
is a utility that walks a directory tree, and writes
out Nix expressions which rebuild that
tree. The generated expressions have two important properties:
Each file in the tree is built by a separate fixed-output
derivation, and
Directories are built by derivations that symlink their contents
If you are using nix copy
to ship a derivation between nix stores,
copying the derivation built by evaluating the output of
can reuse existing files in the destination store,
as fixed-output derivations can be checked against a hash before
I use this to speed up deploys to my personal website. Running
on the output from my site
generator and importing the
result means that nix copy
only uploads new files, instead of
copying a single giant derivation containing every image on the site.
If you use Nix, you can install the command into your local
environment by running nix profile install sourcehut:~jack/nix-freeze-tree
. If you're not using flakes, you can
instead try nix-env -f -iA command
If you have GHC installed, you can also build and install the binary
by running cabal v2-install nix-freeze-tree
. You can also run the
binary from the build directory with cabal v2-run nix-freeze-tree -- ARGS
Usage: nix-freeze-tree [--version] [-f|--force] [-v|--verbose]
[-o|--out-root OUT_ROOT] [IN_DIR]
Write a tree of nix expressions to OUT_ROOT that build a derivation,
symlinking every file in IN_DIR as a separate fixed-output derivation.
Available options:
--version Display version information and exit.
-h,--help Show this help text
-f,--force If any default.nix exist in the output directory,
remove them and generate anyway
-v,--verbose Display messages while working.
-o,--out-root OUT_ROOT Where to write the nix files (default: IN_DIR)
IN_DIR Directory to freeze (default: .)
Calling from Nix
This repository's flake defines a function lib.${system}.freeze
which can be used to freeze the output of an existing derivation. You
can use it like this:
inputs = {
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
nix-freeze-tree = "git+"
outputs = inputs@{ ... }:
inputs.flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
defaultPackage = (import nix-freeze-tree { }).lib.${system}.freeze
The freeze
function corresponding to builtins.currentSystem
also exposed in default.nix
, so you can use it with Nix code that looks
a bit like:
# Some nixpkgs from somewhere
nixpkgs = ...;
# Whether you get it from a channel, a local checkout,
# builtins.fetchTarball or builtins.fetchgit is up to you
nix-freeze-tree-repo = builtins.fetchTarball { ... };
# Derivation to freeze
drv = mkDerivation { ... };
# Evaluate default.nix from nix-freeze-tree-repo and hold onto the
# freeze function
freeze = (import nix-freeze-tree-repo { inherit nixpkgs; }).freeze;
freeze drv
Q: Why didn't you use
to tie all the subtrees together?
A: I had the program mostly working before I remembered that
existed. I thought about making each file's derivation
contain the directories leading up to it and then symlinkJoin
them all together, but decided against it for three reasons:
- You can easily build subtrees using the Nix expressions generated
- Building the output of
will correctly create
empty directories present in the input; and
- Files are hashed based on their content alone, not their position
in the tree-to-be-frozen (reducing duplication).
Other Resources