Packages tagged pretty-printer

24 packages have this tag.

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Related tags: library (24), bsd3 (18), text (11), language (5), mit (5), generics (4), parser (4), diagnostics (2), graphics (2), parsing (2), web (2), ats (1), bit-vectors (1), combinators (1), compilers-interpreters (1), data (1), data-structures (1), debug (1), formal-methods (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
GenericPretty560.019A generic, derivable, haskell pretty printer. (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)2018-03-101.2.2RazvanRanca
PPrinter72.01A generic derivable Haskell pretty printer (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)2016-10-250.1.0iamzhenyi
aeson-pretty3282.25144JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool. (bsd3, json, library, pretty-printer, text, web)2023-07-010.8.10FalkoPeters, martijnbastiaan
bit-array60.01A bit array (aka bitset, bitmap, bit vector) API for numeric types (bit-vectors, data-structures, library, mit, pretty-printer)2016-10-010.1.2NikitaVolkov
chapelure20.00A diagnostics library for Haskell (library, mit, pretty-printer)2022-03-310.0.1.0hecate
data-tree-print230.02Print Data instances as a nested tree (bsd3, library, pretty-printer)2018-10-, fozworth, dukerutledge
egison-pattern-src190.04Manipulating Egison patterns: abstract syntax, parser, and pretty-printer (bsd3, language, library, parser, pretty-printer)2020-11-, coord_e, momohatt
egison-pattern-src-haskell-mode230.01Parser and pretty printer for Egison pattern expressions in Haskell source code (bsd3, language, library, parser, pretty-printer)2020-11-, coord_e, momohatt
egison-pattern-src-th-mode150.02Parser and pretty printer for Egison pattern expressions to use with TH (bsd3, language, library, parser, pretty-printer, template-haskell)2020-11-, coord_e, momohatt
errata370.02Source code error pretty printing (library, mit, pretty-printer, program)2024-12-
generic-pretty-instances40.03GenericPretty canonical instances (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)2022-07-
hyper140.02Display class for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter (bsd3, graphics, library, pretty-printer)2021-05-
hyper-extra150.01Display instances for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter (bsd3, graphics, library, pretty-printer)2021-05-
language-ats1142.04Parser and pretty-printer for ATS. (ats, bsd3, language, lexer, library, parser, pretty-printer)2021-01-
layout40.04Turn values into pretty text or markup (bsd3, library, pretty-printer, text, typography)2016-07-
pattern-arrows252.02Arrows for Pretty Printing (combinators, library, mit, pretty-printer, text)2014-03-290.0.2PhilFreeman
pretty-loc60.00Tracking and highlighting of locations in source files (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, data, diagnostics, library, pretty-printer, text)2019-06-
prettyprint-avh430.00API for prettyprinting custom syntax trees (extracted from elm-format) (bsd3, library, pretty-printer, text)2023-04-
printcess50.01Pretty printing with indentation, mixfix operators, and automatic line breaks. (bsd3, library, pretty-printer)2017-01-
repr-tree-syb90.01Tree representation and pretty-printing of data structures based on SYB (debug, library, mit, pretty-printer, text, tree)2016-09-220.1.1NikitaVolkov
text-generic-pretty30.01A generic, derivable, haskell pretty printer. (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)2016-12-241.2.1joe9
tptp160.01Parser and pretty printer for the TPTP language (formal-methods, gpl, language, library, parsing, pretty-printer, theorem-provers)2021-01-
trifecta2102.544A modern parser combinator library with convenient diagnostics (bsd3, diagnostics, library, logging, parsing, pretty-printer, text)2024-02-072.1.4EdwardKmett, EricMertens, quchen, ryanglscott
xhtml420.050An XHTML combinator library (bsd3, library, pretty-printer, web, xml)2024-11-173000.4.0.0BenGamari, BjornBringert, ChrisDornan, HerbertValerioRiedel, IanLynagh, wz1000, hecate