{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.JWT
( Certificate (..)
, SigningKey (..)
, TokenHeader (..)
, TokenPayload (..)
, Signature
, ClientSecret (..)
, IsSymbolicJSON (..)
, SecretBits
, secretBits
, toAsciiBits
, signPayload
, verifySignature
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, force)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), genericParseJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.Aeson.Casing (aesonPrefix, snakeCase)
import Data.Constraint (Dict (..), withDict, (:-) (..))
import Data.Constraint.Nat (Max, divNat, minusNat, plusNat, timesNat)
import Data.Constraint.Unsafe (unsafeAxiom, unsafeSNat)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Scientific (toBoundedInteger)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Generic.Random (genericArbitrary, uniform)
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Par1 (..))
import GHC.TypeLits (withKnownNat)
import Prelude (fmap, pure, type (~), ($), (.), (<$>))
import qualified Prelude as P
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..))
import ZkFold.Base.Algebra.Basic.Class
import ZkFold.Base.Algebra.Basic.Number
import ZkFold.Base.Data.HFunctor (hmap)
import qualified ZkFold.Base.Data.Vector as V
import ZkFold.Base.Data.Vector ((!!))
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Algorithms.RSA
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Class
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Bool
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.ByteString (ByteString (..), concat, toWords)
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Class
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Combinators
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Eq
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.FieldElement
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Input (SymbolicInput)
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt
import qualified ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.VarByteString as VB
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.VarByteString (VarByteString (..), wipeUnassigned, (@+))
import ZkFold.Symbolic.MonadCircuit (newAssigned)
class IsSymbolicJSON a where
type MaxLength a :: Natural
toJsonBits :: a -> VarByteString (MaxLength a) (Context a)
data Certificate ctx
= Certificate
{ forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Certificate ctx -> VarByteString 320 ctx
pubKid :: VarByteString 320 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Certificate ctx -> PublicKey 2048 ctx
pubKey :: PublicKey 2048 ctx
deriving (forall x. Certificate ctx -> Rep (Certificate ctx) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (Certificate ctx) x -> Certificate ctx)
-> Generic (Certificate ctx)
forall x. Rep (Certificate ctx) x -> Certificate ctx
forall x. Certificate ctx -> Rep (Certificate ctx) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (Certificate ctx) x -> Certificate ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Certificate ctx -> Rep (Certificate ctx) x
$cfrom :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Certificate ctx -> Rep (Certificate ctx) x
from :: forall x. Certificate ctx -> Rep (Certificate ctx) x
$cto :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (Certificate ctx) x -> Certificate ctx
to :: forall x. Rep (Certificate ctx) x -> Certificate ctx
deriving instance
( P.Eq (PublicKey 2048 ctx)
, P.Eq (VarByteString 320 ctx)
) => P.Eq (Certificate ctx)
deriving instance
( P.Show (PublicKey 2048 ctx)
, P.Show (VarByteString 320 ctx)
) => P.Show (Certificate ctx)
deriving instance
( NFData (PublicKey 2048 ctx)
, NFData (VarByteString 320 ctx)
) => NFData (Certificate ctx)
( SymbolicData (PublicKey 2048 ctx)
, Symbolic ctx
) => SymbolicData (Certificate ctx)
( SymbolicInput (PublicKey 2048 ctx)
, Symbolic ctx
) => SymbolicInput (Certificate ctx)
data SigningKey ctx
= SigningKey
{ forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
SigningKey ctx -> VarByteString 320 ctx
prvKid :: VarByteString 320 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
SigningKey ctx -> PrivateKey 2048 ctx
prvKey :: PrivateKey 2048 ctx
deriving (forall x. SigningKey ctx -> Rep (SigningKey ctx) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (SigningKey ctx) x -> SigningKey ctx)
-> Generic (SigningKey ctx)
forall x. Rep (SigningKey ctx) x -> SigningKey ctx
forall x. SigningKey ctx -> Rep (SigningKey ctx) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (SigningKey ctx) x -> SigningKey ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
SigningKey ctx -> Rep (SigningKey ctx) x
$cfrom :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
SigningKey ctx -> Rep (SigningKey ctx) x
from :: forall x. SigningKey ctx -> Rep (SigningKey ctx) x
$cto :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (SigningKey ctx) x -> SigningKey ctx
to :: forall x. Rep (SigningKey ctx) x -> SigningKey ctx
deriving instance
( P.Eq (PrivateKey 2048 ctx)
, P.Eq (VarByteString 320 ctx)
) => P.Eq (SigningKey ctx)
deriving instance
( P.Show (PrivateKey 2048 ctx)
, P.Show (VarByteString 320 ctx)
) => P.Show (SigningKey ctx)
deriving instance
( NFData (PrivateKey 2048 ctx)
, NFData (VarByteString 320 ctx)
) => NFData (SigningKey ctx)
( SymbolicData (PrivateKey 2048 ctx)
, Symbolic ctx
) => SymbolicData (SigningKey ctx)
( SymbolicInput (PrivateKey 2048 ctx)
, Symbolic ctx
) => SymbolicInput (SigningKey ctx)
data ctx
{ forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenHeader ctx -> VarByteString 72 ctx
hdAlg :: VarByteString 72 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenHeader ctx -> VarByteString 320 ctx
hdKid :: VarByteString 320 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenHeader ctx -> VarByteString 32 ctx
hdTyp :: VarByteString 32 ctx
deriving (forall x. TokenHeader ctx -> Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x -> TokenHeader ctx)
-> Generic (TokenHeader ctx)
forall x. Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x -> TokenHeader ctx
forall x. TokenHeader ctx -> Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x -> TokenHeader ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
TokenHeader ctx -> Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x
$cfrom :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
TokenHeader ctx -> Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x
from :: forall x. TokenHeader ctx -> Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x
$cto :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x -> TokenHeader ctx
to :: forall x. Rep (TokenHeader ctx) x -> TokenHeader ctx
deriving instance
( P.Eq (ctx (V.Vector 72))
, P.Eq (ctx (V.Vector 320))
, P.Eq (ctx (V.Vector 32))
, P.Eq (ctx Par1)
) => P.Eq (TokenHeader ctx)
deriving instance
( P.Show (ctx (V.Vector 72))
, P.Show (ctx (V.Vector 320))
, P.Show (ctx (V.Vector 32))
, P.Show (ctx Par1)
) => P.Show (TokenHeader ctx)
deriving instance
( NFData (ctx (V.Vector 72))
, NFData (ctx (V.Vector 320))
, NFData (ctx (V.Vector 32))
, NFData (ctx Par1)
) => NFData (TokenHeader ctx)
deriving instance Symbolic ctx => SymbolicData (TokenHeader ctx)
deriving instance Symbolic ctx => SymbolicInput (TokenHeader ctx)
instance Symbolic ctx => FromJSON (TokenHeader ctx) where
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (TokenHeader ctx)
parseJSON = Options -> Value -> Parser (TokenHeader ctx)
forall a.
(Generic a, GFromJSON Zero (Rep a)) =>
Options -> Value -> Parser a
genericParseJSON (Options -> Value -> Parser (TokenHeader ctx))
-> Options -> Value -> Parser (TokenHeader ctx)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShowS -> Options
aesonPrefix ShowS
( Symbolic ctx
, Context (TokenHeader ctx) ~ ctx
, NFData (VarByteString (MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx)) ctx)
) => IsSymbolicJSON (TokenHeader ctx) where
type MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx) = 648
toJsonBits :: TokenHeader ctx
-> VarByteString
(MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx)) (Context (TokenHeader ctx))
toJsonBits TokenHeader{VarByteString 32 ctx
VarByteString 72 ctx
VarByteString 320 ctx
hdAlg :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenHeader ctx -> VarByteString 72 ctx
hdKid :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenHeader ctx -> VarByteString 320 ctx
hdTyp :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenHeader ctx -> VarByteString 32 ctx
hdAlg :: VarByteString 72 ctx
hdKid :: VarByteString 320 ctx
hdTyp :: VarByteString 32 ctx
..} = VarByteString
(MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx)) (Context (TokenHeader ctx))
-> VarByteString
(MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx)) (Context (TokenHeader ctx))
forall a. NFData a => a -> a
force (VarByteString
(MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx)) (Context (TokenHeader ctx))
-> VarByteString
(MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx)) (Context (TokenHeader ctx)))
-> VarByteString
(MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx)) (Context (TokenHeader ctx))
-> VarByteString
(MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx)) (Context (TokenHeader ctx))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"{\"alg\":\"") VarByteString 64 ctx
-> VarByteString (72 + 72) ctx
-> VarByteString (64 + (72 + 72)) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 72 ctx
VarByteString 72 ctx
-> VarByteString 72 ctx -> VarByteString (72 + 72) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"kid\":\"") VarByteString (64 + (72 + 72)) ctx
-> VarByteString (320 + 72) ctx
-> VarByteString ((64 + (72 + 72)) + (320 + 72)) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 320 ctx
VarByteString 320 ctx
-> VarByteString 72 ctx -> VarByteString (320 + 72) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"typ\":\"") VarByteString ((64 + (72 + 72)) + (320 + 72)) ctx
-> VarByteString (32 + 16) ctx
-> VarByteString (((64 + (72 + 72)) + (320 + 72)) + (32 + 16)) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 32 ctx
VarByteString 32 ctx
-> VarByteString 16 ctx -> VarByteString (32 + 16) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\"}")
data TokenPayload ctx
= TokenPayload
{ forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plIss :: VarByteString 256 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 1024 ctx
plAzp :: VarByteString 1024 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 1024 ctx
plAud :: VarByteString 1024 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plSub :: VarByteString 256 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plHd :: VarByteString 256 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 512 ctx
plEmail :: VarByteString 512 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 40 ctx
plEmailVerified :: VarByteString 40 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plAtHash :: VarByteString 256 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 512 ctx
plName :: VarByteString 512 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 1024 ctx
plPicture :: VarByteString 1024 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plGivenName :: VarByteString 256 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plFamilyName :: VarByteString 256 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 80 ctx
plIat :: VarByteString 80 ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 80 ctx
plExp :: VarByteString 80 ctx
deriving (forall x. TokenPayload ctx -> Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x -> TokenPayload ctx)
-> Generic (TokenPayload ctx)
forall x. Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x -> TokenPayload ctx
forall x. TokenPayload ctx -> Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x -> TokenPayload ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
TokenPayload ctx -> Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x
$cfrom :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
TokenPayload ctx -> Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x
from :: forall x. TokenPayload ctx -> Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x
$cto :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x -> TokenPayload ctx
to :: forall x. Rep (TokenPayload ctx) x -> TokenPayload ctx
deriving instance
( P.Eq (ctx (V.Vector 40))
, P.Eq (ctx (V.Vector 80))
, P.Eq (ctx (V.Vector 256))
, P.Eq (ctx (V.Vector 512))
, P.Eq (ctx (V.Vector 1024))
, P.Eq (ctx Par1)
) => P.Eq (TokenPayload ctx)
deriving instance
( P.Show (ctx (V.Vector 40))
, P.Show (ctx (V.Vector 80))
, P.Show (ctx (V.Vector 256))
, P.Show (ctx (V.Vector 512))
, P.Show (ctx (V.Vector 1024))
, P.Show (ctx Par1)
) => P.Show (TokenPayload ctx)
deriving instance Symbolic ctx => SymbolicData (TokenPayload ctx)
deriving instance Symbolic ctx => SymbolicInput (TokenPayload ctx)
instance Symbolic ctx => Arbitrary (TokenPayload ctx) where
arbitrary :: Gen (TokenPayload ctx)
arbitrary = Weights (TokenPayload ctx) -> Gen (TokenPayload ctx)
forall a. GArbitrary UnsizedOpts a => Weights a -> Gen a
genericArbitrary Weights (TokenPayload ctx)
forall a. UniformWeight_ (Rep a) => Weights a
instance Symbolic ctx => FromJSON (TokenPayload ctx) where
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (TokenPayload ctx)
parseJSON = Options -> Value -> Parser (TokenPayload ctx)
forall a.
(Generic a, GFromJSON Zero (Rep a)) =>
Options -> Value -> Parser a
genericParseJSON (ShowS -> Options
aesonPrefix ShowS
snakeCase) (Value -> Parser (TokenPayload ctx))
-> (Value -> Value) -> Value -> Parser (TokenPayload ctx)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Value -> Value
stringify :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Value
stringify :: Value -> Value
stringify (JSON.Number Scientific
s) =
Text -> Value
JSON.String (String -> Text
T.pack (String -> Text) -> (Scientific -> String) -> Scientific -> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Int -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
P.show (Int -> String) -> (Scientific -> Int) -> Scientific -> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Int -> Maybe Int -> Int
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe (String -> Int
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
P.error String
"instance FromJSON JWT :: Invalid integer") (Maybe Int -> Int)
-> (Scientific -> Maybe Int) -> Scientific -> Int
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall i. (Integral i, Bounded i) => Scientific -> Maybe i
toBoundedInteger @P.Int (Scientific -> Text) -> Scientific -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Scientific
stringify (JSON.Bool Bool
b) = Text -> Value
JSON.String (String -> Text
T.pack (String -> Text) -> String -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bool -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
P.show Bool
stringify (JSON.Object Object
o) = Object -> Value
JSON.Object (Object -> Value) -> Object -> Value
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Value -> Value) -> Object -> Object
forall a b. (a -> b) -> KeyMap a -> KeyMap b
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Value -> Value
stringify Object
stringify Value
rest = Value
instance (Symbolic ctx, Context (TokenPayload ctx) ~ ctx) => IsSymbolicJSON (TokenPayload ctx) where
type MaxLength (TokenPayload ctx) = 7088
toJsonBits :: TokenPayload ctx
-> VarByteString
(MaxLength (TokenPayload ctx)) (Context (TokenPayload ctx))
toJsonBits TokenPayload{VarByteString 40 ctx
VarByteString 80 ctx
VarByteString 256 ctx
VarByteString 512 ctx
VarByteString 1024 ctx
plIss :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plAzp :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 1024 ctx
plAud :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 1024 ctx
plSub :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plHd :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plEmail :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 512 ctx
plEmailVerified :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 40 ctx
plAtHash :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plName :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 512 ctx
plPicture :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 1024 ctx
plGivenName :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plFamilyName :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 256 ctx
plIat :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 80 ctx
plExp :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 80 ctx
plIss :: VarByteString 256 ctx
plAzp :: VarByteString 1024 ctx
plAud :: VarByteString 1024 ctx
plSub :: VarByteString 256 ctx
plHd :: VarByteString 256 ctx
plEmail :: VarByteString 512 ctx
plEmailVerified :: VarByteString 40 ctx
plAtHash :: VarByteString 256 ctx
plName :: VarByteString 512 ctx
plPicture :: VarByteString 1024 ctx
plGivenName :: VarByteString 256 ctx
plFamilyName :: VarByteString 256 ctx
plIat :: VarByteString 80 ctx
plExp :: VarByteString 80 ctx
..} =
(forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"{\"iss\":\"") VarByteString 64 ctx
-> VarByteString (256 + 72) ctx
-> VarByteString (64 + (256 + 72)) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 256 ctx
VarByteString 256 ctx
-> VarByteString 72 ctx -> VarByteString (256 + 72) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"azp\":\"") VarByteString (64 + (256 + 72)) ctx
-> VarByteString (1024 + 72) ctx
-> VarByteString ((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 1024 ctx
VarByteString 1024 ctx
-> VarByteString 72 ctx -> VarByteString (1024 + 72) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"aud\":\"") VarByteString ((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) ctx
-> VarByteString (1024 + 72) ctx
-> VarByteString
(((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 1024 ctx
VarByteString 1024 ctx
-> VarByteString 72 ctx -> VarByteString (1024 + 72) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"sub\":\"") VarByteString (((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) ctx
-> VarByteString (256 + 64) ctx
-> VarByteString
((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (256 + 64))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 256 ctx
VarByteString 256 ctx
-> VarByteString 64 ctx -> VarByteString (256 + 64) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"hd\":\"") VarByteString
((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (256 + 64))
-> VarByteString (256 + 88) ctx
-> VarByteString
(((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 256 ctx
VarByteString 256 ctx
-> VarByteString 88 ctx -> VarByteString (256 + 88) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"email\":\"") VarByteString
(((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
-> VarByteString (512 + 152) ctx
-> VarByteString
((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 512 ctx
VarByteString 512 ctx
-> VarByteString 152 ctx -> VarByteString (512 + 152) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"email_verified\":") VarByteString
((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
-> VarByteString (40 + 96) ctx
-> VarByteString
(((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 40 ctx
VarByteString 40 ctx
-> VarByteString 96 ctx -> VarByteString (40 + 96) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @",\"at_hash\":\"") VarByteString
(((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
-> VarByteString (256 + 80) ctx
-> VarByteString
((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 256 ctx
VarByteString 256 ctx
-> VarByteString 80 ctx -> VarByteString (256 + 80) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"name\":\"") VarByteString
((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
-> VarByteString (512 + 104) ctx
-> VarByteString
(((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 512 ctx
VarByteString 512 ctx
-> VarByteString 104 ctx -> VarByteString (512 + 104) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"picture\":\"") VarByteString
(((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
-> VarByteString (1024 + 128) ctx
-> VarByteString
((((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
+ (1024 + 128))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 1024 ctx
VarByteString 1024 ctx
-> VarByteString 128 ctx -> VarByteString (1024 + 128) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"given_name\":\"") VarByteString
((((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
+ (1024 + 128))
-> VarByteString (256 + 136) ctx
-> VarByteString
(((((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
+ (1024 + 128))
+ (256 + 136))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 256 ctx
VarByteString 256 ctx
-> VarByteString 136 ctx -> VarByteString (256 + 136) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"family_name\":\"") VarByteString
(((((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
+ (1024 + 128))
+ (256 + 136))
-> VarByteString (256 + 64) ctx
-> VarByteString
((((((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
+ (1024 + 128))
+ (256 + 136))
+ (256 + 64))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 256 ctx
VarByteString 256 ctx
-> VarByteString 64 ctx -> VarByteString (256 + 64) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"\",\"iat\":") VarByteString
((((((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
+ (1024 + 128))
+ (256 + 136))
+ (256 + 64))
-> VarByteString (80 + 56) ctx
-> VarByteString
(((((((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
+ (1024 + 128))
+ (256 + 136))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (80 + 56))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 80 ctx
VarByteString 80 ctx
-> VarByteString 56 ctx -> VarByteString (80 + 56) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @",\"exp\":") VarByteString
(((((((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
+ (1024 + 128))
+ (256 + 136))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (80 + 56))
-> VarByteString (80 + 8) ctx
-> VarByteString
((((((((((((((64 + (256 + 72)) + (1024 + 72)) + (1024 + 72))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (256 + 88))
+ (512 + 152))
+ (40 + 96))
+ (256 + 80))
+ (512 + 104))
+ (1024 + 128))
+ (256 + 136))
+ (256 + 64))
+ (80 + 56))
+ (80 + 8))
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ VarByteString 80 ctx
VarByteString 80 ctx
-> VarByteString 8 ctx -> VarByteString (80 + 8) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
`VB.append` (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @"}")
data ClientSecret ctx
= ClientSecret
{ :: TokenHeader ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
ClientSecret ctx -> TokenPayload ctx
csPayload :: TokenPayload ctx
, forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
ClientSecret ctx -> Signature 2048 ctx
csSignature :: Signature 2048 ctx
deriving (forall x. ClientSecret ctx -> Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x -> ClientSecret ctx)
-> Generic (ClientSecret ctx)
forall x. Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x -> ClientSecret ctx
forall x. ClientSecret ctx -> Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x -> ClientSecret ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
ClientSecret ctx -> Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x
$cfrom :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
ClientSecret ctx -> Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x
from :: forall x. ClientSecret ctx -> Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x
$cto :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) x.
Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x -> ClientSecret ctx
to :: forall x. Rep (ClientSecret ctx) x -> ClientSecret ctx
deriving instance
( NFData (TokenHeader ctx)
, NFData (TokenPayload ctx)
, NFData (Signature 2048 ctx)
) => NFData (ClientSecret ctx)
deriving instance Symbolic ctx => SymbolicData (ClientSecret ctx)
deriving instance Symbolic ctx => SymbolicInput (ClientSecret ctx)
type BufLen n = Max (Log2 n + 1) 3
type Next6 (n :: Natural) = (Div (n + 5) 6) * 6
type ASCII (n :: Natural) = (Div n 6) * 8
knownBufLen' :: forall n . KnownNat n :- KnownNat (BufLen n)
knownBufLen' :: forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n :- KnownNat (BufLen n)
knownBufLen' = (KnownNat n => Dict (KnownNat (BufLen n)))
-> KnownNat n :- KnownNat (BufLen n)
forall (a :: Constraint) (b :: Constraint). (a => Dict b) -> a :- b
Sub ((KnownNat n => Dict (KnownNat (BufLen n)))
-> KnownNat n :- KnownNat (BufLen n))
-> (KnownNat n => Dict (KnownNat (BufLen n)))
-> KnownNat n :- KnownNat (BufLen n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (n :: Natural) r. SNat n -> (KnownNat n => r) -> r
withKnownNat @(BufLen n) (Natural -> SNat (BufLen n)
forall (n :: Natural). Natural -> SNat n
unsafeSNat (Natural -> SNat (BufLen n)) -> Natural -> SNat (BufLen n)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
P.max (Natural -> Natural
ilog2 (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
value @n) Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ Natural
1) Natural
3) Dict
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
KnownNat (BufLen n) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall (a :: Constraint). a => Dict a
knownBufLen :: forall n {r} . KnownNat n => (KnownNat (BufLen n) => r) -> r
knownBufLen :: forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (BufLen n) => r) -> r
knownBufLen = (KnownNat n
:- KnownNat
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> (KnownNat
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
3) =>
-> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n :- KnownNat (BufLen n)
knownBufLen' @n)
monoAdd :: forall (a :: Natural) (b :: Natural) (c :: Natural) . (a <= b) :- (a <= (c + b))
monoAdd :: forall (a :: Natural) (b :: Natural) (c :: Natural).
(a <= b) :- (a <= (c + b))
monoAdd = (Assert
(OrdCond (CmpNat a b) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat a (c + b)) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...)))
-> Assert (OrdCond (CmpNat a b) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...)
:- Assert
(OrdCond (CmpNat a (c + b)) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...)
forall (a :: Constraint) (b :: Constraint). (a => Dict b) -> a :- b
Sub Dict
(OrdCond (CmpNat a (c + b)) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...))
Assert (OrdCond (CmpNat a b) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat a (c + b)) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...))
forall (c :: Constraint). Dict c
oneReg :: forall n c . Dict (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ~ 1)
oneReg :: forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
~ 1)
oneReg = Dict
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
~ 1)
(BaseField c) (Max (Log2 n + 1) 3) ('Fixed (Max (Log2 n + 1) 3))
~ 1)
forall (c :: Constraint). Dict c
knownOneReg' :: forall n c . Dict (KnownNat (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
knownOneReg' :: forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
knownOneReg' = forall (n :: Natural) r. SNat n -> (KnownNat n => r) -> r
withKnownNat @(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))) (Natural
-> SNat
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall (n :: Natural). Natural -> SNat n
unsafeSNat Natural
1) Dict
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(BaseField c)
(Max (Log2 n + 1) 3)
('Fixed (Max (Log2 n + 1) 3))) =>
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall (a :: Constraint). a => Dict a
knownOneReg :: forall n c {r} . (KnownNat (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))) => r) -> r
knownOneReg :: forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) {r}.
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))) =>
-> r
knownOneReg = Dict
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> (KnownNat
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
3))) =>
-> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
knownOneReg' @n @c)
knownNumWords' :: forall n c . KnownNat n :- KnownNat (Div (GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) + OrdWord - 1) OrdWord)
knownNumWords' :: forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
KnownNat n
:- KnownNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
knownNumWords' = (KnownNat n =>
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
-> KnownNat n
:- KnownNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
forall (a :: Constraint) (b :: Constraint). (a => Dict b) -> a :- b
Sub ((KnownNat n =>
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
-> KnownNat n
:- KnownNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
-> (KnownNat n =>
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
-> KnownNat n
:- KnownNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall (n :: Natural) r. SNat n -> (KnownNat n => r) -> r
withKnownNat @(Div (GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) + OrdWord - 1) OrdWord)
-> SNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
forall (n :: Natural). Natural -> SNat n
unsafeSNat (Natural
-> SNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
-> Natural
-> SNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (BufLen n) => r) -> r
knownBufLen @n ((KnownNat (BufLen n) => Natural) -> Natural)
-> (KnownNat (BufLen n) => Natural) -> Natural
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Natural -> Natural
wordSize (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
value @(BufLen n)))
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
+ 16)
- 1)
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
16) =>
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
+ 16)
- 1)
forall (a :: Constraint). a => Dict a
wordSize :: Natural -> Natural
wordSize :: Natural -> Natural
wordSize Natural
n = (Natural
n Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
value @OrdWord) Natural -> Natural -> Natural
-! Natural
1) Natural -> Natural -> Natural
forall a. SemiEuclidean a => a -> a -> a
`div` (forall (n :: Natural). KnownNat n => Natural
value @OrdWord)
knownNumWords :: forall n c {r} . KnownNat n => (KnownNat (Div (GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) + OrdWord - 1) OrdWord) => r) -> r
knownNumWords :: forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
16) =>
-> r
knownNumWords = (KnownNat n
:- KnownNat
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
+ 16)
- 1)
-> (KnownNat
(BaseField c)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
+ 16)
- 1)
16) =>
-> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
KnownNat n
:- KnownNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
knownNumWords' @n @c)
withDiv :: forall n {r}. KnownNat n => (KnownNat (Div ((n + OrdWord) - 1) OrdWord) => r) -> r
withDiv :: forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r
withDiv =
((KnownNat n, KnownNat 16) :- KnownNat (n + 16))
-> (KnownNat (n + 16) =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r)
-> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Natural).
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m) :- KnownNat (n + m)
plusNat @n @OrdWord) ((KnownNat (n + 16) =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (n + 16) =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r)
-> r
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
((() :: Constraint)
:- Assert
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (n + 16)) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...))
-> (Assert
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (n + 16)) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...) =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r)
-> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (a :: Natural) (b :: Natural) (c :: Natural).
(a <= b) :- (a <= (c + b))
monoAdd @1 @OrdWord @n) ((Assert
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (n + 16)) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...) =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (Assert
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (n + 16)) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...) =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r)
-> r
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
((KnownNat (n + 16), KnownNat 1,
(OrdCond (CmpNat 1 (n + 16)) 'True 'True 'False) (TypeError ...))
:- KnownNat ((n + 16) - 1))
-> (KnownNat ((n + 16) - 1) =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r)
-> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Natural).
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m, m <= n) :- KnownNat (n - m)
minusNat @(n + OrdWord) @1) ((KnownNat ((n + 16) - 1) =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat ((n + 16) - 1) =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r)
-> r
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
((KnownNat ((n + 16) - 1), KnownNat 16, () :: Constraint)
:- KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16))
-> (KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Natural).
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m, 1 <= m) :- KnownNat (Div n m)
divNat @(n + OrdWord - 1) @OrdWord)
withNext6 :: forall n {r}. KnownNat n => (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r
withNext6 :: forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r
withNext6 =
((KnownNat n, KnownNat 5) :- KnownNat (n + 5))
-> (KnownNat (n + 5) => (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r)
-> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Natural).
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m) :- KnownNat (n + m)
plusNat @n @5) ((KnownNat (n + 5) => (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (n + 5) => (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r)
-> r
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
((KnownNat (n + 5), KnownNat 6, () :: Constraint)
:- KnownNat (Div (n + 5) 6))
-> (KnownNat (Div (n + 5) 6) => (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r)
-> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Natural).
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m, 1 <= m) :- KnownNat (Div n m)
divNat @(n + 5) @6) ((KnownNat (Div (n + 5) 6) => (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div (n + 5) 6) => (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r)
-> r
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
((KnownNat (Div (n + 5) 6), KnownNat 6) :- KnownNat (Next6 n))
-> (KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Natural).
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m) :- KnownNat (n * m)
timesNat @(Div (n + 5) 6) @6)
withAscii :: forall n {r}. KnownNat n => (KnownNat (ASCII n) => r) -> r
withAscii :: forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (ASCII n) => r) -> r
withAscii =
((KnownNat n, KnownNat 6, () :: Constraint) :- KnownNat (Div n 6))
-> (KnownNat (Div n 6) => (KnownNat (ASCII n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (ASCII n) => r)
-> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Natural).
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m, 1 <= m) :- KnownNat (Div n m)
divNat @n @6) ((KnownNat (Div n 6) => (KnownNat (ASCII n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (ASCII n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (Div n 6) => (KnownNat (ASCII n) => r) -> r)
-> (KnownNat (ASCII n) => r)
-> r
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
((KnownNat (Div n 6), KnownNat 8) :- KnownNat (ASCII n))
-> (KnownNat (ASCII n) => r) -> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (m :: Natural).
(KnownNat n, KnownNat m) :- KnownNat (n * m)
timesNat @(Div n 6) @8)
divMul :: forall a b . (Mod a b ~ 0) :- ((Div a b) * b ~ a)
divMul :: forall (a :: Natural) (b :: Natural).
(Mod a b ~ 0) :- ((Div a b * b) ~ a)
divMul = ((Mod a b ~ 0) => Dict ((Div a b * b) ~ a))
-> (Mod a b ~ 0) :- ((Div a b * b) ~ a)
forall (a :: Constraint) (b :: Constraint). (a => Dict b) -> a :- b
Sub Dict ((Div a b * b) ~ a)
(Mod a b ~ 0) => Dict ((Div a b * b) ~ a)
forall (c :: Constraint). Dict c
mulMod :: forall n . Dict (Mod (Next6 n) 6 ~ 0)
mulMod :: forall (n :: Natural). Dict (Mod (Next6 n) 6 ~ 0)
mulMod = Dict (Mod (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) 6 ~ 0)
forall (c :: Constraint). Dict c
withDivMul :: forall a b {r}. (Mod a b ~ 0) => ((Div a b) * b ~ a => r) -> r
withDivMul :: forall (a :: Natural) (b :: Natural) {r}.
(Mod a b ~ 0) =>
(((Div a b * b) ~ a) => r) -> r
withDivMul = ((0 ~ 0) :- ((Div a b * b) ~ a)) -> (((Div a b * b) ~ a) => r) -> r
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (a :: Natural) (b :: Natural).
(Mod a b ~ 0) :- ((Div a b * b) ~ a)
divMul @a @b)
feToUInt :: forall n ctx . Symbolic ctx => FieldElement ctx -> UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx
feToUInt :: forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic ctx =>
FieldElement ctx -> UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx
feToUInt (FieldElement ctx Par1
c) = ctx
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
-> UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx
forall (n :: Natural) (r :: RegisterSize)
(context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField context) n r))
-> UInt n r context
UInt (ctx
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
-> UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx)
-> ctx
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
-> UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dict
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
~ 1)
-> ((NumberOfRegisters
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
~ 1) =>
(BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)))))
-> ctx
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
~ 1)
oneReg @n @ctx) (((NumberOfRegisters
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
~ 1) =>
(BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)))))
-> ctx
(BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)))))
-> ((NumberOfRegisters
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
~ 1) =>
(BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)))))
-> ctx
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (forall a. Par1 a -> Vector 1 a) -> ctx Par1 -> ctx (Vector 1)
forall {k} (c :: (k -> Type) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type)
(g :: k -> Type).
HFunctor c =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
(forall a. f a -> g a) -> ctx f -> ctx g
hmap (a -> Vector 1 a
forall a. a -> Vector 1 a
V.singleton (a -> Vector 1 a) -> (Par1 a -> a) -> Par1 a -> Vector 1 a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Par1 a -> a
forall p. Par1 p -> p
unPar1) ctx Par1
uintToFe :: forall n ctx . Symbolic ctx => UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx -> FieldElement ctx
uintToFe :: forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic ctx =>
UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx -> FieldElement ctx
uintToFe (UInt ctx
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
v) = ctx Par1 -> FieldElement ctx
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type). c Par1 -> FieldElement c
FieldElement (ctx Par1 -> FieldElement ctx) -> ctx Par1 -> FieldElement ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dict
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
~ 1)
-> ((NumberOfRegisters
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
~ 1) =>
ctx Par1)
-> ctx Par1
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
~ 1)
oneReg @n @ctx) (((NumberOfRegisters
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
~ 1) =>
ctx Par1)
-> ctx Par1)
-> ((NumberOfRegisters
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
~ 1) =>
ctx Par1)
-> ctx Par1
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (forall a. Vector 1 a -> Par1 a) -> ctx (Vector 1) -> ctx Par1
forall {k} (c :: (k -> Type) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type)
(g :: k -> Type).
HFunctor c =>
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> c f -> c g
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
(forall a. f a -> g a) -> ctx f -> ctx g
hmap (a -> Par1 a
forall p. p -> Par1 p
Par1 (a -> Par1 a) -> (Vector 1 a -> a) -> Vector 1 a -> Par1 a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Vector 1 a -> a
forall a. Vector 1 a -> a
V.item) ctx (Vector 1)
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))))
:: forall n ctx
. Symbolic ctx
=> KnownNat n
=> UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx
-> FieldElement ctx
padTo6 :: forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat n) =>
UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx -> FieldElement ctx
padTo6 UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx
ui = ctx Par1 -> FieldElement ctx
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type). c Par1 -> FieldElement c
FieldElement (ctx Par1 -> FieldElement ctx) -> ctx Par1 -> FieldElement ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ctx
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
(NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField ctx) (WitnessField ctx) m) =>
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> ctx Par1
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
ctx f -> CircuitFun '[f] g ctx -> ctx g
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
(g :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
fromCircuitF ctx
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
v ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
(NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField ctx) (WitnessField ctx) m) =>
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> ctx Par1)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
(NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField ctx) (WitnessField ctx) m) =>
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> ctx Par1
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Vector
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
bits ->
val <- [i] -> m i
forall i a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit i a w m =>
[i] -> m i
horner ([i] -> m i) -> [i] -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Vector
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> [i]
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> [a]
V.fromVector Vector
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
toPad <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural
6 x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- i -> x
p i
Vector 3 i
valBits <- forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector @3 ([i] -> Vector 3 i) -> m [i] -> m (Vector 3 i)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Natural -> i -> m [i]
forall i a w (m :: Type -> Type).
(MonadCircuit i a w m, Arithmetic a) =>
Natural -> i -> m [i]
expansion Natural
3 i
f <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
one x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- i -> x
p (Vector 3 i
valBits Vector 3 i -> Natural -> i
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> Natural -> a
!! Natural
1) x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* i -> x
p (Vector 3 i
valBits Vector 3 i -> Natural -> i
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> Natural -> a
!! Natural
hi1 <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
f x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* i -> x
p (Vector 3 i
valBits Vector 3 i -> Natural -> i
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> Natural -> a
!! Natural
hi2 <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
f x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* i -> x
p (Vector 3 i
valBits Vector 3 i -> Natural -> i
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> Natural -> a
!! Natural
res <- [i] -> m i
forall i a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit i a w m =>
[i] -> m i
horner [Vector 3 i
valBits Vector 3 i -> Natural -> i
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> Natural -> a
!! Natural
0, i
hi1, i
Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)) -> Par1 i -> m (Par1 i)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ i -> Par1 i
forall p. p -> Par1 p
Par1 i
UInt ctx
(BaseField ctx)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
v =
forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (BufLen n) => r) -> r
knownBufLen @n ((KnownNat (BufLen n) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> (KnownNat (BufLen n) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
16) =>
-> r
knownNumWords @n @ctx ((KnownNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
16) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> (KnownNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
16) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) {r}.
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))) =>
-> r
knownOneReg @n @ctx ((KnownNat
(BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> (KnownNat
(BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r
withDiv @(BufLen n) ((KnownNat (Div ((BufLen n + 16) - 1) 16) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((BufLen n + 16) - 1) 16) =>
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx
ui UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall a. SemiEuclidean a => a -> a -> a
`mod` (forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural
:: forall n ctx
. Symbolic ctx
=> KnownNat n
=> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (Next6 n) ctx
padBytestring6 :: forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat n) =>
VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (Next6 n) ctx
padBytestring6 VarByteString{FieldElement ctx
ByteString n ctx
bsLength :: FieldElement ctx
bsBuffer :: ByteString n ctx
bsLength :: forall (maxLen :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
VarByteString maxLen context -> FieldElement context
bsBuffer :: forall (maxLen :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
VarByteString maxLen context -> ByteString maxLen context
..} = FieldElement ctx
-> ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx
-> VarByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx
forall (maxLen :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
FieldElement context
-> ByteString maxLen context -> VarByteString maxLen context
VarByteString (FieldElement ctx
bsLength FieldElement ctx -> FieldElement ctx -> FieldElement ctx
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ FieldElement ctx
mod6) (forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r
withNext6 @n ((KnownNat (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) =>
ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx)
-> ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx)
-> (KnownNat (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) =>
ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx)
-> ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx
-> FieldElement ctx -> ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx
forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat n) =>
ByteString n ctx -> FieldElement ctx -> ByteString n ctx
VB.shiftL ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx
newBuf FieldElement ctx
mod6 :: FieldElement ctx
mod6 = forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat n) =>
UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx -> FieldElement ctx
padTo6 @n (UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx -> FieldElement ctx)
-> UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx -> FieldElement ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic ctx =>
FieldElement ctx -> UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx
feToUInt @n FieldElement ctx
newBuf :: ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx
newBuf = forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r
withNext6 @n ((KnownNat (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) =>
ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx)
-> ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx)
-> (KnownNat (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) =>
ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx)
-> ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString n ctx -> ByteString (Div (n + 5) 6 * 6) ctx
forall a b. Resize a b => a -> b
resize ByteString n ctx
:: forall n ctx
. Symbolic ctx
=> KnownNat n
=> Mod n 6 ~ 0
=> NFData (ctx (V.Vector 8))
=> NFData (ctx (V.Vector (ASCII n)))
=> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx
base64ToAscii :: forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat n, Mod n 6 ~ 0, NFData (ctx (Vector 8)),
NFData (ctx (Vector (ASCII n)))) =>
VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx
base64ToAscii VarByteString{FieldElement ctx
ByteString n ctx
bsLength :: forall (maxLen :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
VarByteString maxLen context -> FieldElement context
bsBuffer :: forall (maxLen :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
VarByteString maxLen context -> ByteString maxLen context
bsLength :: FieldElement ctx
bsBuffer :: ByteString n ctx
..} = forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (ASCII n) => r) -> r
withAscii @n ((KnownNat (ASCII n) => VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx)
-> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx)
-> (KnownNat (ASCII n) => VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx)
-> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx -> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx
forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat n) =>
VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString n ctx
wipeUnassigned (VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx -> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx)
-> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx -> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ FieldElement ctx
-> ByteString (ASCII n) ctx -> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx
forall (maxLen :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
FieldElement context
-> ByteString maxLen context -> VarByteString maxLen context
VarByteString FieldElement ctx
newLen ByteString (ASCII n) ctx
words6 :: Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 6 ctx)
words6 = forall (a :: Natural) (b :: Natural) {r}.
(Mod a b ~ 0) =>
(((Div a b * b) ~ a) => r) -> r
withDivMul @n @6 ((((Div n 6 * 6) ~ n) => Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 6 ctx))
-> Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 6 ctx))
-> (((Div n 6 * 6) ~ n) => Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 6 ctx))
-> Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 6 ctx)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (m :: Natural) (wordSize :: Natural)
(c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic c, KnownNat wordSize) =>
ByteString (m * wordSize) c -> Vector m (ByteString wordSize c)
toWords @(Div n 6) @6 ByteString n ctx
ByteString (Div n 6 * 6) ctx
ascii :: Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 8 ctx)
ascii = ByteString 6 ctx -> ByteString 8 ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, NFData (ctx (Vector 8))) =>
ByteString 6 ctx -> ByteString 8 ctx
word6ToAscii (ByteString 6 ctx -> ByteString 8 ctx)
-> Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 6 ctx)
-> Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 8 ctx)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 6 ctx)
result :: ByteString (ASCII n) ctx
result = ByteString (ASCII n) ctx -> ByteString (ASCII n) ctx
forall a. NFData a => a -> a
force (ByteString (ASCII n) ctx -> ByteString (ASCII n) ctx)
-> ByteString (ASCII n) ctx -> ByteString (ASCII n) ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 8 ctx) -> ByteString (ASCII n) ctx
forall (k :: Natural) (m :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
Vector k (ByteString m c) -> ByteString (k * m) c
concat Vector (Div n 6) (ByteString 8 ctx)
newLen :: FieldElement ctx
newLen =
forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (BufLen n) => r) -> r
knownBufLen @n ((KnownNat (BufLen n) => FieldElement ctx) -> FieldElement ctx)
-> (KnownNat (BufLen n) => FieldElement ctx) -> FieldElement ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (Div ((n + 16) - 1) 16) => r) -> r
withDiv @(BufLen n) ((KnownNat (Div ((BufLen n + 16) - 1) 16) => FieldElement ctx)
-> FieldElement ctx)
-> (KnownNat (Div ((BufLen n + 16) - 1) 16) => FieldElement ctx)
-> FieldElement ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) {r}.
(NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))) =>
-> r
knownOneReg @n @ctx ((KnownNat
(BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))) =>
FieldElement ctx)
-> FieldElement ctx)
-> (KnownNat
(BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))) =>
FieldElement ctx)
-> FieldElement ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall (n :: Natural) (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
16) =>
-> r
knownNumWords @n @ctx ((KnownNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
16) =>
FieldElement ctx)
-> FieldElement ctx)
-> (KnownNat
((GetRegisterSize (BaseField ctx) (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n))
+ 16)
- 1)
16) =>
FieldElement ctx)
-> FieldElement ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Natural -> FieldElement ctx -> FieldElement ctx
forall b a. Scale b a => b -> a -> a
scale (Natural
4 :: Natural) (FieldElement ctx -> FieldElement ctx)
-> (FieldElement ctx -> FieldElement ctx)
-> FieldElement ctx
-> FieldElement ctx
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic ctx =>
UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx -> FieldElement ctx
uintToFe @n) (UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> FieldElement ctx)
-> (FieldElement ctx
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> FieldElement ctx
-> FieldElement ctx
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall a. SemiEuclidean a => a -> a -> a
`div` (forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural
3)) (UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> (FieldElement ctx
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
-> FieldElement ctx
-> UInt
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
(OrdCond (CmpNat 3 (Log2 n + 1)) 'True 'True 'False)
(Log2 n + 1)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Symbolic ctx =>
FieldElement ctx -> UInt (BufLen n) ('Fixed (BufLen n)) ctx
feToUInt @n) (FieldElement ctx -> FieldElement ctx)
-> FieldElement ctx -> FieldElement ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ FieldElement ctx
word6ToAscii :: forall ctx . (Symbolic ctx, NFData (ctx (V.Vector 8))) => ByteString 6 ctx -> ByteString 8 ctx
word6ToAscii :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, NFData (ctx (Vector 8))) =>
ByteString 6 ctx -> ByteString 8 ctx
word6ToAscii (ByteString ctx (Vector 6)
bs) = ByteString 8 ctx -> ByteString 8 ctx
forall a. NFData a => a -> a
force (ByteString 8 ctx -> ByteString 8 ctx)
-> ByteString 8 ctx -> ByteString 8 ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ctx (Vector 8) -> ByteString 8 ctx
forall (n :: Natural) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
context (Vector n) -> ByteString n context
ByteString (ctx (Vector 8) -> ByteString 8 ctx)
-> ctx (Vector 8) -> ByteString 8 ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ctx (Vector 6)
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
(NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField ctx) (WitnessField ctx) m) =>
FunBody '[Vector 6] (Vector 8) i m)
-> ctx (Vector 8)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: Type -> Type).
ctx f -> CircuitFun '[f] g ctx -> ctx g
forall (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type)
(g :: Type -> Type).
Symbolic c =>
c f -> CircuitFun '[f] g c -> c g
fromCircuitF ctx (Vector 6)
bs ((forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
(NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField ctx) (WitnessField ctx) m) =>
FunBody '[Vector 6] (Vector 8) i m)
-> ctx (Vector 8))
-> (forall {i} {m :: Type -> Type}.
(NFData i, MonadCircuit i (BaseField ctx) (WitnessField ctx) m) =>
FunBody '[Vector 6] (Vector 8) i m)
-> ctx (Vector 8)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Vector 6 i
bits ->
let bitsSym :: [i]
bitsSym = Vector 6 i -> [i]
forall (size :: Natural) a. Vector size a -> [a]
V.fromVector Vector 6 i
fe <- [i] -> m i
forall i a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit i a w m =>
[i] -> m i
horner ([i] -> [i]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
P.reverse [i]
z <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (x -> (i -> x) -> x
forall a b. a -> b -> a
P.const x
forall a. AdditiveMonoid a => a
o <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (x -> (i -> x) -> x
forall a b. a -> b -> a
P.const x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
let bits25 :: [i]
bits25 = [i
bits51 :: [i]
bits51 = [i
bits61 :: [i]
bits61 = [i
bits62 :: [i]
bits62 = [i
isAZ <- forall (r :: Natural) i a w (m :: Type -> Type)
(f :: Type -> Type).
(Arithmetic a, MonadCircuit i a w m, Zip f, Foldable f,
KnownNat r) =>
f i -> f i -> m i
blueprintGE @6 [i]
bits25 [i]
leaz <- forall (r :: Natural) i a w (m :: Type -> Type)
(f :: Type -> Type).
(Arithmetic a, MonadCircuit i a w m, Zip f, Foldable f,
KnownNat r) =>
f i -> f i -> m i
blueprintGE @6 [i]
bits51 [i]
le09 <- forall (r :: Natural) i a w (m :: Type -> Type)
(f :: Type -> Type).
(Arithmetic a, MonadCircuit i a w m, Zip f, Foldable f,
KnownNat r) =>
f i -> f i -> m i
blueprintGE @6 [i]
bits61 [i]
ledash <- forall (r :: Natural) i a w (m :: Type -> Type)
(f :: Type -> Type).
(Arithmetic a, MonadCircuit i a w m, Zip f, Foldable f,
KnownNat r) =>
f i -> f i -> m i
blueprintGE @6 [i]
bits62 [i]
isaz <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
leaz x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* (x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
one x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- i -> x
p i
is09 <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
le09 x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* (x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
one x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- i -> x
p i
isdash <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
ledash x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* (x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
one x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- i -> x
p i
isus <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeMonoid a => a
one x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- i -> x
p i
asciiAZ <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
isAZ x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* (i -> x
p i
fe x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ (forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural
asciiaz <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
isaz x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* (i -> x
p i
fe x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ (forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural
ascii09 <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
is09 x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* (i -> x
p i
fe x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- (forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural
4 ))
asciidash <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
isdash x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* (i -> x
p i
fe x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveGroup a => a -> a -> a
- (forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural
asciius <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
isus x -> x -> x
forall a. MultiplicativeSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
* (i -> x
p i
fe x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ (forall a b. FromConstant a b => a -> b
fromConstant @Natural Natural
s1 <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
asciiAZ x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ i -> x
p i
s2 <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
ascii09 x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ i -> x
p i
s3 <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
asciidash x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ i -> x
p i
s4 <- ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall var a w (m :: Type -> Type).
MonadCircuit var a w m =>
ClosedPoly var a -> m var
newAssigned (ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i)
-> ClosedPoly i (BaseField ctx) -> m i
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \i -> x
p -> i -> x
p i
asciius x -> x -> x
forall a. AdditiveSemigroup a => a -> a -> a
+ i -> x
p i
[i] -> Vector 8 i
forall (size :: Natural) a. [a] -> Vector size a
V.unsafeToVector ([i] -> Vector 8 i) -> ([i] -> [i]) -> [i] -> Vector 8 i
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [i] -> [i]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
P.reverse ([i] -> Vector 8 i) -> m [i] -> m (Vector 8 i)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Natural -> i -> m [i]
forall i a w (m :: Type -> Type).
(MonadCircuit i a w m, Arithmetic a) =>
Natural -> i -> m [i]
expansion Natural
8 i
:: forall a ctx
. IsSymbolicJSON a
=> Context a ~ ctx
=> KnownNat (MaxLength a)
=> Symbolic ctx
=> NFData (ctx (V.Vector 8))
=> NFData (ctx (V.Vector (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a)))))
=> a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx
toAsciiBits :: forall a (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(IsSymbolicJSON a, Context a ~ ctx, KnownNat (MaxLength a),
Symbolic ctx, NFData (ctx (Vector 8)),
NFData (ctx (Vector (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a)))))) =>
a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx
toAsciiBits = forall (n :: Natural) {r}.
KnownNat n =>
(KnownNat (Next6 n) => r) -> r
withNext6 @(MaxLength a) ((KnownNat (Next6 (MaxLength a)) =>
a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx)
-> a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx)
-> (KnownNat (Next6 (MaxLength a)) =>
a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx)
-> a
-> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dict (Mod (Next6 (MaxLength a)) 6 ~ 0)
-> ((Mod (Next6 (MaxLength a)) 6 ~ 0) =>
a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx)
-> a
-> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx
forall (c :: Constraint) e r. HasDict c e => e -> (c => r) -> r
withDict (forall (n :: Natural). Dict (Mod (Next6 n) 6 ~ 0)
mulMod @(MaxLength a)) (((Mod (Next6 (MaxLength a)) 6 ~ 0) =>
a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx)
-> a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx)
-> ((Mod (Next6 (MaxLength a)) 6 ~ 0) =>
a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx)
-> a
-> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ VarByteString (Next6 (MaxLength a)) ctx
-> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx
forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat n, Mod n 6 ~ 0, NFData (ctx (Vector 8)),
NFData (ctx (Vector (ASCII n)))) =>
VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (ASCII n) ctx
base64ToAscii (VarByteString (Next6 (MaxLength a)) ctx
-> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx)
-> (a -> VarByteString (Next6 (MaxLength a)) ctx)
-> a
-> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. VarByteString (MaxLength a) ctx
-> VarByteString (Next6 (MaxLength a)) ctx
forall (n :: Natural) (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat n) =>
VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (Next6 n) ctx
padBytestring6 (VarByteString (MaxLength a) ctx
-> VarByteString (Next6 (MaxLength a)) ctx)
-> (a -> VarByteString (MaxLength a) ctx)
-> a
-> VarByteString (Next6 (MaxLength a)) ctx
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> VarByteString (MaxLength a) ctx
a -> VarByteString (MaxLength a) (Context a)
forall a.
IsSymbolicJSON a =>
a -> VarByteString (MaxLength a) (Context a)
type SecretBits ctx =
( NFData (ctx (V.Vector 8))
, NFData (ctx (V.Vector 648))
, NFData (ctx (V.Vector 864))
, NFData (ctx (V.Vector 9456))
, NFData (ctx (V.Vector 10328))
, NFData (ctx Par1)
:: forall ctx
. Symbolic ctx
=> SecretBits ctx
=> TokenHeader ctx
-> TokenPayload ctx
-> VarByteString 10328 ctx
secretBits' :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, SecretBits ctx) =>
TokenHeader ctx -> TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
secretBits' TokenHeader ctx
h TokenPayload ctx
p = VarByteString 10328 ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
forall a. NFData a => a -> a
force (VarByteString 10328 ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx)
-> VarByteString 10328 ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
TokenHeader ctx
-> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength (TokenHeader ctx)))) ctx
forall a (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(IsSymbolicJSON a, Context a ~ ctx, KnownNat (MaxLength a),
Symbolic ctx, NFData (ctx (Vector 8)),
NFData (ctx (Vector (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a)))))) =>
a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx
toAsciiBits TokenHeader ctx
VarByteString 864 ctx
-> VarByteString 8 ctx -> VarByteString (864 + 8) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ (forall (s :: Symbol) a. IsTypeString s a => a
fromType @".")
VarByteString (864 + 8) ctx
-> VarByteString 9456 ctx -> VarByteString ((864 + 8) + 9456) ctx
forall (m :: Natural) (n :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, KnownNat m, KnownNat (m + n)) =>
VarByteString m ctx
-> VarByteString n ctx -> VarByteString (m + n) ctx
@+ TokenPayload ctx
-> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength (TokenPayload ctx)))) ctx
forall a (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(IsSymbolicJSON a, Context a ~ ctx, KnownNat (MaxLength a),
Symbolic ctx, NFData (ctx (Vector 8)),
NFData (ctx (Vector (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a)))))) =>
a -> VarByteString (ASCII (Next6 (MaxLength a))) ctx
toAsciiBits TokenPayload ctx
:: forall ctx
. Symbolic ctx
=> SecretBits ctx
=> ClientSecret ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
secretBits :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, SecretBits ctx) =>
ClientSecret ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
secretBits ClientSecret {Signature 2048 ctx
TokenPayload ctx
TokenHeader ctx
csHeader :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
ClientSecret ctx -> TokenHeader ctx
csPayload :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
ClientSecret ctx -> TokenPayload ctx
csSignature :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
ClientSecret ctx -> Signature 2048 ctx
csHeader :: TokenHeader ctx
csPayload :: TokenPayload ctx
csSignature :: Signature 2048 ctx
..} = TokenHeader ctx -> TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, SecretBits ctx) =>
TokenHeader ctx -> TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
secretBits' TokenHeader ctx
csHeader TokenPayload ctx
signPayload :: (SecretBits ctx, RSA 2048 10328 ctx) => SigningKey ctx -> TokenPayload ctx -> ClientSecret ctx
signPayload :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(SecretBits ctx, RSA 2048 10328 ctx) =>
SigningKey ctx -> TokenPayload ctx -> ClientSecret ctx
signPayload SigningKey{VarByteString 320 ctx
PrivateKey 2048 ctx
prvKid :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
SigningKey ctx -> VarByteString 320 ctx
prvKey :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
SigningKey ctx -> PrivateKey 2048 ctx
prvKid :: VarByteString 320 ctx
prvKey :: PrivateKey 2048 ctx
..} TokenPayload ctx
csPayload = ClientSecret{Signature 2048 ctx
TokenPayload ctx
TokenHeader ctx
csHeader :: TokenHeader ctx
csPayload :: TokenPayload ctx
csSignature :: Signature 2048 ctx
csPayload :: TokenPayload ctx
csHeader :: TokenHeader ctx
csSignature :: Signature 2048 ctx
csHeader :: TokenHeader ctx
csHeader = VarByteString 72 ctx
-> VarByteString 320 ctx -> VarByteString 32 ctx -> TokenHeader ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
VarByteString 72 ctx
-> VarByteString 320 ctx -> VarByteString 32 ctx -> TokenHeader ctx
TokenHeader VarByteString 72 ctx
"RS256" VarByteString 320 ctx
prvKid VarByteString 32 ctx
csSignature :: Signature 2048 ctx
csSignature = VarByteString 10328 ctx
-> PrivateKey 2048 ctx -> Signature 2048 ctx
forall (keyLen :: Natural) (msgLen :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
RSA keyLen msgLen ctx =>
VarByteString msgLen ctx
-> PrivateKey keyLen ctx -> Signature keyLen ctx
signVar (TokenHeader ctx -> TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, SecretBits ctx) =>
TokenHeader ctx -> TokenPayload ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
secretBits' TokenHeader ctx
csHeader TokenPayload ctx
csPayload) PrivateKey 2048 ctx
verifySignature :: (SecretBits ctx, RSA 2048 10328 ctx) => Certificate ctx -> ClientSecret ctx -> (Bool ctx, ByteString 256 ctx)
verifySignature :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(SecretBits ctx, RSA 2048 10328 ctx) =>
Certificate ctx
-> ClientSecret ctx -> (Bool ctx, ByteString 256 ctx)
verifySignature Certificate{VarByteString 320 ctx
PublicKey 2048 ctx
pubKid :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Certificate ctx -> VarByteString 320 ctx
pubKey :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
Certificate ctx -> PublicKey 2048 ctx
pubKid :: VarByteString 320 ctx
pubKey :: PublicKey 2048 ctx
..} cs :: ClientSecret ctx
cs@ClientSecret{Signature 2048 ctx
TokenPayload ctx
TokenHeader ctx
csHeader :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
ClientSecret ctx -> TokenHeader ctx
csPayload :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
ClientSecret ctx -> TokenPayload ctx
csSignature :: forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
ClientSecret ctx -> Signature 2048 ctx
csHeader :: TokenHeader ctx
csPayload :: TokenPayload ctx
csSignature :: Signature 2048 ctx
..} =
let (Bool ctx
sigVerified, ByteString 256 ctx
secretHash) = VarByteString 10328 ctx
-> Signature 2048 ctx
-> PublicKey 2048 ctx
-> (Bool ctx, ByteString 256 ctx)
forall (keyLen :: Natural) (msgLen :: Natural)
(ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
RSA keyLen msgLen ctx =>
VarByteString msgLen ctx
-> Signature keyLen ctx
-> PublicKey keyLen ctx
-> (Bool ctx, ByteString 256 ctx)
verifyVar (ClientSecret ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
(Symbolic ctx, SecretBits ctx) =>
ClientSecret ctx -> VarByteString 10328 ctx
secretBits ClientSecret ctx
cs) Signature 2048 ctx
csSignature PublicKey 2048 ctx
in (VarByteString 320 ctx
pubKid VarByteString 320 ctx
-> VarByteString 320 ctx -> BooleanOf (VarByteString 320 ctx)
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> BooleanOf a
== TokenHeader ctx -> VarByteString 320 ctx
forall (ctx :: (Type -> Type) -> Type).
TokenHeader ctx -> VarByteString 320 ctx
hdKid TokenHeader ctx
csHeader Bool ctx -> Bool ctx -> Bool ctx
forall b. BoolType b => b -> b -> b
&& Bool ctx
sigVerified, ByteString 256 ctx