Packages tagged csv

24 packages have this tag.

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Related tags: library (23), text (18), bsd3 (17), web (12), data (5), mit (5), pipes (3), json (2), math (2), mpl (2), numeric (2), program (2), composite (1), conduit (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
Cassava (deprecated in favor of cassava)31.751A CSV parsing and encoding library (bsd3, csv, deprecated, library, text, web)2017-09-300.5.1.0fozworth
cassava2932.597A CSV parsing and encoding library (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2024-08-, HerbertValerioRiedel, JohanTibell, phadej
cassava-embed161.251CSV-file embedding library (bsd3, csv, library, text)2017-09-, typeable
cassava-megaparsec740.02Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava (csv, library, mit, parsing, text, web)2024-02-282.1.1jsl, stackbuilders, sestrella, wild_willy
cassava-records90.01Auto-generation of records data type. (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-01-
cassava-streams180.01io-streams interface for the cassava CSV library. (bsd3, csv, data, io-streams, library, text)2020-10-
columnar120.00A CSV toolkit based on cassava and enum-text (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2019-07-
composite-cassava110.01Csv parsing functionality for composite. (composite, csv, library, mit)2021-09-
csv-conduit560.05A flexible, fast, conduit-based CSV parser library for Haskell. (bsd3, conduit, csv, data, library, text)2024-10-, OzgunAtaman, dmvianna
detour-via-sci140.02JSON and CSV encoding for rationals as decimal point numbers. (csv, data, json, library, math, mpl, numeric)2018-06-221.0.0philderbeast
detour-via-uom20.01JSON and CSV encoding for quantities. (csv, data, json, library, math, mpl, numeric, physics)2018-06-221.0.0philderbeast
dsv70.00DSV (delimiter-separated values) (csv, library, mit, pipes, text)2022-03-, Monoid_Mary
hw-dsv180.03Unbelievably fast streaming DSV file parser (bsd3, csv, data-structures, library, program, simd, succinct-data-structures, text)2024-01-, haskellworks, GeorgeWilson
ixset-typed-cassava80.00cassava encoding and decoding via ixset-typed (csv, data, library, mit)2021-08-
ods2csv160.00Convert Open Document Spreadsheet ODS to CSV (bsd3, csv, program, text)2025-01-
pipes-csv250.03Fast, streaming csv parser (csv, library, mit, pipes)2015-11-261.4.3GabrielGonzalez, WilliamCasarin
pipes-key-value-csv110.01Streaming processing of CSV files preceded by key-value pairs. (bsd3, csv, library, pipes, text)2017-12-
servant-cassava270.01Servant CSV content-type for cassava (bsd3, csv, library, servant, web)2022-08-170.10.2AlpMestanogullari, DavidJohnson, GaelDeest, SoenkeHahn, phadej, MatthiasFischmann, jkarni, maksbotan, hecate, arianvp
sv130.03Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...) (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2020-04-, GeorgeWilson
sv-cassava40.01Integration to use sv with cassava's parser (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-09-260.3qfpl, GeorgeWilson
sv-core120.03Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...) (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2019-08-130.5qfpl, GeorgeWilson
sv-svfactor40.01sv-core + svfactor (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-09-260.2qfpl, GeorgeWilson
svfactor30.01Syntax-preserving CSV manipulation (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2018-07-190.1qfpl
tapioca20.00A tasty enhancement to cassava for easy csv exporting (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)2019-02-