Packages tagged frp

111 packages have this tag.

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Related tags: library (102), bsd3 (87), reactivity (32), program (26), gui (15), user-interfaces (12), web (12), mit (11), javascript (9), reactive (9), graphics (8), html (8), user-interface (8), live-coding (7), control (6), deprecated (6), reflex (6), game (3), public-domain (3), gpl (2), language (2), network (2), system (2), agpl (1), apache (1), api (1), bindings (1), compilers-interpreters (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
AFSM122.01Arrowized functional state machines (frp, library, mit)2016-04-
Animas70.01Updated version of Yampa: a library for programming hybrid systems. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2011-03-270.2EdwardAmsden
AsyncRattus162.00An asynchronous modal FRP language (bsd3, frp, library)2025-01-090.2.1PatrickBahr
DefendTheKing70.01A simple RTS game (frp, game, program)2015-05-280.3.1YairChuchem
DysFRP40.03dysFunctional Reactive Programming (bsd3, frp, library)2012-02-290.1MarekMaterzok
DysFRP-Cairo30.02dysFunctional Reactive Programming on Cairo (bsd3, frp, library)2012-02-290.1MarekMaterzok
DysFRP-Craftwerk30.01dysFunctional Reactive Programming on Craftwerk (bsd3, frp, library)2012-02-290.1MarekMaterzok
Moe20.01A FRP library based on signal functions. (bsd3, frp, library, program)2011-11-030.1XinyuJiang
Rattus182.250A modal FRP language (bsd3, frp, library)2023-10-
RxHaskell40.01Reactive Extensions for Haskell (frp, library, mit)2013-04-150.2JustinSpahrSummers
TORCS40.00Bindings to the TORCS vehicle simulator. (bindings, frp, library, program, simulation)2018-02-
Updater50.01Monadic FRP library based on stm (apache, frp, library)2015-09-170.3yokto
WidgetRattus70.00An asynchronous modal FRP language for GUI programming (bsd3, frp, library)2025-01-240.4PatrickBahr
YFrob50.01Yampa-based library for programming robots (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity, yampa, yampa-)2010-10-120.4TristanSkudlik
Yampa1102.516Elegant Functional Reactive Programming Language for Hybrid Systems (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2025-02-280.15IvanPerez, keera_studios_ci
Yampa-core50.01Library for programming hybrid systems. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2015-06-250.2.0NikolayOrlyuk
artery40.01A simple, arrow-based reactive programming (bsd3, control, frp, library)2014-09-090.1.1FumiakiKinoshita
bearriver570.03FRP Yampa replacement implemented with Monadic Stream Functions. (bsd3, frp, library)2025-02-280.15IvanPerez, keera_studios_ci, keera_studios_ci_dunai
bot40.01bots for functional reactive programming (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2010-02-250.3ConalElliott
broccoli80.01Small library for interactive functional programs. (bsd3, frp, library)2015-03-
buster160.04Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP (bsd3, frp, library)2009-06-232.51JeffersonHeard
buster-gtk30.02Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP (bsd3, frp, library)2009-05-182.0JeffersonHeard
buster-network70.01Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP (bsd3, frp, library)2009-05-181.2JeffersonHeard
dow90.01Dungeons of Wor (bsd3, frp, game, program, reactivity)2016-06-190.2.6GergelyPatai
drClickOn20.01Monadic FRP (frp, library, public-domain)2013-09-200.1AtzeVanDerPloeg
dunai730.07Generalised reactive framework supporting classic, arrowized and monadic FRP. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2025-02-280.14.1IvanPerez, keera_studios_ci, keera_studios_ci_dunai
dunai-core30.01Generalised reactive framework supporting classic, arrowized and monadic FRP. (Core library fork.) (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2018-10-
dyna20.03Minimal FRP library (bsd3, frp, library)2022-04-
dyna-brick30.00FRP for brick Terminal user interface library (bsd3, frp, library, tui)2022-04-
dyna-gloss30.00FRP for gloss graphics and animation library (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)2022-04-
dyna-processing30.00FRP library for processing-for-haskell package (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)2022-04-
elerea442.05A minimalistic FRP library (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2016-06-192.9.0GergelyPatai
elerea-examples170.01Example applications for Elerea (bsd3, frp, program, reactivity)2016-06-192.9.0GergelyPatai
essence-of-live-coding560.06General purpose live coding framework (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding, program)2024-10-310.2.8turion
essence-of-live-coding-gloss590.00General purpose live coding framework - Gloss backend (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding)2024-10-310.2.8turion
essence-of-live-coding-gloss-example (deprecated)320.00General purpose live coding framework - Gloss example (bsd3, deprecated, frp, live-coding, program)2021-04-080.2.5turion
essence-of-live-coding-pulse540.00General purpose live coding framework - pulse backend (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding)2024-10-310.2.8turion
essence-of-live-coding-pulse-example (deprecated)270.00General purpose live coding framework - pulse backend example (bsd3, deprecated, frp, live-coding, program)2020-09-110.2.4turion
essence-of-live-coding-quickcheck510.00General purpose live coding framework - QuickCheck integration (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding)2024-10-310.2.8turion
essence-of-live-coding-warp400.00General purpose live coding framework (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding)2024-10-310.2.8turion
euphoria40.01Dynamic network FRP with events and continuous values (frp, library, public-domain)2016-08-, LiyangHu, MitsutoshiAoe, asayers
glazier-pipes (deprecated)70.01A threaded rendering framework using glaizer and pipes (bsd3, deprecated, frp, library)2017-03-
grapefruit-examples200.01Examples using the Grapefruit library (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)2017-04-
grapefruit-frp120.05Functional Reactive Programming core (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2017-04-
grapefruit-records190.04A record system for Functional Reactive Programming (bsd3, data, frp, library, reactivity)2017-04-
grapefruit-ui110.03Declarative user interface programming (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)2017-04-
grapefruit-ui-gtk110.01GTK+-based backend for declarative user interface programming (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)2017-04-
haskanoid112.251A breakout game written in Yampa using SDL (frp, game, program, reactivity)2023-04-080.1.6IvanPerez, keera_studios_ci
helm162.51A functionally reactive game engine. (frp, game-engine, library, mit, program)2016-10-031.0.0ZackCorr, kasbah
machinecell240.01Arrow based stream transducers (bsd3, control, frp, library, reactivity)2018-04-174.0.1HidenoriAzuma
midair182.01Hot-swappable FRP (concurrency, control, frp, gpl, interaction, library, music, reactive, reactivity, user-interfaces)2018-11-
netwire512.56Functional reactive programming library (bsd3, frp, library)2018-03-255.0.3ErtugrulSoeylemez, esz
ordrea30.01Push-pull implementation of discrete-time FRP (frp, library, public-domain)2014-07-
patch770.04Data structures for describing changes to other data structures. (bsd3, frp, library)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
peakachu70.01Experiemental library for composable interactive programs (bsd3, frp, library)2015-05-280.3.1YairChuchem
pipes-fluid210.01Reactively combines Producers so that a value is yielded as soon as possible. (bsd3, control, frp, library, pipes)2018-06-
reactive320.04Push-pull functional reactive programming (frp, reactivity)2010-07-280.11.5ConalElliott, RussellOConnor
reactive-bacon60.01FRP (functional reactive programming) framework (bsd3, frp, library)2012-09-110.4.1JuhaPaananen
reactive-banana732.7517Library for functional reactive programming (FRP). (bsd3, frp, library)2023-01-, OliverCharles, mitchellwrosen
reactive-banana-automation480.01home (etc) automation using reactive-banana (agpl, frp, library, reactivity)2024-10-110.5.7JoeyHess
reactive-banana-bunch130.03Extend reactive-banana to multiple events per time point (bsd3, frp, library)2018-09-
reactive-banana-sdl240.01Reactive Banana integration with SDL2 (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)2016-02-
reactive-banana-threepenny (deprecated in favor of threepenny-gui)60.01Examples for the reactive-banana library, using threepenny-gui. (bsd3, deprecated, frp, gui, library)2013-08-
reactive-banana-wx370.01Examples for the reactive-banana library, using wxHaskell. (bsd3, frp, gui, library)2016-05-, OliverCharles
reactive-fieldtrip100.01Connect Reactive and FieldTrip (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)2009-05-220.0.9ConalElliott
reactive-glut170.02Connects Reactive and GLUT (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)2011-01-090.1.10ConalElliott
reactive-thread30.01Reactive programming via imperative threads (bsd3, frp, library, program)2012-11-
reactivity80.01An alternate implementation of push-pull FRP. (frp, reactivity)2016-06-
reenact110.02A reimplementation of the Reactive library. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2013-07-230.9HansHoglund
reflex982.7544Higher-order Functional Reactive Programming (bsd3, frp, library)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-animation140.01Continuous animations support for reflex (bsd3, frp, library)2015-10-200.1.5saulzar
reflex-backend-socket90.00Reflex bindings for TCP sockets (bsd3, frp, library, network, program)2022-05-, jack
reflex-backend-wai20.00Reflex interface to `wai` (bsd3, frp, library, program, web)2019-04-
reflex-basic-host (deprecated in favor of reflex)50.01A basic Reflex host for backend work (bsd3, deprecated, frp, library, program)2019-10-, jack
reflex-dom342.59Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-dom-contrib72.01A playground for experimenting with infrastructure and common code for reflex applications (bsd3, frp, library)2016-02-180.4.1DougBeardsley
reflex-dom-core522.011Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-dom-ionic50.00Compatible highlevel Wigdets for some Ionic Input Components (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2022-04-
reflex-dom-retractable152.00Routing and retractable back button for reflex-dom (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2020-11-
reflex-dom-svg30.00Reflex functions for SVG elements. (bsd3, frp, graphics, library, web)2019-05-
reflex-dom-th90.00reflex-dom-th transpiles HTML templates to haskell code for reflex-dom (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2022-10-010.3.4ChristophBauer
reflex-dynamic-containers20.00various dynamic containers for Reflex (bsd3, frp, library, reflex)2020-04-
reflex-external-ref80.02External reference with reactivity support (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-fsnotify100.01Reflex FRP interface for watching files (bsd3, frp, library, system)2025-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-gadt-api92.00Interact with a GADT API in your reflex-dom application. (api, bsd3, frp, library, network, program)2025-01-, JohnEricson, RyanTrinkle, abrar, alexfmpe, maralorn, ymeister
reflex-ghci170.00A GHCi widget library for use in reflex applications (bsd3, development, frp, library, program)2023-08-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch
reflex-gi-gtk70.00Helper functions to use reflex with gi-gtk (frp, library, mpl, program)2024-03-
reflex-gloss-scene50.00A simple scene-graph using reflex and gloss (bsd3, frp, library, program)2015-10-200.1.2saulzar
reflex-jsx32.01Use jsx-like syntax in Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, jsx, language, library, web)2016-05-
reflex-localize130.01Localization library for reflex (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-localize-dom80.00Helper widgets for reflex-localize (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)2024-03-
reflex-orphans (deprecated in favor of reflex)42.01Useful missing instances for Reflex (bsd3, deprecated, frp, library)2016-03-
reflex-process132.01Reflex FRP interface for running system processes (bsd3, frp, library, program, system)2024-01-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch
reflex-test-host122.04reflex host methods for testing without external events (bsd3, frp, library, reflex)2023-11-, minimaple
reflex-transformers70.02Collections and switchable Monad transformers for Reflex (bsd3, frp, library)2015-10-160.2.1saulzar
reflex-vty342.02Reflex FRP host and widgets for VTY applications (bsd3, frp, library, program, vty)2024-11-, RyanTrinkle, abrar, 3noch
rhine652.03Functional Reactive Programming with type-level clocks (bsd3, frp, library)2024-11-121.5turion
rhine-bayes130.00monad-bayes backend for Rhine (bsd3, frp, library, program)2024-11-121.5turion
rhine-gloss410.00Gloss backend for Rhine (bsd3, frp, library, program)2024-11-121.5turion
rhine-terminal110.00Terminal backend for Rhine (bsd3, frp, library, program)2024-11-121.5turion
rsagl-frp40.03The RogueStar Animation and Graphics Library: Functional Reactive Programming (bsd3, frp, library)2011-04-
shine-varying22.01FRP interface for shine using the varying package (frp, graphics, javascript, library, mit, web)2016-04-
simple-affine-space480.09A simple library for affine and vector spaces. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)2023-04-070.2.1IvanPerez, keera_studios_ci
sodium240.05Sodium Reactive Programming (FRP) System (bsd3, frp, library)2014-12-300.11.0.3StephenBlackheath
spice170.01An FRP-based game engine written in Haskell. (frp, library, mit)2014-09-
tempus20.01Interpreter for the FRP language Tempus (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, frp, language, program)2011-08-310.1.0MatthiasReisner
time-domain250.02A library for time domains and durations (frp, library, mit)2024-06-
varying432.02FRP through value streams and monadic splines. (control, frp, library, mit, program)2019-10-
wires72.01Functional reactive programming library (bsd3, control, frp, library)2018-04-150.2.1esz
wxFruit50.01An implementation of Fruit using wxHaskell. (bsd3, frp, gui, library, program, reactivity)2010-12-, KidoTakahiro, fgaz, GeorgeThomas
yampa-glut50.01Connects Yampa and GLUT (frp, gpl, graphics, library)2015-06-