Copyright | (c) Daan Leijen 2003 |
License | wxWindows |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
Dynamically set (and get) Haskell event handlers for basic wxWidgets events.
Note that one should always call skipCurrentEvent
when an event is not
processed in the event handler so that other eventhandlers can process the
- type Veto = IO ()
- buttonOnCommand :: Button a -> IO () -> IO ()
- checkBoxOnCommand :: CheckBox a -> IO () -> IO ()
- choiceOnCommand :: Choice a -> IO () -> IO ()
- comboBoxOnCommand :: ComboBox a -> IO () -> IO ()
- comboBoxOnTextEnter :: ComboBox a -> IO () -> IO ()
- controlOnText :: Control a -> IO () -> IO ()
- listBoxOnCommand :: ListBox a -> IO () -> IO ()
- spinCtrlOnCommand :: SpinCtrl a -> IO () -> IO ()
- radioBoxOnCommand :: RadioBox a -> IO () -> IO ()
- sliderOnCommand :: Slider a -> IO () -> IO ()
- textCtrlOnTextEnter :: TextCtrl a -> IO () -> IO ()
- listCtrlOnListEvent :: ListCtrl a -> (EventList -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- toggleButtonOnCommand :: ToggleButton a -> IO () -> IO ()
- treeCtrlOnTreeEvent :: TreeCtrl a -> (EventTree -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- gridOnGridEvent :: Grid a -> (EventGrid -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- wizardOnWizEvent :: Wizard a -> (EventWizard -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- propertyGridOnPropertyGridEvent :: PropertyGrid a -> (EventPropertyGrid -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnMouse :: Window a -> Bool -> (EventMouse -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnKeyChar :: Window a -> (EventKey -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnKeyDown :: Window a -> (EventKey -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnKeyUp :: Window a -> (EventKey -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowAddOnClose :: Window a -> IO () -> IO ()
- windowOnClose :: Window a -> IO () -> IO ()
- windowOnDestroy :: Window a -> IO () -> IO ()
- windowAddOnDelete :: Window a -> IO () -> IO ()
- windowOnDelete :: Window a -> IO () -> IO ()
- windowOnCreate :: Window a -> IO () -> IO ()
- windowOnIdle :: Window a -> IO Bool -> IO ()
- windowOnTimer :: Window a -> IO () -> IO ()
- windowOnSize :: Window a -> IO () -> IO ()
- windowOnFocus :: Window a -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnActivate :: Window a -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnPaint :: Window a -> (DC () -> Rect -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnPaintRaw :: Window a -> (PaintDC () -> Rect -> [Rect] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnPaintGc :: Window a -> (GCDC () -> Rect -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnContextMenu :: Window a -> IO () -> IO ()
- windowOnScroll :: Window a -> (EventScroll -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- htmlWindowOnHtmlEvent :: WXCHtmlWindow a -> Bool -> (EventHtml -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- evtHandlerOnMenuCommand :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> IO () -> IO ()
- evtHandlerOnEndProcess :: EvtHandler a -> (Int -> Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- evtHandlerOnInput :: EvtHandler b -> (String -> StreamStatus -> IO ()) -> InputStream a -> Int -> IO ()
- evtHandlerOnInputSink :: EvtHandler b -> (String -> StreamStatus -> IO ()) -> InputSink a -> IO ()
- evtHandlerOnTaskBarIconEvent :: TaskBarIcon a -> (EventTaskBarIcon -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- data EventSTC
- = STCChange
- | STCStyleNeeded
- | STCCharAdded Char Int
- | STCSavePointReached
- | STCSavePointLeft
- | STCROModifyAttempt
- | STCKey
- | STCDoubleClick
- | STCUpdateUI
- | STCModified Int Int (Maybe String) Int Int Int Int Int
- | STCMacroRecord Int Int Int
- | STCMarginClick Bool Bool Bool Int Int
- | STCNeedShown Int Int
- | STCPainted
- | STCUserListSelection Int String
- | STCUriDropped String
- | STCDwellStart Point
- | STCDwellEnd Point
- | STCStartDrag Int Int String
- | STCDragOver Point DragResult
- | STCDoDrop String DragResult
- | STCZoom
- | STCHotspotClick
- | STCHotspotDClick
- | STCCalltipClick
- | STCAutocompSelection
- | STCUnknown
- stcOnSTCEvent :: StyledTextCtrl a -> (EventSTC -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- stcGetOnSTCEvent :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (EventSTC -> IO ())
- data EventPrint
- = PrintBeginDoc (IO ()) Int Int
- | PrintEndDoc
- | PrintBegin
- | PrintEnd
- | PrintPrepare
- | PrintPage (IO ()) (DC ()) Int
- | PrintUnknown Int
- printOutOnPrint :: WXCPrintout a -> (EventPrint -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- buttonGetOnCommand :: Window a -> IO (IO ())
- checkBoxGetOnCommand :: CheckBox a -> IO (IO ())
- choiceGetOnCommand :: Choice a -> IO (IO ())
- comboBoxGetOnCommand :: ComboBox a -> IO (IO ())
- comboBoxGetOnTextEnter :: ComboBox a -> IO (IO ())
- controlGetOnText :: Control a -> IO (IO ())
- listBoxGetOnCommand :: ListBox a -> IO (IO ())
- spinCtrlGetOnCommand :: SpinCtrl a -> IO (IO ())
- radioBoxGetOnCommand :: RadioBox a -> IO (IO ())
- sliderGetOnCommand :: Slider a -> IO (IO ())
- textCtrlGetOnTextEnter :: TextCtrl a -> IO (IO ())
- listCtrlGetOnListEvent :: ListCtrl a -> IO (EventList -> IO ())
- toggleButtonGetOnCommand :: Window a -> IO (IO ())
- treeCtrlGetOnTreeEvent :: TreeCtrl a -> IO (EventTree -> IO ())
- gridGetOnGridEvent :: Grid a -> IO (EventGrid -> IO ())
- wizardGetOnWizEvent :: Wizard a -> IO (EventWizard -> IO ())
- propertyGridGetOnPropertyGridEvent :: PropertyGrid a -> IO (EventPropertyGrid -> IO ())
- windowGetOnMouse :: Window a -> IO (EventMouse -> IO ())
- windowGetOnKeyChar :: Window a -> IO (EventKey -> IO ())
- windowGetOnKeyDown :: Window a -> IO (EventKey -> IO ())
- windowGetOnKeyUp :: Window a -> IO (EventKey -> IO ())
- windowGetOnClose :: Window a -> IO (IO ())
- windowGetOnDestroy :: Window a -> IO (IO ())
- windowGetOnDelete :: Window a -> IO (IO ())
- windowGetOnCreate :: Window a -> IO (IO ())
- windowGetOnIdle :: Window a -> IO (IO Bool)
- windowGetOnTimer :: Window a -> IO (IO ())
- windowGetOnSize :: Window a -> IO (IO ())
- windowGetOnFocus :: Window a -> IO (Bool -> IO ())
- windowGetOnActivate :: Window a -> IO (Bool -> IO ())
- windowGetOnPaint :: Window a -> IO (DC () -> Rect -> IO ())
- windowGetOnPaintRaw :: Window a -> IO (PaintDC () -> Rect -> [Rect] -> IO ())
- windowGetOnPaintGc :: Window a -> IO (GCDC () -> Rect -> IO ())
- windowGetOnContextMenu :: Window a -> IO (IO ())
- windowGetOnScroll :: Window a -> IO (EventScroll -> IO ())
- htmlWindowGetOnHtmlEvent :: WXCHtmlWindow a -> IO (EventHtml -> IO ())
- evtHandlerGetOnMenuCommand :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> IO (IO ())
- evtHandlerGetOnEndProcess :: EvtHandler a -> IO (Int -> Int -> IO ())
- evtHandlerGetOnInputSink :: EvtHandler b -> IO (String -> StreamStatus -> IO ())
- evtHandlerGetOnTaskBarIconEvent :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> EventTaskBarIcon -> IO (IO ())
- printOutGetOnPrint :: WXCPrintout a -> IO (EventPrint -> IO ())
- windowTimerAttach :: Window a -> IO (Timer ())
- windowTimerCreate :: Window a -> IO (TimerEx ())
- timerOnCommand :: TimerEx a -> IO () -> IO ()
- timerGetOnCommand :: TimerEx a -> IO (IO ())
- appRegisterIdle :: Int -> IO (IO ())
- data EventCalendar
- calendarCtrlOnCalEvent :: CalendarCtrl a -> (EventCalendar -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- calendarCtrlGetOnCalEvent :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO (EventCalendar -> IO ())
- data StreamStatus
- streamStatusFromInt :: Int -> StreamStatus
- data Modifiers = Modifiers {}
- showModifiers :: Modifiers -> String
- noneDown :: Modifiers
- justShift :: Modifiers
- justAlt :: Modifiers
- justControl :: Modifiers
- justMeta :: Modifiers
- isNoneDown :: Modifiers -> Bool
- isNoShiftAltControlDown :: Modifiers -> Bool
- data EventMouse
- = MouseMotion !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseEnter !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseLeave !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseLeftDown !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseLeftUp !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseLeftDClick !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseLeftDrag !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseRightDown !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseRightUp !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseRightDClick !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseRightDrag !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseMiddleDown !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseMiddleUp !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseMiddleDClick !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseMiddleDrag !Point !Modifiers
- | MouseWheel !Bool !Point !Modifiers
- showMouse :: EventMouse -> String
- mousePos :: EventMouse -> Point
- mouseModifiers :: EventMouse -> Modifiers
- data EventKey = EventKey !Key !Modifiers !Point
- data Key
- = KeyChar !Char
- | KeyOther !KeyCode
- | KeyBack
- | KeyTab
- | KeyReturn
- | KeyEscape
- | KeySpace
- | KeyDelete
- | KeyInsert
- | KeyEnd
- | KeyHome
- | KeyLeft
- | KeyUp
- | KeyRight
- | KeyDown
- | KeyPageUp
- | KeyPageDown
- | KeyStart
- | KeyClear
- | KeyShift
- | KeyAlt
- | KeyControl
- | KeyMenu
- | KeyPause
- | KeyCapital
- | KeyHelp
- | KeySelect
- | KeyPrint
- | KeyExecute
- | KeySnapshot
- | KeyCancel
- | KeyLeftButton
- | KeyRightButton
- | KeyMiddleButton
- | KeyNum0
- | KeyNum1
- | KeyNum2
- | KeyNum3
- | KeyNum4
- | KeyNum5
- | KeyNum6
- | KeyNum7
- | KeyNum8
- | KeyNum9
- | KeyMultiply
- | KeyAdd
- | KeySeparator
- | KeySubtract
- | KeyDecimal
- | KeyDivide
- | KeyF1
- | KeyF2
- | KeyF3
- | KeyF4
- | KeyF5
- | KeyF6
- | KeyF7
- | KeyF8
- | KeyF9
- | KeyF10
- | KeyF11
- | KeyF12
- | KeyF13
- | KeyF14
- | KeyF15
- | KeyF16
- | KeyF17
- | KeyF18
- | KeyF19
- | KeyF20
- | KeyF21
- | KeyF22
- | KeyF23
- | KeyF24
- | KeyNumLock
- | KeyScroll
- keyKey :: EventKey -> Key
- keyModifiers :: EventKey -> Modifiers
- keyPos :: EventKey -> Point
- showKey :: Key -> String
- showKeyModifiers :: Key -> Modifiers -> String
- data DragResult
- dropTargetOnData :: DropTarget a -> (Point -> DragResult -> IO DragResult) -> IO ()
- dropTargetOnDrop :: DropTarget a -> (Point -> IO Bool) -> IO ()
- dropTargetOnEnter :: DropTarget a -> (Point -> DragResult -> IO DragResult) -> IO ()
- dropTargetOnDragOver :: DropTarget a -> (Point -> DragResult -> IO DragResult) -> IO ()
- dropTargetOnLeave :: DropTarget a -> IO () -> IO ()
- data DragMode
- dragAndDrop :: DropSource a -> DragMode -> (DragResult -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- fileDropTarget :: Window a -> (Point -> [String] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- textDropTarget :: Window a -> TextDataObject b -> (Point -> String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- data EventScroll
- data Orientation
- scrollOrientation :: EventScroll -> Orientation
- scrollPos :: EventScroll -> Int
- data EventTree
- = TreeBeginRDrag TreeItem !Point (IO ())
- | TreeBeginDrag TreeItem !Point (IO ())
- | TreeEndDrag TreeItem !Point
- | TreeBeginLabelEdit TreeItem String (IO ())
- | TreeEndLabelEdit TreeItem String Bool (IO ())
- | TreeDeleteItem TreeItem
- | TreeItemActivated TreeItem
- | TreeItemCollapsed TreeItem
- | TreeItemCollapsing TreeItem (IO ())
- | TreeItemExpanding TreeItem (IO ())
- | TreeItemExpanded TreeItem
- | TreeItemRightClick TreeItem
- | TreeItemMiddleClick TreeItem
- | TreeSelChanged TreeItem TreeItem
- | TreeSelChanging TreeItem TreeItem (IO ())
- | TreeKeyDown TreeItem EventKey
- | TreeUnknown
- data EventList
- = ListBeginDrag !ListIndex !Point (IO ())
- | ListBeginRDrag !ListIndex !Point (IO ())
- | ListBeginLabelEdit !ListIndex (IO ())
- | ListEndLabelEdit !ListIndex !Bool (IO ())
- | ListDeleteItem !ListIndex
- | ListDeleteAllItems
- | ListItemSelected !ListIndex
- | ListItemDeselected !ListIndex
- | ListItemActivated !ListIndex
- | ListItemFocused !ListIndex
- | ListItemMiddleClick !ListIndex
- | ListItemRightClick !ListIndex
- | ListInsertItem !ListIndex
- | ListColClick !Int
- | ListColRightClick !Int
- | ListColBeginDrag !Int (IO ())
- | ListColDragging !Int
- | ListColEndDrag !Int (IO ())
- | ListKeyDown !Key
- | ListCacheHint !Int !Int
- | ListUnknown
- type ListIndex = Int
- data EventGrid
- = GridCellMouse !Row !Column !EventMouse
- | GridLabelMouse !Row !Column !EventMouse
- | GridCellChange !Row !Column !(IO ())
- | GridCellSelect !Row !Column !(IO ())
- | GridCellDeSelect !Row !Column !(IO ())
- | GridEditorHidden !Row !Column !(IO ())
- | GridEditorShown !Row !Column !(IO ())
- | GridEditorCreated !Row !Column (IO (Control ()))
- | GridColSize !Column !Point !Modifiers (IO ())
- | GridRowSize !Row !Point !Modifiers (IO ())
- | GridRangeSelect !Row !Column !Row !Column !Rect !Modifiers !(IO ())
- | GridRangeDeSelect !Row !Column !Row !Column !Rect !Modifiers !(IO ())
- | GridUnknown !Row !Column !Int
- type Row = Int
- type Column = Int
- data EventHtml
- data EventTaskBarIcon
- data EventWizard
- data Direction
- data EventPropertyGrid
- newtype WindowId = WindowId Int
- data WindowSelection = WindowSelection Int (Maybe PageWindow)
- data PageWindow = PageWindow {}
- data EventAuiNotebook
- = AuiNotebookAllowDnd { }
- | AuiNotebookBeginDrag { }
- | AuiNotebookBgDclick { }
- | AuiNotebookButton { }
- | AuiNotebookDragDone { }
- | AuiNotebookDragMotion { }
- | AuiNotebookEndDrag { }
- | AuiNotebookPageChanged { }
- | AuiNotebookPageChanging { }
- | AuiNotebookPageClose { }
- | AuiNotebookPageClosed { }
- | AuiNotebookTabMiddleDown { }
- | AuiNotebookTabMiddleUp { }
- | AuiNotebookTabRightDown { }
- | AuiNotebookTabRightUp { }
- | AuiNotebookUnknown
- | AuiTabCtrlPageChanging { }
- | AuiTabCtrlUnknown
- noWindowSelection :: WindowSelection
- auiNotebookOnAuiNotebookEvent :: String -> EventId -> AuiNotebook a -> (EventAuiNotebook -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- auiNotebookOnAuiNotebookEventEx :: String -> EventId -> AuiNotebook a -> (EventAuiNotebook -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- auiNotebookGetOnAuiNotebookEvent :: EventId -> AuiNotebook a -> IO (EventAuiNotebook -> IO ())
- propagateEvent :: IO ()
- skipCurrentEvent :: IO ()
- withCurrentEvent :: (Event () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- appOnInit :: IO () -> IO ()
- treeCtrlSetItemClientData :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () -> b -> IO ()
- evtHandlerWithClientData :: EvtHandler a -> b -> ((b -> IO ()) -> IO b -> IO c) -> IO c
- evtHandlerSetClientData :: EvtHandler a -> IO () -> b -> IO ()
- objectWithClientData :: WxObject a -> b -> ((b -> IO ()) -> IO b -> IO c) -> IO c
- objectSetClientData :: WxObject a -> IO () -> b -> IO ()
- inputSinkEventLastString :: InputSinkEvent a -> IO String
- type KeyCode = Int
- modifiersToAccelFlags :: Modifiers -> Int
- keyCodeToKey :: KeyCode -> Key
- keyToKeyCode :: Key -> KeyCode
- windowOnEvent :: Window a -> [EventId] -> handler -> (Event () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- windowOnEventEx :: Window a -> [EventId] -> handler -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> (Event () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- type OnEvent = (Bool -> IO ()) -> (Event () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- evtHandlerOnEvent :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> Id -> [EventId] -> handler -> OnEvent
- evtHandlerOnEventConnect :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> Id -> [EventId] -> state -> OnEvent
- unsafeTreeCtrlGetItemClientData :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (Maybe b)
- unsafeEvtHandlerGetClientData :: EvtHandler a -> IO (Maybe b)
- unsafeObjectGetClientData :: WxObject a -> IO (Maybe b)
- unsafeGetHandlerState :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> EventId -> b -> IO b
- unsafeWindowGetHandlerState :: Window a -> EventId -> b -> IO b
Set event handlers
buttonOnCommand :: Button a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for a push button.
checkBoxOnCommand :: CheckBox a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for when a checkbox clicked.
choiceOnCommand :: Choice a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for when a choice item is (de)selected.
comboBoxOnCommand :: ComboBox a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for when a combo box item is selected.
comboBoxOnTextEnter :: ComboBox a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for an enter command in a combo box.
controlOnText :: Control a -> IO () -> IO () Source
listBoxOnCommand :: ListBox a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for when a listbox item is (de)selected.
spinCtrlOnCommand :: SpinCtrl a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for when a spinCtrl clicked.
radioBoxOnCommand :: RadioBox a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for when a radiobox item is selected.
sliderOnCommand :: Slider a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for when a slider item changes.
textCtrlOnTextEnter :: TextCtrl a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for an enter command in a text control.
toggleButtonOnCommand :: ToggleButton a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for a push button.
wizardOnWizEvent :: Wizard a -> (EventWizard -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set a calendar event handler.
propertyGridOnPropertyGridEvent :: PropertyGrid a -> (EventPropertyGrid -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set a PropertyGrid event handler.
windowOnMouse :: Window a -> Bool -> (EventMouse -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set a mouse event handler for a window. The first argument determines whether
mouse motion events (MouseMotion
) are handled or not.
windowOnKeyChar :: Window a -> (EventKey -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for translated key presses.
windowOnKeyDown :: Window a -> (EventKey -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for untranslated key presses. If skipCurrentEvent
is not
called, the corresponding windowOnKeyChar
eventhandler won't be called.
windowOnKeyUp :: Window a -> (EventKey -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for (untranslated) key releases.
windowAddOnClose :: Window a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Adds a close handler to the currently installed close handlers.
windowOnClose :: Window a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when the user tries to close a frame or dialog.
Don't forget to call the previous handler or frameDestroy
explicitly or otherwise the
frame won't be closed.
windowOnDestroy :: Window a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when the window is destroyed. Note: does not seem to work on Windows.
windowAddOnDelete :: Window a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Add a delete-event handler to the current installed delete-event handlers.
windowAddOnDelete window new = do prev <- windowGetOnDelete window windowOnDelete window (do{ new; prev })
windowOnDelete :: Window a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when the window is deleted. Use with care as the window itself is in a deletion state.
windowOnCreate :: Window a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when the window is created.
windowOnIdle :: Window a -> IO Bool -> IO () Source
An idle event is generated in idle time. The handler should return whether more
idle processing is needed (True
) or otherwise the event loop goes into a passive
waiting state.
windowOnTimer :: Window a -> IO () -> IO () Source
A timer event is generated by an attached timer, see windowTimerAttach
Broken! (use timerOnCommand
windowOnSize :: Window a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when the window is resized.
windowOnFocus :: Window a -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when the window gets or loses the focus.
The event parameter is True
when the window gets the focus.
windowOnActivate :: Window a -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when the window is activated or deactivated.
The event parameter is True
when the window is activated.
windowOnPaint :: Window a -> (DC () -> Rect -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for paint events. The implementation uses an
intermediate buffer for non-flickering redraws.
The device context (DC
is always cleared before the paint handler is called. The paint handler
also gets the currently visible view area as an argument (adjusted for scrolling).
Note: you can not set both a windowOnPaintRaw
and windowOnPaint
windowOnPaintRaw :: Window a -> (PaintDC () -> Rect -> [Rect] -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for raw paint events. Draws directly to the
paint device context (PaintDC
) and the DC
is not cleared when the handler
is called. The handler takes two other arguments: the view rectangle and a
list of dirty rectangles. The rectangles contain logical coordinates and
are already adjusted for scrolled windows.
Note: you can not set both a windowOnPaintRaw
and windowOnPaint
windowOnPaintGc :: Window a -> (GCDC () -> Rect -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for GCDC paint events. The implementation uses an
intermediate buffer for non-flickering redraws.
The device context (GCDC
is always cleared before the paint handler is called. The paint handler
also gets the currently visible view area as an argument (adjusted for scrolling).
Note: you can not set both a windowOnPaintRaw
and windowOnPaint
windowOnContextMenu :: Window a -> IO () -> IO () Source
A context menu event is generated when the user right-clicks in a window or presses shift-F10.
windowOnScroll :: Window a -> (EventScroll -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set a scroll event handler.
htmlWindowOnHtmlEvent :: WXCHtmlWindow a -> Bool -> (EventHtml -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set a html event handler for a HTML window. The first argument determines whether
hover events (HtmlCellHover
) are handled or not.
Event handlers
evtHandlerOnMenuCommand :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> IO () -> IO () Source
A menu event is generated when the user selects a menu item. You should install this handler on the window that owns the menubar or a popup menu.
evtHandlerOnEndProcess :: EvtHandler a -> (Int -> Int -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Called when a process is ended with the process pid
and exitcode.
evtHandlerOnInput :: EvtHandler b -> (String -> StreamStatus -> IO ()) -> InputStream a -> Int -> IO () Source
Install an event handler on an input stream. The handler is called whenever input is read (or when an error occurred). The third parameter gives the size of the input batches. The original input stream should no longer be referenced after this call!
evtHandlerOnInputSink :: EvtHandler b -> (String -> StreamStatus -> IO ()) -> InputSink a -> IO () Source
Install an event handler on a specific input sink. It is advised to
use the evtHandlerOnInput
whenever retrieval of the handler is not necessary.
evtHandlerOnTaskBarIconEvent :: TaskBarIcon a -> (EventTaskBarIcon -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set a taskbar icon event handler.
Raw STC export
Scintilla events. * Means extra information is available (excluding position, key and modifiers) but not yet implemented. ! means it's done
STCChange | ! wxEVT_STC_CHANGE. |
STCCharAdded Char Int | ? wxEVT_STC_CHARADDED. The position seems to be broken |
STCKey |
STCModified Int Int (Maybe String) Int Int Int Int Int | ? wxEVT_STC_MODIFIED. |
STCMacroRecord Int Int Int | ! wxEVT_STC_MACRORECORD iMessage wParam lParam |
STCMarginClick Bool Bool Bool Int Int | ? wxEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK. kolmodin 20050304: Add something nicer for alt, shift and ctrl? Perhaps a new datatype or a tuple. |
STCNeedShown Int Int | ! wxEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN length position. |
STCPainted | ! wxEVT_STC_PAINTED. |
STCUserListSelection Int String | ! wxEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION listType text |
STCUriDropped String | ! wxEVT_STC_URIDROPPED |
STCDwellStart Point | ! wxEVT_STC_DWELLSTART |
STCDwellEnd Point | ! wxEVT_STC_DWELLEND |
STCStartDrag Int Int String | ! wxEVT_STC_START_DRAG. |
STCDragOver Point DragResult | ! wxEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER |
STCDoDrop String DragResult | ! wxEVT_STC_DO_DROP |
STCZoom | ! wxEVT_STC_ZOOM |
STCUnknown | Unknown event. Should never occur. |
stcOnSTCEvent :: StyledTextCtrl a -> (EventSTC -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
stcGetOnSTCEvent :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (EventSTC -> IO ()) Source
Print events
data EventPrint Source
Printer events.
PrintBeginDoc (IO ()) Int Int | Print a copy: cancel, start page, end page |
PrintEndDoc | |
PrintBegin | Begin a print job. |
PrintEnd | |
PrintPrepare | Prepare: chance to call |
PrintPage (IO ()) (DC ()) Int | Print a page: cancel, printer device context, page number. |
PrintUnknown Int | Unknown print event with event code |
printOutOnPrint :: WXCPrintout a -> (EventPrint -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for printing.
Get event handlers
buttonGetOnCommand :: Window a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current button event handler on a window.
checkBoxGetOnCommand :: CheckBox a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current check box event handler.
choiceGetOnCommand :: Choice a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current choice command event handler.
comboBoxGetOnCommand :: ComboBox a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current combo box event handler for selections
comboBoxGetOnTextEnter :: ComboBox a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current text enter event handler.
controlGetOnText :: Control a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current event handler for updated text.
listBoxGetOnCommand :: ListBox a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current listbox event handler for selections.
spinCtrlGetOnCommand :: SpinCtrl a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current check box event handler.
radioBoxGetOnCommand :: RadioBox a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current radio box command handler.
sliderGetOnCommand :: Slider a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current slider command event handler.
textCtrlGetOnTextEnter :: TextCtrl a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current text enter event handler.
listCtrlGetOnListEvent :: ListCtrl a -> IO (EventList -> IO ()) Source
Get the current list event handler of a window.
toggleButtonGetOnCommand :: Window a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current button event handler on a window.
treeCtrlGetOnTreeEvent :: TreeCtrl a -> IO (EventTree -> IO ()) Source
Get the current tree event handler of a window.
gridGetOnGridEvent :: Grid a -> IO (EventGrid -> IO ()) Source
Get the current grid event handler of a window.
wizardGetOnWizEvent :: Wizard a -> IO (EventWizard -> IO ()) Source
Get the current calendar event handler of a window.
propertyGridGetOnPropertyGridEvent :: PropertyGrid a -> IO (EventPropertyGrid -> IO ()) Source
Get the current PropertyGrid event handler of a window.
windowGetOnMouse :: Window a -> IO (EventMouse -> IO ()) Source
Get the current mouse event handler of a window.
windowGetOnKeyChar :: Window a -> IO (EventKey -> IO ()) Source
Get the current translated key handler of a window.
windowGetOnKeyDown :: Window a -> IO (EventKey -> IO ()) Source
Get the current key down handler of a window.
windowGetOnKeyUp :: Window a -> IO (EventKey -> IO ()) Source
Get the current key release handler of a window.
windowGetOnClose :: Window a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current close event handler.
windowGetOnDestroy :: Window a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current destroy event handler.
windowGetOnDelete :: Window a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current delete event handler.
windowGetOnCreate :: Window a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current create event handler.
windowGetOnTimer :: Window a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current timer handler.
windowGetOnSize :: Window a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current resize event handler.
windowGetOnPaint :: Window a -> IO (DC () -> Rect -> IO ()) Source
Get the current paint event handler.
windowGetOnPaintRaw :: Window a -> IO (PaintDC () -> Rect -> [Rect] -> IO ()) Source
Get the current raw paint event handler.
windowGetOnPaintGc :: Window a -> IO (GCDC () -> Rect -> IO ()) Source
Get the current paint event handler.
windowGetOnContextMenu :: Window a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current context menu event handler.
windowGetOnScroll :: Window a -> IO (EventScroll -> IO ()) Source
Get the current scroll event handler of a window.
htmlWindowGetOnHtmlEvent :: WXCHtmlWindow a -> IO (EventHtml -> IO ()) Source
Get the current HTML event handler of a HTML window.
Event handlers
evtHandlerGetOnMenuCommand :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current event handler for a certain menu.
evtHandlerGetOnEndProcess :: EvtHandler a -> IO (Int -> Int -> IO ()) Source
Retrieve the current end process handler.
evtHandlerGetOnInputSink :: EvtHandler b -> IO (String -> StreamStatus -> IO ()) Source
Retrieve the current input stream handler.
evtHandlerGetOnTaskBarIconEvent :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> EventTaskBarIcon -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current event handler for a taskbar icon.
printOutGetOnPrint :: WXCPrintout a -> IO (EventPrint -> IO ()) Source
Get the current print handler
windowTimerAttach :: Window a -> IO (Timer ()) Source
Create a new Timer
that is attached to a window. It is automatically deleted when
its owner is deleted (using windowAddOnDelete
). The owning window will receive
timer events (windowOnTimer
). Broken! (use 'windowTimerCreate'\/'timerOnCommand' instead.)
windowTimerCreate :: Window a -> IO (TimerEx ()) Source
Create a new TimerEx
timer. It is automatically deleted when its owner is deleted
(using windowAddOnDelete
). React to timer events using timerOnCommand
timerOnCommand :: TimerEx a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called on a timer tick. This works for TimerEx
timerGetOnCommand :: TimerEx a -> IO (IO ()) Source
Get the current timer event handler.
appRegisterIdle :: Int -> IO (IO ()) Source
appRegisterIdle interval handler
registers a global idle event
handler that is at least called every interval
milliseconds (and
possible more). Returns a method that can be used to unregister this
handler (so that it doesn't take any resources anymore). Multiple
calls to this method chains the different idle event handlers.
data EventCalendar Source
calendarCtrlOnCalEvent :: CalendarCtrl a -> (EventCalendar -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set a calendar event handler.
calendarCtrlGetOnCalEvent :: CalendarCtrl a -> IO (EventCalendar -> IO ()) Source
Get the current calendar event handler of a window.
data StreamStatus Source
The status of a stream (see StreamBase
StreamOk | No error. |
StreamEof | No more input. |
StreamReadError | Read error. |
StreamWriteError | Write error. |
streamStatusFromInt :: Int -> StreamStatus Source
Convert a stream status code into StreamStatus
Modifiers | |
showModifiers :: Modifiers -> String Source
Show modifiers, for example for use in menus.
justControl :: Modifiers Source
Construct a Modifiers
structure with just Ctrl meta key pressed.
isNoneDown :: Modifiers -> Bool Source
Test if no meta key was pressed.
isNoShiftAltControlDown :: Modifiers -> Bool Source
Test if no shift, alt, or control key was pressed.
Mouse events
data EventMouse Source
Mouse events. The Point
gives the logical (unscrolled) position.
MouseMotion !Point !Modifiers | Mouse was moved over the client area of the window |
MouseEnter !Point !Modifiers | Mouse enters in the client area of the window |
MouseLeave !Point !Modifiers | Mouse leaves the client area of the window |
MouseLeftDown !Point !Modifiers | Mouse left button goes down |
MouseLeftUp !Point !Modifiers | Mouse left button goes up |
MouseLeftDClick !Point !Modifiers | Mouse left button double click |
MouseLeftDrag !Point !Modifiers | Mouse left button drag |
MouseRightDown !Point !Modifiers | Mouse right button goes down |
MouseRightUp !Point !Modifiers | Mouse right button goes up |
MouseRightDClick !Point !Modifiers | Mouse right button double click |
MouseRightDrag !Point !Modifiers | Mouse right button drag (unsupported on most platforms) |
MouseMiddleDown !Point !Modifiers | Mouse middle button goes down |
MouseMiddleUp !Point !Modifiers | Mouse middle button goes up |
MouseMiddleDClick !Point !Modifiers | Mouse middle button double click |
MouseMiddleDrag !Point !Modifiers | Mouse middle button drag (unsupported on most platforms) |
MouseWheel !Bool !Point !Modifiers | Mouse wheel rotation. (Bool is True for a downward rotation) |
showMouse :: EventMouse -> String Source
Show an EventMouse
in a user friendly way.
mousePos :: EventMouse -> Point Source
Extract the position from a MouseEvent
mouseModifiers :: EventMouse -> Modifiers Source
Extract the modifiers from a MouseEvent
Keyboard events
A keyboard event contains the key, the modifiers and the focus point.
A Key
represents a single key on a keyboard.
keyModifiers :: EventKey -> Modifiers Source
Extract the modifiers from a keyboard event.
showKeyModifiers :: Key -> Modifiers -> String Source
Show a key/modifiers combination, for example for use in menus.
Set event handlers
Drop Target events
data DragResult Source
Drag results
DragError | |
DragNone | |
DragCopy | |
DragMove | |
DragLink | |
DragCancel | |
DragUnknown |
dropTargetOnData :: DropTarget a -> (Point -> DragResult -> IO DragResult) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when the drop target can be filled with data.
This function require to use dropTargetGetData
in your event handler to fill data.
dropTargetOnDrop :: DropTarget a -> (Point -> IO Bool) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for an drop' command in a drop' target.
dropTargetOnEnter :: DropTarget a -> (Point -> DragResult -> IO DragResult) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for an enter command in a drop' target.
dropTargetOnDragOver :: DropTarget a -> (Point -> DragResult -> IO DragResult) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for a drag over command in a drop' target.
dropTargetOnLeave :: DropTarget a -> IO () -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for a leave command in a drop' target.
On DragAndDropEvent
dragAndDrop :: DropSource a -> DragMode -> (DragResult -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler for a drag & drop command between drag source window and drop
target. You must set dropTarget
before use this action.
And If you use fileDropTarget
or textDropTarget
, you need not use this.
Special handler for Drop File event
fileDropTarget :: Window a -> (Point -> [String] -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when files are dropped in target window.
Special handler for Drop Text event
textDropTarget :: Window a -> TextDataObject b -> (Point -> String -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set an event handler that is called when text is dropped in target window.
Scroll events
data EventScroll Source
Scroll events.
ScrollTop !Orientation !Int | scroll to top |
ScrollBottom !Orientation !Int | scroll to bottom |
ScrollLineUp !Orientation !Int | scroll line up |
ScrollLineDown !Orientation !Int | scroll line down |
ScrollPageUp !Orientation !Int | scroll page up |
ScrollPageDown !Orientation !Int | scroll page down |
ScrollTrack !Orientation !Int | frequent event when user drags the thumbtrack |
ScrollRelease !Orientation !Int | thumbtrack is released |
scrollOrientation :: EventScroll -> Orientation Source
Get the orientation of a scroll event.
scrollPos :: EventScroll -> Int Source
Get the position of the scroll bar.
Tree control events
Tree control events
TreeBeginRDrag TreeItem !Point (IO ()) | Drag with right button. Call |
TreeBeginDrag TreeItem !Point (IO ()) | |
TreeEndDrag TreeItem !Point | |
TreeBeginLabelEdit TreeItem String (IO ()) | Edit a label. Call |
TreeEndLabelEdit TreeItem String Bool (IO ()) | End edit. |
TreeDeleteItem TreeItem | |
TreeItemActivated TreeItem | |
TreeItemCollapsed TreeItem | |
TreeItemCollapsing TreeItem (IO ()) | Call the |
TreeItemExpanding TreeItem (IO ()) | Call the |
TreeItemExpanded TreeItem | |
TreeItemRightClick TreeItem | |
TreeItemMiddleClick TreeItem | |
TreeSelChanged TreeItem TreeItem | |
TreeSelChanging TreeItem TreeItem (IO ()) | Call the |
TreeKeyDown TreeItem EventKey | |
TreeUnknown |
List control events
List control events.
ListBeginDrag !ListIndex !Point (IO ()) | Drag with left mouse button. Call |
ListBeginRDrag !ListIndex !Point (IO ()) | Drag with right mouse button. |
ListBeginLabelEdit !ListIndex (IO ()) | Edit label. Call |
ListEndLabelEdit !ListIndex !Bool (IO ()) | End editing label. |
ListDeleteItem !ListIndex | |
ListDeleteAllItems | |
ListItemSelected !ListIndex | |
ListItemDeselected !ListIndex | |
ListItemActivated !ListIndex | Activate (ENTER or double click) |
ListItemFocused !ListIndex | |
ListItemMiddleClick !ListIndex | |
ListItemRightClick !ListIndex | |
ListInsertItem !ListIndex | |
ListColClick !Int | Column has been clicked. (-1 when clicked in control header outside any column) |
ListColRightClick !Int | |
ListColBeginDrag !Int (IO ()) | Column is dragged. Index is of the column left of the divider that is being dragged. Call |
ListColDragging !Int | |
ListColEndDrag !Int (IO ()) | Column has been dragged. Call |
ListKeyDown !Key | |
ListCacheHint !Int !Int | (Inclusive) range of list items that are advised to be cached. |
ListUnknown |
Grid control events
Grid events.
GridCellMouse !Row !Column !EventMouse | |
GridLabelMouse !Row !Column !EventMouse | |
GridCellChange !Row !Column !(IO ()) | |
GridCellSelect !Row !Column !(IO ()) | |
GridCellDeSelect !Row !Column !(IO ()) | |
GridEditorHidden !Row !Column !(IO ()) | |
GridEditorShown !Row !Column !(IO ()) | |
GridEditorCreated !Row !Column (IO (Control ())) | |
GridColSize !Column !Point !Modifiers (IO ()) | |
GridRowSize !Row !Point !Modifiers (IO ()) | |
GridRangeSelect !Row !Column !Row !Column !Rect !Modifiers !(IO ()) | |
GridRangeDeSelect !Row !Column !Row !Column !Rect !Modifiers !(IO ()) | |
GridUnknown !Row !Column !Int |
Html window events
HTML window events
HtmlCellClicked String EventMouse Point | A cell is clicked. Contains the cell id attribute value, the mouse event and the logical coordinates. |
HtmlCellHover String | The mouse hovers over a cell. Contains the cell id attribute value. |
HtmlLinkClicked String String String EventMouse Point | A link is clicked. Contains the hyperlink, the frame target, the cell id attribute value, the mouse event, and the logical coordinates. |
HtmlSetTitle String | Called when a |
HtmlUnknown | Unrecognised HTML event |
TaskBar icon events
data EventTaskBarIcon Source
TaskBarIconMove | |
TaskBarIconLeftDown | |
TaskBarIconLeftUp | |
TaskBarIconRightDown | |
TaskBarIconRightUp | |
TaskBarIconLeftDClick | |
TaskBarIconRightDClick | |
TaskBarIconUnknown |
Wizard events
data EventWizard Source
PropertyGrid events
data EventPropertyGrid Source
PropertyGrid control events.
PropertyGridHighlighted (Maybe (PGProperty ())) | |
PropertyGridChanged (PGProperty ()) | |
PropertyGridUnknown |
AuiNotebook events
Represents a page in the AuiNotebook for a
data EventAuiNotebook Source
AuiNotebook events.
AuiNotebookAllowDnd | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookBeginDrag | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookBgDclick | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookButton | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookDragDone | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookDragMotion | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookEndDrag | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookPageChanged | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookPageChanging | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookPageClose | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookPageClosed | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookTabMiddleDown | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookTabMiddleUp | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookTabRightDown | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookTabRightUp | |
Fields | |
AuiNotebookUnknown | |
AuiTabCtrlPageChanging | |
Fields | |
AuiTabCtrlUnknown |
auiNotebookOnAuiNotebookEvent :: String -> EventId -> AuiNotebook a -> (EventAuiNotebook -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
use when you want to handle just wxAuiNotebook
auiNotebookOnAuiNotebookEventEx :: String -> EventId -> AuiNotebook a -> (EventAuiNotebook -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
use when you want to handle both wxAuiNotebook and wxAuiTabCtrl
auiNotebookGetOnAuiNotebookEvent :: EventId -> AuiNotebook a -> IO (EventAuiNotebook -> IO ()) Source
Current event
propagateEvent :: IO () Source
Pass the event on the next wxWidgets event handler, either on this window or its parent.
Always call this method when you do not process the event. (This function just call skipCurrentEvent
skipCurrentEvent :: IO () Source
Pass the event on the next wxWidgets event handler, either on this window or its parent.
Always call this method when you do not process the event. Note: The use of
is encouraged as it is a much better name than skipCurrentEvent
. This
function name is just for better compatibility with wxWidgets :-)
withCurrentEvent :: (Event () -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Do something with the current event if we are calling from an event handler.
appOnInit :: IO () -> IO () Source
Installs an init handler and starts the event loop. Note: the closure is deleted when initialization is complete, and than the Haskell init function is started.
Client data
treeCtrlSetItemClientData :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () -> b -> IO () Source
Attach a Haskell value to tree item data. The IO
executed when the object is deleted.
evtHandlerWithClientData :: EvtHandler a -> b -> ((b -> IO ()) -> IO b -> IO c) -> IO c Source
Use attached Haskell data locally in a type-safe way.
evtHandlerSetClientData :: EvtHandler a -> IO () -> b -> IO () Source
Attach a Haskell value to an object derived from EvtHandler
. The IO
executed when the object is deleted.
objectWithClientData :: WxObject a -> b -> ((b -> IO ()) -> IO b -> IO c) -> IO c Source
Use attached Haskell data locally. This makes it type-safe.
objectSetClientData :: WxObject a -> IO () -> b -> IO () Source
Attach Haskell value to an arbitrary object. The IO
action is executed
when the object is deleted. Note: evtHandlerSetClientData
is preferred when possible.
Input sink
inputSinkEventLastString :: InputSinkEvent a -> IO String Source
Read the input from an InputSinkEvent
modifiersToAccelFlags :: Modifiers -> Int Source
Tranform modifiers into an accelerator modifiers code.
keyCodeToKey :: KeyCode -> Key Source
A virtual key code to a key.
keyToKeyCode :: Key -> KeyCode Source
From a key to a virtual key code.
windowOnEvent :: Window a -> [EventId] -> handler -> (Event () -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Set a generic event handler on a certain window.
windowOnEventEx :: Window a -> [EventId] -> handler -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> (Event () -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
type OnEvent = (Bool -> IO ()) -> (Event () -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Type synonym to make the type signatures shorter for the documentation :-)
evtHandlerOnEvent :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> Id -> [EventId] -> handler -> OnEvent Source
Sets a generic event handler, just as evtHandlerOnEventConnect
but first
disconnects any event handlers for the same kind of events.
evtHandlerOnEventConnect :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> Id -> [EventId] -> state -> OnEvent Source
Sets a generic event handler on an EvtHandler
object. The call
(evtHandlerOnEventConnect firstId lastId eventIds state destroy handler object
) sets an event
handler handler
on object
. The eventhandler gets called whenever an event
happens that is in the list eventIds
on an object with an Id
between firstId
and lastId
(use -1 for any object). The state
is any kind of Haskell data
that is attached to this handler. It can be retrieved via unsafeGetHandlerState
Normally, the state
is the event handler itself. This allows the current event
handler to be retrieved via calls to buttonGetOnCommand
for example. The destroy
action is called when the event handler is destroyed. Its argument is True
when the
owner is deleted, and False
if the event handler is just disconnected.
unsafeTreeCtrlGetItemClientData :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (Maybe b) Source
Retrieve an attached Haskell value to a tree item, previously attached with treeCtrlSetItemClientData
unsafeEvtHandlerGetClientData :: EvtHandler a -> IO (Maybe b) Source
Retrieve an attached Haskell value, previously attached with evtHandlerSetClientData
unsafeObjectGetClientData :: WxObject a -> IO (Maybe b) Source
Retrieve an attached Haskell value.
unsafeGetHandlerState :: EvtHandler a -> Id -> EventId -> b -> IO b Source
Retrieves the state associated with a certain event handler. If
no event handler is defined for this kind of event or Id
, the
default value is returned.
unsafeWindowGetHandlerState :: Window a -> EventId -> b -> IO b Source
Retrieve the event handler state for a certain event on a window.