{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes, OverloadedStrings #-}
module System.Taffybar.Widget.Workspaces where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MV
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.RateLimit
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr (unsafeCastTo)
import Data.Int
import Data.List (intersect, sortBy, (\\))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.MultiMap as MM
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Units
import Data.Tuple.Select
import Data.Tuple.Sequence
import qualified GI.Gdk.Enums as Gdk
import qualified GI.Gdk.Structs.EventScroll as Gdk
import qualified GI.GdkPixbuf.Objects.Pixbuf as Gdk
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import Prelude
import StatusNotifier.Tray (scalePixbufToSize)
import System.Log.Logger
import System.Taffybar.Context
import System.Taffybar.Information.EWMHDesktopInfo
import System.Taffybar.Information.SafeX11
import System.Taffybar.Information.X11DesktopInfo
import System.Taffybar.Util
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Decorators
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Generic.AutoSizeImage (autoSizeImage)
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Util
import System.Taffybar.WindowIcon
import Text.Printf
data WorkspaceState
= Active
| Visible
| Hidden
| Empty
| Urgent
deriving (Show, Eq)
getCSSClass :: (Show s) => s -> T.Text
getCSSClass = T.toLower . T.pack . show
cssWorkspaceStates :: [T.Text]
cssWorkspaceStates = map getCSSClass [Active, Visible, Hidden, Empty, Urgent]
data WindowData = WindowData
{ windowId :: X11Window
, windowTitle :: String
, windowClass :: String
, windowUrgent :: Bool
, windowActive :: Bool
, windowMinimized :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data WidgetUpdate = WorkspaceUpdate Workspace | IconUpdate [X11Window]
data Workspace = Workspace
{ workspaceIdx :: WorkspaceId
, workspaceName :: String
, workspaceState :: WorkspaceState
, windows :: [WindowData]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data WorkspacesContext = WorkspacesContext
{ controllersVar :: MV.MVar (M.Map WorkspaceId WWC)
, workspacesVar :: MV.MVar (M.Map WorkspaceId Workspace)
, workspacesWidget :: Gtk.Box
, workspacesConfig :: WorkspacesConfig
, taffyContext :: Context
type WorkspacesIO a = ReaderT WorkspacesContext IO a
liftContext :: TaffyIO a -> WorkspacesIO a
liftContext action = asks taffyContext >>= lift . runReaderT action
liftX11Def :: a -> X11Property a -> WorkspacesIO a
liftX11Def def prop = liftContext $ runX11Def def prop
setWorkspaceWidgetStatusClass ::
(MonadIO m, Gtk.IsWidget a) => Workspace -> a -> m ()
setWorkspaceWidgetStatusClass workspace widget =
[getCSSClass $ workspaceState workspace]
updateWidgetClasses ::
(Foldable t1, Foldable t, Gtk.IsWidget a, MonadIO m)
=> a
-> t1 T.Text
-> t T.Text
-> m ()
updateWidgetClasses widget toAdd toRemove = do
context <- Gtk.widgetGetStyleContext widget
let hasClass = Gtk.styleContextHasClass context
addIfMissing klass =
hasClass klass >>= (`when` Gtk.styleContextAddClass context klass) . not
removeIfPresent klass = unless (klass `elem` toAdd) $
hasClass klass >>= (`when` Gtk.styleContextRemoveClass context klass)
mapM_ removeIfPresent toRemove
mapM_ addIfMissing toAdd
class WorkspaceWidgetController wc where
getWidget :: wc -> WorkspacesIO Gtk.Widget
updateWidget :: wc -> WidgetUpdate -> WorkspacesIO wc
updateWidgetX11 :: wc -> WidgetUpdate -> WorkspacesIO wc
updateWidgetX11 cont _ = return cont
data WWC = forall a. WorkspaceWidgetController a => WWC a
instance WorkspaceWidgetController WWC where
getWidget (WWC wc) = getWidget wc
updateWidget (WWC wc) update = WWC <$> updateWidget wc update
updateWidgetX11 (WWC wc) update = WWC <$> updateWidgetX11 wc update
type ControllerConstructor = Workspace -> WorkspacesIO WWC
type ParentControllerConstructor =
ControllerConstructor -> ControllerConstructor
type WindowIconPixbufGetter =
Int32 -> WindowData -> TaffyIO (Maybe Gdk.Pixbuf)
data WorkspacesConfig =
{ widgetBuilder :: ControllerConstructor
, widgetGap :: Int
, underlineHeight :: Int
, underlinePadding :: Int
, maxIcons :: Maybe Int
, minIcons :: Int
, getWindowIconPixbuf :: WindowIconPixbufGetter
, labelSetter :: Workspace -> WorkspacesIO String
, showWorkspaceFn :: Workspace -> Bool
, borderWidth :: Int
, updateEvents :: [String]
, updateRateLimitMicroseconds :: Integer
, iconSort :: [WindowData] -> WorkspacesIO [WindowData]
, urgentWorkspaceState :: Bool
defaultWorkspacesConfig :: WorkspacesConfig
defaultWorkspacesConfig =
{ widgetBuilder = buildButtonController defaultBuildContentsController
, widgetGap = 0
, underlineHeight = 4
, underlinePadding = 1
, maxIcons = Nothing
, minIcons = 0
, getWindowIconPixbuf = defaultGetWindowIconPixbuf
, labelSetter = return . workspaceName
, showWorkspaceFn = const True
, borderWidth = 2
, iconSort = sortWindowsByPosition
, updateEvents = allEWMHProperties \\ [ewmhWMIcon]
, updateRateLimitMicroseconds = 100000
, urgentWorkspaceState = False
hideEmpty :: Workspace -> Bool
hideEmpty Workspace { workspaceState = Empty } = False
hideEmpty _ = True
wLog :: MonadIO m => Priority -> String -> m ()
wLog l s = liftIO $ logM "System.Taffybar.Widget.Workspaces" l s
updateVar :: MV.MVar a -> (a -> WorkspacesIO a) -> WorkspacesIO a
updateVar var modify = do
ctx <- ask
lift $ MV.modifyMVar var $ fmap (\a -> (a, a)) . flip runReaderT ctx . modify
updateWorkspacesVar :: WorkspacesIO (M.Map WorkspaceId Workspace)
updateWorkspacesVar = do
workspacesRef <- asks workspacesVar
updateVar workspacesRef buildWorkspaceData
getWorkspaceToWindows ::
[X11Window] -> X11Property (MM.MultiMap WorkspaceId X11Window)
getWorkspaceToWindows =
(\theMap window ->
MM.insert <$> getWorkspace window <*> pure window <*> pure theMap)
getWindowData :: Maybe X11Window
-> [X11Window]
-> X11Window
-> X11Property WindowData
getWindowData activeWindow urgentWindows window = do
wTitle <- getWindowTitle window
wClass <- getWindowClass window
wMinimized <- getWindowMinimized window
{ windowId = window
, windowTitle = wTitle
, windowClass = wClass
, windowUrgent = window `elem` urgentWindows
, windowActive = Just window == activeWindow
, windowMinimized = wMinimized
buildWorkspaceData :: M.Map WorkspaceId Workspace
-> WorkspacesIO (M.Map WorkspaceId Workspace)
buildWorkspaceData _ = ask >>= \context -> liftX11Def M.empty $ do
names <- getWorkspaceNames
wins <- getWindows
workspaceToWindows <- getWorkspaceToWindows wins
urgentWindows <- filterM isWindowUrgent wins
activeWindow <- getActiveWindow
active:visible <- getVisibleWorkspaces
let getWorkspaceState idx ws
| idx == active = Active
| idx `elem` visible = Visible
| urgentWorkspaceState (workspacesConfig context) &&
not (null (ws `intersect` urgentWindows)) =
| null ws = Empty
| otherwise = Hidden
(\theMap (idx, name) -> do
let ws = MM.lookup idx workspaceToWindows
windowInfos <- mapM (getWindowData activeWindow urgentWindows) ws
return $
{ workspaceIdx = idx
, workspaceName = name
, workspaceState = getWorkspaceState idx ws
, windows = windowInfos
addWidgetsToTopLevel :: WorkspacesIO ()
addWidgetsToTopLevel = do
{ controllersVar = controllersRef
, workspacesWidget = cont
} <- ask
controllersMap <- lift $ MV.readMVar controllersRef
mapM_ addWidget $ M.elems controllersMap
lift $ Gtk.widgetShowAll cont
addWidget :: WWC -> WorkspacesIO ()
addWidget controller = do
cont <- asks workspacesWidget
workspaceWidget <- getWidget controller
lift $ do
hbox <- Gtk.boxNew Gtk.OrientationHorizontal 0
void $ Gtk.widgetGetParent workspaceWidget >>=
traverse (unsafeCastTo Gtk.Box) >>=
traverse (flip Gtk.containerRemove workspaceWidget)
Gtk.containerAdd hbox workspaceWidget
Gtk.containerAdd cont hbox
workspacesNew :: WorkspacesConfig -> TaffyIO Gtk.Widget
workspacesNew cfg = ask >>= \tContext -> lift $ do
cont <- Gtk.boxNew Gtk.OrientationHorizontal $ fromIntegral (widgetGap cfg)
controllersRef <- MV.newMVar M.empty
workspacesRef <- MV.newMVar M.empty
let context =
{ controllersVar = controllersRef
, workspacesVar = workspacesRef
, workspacesWidget = cont
, workspacesConfig = cfg
, taffyContext = tContext
runReaderT updateAllWorkspaceWidgets context
updateHandler <- onWorkspaceUpdate context
iconHandler <- onIconsChanged context
let doUpdate = lift . updateHandler
handleConfigureEvents e@(ConfigureEvent {}) = doUpdate e
handleConfigureEvents _ = return ()
(workspaceSubscription, iconSubscription, geometrySubscription) <-
flip runReaderT tContext $ sequenceT
( subscribeToPropertyEvents (updateEvents cfg) $ doUpdate
, subscribeToPropertyEvents [ewmhWMIcon] (lift . onIconChanged iconHandler)
, subscribeToAll handleConfigureEvents
let doUnsubscribe = flip runReaderT tContext $
mapM_ unsubscribe
[ iconSubscription
, workspaceSubscription
, geometrySubscription
_ <- Gtk.onWidgetUnrealize cont doUnsubscribe
_ <- widgetSetClassGI cont "workspaces"
Gtk.toWidget cont
updateAllWorkspaceWidgets :: WorkspacesIO ()
updateAllWorkspaceWidgets = do
wLog DEBUG "Updating workspace widgets"
workspacesMap <- updateWorkspacesVar
wLog DEBUG $ printf "Workspaces: %s" $ show workspacesMap
wLog DEBUG "Adding and removing widgets"
let updateController' idx controller =
maybe (return controller)
(updateWidget controller . WorkspaceUpdate) $
M.lookup idx workspacesMap
logUpdateController i =
wLog DEBUG $ printf "Updating %s workspace widget" $ show i
updateController i cont = logUpdateController i >>
updateController' i cont
wLog DEBUG "Done updating individual widget"
doWidgetUpdate updateController
wLog DEBUG "Showing and hiding controllers"
setControllerWidgetVisibility :: WorkspacesIO ()
setControllerWidgetVisibility = do
{ workspacesVar = workspacesRef
, controllersVar = controllersRef
, workspacesConfig = cfg
} <- ask
lift $ do
workspacesMap <- MV.readMVar workspacesRef
controllersMap <- MV.readMVar controllersRef
forM_ (M.elems workspacesMap) $ \ws ->
let action = if showWorkspaceFn cfg ws
then Gtk.widgetShow
else Gtk.widgetHide
traverse (flip runReaderT ctx . getWidget)
(M.lookup (workspaceIdx ws) controllersMap) >>=
maybe (return ()) action
doWidgetUpdate :: (WorkspaceId -> WWC -> WorkspacesIO WWC) -> WorkspacesIO ()
doWidgetUpdate updateController = do
c@WorkspacesContext { controllersVar = controllersRef } <- ask
lift $ MV.modifyMVar_ controllersRef $ \controllers -> do
wLog DEBUG "Updating controllers ref"
controllersList <-
(\(idx, controller) -> do
newController <- runReaderT (updateController idx controller) c
return (idx, newController)) $
M.toList controllers
return $ M.fromList controllersList
updateWorkspaceControllers :: WorkspacesIO ()
updateWorkspaceControllers = do
{ controllersVar = controllersRef
, workspacesVar = workspacesRef
, workspacesWidget = cont
, workspacesConfig = cfg
} <- ask
workspacesMap <- lift $ MV.readMVar workspacesRef
controllersMap <- lift $ MV.readMVar controllersRef
let newWorkspacesSet = M.keysSet workspacesMap
existingWorkspacesSet = M.keysSet controllersMap
when (existingWorkspacesSet /= newWorkspacesSet) $ do
let addWorkspaces = Set.difference newWorkspacesSet existingWorkspacesSet
removeWorkspaces = Set.difference existingWorkspacesSet newWorkspacesSet
builder = widgetBuilder cfg
_ <- updateVar controllersRef $ \controllers -> do
let oldRemoved = F.foldl (flip M.delete) controllers removeWorkspaces
buildController idx = builder <$> M.lookup idx workspacesMap
buildAndAddController theMap idx =
maybe (return theMap) (>>= return . flip (M.insert idx) theMap)
(buildController idx)
foldM buildAndAddController oldRemoved $ Set.toList addWorkspaces
lift $ Gtk.containerForeach cont (Gtk.containerRemove cont)
:: forall req resp.
-> (req -> IO resp)
-> ResultsCombiner req resp
-> IO (req -> IO resp)
rateLimitFn context =
let limit = (updateRateLimitMicroseconds $ workspacesConfig context)
rate = fromMicroseconds limit :: Microsecond in
generateRateLimitedFunction $ PerInvocation rate
onWorkspaceUpdate :: WorkspacesContext -> IO (Event -> IO ())
onWorkspaceUpdate context = do
rateLimited <- rateLimitFn context doUpdate combineRequests
let withLog event = do
case event of
PropertyEvent _ _ _ _ _ atom _ _ ->
wLog DEBUG $ printf "Event %s" $ show atom
_ -> return ()
void $ forkIO $ rateLimited event
return withLog
combineRequests _ b = Just (b, const ((), ()))
doUpdate _ = postGUIASync $ runReaderT updateAllWorkspaceWidgets context
onIconChanged :: (Set.Set X11Window -> IO ()) -> Event -> IO ()
onIconChanged handler event =
case event of
PropertyEvent { ev_window = wid } -> do
wLog DEBUG $ printf "Icon changed event %s" $ show wid
handler $ Set.singleton wid
_ -> return ()
onIconsChanged :: WorkspacesContext -> IO (Set.Set X11Window -> IO ())
onIconsChanged context = rateLimitFn context onIconsChanged' combineRequests
combineRequests windows1 windows2 =
Just (Set.union windows1 windows2, const ((), ()))
onIconsChanged' wids = do
wLog DEBUG $ printf "Icon update execute %s" $ show wids
postGUIASync $ flip runReaderT context $
(\idx c ->
wLog DEBUG (printf "Updating %s icons." $ show idx) >>
updateWidget c (IconUpdate $ Set.toList wids))
data WorkspaceContentsController = WorkspaceContentsController
{ containerWidget :: Gtk.Widget
, contentsControllers :: [WWC]
buildContentsController :: [ControllerConstructor] -> ControllerConstructor
buildContentsController constructors ws = do
controllers <- mapM ($ ws) constructors
ctx <- ask
tempController <- lift $ do
cons <- Gtk.boxNew Gtk.OrientationHorizontal 0
mapM_ (flip runReaderT ctx . getWidget >=> Gtk.containerAdd cons) controllers
outerBox <- Gtk.toWidget cons >>= buildPadBox
_ <- widgetSetClassGI cons "contents"
widget <- Gtk.toWidget outerBox
{ containerWidget = widget
, contentsControllers = controllers
WWC <$> updateWidget tempController (WorkspaceUpdate ws)
defaultBuildContentsController :: ControllerConstructor
defaultBuildContentsController =
buildContentsController [buildLabelController, buildIconController]
instance WorkspaceWidgetController WorkspaceContentsController where
getWidget = return . containerWidget
updateWidget cc update = do
WorkspacesContext {} <- ask
case update of
WorkspaceUpdate newWorkspace ->
lift $ setWorkspaceWidgetStatusClass newWorkspace $ containerWidget cc
_ -> return ()
newControllers <- mapM (`updateWidget` update) $ contentsControllers cc
return cc {contentsControllers = newControllers}
updateWidgetX11 cc update = do
newControllers <- mapM (`updateWidgetX11` update) $ contentsControllers cc
return cc {contentsControllers = newControllers}
newtype LabelController = LabelController { label :: Gtk.Label }
buildLabelController :: ControllerConstructor
buildLabelController ws = do
tempController <- lift $ do
lbl <- Gtk.labelNew Nothing
_ <- widgetSetClassGI lbl "workspace-label"
return LabelController { label = lbl }
WWC <$> updateWidget tempController (WorkspaceUpdate ws)
instance WorkspaceWidgetController LabelController where
getWidget = lift . Gtk.toWidget . label
updateWidget lc (WorkspaceUpdate newWorkspace) = do
WorkspacesContext { workspacesConfig = cfg } <- ask
labelText <- labelSetter cfg newWorkspace
lift $ do
Gtk.labelSetMarkup (label lc) $ T.pack labelText
setWorkspaceWidgetStatusClass newWorkspace $ label lc
return lc
updateWidget lc _ = return lc
data IconWidget = IconWidget
{ iconContainer :: Gtk.EventBox
, iconImage :: Gtk.Image
, iconWindow :: MV.MVar (Maybe WindowData)
, iconForceUpdate :: IO ()
getPixbufForIconWidget :: Bool
-> MV.MVar (Maybe WindowData)
-> Int32
-> WorkspacesIO (Maybe Gdk.Pixbuf)
getPixbufForIconWidget transparentOnNone dataVar size = do
ctx <- ask
let tContext = taffyContext ctx
getPBFromData = getWindowIconPixbuf $ workspacesConfig ctx
getPB' = runMaybeT $
MaybeT (lift $ MV.readMVar dataVar) >>= MaybeT . getPBFromData size
getPB = if transparentOnNone
then maybeTCombine getPB' (Just <$> pixBufFromColor size 0)
else getPB'
lift $ runReaderT getPB tContext
buildIconWidget :: Bool -> Workspace -> WorkspacesIO IconWidget
buildIconWidget transparentOnNone ws = do
ctx <- ask
lift $ do
windowVar <- MV.newMVar Nothing
img <- Gtk.imageNew
refreshImage <-
autoSizeImage img
(flip runReaderT ctx . getPixbufForIconWidget transparentOnNone windowVar)
ebox <- Gtk.eventBoxNew
_ <- widgetSetClassGI img "window-icon"
_ <- widgetSetClassGI ebox "window-icon-container"
Gtk.containerAdd ebox img
_ <-
Gtk.onWidgetButtonPressEvent ebox $
const $ liftIO $ do
info <- MV.readMVar windowVar
case info of
Just updatedInfo ->
flip runReaderT ctx $
liftX11Def () $ focusWindow $ windowId updatedInfo
_ -> liftIO $ void $ switch ctx (workspaceIdx ws)
return True
{ iconContainer = ebox
, iconImage = img
, iconWindow = windowVar
, iconForceUpdate = refreshImage
data IconController = IconController
{ iconsContainer :: Gtk.Box
, iconImages :: [IconWidget]
, iconWorkspace :: Workspace
buildIconController :: ControllerConstructor
buildIconController ws = do
tempController <-
lift $ do
hbox <- Gtk.boxNew Gtk.OrientationHorizontal 0
{iconsContainer = hbox, iconImages = [], iconWorkspace = ws}
WWC <$> updateWidget tempController (WorkspaceUpdate ws)
instance WorkspaceWidgetController IconController where
getWidget = lift . Gtk.toWidget . iconsContainer
updateWidget ic (WorkspaceUpdate newWorkspace) = do
newImages <- updateImages ic newWorkspace
return ic { iconImages = newImages, iconWorkspace = newWorkspace }
updateWidget ic (IconUpdate updatedIcons) =
updateWindowIconsById ic updatedIcons >> return ic
updateWindowIconsById ::
IconController -> [X11Window] -> WorkspacesIO ()
updateWindowIconsById ic windowIds =
mapM_ maybeUpdateWindowIcon $ iconImages ic
maybeUpdateWindowIcon widget =
info <- lift $ MV.readMVar $ iconWindow widget
when (maybe False (flip elem windowIds . windowId) info) $
updateIconWidget ic widget info
scaledWindowIconPixbufGetter :: WindowIconPixbufGetter -> WindowIconPixbufGetter
scaledWindowIconPixbufGetter getter size =
getter size >=>
lift . traverse (scalePixbufToSize size Gtk.OrientationHorizontal)
constantScaleWindowIconPixbufGetter ::
Int32 -> WindowIconPixbufGetter -> WindowIconPixbufGetter
constantScaleWindowIconPixbufGetter constantSize getter =
const $ scaledWindowIconPixbufGetter getter constantSize
getWindowIconPixbufFromEWMH :: WindowIconPixbufGetter
getWindowIconPixbufFromEWMH size windowData =
runX11Def Nothing (getIconPixBufFromEWMH size $ windowId windowData)
getWindowIconPixbufFromClass :: WindowIconPixbufGetter
getWindowIconPixbufFromClass size windowData =
lift $ getWindowIconFromClasses size (windowClass windowData)
getWindowIconPixbufFromDesktopEntry :: WindowIconPixbufGetter
getWindowIconPixbufFromDesktopEntry size windowData =
getWindowIconFromDesktopEntryByClasses size (windowClass windowData)
getWindowIconPixbufFromChrome :: WindowIconPixbufGetter
getWindowIconPixbufFromChrome _ windowData =
getPixBufFromChromeData $ windowId windowData
defaultGetWindowIconPixbuf :: WindowIconPixbufGetter
defaultGetWindowIconPixbuf =
scaledWindowIconPixbufGetter unscaledDefaultGetWindowIconPixbuf
unscaledDefaultGetWindowIconPixbuf :: WindowIconPixbufGetter
unscaledDefaultGetWindowIconPixbuf =
getWindowIconPixbufFromDesktopEntry <|||>
getWindowIconPixbufFromClass <|||>
:: (WindowData -> Maybe FilePath)
-> FilePath
-> WindowIconPixbufGetter
addCustomIconsToDefaultWithFallbackByPath getCustomIconPath fallbackPath =
(const $ lift $ getPixbufFromFilePath fallbackPath)
:: (WindowData -> Maybe FilePath)
-> (Int32 -> TaffyIO (Maybe Gdk.Pixbuf))
-> WindowIconPixbufGetter
-> WindowIconPixbufGetter
addCustomIconsAndFallback getCustomIconPath fallback defaultGetter =
scaledWindowIconPixbufGetter $
getCustomIcon <|||> defaultGetter <|||> (\s _ -> fallback s)
getCustomIcon :: Int32 -> WindowData -> TaffyIO (Maybe Gdk.Pixbuf)
getCustomIcon _ wdata =
lift $
maybe (return Nothing) getPixbufFromFilePath $ getCustomIconPath wdata
sortWindowsByPosition :: [WindowData] -> WorkspacesIO [WindowData]
sortWindowsByPosition wins = do
let getGeometryWorkspaces w = getDisplay >>= liftIO . (`safeGetGeometry` w)
getGeometries = mapM
(forkM return
((((sel2 &&& sel3) <$>) .) getGeometryWorkspaces) .
windowGeometries <- liftX11Def [] getGeometries
let getLeftPos wd =
fromMaybe (999999999, 99999999) $ lookup (windowId wd) windowGeometries
compareWindowData a b =
(windowMinimized a, getLeftPos a)
(windowMinimized b, getLeftPos b)
return $ sortBy compareWindowData wins
updateImages :: IconController -> Workspace -> WorkspacesIO [IconWidget]
updateImages ic ws = do
WorkspacesContext {workspacesConfig = cfg} <- ask
sortedWindows <- iconSort cfg $ windows ws
wLog DEBUG $ printf "Updating images for %s" (show ws)
let updateIconWidget' getImageAction wdata = do
iconWidget <- getImageAction
_ <- updateIconWidget ic iconWidget wdata
return iconWidget
existingImages = map return $ iconImages ic
buildAndAddIconWidget transparentOnNone = do
iw <- buildIconWidget transparentOnNone ws
lift $ Gtk.containerAdd (iconsContainer ic) $ iconContainer iw
return iw
infiniteImages =
existingImages ++
replicate (minIcons cfg - length existingImages)
(buildAndAddIconWidget True) ++
repeat (buildAndAddIconWidget False)
windowCount = length $ windows ws
maxNeeded = maybe windowCount (min windowCount) $ maxIcons cfg
newImagesNeeded = length existingImages < max (minIcons cfg) maxNeeded
imgSrcs =
if newImagesNeeded
then infiniteImages
else existingImages
getImgs = maybe imgSrcs (`take` imgSrcs) $ maxIcons cfg
justWindows = map Just sortedWindows
windowDatas =
if newImagesNeeded
then justWindows ++
replicate (minIcons cfg - length justWindows) Nothing
else justWindows ++ repeat Nothing
newImgs <-
zipWithM updateIconWidget' getImgs windowDatas
when newImagesNeeded $ lift $ Gtk.widgetShowAll $ iconsContainer ic
return newImgs
getWindowStatusString :: WindowData -> T.Text
getWindowStatusString windowData = T.toLower $ T.pack $
case windowData of
WindowData { windowMinimized = True } -> "minimized"
WindowData { windowActive = True } -> show Active
WindowData { windowUrgent = True } -> show Urgent
_ -> "normal"
possibleStatusStrings :: [T.Text]
possibleStatusStrings =
(T.toLower . T.pack)
[show Active, show Urgent, "minimized", "normal", "inactive"]
:: IconController
-> IconWidget
-> Maybe WindowData
-> WorkspacesIO ()
updateIconWidget _ IconWidget
{ iconContainer = iconButton
, iconWindow = windowRef
, iconForceUpdate = updateIcon
} windowData = do
let statusString = maybe "inactive" getWindowStatusString windowData :: T.Text
setIconWidgetProperties =
updateWidgetClasses iconButton [statusString] possibleStatusStrings
void $ updateVar windowRef $ const $ return windowData
lift $ updateIcon >> setIconWidgetProperties
data WorkspaceButtonController = WorkspaceButtonController
{ button :: Gtk.EventBox
, buttonWorkspace :: Workspace
, contentsController :: WWC
buildButtonController :: ParentControllerConstructor
buildButtonController contentsBuilder workspace = do
cc <- contentsBuilder workspace
workspacesRef <- asks workspacesVar
ctx <- ask
widget <- getWidget cc
lift $ do
ebox <- Gtk.eventBoxNew
Gtk.containerAdd ebox widget
Gtk.eventBoxSetVisibleWindow ebox False
_ <-
Gtk.onWidgetScrollEvent ebox $ \scrollEvent -> do
dir <- Gdk.getEventScrollDirection scrollEvent
workspaces <- liftIO $ MV.readMVar workspacesRef
let switchOne a =
liftIO $
flip runReaderT ctx $
(switchOneWorkspace a (length (M.toList workspaces) - 1)) >>
return True
case dir of
Gdk.ScrollDirectionUp -> switchOne True
Gdk.ScrollDirectionLeft -> switchOne True
Gdk.ScrollDirectionDown -> switchOne False
Gdk.ScrollDirectionRight -> switchOne False
_ -> return False
_ <- Gtk.onWidgetButtonPressEvent ebox $ const $ switch ctx $ workspaceIdx workspace
return $
{button = ebox, buttonWorkspace = workspace, contentsController = cc}
switch :: (MonadIO m) => WorkspacesContext -> WorkspaceId -> m Bool
switch ctx idx = do
liftIO $ flip runReaderT ctx $ liftX11Def () $ switchToWorkspace idx
return True
instance WorkspaceWidgetController WorkspaceButtonController
getWidget wbc = lift $ Gtk.toWidget $ button wbc
updateWidget wbc update = do
newContents <- updateWidget (contentsController wbc) update
return wbc { contentsController = newContents }