Packages tagged gui

83 packages have this tag.

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Related tags: library (76), bsd3 (40), user-interfaces (23), program (18), frp (15), web (13), mit (12), reactivity (12), html (8), javascript (8), reactive (8), user-interface (8), graphics (6), deprecated (5), reflex (4), game (3), music (3), sound (3), ui (3), bsd2 (2), desktop (2), flatpak (2), concurrency (1), debug (1), desktop-environment (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
AutoForms80.01GUI library based upon generic programming (SYB3) (gui, library)2008-09-170.4.2MadsLindstroem
DataTreeView90.01A GTK widget for displaying arbitrary Data.Data.Data instances (bsd3, debug, development, gui, library)2012-06-180.1.1DanielSchuessler
FULE190.00Functional UI Layout Engine (bsd3, gui, library)2024-05-
Gtk2hsGenerics40.01Convenience functions to extend Gtk2hs. (gui, library)2009-07-050.1MichaelDever
HGamer3D-CEGUI-Binding (deprecated in favor of HGamer3D)300.04A Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - CEGUI Bindings (deprecated, game-engine, gui, library)2015-01-030.5.0PeterAlthainz
SybWidget130.02Library which aids constructing generic (SYB3-based) widgets (gui, library)2012-12-020.5.6MadsLindstroem
UISF310.05Library for Arrowized Graphical User Interfaces. (bsd3, gui, library)2015-09-
WXDiffCtrl50.01WXDiffCtrl (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)2010-01-110.0.1JeremyODonoghue
WxGeneric200.01Generic (SYB3) construction of wxHaskell widgets (gui, library)2012-12-020.8.1MadsLindstroem
alsa-gui160.01Some simple interactive programs for sending MIDI control messages via ALSA (bsd3, gui, music, program, sound)2019-08-
barrie120.01Declarative Gtk GUI library (gui, library)2009-02-260.4.1FraserWilson
binding-core180.03Data Binding (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)2013-06-090.2.2GideonSireling
binding-gtk70.01Data Binding in Gtk2Hs (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)2013-06-090.2.1GideonSireling
binding-wx80.01Data Binding in WxHaskell (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)2013-06-090.2.1GideonSireling
clutterhs40.01Bindings to the Clutter animation library (gui, library)2009-11-290.1MatthewArsenault
desktop-portal700.00Desktop Portal. (desktop, flatpak, gui, library, mit, portal, xdg)2024-12-
fltkhs2402.03FLTK bindings (graphics, gui, library, mit, program, ui, user-interfaces)2020-02-
fltkhs-themes320.01A set of themed widgets that provides drop in replacements to the ones in FLTKHS. (bsd3, graphics, gui, library, ui, user-interfaces)2020-02-
fudgets160.00The Fudgets Library (concurrency, gui, library, network, program)2023-06-270.18.4ThomasHallgren
gladexml-accessor40.01Automagically declares getters for widget handles in specified interface file. (bsd3, gui, library)2009-10-130.0YakovZaytsev
glazier410.03Extensible effects using ContT, State and variants. (bsd3, gui, library)2018-07-
glazier-react210.01ReactJS binding using Glazier.Command. (bsd3, gui, library, web)2018-07-
glazier-react-examples (deprecated)60.01Examples of using glazier-react (bsd3, deprecated, gui, program, web)2017-04-
glazier-react-widget270.00Generic widget library using glazier-react (bsd3, gui, library, web)2018-07-
grapefruit-examples240.01Examples using the Grapefruit library (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)2017-04-
grapefruit-ui220.03Declarative user interface programming (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)2017-04-
grapefruit-ui-gtk230.01GTK+-based backend for declarative user interface programming (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)2017-04-
gtk-toy110.01Convenient Gtk canvas with mouse and keyboard input. (bsd3, graphics, gui, library)2012-01-220.2.0MichaelSloan
gtk2hs-cast-glade60.01A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: glade package (gui, library)2009-05-310.10.1.1MarcoSilva
gtk2hs-cast-glib90.06A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: glib package (gui, library)2009-05-310.10.1.1MarcoSilva
gtk2hs-cast-gnomevfs70.01A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gnomevfs package (gui, library)2009-05-310.10.1.2MarcoSilva
gtk2hs-cast-gtk80.01A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gtk package (gui, library)2009-05-310.10.1.2MarcoSilva
gtk2hs-cast-gtkglext70.01A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gtkglext package (gui, library)2009-05-310.10.1.2MarcoSilva
gtk2hs-cast-gtksourceview280.01A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gtksourceview2 package (gui, library)2009-05-310.10.1.2MarcoSilva
gtk2hs-cast-th30.05A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: TH package (gui, library)2009-05-310.10.1.0MarcoSilva
gtk2hs-rpn120.01Adds a module to gtk2hs allowing layouts to be defined using reverse polish notation. (gui, library)2011-09-230.2.1MauricioAntunes
happindicator370.01Binding to the appindicator library. (gui, lgpl, library)2014-11-200.2.1mlacorte
happlets70.01"Haskell Applets" provides an event handler and a canvas for building simple GUI apps. (game, gui, library)2018-05-
happlets-lib-gtk30.01The "Haskell Applets" Gtk+ ver. 2 back-end for "happlets". (game, gui, library)2018-05-
himerge120.01Haskell Graphical User Interface for Emerge (gui, program)2008-05-020.20LuisAraujo
hois30.02OIS bindings (bsd3, gui, library, program)2013-03-310.1.0.0DavidEichmann
hscharm90.00minimal ncurses-like library (bsd3, gui, library, program)2018-04-060.0.2AndrewPennebaker
hsqml532.54Haskell binding for Qt Quick (bsd3, graphics, gui, library)2018-03-
hsqml-demo-samples110.01HsQML sample programs (bsd3, graphics, gui, program)2016-02-
lgtk (deprecated)620.01Lens GUI Toolkit (bsd3, deprecated, gui, library, program)2014-05-
live-sequencer550.01Live coding of MIDI music (gui, library, music, program, sound)2024-02-
load-font160.01A cross platform library for loading bundled fonts into your application (bsd3, font, graphics, gui, library, ui, user-interfaces)2020-02-
ltk492.03Leksah tool kit (gui, library)2017-11-, JuergenNicklischFranken
midimory210.01A Memory-like (Concentration, Pairs, ...) game for tones (bsd3, game, gui, music, program, sound)2024-02-
monomer632.253A GUI library for writing native Haskell applications. (bsd3, gui, library, program)2024-01-
monomer-flatpak-example1050.00Monomer Flatpak Example Application. (flatpak, gui, mit, program)2025-01-
monomer-hagrid692.00A datagrid widget for the Monomer library. (gui, library, mit)2024-12-
myxine-client170.00A Haskell client for the Myxine GUI server (gui, library, mit)2020-08-
pianola (deprecated)90.01Remotely controlling Java Swing applications (deprecated, gui, jvm, library, mit)2013-09-160.1.1DanielDiazCarrete
place-cursor-at120.00A utility for X11 that moves the mouse cursor using the keyboard (desktop, desktop-environment, gpl, gui, program, utility, x11)2021-03-201.0.1unclechu
reactive-banana-threepenny (deprecated in favor of threepenny-gui)30.01Examples for the reactive-banana library, using threepenny-gui. (bsd3, deprecated, frp, gui, library)2013-08-
reactive-banana-wx970.01Examples for the reactive-banana library, using wxHaskell. (bsd3, frp, gui, library)2016-05-, OliverCharles
reflex-dom812.59Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-dom-core982.011Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-dom-ionic110.00Compatible highlevel Wigdets for some Ionic Input Components (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2022-04-
reflex-dom-retractable142.00Routing and retractable back button for reflex-dom (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2020-11-
reflex-dom-th230.00reflex-dom-th transpiles HTML templates to haskell code for reflex-dom (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2022-10-010.3.4ChristophBauer
reflex-external-ref110.02External reference with reactivity support (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-jsx32.01Use jsx-like syntax in Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, jsx, language, library, web)2016-05-
reflex-localize170.01Localization library for reflex (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-localize-dom130.00Helper widgets for reflex-localize (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
sindre230.01A programming language for simple GUIs (bsd3, gui, library, program)2022-05-240.6TroelsHenriksen
slim60.01Functional reactive user interface programming (gui, library, mit)2016-08-300.0.1jvdp
sneathlane-haste70.01A compositional web UI library, which draws to a Canvas element (bsd2, gui, library)2015-11-132JasonPriestley
threepenny-gui1882.259GUI framework that uses the web browser as a display. (bsd3, gui, library, web)2024-12-, sjakobi
tinyfiledialogs160.01Wrapper around the 'tiny file dialogs' C library (bsd3, gui, library)2018-02-
treersec40.01Structure Editing Combinators (bsd2, gui, library)2015-11-131JasonPriestley
typed-gui70.00GUI framework based on typed-fsm (gui, library, mit)2024-08-
typed-spreadsheet260.01Typed and composable spreadsheets (bsd3, gui, library, program)2020-02-291.1.5GabrielGonzalez
uni-graphs180.02Graphs (gui, library)2022-06-
uni-htk162.02Graphical User Interface for Haskell Programs (gui, library)2016-08-
uni-uDrawGraph190.01Graphs binding (gui, library)2018-08-
wx1202.017wxHaskell (gui, library, user-interfaces)2017-04-, DanielFischer, EricKow, HenkJanVanTuyl, JeremyODonoghue, KidoTakahiro, fgaz, GeorgeThomas
wxFruit170.01An implementation of Fruit using wxHaskell. (bsd3, frp, gui, library, program, reactivity)2010-12-, KidoTakahiro, fgaz, GeorgeThomas
wxc500.02wxHaskell C++ wrapper (gui, library, user-interfaces)2017-04-, HenkJanVanTuyl, JeremyODonoghue, fgaz, GeorgeThomas
wxcore1320.017wxHaskell core (gui, library, user-interfaces)2017-04-, DanielFischer, EricKow, HenkJanVanTuyl, JeremyODonoghue, KidoTakahiro, fgaz, GeorgeThomas
wxdirect590.03helper tool for building wxHaskell (bsd3, gui, library, program, user-interfaces)2017-04-, DanielFischer, EricKow, HenkJanVanTuyl, JeremyODonoghue, KidoTakahiro, fgaz, GeorgeThomas
xtc100.02eXtended & Typed Controls for wxHaskell. (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)2012-06-101.0.1AlanZimmerman, EricKow