reflex-localize-dom: Helper widgets for reflex-localize

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Library provides helpers for dynamic strings that depends on current selected language.

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Dependencies base (>=4.5 && <4.15), containers, raw-strings-qq, reflex (>=0.4 && <0.10), reflex-dom (>=0.6 && <0.10), reflex-localize (>=1.0 && <1.3), reflex-localize-dom, text [details]
License MIT
Copyright 2019 ATUM SOLUTIONS AG
Author - Anton Gushcha - Aminion - Vladimir Krutkin - Levon Oganyan
Maintainer - Anton Gushcha <> - Aminion <> - Vladimir Krutkin <> - Levon Oganyan <>
Category Reflex, FRP, Web, GUI, HTML, Javascript, Reactive, Reactivity, User Interfaces, User-interface
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Readme for reflex-localize-dom-

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Dom extensions for reflex-localize. Library provides helpers for dynamic strings that depends on current selected language.

How to use

Build example with cabal new-build -f examples.

First, you should define which languages your app supports:

module App.Language(
  , module Reflex.Localize
  ) where

import Reflex.Localize
import Reflex.Localize.Language

data instance Language
  = English
  | Russian

Second, define enumeration for strings ids.

module App.Localization(
    module App.Localization
  , module App.Language
  ) where

import App.Language

data AboutPageStrings =
  | AboutVersion
  | AboutLicence
  | AboutHomepage
  | AboutDevelopers

instance LocalizedPrint AboutPageStrings where
  localizedShow l v = case l of
    English -> case v of
      AboutTitle      -> "About"
      AboutVersion    -> "Version"
      AboutLicence    -> "Licence"
      AboutHomepage   -> "Homepage"
      AboutDevelopers -> "Developers"
    Russian -> case v of
      AboutTitle      -> "О продукте"
      AboutVersion    -> "Версия"
      AboutLicence    -> "Лицензия"
      AboutHomepage   -> "Сайт"
      AboutDevelopers -> "Разработчики"

You can either collect all strings to one data sum or split strings for each widget.

And finally you should implement MonadLocalized type class in you application monad. We suggest using monad transformer LocalizeT via runLocalize function:

runLocalize :: (Reflex t, TriggerEvent t m, MonadIO m) => Language -> LocalizeT t m a -> m a

Finally, you can define widgets with localization like following:

buttonClass :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadLocalized t m, LocalizedPrint lbl)
  => Dynamic t Text -> lbl -> m (Event t ())
buttonClass classValD lbl = mkButton "button" [("onclick", "return false;")] classValD . dynText =<< localized lbl

mkButton :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m) => Text -> Map Text Text -> Dynamic t Text -> m a -> m (Event t a)
mkButton eltp attrs classValD ma = do
  let classesD = do
        classVal <- classValD
        pure $ attrs <> [("class", classVal)]
  (e, a) <- elDynAttr' eltp classesD ma
  return $ a <$ domEvent Click e