{-# Language TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# Language ImplicitParams #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
module EVM.TTY where
import Prelude hiding (lookup, Word)
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Center
import Brick.Widgets.List
import EVM
import EVM.ABI (abiTypeSolidity, decodeAbiValue, AbiType(..), emptyAbi)
import EVM.SymExec (maxIterationsReached, symCalldata)
import EVM.Dapp (DappInfo, dappInfo, Test, extractSig, Test(..))
import EVM.Dapp (dappUnitTests, unitTestMethods, dappSolcByName, dappSolcByHash, dappSources)
import EVM.Dapp (dappAstSrcMap)
import EVM.Debug
import EVM.Format (showWordExact, showWordExplanation)
import EVM.Format (contractNamePart, contractPathPart, showTraceTree)
import EVM.Hexdump (prettyHex)
import EVM.Op
import EVM.Solidity hiding (storageLayout)
import EVM.Types hiding (padRight)
import EVM.UnitTest
import EVM.StorageLayout
import EVM.Stepper (Stepper)
import qualified EVM.Stepper as Stepper
import qualified Control.Monad.Operational as Operational
import EVM.Fetch (Fetcher)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (state)
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Map (Map, insert, lookupLT, singleton, filter)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.List (sort, find)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Data.SBV hiding (solver)
import qualified Data.SBV.Internals as SBV
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SVec
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as Readline
import qualified EVM.TTYCenteredList as Centered
import qualified Paths_hevm as Paths
data Name
= AbiPane
| StackPane
| BytecodePane
| TracePane
| SolidityPane
| TestPickerPane
| BrowserPane
| Pager
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
type UiWidget = Widget Name
data UiVmState = UiVmState
{ _uiVm :: VM
, _uiStep :: Int
, _uiSnapshots :: Map Int (VM, Stepper ())
, _uiStepper :: Stepper ()
, _uiShowMemory :: Bool
, _uiTestOpts :: UnitTestOptions
data UiTestPickerState = UiTestPickerState
{ _testPickerList :: List Name (Text, Text)
, _testPickerDapp :: DappInfo
, _testOpts :: UnitTestOptions
data UiBrowserState = UiBrowserState
{ _browserContractList :: List Name (Addr, Contract)
, _browserVm :: UiVmState
data UiState
= ViewVm UiVmState
| ViewContracts UiBrowserState
| ViewPicker UiTestPickerState
| ViewHelp UiVmState
makeLenses ''UiVmState
makeLenses ''UiTestPickerState
makeLenses ''UiBrowserState
makePrisms ''UiState
snapshotInterval :: Int
snapshotInterval = 50
type Pred a = a -> Bool
data StepMode
= Step !Int
| StepUntil (Pred VM)
data Continuation a
= Stopped a
| Continue (Stepper a)
:: (?fetcher :: Fetcher
, ?maxIter :: Maybe Integer)
=> StepMode
-> Stepper a
-> StateT UiVmState IO (Continuation a)
interpret mode =
eval . Operational.view
:: Operational.ProgramView Stepper.Action a
-> StateT UiVmState IO (Continuation a)
eval (Operational.Return x) =
pure (Stopped x)
eval (action Operational.:>>= k) =
case action of
Stepper.Run -> do
use (uiVm . result) >>= \case
Just _ -> do
vm <- use uiVm
interpret mode (k vm)
Nothing -> do
keepExecuting mode (Stepper.run >>= k)
Stepper.Exec -> do
use (uiVm . result) >>= \case
Just r ->
interpret mode (k r)
Nothing -> do
keepExecuting mode (Stepper.exec >>= k)
Stepper.Ask (PleaseChoosePath _ cont) -> do
vm <- use uiVm
case maxIterationsReached vm ?maxIter of
Nothing -> pure $ Continue (k ())
Just n -> interpret mode (Stepper.evm (cont (not n)) >>= k)
Stepper.Wait q -> do
do m <- liftIO (?fetcher q)
interpret mode (Stepper.evm m >>= k)
Stepper.EVM m -> do
vm <- use uiVm
let (r, vm1) = runState m vm
assign uiVm vm1
interpret mode (Stepper.exec >> (k r))
keepExecuting :: (?fetcher :: Fetcher
, ?maxIter :: Maybe Integer)
=> StepMode
-> Stepper a
-> StateT UiVmState IO (Continuation a)
keepExecuting mode restart = case mode of
Step 0 -> do
pure (Continue restart)
Step i -> do
stepOneOpcode restart
interpret (Step (i - 1)) restart
StepUntil p -> do
vm <- use uiVm
if p vm
interpret (Step 0) restart
else do
stepOneOpcode restart
interpret (StepUntil p) restart
isUnitTestContract :: Text -> DappInfo -> Bool
isUnitTestContract name dapp =
elem name (map fst (view dappUnitTests dapp))
mkVty :: IO V.Vty
mkVty = do
vty <- V.mkVty V.defaultConfig
V.setMode (V.outputIface vty) V.BracketedPaste True
return vty
runFromVM :: Maybe Integer -> DappInfo -> (Query -> IO (EVM ())) -> VM -> IO VM
runFromVM maxIter' dappinfo oracle' vm = do
opts = UnitTestOptions
{ oracle = oracle'
, verbose = Nothing
, maxIter = maxIter'
, smtTimeout = Nothing
, smtState = Nothing
, solver = Nothing
, match = ""
, fuzzRuns = 1
, replay = error "irrelevant"
, vmModifier = id
, testParams = error "irrelevant"
, dapp = dappinfo
ui0 = initUiVmState vm opts (void Stepper.execFully)
v <- mkVty
ui2 <- customMain v mkVty Nothing (app opts) (ViewVm ui0)
case ui2 of
ViewVm ui -> return (view uiVm ui)
_ -> error "internal error: customMain returned prematurely"
initUiVmState :: VM -> UnitTestOptions -> Stepper () -> UiVmState
initUiVmState vm0 opts script =
{ _uiVm = vm0
, _uiStepper = script
, _uiStep = 0
, _uiSnapshots = singleton 0 (vm0, script)
, _uiShowMemory = False
, _uiTestOpts = opts
debuggableTests :: UnitTestOptions -> (Text, [(Test, [AbiType])]) -> [(Text, Text)]
debuggableTests UnitTestOptions{..} (contractname, tests) = case replay of
Nothing -> [(contractname, extractSig $ fst x) | x <- tests, not $ isFuzzTest x]
Just (sig, _) -> [(contractname, extractSig $ fst x) | x <- tests, not (isFuzzTest x) || extractSig (fst x) == sig]
isFuzzTest :: (Test, [AbiType]) -> Bool
isFuzzTest (SymbolicTest _, _) = False
isFuzzTest (ConcreteTest _, []) = False
isFuzzTest (ConcreteTest _, _) = True
main :: UnitTestOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
main opts root jsonFilePath =
readSolc jsonFilePath >>=
Nothing ->
error "Failed to read Solidity JSON"
Just (contractMap, sourceCache) -> do
dapp = dappInfo root contractMap sourceCache
ui = ViewPicker $ UiTestPickerState
{ _testPickerList =
(debuggableTests opts)
(view dappUnitTests dapp)))
, _testPickerDapp = dapp
, _testOpts = opts
v <- mkVty
_ <- customMain v mkVty Nothing (app opts) (ui :: UiState)
return ()
:: (?fetcher :: Fetcher
,?maxIter :: Maybe Integer)
=> UiVmState
-> StepMode
-> EventM n (Next UiState)
takeStep ui mode =
liftIO nxt >>= \case
(Stopped (), ui') ->
continue (ViewVm ui')
(Continue steps, ui') -> do
continue (ViewVm (ui' & set uiStepper steps))
m = interpret mode (view uiStepper ui)
nxt = runStateT m ui
:: (?fetcher :: Fetcher
,?maxIter :: Maybe Integer)
=> (UiVmState -> Pred VM) -> UiVmState -> EventM n (Next UiState)
backstepUntil p s =
case view uiStep s of
0 -> continue (ViewVm s)
n -> do
s1 <- backstep s
snapshots' = Data.Map.filter (p s1 . fst) (view uiSnapshots s1)
case lookupLT n snapshots' of
Nothing ->
(step', (vm', stepper')) = fromJust $ lookupLT (n - 1) (view uiSnapshots s)
s2 = s1
& set uiVm vm'
& set (uiVm . cache) (view (uiVm . cache) s1)
& set uiStep step'
& set uiStepper stepper'
in takeStep s2 (Step 0)
Just (step', (vm', stepper')) ->
s2 = s1
& set uiVm vm'
& set (uiVm . cache) (view (uiVm . cache) s1)
& set uiStep step'
& set uiStepper stepper'
in takeStep s2 (StepUntil (not . p s1))
:: (?fetcher :: Fetcher
,?maxIter :: Maybe Integer)
=> UiVmState -> EventM n UiVmState
backstep s = case view uiStep s of
0 -> return s
n ->
(step, (vm, stepper)) = fromJust $ lookupLT n (view uiSnapshots s)
s1 = s
& set uiVm vm
& set (uiVm . cache) (view (uiVm . cache) s)
& set uiStep step
& set uiStepper stepper
stepsToTake = n - step - 1
liftIO $ runStateT (interpret (Step stepsToTake) stepper) s1 >>= \case
(Continue steps, ui') -> return $ ui' & set uiStepper steps
_ -> error "unexpected end"
:: (?fetcher::Fetcher, ?maxIter :: Maybe Integer) =>
UiState ->
BrickEvent Name e ->
EventM Name (Next UiState)
appEvent (ViewContracts s) (VtyEvent e@(V.EvKey V.KDown [])) = do
s' <- handleEventLensed s
continue (ViewContracts s')
appEvent (ViewContracts s) (VtyEvent e@(V.EvKey V.KUp [])) = do
s' <- handleEventLensed s
continue (ViewContracts s')
appEvent st@(ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc [])) =
let opts = view uiTestOpts s
dapp' = dapp (view uiTestOpts s)
tests = concatMap
(debuggableTests opts)
(view dappUnitTests dapp')
in case tests of
[] -> halt st
ts ->
continue . ViewPicker $
{ _testPickerList =
, _testPickerDapp = dapp'
, _testOpts = opts
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter [])) =
continue . ViewContracts $ UiBrowserState
{ _browserContractList =
(Vec.fromList (Map.toList (view (uiVm . env . contracts) s)))
, _browserVm = s
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'm') [])) =
continue (ViewVm (over uiShowMemory not s))
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'h') []))
= continue . ViewHelp $ s
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar ' ') [])) =
loop = do
Readline.getInputLine "% " >>= \case
Just hey -> Readline.outputStrLn hey
Nothing -> pure ()
Readline.getInputLine "% " >>= \case
Just hey' -> Readline.outputStrLn hey'
Nothing -> pure ()
return (ViewVm s)
suspendAndResume $
Readline.runInputT Readline.defaultSettings loop
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'n') [])) =
if isJust $ view (uiVm . result) s
then continue (ViewVm s)
else takeStep s (Step 1)
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'N') [])) =
if isJust $ view (uiVm . result) s
then continue (ViewVm s)
else takeStep s
(StepUntil (isNextSourcePosition s))
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'n') [V.MCtrl])) =
if isJust $ view (uiVm . result) s
then continue (ViewVm s)
else takeStep s
(StepUntil (isNextSourcePositionWithoutEntering s))
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'e') [])) =
if isJust $ view (uiVm . result) s
then continue (ViewVm s)
else takeStep s
(StepUntil (isExecutionHalted s))
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'a') [])) =
(vm, stepper) = fromJust (Map.lookup 0 (view uiSnapshots s))
s' = s
& set uiVm vm
& set (uiVm . cache) (view (uiVm . cache) s)
& set uiStep 0
& set uiStepper stepper
in takeStep s' (Step 0)
appEvent st@(ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'p') [])) =
case view uiStep s of
0 ->
continue st
n -> do
(step, (vm, stepper)) = fromJust $ lookupLT n (view uiSnapshots s)
s1 = s
& set uiVm vm
& set (uiVm . cache) (view (uiVm . cache) s)
& set uiStep step
& set uiStepper stepper
stepsToTake = n - step - 1
takeStep s1 (Step stepsToTake)
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'P') [])) =
backstepUntil isNextSourcePosition s
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'p') [V.MCtrl])) =
backstepUntil isNextSourcePositionWithoutEntering s
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '0') [])) =
case view (uiVm . result) s of
Just (VMFailure (Choose (PleaseChoosePath _ contin))) ->
takeStep (s & set uiStepper (Stepper.evm (contin True) >> (view uiStepper s)))
(Step 1)
_ -> continue (ViewVm s)
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '1') [])) =
case view (uiVm . result) s of
Just (VMFailure (Choose (PleaseChoosePath _ contin))) ->
takeStep (s & set uiStepper (Stepper.evm (contin False) >> (view uiStepper s)))
(Step 1)
_ -> continue (ViewVm s)
appEvent s (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc [])) =
case s of
(ViewHelp x) -> overview x
(ViewContracts x) -> overview $ view browserVm x
_ -> halt s
overview = continue . ViewVm
appEvent (ViewPicker s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter [])) =
case listSelectedElement (view testPickerList s) of
Nothing -> error "nothing selected"
Just (_, x) -> do
initVm <- liftIO $ initialUiVmStateForTest (view testOpts s) x
continue . ViewVm $ initVm
appEvent (ViewPicker s) (VtyEvent e) = do
s' <- handleEventLensed s
continue (ViewPicker s')
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KDown [])) =
if view uiShowMemory s then
vScrollBy (viewportScroll TracePane) 1 >> continue (ViewVm s)
if isJust $ view (uiVm . result) s
then continue (ViewVm s)
else takeStep s
(StepUntil (isNewTraceAdded s))
appEvent (ViewVm s) (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KUp [])) =
if view uiShowMemory s then
vScrollBy (viewportScroll TracePane) (-1) >> continue (ViewVm s)
backstepUntil isNewTraceAdded s
appEvent s (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'f') [V.MCtrl])) =
vScrollPage (viewportScroll TracePane) Down >> continue s
appEvent s (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'b') [V.MCtrl])) =
vScrollPage (viewportScroll TracePane) Up >> continue s
appEvent s _ = continue s
app :: UnitTestOptions -> App UiState () Name
app opts =
let ?fetcher = oracle opts
?maxIter = maxIter opts
in App
{ appDraw = drawUi
, appChooseCursor = neverShowCursor
, appHandleEvent = appEvent
, appStartEvent = return
, appAttrMap = const (attrMap V.defAttr myTheme)
:: UnitTestOptions
-> (Text, Text)
-> IO UiVmState
initialUiVmStateForTest opts@UnitTestOptions{..} (theContractName, theTestName) = do
let state' = fromMaybe (error "Internal Error: missing smtState") smtState
(buf, len) <- flip runReaderT state' $ SBV.runQueryT $ symCalldata theTestName types []
let script = do
Stepper.evm . pushTrace . EntryTrace $
"test " <> theTestName <> " (" <> theContractName <> ")"
initializeUnitTest opts testContract
case test of
ConcreteTest _ -> do
let args = case replay of
Nothing -> emptyAbi
Just (sig, callData) ->
if theTestName == sig
then decodeAbiValue (AbiTupleType (Vec.fromList types)) callData
else emptyAbi
void (runUnitTest opts theTestName args)
SymbolicTest _ -> do
Stepper.evm $ modify symbolify
void (execSymTest opts theTestName (SymbolicBuffer buf, w256lit len))
pure $ initUiVmState vm0 opts script
Just (test, types) = find (\(test',_) -> extractSig test' == theTestName) $ unitTestMethods testContract
Just testContract =
view (dappSolcByName . at theContractName) dapp
vm0 =
initialUnitTestVm opts testContract
myTheme :: [(AttrName, V.Attr)]
myTheme =
[ (selectedAttr, V.defAttr `V.withStyle` V.standout)
, (dimAttr, V.defAttr `V.withStyle` V.dim)
, (borderAttr, V.defAttr `V.withStyle` V.dim)
, (wordAttr, fg V.yellow)
, (boldAttr, V.defAttr `V.withStyle` V.bold)
, (activeAttr, V.defAttr `V.withStyle` V.standout)
drawUi :: UiState -> [UiWidget]
drawUi (ViewVm s) = drawVm s
drawUi (ViewPicker s) = drawTestPicker s
drawUi (ViewContracts s) = drawVmBrowser s
drawUi (ViewHelp _) = drawHelpView
drawHelpView :: [UiWidget]
drawHelpView =
[ center . borderWithLabel version .
padLeftRight 4 . padTopBottom 2 . str $
"Esc Exit the debugger\n\n" <>
"a Step to start\n" <>
"e Step to end\n" <>
"n Step fwds by one instruction\n" <>
"N Step fwds to the next source position\n" <>
"C-n Step fwds to the next source position skipping CALL & CREATE\n" <>
"p Step back by one instruction\n\n" <>
"P Step back to the previous source position\n\n" <>
"C-p Step back to the previous source position skipping CALL & CREATE\n\n" <>
"m Toggle memory pane\n" <>
"0 Choose the branch which does not jump \n" <>
"1 Choose the branch which does jump \n" <>
"Down Step to next entry in the callstack / Scroll memory pane\n" <>
"Up Step to previous entry in the callstack / Scroll memory pane\n" <>
"C-f Page memory pane fwds\n" <>
"C-b Page memory pane back\n\n" <>
"Enter Contracts browser"
version =
txt "Hevm " <+>
str (showVersion Paths.version) <+>
txt " - Key bindings"
drawTestPicker :: UiTestPickerState -> [UiWidget]
drawTestPicker ui =
[ center . borderWithLabel (txt "Unit tests") .
hLimit 80 $
(\selected (x, y) ->
withHighlight selected $
txt " Debug " <+> txt (contractNamePart x) <+> txt "::" <+> txt y)
(view testPickerList ui)
drawVmBrowser :: UiBrowserState -> [UiWidget]
drawVmBrowser ui =
[ hBox
[ borderWithLabel (txt "Contracts") .
hLimit 60 $
(\selected (k, c') ->
withHighlight selected . txt . mconcat $
[ fromMaybe "<unknown contract>" . flip preview dapp' $
( dappSolcByHash . ix (view codehash c')
. _2 . contractName )
, "\n"
, " ", pack (show k)
(view browserContractList ui)
, case flip preview dapp' (dappSolcByHash . ix (view codehash c) . _2) of
Nothing ->
[ borderWithLabel (txt "Contract information") . padBottom Max . padRight Max $ vBox
[ txt ("Codehash: " <> pack (show (view codehash c)))
, txt ("Nonce: " <> showWordExact (view nonce c))
, txt ("Balance: " <> showWordExact (view balance c))
, txt ("Storage: " <> storageDisplay (view storage c))
Just sol ->
[ borderWithLabel (txt "Contract information") . padBottom Max . padRight (Pad 2) $ vBox
[ txt "Name: " <+> txt (contractNamePart (view contractName sol))
, txt "File: " <+> txt (contractPathPart (view contractName sol))
, txt " "
, txt "Constructor inputs:"
, vBox . flip map (view constructorInputs sol) $
\(name, abiType) -> txt (" " <> name <> ": " <> abiTypeSolidity abiType)
, txt "Public methods:"
, vBox . flip map (sort (Map.elems (view abiMap sol))) $
\method -> txt (" " <> view methodSignature method)
, txt ("Storage:" <> storageDisplay (view storage c))
, borderWithLabel (txt "Storage slots") . padBottom Max . padRight Max $ vBox
(map txt (storageLayout dapp' sol))
where storageDisplay (Concrete s) = pack ( show ( Map.toList s))
storageDisplay (Symbolic v _) = pack $ show v
dapp' = dapp (view (browserVm . uiTestOpts) ui)
Just (_, (_, c)) = listSelectedElement (view browserContractList ui)
drawVm :: UiVmState -> [UiWidget]
drawVm ui =
[ ifTallEnough (20 * 4)
( vBox
[ vLimit 20 $ drawBytecodePane ui
, vLimit 20 $ drawStackPane ui
, drawSolidityPane ui
, vLimit 20 $ drawTracePane ui
, vLimit 2 drawHelpBar
( vBox
[ hBox
[ vLimit 20 $ drawBytecodePane ui
, vLimit 20 $ drawStackPane ui
, hBox
[ drawSolidityPane ui
, drawTracePane ui
, vLimit 2 drawHelpBar
drawHelpBar :: UiWidget
drawHelpBar = hBorder <=> hCenter help
help =
hBox (map (\(k, v) -> txt k <+> dim (txt (" (" <> v <> ") "))) helps)
helps =
("n", "step")
, ("p", "step back")
, ("a", "step to start")
, ("e", "step to end")
, ("m", "toggle memory")
, ("Esc", "exit")
, ("h", "more help")
stepOneOpcode :: Stepper a -> StateT UiVmState IO ()
stepOneOpcode restart = do
n <- use uiStep
when (n > 0 && n `mod` snapshotInterval == 0) $ do
vm <- use uiVm
modifying uiSnapshots (insert n (vm, void restart))
modifying uiVm (execState exec1)
modifying uiStep (+ 1)
:: UiVmState -> Pred VM
isNewTraceAdded ui vm =
currentTraceTree = length <$> traceForest (view uiVm ui)
newTraceTree = length <$> traceForest vm
in currentTraceTree /= newTraceTree
:: UiVmState -> Pred VM
isNextSourcePosition ui vm =
let dapp' = dapp (view uiTestOpts ui)
initialPosition = currentSrcMap dapp' (view uiVm ui)
in currentSrcMap dapp' vm /= initialPosition
:: UiVmState -> Pred VM
isNextSourcePositionWithoutEntering ui vm =
dapp' = dapp (view uiTestOpts ui)
vm0 = view uiVm ui
initialPosition = currentSrcMap dapp' vm0
initialHeight = length (view frames vm0)
case currentSrcMap dapp' vm of
Nothing ->
Just here ->
moved = Just here /= initialPosition
deeper = length (view frames vm) > initialHeight
boring =
case srcMapCode (view dappSources dapp') here of
Just bs ->
BS.isPrefixOf "contract " bs
Nothing ->
moved && not deeper && not boring
isExecutionHalted :: UiVmState -> Pred VM
isExecutionHalted _ vm = isJust (view result vm)
currentSrcMap :: DappInfo -> VM -> Maybe SrcMap
currentSrcMap dapp vm =
Just this = currentContract vm
i = (view opIxMap this) SVec.! (view (state . pc) vm)
h = view codehash this
case preview (dappSolcByHash . ix h) dapp of
Nothing ->
Just (Creation, sol) ->
preview (creationSrcmap . ix i) sol
Just (Runtime, sol) ->
preview (runtimeSrcmap . ix i) sol
drawStackPane :: UiVmState -> UiWidget
drawStackPane ui =
gasText = showWordExact (view (uiVm . state . gas) ui)
labelText = txt ("Gas available: " <> gasText <> "; stack:")
stackList = list StackPane (Vec.fromList $ zip [(1 :: Int)..] (view (uiVm . state . stack) ui)) 2
in hBorderWithLabel labelText <=>
(\_ (i, x@(S _ w)) ->
[ withHighlight True (str ("#" ++ show i ++ " "))
<+> str (show x)
, dim (txt (" " <> case unliteral w of
Nothing -> ""
Just u -> showWordExplanation (fromSizzle u) $ dapp (view uiTestOpts ui)))
message :: VM -> String
message vm =
case view result vm of
Just (VMSuccess (ConcreteBuffer msg)) ->
"VMSuccess: " <> (show $ ByteStringS msg)
Just (VMSuccess (SymbolicBuffer msg)) ->
"VMSuccess: <symbolicbuffer> " <> (show msg)
Just (VMFailure (Revert msg)) ->
"VMFailure: " <> (show . ByteStringS $ msg)
Just (VMFailure err) ->
"VMFailure: " <> show err
Nothing ->
"Executing EVM code in " <> show (view (state . contract) vm)
drawBytecodePane :: UiVmState -> UiWidget
drawBytecodePane ui =
vm = view uiVm ui
move = maybe id listMoveTo $ vmOpIx vm
hBorderWithLabel (str $ message vm) <=>
(\active x -> if not active
then withDefAttr dimAttr (opWidget x)
else withDefAttr boldAttr (opWidget x))
(move $ list BytecodePane
(view codeOps (fromJust (currentContract vm)))
dim :: Widget n -> Widget n
dim = withDefAttr dimAttr
withHighlight :: Bool -> Widget n -> Widget n
withHighlight False = withDefAttr dimAttr
withHighlight True = withDefAttr boldAttr
prettyIfConcrete :: Buffer -> String
prettyIfConcrete (SymbolicBuffer x) = show x
prettyIfConcrete (ConcreteBuffer x) = prettyHex 40 x
drawTracePane :: UiVmState -> UiWidget
drawTracePane s =
let vm = view uiVm s
dapp' = dapp (view uiTestOpts s)
traceList =
. Text.lines
. showTraceTree dapp'
$ vm)
in case view uiShowMemory s of
True ->
hBorderWithLabel (txt "Calldata")
<=> str (prettyIfConcrete $ fst (view (state . calldata) vm))
<=> hBorderWithLabel (txt "Returndata")
<=> str (prettyIfConcrete (view (state . returndata) vm))
<=> hBorderWithLabel (txt "Output")
<=> str (maybe "" show (view result vm))
<=> hBorderWithLabel (txt "Cache")
<=> str (show (view (cache . path) vm))
<=> hBorderWithLabel (txt "Path Conditions")
<=> (str $ show $ snd <$> view constraints vm)
<=> hBorderWithLabel (txt "Memory")
<=> viewport TracePane Vertical
(str (prettyIfConcrete (view (state . memory) vm)))
False ->
hBorderWithLabel (txt "Trace")
<=> renderList
(\_ x -> txt x)
(listMoveTo (length traceList) traceList)
solidityList :: VM -> DappInfo -> List Name (Int, ByteString)
solidityList vm dapp' =
list SolidityPane
(case currentSrcMap dapp' vm of
Nothing -> mempty
Just x ->
view (dappSources
. sourceLines
. ix (srcMapFile x)
. to (Vec.imap (,)))
drawSolidityPane :: UiVmState -> UiWidget
drawSolidityPane ui =
let dapp' = dapp (view uiTestOpts ui)
vm = view uiVm ui
in case currentSrcMap dapp' vm of
Nothing -> padBottom Max (hBorderWithLabel (txt "<no source map>"))
Just sm ->
case view (dappSources . sourceLines . at (srcMapFile sm)) dapp' of
Nothing -> padBottom Max (hBorderWithLabel (txt "<source not found>"))
Just rows ->
subrange = lineSubrange rows (srcMapOffset sm, srcMapLength sm)
fileName :: Maybe Text
fileName = preview (dappSources . sourceFiles . ix (srcMapFile sm) . _1) dapp'
lineNo =
(snd . fromJust $
(view dappSources dapp')
sm)) - 1
in vBox
[ hBorderWithLabel $
txt (fromMaybe "<unknown>" fileName)
<+> str (":" ++ show lineNo)
<+> txt (" (" <> fromMaybe "?"
((view dappAstSrcMap dapp') sm
>>= preview (key "name" . _String)) <> ")")
, Centered.renderList
(\_ (i, line) ->
let s = case decodeUtf8 line of "" -> " "; y -> y
in case subrange i of
Nothing -> withHighlight False (txt s)
Just (a, b) ->
let (x, y, z) = ( Text.take a s
, Text.take b (Text.drop a s)
, Text.drop (a + b) s
in hBox [ withHighlight False (txt x)
, withHighlight True (txt y)
, withHighlight False (txt z)
(listMoveTo lineNo
(solidityList vm dapp'))
ifTallEnough :: Int -> Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
ifTallEnough need w1 w2 =
Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
if view availHeightL c > need
then render w1
else render w2
opWidget :: (Integral a, Show a) => (a, Op) -> Widget n
opWidget = txt . pack . opString
selectedAttr :: AttrName; selectedAttr = "selected"
dimAttr :: AttrName; dimAttr = "dim"
wordAttr :: AttrName; wordAttr = "word"
boldAttr :: AttrName; boldAttr = "bold"
activeAttr :: AttrName; activeAttr = "active"