Packages tagged string

11 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (10), text (6), bsd3 (4), data (3), mit (3), quasiquotes (2), agpl (1), bytestring (1), deprecated (1), list (1), public-domain (1), quasiqoutes (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
ListLike2122.052Generalized support for list-like structures (bsd3, bytestring, library, list, string, text, vector)2023-10-, DavidFox, JohnGoerzen, JohnLato
encode-string50.01Safe string conversion and encoding (data, library, mit, string, text)2017-03-
exon461.515Customizable quasiquote interpolation (library, string)2024-11-
neat-interpolation1822.541Quasiquoter for neat and simple multiline text interpolation (library, mit, quasiqoutes, quasiquotes, string)2023-10-
regex-do390.02PCRE wrapper (library, public-domain, regex, search, string)2020-02-113.2.2procione
sscript160.02Formats Strings with subscript or superscript characters (bsd3, library, string)2016-05-
string-conv1091.7527Standardized conversion between string types (bsd3, data, library, string, text)2022-03-040.2.0DougBeardsley, MichaelXavier, OzgunAtaman
string-conv-tests (deprecated in favor of string-conv)30.00Tests for the string-conv library (bsd3, data, deprecated, string, text)2022-02-190.1.1DinoMorelli
strings210.07Functions for working with strings, including Text, ByteString, etc. (library, mit, string, text, utility)2013-05-261.1JulianFleischer
trimdent132.00A utility for neat multiline string trimming (agpl, library, string)2021-07-
yasi170.00Yet another string interpolator (library, quasiquotes, string, text)2025-01-