symbolic-base- ZkFold Symbolic compiler and zero-knowledge proof protocols
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




class StrictConv b a where Source #


strictConv :: b -> a Source #


Instances details
(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize rs) => StrictConv Natural (UInt n rs c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


strictConv :: Natural -> UInt n rs c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => StrictConv (Zp p) (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


strictConv :: Zp p -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => StrictConv (c Par1) (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


strictConv :: c Par1 -> UInt n r c Source #

class StrictNum a where Source #


strictAdd :: a -> a -> a Source #

strictSub :: a -> a -> a Source #

strictMul :: a -> a -> a Source #


Instances details
(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => StrictNum (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


strictAdd :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

strictSub :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

strictMul :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

newtype UInt (n :: Natural) (r :: RegisterSize) (context :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source #


UInt (context (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField context) n r))) 


Instances details
(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => FromConstant Integer (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


fromConstant :: Integer -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => FromConstant Natural (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


fromConstant :: Natural -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => Scale Integer (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


scale :: Integer -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => Scale Natural (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


scale :: Natural -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize rs) => StrictConv Natural (UInt n rs c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


strictConv :: Natural -> UInt n rs c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownRegisterSize r, NumberOfBits (BaseField c) ~ n) => Iso (FieldElement c) (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


from :: FieldElement c -> UInt n r c Source #

(KnownRegisters c n r, Symbolic c) => Conditional (Bool c) (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


bool :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> Bool c -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => StrictConv (Zp p) (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


strictConv :: Zp p -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => StrictConv (c Par1) (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


strictConv :: c Par1 -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => Iso (ByteString n c) (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


from :: ByteString n c -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => Arbitrary (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


arbitrary :: Gen (UInt n r c) #

shrink :: UInt n r c -> [UInt n r c] #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => FromJSON (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (UInt n r c) #

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [UInt n r c] #

(Symbolic (Interpreter (Zp p)), KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => ToJSON (UInt n r (Interpreter (Zp p))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


toJSON :: UInt n r (Interpreter (Zp p)) -> Value #

toEncoding :: UInt n r (Interpreter (Zp p)) -> Encoding #

toJSONList :: [UInt n r (Interpreter (Zp p))] -> Value #

toEncodingList :: [UInt n r (Interpreter (Zp p))] -> Encoding #

Generic (UInt n r context) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

Associated Types

type Rep (UInt n r context) :: Type -> Type #


from :: UInt n r context -> Rep (UInt n r context) x #

to :: Rep (UInt n r context) x -> UInt n r context #

(Show (BaseField context), Show (context (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField context) n r)))) => Show (UInt n r context) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


showsPrec :: Int -> UInt n r context -> ShowS #

show :: UInt n r context -> String #

showList :: [UInt n r context] -> ShowS #

NFData (context (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField context) n r))) => NFData (UInt n r context) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


rnf :: UInt n r context -> () #

Eq (context (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField context) n r))) => Eq (UInt n r context) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


(==) :: UInt n r context -> UInt n r context -> Bool #

(/=) :: UInt n r context -> UInt n r context -> Bool #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => AdditiveGroup (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


(-) :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

negate :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => AdditiveMonoid (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


zero :: UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => AdditiveSemigroup (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


(+) :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => MultiplicativeMonoid (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


one :: UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize rs) => MultiplicativeSemigroup (UInt n rs c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


(*) :: UInt n rs c -> UInt n rs c -> UInt n rs c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => Ring (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r, KnownRegisters c n r, regSize ~ GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) n r, KnownNat (Ceil regSize OrdWord)) => SemiEuclidean (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


divMod :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> (UInt n r c, UInt n r c) Source #

div :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

mod :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => Semiring (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

(Symbolic (Interpreter a), KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => ToConstant (UInt n r (Interpreter a)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

Associated Types

type Const (UInt n r (Interpreter a)) Source #


toConstant :: UInt n r (Interpreter a) -> Const (UInt n r (Interpreter a)) Source #

(KnownRegisters c n r, Symbolic c) => SymbolicData (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

Associated Types

type Context (UInt n r c) :: (Type -> Type) -> Type Source #

type Support (UInt n r c) Source #

type Layout (UInt n r c) :: Type -> Type Source #

type Payload (UInt n r c) :: Type -> Type Source #


arithmetize :: UInt n r c -> Support (UInt n r c) -> Context (UInt n r c) (Layout (UInt n r c)) Source #

payload :: UInt n r c -> Support (UInt n r c) -> Payload (UInt n r c) (WitnessField (Context (UInt n r c))) Source #

restore :: Context (UInt n r c) ~ c0 => (Support (UInt n r c) -> (c0 (Layout (UInt n r c)), Payload (UInt n r c) (WitnessField c0))) -> UInt n r c Source #

(KnownRegisters c n r, Symbolic c) => Eq (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

Associated Types

type BooleanOf (UInt n r c) Source #


(==) :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> BooleanOf (UInt n r c) Source #

(/=) :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> BooleanOf (UInt n r c) Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r, KnownRegisters c n r) => SymbolicInput (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


isValid :: UInt n r c -> Bool (Context (UInt n r c)) Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r, KnownRegisters c n r, regSize ~ GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) n r, KnownNat (Ceil regSize OrdWord)) => Ord (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

Associated Types

type OrderingOf (UInt n r c) Source #


ordering :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> OrderingOf (UInt n r c) -> UInt n r c Source #

compare :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> OrderingOf (UInt n r c) Source #

(<) :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> BooleanOf (UInt n r c) Source #

(<=) :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> BooleanOf (UInt n r c) Source #

(>) :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> BooleanOf (UInt n r c) Source #

(>=) :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> BooleanOf (UInt n r c) Source #

max :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

min :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => StrictNum (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


strictAdd :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

strictSub :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

strictMul :: UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c Source #

MultiplicativeMonoid (UInt n r c) => Exponent (UInt n r c) Natural Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


(^) :: UInt n r c -> Natural -> UInt n r c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownRegisterSize r, NumberOfBits (BaseField c) ~ n) => Iso (UInt n r c) (FieldElement c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


from :: UInt n r c -> FieldElement c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => Iso (UInt n r c) (ByteString n c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


from :: UInt n r c -> ByteString n c Source #

(Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownNat k, KnownRegisterSize r) => Resize (UInt n r c) (UInt k r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt


resize :: UInt n r c -> UInt k r c Source #

type Rep (UInt n r context) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

type Rep (UInt n r context) = D1 ('MetaData "UInt" "ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt" "symbolic-base-" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "UInt" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (context (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField context) n r))))))
type Const (UInt n r (Interpreter a)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

type Const (UInt n r (Interpreter a)) = Natural
type Context (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

type Context (UInt n r c) = Context (c (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) n r)))
type Layout (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

type Layout (UInt n r c) = Layout (c (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) n r)))
type Payload (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

type Payload (UInt n r c) = Payload (c (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) n r)))
type Support (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

type Support (UInt n r c) = Support (c (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) n r)))
type BooleanOf (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

type BooleanOf (UInt n r c) = BooleanOf (c (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) n r)))
type OrderingOf (UInt n r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt

type OrderingOf (UInt n r c) = Ordering c

type OrdWord = 16 Source #

Word size in bits used in comparisons. Subject to change

toConstant :: ToConstant a => a -> Const a Source #

A way to turn element of a into a Const a. According to the law of ToConstant, has to be right inverse to fromConstant.

toNative :: forall n r c a. (Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r, BaseField c ~ a) => KnownNat (GetRegisterSize a n r) => UInt n r c -> FieldElement c Source #

asWords :: forall wordSize regSize ctx k. Symbolic ctx => KnownNat (Ceil regSize wordSize) => KnownNat wordSize => ctx (Vector k) -> ctx (Vector (k * Ceil regSize wordSize)) Source #

expMod :: forall c n p m r. Symbolic c => KnownRegisterSize r => KnownNat p => KnownNat n => KnownNat m => KnownNat (2 * m) => KnownRegisters c (2 * m) r => KnownNat (Ceil (GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) (2 * m) r) OrdWord) => NFData (c (Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) (2 * m) r))) => UInt n r c -> UInt p r c -> UInt m r c -> UInt m r c Source #

expMod n pow modulus calculates n^pow % modulus where all values are arithmetised

eea :: forall n c r. Symbolic c => SemiEuclidean (UInt n r c) => KnownNat n => KnownRegisters c n r => AdditiveGroup (UInt n r c) => UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> (UInt n r c, UInt n r c, UInt n r c) Source #

Extended Euclidean algorithm. Exploits the fact that s_i and t_i change signs in turns on each iteration, so it adjusts the formulas correspondingly and never requires signed arithmetic. (i.e. it calculates x = b - a instead of x = a - b when a - b is negative and changes y - x to y + x on the following iteration) This only affects Bezout coefficients, remainders are calculated without changes as they are always non-negative.

If the algorithm is used to calculate Bezout coefficients, it requires that a and b are coprime, b is not 1 and a is not 0, otherwise the optimisation above is not valid.

If the algorithm is only used to find gcd(a, b) (i.e. s and t will be discarded), a and b can be arbitrary integers.

natural :: forall c n r i. (Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r, Witness i (WitnessField c)) => Vector (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) n r) i -> IntegralOf (WitnessField c) Source #

"natural" value from vector of registers.

register :: forall c n r. (Symbolic c, KnownNat n, KnownRegisterSize r) => IntegralOf (WitnessField c) -> Zp (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) n r) -> WitnessField c Source #

register n i returns i-th register of n.

productMod :: forall c n r. Symbolic c => KnownRegisterSize r => KnownNat n => KnownRegisters c n r => KnownNat (Ceil (GetRegisterSize (BaseField c) n r) OrdWord) => UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> UInt n r c -> (UInt n r c, UInt n r c) Source #

Calculate a * b divMod m using less constraints than would've been required by these operations used consequently

blueprintGE :: forall r i a w m f. (Arithmetic a, MonadCircuit i a w m, Zip f, Foldable f, KnownNat r) => f i -> f i -> m i Source #