{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# Language TypeApplications #-}
module EVM.SymExec where
import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Control.Lens hiding (pre)
import EVM hiding (Query, push)
import qualified EVM
import EVM.Exec
import qualified EVM.Fetch as Fetch
import EVM.ABI
import EVM.Stepper (Stepper)
import qualified EVM.Stepper as Stepper
import qualified Control.Monad.Operational as Operational
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (state)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import EVM.Types
import EVM.Concrete (createAddress)
import qualified EVM.FeeSchedule as FeeSchedule
import Data.SBV.Trans.Control
import Data.SBV.Trans hiding (distinct, Word)
import Data.SBV hiding (runSMT, newArray_, addAxiom, distinct, sWord8s, Word)
import Data.Vector (toList, fromList)
import Data.Tree
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Text (Text, splitOn, unpack)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (runState, get, put, zipWithM)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Class as State
import Control.Applicative
sbytes32, sbytes128, sbytes256, sbytes512, sbytes1024 :: Query ([SWord 8])
sbytes32 = toBytes <$> freshVar_ @ (WordN 256)
sbytes128 = toBytes <$> freshVar_ @ (WordN 1024)
sbytes256 = liftA2 (++) sbytes128 sbytes128
sbytes512 = liftA2 (++) sbytes256 sbytes256
sbytes1024 = liftA2 (++) sbytes512 sbytes512
mkByte :: Query [SWord 8]
mkByte = do x <- freshVar_
return [x]
symAbiArg :: AbiType -> Query ([SWord 8], W256)
symAbiArg (AbiUIntType n) | n `mod` 8 == 0 && n <= 256 =
do x <- concatMapM (const mkByte) [0..(n `div` 8) - 1]
return (padLeft' 32 x, 32)
| otherwise = error "bad type"
symAbiArg (AbiIntType n) | n `mod` 8 == 0 && n <= 256 =
do x <- concatMapM (const mkByte) [(0 :: Int) ..(n `div` 8) - 1]
return (padLeft' 32 x, 32)
| otherwise = error "bad type"
symAbiArg AbiBoolType =
do x <- mkByte
return (padLeft' 32 x, 32)
symAbiArg AbiAddressType =
do x <- concatMapM (const mkByte) [(0 :: Int)..19]
return (padLeft' 32 x, 32)
symAbiArg (AbiBytesType n) | n <= 32 =
do x <- concatMapM (const mkByte) [0..n - 1]
return (padLeft' 32 x, 32)
| otherwise = error "bad type"
symAbiArg (AbiArrayType len typ) =
do args <- mapM symAbiArg (replicate len typ)
return (litBytes (encodeAbiValue (AbiUInt 256 (fromIntegral len))) <> (concat $ fst <$> args),
32 + (sum $ snd <$> args))
symAbiArg (AbiTupleType tuple) =
do args <- mapM symAbiArg (toList tuple)
return (concat $ fst <$> args, sum $ snd <$> args)
symAbiArg n =
error $ "Unsupported symbolic abiencoding for"
<> show n
<> ". Please file an issue at https://github.com/dapphub/dapptools if you really need this."
symCalldata :: Text -> [AbiType] -> [String] -> Query ([SWord 8], W256)
symCalldata sig typesignature concreteArgs =
let args = concreteArgs <> replicate (length typesignature - length concreteArgs) "<symbolic>"
mkArg typ "<symbolic>" = symAbiArg typ
mkArg typ arg = let n = litBytes . encodeAbiValue $ makeAbiValue typ arg
in return (n, num (length n))
sig' = litBytes $ selector sig
in do calldatas <- zipWithM mkArg typesignature args
return (sig' <> concat (fst <$> calldatas), 4 + (sum $ snd <$> calldatas))
abstractVM :: Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> [String] -> ByteString -> StorageModel -> Query VM
abstractVM typesignature concreteArgs x storagemodel = do
(cd', cdlen, cdconstraint) <-
case typesignature of
Nothing -> do cd <- sbytes256
len <- freshVar_
return (cd, var "calldataLength" len, (len .<= 256, Todo "calldatalength < 256" []))
Just (name, typs) -> do (cd, cdlen) <- symCalldata name typs concreteArgs
return (cd, S (Literal cdlen) (literal $ num cdlen), (sTrue, Todo "Trivial" []))
symstore <- case storagemodel of
SymbolicS -> Symbolic [] <$> freshArray_ Nothing
InitialS -> Symbolic [] <$> freshArray_ (Just 0)
ConcreteS -> return $ Concrete mempty
c <- SAddr <$> freshVar_
value' <- var "CALLVALUE" <$> freshVar_
return $ loadSymVM (RuntimeCode x) symstore storagemodel c value' (SymbolicBuffer cd', cdlen) & over constraints ((<>) [cdconstraint])
loadSymVM :: ContractCode -> Storage -> StorageModel -> SAddr -> SymWord -> (Buffer, SymWord) -> VM
loadSymVM x initStore model addr callvalue' calldata' =
(makeVm $ VMOpts
{ vmoptContract = contractWithStore x initStore
, vmoptCalldata = calldata'
, vmoptValue = callvalue'
, vmoptAddress = createAddress ethrunAddress 1
, vmoptCaller = addr
, vmoptOrigin = ethrunAddress
, vmoptCoinbase = 0
, vmoptNumber = 0
, vmoptTimestamp = 0
, vmoptBlockGaslimit = 0
, vmoptGasprice = 0
, vmoptDifficulty = 0
, vmoptGas = 0xffffffffffffffff
, vmoptGaslimit = 0xffffffffffffffff
, vmoptMaxCodeSize = 0xffffffff
, vmoptSchedule = FeeSchedule.istanbul
, vmoptChainId = 1
, vmoptCreate = False
, vmoptStorageModel = model
}) & set (env . contracts . at (createAddress ethrunAddress 1))
(Just (contractWithStore x initStore))
data BranchInfo = BranchInfo
{ _vm :: VM,
_branchCondition :: Maybe Whiff
doInterpret :: Fetch.Fetcher -> Maybe Integer -> VM -> Query (Tree BranchInfo)
doInterpret fetcher maxIter vm = let
f (vm', cs) = Node (BranchInfo (if length cs == 0 then vm' else vm) Nothing) cs
in f <$> interpret' fetcher maxIter vm
interpret' :: Fetch.Fetcher -> Maybe Integer -> VM -> Query (VM, [(Tree BranchInfo)])
interpret' fetcher maxIter vm = let
cont s = interpret' fetcher maxIter $ execState s vm
in case view EVM.result vm of
Nothing -> cont exec1
Just (VMFailure (EVM.Query q@(PleaseAskSMT _ _ continue))) -> let
codelocation = getCodeLocation vm
iteration = num $ fromMaybe 0 $ view (iterations . at codelocation) vm
in if iteration < (max (fromMaybe 0 maxIter) 5)
then cont $ continue EVM.Unknown
else io (fetcher q) >>= cont
Just (VMFailure (EVM.Query q)) -> io (fetcher q) >>= cont
Just (VMFailure (Choose (EVM.PleaseChoosePath whiff continue)))
-> case maxIterationsReached vm maxIter of
Nothing -> let
lvm = execState (continue True) vm
rvm = execState (continue False) vm
in do
push 1
(leftvm, left) <- interpret' fetcher maxIter lvm
pop 1
push 1
(rightvm, right) <- interpret' fetcher maxIter rvm
pop 1
return (vm, [Node (BranchInfo leftvm (Just whiff)) left, Node (BranchInfo rightvm (Just whiff)) right])
Just n -> cont $ continue (not n)
Just _
-> return (vm, [])
:: Fetch.Fetcher
-> Maybe Integer
-> Stepper a
-> StateT VM Query [a]
interpret fetcher maxIter =
eval . Operational.view
:: Operational.ProgramView Stepper.Action a
-> StateT VM Query [a]
eval (Operational.Return x) =
pure [x]
eval (action Operational.:>>= k) =
case action of
Stepper.Exec ->
exec >>= interpret fetcher maxIter . k
Stepper.Run ->
run >>= interpret fetcher maxIter . k
Stepper.Ask (EVM.PleaseChoosePath _ continue) -> do
vm <- get
case maxIterationsReached vm maxIter of
Nothing -> do
push 1
a <- interpret fetcher maxIter (Stepper.evm (continue True) >>= k)
put vm
pop 1
push 1
b <- interpret fetcher maxIter (Stepper.evm (continue False) >>= k)
pop 1
return $ a <> b
Just n ->
interpret fetcher maxIter (Stepper.evm (continue (not n)) >>= k)
Stepper.Wait q -> do
let performQuery = do
m <- liftIO (fetcher q)
interpret fetcher maxIter (Stepper.evm m >>= k)
case q of
PleaseAskSMT _ _ continue -> do
codelocation <- getCodeLocation <$> get
iteration <- num <$> fromMaybe 0 <$> use (iterations . at codelocation)
if iteration < (max (fromMaybe 0 maxIter) 5)
then interpret fetcher maxIter (Stepper.evm (continue EVM.Unknown) >>= k)
else performQuery
_ -> performQuery
Stepper.EVM m ->
State.state (runState m) >>= interpret fetcher maxIter . k
maxIterationsReached :: VM -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe Bool
maxIterationsReached _ Nothing = Nothing
maxIterationsReached vm (Just maxIter) =
let codelocation = getCodeLocation vm
iters = view (iterations . at codelocation . non 0) vm
in if num maxIter <= iters
then view (cache . path . at (codelocation, iters - 1)) vm
else Nothing
type Precondition = VM -> SBool
type Postcondition = (VM, VM) -> SBool
checkAssert :: ByteString -> Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> [String] -> Query (Either (Tree BranchInfo) (Tree BranchInfo), VM)
checkAssert c signature' concreteArgs = verifyContract c signature' concreteArgs SymbolicS (const sTrue) (Just checkAssertions)
checkAssertions :: Postcondition
checkAssertions (_, out) = case view result out of
Just (EVM.VMFailure (EVM.UnrecognizedOpcode 254)) -> sFalse
_ -> sTrue
verifyContract :: ByteString -> Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> [String] -> StorageModel -> Precondition -> Maybe Postcondition -> Query (Either (Tree BranchInfo) (Tree BranchInfo), VM)
verifyContract theCode signature' concreteArgs storagemodel pre maybepost = do
preStateRaw <- abstractVM signature' concreteArgs theCode storagemodel
let preState = over constraints ((++) [(pre preStateRaw, Todo "assumptions" [])]) preStateRaw
v <- verify preState Nothing Nothing maybepost
return (v, preState)
pruneDeadPaths :: [VM] -> [VM]
pruneDeadPaths =
filter $ \vm -> case view result vm of
Just (VMFailure DeadPath) -> False
_ -> True
consistentPath :: VM -> Query (Maybe VM)
consistentPath vm = do
constrain $ sAnd $ fst <$> view constraints vm
checkSat >>= \case
Sat -> return $ Just vm
Unk -> return $ Just vm
Unsat -> return Nothing
DSat _ -> error "unexpected DSAT"
consistentTree :: Tree BranchInfo -> Query (Maybe (Tree BranchInfo))
consistentTree (Node (BranchInfo vm w) []) = do
consistentPath vm >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just vm' -> return $ Just $ Node (BranchInfo vm' w) []
consistentTree (Node b xs) = do
consistentChildren <- catMaybes <$> forM xs consistentTree
if null consistentChildren then
return Nothing
return $ Just (Node b consistentChildren)
leaves :: Tree BranchInfo -> [VM]
leaves (Node x []) = [_vm x]
leaves (Node _ xs) = concatMap leaves xs
verify :: VM -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe (Fetch.BlockNumber, Text) -> Maybe Postcondition -> Query (Either (Tree BranchInfo) (Tree BranchInfo))
verify preState maxIter rpcinfo maybepost = do
smtState <- queryState
tree <- doInterpret (Fetch.oracle (Just smtState) rpcinfo False) maxIter preState
case maybepost of
(Just post) -> do
let livePaths = pruneDeadPaths $ leaves tree
postC = sOr $ fmap (\postState -> (sAnd (fst <$> view constraints postState)) .&& sNot (post (preState, postState))) livePaths
constrain postC
io $ putStrLn "checking postcondition..."
checkSat >>= \case
Unk -> do io $ putStrLn "postcondition query timed out"
return $ Left tree
Unsat -> do io $ putStrLn "Q.E.D."
return $ Left tree
Sat -> return $ Right tree
DSat _ -> error "unexpected DSAT"
Nothing -> do io $ putStrLn "Nothing to check"
return $ Left tree
equivalenceCheck :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> Query (Either ([VM], [VM]) VM)
equivalenceCheck bytecodeA bytecodeB maxiter signature' = do
preStateA <- abstractVM signature' [] bytecodeA SymbolicS
let preself = preStateA ^. state . contract
precaller = preStateA ^. state . caller
callvalue' = preStateA ^. state . callvalue
prestorage = preStateA ^?! env . contracts . ix preself . storage
(calldata', cdlen) = view (state . calldata) preStateA
pathconds = view constraints preStateA
preStateB = loadSymVM (RuntimeCode bytecodeB) prestorage SymbolicS precaller callvalue' (calldata', cdlen) & set constraints pathconds
smtState <- queryState
push 1
aVMs <- doInterpret (Fetch.oracle (Just smtState) Nothing False) maxiter preStateA
pop 1
push 1
bVMs <- doInterpret (Fetch.oracle (Just smtState) Nothing False) maxiter preStateB
pop 1
let differingEndStates = uncurry distinct <$> [(a,b) | a <- pruneDeadPaths (leaves aVMs), b <- pruneDeadPaths (leaves bVMs)]
distinct a b =
let (aPath, bPath) = both' (view constraints) (a, b)
(aSelf, bSelf) = both' (view (state . contract)) (a, b)
(aEnv, bEnv) = both' (view (env . contracts)) (a, b)
(aResult, bResult) = both' (view result) (a, b)
(Symbolic _ aStorage, Symbolic _ bStorage) = (view storage (aEnv ^?! ix aSelf), view storage (bEnv ^?! ix bSelf))
differingResults = case (aResult, bResult) of
(Just (VMSuccess aOut), Just (VMSuccess bOut)) ->
aOut ./= bOut .|| aStorage ./= bStorage .|| fromBool (aSelf /= bSelf)
(Just (VMFailure UnexpectedSymbolicArg), _) ->
error $ "Unexpected symbolic argument at opcode: " <> maybe "??" show (vmOp a) <> ". Not supported (yet!)"
(_, Just (VMFailure UnexpectedSymbolicArg)) ->
error $ "Unexpected symbolic argument at opcode: " <> maybe "??" show (vmOp a) <> ". Not supported (yet!)"
(Just (VMFailure _), Just (VMFailure _)) -> sFalse
(Just _, Just _) -> sTrue
errormsg -> error $ show errormsg
in sAnd (fst <$> aPath) .&& sAnd (fst <$> bPath) .&& differingResults
constrain $ sOr differingEndStates
checkSat >>= \case
Unk -> error "solver said unknown!"
Sat -> return $ Right preStateA
Unsat -> return $ Left (leaves aVMs, leaves bVMs)
DSat _ -> error "unexpected DSAT"
both' :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
both' f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
showCounterexample :: VM -> Maybe (Text, [AbiType]) -> Query ()
showCounterexample vm maybesig = do
let (calldata', S _ cdlen) = view (EVM.state . EVM.calldata) vm
S _ cvalue = view (EVM.state . EVM.callvalue) vm
SAddr caller' = view (EVM.state . EVM.caller) vm
cdlen' <- num <$> getValue cdlen
calldatainput <- case calldata' of
SymbolicBuffer cd -> mapM (getValue.fromSized) (take cdlen' cd) >>= return . pack
ConcreteBuffer cd -> return $ BS.take cdlen' cd
callvalue' <- getValue cvalue
caller'' <- num <$> getValue caller'
io $ do
putStrLn "Calldata:"
print $ ByteStringS calldatainput
case maybesig of
Just (name, types) -> putStrLn $ unpack (head (splitOn "(" name)) ++
show (decodeAbiValue (AbiTupleType (fromList types)) $ Lazy.fromStrict (BS.drop 4 calldatainput))
Nothing -> return ()
putStrLn "Caller:"
print (Addr caller'')
putStrLn "Callvalue:"
print callvalue'