
readOp x _ | x >= 0x90 && x <= 0x9f = OpSwap (x - 0x90 + 1)
readOp x _ | x >= 0xa0 && x <= 0xa4 = OpLog (x - 0xa0)
readOp x xs | x >= 0x60 && x <= 0x7f =
let n = x - 0x60 + 1
xs' = BS.take (num n) xs
in OpPush (word xs')
readOp x _ = case x of
0x00 -> OpStop
0x01 -> OpAdd
0x02 -> OpMul
0x03 -> OpSub
0x04 -> OpDiv
0x05 -> OpSdiv
0x06 -> OpMod
0x07 -> OpSmod
0x08 -> OpAddmod
0x09 -> OpMulmod
0x0a -> OpExp
0x0b -> OpSignextend
0x10 -> OpLt
0x11 -> OpGt
0x12 -> OpSlt
0x13 -> OpSgt
0x14 -> OpEq
0x15 -> OpIszero
0x16 -> OpAnd
0x17 -> OpOr
0x18 -> OpXor
0x19 -> OpNot
0x1a -> OpByte
0x1b -> OpShl
0x1c -> OpShr
0x1d -> OpSar
0x20 -> OpSha3
0x30 -> OpAddress
0x31 -> OpBalance
0x32 -> OpOrigin
0x33 -> OpCaller
0x34 -> OpCallvalue
0x35 -> OpCalldataload
0x36 -> OpCalldatasize
0x37 -> OpCalldatacopy
0x38 -> OpCodesize
0x39 -> OpCodecopy
0x3a -> OpGasprice
0x3b -> OpExtcodesize
0x3c -> OpExtcodecopy
0x3d -> OpReturndatasize
0x3e -> OpReturndatacopy
0x3f -> OpExtcodehash
0x40 -> OpBlockhash
0x41 -> OpCoinbase
0x42 -> OpTimestamp
0x43 -> OpNumber
0x44 -> OpDifficulty
0x45 -> OpGaslimit
0x46 -> OpChainid
0x47 -> OpSelfbalance
0x50 -> OpPop
0x51 -> OpMload
0x52 -> OpMstore
0x53 -> OpMstore8
0x54 -> OpSload
0x55 -> OpSstore
0x56 -> OpJump
0x57 -> OpJumpi
0x58 -> OpPc
0x59 -> OpMsize
0x5a -> OpGas
0x5b -> OpJumpdest
0xf0 -> OpCreate
0xf1 -> OpCall
0xf2 -> OpCallcode
0xf3 -> OpReturn
0xf4 -> OpDelegatecall
0xf5 -> OpCreate2
0xfd -> OpRevert
0xfa -> OpStaticcall
0xff -> OpSelfdestruct
_ -> OpUnknown x
mkCodeOps :: ByteString -> RegularVector.Vector (Int, Op)
mkCodeOps bytes = RegularVector.fromList . toList $ go 0 bytes
go !i !xs =
case BS.uncons xs of
Nothing ->
Just (x, xs') ->
let j = opSize x
in (i, readOp x xs') Seq.<| go (i + j) (BS.drop j xs)
:: FeeSchedule Integer
-> Bool -> Word -> Word -> Word
-> (Integer, Integer)
costOfCall (FeeSchedule {..}) recipientExists xValue availableGas' xGas' =
(c_gascap + c_extra, c_callgas)
availableGas = num availableGas'
xGas = num xGas'
c_extra =
num g_call + c_xfer + c_new
c_xfer =
if xValue /= 0 then num g_callvalue else 0
c_callgas =
if xValue /= 0 then c_gascap + num g_callstipend else c_gascap
c_new =
if not recipientExists && xValue /= 0
then num g_newaccount
else 0
c_gascap =
if availableGas >= c_extra
then min xGas (allButOne64th (availableGas - c_extra))
else xGas
:: FeeSchedule Integer
-> Word -> Word -> (Integer, Integer)
costOfCreate (FeeSchedule {..}) availableGas' hashSize =
(createCost + initGas, initGas)
availableGas = num availableGas'
createCost = g_create + hashCost
hashCost = g_sha3word * ceilDiv (num hashSize) 32
initGas = allButOne64th (availableGas - createCost)
costOfPrecompile :: FeeSchedule Integer -> Addr -> Buffer -> Integer
costOfPrecompile (FeeSchedule {..}) precompileAddr input =
case precompileAddr of
0x1 -> 3000
0x2 -> num $ (((len input + 31) `div` 32) * 12) + 60
0x3 -> num $ (((len input + 31) `div` 32) * 120) + 600
0x4 -> num $ (((len input + 31) `div` 32) * 3) + 15
0x5 -> num $ (f (num (max lenm lenb)) * num (max lene' 1)) `div` (num g_quaddivisor)
where input' = case input of
SymbolicBuffer _ -> error "unsupported: symbolic MODEXP gas cost calc"
ConcreteBuffer b -> b
(lenb, lene, lenm) = parseModexpLength input'
lene' | lene <= 32 && ez = 0
| lene <= 32 = num (log2 e')
| e' == 0 = 8 * (lene - 32)
| otherwise = num (log2 e') + 8 * (lene - 32)
ez = isZero (96 + lenb) lene input'
e' = w256 $ word $ LS.toStrict $
lazySlice (96 + lenb) (min 32 lene) input'
f :: Integer -> Integer
f x | x <= 64 = x * x
| x <= 1024 = (x * x) `div` 4 + 96 * x - 3072
| otherwise = (x * x) `div` 16 + 480 * x - 199680
0x6 -> g_ecadd
0x7 -> g_ecmul
0x8 -> num $ ((len input) `div` 192) * (num g_pairing_point) + (num g_pairing_base)
0x9 -> let input' = case input of
SymbolicBuffer _ -> error "unsupported: symbolic BLAKE2B gas cost calc"
ConcreteBuffer b -> b
in g_fround * (num $ asInteger $ lazySlice 0 4 input')
_ -> error ("unimplemented precompiled contract " ++ show precompileAddr)
memoryCost :: FeeSchedule Integer -> Integer -> Integer
memoryCost FeeSchedule{..} byteCount =
wordCount = ceilDiv byteCount 32
linearCost = g_memory * wordCount
quadraticCost = div (wordCount * wordCount) 512
linearCost + quadraticCost
ceilDiv :: (Num a, Integral a) => a -> a -> a
ceilDiv m n = div (m + n - 1) n
allButOne64th :: (Num a, Integral a) => a -> a
allButOne64th n = n - div n 64
log2 :: FiniteBits b => b -> Int
log2 x = finiteBitSize x - 1 - countLeadingZeros x